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File: 118 KB, 930x495, baconator-2-original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7819995 No.7819995 [Reply] [Original]

The best fast food burger is the Baconator

Anyone who disagrees is a Mcdonalds or Burger King shill

>> No.7820072

I used to agree with you OP

But then I discovered Five Guys

>> No.7820279

I used to agree with you poster.
But then I discovered it is all garbage

>> No.7820357
File: 196 KB, 424x317, SUPERSTAR[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hardee's Superstar™

>> No.7820374
File: 17 KB, 400x195, rallyscheckersbaconzillabigbuford.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either the Big Buford or the Baconzilla from Rallys/Checkers is superior

Five Guys is fast casual, doesn't count and regular fast food. It's in a realm with the likes of Chipotle, not Taco Bell.

>> No.7820395

I would agree with this

>> No.7820424

The backnator is the only fast food burger(low end fast food) that tastes really good to me. It reminds me of steak and shake a bit. Don't know what meat they use but holy shit does it taste superb.

>> No.7820465
File: 103 KB, 736x736, d7c8a174275df7100e8d91f30bca82f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting best fast food burger.

They also have the best fries

>> No.7820474
File: 412 KB, 2851x1900, BPirwqP[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not the double double
its like you don't even live in the southwest.

>> No.7820480

I like the Buttery Jack best.

>> No.7820494

I love how you can tell the ingredients are just as terrible as the rest of fast food
But the meme behind In n Out causes people to say "no way man, you're just jealous"
Like the tomato has obviously been cut quite some time ago judging from the wrinkles around the edges
And the bun was toasted past perfection because you can see how black the sides are
It was sloppily put together, you see this no only in the general disarray of the pickles sliding out and not being able to actually see the lettuce underneath all that sauce, but you can see speckles of grease blotting the cheese all over
Like, coastals will defend this saying that it tastes amazing, but this is what they use to advertise their product
at least regular fast food places have the decency to lie about what their food looks like, In n Out just relies on cult fanatics

>> No.7820511

>but this is what they use to advertise their product

no it's not, it's a picture of a real burger someone bought in CA that I took of plebbit.

>> No.7820517

>Rallys/Checkers is superior
Damn right

>They also have the best fries
And deep fried apple pies, and banana milkshakes!

How do other fast food joints stay in business?

I gotta try that baconzilla adding BBQ and onion straws soon!

>> No.7820561

That's what I'm saying
If you do a quick google search for any other sandwich from any other eatery you're given dozens of images of picture perfect advertisement burgers that you would never actually get from any restaurant
In n Out's brand loyalty is so intense that there are more pictures of food people took themselves out there than there are the things that you'd actually see in an ad, and it works because people insist that even though it looks just as sloppy as any other burger and tastes just as sloppy as any other burger it's secretly better and nobody else would know because they aren't from that area

>> No.7820567

The last time I had the baconator I got food poisoning. . . . .

>> No.7820918

i miss the spicy baconater.

>> No.7821738

That's cute, kiddo. You think it is okay to eat an innocent animal that was killed only to be consumed by some greedy human? The animal didn't consent to being eaten. You ate it for your personal pleasure, you greedy piece of shit. But whatever, as long as you get your fucking tendies, right? How would you feel if one of your family members was taken away from you and slaughtered? You wouldn't fucking like it. As someone who was a cow in a past life, it makes me sick to my stomach to think people in this modern age still kill and eat animals.

>> No.7821765
File: 1.02 MB, 940x566, dq-combos-burgers-flamethrower.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to agree with you till I had pic related

the picture doesn't even do it justice, it looks better IRL

>> No.7821777

Those animals wouldn't exist if we didn't breed them to eat. They're slow reason for existence is to be eaten.

>> No.7821786

>there are people who genuinely think the tripple angry whopper is bad
Kys tbqfhwy

>> No.7821804

That was from a time long ago uneducated meat-eater. Now we no longer need to eat animals. You obviously wouldn't understand.

>> No.7821813

BK tendercrisp with bacon and pepperjack
Yes chicken can be a burger

>> No.7821944


that looks like a tiny shitty burger that would be a thin as a mcdonalds quarter pounder.

>> No.7822045
File: 26 KB, 474x324, 1424031543399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rallys/Checkers is superior

I hear that


Motherfuckin Monster Thickburger. This is the quintessential heart attack sandwich. If Hardee's didn't do it first, Wendy's wouldn't have thought of it.

Plus, the Big Bacon Classic is objectively better than the Baconator.

>> No.7822349

I dislike wendys

>> No.7822356
File: 362 KB, 756x393, MidnightMoonwithLogo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna agree with these, I have no idea how Hardee's/Carl's Jr isn't more popular. Its slightly pricey for fast food but it's by far the best fast food burger I've had. I tried the midnight moonshine burger the other day and it was terrific. Their buns are way better than any other fast food place

>> No.7822380


Since when does in-n-out have pickles?
Have I been missing out all these years?

>> No.7822448

I think that one in the picture might be Animal Style hence all the extra thousand island sauce. They also add extra pickles. I don't think the regular ones do because pickles are disgusting.

>> No.7822606
File: 294 KB, 800x600, chicken-biscuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the thing about Thickburgers: the normal ones are good, but their promo specialties are tits.

>Spicy jalapeno thickburger with pepperjack and fried jalapeno slices and onion straws
>Philly Cheesesteak thickburger that has a fuckin PHILLY CHEESE STEAK on a thickburger
>barbecue pulled pork thickburger

plus, their breakfast food is god tier in the fast food universe. pic related

>> No.7822640
File: 141 KB, 640x480, tenders_hardees[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't forget that their tendies are top notch

>> No.7822650

>promo specialties are tits
That's not an absolute statement. The Most American Thickburger was pretty bad.

>> No.7822658

The animals are taking over the earth

We had to do something to reduce their population.

>> No.7822667


>> No.7822669

Hardee'sDouble Mushroom and Swiss thickburger

>> No.7822674

Five Guys isn't fast food. You have to wait for them to cook it
Anyway, the Bacon Mozzarella from Wendys is really good. But probably limited time though

>> No.7822676

Five guys is fucking disgusting. Their burgers are half grease and I hate their soggy ass buns. I don't want to have to eat my burger with a fork.

>> No.7822782
File: 661 KB, 1171x1034, Biff_reaction_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you got me. i never tried it because it was so unappealing

>> No.7824482


Was just about to post this

I only eat one a month on my birthday, and its the best day of that month!

>> No.7824493

>buy 2 junior bacon cheeseburgers
>wipe all the icky toppings into the trash
>make the patties, bacon, and cheese into a single sandwich
>"enjoy" baconator for 1/3 the price

>> No.7824513

baconator is pretty good, i like the lack of bullshit on it. Burgers, fast food burgers, are incredibly unhealthy food that should only be enjoyed once in a while. Putting some lettuce and onion on it and calling it a day doesnt mean it magically becomes a reasonable lunch

>> No.7825173


You seem like you have a stick up your ass about people who like In-N-Out. Stop being a faggot.

It's far from the best fast food in the area like some people would claim, but it's still better than McDonalds and BK, unless you're really craving a Big Mac/Angriest Whopper. Or some nuggies or whatever.

>> No.7825198
File: 53 KB, 645x773, feel hands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't you order a double cheeseburger with bacon and you get the same thing for less money?


>TFW allergic to eggs and the brioche bun meme has ruined eating wendy's burgers for you due to threat of anaphylaxis

>> No.7825205

Anyone who claims the baconator is better than the baconzilla has clearly never had a baconzilla.

>> No.7825234

How much is that exquisite food? Can a poor afford it?

>> No.7825280

DQ isn't that expensive

>> No.7825408

Fuck, you just spoiled my dinner.

>> No.7825435

what qualifies as fast food for this argument? we talking big corporations only? or smaller chains that are more like fast dine in restaurants. I live in BC Canada and White Spot blows everything out of the water, but you can't really compare a White Spot to a mcdonalds. if the argument is just big franchise typical fast food, then I will agree the Baconator from Wendies is top 3 hands down.