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7818563 No.7818563[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Vegans v. Vegetarians

state your case why you're better than the other.

>> No.7818579

I'm a vegetarian, I'm not vegan because I like cheese.

>> No.7818583

i dont really care that much if someone if vegan or not, or do i try and convert people to becoming one. my boyfriend isnt one and im fine with it. but i do wish peoople would cut back on the animal products or be less ignorant about the topic. theres too many idiots who go "hurr my bacon and my protein!!" but eating meat once a week or animal products once a day instead of the standard three times a day would improve the health of our nation at least. im vegan cause im just a compassionate person and i dont want an animal to scream in piles of its own shit for four years so i can eat a burger or cheese desu. i think vegetarians should try and give up the dairy and eggs eventually, but not eating meat is at least a start.
if i had to list why being vegan is better the dairy and meat industry is intertwined so youre contributing regardless and its most sustainable for the planet.
that being said i also dont care about eating oysters or backyard hens that are not killled or forced to over produce eggs

>> No.7818584

Vegetarians can actually eat a normal, healthy meal easily. Their motivations are usually less self-satisfying, and sometimes even religious.

Vegans are limited to extreme extents and largely based on psuedo-science.

Pescetarians are superior to both, but at least vegetarians are more tolerable.

>> No.7818585

vegetarians eat and use things that are beneficial to the animal, like eggs, cheese and wearing wool.

but i'm a regular person, no special diet or lifestyle.

>> No.7818586

>implying religion isn't self-satisfying

>> No.7818588

>I-i'm not like those other annoying vegans!
>Goes on a moral rant, even implying people who aren't vegans are less compassionate than you.

Holy shit. You guys literally can't resist, can you?

>> No.7818589


I don't particularly care about eating chicken.

I do so purely so that they continue to cage farm chickens.

They're awful animals and deserve everything they get.

>> No.7818593

the muslims that dont eat pork or gelatin have way worse of an ego than any vegan ive ever met

>> No.7818595

>How could I possibly let some mention of religion go without shitting on it?

>> No.7818598


You wot.

>> No.7818604

the reason i went vegan is because im a really compassionate person not just because im vegan, i do a whole load of other things that are "compassionate" that dont even involve being vegan. im vegan cause i dont want to kill anything for a meal, why is that so hard to grasp. and that is what i said in my post. i dont see your point here and it seems like youre projecting. i didnt even say to stop eating animal products completely just to reduce your intake

>> No.7818608

Lets be honest here, the whole thread was made to shit on each other. Of course someone was going to bring up religion and its weird restrictions on food.

>> No.7818611

you get it. I couldn't help myself.

I don't understand religion, was raised with none and I don't want to talk about it not anonymously. it's fine if it works for you, but it just seems self satisfying to me.

lets talk cooking here. vegans dont wear wool, which I dont understand the rationalization for. doesnt shearing sheep in the spring help them with temperature regulation? or am I anthropomorphizing (whatever the word is)?

>> No.7818620

ive never had a desire to own wool and sheeps grow it so clearly theyre meant to have it not me. if you live in a cold place with no store and you have to kill them to stay warm go nuts. ive never looked into the cruelty the wool industry may have but i doubt theres any ethics

>> No.7818623

i'm a vegetarian but with mostly radical vegan ethics.

i don't think it's unethical to eat eggs or honey assuming the chickens and bees aren't being abused or exploited because they produce these regardless. there are arguments that the honey industry is actually beneficial to bee populations, which in turn helps entire ecosystems.

i do think dairy is unethical and also just nonsensical, but i have a severe intolerance to nuts which eliminates a huge chunk of convenient protein options relied upon by veg*ns. i basically live off of bananas, yogurt, and lattes because balancing school and work doesn't give me a lot of time to prepare meals. i do ONLY buy organic dairy (as much for health reasons as ethical reasons) and i vet the companies i buy from - usually i stick to organic valley products because they're a co-op with super strict standards about how the animals are treated. i also don't have lactose intolerance - i have super nordic ancestry so dairy actually soothes my stomach. i've tried full-blown veganism before and did okay, but i've dealt with disordered eating in the past and feel that eliminating too many food groups fosters negative mentalities about food.

>> No.7818626

sorry about buzzfeed if that triggers you, but they do use a lot of photos.

>> No.7818630
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>assuming chickens and bees have any understanding of abuse or exploitation.

>> No.7818635

you realize that animals are sentient, right? that's kind of one of the reasons people opt for vegetarianism

>> No.7818639

you realize bees and chickens don't perceive the world the way humans do, right?

>> No.7818643

jesus christ, i wonder why they dont have a natural mechanism such as shedding or if that is normal for every wild sheep that isnt sheard. i wouldnt have a problem if small scale things like this but yeah after i just did some research on the mass production of wool theyre treated like shit as usual so i can obstain

>> No.7818650

bees and bugs are a different subject but chickens, like most animals have a will and drive to live and pain receptors and feelings. just dont eat shit that screams

>> No.7818654

so spend "top dollar" on ethical wool. it isn't inherently mean to the animal, many producers value the wellbeing of the animal and they deserve to be rewarded in my view. you pretty much have to research everything you buy these days if you want it to meet your ethical standards, and you will often have to compromise.

>> No.7818676

i live in texas dude, it is hot and humid 24/7. i have never had a desire to buy anything thicker than a normal cheap jacket or sweatshirt.

>> No.7818678

are you a fucking moron? do you think veg*ns are advocating that animals get paid, have access to housing, get to vote, etc? nobody is suggesting they be treated as humans do.

but to suggest that they aren't consciously aware of the physical pain resulting from debeaking, sores, injuries from other birds? or wading around in their own shit and the rotting, infected carcasses of other birds? that just makes you autistic.

even if your argument hadn't been scientifically refuted, which it has, there is literally no justification that can be made for treating life this way. human beings do not value other life forms, and even if that isn't an ethical issue for you, it is an issue that has very real and very negative environmental consequences.

>> No.7818686

i dont get why people honestly pay for meat, especially pork or chickens. they all have sepsis and full blown infections. ethics aside US chicken producers cool them in cooling vats of water where they soak up a mixture of water and feces to gain more water weight so they can be sold for more. literally paying for shit infested meat. but then theres always that asshole with the expendable income that chimes in with the "well i get my chicken from TOP! sources and i know its quality"

>> No.7818690

i don't know about the rest of the world, but in america we're obsessed with eating disgusting shit. even this board - for COOKING - is devoted to it. nobody cares where their food comes from or what it's made of anymore.

>> No.7818698

im just as guilty with eating processed shit, its the american way of course. just today i had half a bag of takis and a rice milk chocolate bar, but paying for meat infected with sepsis, why??

>> No.7818701
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If it isn't harmful, I don't see the problem. It certainly doesn't taste like shit infested meat, unless I'm just used to the taste of shit. Either way, no biggie.

>> No.7818703

lightweight wool can actually cool you off. I wear wool socks year round, though it's only been around 90 here the last coupld weeks, which is a bit warmer than usual.

>> No.7818704

>state your case why you're better than the other.

Vegans have more disposable cash than regular vegetarians.
Both dont give a fuck about cheap plentiful food for the poor.
A chickens feelings matter more than keeping people fed.

They are the same people who will complain about GMOs.

Let the poor suffer more than the chicken.

>> No.7818709

Vegetarian here-- Milk products, eggs, and (of course) honey can all, in theory, be obtained in an ethical manner. I don't buy from places that don't do things ethically, so I don't have any reason to restrict my diet further. Also, not strictly on-topic, but I eat shellfish because they have no central nervous system or pain receptors and therefor no consciousness or experience of suffering.

>> No.7818718

well its harmful for your health, really is isnt just vegan psuedo science saying. people die from ecoli and other food borne illness and its just shit for your health. plus when was the last time you had chicken with no seasoning just totally plain? i doubt it would taste good.

>> No.7818720

youre a fucking moron that doesnt know what autism is.

youre raising up a strawman, at least with me. what you said is true and I wasn't trying to refute that point. there are plenty of sources of humanely raised chicken.

>human beings do not value other life forms
would that include you, or are you not a human being? are you a chimpanzee that has been trained to use a keyboard? I would love to speak with you, i know sign language.

>> No.7818723

they pump the animals so full of antibiotics, nobody is going to get sick from eating it. instead you get to deal with all the health issues stemming from overloading your system with antibiotics

>> No.7818725


You really shouldnt bring up Ecoli, because it and botulism are largely pathogens found in greens. Its not one of the big meat borne pathogens.

>> No.7818733

we could end world hunger if we took the grain being fed to livestock and gave it to humans!! also since when have rice and beans and potatoes been expensive. yes there are some vegans who eat expensive specialty foods and only drink 3 dollar bottles of water but it isnt every vegan. and im pro gmo as the land required for organic produce is higher than gmo produce and organic foods can only be made using animal fertilizer which isnt necessarily vegan. there are tons of people who 'only eat turkey and lean meats' that care sooo much more about GMOs

>> No.7818740

haha you realize e. coli lives naturally in your intestines and you would slowly die from malnutrition without it, right? though, not all e. coli strains are pathogenic.

>> No.7818744


if you have the time watch these videos on the points you discussed, both of which bring up credible sources and proven scientific studies. dont be so ignorant, veganism has officially been named the worlds most sustainable diet.

>> No.7818745

Why would I eat plain food?

>people die from ecoli

People without meat thermometers, presumably.

>> No.7818747
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also pic related.

>> No.7818756

exactly. chicken doesnt taste good, the seasoning you put on it does. you just need parsley and garlic to cover up the poo poo platter you made for dinner. however unless you're a picky eater fruits and vegetables and beans and grains taste good plain, if anything with salt

>> No.7818757

Nice red herring
What exactly does that have to do with the fact that deadly Ecoli is largely a green born pathogen, and that you were retarded for bringing it up?

>> No.7818759

Using moral superiority to justify stuffing your face is insane. Vegans are just an evolution of vegetarians that really want you to bask in their self righteousness.

Spare me the arguments of abused and exploited animals. You don't give a shit about them or the abused exploited people on this planet.
>don't eat honey cuz bees r abused and called names
So sick of people thinking they have to ride out on a crusade every time someone or something is victimized.
Considering the animals that kill us hardly do it for a regular meal, do you suppose the lion wants to make sure he doesn't exploit the bushman and his buddies before he mauls them for ignorantly entering his domain?

Tldr: you really want to be in touch and compassionate with living things? Let them eat you.

>> No.7818764

What sort of health issues stem from antibiotics?
Oh thats right, literally nothing.

Antibiotic resistance in viruses is a bad side effect from antibiotic use, but you dont have health issues from it.

This thread is full of conjecture. Its awful

>> No.7818767

>we could end world hunger if we took the grain being fed to livestock and gave it to humans!!

Except for the feed is not fit for human consumption.

>also since when have rice and beans and potatoes been expensive.
They arent, but they also arent a balanced healthy diet on their own.
Starch starch starch, with beans giving you less protein than a small amount of meat.

How is that healthy?

>> No.7818771
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the guy youre replying too didnt originally bring it up also the ecoli that covers greens is usually due to run off from the feces your meat is living in. the feces problem is so bad that theyve created designated lakes just to store your foods shit, which runs off into vegetable farms and unlike meat vegetables are pretty much an essential food needed for life, so once again your diet causes another pitfall and again and again is being proven unsustainable.

>> No.7818778

I didn't follow the dialogue exchange. i'm drunk and saw people shitposting about e. coli and just assumed it was people thinking all bacteria = bad.

>> No.7818783

a cow or pig or chicken or turkey is never going to attempt to eat me, by your logic why should i eat them. we should be farming lions and cougars instead since they want to eat us! also yes youre so right, im vegan and avoid pretty much all mainstream foods because my ego, not because i dont see the point in making an animal live in its own shit. its waaaaay too extreme to eat beans and vegetables instead and im a crazy self righteous radical for doing so. how fat are you just curious?

>> No.7818785

would it change anything if you knew your local meat were treated humanely?

>> No.7818786

The solution is to reduce the black population not become depressesed vegans

>> No.7818795

you take the land already making those grains, mature them a bit more and you have wheat corn and soy, perfectly fit for human consumption. also im sorry youre a fatkins supporter but vegans are the only dietary group within a healthy bmi and we evolved larger brains due to cooked starches such as potatoes. before you go "nuuuh!! it was meat" link me something other than a time or huffpost article, more like a scientfiy jounral or study.

>> No.7818796

Funny, because the last large Ecoli outbreak came from mexicans shitting in the fields due to not having proper facilities.
Thats right, they traced it back to the actual field.

This isnt the 50s, our produce isnt being grown in the wild west.
You are stupid if you believe that.

>> No.7818806

>can store rotting piles of matter in their yards no questions asked
>farmers storing manure for fertilizer to increase the efficacy and health of the top soil is evil and unsustainable and just so bad for the environment

The more large scale manipulation of matter and energy the more energy is released as it transitions and decays to other states. You want a planet of humans? You're going to have to feed them.

How many people would you like to let starve to death so you can say you're well off enough that you don't have to rely on economies of scale like most of the human race.

>Tldr: sustainability is a buzzword for leftist double standard bearing fucktards

>> No.7818812

>more like a scientfiy jounral or study.

I would like to see a scientific journal that says evolution of a larger brain can take place because of a fad that is only 70 years old.

That is not how evolution works

>> No.7818813


nice isolated incident, its a well known fact seepage from slaughterhouses runs off into near by produce farms. youre only proving my point by saying produce isnt in the wild west. its grown in structured plants cramped tight for maximum efficiency and often tend to be near..... slaughterhouses! who would have guessed.

>> No.7818837

Backyard hens are only acceptable if they're rescued though. If you've ever seen a hatchery or understand how they're shipped to the feed store or wherever you're buying them from, you know what I mean.

I used to think backyard hens were fine and dandy too until I got a job selling chicks from these hatcheries... They just toss 'em in a box with some extras they call "packing peanuts" because they know some will die through shipment. It's disgusting. Then the people selling you the chicks are probably farmers who have no problem abusing them. The ones I worked with though it was casual humor to take chicks to the back and snap their necks if they were being difficult.

>> No.7818840

Its not about being an isolated incident. Its about the fact that ecoli outbreaks altogether are pretty rare, and we have the technology to trace and control the outbreaks. These companies lose a lot of money every time it happens.

Yet you think that there is some "well known fact" of an inherently dangerous problem that companies just sit and ignore. Oh how will those poor companies ever figure it out!
They can trace things back to a specific field, but we cant figure out a well known fact!

No, its a fucking fairy tale you tell yourself.

>> No.7818841

>implying blacks are less desirable than red-dots

we have to do something about these goddamn indians.

>> No.7818842

Difference between us and other animals is we petty much never have to worry about being eaten.
At least spending more money on an implied premium earns your place on the >saving the world wall. It's good you can care and act on animals living in such poor conditions by not buying products from an established market that goes back to the dawn of civilization.
Domesticated animals are the result of many generations being bred and raised around or by humans. We don't domesticated the predators because they're too smart, dangerous, and not nearly in the supply of the more timid animals.
Tldr being a vegan is only a fad. Literally no reason to be one other than to use it as a banner for yourself.
Ps 6'4 200 carnivorous masterrace

>> No.7818848

Veganism is superior for health, for the animals, for the environment, for taste, for fucking everything.

This isn't a debate. This is bait.

And lol @ pseudoscience. Yeah okay. Coming from the guy who thinks dairy and eggs are healthy.


>> No.7818851

Nigga you kill plants for meals.

Nigga, this is bait.

>> No.7818855

White is the only right

>> No.7818858

Don't apologize to this dickhead. Defensive meat eaters are scum and should be treated that way. Vegans who apologize to this sort do nothing but harm to the animals.

>> No.7818860

oh really? i actually didnt know that thank you. sorry i sound sarcastic im not trying to be. god thats awful i would hate to see that. whats with psychopaths and getting jobs handling animals. did you ever chew them out on what fucking idiots they were being? i remember being in 2nd grade and for easter they brought us baby chicks to look at and then i found out they ended up in a dumpster afterwards and i cried for daaaays and told everyone about it. i was a little kid but god forbid if i knew about industry cruelty back then my life would have been over

>> No.7818865

Google "mulesing", Merino wool, wool transport, and of course they slaughter the animals too.

>> No.7818867

Ignoring our evolutionary path following fire has adapted us to benefit. Your body doesn't know that it's an animal product. We humans are the result of eating and being eaten by other animals. To say that the last few decades all we have to do is munch on plant matter, which we can't digest by the way (cellulose), to live longer because that's what we're supposed to do is insane

>> No.7818872

romans were vegan and so are the okinawa, two well known civilization are predominantly vegan. veganism is even expressed in the bible. the only reason its being seen as a fad is because fad dieters think it will make them skinny, and they tend to eat animal products once their weight is down cause they never really cared to begin with. but there are some good people that went vegan for health and stayed for ethics so thats awesome! not every vegan is 20 and in portland.

>> No.7818878

lol i tried not to sound like i was apologizing but i didnt wanna start a whole wave of "fucking pussy vegans plants have feelings" bs beause boy... that makes my blood boil.

>> No.7818880

The romans were pederasts. Fitting that they would be vegan.

Also I find it hard to believe the book that introduces the idea of animal sacrifice would be vegan at all.

>> No.7818881

nah. i dont care about some dumbass sheep. they make a good baselayer in the winter.

>> No.7818886

You've obviously never heard of A Well-Fed World or Vegfam or any of these: http://vegnews.com/articles/page.do?pageId=3875&catId=3

>> No.7818895

>You've obviously never heard of A Well-Fed World or Vegfam or any of these

Thats the problem, neither has anyone else.

>> No.7818896

pretty much. I never heard of that and I don't care and I won't care about your dumb cause.

>> No.7818898

well the bible is a shitty book but im just saying its been a concept thats been around for years.
“And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food.” —Genesis 1:30
“But Daniel resolved that he would not defile himself with the royal rations of food and wine … Then Daniel asked … ‘Let us be given vegetables to eat and water to drink.’ … At the end of ten days it was observed that they appeared better and fatter than all the young men who had been eating the royal rations.” —Daniel 1:8, 11–12, 15

>> No.7818903

You're probably wrong. And milk can not be obtained ethically since a cow has to be impregnated in order to produce milk - meaning you're stealing the milk from the calf. Plus that's fucking retarded and gross.

And almost undoubtedly the farmers you think are doing things ethically are lying to you. I worked with the farmers who claimed they "respected" their animals to the public, then joked about abusing them in private. You can never trust a farmer. Even if they were supposedly doing everything ethically on their farm - they're going to have a surplus of calves and they're probably going to sell them off to another farmer who does abuse animals. And slaughters them. Even "Certified Humane" farms severely abuse their animals. http://theradicalvegan.tumblr.com/animals

I don't mean to sound rude, just giving you the facts most people don't have.

>> No.7818906

That's not vegan at all if you read it in contex, you misquoting, bait posting fagwit.

>> No.7818910

Holy shit, you are deluded if you think either of those verses have anything to do with veganism.
Especially when you understand that you are quoting them out of context, from scripture that is not in hebrew.

>> No.7818916

This is a nice thought experiment.
Too bad its akin to saying "there will be worldwide peace if the whole world converted to >insert some religion"

>> No.7818917

give me the proper context then since you know much.

>> No.7818927

how is it akin to that? i want to hear your reasoning. all religion done is promote a certain set of conduct and beliefs. you can be christian or muslim and it has no impact whatsoever. while removing sluaghterhouses from our society has a major impact. this is feeding the people of our planet and prevent it from dying so quickly, not everyone getting along.

>> No.7818932

>implying getting cows pregnant isn't ethical
>implying cows don't want to get laid.

quit cock blocking and drink your milk, faggot.

>> No.7818938

LMAO THIS RETARD THINKS WE CAN'T DIGEST PLANTS BECAUSE OF CELLULOSE. LOLOLOLOLOL. This retard doesn't know that cellulose is FIBER and we need it in our bodies to help us digest food even if we don't digest cellulose itself. LMAO. Oh god you watched that 1990's video of the ex-vegan who wrote a book that only sold because of defensive meat eaters didn't you?

Also throughout the majority of our evolutionary history we were herbivorous and our bodies still show that despite our recent ABILITY to eat meat (ability doesn't mean it's an ideal diet - especially considering: http://theradicalvegan.tumblr.com/health

>> No.7818939

The context is, wording highly varies because hebrew doesnt translate to english well at all.

>verse about creation
>verse about greed

>having to do with veganism while the next verses are telling you to smear sheep blood over your door frame, or to kill a lamb because you physically touched your wife while she was on her period

>> No.7818948



>> No.7818949
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>all religion done is promote a certain set of conduct and beliefs. you can be christian or muslim and it has no impact whatsoever.

>> No.7818950

>he doesnt know lack of dietary fiber contributes to a leading cause of death
he probably supports fatkins.

>> No.7818957

>hunter gatherers were actually just gatherers.


>> No.7818961

Farmers can't all be loving respectful animal lovers. Animals don't have respect, generally speaking. Farmers are one of the oldest professions in the world. At this point the animals are only there for us. Farmers keep them safe, healthy and fed throughout childhood. Complaining about farmers hurting animals is like complaining about a mechanic being dirty or a female comedian not being funny. That's their job.

Ps not all farmers have animals. Don't forget the interaction between humans and animals that is present. You can't be arms in the air angry every time an animal dies. Welcome to the real world.

>> No.7818964

It's standard practice to artificially inseminate cows on what's called by the industry itself a "rape rack" (farmers have such a great sense of pride and humor don't they?), where they shove their arm into the cows anus and insert a rod into their vagina. There is no cock blocking, and cow milk tastes like fucking vomit even if there was no animal cruelty, environmental degradation, or health issues involved. But there are so your statement is even more ridiculous.

>> No.7818967

>Welcome to the real world.

I like to live in my world. The one where nobody on earth eats meat, and all slaughterhouses are gone, and all dairy farms are shuttered.
Sustainability by eating lentil from the second I wake up till right before I fall asleep!

>> No.7818970

nobody cares. youre still a faggot, and the supreme court has ruled that nobody cares about that either.

you arent going to change the world.

>> No.7818971

its not god saying "hey guys be vegan" its the biblical idea of bountiful food not including meat but grains and vegetables. you not providing any context at all for the quotes like i suspected so youre really just making excuses for yourself it seems. and the translating isnt context you cant mistake "i give you plants to eat" with "i made other sentient beings so you can factory farm them, rape them and then eat them" and yes the bible has verses about raping and beating other humans but that was never involved in the point i was originally making. my point was the concept of a plant based diet has been around before biblical times through evidence of what is viewed as food in the original bible. animals are not considered food but other creatures while normal things like greens are.

>> No.7818980

It's my temporary site until I get a more professional one. Tumblr was the only blog site I found that let me edit CSS and get a similar theme to what I wanted for free.

And I'm really bad with coming up with names for blogs that haven't been taken already. I don't mind the radical vegan but I do want something that doesn't focus on me when I create my professional website.

That site is just a convenient summary for people who are just learning about veganism. And I pride myself in my sources.

>> No.7818983

well it will have to happen when your fatass greed and need for mcdoubles sends our world into a crisis and the only way out is being vegan. but you probably wont have to worry about this since youll be dead by the time your 40 due to your clogged arteries

>> No.7818988

^This isn't the person this comment
was addressing just for the record. I'm ignoring that comment because I think everyone with half a brain can figure out the extent of the bullshit in that post, and anyone who couldn't wouldn't listen to my response anyway.

But cool rhyme anyway.

>> No.7818990

ok. it's a free country, you can believe whatever you want.

>> No.7818993 [DELETED] 

Eat some corn. Think about what you see in your poo afterwards. If what you see is in your poo it means your body absorbed all of it just handy dandy. Keep trying to say humans can digest cellulose while your anemia from lack of b vitamins and iron, flaky dry nails;skin; and hair from no dietary fat or omegas, low muscle mass and bone density due to lacking protein and calcium sets in. But you're right people get all that from cellulose so you're fine. There's no way that severely limiting your diet to only plants (shipped globally) can lead to health issues since you're using the old Roman and okinawan trick of vitamin supplements.

Zealous vegans (redundant?) are such imbeciles they can't see that their argument is just like defending being fat.

>You were born in a time where your selection of food is so bountiful that you can pick and choose what you want based on perceptions of hearsay from other people that can't undertake the task of critical thinking. Your diet only exists because our food systems are so advanced that they can support 7 billion people. I bet yu think your organic food is actually chemical free and local. Chinese farmers with outdated "organic" chemicals are laughing their way to the People's Bank with your naive set righteousness income you disposable, impressionable fucking twat.

>> No.7818996

cellulose cleans out the inside of our intestinal track and promotes bowl movements, again this isnt fringe science i learned this in basic biology. have you ever stepped foot inside a standard public school holy shit.

>> No.7819001

if you see corn in your feces it means you didn't chew it enough. we can digest the inside yellow part, just not the epidermal part of it.

i'm no vegan, by the way. just reminding you to get enough fiber in your diet. you'll learn some day, I guarantee it.

>> No.7819005

You are a very bad troll, or you are retarded. And I cant quite figure out which one it is.

>translating isnt context
Have a read, and understand that you cannot take literal word for word because of how poorly hebrew translates to english.


Some of the translations directly contradict what you are trying to imply. And the KJV which is widely considered the closest translation doesnt agree with you. Humans are not considered animals or "beasts" in the bible.

> its the biblical idea of bountiful food not including meat but grains and vegetables

This doesnt exist.
The verse in daniel is not a translation problem, but very clearly a problem with your interpretation, it very clearly implies a poverty diet vs a royal diet in terms of greed and fulfillment. Nothing to do with the diet itself.

Dont you remember the fucking story with god doubling the bread and the fish to feed a whole city?
Eating fish aint vegan, there is no mistaking that for context of translation.

Your whole point is dogshit, its not real.
Dont go to the bible if you dont have an at least menial understanding of its text.

>> No.7819006

goddammit noboody is going to read all that. I totally believe you when you imply youre a vegan.

>> No.7819008


A steady diet of low doses of residual antibiotics from the meat and dairy you eat completely destroys your intestinal flora which has a wide range of detrimental effects we're only beginning to understand. At the very least, your immune system is negatively affected.

Virtually all known antibiotic resistant bacteria are a direct result of the overuse of antibiotics on livestock. Medical researchers have been telling us for years that we're quickly approaching the point where we will have no viable antibiotics and things like pneumonia will once again become deadly diseases. This is 100% due to antibiotic use on livestock.

>> No.7819009

The concept of sucking dick has been around for a while. Good thing you're so well versed in established practices.

>> No.7819012

vegan dont need to supplment any vitamin. some supplement b12 which is found in bacteria in the dirt which neither the roman or okinawa have trouble getting. modern soil in farms is depleted of bacteria due to farming practices, its like you never even bothered to pick up a book. im genuinely guessing youre 13. also do you think they didnt practice small scale farming or.... ate what naturally grew in their environment? do you think vegetables can only grow on a fucking american farm? your adolescence is really showing, theres no way your any older than 16, wait until you take senior year anatomy and you might learn something. until then you should honestly be banned theres no reason for a 12 year old to be here.

>> No.7819013

I've been vegan 6 years and have flawless blood tests without supplementation aside from in my non-dairy milks and cereal.

I was anemic as a meat eater and always had flaky hair, skin and nails lol. Since going vegan all of that has been cured. And I gain muscle just from taking in the groceries. Everything you're saying is so ridiculous I'm cracking up. And it's way more realistic to eat a local vegan diet than a local animal based diet. It takes way less resources.

I hope you're a troll and you're deliberately losing this badly.

>> No.7819017

Im not a vegan, or a christian for that matter.
It just that this post
and this post

are literally some of the dumbest posts I have ever read on 4chan.

>> No.7819020
File: 143 KB, 958x973, benni12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every fucking vegan I've known looked malnourished and at least ten years older than their actual age. I had the displeasure of working with one.

>EEDS meeting
>asshole vegan is late as always because he has to nap every other hour
>starts eating some nasty smelling oat bar 5 minutes in
>falls asleep 20 minutes later
>farts profusely whilst sleeping
>division leader literally has to wake him up after almost every meeting

No one says anything because they're too afraid of offending this faggot. Fuck vegans.

>> No.7819023

calm down, dude. nobody cares.

>> No.7819027

I give you the context and translation errors broken down, now suddenly you dont care?

>> No.7819030

right. I dont care and neither does anyone else.

>> No.7819036

I never cared. you aren't going to convert anyone to you extreme lifestye.

>> No.7819037

Aside from supplementation, I don't have supplementation. Maybe you shouldn't have been eating shit before.

>man this rusty dull knife sucks
>man this dull knife is like perfect, no rust!

>> No.7819043

The only converting I see is some faggot posting his tumblr

Its alright, I didnt expect much else from you.
Yell from the mountaintops how everyone else is ignorant and needs to learn something!
Yet I try to clear up something that you clearly dont understand, you hunker down and get pissy.

It seems to be a common theme with you vegetarian types.

>> No.7819044

that guy replying to you isnt me so shut the fuck up. also nice to know that majority of the people were LOADED during biblical days and could afford a royal diet. all i ever said was that a plant based diet has been normalized since biblical times but youre just reaching so hard so you can progress your heart disease and kill animals. its ridiculous you cant take the fact that someone said plant based diets have been around for ages. youre doing a shit job at disproving me.

>> No.7819046

Vegan Romans farming soil for riboflavin bacteria, ahahaha okay. This must have been after the lead pipes.

>> No.7819053

i'm not reading that shit. youre a fag and youre not converting anyone here.

>> No.7819058

b2 is not b12 i hope you know that. anyways you can find b2, the precious riboflavin youre so worried about in spinach, tomatoes, mushrooms, almonds and oats to name a few things. seriously youre fucking stupid, seriously.

>> No.7819065


Riboflavin is B2, anon. It's easily obtained in things like spinach and mushrooms. It's also very different than B12 which is indeed produced by bacteria which is found naturally on produce farmed in conditions other than modern farms.

>> No.7819067

Nice made up story bro.

A lot of factors contribute to aging. But I could give you links to a lot of old vegans who look young as fuck. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Hi8Ue3tA-Q

And people are always telling me I look 15 and I'm 25. But I think that has more to do my facial structure and the amount of fat in my face than anything else. http://i.imgur.com/V5YppOB.jpg

Some people just look older. And sun exposure usually has a lot to do with it.

>> No.7819068

Both are memes, who cares.

>> No.7819069

>its ridiculous you cant take the fact that someone said plant based diets have been around for ages

The bible literally says NOTHING about a plant based diet.
It tells you how to kill your animals to make them clean. It forbids pork, rabbit,shellfish, and unclean animals (ones not killed in a kosher manner, ie strangled to death and then the throats slit to drain them of blood)

It clearly states the poor drank milk, ate eggs, ate lots of fish, ate bugs, ate fowl. Anything non hooved.
That is not a "plant based diet", and your two verses dont prove anything

>> No.7819073

Not at all buddy. Antibiotics aren't killing your gut bacteria, a limited diet and sterile environments will leave you more vulnerable though. If there was a slow seepage from them, we'd have gut bacteria immune to them. Superbugs go both ways.

Microbiome is more dependant on immune system, birthing method (c section babies are found to have an altered microbiome due to no fecal transplantation from the mother during birth, related to peanut allergies when they become older.

You are right, studying the microbiome is a new field, but cattle aren't killing our or there would be massive digestive issues for everyone that consumes the antibiotic treated meat.

Studies have found that a lot of the superbugs are found in urban waterways. Australia is a hotspot for them, I think the Thames was harboring some of the bugs too.

Our pharmacology policies are quite shit. Heavyhanded use of antibiotics in cattle feed is a problem although flushing your old prescription down the toilet is purported to be a significant factor as well. Farmers can't risk having to cull most of their livestock, AB were a nice stopgap. Gene therapy and gene drive is our bandaid for superbugs.

>> No.7819079

but your evidence doesn't fit my preconceived ideals, so youre wrong. I went to "I'mright.com" and they proved you wrong.

>> No.7819081

Pooping cleans the inside too. Walking and eating food promotes bowl movements. You don't want a clean intestine. You still can't digest and metabolize cellulose. Keep trying to say we can though guys.

>> No.7819088

Confirmed troll.

>> No.7819094

>And people are always telling me I look 15 and I'm 25
That's a result of your excessive estrogen intake from the soy based foods you're eating. There are many other thing you may be eating that contribute to your 'youthful' appearance.

t. Botanist

>> No.7819107

Anecdotes from non vegans are lies
Anecdotes from the pure race of vegans are word of God.

>> No.7819113

Confirmed cellulose digesting master specimen.

>> No.7819126

Guy says corn in poo is from not chewing enough if I don't chew bread it still gets digested. It isn't digested, that's why it's still in your poo poo. You people don't understand the scope of the digestive system.

>> No.7819127

quotes pls where it states they ate that.

>> No.7819130

I can digest and metabolize cellulose. you can't. I have superior genetics.

>> No.7819133

>1 old woman who looks exactly her age
>another old woman with makeup, hair dye, and likely botox

I'm not here to argue whether veganism is more ethically valid or not, but there's no denying that vegans, on average, are much frailer and older/sicker looking than non-vegans. Whether its ethically good enough to validate being unhealthier is up for debate, but your average clean-eating omnivore is going to have a much better balanced diet and have a better complexion than a vegan in the same circumstances.

>> No.7819144


I'm always amazed at how some people are so willing to post complete and utter bullshit off their top of their heads, and for absolutely no reason. You're not even trying to make a point, you're just being contrary for the sake of being contrary and you have literally nothing but your own unfounded opinion to back it up.

80% of all antibiotics sold in the U.S. every year are used on livestock. We know that these antibiotics get passed on when we consume those livestock because we can do simple studies of antibiotic levels in people's urine and see what happens if they stop eating meat.

>The frequency and levels of detection for antibiotics and phthalates noticeably decreased during the program

I'm not sure why you're trying to argue that antibiotics don't kill off your beneficial gut bacteria. This is such common knowledge that I'm not even going to bother giving you a citation. But you'd cry about it, wouldn't you? Fine, let me spoon feed you:

>The biodiversity of the bacteria that form the gut microbiota, according to the results, decreases during the treatment to the point of reaching its minimum 11 days after the beginning. However, at the end of the treatment, the situation is reversed and the patient presents a bacterial population similar to the first.

What does common sense say happens if we never stop taking antibiotics but instead get a constant low dose of dozens of different drugs via our food? Do you really think all our gut flora become resistant superflora?

>> No.7819146

Not that anon, but open up to Leviticus. It is the crazy book where all the cherry picked ideals come from. Men with short hair, stoning children that don't listen, kosher standards are defined in it. There's also the anti tattoo and gay clause there among others

>> No.7819164

Soy has phytoestrogens, so it would be increased phytoestrogen intake. People who consume dairy should be the ones worried about estrogens in their food.



But yeah agreeing on the many things contributing to youthful appearances and older appearances.

>> No.7819170

>cattle aren't killing our or there would be massive digestive issues for everyone that consumes the antibiotic treated meat.

When nearly everyone consumes a steady dose of antibiotics, how the fuck would you know? There is no reason to think it wouldn't be having a detrimental effect. We know that antibiotics decrease our intestinal biodiversity. We know that we get a constant intake of antibiotics from treated animal products. It's not hard to put the two together and realize what's happening.

Also, we've been tracing antibiotic resistant bacteria directly to livestock for years so yes, bacteria from cattle are literally killing us.

>evidence now suggests that agricultural use of avoparcin shortened the lifespan of vancomycin, the last-line drug. Gilmore’s lab established that the strains of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE) that cause an estimated 20,000 hospital infections in the United States each year are descended not from relatively innocuous strains in the human gut, but rather from strains that live in the guts of livestock. From VRE, they found, the DNA trail leads to the dozen known American cases of VRSA, each of which occurred when MRSA acquired resistance genes from its Enterococcus neighbors.

>> No.7819172

That wasn't me, but yeah. Obviously if you chewed the corn you would be less likely to see bits in your feces. Digesting the shell is not a requirement though so I don't see why this is even a debate lol.

>> No.7819174


>> No.7819186

You're completely fucking full of shit or have met a maximum of two vegans. All the vegans I know are hot and fit as fuck and I know hundreds. You must live in some southern town where the only vegans are old fat people who had to go vegan after being diagnosed with heart disease or diabetes so of course they're going to look like shit.

And none of them have had botox and they probably look better at age 80 than you do at age 12.

>> No.7819190

Thinks only bad bacteria become immune to antibiotics. They came back. You know why? Hint: they're still there.

Life is persistent. If you don't kill it all it comes back. If a high concentration of poison doesn't kill the organisms outright then why would less of it be more effective? these are broad spectrum antibitotics, they're not precise. All that would do is kill some, but introduce a resistance factor. Bacteria may split, but mutations occur and can shuffle the genome.
Vaccines and antivenom were/are manufactured based on this principle. Low contact over prolonged periods of time.

>> No.7819192
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> I know hundreds of people and they are all hot and fit


>> No.7819206 [DELETED] 

Because niggers dont know what not able to digest cellulose means.

>> No.7819219

I live near LA. The vegans I know are physically and mentally the most beautiful people I've ever known. Literally all of them are very fit - a lot of them are ridiculously buff. I feel stupid for even humoring this argument because it shouldn't even matter because obviously populations of people are going to vary in their health and attractiveness regardless of their lifestyle but seriously I've found the exact opposite of what you're saying to be true. Vegans in general are gorgeous people inside and out.

A bunch of Olympians are vegan. Gold medalists, etc. Models, actresses, actors. Joaquin Phoenix was raised vegan since age 3. Seba Johnson (Olympian), since conception, as well as Nyjah Huston (professional skateboarder). Seba Johnson is in her 40's if I'm remembering correctly and she looks like she's 20. And she's far from frail.

>> No.7819230


It depends entirely on the type of bacteria. Some seem to be permanently crippled by even a short period of antibiotic treatment.

>In all three individuals, the taxonomic composition of the community closely resembled its pretreatment state by 4 weeks after the end of treatment, but several taxa failed to recover within 6 months.

Even if these constant low dose antibiotics had no effect on our beneficial gut flora, they would still be helping to contribute to the growth of drug resistant bacteria.

But your position seems to be, "Lol it's cool your bacteria know what they're doing don't worry about antibiotics and just let nature take its course it'll all be fine".

In the meantime, people who don't know what they're talking about, like the Director General of the WHO, are a bit more concerned about overuse of antibiotics.

>If current trends continue unabated, the future is easy to predict. Some experts say we are moving back to the pre-antibiotic era. No. This will be a post-antibiotic era. In terms of new replacement antibiotics, the pipeline is virtually dry, especially for gram-negative bacteria. The cupboard is nearly bare. Prospects for turning this situation around look dim

>> No.7819271

25 Koreans eating vegetarian, Buddhist diet. Now show me info that matters.

>> No.7819289

Your second paragraph is arguing a nonpoint. Youre alleging I'm saying antibiotics have no effect on us or the livestock.

I'm saying that if antibiotics were hurting us directly from ingesting the meat then there would be a heap of evidence suggesting eating meat hinders your digestive ability. Maybe there is and nobody has connected it yet. Perhaps ingesting treated animals in certain situations and scenarios can result in intolerances to other foods like gluten, lactose, pb, nuts, etc. It is reasonable to assume, I think.

I would also always consider the fact that your house even has a microbiome. Your house has its own bacteria that others will not. This should contribute to your makeup.

I don't believe antibiotics leftover from eating animals is such a pressing health issue. I do believe that treating all those livestock in that manner is an outdated and ineffective method in the long term.

>> No.7819313

Additionally if the antibiotics were becoming resisted by the gut bacteria, it wouldn't necessarily be bad, but it is always good to be able to cut the head off of something that gets out of control.
Bacteria do know what they're doing, sometimes we know what they're doing too and it allows an oppurtunity for clever human engineering to help along the way. I'm sure you're familiar with the old friends hypothesis.

Similar findings are being published for certain cancers. Chemotherapy and radiation can outright kill much of the cancer. However this will wipe out less aggressive cancer that could have taken the aggressive cancer's place. Alternatively there have been suggestions that instead of scorched earth a more controlled approach be taken so that any cancer can be taken under control, it's growth monitored as not to spread. Like weeds growing over grass.

>> No.7819315

>tfw gf is vegetarian and keeps pestering me about my meat eating


>> No.7819340

Actually I live quite close to LA too, and am decent friends with 3 vegans, 2 vegetarians, and know a good 15 other vegans by name. Decent people, but they're all emaciated as fuck, most have a noticeable slouch, and have arms like twigs. That's cute that you try to debate my anecdotal evidence with your own anecdotal evidence and act like its more valid empirically than mine though. Maybe if you spent less time making oats bars and reading ingredient lists and took an intro to logic course you'd understand why your entire argument in this thread has been entirely invalid, and you'd be accomplishing the same level of discussion by just calling me a faggot.

>> No.7819361

I told you

>> No.7820180

is this bait or waht?
romans vegan??????????????????????????????????????

>> No.7820553


before you say "ohh vegetarian" their diet was grains and vegetable based with no mentions of milk or cheese or eggs

>> No.7820555

Same. Cheese and eggs.

>> No.7820565

you're cute and have balls to post your picture in that context. I'd say more like 17. but still very cute

>> No.7820611

I don't think I'm better than anyone. That's why I'm vegan. :^)

>> No.7820621
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>> No.7820633

I know two vegans. My ex girlfriend who was slightly chubby, but definitely not obese, and an autistic kid I shared a compsci class with
Funnily enough the autistic kid dropped the vegetarian diet and lost a ton of weight. Probably helped that he simulatenously started doing a ton of drugs and started worked out. Probably mostly the heroin, honestly.

>> No.7820635

>I'm uncomfortable some people don't see a point in killing an animal for food.
that's what I really don't get why even care. When asked why I'm constantly declining food I said I'm vegan and that was the end of it but people continue to make dumb remarks like that. meat eaters pls quit internalizing

>> No.7820708

do you know that the 0,001% of a population does not represent well a population

>> No.7820754

and what did the rest eat? eggs milk and cheese?
the sample size my be small out of the total roman population but its varied and consistent enough for scientists to say romans, gladiators in particular had a vegetarian/vegan diet. your argument is weak and just an excuse. besides the 2% elite population its well documented through teeth samples and feces that majority ate millet and grain and vegetables. while the wealthy would eat exotic fruits and eggshells as staples.

>> No.7820797

I just became vegan in a week ago. I don't really feel much different.Sure you could say I'm eating healthier than before, but it's still pretty easy to find and make vegan sweets or the variation of fast foods. Shit I just ate a burger made of beans this friday and it tasted fucking delicious. I don't get how can people find this so hard actually.

>> No.7820803

It's just a funny picture my friend.
And it was in reaction to legitimate malnutrition in england due to vegetarian fads.

>> No.7820812

Why is Op image the poster for a vegan thread?

You guys realize that, that fat cucumber is not going anywhere near her mouth, right?

>> No.7820818
File: 28 KB, 512x384, 1451456885427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no body woulda guessed that

>> No.7820868

I'm vegan and a runner. I also practice BJJ at least three times a week and I do fine. No idea what's wrong with your colleague, but it's probably something beyond his diet. You should send him to a doctor or a nutritionist.

>> No.7821015

early romans (in monarchy and early repubblican period) were shepherds, and that says something about their alimentation.

>> No.7821175

Muchas gracias.

Same. Going vegan is so fucking easy. The problem is people don't even want to think about it long enough to realize it's so easy.

I used to avoid telling people I was vegan because I looked like shit due to my Hashimoto's disease and other factors that had nothing to do with veganism because I knew I would end up being an example like the guy in this story.

People see one sickly looking vegan and then use that as a reason to mock the entire movement. They're desperate.

>> No.7821264


>> No.7821311


We literally evolved because we figured out how to roast meat over a fire. Also why do we have canines if we're herbivores? We just evolve those in the last 50,000 years? What a load of shit

Have whatever diet you want but I still haven't heard one argument by a vegan that has been provable as to why a vegan diet is better for you

>> No.7821322

>We literally evolved because

>> No.7821333

Still inferior to omnivorous A.K.A. real humans.

>> No.7821348

That's not how evolution work you dingus.

>> No.7821350

i can't believe lindy did it the absolute mad man

>> No.7821381


Here you go, retards


>inb4 more vegan pedantry

>> No.7821385

>still believing in evolution
wow youre a massive faggot.

>> No.7821403

Are you retarded? Yes, cooking makes us human. What is another type of food you cannot eat properly without cooking? Oh, that's right, STARCH. You know, that thing that you start digesting the second it enters your mouth? You know what you don't start digesting in your mouth? Protein! You know what kind of food you can store for a long time? A potato! You know what kind of food you can't store for a long time? A dead animal!

tldr: Humans are starchivores, the ability to cook and consume starch as a source of energy is what gives humans the evolutionary edge. High carb diet is the natural human diet. Carbs = plants, that's why all the evidence shows that animal-based diets kill ya. Deal with it

>> No.7821408

I'll deal with it with a steak.

>> No.7821422


So because our diet primarily consisted of starch, we didn't eat meat? I don't think you should eat meat even every day but there's literally no evidence that humans ever cut meat out of their diets completely unless they were forced to by hardships.

>> No.7821430
File: 298 KB, 1280x1280, caninestho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meat was probably good for the genes of your ancestors, but that doesn't make it optimal for you, here and now.

>> No.7821446


>faggot is still posting even after getting BTFO over 9000 times

Whatever man. Thing is that your very existence stands in defiance of your moral high road bullshit. Literally the best way to reduce your impact on the world and other people/animals is to go to the middle of the woods and kill yourself.

>> No.7821457

mine are sharp like fangs fuccboi

>> No.7821479

Well I'm not suggesting a vegan diet is the diet humans are adapted to or evolved on, I don't think anybody is saying that. But it would be a diet where animals are primarily a source of concentrated protein, not fat, and where fat intake is comparatively low.

For example, Eaton in his various studies on paleolithic nutrition in the 80s and 90s suggests 20% fat intake with ~7% saturated fat, which is perfectly in line with modern dietary recommendations. But he also suggests a very high protein intake of 30% (50% plant protein, 50% animal protein), which would have been accomplished by consumption of roasted lean meats and fish without added fats. Carbs would be the rest when protein needs have been met. Also women would not be consuming as much protein. So total energy intake from animal sources would be 15-20%, which is a lot less than what people are eating today.

>> No.7821488
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It's the milk and cheese that seems to make vegetarianism not so great. The stuff that /fit/ eats, lean chicken, and all that, is supposedly alright. Maybe.

This is a pretty neat video, if you have an hour to kill one day. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnHYHjchn6w (Just don't read the title and skip to 4:00 because the intro is boring.)

I don't know how accurate any of his stuff is. Plus he wrote a whole bunch of books and programs, though he doesn't present himself as too much of a shill.

I always sort of figured if there was conclusive proof of something, you would hear about it. But maybe not. He mentions something about this early on I think, about how long it took to prove that smoking was bad, and trans fats, etc.

Sometimes the research is just hard, sometimes people get set in their ways. I don't know.

I haven't picked a side, but I'm not on a vegan diet at the moment.

>> No.7821493

Barnard is a shill for PETA though, bad example. There are also semi-vegan diets like Ornish, Fuhrman, etc. that are not based on shilling for animal rights (since they do allow for a limited consumption of animals, ca. 5-10% calories)

>> No.7821526

I haven't looked too much into it, but being a shill for animal rights doesn't invalidate what he says IF the research is sound.

The Ornish diet seems to be vegetarian (recommends no meat, egg whites + non-fat yogurt are okay).

Fuhrman only recommends using meat as a "condiment" and then links to something about cancer, and doesn't recommend dairy at all, or eggs.

>> No.7821546

So we never lived in trees and subsisted prinarily off of insects and field flora?
Damn, this changes what I thought I knew about the world.

>> No.7821550


Just look at that hungry skeleton. Someone get this man some eggs and dairy protein, fast!

>> No.7821559

dr. barnard isnt skinny, its just his big ass chin

>> No.7821565

The stuff that got introduced that made everyone unhealthy and ill wasn't the evil McDonalds its refined vegetable oil

>> No.7821566

All promoters of plant-based diet are skellingtons, just further proof that carbs destroy your health

>> No.7821600
File: 226 KB, 658x595, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO @ you vegans and vegitarians I only care about me and my family everyone and everything else can fuck off. can't wait to go eat the steak in my fridge tonight.

>> No.7821619


>> No.7821621

from what I understand vegans have the lowest bodyfat percentage and vegetarians have the second to lowest..

>> No.7821622

then why dont you care about your health fatty?

>> No.7821629

What makes you think vegans care about you?

>> No.7821637

Is this bait? If not what the fuck do you believe?

>> No.7821647

>tfw thought would start losing weight after becoming vegan
>keep eating chocolate cake and burgers
>vegan and fat

Being murican is suffering

>> No.7821659

It only works if you restrict yourself to mostly *whole* foods.

>> No.7821668

>Chocolate Cake

>> No.7821674

Literally just google vegan chocolate cake.

There's probably raw vegan gluten-free sugar-free chocolate cake if you look hard enough.

>> No.7821682

Looks pretty shit don't know why you would eat that

>> No.7821693

Most of them look fine.

>> No.7821695

Tastes exactly like chocolate cake. The only vegan variation that isn't as good is cheese. I've eaten every kind of vegan cheese and none tasted really like cheese.

>> No.7821701

if you crave food and have to resort to these chocolate cakes and cheeses you're too stuck up on wanting to eat tasty things.

the true power of letting go is enjoying being skinny.

also vegan soaps/shampoos/face creams are god tier

and of course the juices

>> No.7821715

This video is great, it's a perfect example of the cherry-picking that vegans do.

>> No.7821726
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>harmful to your health

>> No.7821727

Juice is shit. If you want to drink your food, put the whole thing in a blender instead of removing the most nutritious parts.

>> No.7821733
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butthurt shitposting everywhere on the internet by vegans

>> No.7821736

Seven people have died on Everest this season. You would have too.

>> No.7821742

Aw look at those little savages.

>> No.7821746

No I wouldn't
Because I eat nothing but meat and cheese and potatoes, because I'm not a faggot

>> No.7821748

Eggs and chicken are whole foods.

>> No.7821751

What do you have to say about the omnivores who died climbing the Everest?

>> No.7821754

You'd die on a 2 mile hike

>> No.7821756
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>it's an ethical vegan

>> No.7821761

They weren't REAL omnivores.

>> No.7821767

Is there any other reason to be a vegan? Some of them will say health benefits, but they need supplements to stay healthy.

I eat meat but I respect vegans who don't for moral reasons. Even though with the invention of cultured meat, that argument will be useless eventually.

>> No.7821771

>Several people die climbing the everest every year
>some of them have their bodies used as place markings
>1(one!) Vegan dies

You are totally a faggot.

>> No.7821780

>but they need supplements to stay healthy.
I don't take nor I need supplements. My B12 is fine. It varies from people to people.

>> No.7821784

They didn't take the carnivore redpill

>> No.7821792

You will be deficient eventually if you don't supplement b12. It's the only supplement vegans need *on account of being vegan*. Grain fed livestock also require b12 supplementation, because their food is too clean and lacking in cobalt.

>> No.7821795

Do you eat any food that was fortified with B12?

Every source I've ever read says that you need a supplement of fortified food because you just can't get B12 like herbivorous animals.

>> No.7821800


vegetarian is fine. eggs, cheese, milk are all fine to eat and are great sources of protein and calcium

vegans are unlikable buttfucking liberal faggots who can't stand enjoyment and let their lack of physical strength and mental dexterity give them a miserable sense of superiority, despite blatantly starving themselves.

>> No.7821809

>Do you eat any food that was fortified with B12?

Not that anon, but I do. Pretty much every milk alternative is fortified. Meat alternatives are packed with the shit. You really don't ever need to take supplements, it's in everything.

>> No.7821811

You're still technically taking supplements

>> No.7821832

That can be enough to prevent neurological deficiency, but it will be less than optimal for minimizing homocysteine for heart health. b12 is so cheap there's no reason not to take it.

>> No.7821837

Its packed because it has fuck all absorbtion into your body unless you inject it

>> No.7821880

>most animals have a will and drive to live and pain receptors and feelings.

Pretty sure plants have will to live and have a nervous system, albeit a not very complex one, and feel pain.


In fact, any living organism has defense mechanisms to help them stay alive. The reality is that no living organism wants to die.

>> No.7821912

A diet of plants demands the fewest plant deaths, because farmed animals are not overunity engines. It may be a different story for hunted meat, that's probably not what you're eating.

>> No.7821993

If that was really a concern being vegetarian would still be the better option considering cattle mass production is still the biggest plant consumer.

Also they may have a primal nervous system but they're still not sentient beings.

>> No.7822378

>he thinks meat contains b12 naturally
animals are injected with it fatty

>> No.7822416

B12 is usually not injected. That would require too much costly human labor. It's added to food. And occurs naturally in animals eating their "natural" diet. It's suspected that for much of the relatively short time humans been doing agriculture and building villages, most of their b12 came from accidental contamination of water sources and such, not meat. Because commoners weren't eating it every day.

>> No.7822454

>eats shellfish

pick one.

>> No.7822480
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buddhists and jains in the ancient world actually debated and had different beliefs regarding which plants could suffer / how much they could suffer and thus which plant matter was acceptable to consume.

it's possible plants suffer, although they *may* generate less net suffering per calorie/nutrient because they're much simpler and can experience fewer types of / a narrower spectrum of suffering / pleasure.

to be sure, having a nervous system doesn't necessarily mean one doesn't have the ability to suffer as much or feel as great (in fact, it may be that simpler organisms experience far greater suffering from more minor stimulus simply because they aren't able to distinguish as nuanced a gradient in suffering / pleasure)

either way, we'll eventually be consuming lab-cultured tissue.

>> No.7822487


>to be sure, having a nervous system
*having a SIMPLER nervous system

>> No.7822493

subtle bait

>> No.7822692



Muslims don't consume pork & alcohol. They eat meat too senpai.

Maybe you're thinking of them Buddhists?