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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7810987 No.7810987 [Reply] [Original]

What do you actually use sweet tatoes for? they're not really common in my country. I bought one, tried baking it, and it was disgustingly sweet, borderline inedible.

>> No.7810994

good in curries

good with salty stuff like bacon or panchetta

good in fry form

I think they make desserts with it in the states which sounds good

>> No.7810995 [DELETED] 

>buy a SWEET potato
>wahhhhhh why is it so sweet :(

Literally end yourself

>> No.7810998

Fry them, or cook and eat

>> No.7811005

What shit country are you from, Yuropoor?

>> No.7811021

People in the south make this disgusting sweet potato casserole with brown sugar and burnt mashmallows on top of it, makes me cringe just to think about

>> No.7811031

hey, I like sweets, but this is insane.

>> No.7811069

Mashed sweet potatoes, salted sweet potato fries, baked sweet potatoes with butter or crème fresche, chopped parboiled and pan fried, sweet potato hash browns as a base for a desert, ingredient for a pie crust, etc.

Literally anything you could do with a plain potato except think sweet versions instead of savory. Why are you so dumb?

>> No.7811072

why are you so mean to me?

>> No.7811073

Cut it into chips and bake it with salt.
British living in US so I can never really get used to how sweet everything is but I see a lot of shit like
My friend just fucking pastes cinnamon and sugar cream cheese all over her breakfasts. I don't understand it.

>> No.7811083

Alright Dane, you get a pass because I assume you've never really be exposed to this plant or have them dirt cheap there.

You bake them in fry shape and eat them as such.

You cube them and add them to indian food or burritos.

You use them in place of potatoes in anything because despite the sweetness, they are actually healthy.

>> No.7811092

did I just get a bad kind of sweet potato?
I honestly can't imagine someone eating this by itself. I might have overcooked it too, it was leaking black sugar by the spoonful

>> No.7811101

Did you buy a yam?

>> No.7811113

Because I have unresolved issues in my own life and a general anger towards the massive amount of dumb shit posted on this board that I used to enjoy as a haven for a few minutes a day from every day life. When I saw your post I thought I could add something to the discussion then my response seemed obvious and it irritated me that this would probably be yet another thread with little to no real purpose and yet I still decided to send my response which further aggravated me and some of that frustration was further yet directed at you for asking a question to which the answer may seem obvious to me, was more about cooking than half this board.

I should start running again, it might help with my pent up anger and low levels of depression. Does that clear it up?

>> No.7811121

No, looked pretty similar to the one in the OP and was just called "giant sweet potato" or something like that.

>> No.7811132

sure. I wish you luck with your running.

>> No.7811135

Well try it again? It's a pretty common ingredient world wide and yeah it is sweet, hence the name, but it's pretty good.

>> No.7811138

My grandma used to steam them for me as a kid, it's really nice and easy to make while doing other stuff.

>> No.7811180

Are you me?

>> No.7811214

Fellow Dane here, why are you such an uneducated faggot?
Well at least you tried them out, I'll give you that. By doing so you are stepping up from 99% of other Danes.
Learn how to prepare and use them and what to use them with, then you almost can't resist them.

>> No.7811237

I make sweet potato chips. They used to come out crispy but lately they've been soggy and I don't know why.

>> No.7811246

Dice them into cubes and let cool, toss with pick de gallo, corn, and avocado.

>> No.7811526

toss them with a little cornstarch

>> No.7811553
File: 121 KB, 1200x900, nordicgyözä.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like a Swedish wellfare gjosa.

>> No.7811557

I was just going to flame you because you insulted the godly sweet potato, but instead, I'll try and help you obviously haven't have much exposure to them.
My three favorite ways to eat sweet potatoes are as follows:

>Scrub sweet potato and poke with a fork to allow steam to escape. Place on a baking sheet (because juices will come out) bake at 400F (204C?) until soft. Cut open, add butter, salt, pepper, and thyme, mash in the skin, top with grated parmesan or peccorino romano cheese.

>Make sweet potato gnocchi, sauce with brown butter, sage, salt and pepper, and parmesan.

>Make sweet potato pie, serve with a little whipped cream. (I have a great recipe for this)

>> No.7811950


I mash it up with butter, salt, and a little cinnamon and eat it as a dessert. It's basically a healthy dessert option IMO

>> No.7812374
File: 96 KB, 575x381, yam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bake and stuff mine with black beans, sauteed veggies, and make a creamy sauce to add a bit of savory to it. That sauce is tahini, lemon juice, garlic, a hint of maple, and salt.
They're also good fried or cooked in spicy hot pots.

>> No.7812378

recipe on ze pie kind sir?

>> No.7812409


You disgust me

>> No.7812428

Sure, brb.

>> No.7812449

Anyone else always hated sweet potato fries? The only form I prefer to eat sweet potatoes in is sweet potatoe pie.

>> No.7812450

Bake it, add cinnamon/clove/cardamom/nutmeg and salt.Or add to black bean stew,

>> No.7812459

Here you go.
A tip for the pastry: Make sure everything is ice cold, even the flour. Mix your dry ingredients, and put the bowl in the freezer until everything is cold, then cut in the cold butter, and then add the cold liquid. Keeping the pastry cold until right before you add the filling and put it in the oven will result in a very flaky, tender crust.

Sweet Potato Pie:

Pastry: 2 cups flour
2 tablespoons sugar
¼ teaspoon cinnamon
¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg
pinch salt
¾ cup butter, cold
4 to 5 tablespoons orange juice, cold

Combine flour, sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt in bowl. Cut in butter until mixture is crumbly. Gradually add orange juice, tossing with fork until pastry holds together. Shape into a ball; flatten into disk, wrap and refrigerate one hour.

Filling: 2 large eggs, beaten
½ cup sugar
1 ½ cups cooked mashed sweet potatoes
1 cup milk (I use evaporated milk for this, because it's easy, and it's creamier than regular milk. But if you want to use fresh milk, make sure it's whole milk)
2 tablespoons melted butter
1 teaspoon cinnamon
½ teaspoon nutmeg
¼ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon cardamom

Whisk eggs in large bowl. Whisk in remaining ingredients. Heat oven to 425F. Roll dough disk into a 12-inch circle. Fit into a 9-inch pie plate, leaving 1 inch overhanging. Flute edge. Pour in filling. Bake 10 minutes, then reduce oven temperature to 300F. Cover edge loosely with foil. Bake 25 minutes more, until knife comes out clean. Cool.

>> No.7812475

>he fell for the fat is bad meme
Top cuck

>> No.7812496

I eat them raw. They're similar to carrots or jicama like that. You can also grow them and eat the leaves raw or cooked.
You can't eat regular potato leaves because it's in a completely different family.

>> No.7812497


>five heaped tablespoons of salt
>five heaped tablespoons of sugar
>combine in a bowl of vegetable oil
>eat on or between carbohydrate of your choice
>call anything cooked with moderation and nuance bland

American cooking tbqhf. I will never be able to get used to this shitshow

>> No.7812514

My mom likes to make it aside to Turkey and rice

>> No.7812891

>t. momscience weekly subscriber

>> No.7812910

for eating

>> No.7812935

I make them into mash. Just boil them, mash them, season with salt and pepper and then add a little sour cream. I also roast them with olive oil, salt and rosemary.

>> No.7812985

Try using a little cumin as well.

>> No.7813055
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>> No.7813395


Well it's Earthbalance not actually 'butter', but either way it's only about a teaspoon per potato.

>> No.7813689

this and/or curry

>> No.7813827
File: 162 KB, 900x600, Aida-Mollenkamp-Biggest-Loser-Sweet-Potato-Casserole-Recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mashed Potatoes
Hash Browns
Pancakes (One of my personal favorites)

There is also a popular Thanksgiving dish that is basically chunks of sweet potatoes, baked with butter, brown sugar, and marshmallows.

>> No.7813888

I'm also not a fan of how sweet they are, but they're a lot more nutritious than regular potatoes, so I usually stock up and eat them baked when I'm feeling lazy. Just salt and pepper and you're good. I once added tuna to it, in an attempt to colonize more of Britain in the name of America, and it was pretty good.

>> No.7814339

GOAT tier when you add mayo to it

>> No.7814340


>> No.7814464

>but they're a lot more nutritious than regular potatoes
this is a health food diet meme.
Both are extremely nutritious, normal potatoes are probably more so. it's perhaps the most nutritious of all food stables.

>> No.7814484

This is true. Both are very healthy, sweet potatoes have the extra beta-carotene, but less protein than regular potatoes, plus they have a lower glycemic index. Regular potatoes have MUCH less sugar, but less fiber. As far as vitamins and minerals, sweet potatoes barely edge out regular potatoes by just a few points (except in beta carotene and vitamin c, which they are much higher).

>> No.7814667

>People in the south make this disgusting sweet potato casserole with brown sugar and burnt mashmallows on top of it, makes me cringe just to think about

Marshmallows overdo it, but I love baked sweet potatoes with melted butter, brown sugar and pecans.

>> No.7814717

That sounds awesome, thanks for posting that, anon. I think I'll make that for the 4th of July next weekend.

>> No.7814741
File: 561 KB, 2084x1172, Raggmunk-bildarkivet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Potato Pancakes, except with sweet 'tatos? Might have to try that, I had some delicious raggmunk for dinner today

>> No.7814763


Why did my ancestors leave Sweden

All we have here is HFCS and partially hydrogenated corn snacks

>> No.7814879

That's a yam

>> No.7814899

Bake them until tender.
Slice open lengthwise and spread apart.
Add a liberal amount of cinnamon.
Add chopped pecan, almonds, or filberts.
Add raisons.
Mix together.

Fucking delicious and nutritious accompaniment to any protein....minus fish.

>> No.7815060

oooo orange juice outta left field! thank you!

>> No.7815081

In the south usa people take a sweet potato and add sugar butter and cinnamon. It's nasty.

>> No.7815130
File: 73 KB, 699x599, yams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Desserts with sweet potatoes isn't just a U.S. thing. In the U.S. they're used for sweet potato pie (think pumpkin pie) in terms of sweets. I think I've had some sort of cake made of purple sweet potatoes which was Hispanic in origin and there's a type of Hong Kong dessert soup that uses them and ginger.

Sweet potato fries are great when done well, but most places make them soggy, which sucks.

End yourself

No, that's a sweet potato. Specifically, that's a soft sweet potato (gets soft when cooked, as opposed to staying firm, which is what makes one hard). Soft sweet potatoes are labelled as "yams" in America since the African slaves likened some sweet potatoes to the yams of Africa and the name stuck and was used to differentiate between a hard sweet potato (still known as sweet potatoes) and soft sweet potatoes (now known as yams). Pic related.

>> No.7815600

>not enjoying a fresh 'go 'tato

>> No.7815897

lel what's stopping you from making some?

I wish my ancestors left

>> No.7815925

pureed soup is nice, do it like youd do any other vegetable soup, stock onions,... puree,in the end a spash of maplesyrup for a kick

>> No.7816186

sweet potatoes fries

>> No.7816554

Damn I bought two of those too and have no idea what to do with them, I think I'll try making chips.

>> No.7816902

You can do anything with them. You can bake 'em, boil 'em, put 'em in stews and soups, fry 'em, etc. Be creative. Chips sound good, though.

>> No.7816911

feed them to my dog. they make her shits orange.

also, pretty much use them as a substitute for regular potatos. I like the sweetness sometimes. they make really good fries.