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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 233 KB, 2286x2025, perfect20fried20egg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7804248 No.7804248 [Reply] [Original]

Let's debate.

Sunny side vs both sides fried?

Sunny side up master race reporting in.

>> No.7804255

Over easy between med and med well. I like a gooey yolk that flows slowly, not runny.

>> No.7804256

Prefer poached, over easy or sunny side up if its breakfast and I have toast.

>> No.7804265

Over easy with a yolk that flows like lava. Any brown or crispy bits and it goes to the dog, who then proceeds to get yolk all over her face.

>> No.7804266

This. I agree with this.

Not a huge fan of sunny side up unless maybe I have a good bit of toast or hasbrowns to mop it up with.

I love eggs. 18 large eggs for $.97 where I just moved. You can get 5 dozen for less than $3 here. Boise is fucking awesome.

>> No.7804267


>> No.7804296

I'd be jealous of those prices if I didn't get farm fresh eggs from the in-laws. Food prices suck in Arkansas and everything is taxed at 11%

>> No.7804316

>not turning your eggs both sides
>eating almost raw yolk

I hope you fucking get salmonela and die faggots

>> No.7804318

I'm jealous of your farm fresh eggs hah. Fresh eggs are fucking amazing. I actually drove by a stand out hiking 2 days ago that I think had $2 or $3 for a dozen farm fresh eggs. I'm gonna stop by next time and buy 2 dozen.

>> No.7804324

I like over hard

>> No.7804330


Chances are about 1 in 100,000 that you get that funky infected egg. Then you'd need to leave it out at room temperature for about a half hour and either eat it raw or totally fuck up the cooking process by not even cooking parts of it at all.

If you're a total retard who is also otherworldly unlucky, then yea you might get salmonella poisoning from an egg.

>> No.7804331


I'd be jealous if it didn't mean living in Idaho or Arkansas.

>> No.7804333


>> No.7804337

You're wrong you fucking moron. A friend of mine told me that his cousin got salmonela from eating a egg that wasnt fried well

>> No.7804338

There are much easier ways to get salmonella. Worrying about eggs is the last place you should start.

>> No.7804348

both sides fried, still runny inside, with brown and crunchy bits

>> No.7804352

I prefer yolk but also cooked on both sides. It's easy to prevent the yolk from solidifying if your pan lets the egg slide around like magic.

All my nonsticks are fucked up so I haven't been able to cook one right in a while.

>> No.7804354


Your friend's cousin is either a liar or a fucking moron.

>> No.7804363

And pray tell, where do you live?

>> No.7804402

>tfw Tennessee is almost as high as California

>> No.7804405

California doesn't tax food

>> No.7804412

Over easy every time

>> No.7804420

you're supposed to baste the whites, then the yolk until it cooks a bit you mong

>> No.7804684

The one where I don't flip it but put in some water and cover it for a minute so the tops get cooked over as well. I don't know what the term is.

>> No.7804699


That would be sunny side up then, it's just a minor variation on the technique.

>> No.7804719

2/3 heat and put the lid on, no liquid yolk, just the way I like it.

>> No.7804772

>That would be sunny side up then, it's just a minor variation on the technique.

It's called a basted egg and it's very common, they are what I prefer because the top of the egg cooks quicker with the steam.

>> No.7804896

This, master race. It's like a medium-rare steak.

>> No.7805276

>I knew a guy who knew a guy who knew a guy who said...

fuck off

>> No.7805291

Crispy brown edges, flipped and salted and peppered . Thick but flowing yolk.
on English muffin with bacon.

>> No.7805303


>> No.7805325

I'm somewhere between the scrambled camp and the over easy camp. I don't think sunny side up would work with breakfast sandwiches.

>> No.7805336


Any chucklefuck can sunny-side-up an egg. It takes skill to flip an egg and still keep the yolk intact and runny.

>> No.7805373

I must have read the chart I looked at wrong then. Tennessee taxes EVERYTHING though.

>> No.7805540

>anecdotes disprove statistics
>literal hearsay

great post, well worth taking the time to do the captcha

>> No.7805591

Over hard with salt and pepper sandwiched between two pieces of toast is bro-tier quick breakfast.
Other than that, over easy is master race with one piece of toast to swish in the yolk, but since I have a 65% of fucking them up and breaking on the flip, sunnyside is how I roll because I'm a pleb that can't consistently not fuck up over easy eggs

>> No.7805592
File: 154 KB, 900x599, tendie-tier-eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, realize that 90% of the people ITT can't do better than pic related and only have opinions about eggs because their mom makes them that way.

>> No.7805595

t. projector

>> No.7805643

What a lucky dog
I like it fried in bacon fat
Flicked over for the last few seconds so there's a runny yoke and a nice crispy Jew-nightmare base

>> No.7805680
File: 2.51 MB, 4128x2322, 20151006_062618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speak for yourself cuntnipples

>> No.7805696

Eggs look perfect, but holy fuck is that side greasy
Even still, 7.5/10 (would devour)

>> No.7805698

4/10 burnt to shit on the bottom and greasy as fuck

>> No.7805731

Fry ups are meant to be greasy, otherwise I would poach. And the crispy bits are a case of preference, similar to char grilled meats

>> No.7805760


Its fucking mushrooms and they should look that way, children.

>> No.7805775

>getting butthurt over criticism of your shitty looking food
>better call everyone a child

>> No.7806416

do you live in China?

>> No.7806423

Baste the whites in hot oil. It's the GOAT method of frying eggs

>> No.7806440

I've never had eggs - like eggs outside of baking or mixed in with food until it's indistinguishable.

But everyone in my family eats runny eggs and it makes me gag, how could anyone like that? Plus the smell is gross.

I still kinda want to try them though.

>> No.7806594

That dude wasn't me m8 I cooked the mushies and I dunno how they're sposed to look

>> No.7806636

This fag knows where it's at.

>> No.7806783

Nope, Boise, Idaho.

>> No.7806793
File: 2.64 MB, 3888x2592, Soft Boiled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soft boiled!

>> No.7807012

how the hell do people do that with their eggs?
You just fry it on the highest setting possible and hold the butter?

>> No.7809155

Same man, where are you getting those eggs from?

>> No.7809227

When i make them over easy, when out sunny side. Only guarantee of runny yolk.

>> No.7809265

Winco, at w fairview and milwaukee street over in west bench. That place is crazy affordable. The prices for food out here are insane.

I just moved here, you like boise? It seems pretty awesome out here, now I just have to concentrate on finding work and meeting some people around here. Been here a week and am pretty settled into my apt so now I've gotta work on meeting people and hitting up some interviews.

>> No.7809383

>overcooked as shit
>eggs are good
>oreo burnt edge
>crispity cuntity egg fuck uppery
Fuck both of you

>> No.7809400

How do you obtain this? This be my fave yo

>> No.7809658
File: 1.51 MB, 3264x2448, Quinoa poached 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poached eggs, bro. Juicy as they come.

>> No.7809662
File: 1.46 MB, 2448x2448, IMG_2504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My eggs benny.

>> No.7809689

I can't believe that three people took this bait. I'd say "Good job" to you, but you threw fastballs down the middle of the plate, and got three lucky popups to the catcher.

>> No.7809697
File: 1.36 MB, 1920x1080, sunnysidedown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone use roundy(tm)?

just saw jack's new video, not sure i'm convinced.


>> No.7809723

Why? It's another gadget taking up space in the drawer? I don't see the point.

>> No.7809727

I use a tuna can with each end cut out

>> No.7809739

I like my eggs a little crispy around the edges and bottom with a runny yolk, so I usually fry them sunny side up hot and fast.

Over hard with a punctured yolk if I'm making breakfast sandwiches.

>> No.7809773
File: 166 KB, 600x401, scrambled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

overcooked scrambled or nothing.

i like that sulfuric smell to come out.

this is why i only eat eggs i cook for myself or at diners.

however, if i do need to cook them for other people then i make them "correctly".

>> No.7809794

To replicate that fast food uniformity that he craves.

>> No.7809822

oh? did "fast food" create the english muffin?

>> No.7809878

Where the fuck are you getting eggs in Boise for $.97? They're at least $1.50 everywhere I've looked.

That said, fried egg sandwiches are the best broke food.

>> No.7809893

I'm an idiot who didn't read the whole thread. I'll have to check Winco again, last time I bought them they were more expensive.

Based Winco, open 24/7, doesn't treat their employees like shit, cheaper than walmart.

I recommend spacebar by the way. It's downtown below ground level. Serves drinks and has retro arcade games, usually not crazy crowded. Stay away from Fatty's and PreFunk if you don't want to drink with hipsters and grandmas.

>> No.7810261

Master race
Also fried in butter.

>> No.7810269

Both sides fried, but with the yolk still soft.

>> No.7810289

Raw over rice.

>> No.7810346

Yea man I'm blown away by Winco. And that's funny you mention how they treat their employees. The first time I went I was commenting on how awesome the prices are to the cashier and she couldn't stop talkin about how much she loves working there and how great the insurance is, etc etc. She was like a 40 year old mom of 2 and was pumped to work there. Caught me off guard.

Thanks for the suggestions, I'll have to check out Spacebar. Seems like there are a surprising amount of good bars around here. Lots for me to check out.

>> No.7810353

ma nigga

>> No.7810422

Poached is the best but it's difficult to do well

>> No.7810450

Over-easy if have something to mop up the yolk with. Infuses both sides of the egg with whatever oil/fats youre cooking it on.

Hard boiled otherwise

>> No.7810665

Cut a hole in some bread, drop an egg in there, fry that shit. Just a little runny, but not too much.

For an amazing breakfast, repeat the above twice, fry up some breakfast sausage, make a sandwich.

This shit is amazing for hangovers, best with some coffee.

>> No.7811293
File: 61 KB, 600x600, 1327949869028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>diner eggs

Why is this a thing? I get some people like their scrambled eggs overcooked and dry but I didn't think it'd be so popular that that's just the default way american diners make scrambled eggs.

>> No.7811533

It's all about over hard, s&p, fried in butter.

Runny yolk has a gross flavour. Not a fan.

>> No.7811550
File: 159 KB, 720x960, keemochee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy shit, shoutout to Boise! I live there too, Winco is based as fuck. I get my eggs from my madre, though, cause she owns chickens since she lives outside the city limits. Shit's cash as fuck, I rack in about a 24 pack a week and make deviled eggs and sunny side up eggs over kimchi rice and shit.

Spacebar is hella fun. I like to drink a pitcher of lager and wreck some kids in Mario Kart.

Pic related, is the Kimchi I use for kimchi bokkeumbap

>> No.7811559

It must be some sort of nationalistic tendency. Maybe its a crisis that has made its way into every American eating establishment and cannot break past water borders. Maybe its that theres so many goddamn diners everywhere and the majority of them are going to overcook that shit 4 hours into their shift because undercooking is dangerous and giving a shit is beyond the average morning shift cook at Denny's whos been there for 8 years

>> No.7811842


over easy on toast. fuck i've got a hard on now.

>> No.7811855

>Food prices suck in Arkansas and everything is taxed at 11%

stupid fucking democrats in power locally, fucking everything up and they blame it on everyone else. here in my little southern oklahoma town, democrats have been in power forever. they always refuse new businesses, tax the shit out of the community then wonder why the town never grows.

>> No.7811865
File: 215 KB, 640x400, guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7811891

thanks man. i used to not know how to bait. i would not even get 1 reply but im learning.

>> No.7811894


Sunny side up, but throw a tablespoon of hot water into the pan and cover with a lid so that the steam cooks the egg whites; remove the lid toward the end and allow bottoms of the whites to get crispy.

>> No.7812124

This is the best way for me. Runny yolk is a great toast spread/dip.

Cook it at very high heat in a decent amount of your favorite oil (I use coconut but butter's great) for just long enough to solidify the whites.

>> No.7812455


So...over medium?

>> No.7812483

Over medium, Gordon Ramsey-like scrambled, or soft boiled with some toast to dip in it.

Don't mind poached either, but I'm too lazy to poach eggs most of the time.

>> No.7812508

>work in local breakfast burger chain
>cook lots of eggs all the same way
>over easy/medium
>bitch gets something with just an egg on it
>complains she didn't know it was gonna be over easy
>says quote "I thought it was gonna be cooked all the way"

Bitch should have just gone to mcdonalds, there's one right around the corner from us.

>> No.7812556

Eggs look OK. The rest of it looks vile

>> No.7812557
File: 460 KB, 3264x1836, Lard Poached.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poached in lard?

>> No.7812571
File: 402 KB, 1536x2048, Brisket Benny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Or smoked brisket benny with chipotle lime hollandaise and red cabbage bbq sauce.

>> No.7812573 [DELETED] 


or sunny over smoked gouda grits and corned beef hash.

>> No.7812580
File: 550 KB, 2048x1535, Corned Beef Hash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Or sunny side over corned beef hash with gouda grits.

>> No.7812592


You moved your lawn furniture out into the middle of the road just to take a picture of a bloody liposuction on a plate?

>> No.7812870

>Boise is fucking awesome
>do you live in China?
Nigga do you reading comprehension?

>> No.7813465


I thought I was alone in this!

Actually, the same technique works well for melting cheese on burgers too. Put burger in a pan with a little oil, and when one side is cooked, flip, put a slice of cheese top top, a little water on the pan, and a lid on. The steam melts the cheese evenly over the top.

>> No.7813468

that's what I was thinking. the op probs just want to be a fancy fuccboi

>> No.7813503

Eggs are burnt. If you try to show off, do the thing right for the starters.

>> No.7813695
File: 2.20 MB, 2340x4160, IMG_20160624_123937402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my eggs?

>> No.7814021

what spice?

>> No.7814029

You're wrong you fucking moron. A friend of mine told me that you're wrong from posting on a Alaskan Bean-Collecting Pigeon Post

>> No.7814114

I like dippy eggs

>> No.7814242

crispy over-easy, but not burnt

>> No.7814250

> not frying the bottom and finishing to the disired temp via broiler

>> No.7814590

it's still on the sidewalk......street looks like a T-intersection.

still retarded tho

>> No.7814612

You didn't fuck 'em up. They're eggs. Would eat.

>> No.7814778

i dont like eggs but when i make them for my rats i always leave the yolk runny so it preserves more vitamins

>> No.7814806

Over easy for a breakfast sandwich, sunny i I have hash browns. I usually make an egg and cheese at home so I usually go over easy but my go to hungover at a diner is country fried steak and gravy, sunny eggs and hash browns.