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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 224 KB, 1229x922, Burger_King_Whopper_Combo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7804811 No.7804811 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck, I've been lied to. Everyone says nonstop that burger king is the worst fast food chain by a mile, so I stayed away, but that's a fucking load. I'm not gonna say it's some quality meal from an actual restaurant, but I'll be fucked if they didn't make me something that tasted like a decent hamburger with completely acceptable vegetables on it. And the fries weren't too salty.

What the fuck is wrong with the mcdonalds and wendy's shills, have they never tasted a hamburger? This was way better than any burger I've ever gotten from those places.

Again, it's not like some revelation in cuisine but I'm confused why everyone calls it trash?

>> No.7804830

i love the whopper. it's like a crabby patty.

>> No.7804834

The king is decent for fast food. At the end of the day it comes down to convienence. I wont drive an extra mile for it though i might as well go home and make something. But if its on the way whatevrr

>> No.7804845

They are required not to bitch like babies when you omit ingredients you are allergic to.

They used to have DANK sourdough burgers but haven't been there in a decade so who knows.

>> No.7804855

>letting people make opinions for you

Hope you learned your lesson, retard.

>> No.7804859

Also accidentally getting onion rings in your fries is GREAT.

>> No.7804863

yes, everyone but me seems to be retarded

>> No.7804865

>be me
>a highly intelligent gentleman who is picky about quality and value
>often looking for a delicious new lunch spot
>try Burger King on a whim

My friends I tell you, it was one of the best meals I have had this year. The crisp vegetables mixed with the moist and hot broiled burger. The cool soda, the hot and crunch fries, totally blown away.

I was able to get a value meal for $5.99 and they even complimented my shirt. They don't let black people touch your food and they also have ice cream.

Head on down to Burger King today and get yourself some good mood food. You won't regret it!!

>> No.7804871

When 30% of your board is advertising.

>> No.7804873

The onion rings and chicken fingers are the two items on the BK menu that actually are disgusting.

I never understood that opinion either, they easily have the best burger and have always included tomatos, an ingredient notably missing from the other two up until recently.

>> No.7804882

the chicken rings are GOAT but yes to your second thing

>> No.7804886

I went to Burger King recently. Got a double bacon cheeseburger combo bc I was baked. You'd think anything would be great. I haven't had a worse fast food burger in recent memory. Literally dried my mouth out with how leathery and cold it was. Fuck you burger shill. Waste of time and money when I could've gone anywhere else.

>> No.7804892

Funny I saw this, I'm gonna head there soonish for the first time in a while.

What do I get, /ck/? I don't want the chicken fries or hot dog or anything too creamy (a bit sick, coughing up phelgm). Kinda feeling whatever burger is good as long as it has cheese, but it's been a while so IDR what they got.

>> No.7804920

it sounds like you should lay off the devil's lettuce anon
get a whopper and ask them to go easy on the mayo. its fucking ridiculous how much it tastes like a big diner hamburger or something. also maybe don't go out of your way to go there if you live by a diner.

>> No.7804921

Sourdough bacon cheeseburger.
If available.

>> No.7804966

>Literally dried my mouth out with how leathery and cold it was.

Yeah that cotton mouth wasn't because you were high or nothing.

Protip: Bacon Double Cheese XL is one of the best fast food burgers you can get, and it's a jewish nightmare to boot.

>> No.7804975 [DELETED] 

The sandwich.

>> No.7804976

It was fine until "good mood food."

You get negative 10 points for using a competing restaurant's old slogan.

>> No.7805017


>> No.7805139

>too paranoid to recognize sarcastic humor
Why is this inability to recognize shitposting/baiting/banter so widespread?

>> No.7805164

I went to Burger King today and got an Extra Long Fish Sandwich combo with a bacon cheeseburger on the side. I was eating it in my vehicle in the parking lot and listening to an audiobook when I glanced up and saw the Burger King worker I ordered outside having a cigarette.

She waved at me and I nodded and had to wait 7 minutes before she went back inside and I could eat in comfort again. I don't think that employees should be bothering or even trying to socialize with customers outside of the Burger King restaurant or drive through, but that is another story.

I went to Burger King for dinner tonight and got a Tendercrisp sandwich combo with a bacon cheeseburger on the side. As I was driving to the second window the same girl was still working. She was acting somewhat obsequious and attempting small talk when she asked, 'why don't you come eat inside instead of in the parking lot where it is cold'.

That really bothered me for many reasons. First of all, I don't want my routine or actions to be tracked by a fast food employee. Secondly, she should not try to tell me how I should live my life. I do not want to eat inside because I find it less comfortable and would much rather be inside my vehicle listening to an audiobook and enjoying myself and my privacy.

Overall, I think it was very unprofessional to bring this up. I should have a clean slate with each drive through visit, not have to get the third degree because I committed some sort of faux pas. Which I don't think I did, because I often see people eating in fast food parking lots. How does she know I am not busy going to work or somewhere in a rush?

How do you feel about eating in your vehicle in the parking lot of a fast food restaurant versus eating inside the restaurant?

>> No.7805168

Shill, its been known for a while that fast food advertisers shill their shit on here. They're a little better about it now and don't do obvious shit like have Subway general like they used to but theres a lot of unpaid interns on here posting this crap

>> No.7805174

I am the OP and I want it known that I am not a burger king intern, but just an individual who has been rused as to the quality of a pretty okay burger place

Again people of /ck/, do not buy burger king products or patronize their restaurants, but do bear in mind that the anti-burger king propaganda spread by mcdonalds and wendy's countershills has reached ubiquitous levels of acceptance and that you are being actively shilled on by inferior hamburger vendors

>> No.7805179

I didn't know Burger King had started serving pasta.

>> No.7805186

McDonald's<Burger King<Wendy's

>> No.7805187

it's the OP again, are the extra long sandwiches worth a shit? it seems like a really shitty concept where things are more likely to fall out and i have to suffer through more bun per bite of actual food

>> No.7805337

How about stop being autistic when another human tries to inocently connect with another human. You have more problems than "fast food privacy" if you can't handle day-to-day interactions. Do you hate your self that much ?

>> No.7805349

I miss the international chicken sandwiches.

>> No.7805353

arby's>burger king>mcdonalds

>> No.7805356

>tfw didn't get the Angrier Whopper during its limited release

Da feels man.

>> No.7805388

I would love to try Burger King, but there's none even near me in Scotland.

>> No.7805391


>> No.7805413

because the burger king near me hires asshole teenagers or the dumbest community college students.Seriously, all of the emplyees are shitty human beings so I don't trust them with my food.When I'm eating at other BKs yeah thats fine but the local one is just a nightmare of of academic failures acting like their jobs have the same level of difficulty as as an optometric surgeon.(Not that i am an optometric surgeon but that sounds like a tough job, ya know, digging in eyeballs and such)

honestly I don't even know if thats a job

>> No.7805430

Are those chicken fries any good? Onion ring sauce for dipping?

>> No.7805436

So they had wet sourdough burgers? Sounds terrible.

>> No.7805479

>three threads on three boards with the same picture and are all pro BK

fuck off faggot

>> No.7805582

it is the wikipedia pic for a bk meal faggot

>> No.7805647

I live in a 97% white town and blacks work at my BK.

>> No.7805663

The whopper is a good burger to me. I like their fries too. Never understood all the hate either. McDonalds is fucking HORRIBLE though.

>> No.7805670

The only reason I ever go to BK is for the Classic Chicken Sandwich, being an oldfag, and on occasion the Poutine (here in Canada). If they got rid of those things I'd never darken their doors again.

>> No.7805683

my friends I tell the the rodeo burger is top notch

>> No.7805751

>mfw I work at mcdonalds but I go to burger king at lunch

well only occasionally, I can't afford to go there everyday for lunch so i usually just get the free meal per shift mcdonalds gives me.

>> No.7805780

I have been saying this for a long long time on BK threads. It's not total garbage.

The tomatoes are ripe(or ripish,) the lettuce has a crunch, the pickles are dope, and the onions are not overpowering but have a pleasant crunch. Also the delicate balance of mayo and ketchup on the burger helps balance out the acidity.

Their french fries are fried golden but beyond that crunch, there is a silky texture to delight your mouth.

Also, nothing beats a fountain coke from this fucking place.

My traditional jam is a whopper with cheese combo, medium size with a coke no ice. Have not been in awhile.

The best thing about this meal is that it's available at most "restaurants" on the breakfast menu. So if you get that craving, come on in to your local BK...they got you on this one.

>> No.7805987

Tendercrisp is much better than I thought it would be with extra lettuce and extra tomato it's decent.

Whoppers are if I'm in the mood for it with cheese. That's the only thing I order from that place and I don't go often. Go to Pita pit instead. Get something *somewhat* heathy

>> No.7806008

Burger King burgers are so floppy. They lack structural integrity.

>> No.7806024


the limp greasy fries they used to have were awesome hangover remedies. then they tried to compare to mcds and fucked it all up.

>> No.7806033

I went to Bk today, used a coupon to get two whopper juniors, two small fries for $3.99

Can't complain, the drive through girl was a cute white (rare to see a white)teenager with big tits

Burger King always sends us coupons and we never get McDonald's coupons

>> No.7806039

I know this is a pasta but

like why the fuck can't you just drive home and eat it...its fucking retarded...

>> No.7806040
File: 1.82 MB, 1494x1727, 0616161516a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coupons sucked this month

>> No.7806453
File: 20 KB, 251x242, 1464324334670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yelling at pasta

>> No.7806464
File: 860 KB, 500x281, 1460410554991.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They don't let black people touch your food and they also have ice cream.

>> No.7806469

It always seems that way doesn't it.

>> No.7806476

/tv/ had this conspiracy running so long I just stopped browsing there. Seriously, this is nothing new. I don't buy it for a second. Maybe something is going on, but it's probably not exactly what you said, it's probably something else and I'm not gonna make wild assumptions to get to the bottom of it.

It's because there are always new people coming to this site and several boards at once. This isn't the only board that doesn't know a troll when they post. /cgl/ can't get rid of it's resident troll because newbies just keep responding..

>> No.7806479

Why do people like Arby's? It's dry as fuck and you can go to any deli and get a better sandwich.

>> No.7806481

...what other boards?

>> No.7806486

I don't know man. A dollar for FIVE french toast sticks? That's pretty good.

>> No.7806487

I love McD's cheeseburger. It's a classic and doesn't have the flame grilled taste of a BK.

>> No.7806489

If you're eating fast food your literally eating dirt. There's no excuse for eating this junk.

>> No.7806644

wtf is your definition of "recently"? they've bothhad tomatoes for a while now.
Wendys best fastfood btw

>> No.7806766

I have, I spent 10 dollars on a chicken sandwich that tasted and had the consistency of cardboard, I'm never going again

>> No.7806827
File: 5 KB, 187x200, 34b346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burger King has ALWAYS been better than Wendys or McDonalds. Don't believe the memes. When the Burger King in my town closed down, literally everyone at school was super fucking mad about it because all we had left was shitty ass wendys and mcdonalds. this was in like elementary school by the way.

>> No.7806830

Last week?

>> No.7806846

The thing is, Burger King has a decent Whopper. The Whopper is good, but the fries, the other sandwiches, are shit. If I want a good burger, there are A dozen other drive thrus I can hit up and get better fries, burger. But I will look past the imperfection of a McDs burger, because the fries are good. Two or three BKs have closed down near my house, and I haven't been to. BK since I lived literally next to one on a military base, which was >5 years ago. I think I may go get a Whopper now... But fuck that, I would have to go like 6 miles, and there is an in-n-out down the street. See what I mean?

>> No.7806896

The whopper is only good because of artificial smoke flavor

>> No.7806945


>> No.7807014

Yes, its my go-to chain.

Used to be Mc-D but in the last 5 years or so the charm of a 20 minute line with screaming and sticky children, 4 minutes of fullness and the promise of McShits within the hour has lost its charm.

>> No.7807019

I've only had the double croissantwich once and their oreo shake.
It's OK because fat and sugar but it wasn't a wow for me

>> No.7807129

The problem is that burgerking meat slightly resembles what beef tastes and feels like, since i know what a good alll-beef patty should taste like, it grosses me out.
Mcdonalds burgers are kinda post-beef, it doesnt even resemble the texture and taste of eef, its more like its own product, which is just as disgusting, but doesnt feel as weird eating it

>> No.7807155

At least 20 years, probably more. I'm drawing a blank on when and where I might have been to one, or why, or what I ate. I'm sure I've been to burger king at some point, but most of my fast food experience has been McDonalds. I've been there at least twice in the last ten years, so I'd consider myself somewhat familiar with it.

It's a bit horrifying to think that there are people who eat this kind of "food" all the time.

>> No.7807286

>Cooking and food

>> No.7807452

Burger King has probably the worst quality control between restaurants of all the big name fast food players. You got the burger king that appears every once in a blue moon, and isn't run by teenagers and bitter middle aged spics

>> No.7807460

i love how cheap the chicken nuggets are at burger king

>> No.7807489
File: 3.72 MB, 2365x2534, 0614161705a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jack in the box is better. they have great deals and their burgers are better than burger kings sprayed with liquid smoke flavored burgers.

>> No.7807513

bk became shit tier when they discontinued their chicken strips in favor of chicken fries

chicken strips + zesty sauce was my jam

>> No.7807807

I feel like McD's nuggies are better, but BK's are much cheaper and not that far off.

>> No.7808343

BK went to shit after they stopped using their trans fat oils. Their fries used to be so good tasting, now they are crap.

Honestly, without the coupons, it is overpriced. I can literally take the same amount of money (OR LESS) and go to In-N-Out in my town, or Five guys.. or any Hamburger diner.

>> No.7808355

I work at burger king, the red buns come frozen. They weren't that good.

>> No.7808387
File: 146 KB, 1344x1159, wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just got this today

>> No.7808393

It's a nigger place, always infested with filthy niggers. Kind of like Walmart vs Target. Walmart is where all the niggers and rednecks go and Target is where all the white soccer moms go and pay more for the same exact shit you can find in Walmart. Burger King especially in the 90's/2000 marketed a lot to niggers and now I can't go to one without one of these subhuman beasts infesting it. Last time I went was during the "fry war." They used to have a good biscuit for breakfast.

>> No.7808514
File: 293 KB, 660x460, tyroneclassicimage..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's so cool stormfront bro, your mom lets you walk all the way to burger king for lunch.
I know y'all hate niggers. But I've started to envy some things about niggers too.
Their life basically consists of:
>sell drugs
>fuck bitches
>take money whenever you need it
>have a "gang" that is like motherfucking family for you and will be there for you
>fuck different bitches all day erryday
>have babies and dont have to take care of them
>get high on drugs (codeine, crack, weed, etc)
>party and chill all day, erryday

Seriously. I am not going to be a hypocrite like many of the others here on 4chin.
To me that sounds like a pretty awesome lifestyle. Did you choose to be racist or were you forced by your parents? I cook at retirement home and see lots of old people erryday.

>> No.7808527

People on 4chan are racist because it's the cool thing to do. We all know the people behind the screens calling black people niggers and acting like we still have the legal slave trade are pasty white guys who wear jeans that don't fit and have greasy hair.

>> No.7808531

Where did all these niggers get computers and internet access from?

>> No.7808540

Your lack of self-awareness is stupefying. I'm not from Stormfront and where in my statement did I say I hated niggers? You can't fault animals for acting like they do, you just deal with them as little as possible as you can. Enjoy your nigger life routine, but please refrain from calling people "stromfront bro" when you clearly have very racists thoughts about niggers. Just because you like acting like one doesn't mean you aren't racist. Your post doesn't address any of my points and isn't /ck/ nor topic related.

>> No.7808570

I don't care what is "cool" on 4chan otherwise I would have posted some anime shit. I'm not some sissy cum-skinned white boi I'm a spic and I'll call a nigger a nigger to their face because I'm not afraid of them. I don't act like there is still a legal slave trade nor was I indoctrinated to hate niggers. Having lived along them and through my own observations is how I've come to my conclusions. Niggers aren't exclusively black either nowadays unfortunately there are spic, chink &c. niggers.

>> No.7808597
File: 33 KB, 300x300, classic spic food.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh okay stormfront-beanerbro have another I'm not the nigger that stole your lunch at school and fucked your fat mom after the divorce.
And I wouldn't consider myself racist. I don't give a shit about race or ethnicity. I think racism is just an excuse to hide the fact that you're not doing anything with your life, or you just feel inferior, so you need a reason to believe that you're inherently superior for some reason.
People like you just aren't happy with life in general. you need more tacos in your life.

>> No.7808604

Yeah weird how Hitler and Trump never did anything with their lives.

>> No.7808612

>I think racism is just an excuse to hide the fact that you're not doing anything with your life
Described niggers to a t.

>> No.7808678

Again your lack of self-awareness...
I guess that you didn't see that I said that a nigger isn't race specific. You're the one that also attributed all those things to niggers not I. I've never had my bike stolen by a nigger and my mother isn't divorced. Of course you don't consider yourself a racist because you're better than anyone else. I do not have inherently superior feelings to niggers, I simply observe and make my ideas and actions based on that. Why do you feel the need to psychoanalyze me when you don't know anything about me? How do you know I'm not happy? I get plenty of delicious and different tacos. My life is fine so you need to improve your attempts at pseudo-psychological analysis. You've yet to say anything about my original argument. Burger King was always marketed towards niggers, they even changed the name to "BK" because niggers love their initials. I used to go to one that wasn't infested with niggers and the workers were lazy white kids and spics. The food and service was decent then but when the blacks began to get jobs there and frequent it more as customers, the first to leave were the whites and non-nigger spics. How is making that observation racist?

>> No.7808686
File: 125 KB, 559x234, Screen Shot 2016-05-11 at 3.55.49 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's shit because they use a microwave, for starters.

>> No.7808697
File: 14 KB, 933x282, Burger King Query.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to post the picture.

>> No.7808709

Had 3 double stackers today

>> No.7808723

fat fuck

>> No.7808731

>Everyone says nonstop that burger king is the worst fast food chain by a mile

Literally nobody says this. It's either McDonalds, Taco Bell, or Arbys.

>> No.7808823
File: 36 KB, 433x250, BKStackers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

according to the anon above you must be black.

>> No.7808943

Same here, though my Canadian friend who visited (the UK) said that the UK BK is much MUCH better than the NA BK. I think the US is getting the short end of the stick.

Though it's more expensive than McDonalds (£6 / $8.8 for a Whopper), shit tastes fucking good that it's worth it.

>> No.7808948

I had it for the first time in a long while about a week ago, got the chicken sammich and some onion rings. The chicken sandwich was just how I remembered it, pretty good, but the onion rings were complete shit

>> No.7809042
File: 1.96 MB, 1494x1816, HDR2D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new coupons came in. some good deals my fellow negros

>> No.7809045

Ate at BK recently, it was fucking disgusting. The bread was crumbling, the cheese tasted like plastic, the meat had a grainy texture (don't even know how to describe it) and the fries had an aftertaste. I usually order at BK every month at the same place and it tastes good, don't know what happened this month.

>> No.7809067
File: 99 KB, 952x579, screen_shot_2015-07-27_at_12.11.12_pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fine if you're in a place without the regional greats.

There's simply no reason to eat there in Texas, due to the fact that Whataburger exists.

>> No.7809079

>like why the fuck can't you just drive home and eat it
What if your house is 20 minutes away, or if you're on a road-trip and your destination is nowhere near?

>> No.7809264

I really liked those extra long bbq cheeseburgers. Basically two rodeo burgers, but I think rodeo burgers are goat so it wasn't too hard to convince me.

>> No.7809275
File: 68 KB, 800x600, old tenders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the old style tenders they had in the 90s

>> No.7809477

>It's a "I understand the slang term but I will pretend I didn't post"
Kill yourself

>> No.7809485
File: 51 KB, 432x300, 2for10WhopperMeal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had BK recently just because I hadn't in a long time and it was hella decent idk why everyone hating

>> No.7809501

A&W is better, but yes, BK blows away McDonald's and Wendy's

>> No.7809516

And you can go to a resteraunt and get a better burger. Its because its decent fast food. And the cordon blue chicken sandwich is bomb.

>> No.7809571

Mickey ds fries are fucking awful

>> No.7809636

You have no fucking idea what you're talking about. Both real senpai and the "gang" will fuck you over in a minute, even kill you if it strikes them to. Living your life in a shithole and losing every friend you've ever has to drugs or violence fucking sucks.
Oh and by the way, white people do this too. Its called living in the ghetto and not just niggers get by with it.
the difference between white ghetto and black ghetto is there a sort of loyalty in white that blacks don't have at all. And when I say they'll turn on you in ainute.I fucking mean it.

So a pasty delusional faggpt like you old stay in the good neighborhoods. Otherwise your bound to get Fucked up man.

>> No.7809679

Honestly it depends on the location.
Some fast-food joints are always fairly good but places like BK and McDonalds have good locations and shitty ones. You just have to figure out which ones cycle through the lazy ghetto fucks and highschoolers every week and steer clear of it.

>> No.7809682

You sound 12.

>> No.7810539

I feel for you anon. This exact same bullshit happened to guy at McDonalds just a week ago

>> No.7810623


This. 90% of burger kings are dog shit. Fortunately one sorta close to me is one of the exceptions and actually pretty damn solid. I ate at a different one and it was inedible.

>> No.7810954

I went the other day and tried their new hot dogs. They were pretty good. Fries have gotten better than I remember, too.

I also went to McDonald's for the first time in years and got the screamin' shits from it, same as I always have. So there's something to consider.

>> No.7810976

I get a Double Whooper with Cheese, Hot Fresh Onion Rings, and an Ice Cold Pepsi.

>> No.7810983

spinach on a burger is better than lettuce desu

>> No.7810997

why the fuck did culver's make it so far in that?

>> No.7811001
File: 65 KB, 405x600, 55578395rachaelray220200992320am.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but it adds no crunch or texture difference, it gets wilty from the heat of the burger. theres a reason for lettuce being on a burger.

>> No.7811023

What kind of spinach are you eating that it doesn't have any crunch? Who gives a shit about texture anyways, lettuce is basically sheets of crunchy water. The taste is barely there. At least Spinach adds something of value.

>> No.7811039

baby spinach
the kind that they'd normally put on burger

>> No.7811551

because people on 4chan very often have a hard time understanding irony because of social retardation/asperger

why do you think like 95% of 4chan are women hating racist virgins? because they're fucking social rejects that can't connect to other people

>> No.7811578

So is this not a copypasta? I went on this board like 4 months ago and I swear I saw this same thread

>> No.7811583

YES! I would love a burger that has more then ONE STINKIN PICKLE SLIVER on it...BK make it 2 or 3 on a good day. aaaannndd...FYI IF you didn't already know...the "Big Mac" aint so big when you gotta Whopper next to it. ^0^

>> No.7811603

it's the OP here, this isn't a pasta, I'm just mad that I was rused and fell for it

>> No.7811620

they have great burgers and chicken fries, but their fries are shit.

>> No.7811624

August here. Irony is easy to grasp, satire is easier. We just can't tell with 100% accuracy that you're not as retarded as you're pretending to be.

>> No.7811627

i'm pretty sure they serve coke anon

oh wait you're doing the edgy "haha ironic shillposting" thing


do carry on

it's so fresh and engaging

>> No.7811628

Autist always autocorrects to August.

>> No.7811633

Hi August!

>> No.7812327

Man me too :(

>> No.7812486

I've only went to burger king a few times in my life and every time it has been godlike quality wise compared to average fast food or McDonald's

>> No.7812494

>social retardation
Actually it has to do with reading comprehension. Most people posting replies to others are adding in their own tone for what the person wrote when they read it. Not sure why people do this, but they do. Then they misinterpret that as being the person they are replying to's actual tone when there wasn't one written to begin with. This is because not all people write as if they were speaking. Some people just write what they think will get the point across better, thus canceling out any tone they might have given.

I myself try to write as casual as possible, by throwing in terms like "I mean, come on" for example to give off a certain vibe. But it still flies over every anon's head and they rage reply back.

Rarely on /ck/ though. Most people here seem to have a good sense of humor.