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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7803752 No.7803752[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain why Jamie Olive Oil is worth more than the god

>> No.7803765

I dont think Gordon Ramsay has his own food line in Boots.

>> No.7803768

because housewives think oliver is cute.

his whole motivation is that everyone can learn to cook.

while ramsay demands effort and skill from people. Yells at people for their mistakes. And hes an old fart.

Women are all about the looks.

As a chef i like ramsays stuff more.

>> No.7803769

Because Jamie will whore himself out for ad campaigns and branded cookware.

>> No.7803774

I don't understand how anyone can be worth this much when they do no real work. Just goes to show you how illusory the concept of money truly is.

>> No.7803776

Because Jamie will happily whore himself out for ad campaigns and branded cookware.

>> No.7803779


>> No.7803780


Because TV and book deals pay better than cooking.

Ramsay was a hardcore cook first, and only relatively recently started doing the TV thing (and I guarantee you that's where 95% of his income comes from)

Oliver doesn't have Ramsay's cooking chops. But he has been publishing cookbooks and appearing on TV long before the average person heard of Ramsay

>> No.7803788
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Both of them make way more than the only man on Earth who deserves that much money

>> No.7803795

>literally who?

>> No.7803797

He's basically the only American man who is somewhat competent as a cook, so the claps go crazy for him.

>> No.7803800

Ramsey made alot of shitty business decisions and lost a shit load of money over the years (which is basically why he's had to double down on his gigs at fox, even started doing MULTIPLE shows for them)

>> No.7803801

I really havent heard of him. If this is true ,its kinda sad. People over the pond are all about Jamie Oliver, Ramsey and other Meme-Chefs from TV.

>> No.7803802


Not even american but this is just wrong.

>> No.7803803

This, selling cookbooks makes that money. You know who is worth more than the both of them combined? Sandra Lee.

>> No.7803807

>jamie oliver drives a 100k car
>ramsay drives a 1.3 million ferrari'

I think ramsay just is dumb with money he could easily have more than oliver he's just a moron

>> No.7803812

The only people who know of him are on /ck/ pretty much. He use to have a show which combined food, factoids, and food. You can see how he would therefore be a geek magnet.

>> No.7803813

Why even drive yourself? I'd have a chauffeur. It's kind of like those American athletes that insist on carrying a firearm when they could easily afford bodyguards.

>> No.7803814

>*combined science, factoids, and food.

>> No.7803816

You don't make money by spending money.

>> No.7803820

>The only people who know of him are on /ck/ pretty much

How so? In addition to "good eats" as you described, he's been on a bunch of other cooking shows. He was the host for Iron Chef, not to mention a few other shows and countless guest appearances.

>> No.7803830

Kick it up a notch and Butter Y'all are about the only big names which ever came out of food network. Everyone else no one will have heard of here in America. I guess Rachel Ray too.

>> No.7803831

This is true, but why earn money if it doesn't improve your quality of life?

>> No.7803834

>when they do no real work
spoken like a true neet. pretty sure they've both worked extremely hard to get to where they are desu.

>> No.7803844

Beyond the money, there is no status in being driven around and it would be emasculating. This is probably the same reason why someone who could hire bodyguards would carry a gun instead.

>> No.7803847
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>Women are all about the looks.
>implying women find Jamie Oliver attractive

You what m8?

>> No.7803849

Cooking chicken tendies for a living like any mong could is not real work.

>> No.7803850

your mom does

>> No.7803852


>> No.7803859
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>> No.7803861

Women are attracted to very ugly men. When I was a kid one of them was Prince William and he looked like a beaver. I remember in one of Ramsay's shows a woman tried to feel him up.

>> No.7803862

No, she doesn't.
That I know, since she's married to a rancher, I don't think she'd be much interested in pasty, lispy, soft men like him.

>> No.7803865

Hmm I see your point.

>> No.7803868

There's no accounting for taste, obviously.
But as far as Prince William goes, girls (and women) are attracted to Royalty, no matter how they look. It's the "prince" factor that make him attractive.

>> No.7803870

We don't have much of a royalty worshipping culture here especially back in '98.

>> No.7803873

>We don't have much of a royalty worshipping culture here


>> No.7803887

I'm not talking about just British royalty, Being attracted to or in awe of royalty is common with some people everywhere where there IS a royal family. Just like there's people everywhere who are attracted to and fascinated by celebrities, even though heaven knows they're idiots.

>> No.7803894
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+ $200 million from dumbfuck normies

>> No.7803904


>> No.7803999

he's basically bill nye the science guy but with food

>> No.7804028

oliver is more marketable

>> No.7804045

Blue collar scum detected

>> No.7804047

>one spends the money on nice things for himself and is still filthy rich and set for life
>the other hoards the money in a big pile for lack of imagination
Who's the idiot again?

>> No.7804105
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she's worth 20 mil m8 what are you on about

>> No.7804147

Yeah I mean how great is Cutthroat Kitchen: Time Warp Tournament?

lol fuck off, that guy is a shitty Food Network "personality" and that's it.

He became well known because he applied sophomoric "OMG science is so fucking cool!" to cooking. Mediocre twats think he is smart and witty and cool.

>> No.7804151

>oh no, one person with a 9-figure net worth bought a more expensive car than another person with a 9-figure networth


Most people own cars that represent far more than 1% of their wealth.

>> No.7804157

lurk /biz/ you are under 18

>> No.7804165

Gordon isn't the God, he's well below Our Blessed Marco

>> No.7804172

Jamie has his own line of "gourmet" seasonings that you can buy at any respectable supermarket. Ramsay doesn't.

>> No.7804187

Trips of truth. This is how I've always described him.

>> No.7804191

Euros so salty that all they have is Jamie Oliver and Bald Blackman. Even Ramsey is American now.

>> No.7804193

why'd you get so mad

>> No.7804198

Why would anyone listen to 4chan for business advice? Let me guess: you dress up according to /fa/ too, don't you, you pretentious faggot.

>> No.7804205

I would hate to eat anything this gross beast had touched. He looks like someone who would fix your car for cash. Luckily he's just a junk tv entertainer so I won't have to

>> No.7804455

>it would be emasculating
>not being emasculated by being this concerned about the opinions of others

>> No.7804504

You mean Knorr Knorr Knorr?

>> No.7804509
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>> No.7804524

she's also married to the governor of New York, who is a mobster. they can have whatever they want.

>> No.7804617

not married

>> No.7804665

>he fell for the collar meme

>> No.7804676

alton is a gift

>> No.7804687
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>worth of $8.5m

I don't get it.

>> No.7804698

he became popular because of Good Eats, arguably one of the best cooking shows.

>> No.7804701

well what does he have? 4 restaurants a dumb show and some burritos? I don't see a whole lot of ways he is generating cash but I don't like his shit either so maybe I'm biased

>> No.7804714



do you believe that shit ? do you think you can evaluate precisely how much any of his restaurant is worth, when you dont live in the city of this particular restaurant, know nothing about the industry or how much the average place costs in said city ?

its all guestimate made by retards, for retards

>> No.7804728

Women don't find him attractive. I know more women who find Gordon Ramsey attractive. The only reason Jamie Oliver earns more money is because he makes more money-orientated career decisions, money is more of a drive for Jamie Oliver than good cooking.

>> No.7804731
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>a society that rewards its entertainers more than its innovators

we're truly living in the most cancerous of times

>> No.7804740

he has like 4 shows and just sold both of his restaurant chains to his business partner. he's pretty much the face of food network right now.

>> No.7804846

do you honestly believe this is a new thing? are you actually mentally retarded or just a 14 year old edgelord?

>> No.7804941

Women are far more attracted to alpha Gordon than fuckboy Jamie.

>> No.7805016

Because I enjoy driving.

>> No.7805071

>muh unitaskers are literally hitler

reminder that a knife or a cheese grater is also a unitaskers

>> No.7805108


>a knife is also a unitasker

So you really don't understand the meaning of the term?

A knife is the furthest thing from a unitasker.

>b-b-but all it does is cut!

>> No.7806377

wtf why

>> No.7806400

I grate ginger and carrots on my box grater all the time fag

>> No.7806545

Entertainers being paid well over the wage of the average citizen didn't come about until the 20th century. It is relatively new and gets worse with every year, e.g. youtubers/twitchwhores.

>> No.7806609
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>a knife is a unitasker

>> No.7806764

a can opener is a unitasker too.. but sometimes you need one ( no.. open a can with a Chef Knife is not a good idea)

>> No.7806843

Oliver was a 23 year old line cook who had a wealth of knowledge of a man twice his age and was extremely passionate about food when he was 'discovered' then used the new found fame to build an empire. He freely admits that Ramsay is a better chef, but thinks that when it comes down to it Ramsay is jealous at his wealth and success despite not being as good a chef.

At least Ramsay and Oliver are real chefs.

>> No.7806978

>worth a few millions at most

>worth billions