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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 98 KB, 766x878, oa5e3ce_custom-99e6cd5f7122c05a4e2ac14f65f406a85902aa99-s900-c85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7800894 No.7800894[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>walk into American wendys
>contract diabetes

How is this allowed in your country? Fucking amerifats.

>> No.7800914

its t.rex actually
dashes are used to compound words, periods are used to abbreviate them

>> No.7800915


>> No.7800918


>> No.7800919


>mobile poster
>trying to correct other's grammar

>> No.7800926

Why would you get diabetes from an unreasonably large burger? Are non Americans really this stupid?

>> No.7800929

How could someone possible need that and a side of fries?

>> No.7800935

their burgers are great with a bit of 'chup

>> No.7800938

Wendy's died with Dave Thomas. It's just not the same anymore.

They've got skin-on french fries, and the burgers are cooked in a clamshell grill and kept in warmers like McDonald's. They're using red onions instead of white, and the pickles and buns have changed. Biggie size is also no longer a thing.

It sounds better on paper than in practice. The pictures in advertisements are a lot more enticing, as well. Frankly people prefer red onion over white, but it just doesn't meet my expectations as a longtime customer.

>> No.7800939


>non-American cuck thinks he has the right to infringe on the liberty of the individual

Get thrown out of a helicopter, commie scum.

>> No.7800943

At least I don't have to work hard for my paycheck. stupid american capatalist always have to brown nose for raise haha

>> No.7800945


I just threw up in my mouth

>> No.7800952
File: 34 KB, 400x388, 1440625498203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At least I don't have to work hard for my paycheck
>European banter

>> No.7800954
File: 125 KB, 640x496, 1449608978288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least I can own guns to shoot the muslims flocking to my country

>> No.7800960

This was a Canadian wendy's silly Muslim.

>> No.7800964


Don't get angry my, my flyover friends! Maybe Mr. Ira Goldsmith will give you a raise if you keep working more doibles without time and a half! Maybe he might even let you open up a Roth IRA!

>> No.7800970


t. pathetic NEET loser

>> No.7800971

Only Americans can use that word

>> No.7800972


No longer being sold. reddit cucks are responsible for it being removed

>> No.7800982

You'll be a company man soon enough!

I live in a state with sensible labor laws.

>> No.7800985

t-rex is a compound word

tyrannosaurus rex

>> No.7800987

Why do yurocucks constantly try to tell us what to do? I don't tell you to stop sucking dune coon cock, I don't tell you to not get arrested for having a butter knife, let me eat my burgers and shoot my guns in peace

>> No.7800992

You definitely need a drink.

>> No.7801000
File: 306 KB, 427x480, 29583088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

serious answer here

I think it's the conditioning of their nanny state that makes them think everyone should be monitored and regulated just the same way that they are.

They don't understand freedom because they've never been free. They think that the limits of the hamburger should be set by the government, not the economy.

>> No.7801004

They have never experienced the freedom to be driven into six-figure debt for breaking a leg.

>> No.7801010
File: 1.25 MB, 1556x1955, 1458124422499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and there's the hurt feelings that always accompany truth

>> No.7801012

You seem to be the one who's being upset by reality

>> No.7801016

My health insurance pays for my broken leg

>> No.7801020

who is rex?

>> No.7801022

Nor the freedom of waiting for months to see the state sanctioned, overworked, underpaid doctor. There's a reason people travel to America for surgery.

>> No.7801026
File: 762 KB, 650x866, CSBill1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be American
>get sick
>go bankrupt

>> No.7801028
File: 420 KB, 1920x1040, film-napoleon_dynamite-2004-rex-diedrich_bader-us_flag_pants[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7801035

Good thing I have health insurance provided by my place of employment.

>> No.7801036

Any decent insurance would cover all of that except a couple thousand $ deductible.

>> No.7801043


It's called free health care.

>> No.7801044

>be American
>lose job
>get sick
>go bankrupt

>> No.7801049
File: 173 KB, 800x532, 1458680935068[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That creates a huge burden on the citizens, privatized healthcare industry isn't be best solution, but it's a damn sight better than your communist garbage

>> No.7801050


>> No.7801055

It's called taxes

>> No.7801056

>walk into African wendys
>contract malnutrition

How is this allowed in your country? Fucking africunts

>> No.7801060

You don't have pay the entire bill immediately. Try again.

>> No.7801072

Right. That sure helps. You realise the average mortgage is less than that, and lasts over 20 years? Do they let you pay it off over 20 years? Even if they do, hope you can afford to pay both your mortgage *and* your medical debt.

We both know that's not how it happens though.

>> No.7801075



You guys have free healthcare? Welp, off to Europe and leech the fuck out of you guys. Give me free shit.

>> No.7801077


>> No.7801083

>be European
>get cucked/beheaded/my house stolen by Ahmed and company

>> No.7801085


>> No.7801104

no it isn't, tyrannosaurus is a genus and rex is the species. They are two different words

>> No.7801114

>Tyrannosarus Rex
Literally translated to Tyrant Lizard King

>> No.7801122

genus: tyrant lizards
species: king

rex was not the only tyrannosaur

>> No.7801124

>ywn need to live in a barren war-torn wasteland ruled by the great tyrant lizard king
>plot twist ywn be mario

>> No.7801125

how is it allowed? why should it not be allowed?

>> No.7801127

Because we need to protect people from themselves.

>> No.7801132

most americans have health insurance.

>> No.7801136

no we dont.

>> No.7801138

But don't tell me I can't do recreational drugs or have unprotected sex, and then have to face the consequences of my actions! We're only trying to ban sugar and MSG and other corporate evils.

>> No.7801140

Are there tyrannosaurus despots, tyrannosaurus warlords, and tyrannosaurus emperors?

>> No.7801173

It has tons of corn syrup in it

>> No.7801185


We should ban cuckolding too, it would only help you.

>> No.7801187

truly a new low for /ck/

>> No.7801190

yes they are, at least on here. posters here act like drinking one soda will give you diabetes, or consuming anything containing high fructose corn syrup will kill you, just like they think every american is 300 pounds riding around town on one of those scooter things with an ar15 in their lap.

it's probably just hyperbole from most of them.

>> No.7801215


>> No.7801346


no one forced you to enter the wendy's and buy your way into diabeetus, commie faggot

>> No.7801358


if i were a wendy's stock owner, i'd be pissed as hell that wendy's hq put a stop to it. again, no one is being forced to be fat. stupid fucks.

>> No.7801505


>> No.7801599

Why do Americans not like communism. It would literally make everyone more happy, rid you of envy, and make the USA a safe place to live, as nobody would have to steal or sell drugs to become rich.. everyone is equal. I honestly think Ameritards are just jealous of Europeans

>> No.7801604


>> No.7801612


Do you lefties not study history or something? Communism only brings misery wherever it is installed.

>> No.7801618

Let me guess, your fox news and American history books told you that myth.

>> No.7801620

I'm mad late on this but when was this a thing and when did it end? I fucking want want

>> No.7801621


>> No.7801627


>> No.7801639

>nobody notices that it says on the sheet that the guy has health insurance

>> No.7801654

and that the insurance hasn't paid the bill yet.

>> No.7801655

You got gout and heart disease from eating too much meat
Not diabetes

>> No.7801659

I thought that I'd accidentally ventured into /b/ again thanks to that conversation.

>> No.7801664

Yeah. They're trying to be a more premium place now
Their premium burgers are pretty good but a bit overpriced.
Maybe dropping a dollar or two would be good

>> No.7801715
File: 72 KB, 720x720, 1fd8fa70c372be7ed6140f27791e1bcf[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a 2/3 pound thickburger from Hardee's the other day just for the novelty of it, it was pretty tasty. I didn't eat anything else for the rest of the day though

>> No.7801725

this is just memefood, you can't even enjoy it without making a huge mess

>> No.7801890

Didn't they only sell this for a couple months like 2 or 3 years ago?

>> No.7801894

how do you even eat that? the quad was one hell of a thing to jam in my mouth.

>> No.7801897

Anyone who doesn't prefer red onions on their burgers is a fucking pinko commie piece of shit.

>> No.7801936

actually a burger like that is a real fucking choking hazzard and when you account for the amount of spergs that order in the dreve through and park and eat in their cars you realize why this is such a bad idea

>> No.7802154


This thing. This thing right here is one of my all time favorites.

I haven't eaten one in ages though, due to the blue flying shits the last few of them I ate gave me.

>> No.7802252

>walk into American Wendy's
>posts picture of something only sold in Canada
Unless you're talking about North America in general

>> No.7802285

that was only in Canada, you Official Cum Disposal Unit for the Islamic State of Europe.

>> No.7802288

>meat and cheese give you the betus

How is being that retarded allowed in your country?

>> No.7802297

they're british so it's mandatory

>> No.7802301

they had it at the wendys in essex, vermont. though that's about an hour from the canada border.

they don't do poutine at that wendy's if that helps the argument.

>> No.7802305

it would stain the carpet. this thing just looks like a mess - just order three triples if youre that hungry. I guss that kills the novelty factor, but I can barely fit the triple in my mouth.

>> No.7802311
File: 3 KB, 125x84, 1454267652341s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vermont is Canada, anon

>> No.7802319

This was never on the menu where I have lived. However you could order it as a triple triple at the Wendys at my uni as a "secret menu" or "custom order."

>> No.7802323

yea pretty much. just with extreme, nra-approved gun laws (that I enjoy).

>> No.7802614

I mean, paying a bit extra in taxes is a lot better than being over 100000 dollars in debt when you do get sick.

>> No.7802631


Another stinky euro who doesn't understand American healthcare. Just shut up if you have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.7802635

Welcome to the land of the free.

>> No.7802645

Not hard to figure out "fat stupid American flawed insurance program"

>> No.7802649


Nobody without insurance is expected to pay 100,000 dollars. The hospital knows this, they will negotiate the price rather than pay a collections agency to nag you until you die or declare bankruptcy. You might pay 50%, or $30 a month, something like that.

>> No.7802651

>Actual Discounted Charges pending with Insurance = 121,447.12
>Amount paid by Insurer = 120,947.12
>Amount due by Patient = 500

Yeah, total bankruptcy. It almost as if you dont have the first clue.

I just received a medical bill for 12,000 a few months ago. Know what I paid from my pocket?
150 plus my 60 per month premium. But lets not let facts get in the way of your perception.

>> No.7802658

communists don't care about facts if they don't fit their agenda.

>> No.7802661


Not hard to figure out "yuropean socialist healthcare nannystate"

>> No.7802664

>a bit extra
>half your fucking income
>have to wait in line when you break your fucking leg
>get treated by a fucking incompetent moron who doesn't have time to do the job right because he has 30 other people to look at in the next hour

>> No.7802666

Stupid American doesn't realize that communism would bring their country out if debt, and earn the respect of Russian empire.

>> No.7802671

>In communist Russia, deeper debt reduces debt

>> No.7802674

once you pass a certain threshold the debt turns into anti-debt and is actually a surplus.

>> No.7802683


>yuropoor thinks diabetes comes from fat

fuck off you constantly obsessed Muslims I wish you semen guzzlers would fuck off this food board you have no taste and your cuisine is fucking trash

>> No.7802684

haha you fell for it.

>> No.7802689
File: 666 KB, 1600x1195, 1375325711402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's amazing the sheer volume of shit that comes out of the mouth's of Americans. Meanwhile we simply have to post...

>> No.7802708

>never see a bill
>Mericans do, even though they pay on average a maximum of 6k even on a 10 million dollar bill
>Ignore paying 50% of my income in taxes every year even when I have no medical issues vs the 1-10% Mericans pay for insurance and I must win
>God save the Queen, who is living off my money

>> No.7802718

I've never been to Murrica. Is this the standard burger or is this a special? In England our standard burger would only have one patty.

>> No.7802720
File: 826 KB, 320x240, 747.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>minor procedure

>> No.7802727

This is not normal anywhere in the US. Our burgers are pretty much always like yours, one patty. Though, some do have some bigger patties or a few. They're garbage though and I don't think any of them sell well probably aside from the Big Mac.

>> No.7802728

Ambulance rides are $80 per mile in America too if none of the ambulances supplies are used.

>> No.7802733

1/4 to 1/2 lbs of beef is standard on a burger. So no, 9/4 lbs is not normal. Also it was sold almost exclusively in Canada.

>> No.7802746

Children require special training and equipment that not all hospitals are equipped to deal with. Thats why a procedure on a minor is more expensive.

>> No.7802749

Oh. Not the guy you replied to, but I think we both assumed that the procedure was minor, not a procedure performed on a minor, hence his reaction to a minor procedure costing 60k.

>> No.7802769

You shouldnt believe everything you read on the internet

>> No.7802784

you really think "minor procedure" means child? Either >>7802746
Is trolling you are Americans are really this retarded

>> No.7802831

I'm not reading this entire thread, so I have no context for any of this, nor do I care enough to actually care about it. I'm not believing anything, nor am I disbelieving anything. I'm just reiterating that specific post.

>> No.7803062

>it's a youropoor wants the government to tell him what he can and cannot eat episode.

>> No.7803068

You tell him, anon. All decisions need to be determined by our own free will AKA what the advertisers convince us to do.

>> No.7803071

>i'm too stupid to make my own decisions so nobody should be able to

>> No.7803110

eh, works fine here in NZ.
You have the public hospitals for shit that you would rather not pay for, and you have private hospitals for if you either don't want to wait or if you want something important done.
Even the private hospitals are cheap though. It was like, 400 nzd out of pocket to have my appendix removed and two days of stay in time.
I will admit that we have a huge shortage of radiologists though, so non-emergency x-rays and ultrasounds can take a while. This is mainly due to islandniggers clogging up the queues with their fucking imaginary bullshit. I wish the brits had just genocided them all.
I'd imagine free healthcare in the US wouldn't work though, because you have so many fucking niggers that, when they find out they don't have to pay, would end up giving you five month waiting lists for everything with how much they would clog up the system with trivial imaginary bullshit and narco cases.