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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7797424 No.7797424 [Reply] [Original]

Is this actually good or are the hipster clickbait links on facebook playing tricks on me? It disgusts me but I have a hard time isolating the reason why.

>> No.7797472

Adding egg yolk to rice is common in Japan.

>> No.7797473

Fuckin hipsters, lol. I've been eating that shit for years. It's tasty, easy, and nutritious as a breakfast food. If raw egg is too gross to you, then don't eat it. Really that simple.

I'd recommend placing your egg (in shell) in some warm water a minute or two though, as this will lessen some of the possible metallic taste of it.

>> No.7797479

No it isn't you fucking weeb.

>> No.7797488

Beef stock powder
Soy sauce
Sesame oil

About a tablespoon for each ingredient (except the rice)

Shits cash bro. Mix aggressively.

>> No.7797491

Yes it is. Look up "Tamago kake gohan".

>> No.7797492

Oh and don't forget the raw egg yolk!

>> No.7797494

Yes it is, you mongoloid. I'm not that anon either, but I have a non-zero knowledge about Japanese cuisine. The Japs love their eggs. Very common preparation is adding the yolk to one's rice and adding the egg white to the miso soup that accompanies it.

>> No.7797497

i.e. google the fucking OP image. Shitposts like that should get you b&

>> No.7797509

You're describing Westernized nip food.
When you get a passport report back.

>> No.7797523

>muh traditional ways of life
I apologize, I didn't realize you were transfuedal samuraikin from the Heian period, prior to the introduction of laying poultry

Kill yourself, you retard.

>> No.7797532

The egg will coat and cook on the rice if you give it a good stir before eating, the rice has to be pretty hot though and the egg should be at or around room temperature.

>> No.7797542
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I'm White but I have traveled.
How's the weather in Wisconsin at the moment?

>> No.7797547

Let's hear about all those Americanized dishes than incorporate raw egg into Japanese food. I'll wait

>> No.7797568

He said Westernized not Americanized.
HFCS doesn't come into this you fat, diabetic fuck.

>> No.7797587

it's breddy gud. it's just like savory oatmeal though, it's not haute cuisine or anything..

>> No.7797612

The traditional Japanese diet recorded in the 50s is 8% fat by calories, of which 2% are animal fat. Not really something that's going to happen if you crack eggs all over your shit

>> No.7797621

Why put an egg over rice? That's the most stupi....
>It's Japanese!
Oh, what a simple delicious treat!
That's how people sound when talking about nip food

>> No.7797635

and then there's this weeb who watched a few japanese pedophile cartoons.

>> No.7797678

rice isn't hot enough to cook the egg
I mean I like my scrambled eggs more wet than anyone I know (mostly because they cant cook)
but even residual heat in noodles cant really cook an egg.

>> No.7797685

8th century was an exaggeration, but egg is hugely popular in Japan now. Boiled eggs, raw egg, omelets, mayonnaise...

>> No.7797711

Nip food is more complex than most realize. It is elegant, and in a way it appears simplistic, but that's especially true if you ignore the traditional method of serving a Japanese meal, which almost always includes pickles (tsukemono), rice, soup, side dishes, and a main course. A dish may appear to be just vegetables, but the preparation methods of dishes that are uniquely Japanese often conceal their complexity due to the nature of the cuisine's fundamental ingredients. Mostly this makes excellent Japanese food rich and flavorful while still allowing for balance and maintaining subtlety in one's preparations. I disagree with you that it's a meme food, but it is unfortunate how little Japanese cuisine has really come to be appreciated internationally beyond things like sushi and ramen.

I quite like tamago kake, but it's worth noting that it's not as simple as just an egg in rice, and variation is hallmark to the dish. Soy sauce is necessary, but different toppings are important too. One can also vary the egg used, e.g. only using yolk instead of the whole egg, adding dashi (broth), etc. As with any Japanese food, the rice is important, so one must ensure that it is quality rice and is cooked to perfection. I recommend serving tamago kake with a bowl of miso soup and some side of fermented vegetable like kimchi or Japanese tsukemono.

>> No.7797720

It's not that it COOKS it, or you'd have egg fried rice or something like it. Japs don't distinguish in the same way between cooked and raw, and so what is actually meant by this in its original utterance is that the egg will congeal a bit and some of the off-flavors will develop into something nicer. Like natto, a part of the appeal of the dish is the slimy consistency. Playing with the amount of rice, egg, and soy sauce allows for a good balance of sliminess and flavors regardless of your preference.

>> No.7797722

OP, only a hardcore would eat the dish like that. Usually the egg is thoroughly mixed in with the rice.

>> No.7797730

japanese-american here.
none of my family, even the ones that still live in japan have ever put egg yolk in rice like that.

>> No.7797734


Furikake is disgusting.
Source: I bought one can to try.

>> No.7797770

I would imagine its great. Have you ever eaten a waffle with a sunny side up egg on top, or dipped your toast in the yolk? Yolk on carbs is pretty awesome...

>> No.7797772

That isn't that telling of a whole national cuisine but you really know everything they ever had for breaky?

>> No.7797777

OR do you mean that they have put egg, and just not the yolk alone?

>> No.7797778

When I walked the 88 temple pilgrimage I was often served this for breakfast. Seems to be something for hard working japs.

>> No.7797781
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Soy sauce alone takes months or even years to ferment and produce and comes in a variety of styles that American's never see. Along with their traditional pickled vegetables and rice wine, it's very much a processed food culture.

It's just that they developed their processes thousands of years ago while most western processed food was developed in only the last century or less.

>> No.7797806
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>using processed as a buzzword to describe two completely different things

>> No.7797821
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Processed is literally, by definition, what both of those things are. You've just come to associate it with industrialized processed foods and forgotten about all of the processed foods humans have been eating since we got out of the jungle.

Everything pickled, fermented, smoked, and cured is processed food.

>> No.7797828

This is some high-octane shitposting

>> No.7797840

Post frogs, cunt

>> No.7797847

You can call it that, but the negative connotation is so closely tied to the word that in many contexts it would be poor communication if the goal isn't to obfuscate.

>> No.7797853

Western food has a long history of processing meats and veg

Especially smoked and cured meats and pickled veg

Even the Romans used a fermented fish sauce.

>> No.7797855

what do you put in the pot that you boil rice in?

i put in rice and bay leafs and garlic and pepper and ginger

french beans soon

>> No.7797887
File: 452 KB, 1495x2048, 1445656740108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all nip food is same.

>Oh what's in this?
>well, meat, some vegetables, and then MIRIN SOY SAUCE SAKE and DASHI

>> No.7797889
File: 100 KB, 640x640, 1445658949262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8th centruy. what the fuck are you on about mate?

SPecial processes and fermentation is hardly unique to Japanese foodstuffs, you goof

>> No.7797891

It's funny how the moderation and "pedantic" skill in the best cuisines, french and japanese, triggers arrogant laymen so hard.

>> No.7797893

It's not a fucking new dish, and fuck the hipsters, what's funny is that hipsters are already late to the game with EVERYTHING they do.
Anyway, what this guy said. Been eating it for years, it's a great breakfast, and if you don't like raw egg, don't eat it.

>> No.7797894


All food is the same
>Oh, what's this?
>well, meat, some vegetables, and then SAUCE, ALCOHOL and STOCK

This is how you sound

>> No.7797916
File: 204 KB, 640x640, crock-pot-roast-with-vegetables-square.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Everything good and wholesome in western cooking comes from those glorious bastards. All of the most basic, good, delicious methods are FRENCH.

Sauté, bouillion, julienne, souffle, a la mode, au jus, consommé, croquette, flambe, and who could forget the term we all use to describe the main event, the main dish?


>> No.7797922
File: 121 KB, 640x640, 1445657416327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you fucking stupid?

it's all the same in japane food

not a sauce, alcohol, stock

it's soy sauc, sake, and dashi

>> No.7797925

I'm working in Japan and this is one of the single most popular breakfast meals here. Shut the fuck up you piece of shit.

>> No.7797938
File: 26 KB, 291x283, 1400495040460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being stationed in japan barely counts, you enlistee fuck

>> No.7797940

egg on rice has been a cheap staple dish forever

it's literally just an egg mixed in with rice, maybe some soy sauce, that's it

there's nothing hipster about it, OP's pic is the same thing only a curry variation which just means a few spices and green onion mixed in

>> No.7797947

it also helps to break up the yolk in a small bowl with soy sauce (if you want) beforehand

>> No.7797972
File: 311 KB, 1919x1076, soup-wft fg fo ysetruoC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7797997

Please don't do this in America. You will get salmonella. Our eggs are not as clean as theirs are.

>> No.7798002

I live in Japan, everyone I've asked about it knew of the dish and had had it before but no one I have
ever met actually ate it for breakfast. Natto and rice is way way more common

>> No.7798008

I hate people that eat raw shit.
Meat too. Had food poisoning a hundred times eating american shit. May as well go to Texas and get it quicker.

>> No.7798018

>everyone in /ck/ doesn't like eggs and rice

Assuming your eggs are properly cooked, it should be decent

>> No.7798082

why are /ck/ threads about japanese cuisine so fucking abhorrently terrible?
like goddamn every fucking time the posters fall into one of these 3 categories
>the weeb
>the person who hates japan with a passion
>the guy who pretends to live in japan

and raw eggs on rice is a health risk in this day and age.

>> No.7798144

That's because everybody else doesn't care enough to shitpost on a Japanese food thread.

>> No.7798169
File: 81 KB, 800x600, japan-2010-007-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Egg rice is more common in rural parts of japan, least-ways thats' what my folks say. Nothing beats a nice, fresh egg on steaming hot white rice with a bit of soy sauce.

Been eating it since I was a kid, and haven't gotten sick off of it.

t.First Generation American

>> No.7798306

Make it and decide for yourself, OP!

>> No.7798324

I've eaten something to this effect. The rice has to be really hot so when you drop the egg in and mix it, it'll scramble the egg. Add soy sauce, and a drop of sesame seed oil and you're good to go. I don't even really care for rice, but I'll eat that

>> No.7798342

>in the 50's
you mean 5 years after their fucking country burned down?

>> No.7798635
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5 years in Japan. Have had raw egg on rice multiple times (popular at onsen/ryokan for breakfast). More common is adding a soft boiled egg (hanjuku tamago) to beef bowl (gyudon) or even Japanese Curry.

>> No.7798939

Dashi is a stock, and there are many ingredients that can be used in it

Other wise I kind of agree. The cuisine shows its isolation from other cuisines. Quite tasty though.

>> No.7798952

>eggs don't exist in Japanese food
BEFORE retards

>> No.7798990

how hot should the rice be for the egg? I just have a shitty rice cooker but the rice is pretty hot coming out of it.

>> No.7799020

Its ok, but if you're in America don't risk it. Japan has quality eggs, while in America you can probably get salmonella. Provided you're not using pasteurized eggs, but even then it isn't the hot shit people make it out to be.

>> No.7799129

In America you have a 1 in 10,000 chance whereas in other countries you have more like a 1 in 100000 chance

>> No.7799152

Every fucking day here.
Food prices up, food quality poison.

>> No.7799155

>you fucking weeb.

>> No.7799272

Yeah anyone who would be overly concerned about this is a massive fag

>> No.7800703
File: 36 KB, 770x513, 0110BRS-B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do regular western utensil names get changed when we talk about weeb food?

>Pic related it's my yami-shimi-sushi-cutty-chop-nagi

>> No.7800717
File: 81 KB, 883x700, 1466117828367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking up a Japanese recipe online
>find some guy cooking exactly what I was looking for
>he speaks in English but lists the ingredients if Japanese

I have never raged so hard in my life.

>> No.7800718

Plz, weeaboo.

>> No.7800720

>clicking facebook links

I hate you.

>> No.7800722

Nice bait.

>> No.7800725


>> No.7802220

What about the eggwhite?

I wouldn't want to discard the protons.

>> No.7802267
File: 158 KB, 1600x1200, Arroz+a+la+cubana-arroz-cubana-huevo-salchicha-tomate+frito-huevo+frito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean you don't usually eat rice and eggs?

>> No.7802350


>> No.7802388

domo arigato, mister robabto. pokeman nihao digiman.

>> No.7802407

No katchup my friend
Just tomato sauce, but I like some ketchup myself.
Mix it all together, delicious.

>> No.7802633

I kept seeing raw eat in white rice in my japanese animesssss

anyway, I tried it. Imagine the most bland thing ever. That's what it was. I don't know what I was expecting but it is just moist bland white rice.

>> No.7803137

>he didn't season it
Well it sounds like you're just fucking retarded, anon

>> No.7803202

Do you use a egg straight from the fridge or let it sit overnight??

>> No.7803219

eggs don't need to be refrigerated unless there's a risk of salmonella from shit conditions on the farm(factory in the us) they came from

pretty much all factories have shit conditions and are at risk

>> No.7803245

Yeeeaaa US guy here. I want to try this out but thats my only issue unless i can find a good egg supplier. Can i just wash em or shoukd i just bite the bullet?

>> No.7803251
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>putting eggs in the fridge prevents salmonella

>> No.7803256

hey i had an education provided by the united states government

i'm lucky to know up from down