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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7794469 No.7794469 [Reply] [Original]

Well? I see lots of meat on here and that kind of disappoints me, but maybe there are actually quite a lot of vegans on here?

>> No.7794478 [DELETED] 



>> No.7794485 [DELETED] 

she better be 50+ because that busted old lady face is evidence AGAINST veganism

>> No.7794488

I would say the amount of vegans here is roughly 20-30% now. It's come a lot further than I ever thought it would, /fit/ included but you will still get the run of the mill slander.

>> No.7794489
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No fuck off

>> No.7794493

Sorry, we all love meat. And we have lots of excellent, irrefutable and original arguments that completely destroy people like you. Why don't you respect the feelings of plants? Did you know animals have to be killed in order to clear land to grow vegetables? You can't possibly meet your protein requirements. You are going to be B12 deficient as fuck. Farm animals wouldn't even be alive if we didn't eat meat. If everybody stopped eating meat we would have to genocide the lot. You only want to feel superior to everyone else, you hypocrite.

>> No.7794521


To reiterate, just ignore the expected hatred.
Getting into even "civil" conversations is a waste of time, keep in mind where you are.

>> No.7794525

No, you attentionwhores can fuck right off or stay in your containtment thread.

>> No.7794541

sorry your waifu has the face of a slavic grandmother

>> No.7794542

That isn't food. And your post is just going to incite people to be rude. Why would you try to start a thread like this?

I don't even think you're vegan, I think you're just trying to stir shit up.

>> No.7794601

>muh plants have feelings

fuck off, we are talking about living breathing creatures that want to live as much as we do. Why don't we treat cows like our dogs? And believe me I get more protein than needed plus I won't get cancer like your meat tends to give people.

>> No.7794605

I'm new and saw lots of meat threads, I was thinking maybe there were more vegans on this board?

>> No.7794609

I see, guess this place isn't much different from anywhere else on the internet and they still blindly hate vegans

>> No.7794622

>fuck off, we are talking about living breathing creatures that want to live as much as we do
Plants are alive, respire, and clearly exhibit a predilection for survival.

>> No.7794627

At least cows can enjoy some kind of life, plants can't even move. To hell with that, they should thank us vegans for ending their miserable lives if they really are so alive. Can you send sources of examples of plants being alive and shit?

>> No.7794631

What do you mean by treating cows like dogs?

Which animal do you want me to cut up, put in a can and feed to my cow?

>> No.7794635

>plants being alive
wow you are fucking gullible

>> No.7794637
File: 2.76 MB, 560x413, beck_eyeroll.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>surprised that a board about food would have talk about meat

>> No.7794639
File: 969 KB, 1200x843, food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is no excuse. Lurk before posting.

All you had to do was something simple like "Share your favourite vegan dishes" And then post an image of actual food, or at the very least something safe for work.

I'm on your side but I already don't like you and I'm probably going to hide this thread. Your post is bad and needlessly confrontational.

>> No.7794643

Looks tasty af. What is it?

>> No.7794654

I'm sure there is a vegan alternative

>> No.7794662

I asked for sources so fuck off

Oh well shit looks like I fucked up. I guess I am in a deluded reality thinking ignorant meat eaters wouldn't get butthurt. Anyways what are your favorite vegan dishes?

no surprise there, but I didn't see much vegan stuff

>> No.7794665

- Spelt Pilaf with Cashews
- Caribbean Mango Sauce with Kidney Beans
- Cucumber and Coconut Salad


>> No.7794669

My favourite is braised vegan in a thick cream sauce with a side of poached eggs and baked potatoes.

>> No.7794673

why are you such a cunt? this is why so many people are against veganism, because assholes like you make the rest of us look bad and we become afraid of talking about our lifestyles with others because people like you have already set them against us. You're worse than an evangelical atheist.

>> No.7794686

nice. I am going to be living on my own soon and will be tight on cash, do you have good recommendations for meals that don't cost way too much and are very filling? You seem to know your shit

>> No.7794693

Sorry that I don't like it when people murder animals despite having the knowledge of what they are doing. The thing is these fucks already have seen what goes on and still thinks it's justified. Fuck these people, they don't even try. At this rate the animals will continue to suffer for eternity

>> No.7794740

can vegans practice foot fetish? asking because people obviously arent veggies or fruits but at the same time you arent eating just savoring

>> No.7794756

it's not murder lol

>> No.7794761

does op get triggered by pomegranates

>> No.7794815

>Sorry that I don't like it when people murder animals despite having the knowledge of what they are doing.

... Except it's not murder.

We have this poster here: >>7794601

However, here's the thing: Dogs are still subservient to humans. Is PETA a bunch of idiots that shouldn't be setting animals free? Are animals equal to humans, or are all animals inferior to us? Which is it? Should we equate the life of any animal (Like that gorilla) to that of a human?

And yes, I am being serious here. If we're supposed to "respect" animals and treat them nicely, because "they want to live as much as we do" which there is little proof of beyond what humans say. The same humans who can fuck up studies both in favor of, and against, any sort of health-related bullshit.

I repeat: How are we supposed to treat animals? Like we're no better than any of them?

Even then, you say "the animals will continue to suffer for eternity". Sorry, I didn't realize being raised decently in a non-crowded habitat and being fed decent food until being put down by a, y'know, relatively-respectful farm was the same as the shithouses that stockpile 1000 chickens in a room meant for 500.

To live in decent accommodations is something some farm animals that are slaughtered do, and some do not. If they aren't suffering while living, and are treated nicely, does that not mean your argument falls apart?

If you mean that they're being killed, if we developed a harmless way to put them down, would that satisfy you? Or is it because they have a "right to life"? If they do, how far does it extend legally?

>> No.7794825

You are seriously asking for sources stating that plants are alive? How old are you and what is your level of education?

>> No.7794913

Cry more.
In fact, I think I'll smack my dog around tonight just because you said that

>> No.7795347
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Alright, factory farming is pretty disgusting and not everyone has access to wild game

Jesus Christ what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.7795523

What kind of dipping sauce is that?

>> No.7795538

Factory farming for animals that we squeeze substances out of until they're dead is arguably worse.

>> No.7795548

I'm lacto ovo but I ignore all vegan threads because they're full of bullshit and trolling. I don't mind reading about cooking meat etc; I watch the food network too.

>> No.7795552

Stop being normal.

>> No.7795566

To be fair, dairy cows are kept pretty consistently pregnant, so if you drink milk you're directly supporting breeding programs that often result in veal production and at the least more cows that will end up slaughtered. I don't see any direct issue like that with eggs outside of the likely slaughter of the hen upon their... ovopause?

And vegans who refuse honey are just straight-up idiots. Bee colonies themselves commit more bee murder than bee keepers.

>> No.7795567

>I see lots of meat on here and that kind of disappoints me, but maybe there are actually quite a lot of vegans on here?
This is a bait thread. You couldn't have possibly expected anything but hostility starting your thread like a pretentious little shit.

>> No.7795609

Omnivore here. I see no issue with veganism. I eat what I want, they eat what they want. Fight me.

>> No.7795618

When two litres of soy milk stops being the same price as four litres of regular milk, I might consider veganism.

>> No.7795624

Regular milk is just going to eventually get even cheaper with synthesized milks

>> No.7796010
File: 81 KB, 700x348, love_animals1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try to start a dedicated vegan thread instead of going around and saying 'oh, meat is yucky' like a bitchy child.

And just for this fucking retarded thread, I'll be buying some lamb tomorrow. A baby animal will die for your sin you obnoxious faggot.

Plants are alive though. Not animate, but can definitely be alive or dead.

>> No.7796026

You're never buying an entire lamb. You'll only be personally responsible for a fraction of its death.

>> No.7796032

>and that kind of disappoints me
kek, noice one

>> No.7796061

>no replies
Vegans shell-shocked

>> No.7796118

Vegetarian and vegan food threads are usually fine. Almost everyone here enjoys content about food and cooking itself. The problem is that most of these threads are not about food, but thinly-veiled inflammatory bait threads in which the OP attempts to be subtly morally condescending to downright hostile, such as your post was. While this almost guarantees replies, it defeats the purpose if starting the thread was intended to actually discuss food or share recipes. If you did intend to make a legitimate food thread foillow this advice >>7794639 and try again another time.

>> No.7796942

I respectfully disagree

>> No.7797048
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>> No.7797078

Why does it disappoint you? Just start a discussion of vegan meals instead of this shite. I get disappointed when I read about babies being malnourished and dying from vegan diets.

>> No.7797158

God, I hope not. Vegans are even worse than Kanye fans.

>> No.7797168

I think people have to be absolutist about their non-mainstream preferences in order to get the mainstream world to acknowledge them. If you are someone who rarely eats meat (or animal products in general) it's very easy for others to ignore your preference for a vegetarian option, because you do still eat meat, so fuck it, eat some now. If you go all absolutist and just say, "I don't eat meat" then you're more likely to be taken seriously.

It's like homosexuals in the 80's having to claim they were born that way in order to be acknowledged by society. It was clearly bullshit. We don't even know all the factors that determine someone's sexual preference. And plenty of folks lean one way, but play both sides of the fence. But to get mainstream society to accept them they had to line up behind the "we were born this way" fiction.

Reminds me of this kid Brad we went to school with. He came out as a gay in the 9th grade and this was back in the 80s when that shit wasn't nearly as accepted. Anyway, after football practice one day a bunch of us grabbed him fucked the shit out of him to try and straighten him out. I know, I know, but we were just kids, we didn't know any better. It kinda worked. He saw just how painful and unnatural anal sex between men could be and for a long time he lived a normal healthy hetero life. But a few years back they busted him for diddling a couple little boys and gave him 15 years in prison. Just goes to show that you can't save them all, but that doesn't mean you don't try.

>> No.7797217
File: 48 KB, 695x516, 1466265310295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reminds me of this kid Brad we went to school with. He came out as a gay in the 9th grade and this was back in the 80s when that shit wasn't nearly as accepted. Anyway, after football practice one day a bunch of us grabbed him fucked the shit out of him to try and straighten him out.

>> No.7797225

>has to get his b12 from b12 injected animals instead of taking the supplement himself. therefor making him more b12 deficient than a vegan who just takes the supplement.
>too much of a fatso to realize plants have protein

>> No.7797229

yeah the obesity has honestly gotten to the meat eaters heads in my opinion. if we were true omnivores or carnivores then we wouldn't develop heart disease and people would think a live chicken running around looks tasty. but fatkins believers will do anything to make themselves feel better about killing animals in organized
slaughter big it's "the way things are" and meat to be people need to kill their own fucking animals and eat that

>> No.7797233

then why even be vegetarian?

>> No.7797236

broke my fingers last night slapping the shit out of it lol

>> No.7797237

nope. every time I've posted a vegan recipes thread and mentioned nothing else besides the food it's also been fatties with their "bacon tho XD" that start posting and contribute nothing and eventually start insulting vegans for having a fucking thread?? i get being edgy but it isn't even us starting the stupid arguments

>> No.7797274
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>> No.7797675
File: 4 KB, 259x194, bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kindly fuck right off.