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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 733 KB, 4160x3120, isHSNq5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7792960 No.7792960 [Reply] [Original]

why do fruit smoothies on an empty stomach seem to pass through in a matter of seconds and give me diarrhea? :(

>> No.7792993

You're a fat shit not accustomed to fiber and water?

>> No.7792999

Or maybe OP is genetically substandard and can't process citric acids, fruit sugar or any of the other ingredients in a fruit smoothie.

>> No.7793001

Could be fructose malabsorption?

Maybe try eating it with oats?

>> No.7793007

What do you guys think of these ingredients for a smoothie? What would you add/change?

Honeydew melon
Lime juice
Non-flavores yogurt
And a bit of peppermint extract

>> No.7793010


blackberries if you have access to them.

>> No.7793011

I'd change everything.

>> No.7793018

>be burger
>completely assrape your own GIT on a daily basis with fast food trash and synthetic cancer
>eventually whole organism adapts (read: destroys itself) to eating shit and digesting shit
>fruit, vegetables, fiber, water are bleak, distant, discolored and vague memories for you gut
>suddenly fruit smoothie

>> No.7793019
File: 119 KB, 900x900, punched-776x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1-200g watermelon
100 g blackberries
500 g of Strawberries
two kiwis
one orange
Lemon juice
One to two cans of Rockstar punched

Have fun

>> No.7793020

Take a pod of cardamom seeds, crush each seed with a knife and add them to the yogurt. Some star anise too, if you like it. Let it sit overnight in the fridge to gain flavor and then strain the yogurt before blending. I'd also substitute the peppermint extract for squaw mint.

>> No.7793063

that's typically the first symptom of ebola virus infection

>> No.7793094

I dunno, my dog got diarrhea after a few days of our juice cleanse.

>> No.7793166

I never use Ice. I dice fruit and freeze it. That makes the smoothies less watery.

pro tip: if the fruit isn't too juicy, like strawberries for example, you can freeze them on a tray before bagging them, it stops them from sticking together.

>> No.7793168

lmao I looked at this too quickly and thought it was a cervix

>> No.7793173

This made me laugh, i hope you really arent this big of a fucking faggot.

>> No.7793186

It's probably fructose/polyol malabsorption. Fruit basically only contains water, glucose, fructose, sucrose, polyols and fiber. Of those, only fructose and polyols can cause diarrhea, and it is much more difficult to absorb a large quantity of fructose solute in water than absorbing it in semi-solid form and combined with more bulk and other food that slows down passage through the small intestine and gives time for GLUT5 to do its thing

>> No.7793207

Is pic related before or after?

This is important.

>> No.7793231


>put poison into a healthy smoothie

>> No.7793244

>filled with nothing but sugar with close to none fiber content because it was all mechanically degraded

>> No.7793250



>> No.7793257

All I've eaten for the last week is really nasty food. Kfc, BK, mcd, Lasagne

No vegetables all week

When I finally get the courage to take a big constipated shit, I wipe my ass and the poo is black

This isn't normal for me, usually I eat a well balanced diet. I seriously can not wait until tomorrow so I can go outside the house and come home again with a car full of fruit and vegetables.

Thanks for listening, you've b1

>> No.7793258

Black can mean bleeding.

>> No.7793265

Is it the bad food or the gallon and a half of spirits I drink every week?

>> No.7793279

I find it hilarious and ironic that even this vegan shill still believes the "overly rapid sugar absorption" meme. Blood sugar and insulin "spikes" have zero negative effects on the body. The whole concept of GI/GL was invented by a pro-fat meat industry shill as a way to attack carbohydrates (which are a proxy for plant foods). Because on a low-GI diet, unhealthy animal foods always come out on top as the best choices. It's just a badly concealed form of atkins/keto/paleo, so the direct opposite of veganism. Same for Lustig and his retardo anti-fructose crusade, just another pro-fat anti-plant shill

I love how people just spout this garbage as a truism "look! there is blood sugar rise, therefore unhealthy!", with no regard for the lack of evidence for such a connection, or the practical implications of such a notion (i.e. carbs are bad for you, better load up on bacon and eggs). It would also be mean that people who eat a ton of sugar and carbs (like endurance athletes) are automatically less healthy, given that higher calorie consumption leads to larger rises in blood sugar.

High-carb diets have your blood sugar going all over the fucking place and those diets are best for improving fasting blood glucose and insulin sensitivity.

>> No.7793301

Cold 'go'za? Not my cup of 'go 'za if you ask me.

>> No.7793320

Could be your period.

>> No.7793412

............ so did i.

>> No.7793430

What are you putting in it? Raw apples and pears give me horrible stomachaches, apparently that's pretty common but when they're cooked it's okay.

>> No.7793507

yogurt. that stuff tastes horrible and had no health benefits anyways.

>> No.7793529

Yogurt tasting bad is your opinion, but it has health benefits. The bacteria in yogurt can help keep your own digestive bacteria healthy.

>> No.7793539


>> No.7793546

>Not getting poop transplants from people with healthy insides

Get with the times gramps.

>> No.7793686

Can I sell my poop if I have healthy insides?

>> No.7793689 [DELETED] 

You can sell your pooper.

>> No.7793692

You can sell your pooper.

>> No.7793768

Underrated, and more times than not absolutely par for the course