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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 489 KB, 656x369, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7778764 No.7778764 [Reply] [Original]

Post common foods that look so disgusting to you that you never tried them.

Pic related, I understand it should taste alright but it looks so fucking repugnant I want to puke while just looking at it.

>> No.7778781

Once puberty started I became revolted by everything white and creamy, and temporarily stopped eating all milk, yogurt, mayonnaise, sour cream, and soft cheeses

Likely why I'm a manlet desu

>> No.7778792

Most Middle Eastern food.

Colored rice served over a platter of any and all available ingredients. No thnx

>> No.7778802

Do you think its the creaminess, the color, or the shape of the pasta? Possibly a combination of those? Do you like Fettuccine Alfredo?

>> No.7778808


Sounds like repressed homosexuality.

Eat your load a few times and you'll either accept who you are, or be disgusted and start thinking dairy products aren't so bad looking.

>> No.7778813
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Fuck you, if anything I oppress my homosexuality.

>> No.7778843

I'd say combination of color and creaminess. Also, it looks too shiny.

>Do you like Fettuccine Alfredo?
I do like it.

>> No.7778849
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Mexican pastries. I think they call them Pan Dulce.

So many different colors and types, and I'm pretty sure every single fucking one tastes like baked sand.

>> No.7778863
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That looks pretty bad, anon.

Also, this crap.

>> No.7778869
File: 46 KB, 700x525, 1462023808337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've never eaten tuna out of a can or mixed with mayo to make a tuna salad sandwich

the smell fucking repulses me

>> No.7778875
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side note

i've had tuna sushi, it was okay. wasn't great but wasn't foul.
>mfw roommate or mom or sister or coworker opens a can of tuna and goes to town

>> No.7778877

They're always really hard on the outside and pure dry air in the middle.

>> No.7778884

You should try baked mac and cheese, usually has a crumb topping, you can use uncolored cheeses, and it doesn't have the creaminess of stovetop macs.

>> No.7778972

>boarding school
>required sit-down lunch except wednesdays and saturdays when we had games
>weird mehican lunch ladies always made weird shit
>pot pie and mac and cheese are apparently the fucking house specialty that are so good that everyone raves about
>try the mac and cheese on a rare day i went to required lunch
>al dente, had a crunchy topping, creamy, etc. but literally ZERO flavor
>not even a pinch of salt
detention was worth not going to those fuckin lunches man, shit was gross. i'd just make a fluffernutter for dinner and bring it back to my room

>> No.7779085
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Ok, fuck that, they just bake trays of shitty flavorless mac. I am so sorry you had to go through that. Mac made with real cheese and seasoned noodles is fantastic, but I also had to go through shitty cafeteria mac, so I get the aversion.

>> No.7779643

Poutine looks fucking gross.

>> No.7779652

It's great! If you think about it, it's just potatoes and cheese and gravy. Cheese curds might sound gross, but they're really just salty savory milk fat, and there's nothing wrong with that. I urge you to try it if you're ever in Canada/near a place that makes it legit.

>> No.7779668
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Are those pretty patties?

>> No.7779981


>> No.7780098
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tuna salad, chicken salad, any of those salads except for potato just look disgusting to me

except i've tried them, just can't stand them. probably 80% can't get over the look.

>> No.7780565
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Seconding what the other anon said about baking it with a layer of breadcrumb, possibly putting bacon in as well.
Also, different pasta, like penne, makes it much nicer imo. Pic related

>> No.7782041
File: 198 KB, 1600x1200, Gazelle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mashed. Fucking. Potatoes.
I cannot STAND mashed potatoes, especially if you put milk and fucking garlic in it.

Hello trashbro, is drawbro.
Did pic related

>> No.7782306

those are really good

>> No.7782312

I ate it once and that's how I found out I'm anaphylactic allergic to several types of fish. it was a bad time.

>> No.7782328
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The smell fucking revolts me and it seems like I can't avoid it.

>> No.7782486
File: 7 KB, 276x183, sauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking shit. I don't know how people enjoy this. It smells revolting.

>> No.7782510

I love that stuff.

>> No.7782533

If you like sour things it tastes like heaven. I once ate a whole can of it plain.

>> No.7782561


>> No.7782744
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Jesus Christ these literally look like green dicks and smell like armpits and I just see people munching them down.

>> No.7782753
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Tell me a bit about your relationship with your mother.

>> No.7782757

I honestly think you have a problem if you have a problem with eating phallic shaped foods.

>> No.7782758

There are some really good ones and they are best with coffee (dry as fuuu)

>> No.7782766

Sooo, you don't like vinegar?

>> No.7782768

Your not missing out.

>> No.7782773
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Couldn't stand them even as a baby and would cry and refuse to eat whenever they were placed in front of me. and dont give me that "oh, but the honey nut ones are good!!" Crap. They all smell pig disgusting.

>> No.7782774

How about cheeseburger macaroni? I made some today.
Browned some ground beef and added salt, pepper, garlic, sage, oregano, paprika, chili powder and a bit of cayenne.
I made a cheese sauce with valveta shreads and sharp chedder. Mix meat, cheese and noodles together and shove that shit down your mouth hole

>> No.7782855


>> No.7783015

Hate them as well. And I dont get why you always get pickes on burgers?

>> No.7783016

Fuck pickles. Having one on the plate near a sandwich can ruin it just from the liquid.

>> No.7783046
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Never had those not because they look bad, but they are fucking mainstream and i dont get the hype

>> No.7783128
File: 77 KB, 588x497, category-burgers-488px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate mayo but it's because so many people use it wrong. It should be used like butter not heaped on like pic.

>> No.7783464

Raw herring. I know it's the Dutch national dish, but eating raw, oily fish with a sprinkle of onions just isn't attractive at all.

>> No.7783493

But I do heap butter...

>> No.7783508


>> No.7783536

You're a fucking idiot

>> No.7783541

>this thing is good, but only if you use the smallest tiny amount possible, like butter
like vegemite, that's totally bullshit
you do realize that people also drown their burgers in butter, right?

>> No.7783671

desu, I always wanted to try that, never did though

as for what I never eat: Kebap, seeing people eat it makes it seem so disgusting with all the sauces leaking out...

>> No.7783682

>putting butter on fatty meat
what the hell, I've never seen anyone do this

>> No.7783707

How to tell if a macaroni and noodle
>Next we will create a cheese roux/cheese sauce, etc
Its going to be gross
>We will bake it at...
Its going to be good

>> No.7783883

I'll eat regular tomatoes any day of the week but fuck cherry tomatoes. Have not and will never eat.

>> No.7784473

If they're done in the U.S. they're shit, if they're from Mexihoe, pure awesomeness.

>> No.7784589


used to hate it as a kid. my brother loved it and grandmother would dote on him and fix it for him all the time, cooking my hotdogs in the kraut and telling me to just wipe the disgusting shit off.

but lately i've been almost craving some kraut and dogs.

>> No.7784595


oh god... two layers of thick mayo... fucking white people

>> No.7784608

>Having one on the plate near a sandwich can ruin it just from the liquid.
I don't often see the pickle served on the side of a sandwich. And they do it for weirdos like you, regular humans just put it in.
But I imagine having a shitty juicy one that leaks to your burger bread. Fuck the lazy ass who plated it and couldn't wait two fucking seconds for the juice to drip.

>> No.7785012


>> No.7785184

why do niggers dislike mayo?

>> No.7785196


When I was in high school, a black classmate told me the exact opposite was the case. I also got extra mayo as a bus boy for more black couples than any other race.

>> No.7785269


Similar, worked for a sandwich shop with predominantly black clientele and if it wasn't mayo it was xtra mayo on most sandwiches

Also spice was hit and miss, most didn't want a single bit of hot pepper but some wanted it fucking slathered on there it was balls out or nothing at all.

>> No.7785281

Same tbqh
I will never eat this trash

>> No.7785337

Where do you live? I'm an Ohioan inna USA, I've never seen a soul drench their burgers in butter, at most I've seen people toast a bun with a light layer of butter
Overhyped, but pretty good
Pretty good, but only if done right, minor errors make that shit taste awful
Good if done right
Okay at best, but the generic "This is the only dressing I've ever tried" dressing

>> No.7785368

cottage cheese

>> No.7785725

they taste like light crispy oreos

>> No.7785751

it's essential for a good Reuben, but I don't care for it by itself.

>> No.7785804
File: 144 KB, 667x340, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Peanut Butter. The scent of it is nauseating. I like peanuts, but this stuff is just fucking gross to me.

>> No.7785805
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Underrated meme condiment.

>> No.7785810
File: 106 KB, 1000x1000, The Devils Juice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First time blackout drunk was 14 years old drinking fireball.
>Could not eat cinnamon on anything until I was 19.

>> No.7787207

sounds like the opinions of a homosexual

>> No.7787234

>being gay is bad
Summerfag detected.

>> No.7787237

don't you have some cocks to gobble, homo? maybe you'll gobble my cock, faggot.

>> No.7787244

Sugar-paste style peanut butter is generally pretty gross and and tastes like sweet plastic. The "natural" stuff that's just peanuts and salt is actually pretty good.

>> No.7787247

>maybe you'll gobble my cock, faggot

>> No.7787253

wow you're a fucking sleuth aren't you

>> No.7787257

All these whiny bitches who dont eat this or dont eat that. fucking, i hate it when people say that they dont eat seafood, or they dont eat mushrooms. what the hell is up with that?

>> No.7787261 [DELETED] 

Whats that? Some rice noodles?

>> No.7787669

This stuff is godly in soups and stews.

>> No.7788171

How about you eat my poo-poo?

>> No.7788301
File: 12 KB, 400x400, skd188080sdc_XS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized that I have never once drank apple juice. Am I missing anything? I prefer tart apples and it seems every brand caters to the sweet.

>> No.7788340

these barely have a smell.
they do have a weird after taste though.

>> No.7788346

I make my own and will eat a bowl of it as a side dish. I love sauerkraut.

It's sauerkraut, fermented cabbage.

>> No.7788518

Chicken nuggets
Meat lover's pizza
BBQ chicken pizza
Chicken Alfredo pasta
Chicken Caesar salad
Ranch dressing on pizza
Deep dish pizza
Queso dip
KFC Double Down
Anything Taco Bell has done since 2000
Cool ranch Doritos

>> No.7788534

Apple juice is always sweet and needs to be shaken a LOT to avoid a seemingly fermented taste. Pretty good when served ice cold, nothing special otherwise.
I believe you'd be more at-home with cider.

>> No.7788562


>Meat lover's pizza
>BBQ chicken pizza

Why? I agree with everything else, but these two.

>> No.7788576

Excessive grease in the first case, overkill sweetness in the second.

>> No.7788580

hi goooo

>> No.7788602


You know, I was going to battle you to the death (not really) over it, but I can respect that opinion. I would never dump BBQ sauce directly onto the pie, but I would cook the chicken in BBQ sauce first.

A local restaurant actually thinks BBQ Chicken Pineapple Feta pizza is a good idea.

>> No.7788611


As for meatlovers, the complaint I usually hear is too many toppings and not the grease argument.

>> No.7788653

The idea of replacing tomato sauce with sweet BBQ sauce is what I can't fathom.
For me it's too many greasy toppings on a pizza, which is already topped with cheese. I like to be able to eat more than one slice without feeling like I just ate a really shit quality burger.

>> No.7788668

For the record, the slanty-eyed folk are much more enamored with mayo than whites.

Also, I'm white and the only way I'll eat the stuff is if it's spread thin with direct heat applied, much like butter.

>> No.7788680

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Fatty mashed potatoes with cream, garlic, and bacon grease are like heaven.

>> No.7788769

As a Mexican. I can agree somewhat. It takes alot of fucking searching to find a really good Panaderia (bakery). Most places over knead and bake the fuck out of their pastries so they are dry as a 100 yr old sand niggers vagina.

And then for the filled ones, almost NONE of them ever use their own jellies,creams or pumpkin filling so it's all garbage.

Still, I grew up eating these and here in Phoenix, I FINALLY found a good bakery and have that with my coffee once or twice a week.

Would I prefer a good ol fashioned donut though? Fuck yeah.

>> No.7789326

Fucking yes! I always describe them smelling that way and no one knows wtf I'm talking about.

>> No.7789617

How in the literal genuine fuck have you not had apple juice? Are you some nigger from ghana who didn't see snow until he was 20 and got on a rapefugee raft to germany?

>> No.7789695


No, I just never saw the appeal of it when I was really young and after a while, I never wanted it. Fast forward to today, I just never ended up having any.

>> No.7789698

ITT: Children.

>> No.7789745


>> No.7789755

Try apple cider instead. I prefer it over juice.

>> No.7789763


>> No.7789768
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>Most places over knead and bake the fuck out of their pastries so they are dry as a 100 yr old sand niggers vagina

Dude, I'm sure Arabs and other muslims have a much more active and lustful sex life than you everything-nice-is-forbidden Catholics, so please zip it, your rhetoric sucks ass.

The rest of the post was informative, though.

>> No.7789789
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Grape and cherry anything other then the fruit.
I love grapes but HATE grape jelly.

>> No.7789826

Rustled Jimmies.
>Sandnigger detected.

>> No.7790069
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I never understood why literal fungus is considered food.

>> No.7790086

Because it's food. We can digest it, it has nutritional value, food. What's more is that it can taste great.

>> No.7790090

hated it as a kid, love it as an adult

>> No.7790092
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>Arabs and other muslims have a much more active and lustful sex life


>> No.7790093

I hate those fucking things

>> No.7790130

>I don't get the hype

>never had

Honestly I always assumed they were just overpriced trendy bullshitty cookies. Then I tried some, not even like nice but supermarket tier, and they're so fucking good.

The dough is like halfway to being a meringue winch just gives them an incredible texture--chewy at first but delicate on the outside with some crisp, then this melt-in-your-mouth goodness.

I still rarely eat them because the only bakery that I know of that makes good ones in my area sells them for like $2 a piece despite being about two bites. Even still, when I'm craving them once every couple of months I'll go there and buy 2 and a cup of coffee for like $6 and enjoy the hell out of it.

>> No.7790154

>haven't had something because they're too mainstream
Holy shit, I don't think I've ever seen an actual "too mainstream for me" hipster.

>> No.7790157

I've gotta agree. There's a place in Houston called 'Sweet' and I'll blow a 20 on a box and a milk tea. They have so many good flavors...

>> No.7790239

There are two things about them that cause they hype. First off, they're delicious. Maybe not the most amazing dessert you've ever had, but a cut above many other options. On top of that they're difficult to make. You can't make them in a factory and sell them wrapped in plastic. Someone who knows their shit has to make them by hand, one batch at a time. So they have status as a luxury product.

>> No.7790517

I'm like that with red wine. Which sucks, because I used to really like it, but every time I think about it I remember waking up covered in cold vomit.

>> No.7790851

Would put in buttt desuu

>> No.7790857

You're not living m8...

>> No.7790866

Tru. When I go to the Asian bakery place I always get the dried pork and mayo bun. Its a roll cut a filled with mayo then covered in shredded dried pork. Fukin drericious

>> No.7791235


Pickles are lovely but people who drink the brine straight out of the jar are sick and deranged.

>> No.7791244

Lasagna looks and smells disgusting so I haven't tried it. Same with spaghetti. One time I puked in the school cafeteria from smelling it.

>> No.7791250

I don't get people who don't even taste things. okay if it's something like pickles that smell awful, but not even tasting Mac and cheese/chicken nuggets based on appearance sounds like something only children do

>> No.7791291

The vinegar balances the sweetness of the ketchup maybe?

That is if you get ketchup on your burgers.

>> No.7791298

They like mayo. They also go fucking nuts for BBQ sauce.

In the food hall in college the black basketball players would order chicken tenders (usually get around 6 decent sized tenders) and they would fill up 4 cups of BBQ sauce each.

>> No.7791321

What the fuck?

Lasagna smells amazing. Spaghetti doesn't smell special to me, though.

Maybe you just don't like tomato sauce.

>> No.7791346

I'm sick and deranged.

>> No.7791436

you fucking hipster

>> No.7791445

same, the idea of cheese curds repulses me, and I really hate maple syrup

>> No.7791448

it is revolting, my body legit starts preparing to violently puke every time I taste that shit

>> No.7792074
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Maybe you're just a little bitch that doesn't know the value of mayo

>> No.7792081
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thank you white people

>> No.7792088
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Decorative 50's foods are insane

>> No.7792095
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one thing that real confuses me about this is that they keep using the term "real" mayonnaise, which implies that there was some kind of shady fake mayonnaise goin around.

>> No.7792112

Where can I find more of these sorts of pictures?

>> No.7792124

There is a shitty fake mayo going around

It's called miracle whip

>> No.7792128
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Older cookbooks, I've got a couple I can dump though

>> No.7792129

It would be much appreciated...these things fascinate the hell out of me.

>> No.7792130
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>> No.7792136
File: 220 KB, 474x640, what_the_fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crap, this is the last one I have on my phone

Another interesting one is a hellman's mayo and jiffy peanut butter sandwich

>> No.7792144


fussy bitch

>> No.7792153


Sardines taste fine, eggs are fine and so is salami. The only problem is your a fucking fussy little bitch

>> No.7792159
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I actually saved it because I thought it looked great, somebody else came up with the file name

>> No.7792162
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>> No.7792163
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>> No.7792166
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>> No.7792172
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I really want to make this one but my butcher isn't willing to give me the cut I would require for it because out would fuck up too much his prime cuts

>> No.7792174
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I don't want to do this one, because I don't like chicken liver much

But I know people who do like it so I may make it

>> No.7792176

that actually sounds pretty dank

>> No.7792178
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>> No.7792183
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I was thinking maybe some chorizo and slow smoking it with a cider vinegar and oil spritz

>> No.7792185
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>> No.7792199
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>> No.7792202
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>> No.7792208
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I love me some mayo, but this one is a bit excessive

>> No.7792212
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>> No.7792214

Those two are hideous.

>> No.7792215
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>> No.7792220
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>> No.7792224
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This is shrimp not dessert

>> No.7792229
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>> No.7792236
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>> No.7792240
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Kinda a gazpacho inspired thing

>> No.7792243
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>> No.7792248
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God damn dumping on this board sucks

>> No.7792254
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>> No.7792255

What bakery? I'm in Phoenix too and I would like to check that out.

>> No.7792259
File: 21 KB, 290x400, mobile-10815-1389280636-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incase anyone was wondering, the Japanese stole hot dog art from us

>> No.7792269
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This is tuna jello

>> No.7792273
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I think this recipe really requires gros michelle bananas

>> No.7792275
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Last one

Dumping sucks so much here

>> No.7792278

>but people who drink the brine straight out of the jar are sick and deranged
God-tier hangover cure.

>> No.7792283

>okay if it's something like pickles that smell awful
Are you 12?

>> No.7792286

would eat

would give a chance

>> No.7792296

Yomi pls go.

>> No.7792297

>Le authentic Mexico maymay
>Le real authentic goat anus tacos

Is Mexican fecal bacteria really that delicious? Or is the fact that they don't understand basic health risks and pump it so full of sugar and lard that they are outpacing the USA for diabetes?

>> No.7792328

Real mayo is just egg yolk and oil

Fake stuff does have egg in it, but its a much lower portion, so most of the fake mayo is just a bunch of bullshit

>> No.7792339

I live in phoenix. Where do you go?

>> No.7792984

You forgot the vinegar/lemon juice that's used to set it

>> No.7793008

Indian Food made by Indians, no matter how long they've been in the country.

...Yeah, no thanks Pajeet. The food is decent, but I don't trust you to understand the health code..

>> No.7793012


*Indian places remain the only restaurant/ take out places I have ever gotten food born illnesses from.

>> No.7793075
File: 160 KB, 500x464, 1443566358199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could see this being

>> No.7794764


>> No.7794795
File: 2.19 MB, 250x185, 1456804063670.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grilled cheese sandwiches
cream cheese
baked beans
sour cream
any kind of potato or egg salad

>> No.7794816

>Imparts flavor
>Pleasant texture
>Can take flavors quite easily
>Often found in the presence of herbs and food
>Contains nutrients
>Found locally all over the world
>Easy to cook
>Minimal processing

>> No.7794837

I don't hate the look of eggs but

the smell of eggs always, always makes me gag. Dunno why.

>> No.7794932

>He hasn't had a greasy cheeseburger dipped in a side-plate of melted butter in between bites, washed down with cold piss beer
I pity Yuros sometimes

>> No.7795306
File: 151 KB, 329x328, 1464300354380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this, I got blackout drunk on red wine and for a long time the taste was associated with being hunched over the toilet and spewing red liquid everywhere

I can now drink wine to dinner and stuff, but I'm never getting drunk on that shit ever again

>> No.7795322
File: 74 KB, 1024x768, ketchup_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the taste of ketchup. But the smell of it (the vinegar I suppose?) fucking stings my nose, goddamn it's so disgusting. Whenever I eat something with ketchup on it I have this OCD of having to thoroughly wash my hands and make sure there aren't any stains or remains of ketchup anywhere

However, when I overkill on ketchup and the taste of vinegar becomes more prevalent that grosses me out too

>> No.7795333

Spotted the vegan.

>> No.7796267

Fuck ketchup.

>> No.7796278
File: 743 KB, 500x281, Nichijou faggot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pussying out on food

>> No.7796284

Holy shit me too
If I get ketchup on my face I kinda panic
But at the same time I want it for so many things

>> No.7796295

I refuse to believe you have NEVER tasted those things.

>> No.7796313

fucking child

>> No.7796335

relatively reasonable
>cream cheese
>sour cream
>potato/egg salad

understandable/personal preference

full blown autistic
>grilled cheese sandwiches
>baked beans

>> No.7796636

Nope. Just not a fan of trash.

>> No.7797907

>full blown autistic
Nothing austistic about that.

>> No.7797931

fuck he looks so bitter i wouldnt try him either

>> No.7798020

>light and digestible
Do people really consider how digestible their food is before eating it?

>> No.7798023

Not anymore

>> No.7798029

>and then she tied me to the wall and stuck a funnel in my mouth and forcefed me nothing but sauerkraut until I was twenty-six and a half years old

My Latvian grandparents love sauerkraut and there was always a big pot of it at Christmas, cooking away for hours to caramelize it. I was never a fan, but I can appreciate it a bit more now.

>captcha: select all candies
>two candies and a bag of marbles
>don't select marbles
>"select all matching images"
>google forcing me to make the decisions of a particularly unfortunate toddler

>> No.7798513

pickles are good when cold and crisp, if warm or at all floppy (like on a burger) they are ass