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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7788532 No.7788532 [Reply] [Original]


First video in 2 years! Also Masao General.

>> No.7788574
File: 132 KB, 908x678, i wanna fuck that cake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy is my favorite

>> No.7789310

>this lack of replies
holy shit

>> No.7789316

Hes back, and all I can say is. Fuck I think he lives in Canada. Now I have to hunt him down and put him out of his miniseries.

>> No.7789320

oh wow. does he still own the filthy hovel or is he doing it in his home kitchen again. cant watch rn

>> No.7789321

yeah hes from quebec but he lives in ontario now. he used to post on SA. he may still and i just dont remember his name

>> No.7789483

so, that wasn't his "home"

>> No.7789509


ill have to save this video until later

>> No.7789652

When I saw the video up I couldn't contain myself. I've been holding out for two years. I checked his channel almost every other day that entire time for a new video.

The filthy hovel is in Montreal. I suspect this house is also in Montreal or close by because in the last videos he made back in Christmas of 2014 he drove from the house in his pizza vid to the hovel we all know and love.

I really hope this means he's going to put out more content.

>> No.7790060

Ahh Masao your new video didn't disappoint.
I had told my girlfriend all about his videos so made her sit and watch the new one with me, she was calling fake and I can understand why, but it's just the Masao we know and love.

>> No.7790068

>I hope you don't get epilepsy from watching it

>> No.7790120

That was the closest thing to something edible i've seen him make

>Dough is starting to come together
>Add more fucking sambucca
Oh Masao

>> No.7790149

>soap suds start forming in the blender
>his tomato sauce comes out PINK

He never ceases to amaze me

>> No.7790316

oh shit

>> No.7790353

>title video "Making pizza"
>start video with footage of yourself lost in the woods

>over there...you got a field where elderly black people go to, uh, cultivate plantains or something

>> No.7790406

Oh shit, just made a thread but I'll delete mine.

>> No.7790557

>Damn I'm hungry
>Better walk through the woods to get some sambucca
>I don't know why I didn't use my car though
>I'm going to use the floor, literally, and I'm also going to pronounce flour like floor
>I'm so hungry
>I wonder how many chefs also use sambucca because they're too lazy to get water from the sink
The true king of /ck/ is back.

>> No.7790653

>drops ingredients on the floor while making pizza
>pizza falls on floor and he won't eat it
This guy never fails to amaze me.

>> No.7790658

>using sambuca to make pizza dough
where does he even come up with this shit?

>> No.7790660

"ill give it to my mother in law"

there is no way this man is married

>> No.7790845

supposedly he is. some people have theorized that the fucked up hoarder den he has is like a getaway house. still leaves a lot of things unexplained, though.

>> No.7791145

i believe its a house that was left to him by a family member that he had planned to renovate but turned out to be too costly and time consuming.

>> No.7791542

my god masaokis is back


and the Christmas cake for obama might be my favorite pieces of media of all time

>> No.7791549
File: 30 KB, 400x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no fucking way this made my night

>> No.7791557

can someone redpill me on who this Masao folk is?

>> No.7791669
File: 10 KB, 283x178, masao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the man is fascinating. he's a French-Canadian who cooks abominable creations in what looks like a hoarder house. while cooking he goes on scientific, political, and philosophical musings that show his total misunderstanding of how the world works to the point that he seems like something pretending to be a person. he often puts himself in danger from accidentally catching things on fire or cooking with dangerous chemicals like Liquid Wrench. he's written some weird short-fiction about incest and the Obama administration.

there speculation that he may have a job based in foreign law (you can spot law textbooks and foreign currency in a lot of his videos).

there's a guy on youtube named parthenocarpySA who has basically curated an archive of Masao videos that would have otherwise been lost.

this is a decent intro:

>> No.7791715
File: 80 KB, 443x388, 1331524407492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to put a fire out with a salt shaker

>> No.7791784

>his total misunderstanding of how the world works

I disagree. Masaokis is the only one that understands the world.

>> No.7791796

He got a law degree and did a lot of travel, Italy and elsewhere, iirc

>> No.7791854

it should be noted that masao has a penchant for creating his videos on a whim when he is heavily intoxicated

>> No.7792167

He has probably been cleaning his blender with shampoo again

>> No.7792562

I do believe that he is married. I've done a bit of research on him. The best facts to gain are from his very own posts on hfboards.com. He reveals a lot about his life if you take the time to go back through this. There's also a video on the channel ParthenocarpySA, made by a Something Aweful Forum member(a forum Masao used to visit). Apparently the video has since been deleted(or I just can't find it) but the guy had communicated with Masao and revealed some information about Masao's life. Here's what I have pieced together from this infromation, and it may or may not sound believable.

-Masao is in fact married, or at least was married for a good period of time when posting his videos. It's my understanding that the dirty apartment was a place that was left to him that he just didn't bother to maintain. I think when he made his run of videos back in 2008 or so that he was going through a rough patch in his marriage and was more or less in the doghouse. This explains the frequent drinking and general squalor that he appeared to be living in.

-Masao may very well be a lawyer. He talks about going to law school in one of his videos. He also talks about having to commute between the US and Canada for his job. I believe Masao might actually be doing quite well for himself.

-Masao is actually half japanese-half quebecois as mentioned in one of his hfboards posts.

Honestly what's alarming to me is that he made another video. He seems to make these when he is in some type of distress. I believe they are a subtle cry for help.

>> No.7792593

I remember him saying in one of his videos that he got a call from an overseas bank reminding him that he had like 10,000 dollars that he completely forgot about. I think he does well for himself.

>> No.7792598

Please come back, masao. I'll take masao threads over Jack/Joey faggotry any fucking day

>> No.7793002

I also remember him mentioning that he worked in Italy for a communist party once.

>> No.7793287

Yes I don't know if he worked for the party or just socialized with them. He also has spent some time in Japan. Some of his first videos uploaded to Youtube are clips taken from his phone when he was in Italy. I think he was watching fireworks after a soccer match or something.

>> No.7793861

I haven't watched all of the video yet but blended tomato sauces usually end up pink because of all the air whipped into them. I use a food mill for this reason.

>> No.7795010

In light of these revelations about his professional career and well traveled life, i'm beginning to think he must be a troll.


No one sane could hire this human as a lawyer.

>> No.7795270

maybe your logic of thinking is correct, i think he's a troll too. however, i think he's more of a lawyer for international business or governments. i don't think he's a personal attorney/lawyer, if he really is a lawyer.

>> No.7795278

your thinking about it the wrong way, he isn't defending people in court he's pouring over legal documents and dealing with large amounts of legal texts

>> No.7795303

that siunds more like a paralegal

>> No.7796958

Some of the things he says I think are intended to troll or are poorly executed jokes, but I think most of it is very much genuine. When you go back and watch the videos from the 2008-2010 timespan it is evident that he really did live in squalor, at least in that house. He has a couple of videos where he addresses people wanting to know if he's for real or not.

That's the thing about Masao. Trolling or not, he makes these videos to entertain. I'm not kidding when I say this, but whether or not it's by choice, he is an artist.