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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7789958 No.7789958 [Reply] [Original]

salt and pepper, I think, is honestly man's greatest invention. Suttle, versatile and goes well on just about everything.

What is your salt and pepper?

>> No.7789983

lol, seriously?

It is spelled subtle.

>> No.7789987

>Basic seasoning
pepper, MSG, turmeric, salt

After that you just add whatever regional styles you're going for, although that usually includes garlic. But what I listed is the absolute basics for any cuisine being attempted using 21st century knowledge. You should also be careful about your salt intake.

>> No.7789994

I put garlic in just about everything I cook.

I'm pretty sure I stink all the time but everyone I know is just too polite to say anything.

>> No.7790041

salt and pepper are not inventions, they were discoveries

>> No.7790043

Pink salt, black pepper, herbs de provence, garlic, smoked paprika and lemon juice after cooking.

>> No.7790054

This isn't a philosophy board. Don't pretend to be an authority on the biggest questions.

>> No.7790078

Their method of application to food was an invention. The objects themselves were a discovery.

Similarly, when people say fire was "invented", what they're actually referring to is the creation of fire-starting and fire pits, both of which were inventions to. Only the contextually illiterate would not recognize this.

>> No.7790081

It's not even a big question, it's literally simple definition.

An invention is something created.

A discovery is something that already existed and was simply found.

Salt and Pepper already existed, they were discovered.

And it's spelled 'Subtle', you fucking chongo.

>> No.7790097

Then be more precise if you're only talking about human invention.

>> No.7790098
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>> No.7790263

Paprika, dried chilli flakes, onion powder or whatever herbs from my garden.
I rarely use salt unless a recipe calls for it.

>> No.7790284
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tough to argue with you OP, though I think fire is man's greatest invention, though fire is far from suttle

>> No.7790349

>What is your salt and pepper?
my salt is pepper. my pepper however is also pepper.

>> No.7790352

salt and pepper aren't inventions
salt goes with everything because sodium is something humans crave
pepper "goes well" because people usually don't put enough for others to taste it

>> No.7791385


curry and more curry my friend

>> No.7791387


let me tell you, you do

this old woman used to come in the store. it was like a siren going off in your sinuses. she bragged about how she ate garlic every day to keep healthy.

i know why... the germs couldn't stand the stink.

>> No.7791390

Posts like these make me want to hop on a space shubtle and get the hell away from retards like you

>> No.7791398
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dad, what are you doing, you're embarrassing me on /ck/

>> No.7791399

Cayenne. I put it on everything, it's so good.

>> No.7791404


>> No.7791726

>man's greatest invention
God created Salt and Pepper. Man merely found it and put it to use

>> No.7791746

Barbecue sauce
I wash myself with a rag on a stick

>> No.7791750

Go home Chef John

>> No.7791753

Summer's here folks!

>> No.7791763

Op said "man's greatest invention".

>> No.7791767

Don't forget the garlic powder.

>> No.7791782

Why do chicanos always make the most terrible of threads?

>> No.7792729

Good bred guys. I understand the nessecity of salt,but have always wondered why it is pepper that is the ubiquitous other-spice that accompanies salt. Why are things savory seasoned with salt and pepper? I dont care for it much and have really stopped using it except for very specific applications.

why do you include tumeric in this? what does it add that makes you put it in your all purpose spice blend?

>> No.7792869


It's Wa La all over again. /ck/ memes are a diamond dozen

>> No.7792913

What does "suttle" mean? LOL, it's sort of like "subtle" but that word has different spelling so it's something else!

>> No.7792933

It's a doggy dog world out there man

>> No.7792939

Don't be such a pre-madonna

>> No.7792992

I wouldn't even be surprised to see someone unironically make that mistake nowdays

>> No.7792998

God invented it