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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7787488 No.7787488 [Reply] [Original]

Who /dumpsterdiving/ here?

Getting good food for free is so much fun. The best part of it is that you don't hurt anyone. Not the animals who died for the meat, not the starving workers who pick the cocoa beans, NO ONE.

>> No.7787491
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>Doesn't hurt anyone
>Actively breaking laws to steal supermarket property

>> No.7787494

Where do I find such deluxe dumpsters?

>> No.7787499

Real nigga talk here

It ain't store property if it in the dumpster

>> No.7787507

A lot of corporate Jew eyed supermarkets lock their dumpsters and you can get charged for breaking and entering if you get through to the garbage.

>> No.7787508
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The laws allow it here why I live. "Trash" doesn't belong to anyone. Now GTFO.

SEARCH. There's no way but checking every store you can go to.

>> No.7787518


Dumpster diving is pretty much the lowest of the low, and I'd get food stamps before resorting to eating literal trash.

That said, unless a company puts a padlock on their dumpster it's not usually considered theft.

>> No.7787522

wow what gready cunts

>> No.7787535

What are you going to do with so much estragon mustard?

>> No.7787536
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Most of them do. :I I only know 3 free spots.

>> No.7787546



>> No.7787547

Eat them with sausages, when I find them? Mustard is one of the things that never really go bad, so I have lots of time to consume them.

>> No.7787564


I don't ever see myself ever having to make the decision between going on welfare or eating trash. If dumpster diving makes you feel like more of a man, more power to you.

>> No.7787568


if you wouldn't eat the stuff in op pic you're a pussy. sorry anon them's the breaks.

>> No.7787573

I'd be careful with that OP aren't there sources that dictate Supermarket Managers will dump bleach and chemicals on the food to prevent people from eating it?

>> No.7787577

Yeah but you're depriving raccoons of dinner

>> No.7787584


RJ pls go...

>> No.7787590
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That once happened in Sweden and was a big scandal, I don't think that they would do that. If they really don't want anyone to take their trash, they could just lock up their dumpsters.
And also, most of the things I take are packaged in plastic, so I see no problem.

And I think I will make my round again today. Friday seems to be a good day.

>> No.7787598

Nevermind, just realized that today is thursday. :I

I will go tomorrow.

>> No.7787599

not even mad at you
I've thought about becoming a freegan before, but I don't have the balls

>> No.7787600


I understand people eating whatever they can, and know full well the rational behind people who can afford food dumpster diving. I also understand the rationale behind vegans/vegetarians.

I believe in most of the ideas behind it being some sort of protest, though don't think it has any real effect. And I'd go vegan long before I'd eat garbage. Yes, the system is fucked, but aping a rabbit or a raccoon isn't going to change anything, and calling someone a pussy for not following an extreme lifestyle with dubious benefits is tryhard as fuck.

>> No.7787610


g-g-ggarbage. it's in packages you girl.

>> No.7787622

A thought, m8:

If you're not poor, did you ever consider seeing if you can get that food to actual poor people either wherever you live or abroad?

I ask because we have so much food in the western world, and so much of it ends up in a landfill. I'm vegan for a number of reasons, but I recognize that, even if everyone went vegan, the excess production wouldn't go to the poor; it would simply stop because there's no money in feeding the poor. Further, we already have so much food that a ton of it ends up in the trash.

It seems like such an awful situation where we have so much that so much totally fine shit ends up in a landfill, but none of it ever goes to actual people who could use it.

>> No.7787624

Well if you're getting your food from dumpsters, you're making it at least not worse.

>> No.7787632


Someone you've never met threw it into a dumpster full of who knows what.


I accept that, and honestly don't judge. I just don't feel as though the benefits of eating trash outweigh eating trash, and that's my decision to make.

>> No.7787637
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Have you bros ever been caught dumpster diving?

I went for a dive outside my a nearby Subway hoping to score some bread and maybe some of their cakes and cookies. Got caught and banned for life. Fucking sucks. The manager told me he recognises me as 'the guy who always gets his employees to make the food without gloves' (I prefer the taste that way) and told me they had to throw food because I made them breach hygiene standards. fuck him. If that food was thrown because of me it belogns to me.

I wish I had some cheap markets around here.

>> No.7787641

There are websites and facebook groups where you can share your food with local people.

But I'm a robot-neet, so I wouldn't do that.

>> No.7787678
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my mom did this sometimes

we would get like, multiple BOXES full of milano cookies, full loaves of bread, all of this shit that was still good for like a year. we'd have full cupboards of pic related

i ate fucking all of it. dumpster diving with packaged food is totally fair game as far as i'm concerned. you're just wasting food. if you get sick from it, then you can't blame the supermarket, which is really the only downside

as long as you look the food up and don't see any weird recalls, expiration date is good and package isn't opened, it's good to eat.

it's awesome.

>> No.7787707

i've taken free forks to avoid buying them

i've stuffed my pockets with napkins and paper towels

i've stapled the bottoms of my shoes to keep them from coming apart just a bit longer

but this? damn this is poor as hell
maybe i should give it a shot

>> No.7787964

>having this much pride
You ain't cut out for this world.

>> No.7788015


I majored in philosophy, which is just about the most useless liberal arts major out there. Yet I'm still somehow able to pay off student loans, put a roof over my head, and feed myself without resorting to eating literal trash. I've made some bad choices in life, but I'm doing just fine.

>> No.7788727

as if a store manager is going to waste more money by dumping perfectly good bleach on trash

>> No.7788729

cvs (american drugstore) has some great stuff... chips, cookies, vitamins and other otc pills, housewares

>> No.7788970

Do you own a bird, or do you intend to eat the bird feed? If you intend to eat it, how are you going to prepare it? I am genuinely interested.

>> No.7788978

You could save a boatload each month by dumpster diving, and still have more food at the end of the month than you would normally. Just saying.

>> No.7789855

I have two cockatiels and I can also feed wild birds with that.

Never been caught, but I'm a newbie t.b.h.

>> No.7789901

I used to do that but I couldn't resist all those sweets. Now, there's some foodsharing place (same as dumpster diving just that the food is delivered to some public place for people to take it) near me and I started again but I check it some hours after a new delivery and hope all that's left are vegetables, flour, nuts and stuff like that.
Last time there were still some chocolates left, though.

>> No.7789904

>eating literal trash
Do you really think the stuff in OPs pic is trash just because someone trew it away? Except tht some of it has been garbage since production.

>> No.7790599
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>mfw i dont have to pay for food because im dumpster diving it

>> No.7790678
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Cost: None
Lulz: Many

>> No.7790696
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>mfw i dont have to buy food because the government gives me 300$ in foodstamps because im white trash

>> No.7790712

lmao that's what im talking abot i get an almost sexuol thrill out of getting free stuff out of the dumpster and get so turned on by rooting around in the trash like a bum and eating garbage even tho i make like 40k a year at my job lmao :D

>> No.7790772

dumpster divers are disgusting shitbags

>> No.7790870

There is literally NOTHING wrong about dumpster diving. You're saving food, that's a good thing.

>> No.7790891

its all a lie anon, these people buy whatever is marked down at walmart plus a couple good things and then come home and take a picture of it. I have seen people who just take a picture of a couple old pairs of shoes they had lying around or their old laptop and claim they dumpster dived it.
If you look around you are going to see everyone ppsting big "finds", a couple people who legit went into a dumpster and found 2 or 3 edible unopened shit and hundreds of people asking why after months they still didnt get a big find and begging for tips

>> No.7790894

OP here, you're wrong. I posted all my finds in the thread and the OP pic was my biggest yet. Many stores have a day in a week where they sort everything out, and the weekend is a good day too do dive. But usually you can go everyday and find good things. I usually go to 3 stores in one go.

You legitimately made me mad btw.

>> No.7790896

They are probably liable for any retard that hurts himself trying to fish a couple boxes of crackers out of their dumpster

>> No.7790927

kek, your finds look like shit next to what people claim to find, you may aswell be telling the truth if these is the best you got in months of searching or something.
Whenever something good gets expired and employees get told to throw it away they pocket it, they are not allowed to pocket it but they are retail workers and forbiding it itself means corporate doesnt get in trouble.
Those big recalls where you claim you can get months worth of shit are becoming more and more ilegal to throw away because people eat them so instead the stores have to arrange ton send them somewhere directly
so what do you find? you find shit nobody would ever pay for but here is a tip, whenever you see a printer open it and get the ink cartiges, that shit gets refilled and sold as brand new by assholes and they buy it for a couple bucks

>> No.7790939

Whatever you say, fampai. I'm a beginner and only dived like 5 times. Today I will go again and take a picture of the dumpster just for you kekold.

>"shit nobody would ever pay for"
You must be one of those "special people". That's all I can say.

>> No.7790949

If you want to get tons of free shit the biggest hack is to actually work in a big chain supermarket, emoyees get to know about every promotion first and can hide the merchandise away, they get a friend to come buy lots of shit and they only ticket a third of it and if they get access to the thmeat department or cheese and cold cuts they have it done, they jjst stick the price tag of the cheapest shit there to premium cold and pay Penny's the dollar

>> No.7790959

A great philosopher once said that Utopia is something that must forever remain out of reach for man so what's the point of utopia? It's to keep us moving fowards
But really, instead of grabbing a shovel and running to find gold why don't you sit for a minute and think what you are trying to do, if you legitimately enjoy those shitty off brand cookies, slightly off veggies and other shit I have seen you post then dive away but if the only thing that keeps you going there is that off chance of a big find you are wasting your time. Good shit doesn't get thrown away and when it does it's finders keepers but for store employees

>> No.7790964

Only been dumpster diving as a kid for fun, never for food though.

Did find a DS lite and a whole mountain bike that just needed a new tire once.

>> No.7790971

>"shitty off brand cookies"
Top fucking Kek. Found the american.

I'm just enjoying my free food, now GTFO.

>> No.7790975

Meant to quote >>7790959

>> No.7790982

You know, isn't dumpster diving g once, a chain grocery store was closing for a few months for renovation so I went there a few minutes before closing time to check what was left there thinking they where going to dispose of it, I sat in front of the store (park bench) and waited and waited but no garbage was taken out, eventually the garbage truck came and emptied the dumpsters and I knew I was getting back shit. Next day I walked by and there where construction workers breaking shit inside and the place was empty, turns out they where so cheap that they just grabbed everything and took it to the next store. There where 4 or 5 guys waiting outside the store too, I cringe thi king about the fact that produce was marked down as much as 70% because of closing so I could have got great shit for cbeap

>> No.7790998

Maybe someday you will find that half eaten salmon bagel anon, keep chasing your dreams.
Hobbos have been dumpster diving since city's became a thing, they would rather beg because they know it's bullshit, by your logic hobbos would get the best finds

>> No.7791004

>retard detected
Why are you still here?

>> No.7791008

I'm making g fun of you while making sure people reading the thread know you are full of shit
Plus you are a legit beloved which makes it hilarious to me, all you know is that in a big world there simply must be some space to cheat and get away with it, you are one of those people

>> No.7791016

Wow you sure showed me xD

Such a prankster :^)

>> No.7791023

>struggles to upkeep his life
>I-i-i-i'm doing f-f-fi-fine!

>> No.7792057

can you explain dumpster diving? why are people throwing away good/unopened food?

>> No.7792073

If I was that poor I would not be on 4chan making a thread about it.

>> No.7793037

Because it is expired or expires soon, or they just have too many of it and want to empty their warehouse.

I'm a neet but not poor.

BTW I dived yesterday, but there wasn't very much. A cucumber, some tomatoes and some eggs.

>> No.7793096

I wish I could but I'm too scared of getting caught and punished. Food is insanely expensive. There's still cheap stuff to eat, but outside of the cheap stuff the other 80% of what is stocked in the market is so expensive I wonder how people who buy it can afford to not be emaciated. Mainly boxed and prepackaged food is expensive, also meat. I mainly eat eggs, oats, beanz/rice, and fruit/veg because of this. Most stores now want $5 for a box of cereal. That's ridiculous. Good for OP. I don't know why stores and markets waste so much in the first place. I've had friends work at convenience and grocery stores and they tell me they toss a TON of food, and also don't sort/recycle/compost anything ever. It makes me sick to think about how wasteful that is.

>> No.7793225

One man's trash...

>> No.7793349

I used to go to newspaper and magazine recycling bins with friends and dive for victoria's secret and playboys, hustlers, etc. Also would try and snag fishing and gaming magazines. Haven't done it for food yet... I'm in a brand new city so idk the laws behind it, but that might be worth checking out. Granted, food is retardedly cheap here anyways and I'm frugal, but free stuff never hurts. Might have to cruise around a bit and see if anything looks like it's worth diving in.

>> No.7793363
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>tfw all stores in town lock their dumpsters

>> No.7793365
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I only dumpster dove for Pepsi points to try and aquire this jet. Alas, I never sent the ones I got in in time to even receive that shitty leather jacket.

>> No.7793376

They should

People who dumpster dive have no shame or a sense of pride

>> No.7793401

I have not had to buy napkins for years.

>> No.7793407


true story, some guy purchased a bunch of points to try to buy the jet and then unsuccessfully sued when pepsi wouldn't give him one. you saved yourself from disappointment by not getting enough.

>> No.7793479

what are those bags? tampons?

>> No.7793486

oh, my biggest score was at a dollar general in nofuckwhere georgia. went by one night late, found a two boxes of wine and liquor. about 15 bottles total, only one had ever been open. twelve bottles of wine, so the one i left gave me 11. all were french imports, mostly red, with two or three white. then some sort of greek liquor, a bottle of mezcal and one vodka.

awesome stuff.

>> No.7793577

>doesn't know what Manner waffles are
You americans surprise me more and more.


>> No.7793579

>food is insane expensive

M8, food costs are like 15% of your wage nowadays, back up 50 years and it was closer to 50%. And here you are complaining about food prices, shit's hilarious.

>> No.7793584

Where I'm from the only people low enough to go through dumpsters are gypsies.
So yeah, you people are on the same level as them.

>> No.7793600
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>mfw we are told to piss into the dumps

>> No.7793781
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That only adds aroma

>> No.7795095
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Some quick diving got me into this. (+ one more chicken breast slices)

Yeah a nice find. :)

>> No.7795141

Friends and I once dumpster dove for fun, came out with 20 bags of funions, dorritos and lays.

Pretty fucking cool if you ask me, but I'm not sure I care enough now to try it again.

>> No.7795183

Oh I'm missing Tortellini in this picture.

>> No.7795233

My local stores actively destroy anything they throw out with chemicals like bleach. I do not know if this is legal.

>> No.7795263


I highly doubt that that's true.

There's really no reason for a business to waste chemicals just to prevent people from stealing their garbage. If they really cared they'd just use a padlock.

>> No.7795281

Breaking the law doesn't automatically mean you are hurting anyone. There are victimless crimes and dumpster diving is one of them. The supermarket doesn't lose money, rather the opposite. Garbage disposal is expensive.

>> No.7795390

>Have $50 to spend at store
>Find everything I want in dumpster instead
>Give $0 to store
>Everyone does this; store goes out of business
>Over 50 people lose their job

>> No.7795414


Kantian ethics don't work under the assumption that everyone is willing to eat literal garbage.

If a few opossums get into a dumpster without making a mess who gives a shit, as long as they don't try bringing it into my house.

>> No.7795446

I don't think this is a thing in Toronto because we are civilized and don't leave trash in the street

>> No.7795514

Dollar General has a policy of opening the packaging of food being thrown away.

Generally speaking if you find stuff covered in bleach or other chems its because those products were damaged and they tossed them in the dumpster instead of holding them for hazardous pickup.

>> No.7796037
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>> No.7796115

omygod! your so gross anon! and sketchy as fuck! ew!

>> No.7796140

Just went dumpster diving 9 hours ago for the first time and i got milk, broccoli, cheese, a shit ton of yoghurt and pudding. None of the packaging was damaged or dirty. I even ate a yoghurt which had an expiration date from the 24th of May and the yoghurt did not smell bad or taste bad or have mold on it. No stomage aches or diarrhea. It's ridiculous how much stores throw away and in what good condition the packaging of the food is.

>> No.7796163

>can't go dumpster diving because most businesses put locks on them

>> No.7796222

#cringe thread

>> No.7796325

The few times that's happened, the owners have gotten massively ass-excavated by the long cock of the law.
Apparently, pouring poisonous materials over your waste food for the fun of it is considered an attempt at deliberate poisoning, and can (potentially) be charged as domestic terrorist even.

>> No.7796329

>tfw all the bins are locked

>> No.7796336

>recession happens
>price of all the food in the country practically doubles
>recession ends
>economy improving, but still nowhere near as good as it was beforehand
>oy vey, they people are rich, jack up the prices!
I fucking hate these kikes

>> No.7796338

This happened to me once, expect it was all dollar store vermouth.
I feel like it gave me literal PTSD. The taste of vermouth gives me panic attacks now.

>> No.7796349

Imagine the face of anyone who knew you were dumpster-diving.

I mean, shouldn't you be working on your source of income? I'm automatically assuming you're not busting your ass trying to find a better job.

>> No.7796355
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Oy vey good goyims! Keep paying lot's of your shekels for stuff that the jewpermarket will throw anyway.

>> No.7796384

>dat bird food

Hat der Wellensittich von meinem Bruder immer gegessen desu senpai.

>> No.7796635

Congratulations, anon. :)

If they wouldn't throw good food out, people wouldn't dumpster dive. :)

>> No.7796642

Most of them do, yes. But there are always some that are accessible. Check them! :)

>> No.7796692

>People starving
>Not just people in third world countries but people in the first world countries as well
>Throwing perfectly good food away
>Refuse to donate it to shelters
>Have the gall to put locks on your dumpsters so people can't get the food you're wasting.

We deserve to get hit by a meteor and nuked out of existence.

>> No.7796701

Even the Trill?

That shit's birdfood.

>> No.7796712

I reckon the best day to go would be at the end of the month, when all the stuff marked as BBE* JUNE (for example) has to go. Best time to find stuff marked down is right before then because they're trying to sell it before it's out of date.

*Best before end.

>> No.7796743

The reason that is is if someone digs through your trash and gets sick then they can sue you

>> No.7796755

Fucking child

>> No.7796756

so do you do this on foot? do you bike? park? where do you bark or bike? how do you not get stopped by security. obviously you target places that don't have enclosed disposals, but even then, there must be techniques so you don't get your picture put up in a stores no entry list.

>> No.7796762
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>> No.7796765

You're making it hard for others, and what do you mean you like the taste? Of what?
Soapy hands?

>> No.7796768

I do this on my bike. I go at night when there's no security and they wouldn't be allowed to take a picture of me anyway.

Though a police car once saw me near the dumpster, but they ignored me.

>> No.7796781

>15% of your wage
Maybe where you live..

>> No.7796794

This. I bet most places in america do this because where I work, we do have people dumpster diving, but mostly it's birds and other animals.
If you kill nature with chemicals people start getting pissed.

>> No.7796845


Management here. We have to not only lock our dumpsters but tear open all bags and basically destroy our food in whatever was possible to make it completely worthless for anyone to take.

Why do we go to such silly lengths? Because dumpster divers are useless pieces of shit who will completely wreck the rear of your store. Initially, people were taking stuff for what I assume was personal use. They didn't just take stuff, they'd fling garbage all over the ground while they were digging for whatever. We have a dumpster for cardboard next to our general dumpster and sometimes they would toss garbage into the recycling. We'd have to climb in and pick it back out before the recycling company would empty the dumpster. Couldn't let the female employees take out the trash alone because creepy dumpster diving guys would hang around trying to hit on them and refusing to climb out of the dumpster to let us toss trash in.

Then a guy started taking everything he could find out of the dumpster, putting it in the back of his pickup, driving around front and trying to sell it to our customers. So we finally got a lock for the top of the dumpster and drilled the sliding side doors shut. Fucker comes back, takes on the screws on the side doors and breaks the padlock off the top.

So now we don't lock anything, we just take the extra time to completely destroy anything we're throwing away. Fuck you people. Some bitch still comes back there and throws her household trash in our cardboard dumpster. I'm gonna get her, too.

>> No.7796867 [DELETED] 

On the one hand, this is kind of sad

On the other hand, I got a good laugh out of imagining the hapless store manager in a Tom & Jerry routine with the dumpster divers

>> No.7796878

I don't understand why this stuff can't be donated to a soup kitchen and served at a designated time each day.

It would prevent it from being wasted, keep guys out of your bins and feed hungry people who can't afford the food. And the soup kitchen staff could ensure the food is safe. Who loses?

I guess the store's profits might take a hit if people can get a slightly stale version of your food for free elsewhere, but I'm sure pride, convenience and the demand for freshness will keep enough customers for the retailer to stay in business.

>> No.7796882

doesn't matter. it would lower their profit margins a tiny bit for the supreme benefit of mankind. of course theyre never going to do it when there is slight gains for them at the mass expense of others. false scarcity and the like.

>> No.7796907
File: 16 KB, 265x320, you wanna eat brah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read a story about a couple who were arrested for handing out food to homeless people. Actually arrested by police.

Couple of stories I found here. They're from the Daily Mail but I've read this stuff elsewhere too so it's likely true.



>> No.7796908


We lose because regardless of who we give the food to, we're still liable for it. If we give it to the soup kitchen, it's only a matter of time before we get sued. Don't blame us, blame the lawyers who make this shit possible.

If people could go through our trash without wrecking the place or trying to profit from it then I'd gladly look the other way but the kind of people who think they deserve to be able to take our trash are the same kind of people who think it's fine to make a mess while doing so because we're just another evil corporation.

>> No.7796948

Couldn't there be some kind of legal document like a waiver that folks using the soup kitchen could sign before they receive the food? Similar to the thing guys sign before they are used for medical experiments and stuff? If they get ill or whatever, neither the soup kitchen or their supplier is liable.

I'm sure most hungry people would gladly sign that document to get that food, and I'm sure there exists such a document that would exempt anyone from being sued.

I reckon the legal wrangling needed to create such an official document would cost more than the food itself, at least at first. But there could be lawyers willing to volunteer their services. Maybe it would even be a tax write off.

>> No.7796993

That's lies and bullshit and you know it. Homeless people don't have money to sue, and neither do the non-profit soup kitchens. Nobody can afford the "lawyers who make this shit possible."

>> No.7797006

> used to hop the fence of this supermarket with friends to get to the dumpsters.
>been doing this for months, security cameras filming us, not have gotten into trouble because we only went to the dumpsters, plus we always left the place clean and never touched cola and water pallets stored outside.
>Neighbours knew us and never told us anything.
>One day trying to hop back a friend ended a gun on his forehead as e rose up above the fence.
>Silently went back and told us turning livid "there's a guy who's pointing his gun at my head right behind the fence".
>Heard yelling "Police, get the hell out oh here"
>Ended up they were the crime squad (dunno how you call it in english, here they're plainclothes officer) who were called for 5 people robbing the store.
> Ended up laughing when they finally understood what we were doing.
> Were nice with us, were really impressed by the huge quantity of thrown away food they had to put in their van.
> spent 4 hours at the police station, the supermarket boss decided not to file a complaint.
> Got a reminder of the law (don't know if I'm being clear here. French law term which means no trouble unless you get caught for the same thing in the two years, ie private property trepassing).
> Never dumpster dived on a private property again.

>> No.7797007

There are injury lawyers who will take a case on a "no win no fee" basis.

>> No.7797123

>soaking mushrooms in water
What the fuck are you doing.

>> No.7797135

Washing them

>> No.7797151

That's a great way to make your mushrooms rot way faster.

>> No.7797154

i think the correct way to clean mushrooms is with a brush anon

>> No.7797241
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>Some bitch still comes back there and throws her household trash in our cardboard dumpster. I'm gonna get her, too.

>That feel when Anon's life is a cartoon.

>> No.7797314

why would we know about some shitty europoor biscuit crisp treat snack?

>> No.7797337
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Wow you're so retarded~

>> No.7797365

Can they? Garbage belongs to the public, I'd assume that by virtue of putting it in a dumpster it's no longer your responsibility.

>> No.7797390

Cincinnati here. Dumpster diving isn't popular here because the police tend to be very, very assertive if they think you are some entitled hippie helping yourself to entitled hippie things. I mean if you deal heroin... You're okay and they'll leave you alone. But if you try and freeload that's going to be your ass potentially.

>> No.7797425

It's a crime that about 1/3 of food in the 'civilized world' is discarded. But dumpster diving doesn't solve anything. The stuff you can find is shitty consumer feed full of GMOs, sugars, fats, preservatives, antibiotics, and herbicides.

If you want change you have to support your local producers of organic food. Their existence is in your weekly purchase at the farmer's market. Healthy local food is only produced if it is bought. The only alternative is to grow your own, and to cover all your needs you'd require quite a bit of real estate and man hours. Tower farms and hanging gardens can optimize that, but it's still a lot of effort.

The real problem is how the culture of feeding ourselves is lost to an industrial supply chain. If all consumer grocery stores closed tomorrow then people would starve. Even with a year's warning, most people have no idea where their nourishment comes from and no understanding of what goes into it.

To arrive at a system which is economically sound in a big picture sense instead of mere shareholder value, which provides healthy and enjoyable food for urban millions, which is traded fairly and transported reasonably, and which allows for passion about food instead of advertising induced hype we would have to change a lot about ourselves and the way we expect food to be like.

We would have to choose nutrients and flavor over optics and convenience. This is hard in a 50 hour work week.

Some projects promise hope, but they're few and far between. High school students turning abandoned properties into organic subsistence farms in Chicago is great! But as long as it's back to Walmart groceries as soon as dad gets a job again it remains just a project to make Ted Talks about. To make it matter they'd have to push Walmart out of business. Opening their trash cans for their shitty products won't do that.

>> No.7797437

I'd go to the local farmers market but the prices are insanely high

I am not a rich man

>> No.7797460

I agree. And most vendors there aren't really farmers but just resellers of industrial wholesale produce. You really have to ask them what they're selling.

But my favorite market stand has a damaged-bin and everything in there is half price. That's always my first look, and usually I cover my weekly needs by half with what I find there. I rarely pay more than $10 total.

The expensive stuff is the meat. A rack of ribs costs $3 at the store, and $15 at the farmer's market. There's no comparing the two. The store ribs are horribly seasoned antibiotics meat. The market ribs are heavenly and yield a perfect stock from their bones. But they ARE five times as expensive. Turns out though: meat once a week is plenty. I also get a $5 5 inch salami which lasts me all week with some cheese and home made sourdough rye.

You can feed yourself with local organic for $5 a day no problem. You just have to limit your meats and instead put a little bacon in your sauce, center dishes around mushrooms or tofu, and not stuff $5 of chips and coke down your throat every night.

>> No.7797465

>I'm an economic illiterate.

>> No.7797467

This unfortunately. I understand it from both sides.

You obviously have never dealt with PI lawyers or the ambulance chasers. They're called frivolous lawsuits for a reason. Businesses, especially large ones will pay off the attorney and client so that there isn't a big stink made about it and affect their reputation. It's shit, but that's how some shit/sleazy attorneys operate.

Poor/broke bitches fuck over big corporations all the time because they're professional victims. Personal responsibility/accountability is a thing of the past for 90% of America. Disgusting.

>> No.7797469
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I notice that all the dumpster food in this thread is literally trash-tier food even when it was fresh from the factory.

I wouldn't even take that shit for free even if it wasn't in the dumpster.

There's a reason it was in the trash.

>> No.7797485

You have to deal with your anger issues before you can take part in any discussion content.

>> No.7797513

And what religion are many lawyers?

>> No.7797531

The church of Troll?

>> No.7797545

>Instead get stuck on racism, sexism, nationalism, or class warfare.
>As long as you're polarized and afraid you're doing it right.

>> No.7797549

Schlomo pls

>> No.7797563

Wrong spiel, try atheism.

>> No.7797573

Haha I see where you're going, and yea there are a lot of Jewish lawyers. My parents are actually both attorneys. They're upper echelon attorney's though who do mainly contract law/corporate litigation. They hate these scumbag attorneys. The old saying is "Everyone hates attorneys until they need one." It's very true. Unfortunately law is a breeding ground for lack of ethics and underhanded sleaze. It's the nature of the beast. There are plenty of great lawyers out there who are good people and legitimately want to help. There are also shit lawyers who will fuck you over for a shekel and a bowl of matzo bowl soup.

Jewish attorney's are usually wildly obnoxious and annoying to deal with though. Them and Northeast attorneys. Combine those 2 and you have a mega-douchebag pain in the ass who think they're hot shit because they're from the big city. My dad used to go to his old southern accent when dealing with those types so they would underestimate him and think him some simple southern attorney, then eviscerate them in court.

This will be full blown /pol/ in about 5 more replies haha.

>> No.7797606

Law is being subverted. It is supposed to provide justice because the alternative would be violence. But it's being bought and sold in the interest of those wealthy enough to support politicians, law enforcement, and legal professionals.

The one question when you feel wronged somehow is whether the case would be of interest to a lawyer. That is usually not the case unless sums upward of several tens of thousands are at issue. So the legal system is basically not available to the working population. And suing an economic entity disproportionally larger than yourself bears a great risk. Usually they can just drag it out until your money has run out and your lawyers quit.

All you can do is call the cops when things have escalated to violence, or at least threats of it. Criminal law is turned into private law, any move comes with fees, and if you don't know your place then you're not even worth listening to.

No single lawyer is responsible for this. Ask politicians, then their donors, then the media, even the overworked judge in traffic court. No one is responsible. Society just magically tends towards selfishness and greed.

So don't you open those locked dumpsters at night! You are badly damaging our values. To eat people food you have to do people work, And Vaseline is extra.

Making this about religion is just a way to distract you.

>> No.7797651

The Jewish thing was a joke dude, as much as I love good Jewish conspiracy theories, I'm not on board like most of /pol/ is. I agree with some of your post, and obviously money and status helps. I do agree that the notion of Justice is being perverted and seems to be harder and harder to find. Judges play a huge part in it as I've found out over the years. They're supposed to be unbiased and impartial, but any attorney (good or bad) will laugh at the idea of a truly impartial judge. I understand you can't take the human element out completely, but judges hold grudges, have vendettas, bias, etc. that goes way beyond what it should. That won't change, so it's just something you deal with.

Public defenders exist for a reason though. You're not going to get top notch defense, hat's just how life is, but you are able to represented in court. I know more of civil law as opposed to criminal law. I've only been involved in one case of criminal law as an affected party of a pretty high profile murder case, and my attorney was nothing but a huge help and a stud (but he was top notch). Other than that, criminal law is a different animal than civil entirely. I do agree with there being risk for someone of lower income to take on a big corporation, but life is about risks and determining whether or not they're worth taking. Law is very situational though and everyone's is different so it's hard to use such blanket statements/arguments imo, although they are hard to avoid.

I don't have any great answers, but your post strikes me as a tad angsty, first or second year in college-ish blaming the man and overall greed. I get where you're coming from though. No system is perfect where humans are involved, it's just how it is.

No idea if any of that made sense as I'm distracted and about to go apeshit on the people living above me and go apeshit since they can't seem to quit dropping 50 pound weights or re-enacting WWE in there, jesus christ they're loud

>> No.7797653

He's probably gonna be cooking them all straight away, you moron.

>> No.7797703

t. a dindu nuffin