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File: 26 KB, 425x268, cold brew coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7785637 No.7785637 [Reply] [Original]

>have acid reflux
>discover cold brew coffee
>like becomes significantly better

Where my cold brew bros @?

>> No.7785646

I drink it daily, by the pitcher. Currently sippin' down a Columbian medium roast that brewed 14 hours.

>> No.7786358

Is this the next coffee fad?

>> No.7786372
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It depends on your location in cultural spacetime. Some of us have already gone through several waves of retro appreciation and then retro-retro appreciation for cold brew.

>> No.7786385

>medium roast
>cold brew

I bet u can't even taste the subtle flavors and notes of your columbian beans

>> No.7786403

What methods do you guys use?

I happen to have an iSi so I use that since i save alot of time.

>> No.7786580

Meh, tried it a few times, and its not bad, but I dont really like cold coffee.

And heating it up is way more work, than to just pour half a liter of boiling water from my kettle to my french press.

Maybe I'll try it again, if I feel like it, but I certainly wont get me any overpriced special equipment for it.

>> No.7786599


>> No.7786873

all coffee has a pH of 5

Sorry to ruin your placebo

>> No.7786889

coffee changes depending on how you brew it and what you brew
certain roasts are less acidic than others
you get different compounds depending on what temperature and for how long you brew it

>> No.7786931
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>> No.7788335

maybe if ur a flyover :^)

>> No.7788357

definitely a range of acidity based on the type and roast. not to mention perceived acidity. if you were to underextract coffee it would taste and feel more acidic due to the majority of the more base and bitter flavors not being extracted. i used to get a bit of reflux from my pour overs until i realized i was brewing with way too low of a temp.

>> No.7788383

Just learned about this from your post, guess I'll try it. I'm not reflux or anything but I'll try it anyways.
Have you thought about figuring out why you're refluxy? Perhaps you stomach flap isn't closing all the way? There's surgery for that. Or are you producing too much acid or too little mucus?

>> No.7788734

im not op, but i had really bad reflux for a while to where i would wake up to nauseous to do anything unless i took a small hit of weed to start the day. i just changed my diet to include very minimal amounts of spicy and fried food and it pretty much went away entirely, but everyone is different

>> No.7788740

i ran out of good beans and brought out the 2 year old "starbucks blend" that I found when I rented the apartment.

Giving it 24 hours, god help me

>> No.7788745

Cold brew is the current coffee fad, I'd say. That or nitro coffee.

>> No.7788747

Mix an immodium in with it.

>> No.7788783

planning to, this is gonna be a fun ride

>> No.7788828

this is the only way I make coffee at home. add grounds to french press, add water and let it sit overnight. it's so simple and always comes out really smooth. its nice because I always have coffee available immediately in the morning

>> No.7788848

100g coarsely ground to 666ml of water, let sit for 24hr, filter through a regular paper filter.


>> No.7788974

yeah its not like you can breww the coffee and night and put it in the fridge or anything..

kek you dumbasses

>> No.7789036

While acid in coffee changes with roast/variety, the resulting pH of the brew does not, unless your water has a very low KH.

Perceived acidity will not give you acid reflux if the pH is not lower as well.
>i used to get a bit of reflux from my pour overs until i realized i was brewing with way too low of a temp.
You extracted probably LESS acidic compounds from this brew. And yet blame it for acid reflux. This should make it clear that it is placebo.
It boils down to something like this:

Higher pH of brewing water will draw more acid from the dry coffee.
Higher GH of water will draw more of all polar compounds from dry coffee.
Higher KH will neutralize more of the acidic compounds.

The folks who wrote the book on water for coffee found that every brew they made (with the exception of brews with water with abnormally low KH) came out to a pH of 5.

Thems the breaks. The cause is from something other than "acidity". I believe the reigning theory is that byproducts from roasting cause the gut to over-produce acid. The acid itself in the coffee is pretty well meaningless as far as that goes.

>> No.7789047

5 isnt that bad considering your stomach acid is around 1 or 2.

just eat a few rolaids after your coffee, it will neutralize it to some extent.

>> No.7789192

where my Mr. Browns bros. at? Canned coffee ftw

>> No.7789202

Fuck you