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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 85 KB, 610x458, NOT FUCKING CHILLI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7785205 No.7785205 [Reply] [Original]

case fucking closed, shitters
texas, the home of chilli has spoken

>> No.7785216

summary: beans are sacrelige

>> No.7785220

>a literal nobody goes to a chili restaurant where people are autistic about muh authenticity
>in austin, where you can get 200 different variations of chili and innovation is more important than being anal about bare bones, but that's also cool because hipsters

Nothing to see here.

>> No.7785252

Beans are tasty, healthy, help fill you up, add fibre, who gives a fuck about authenticity? Shit's good.

If you're all so autistic that you can't enjoy food that tastes good because muh authenticity, well, that's on you, and I pity you.

>> No.7785266

Texan here.

Call it what it is, then. Add beans and that's just goddamn stew. Fucking Yankee scum.

>> No.7785271

Nah. It's chili. Chili con carne. It has chilis, it has meat. It's chili.

Deal with it, faggot.

>> No.7785272

I'm glad I'm not as autistic as you are, must really suck

>> No.7785282

Chili con carne, not Chile con carne y frijoles.

>> No.7785288

Can we just get shitpost about the best chile pepper to use in chili? We can get buttmad at each other for using inferior chile peppers.

>> No.7785294

Nope, just says chili con carne. Doesn't specifically say there's no beans. The requirements are right there in the name: chilis and meat. It has both. It's chili.

You can get as mad as you want, but it doesn't make it any less true.

>> No.7785315

>implying Eater is worth two shits in a squirrel's mouth

I don't give a shit if you're putting beans in your chili at home, but if you're in a chili competition, or feeding a crowd, you'd better fucking NOT put beans in there. THAT is the sacrilege, when you assume that everyone likes beans in chili. I've been cooking chili for over twenty years, both at home, for crowds, and for competitions. At home, I'll throw a couple cans of Ranch Style beans in my everyday chili to stretch it. But I would NEVER FUCKING EVER serve beans in chili to a restaurant crowd or even at a fucking picnic. People expect meat in chili, they don't always want or expect beans. And at chili competitions, they'll run you right the fuck out.

>> No.7785320

I always use beans, they taste awesome in chili.

>> No.7785328

Then what the hell is chili sin carne? Tomato soup?

>> No.7785340

Beans and corn always go in my chili

I don't give a rats ass what some snob in texas says, my chili is delicious

>> No.7785343
File: 68 KB, 500x293, 1457123153340.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


calm down bro jesus christ

>> No.7785344

chili autism is one of the worst autisms on /ck/

>> No.7785346


Aight nigga now you gone done it

>> No.7785347

I want to go to a chili competition, puree some beans into a fine paste, mix it into my chili, and then when I win, laugh at everyone for saying that beans in chili was the best.

>> No.7785348

I'll still take it over roaming packs of /tv/ and /pol/ shitposters running their shit 'emes into the 'ound.

>> No.7785351

>/pol/ shitposters
>fapping in /gif/ the other day
>working it with one hand while scrolling with the other
>someone posted one of those "DA JEWZ" webms in
I'd rather have /s4s/ or /b/ leak into other boards than /pol/. It's literally cancer.

>> No.7785360


are you 12

go back to wherever the fuck you came from

>> No.7785361

Shit, I better listen to you, then. I'd hate to break the laws of the chili community and wind up before the great chili conclave awaiting judgment.

I will no longer put beans in my chili from now on. Thank you, great chili sheriff.

>> No.7785365

>go back to wherever the fuck you came from
I'm from here but since you really hate my post there's only one place for you: >>>/pol/

>> No.7785369

>add beans and that makes it stew
God you are retarded

>> No.7785384

They would know. Do you really think the judges can't tell when there's bean puree in it? Good way to get an ass stomping.

>> No.7785389

This boy's about as sharp as a bag of wet mice.

>> No.7785394

Mice have very sharp teeth.

>> No.7785407
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>> No.7785415

What kind of schmuckatelli puts beans in a 'go 'za?

>> No.7785416

I like mice, they're very cute <3

>> No.7785427

>serves with fritos
fucking disgusting

>> No.7785441

it's stew regardless ya dip.

>> No.7785451

What is the difference between this and a sloppy joe without bread.

>> No.7785460

yeah this. when authentic just means less good and less nutrition what the fuck is the point

>> No.7785469

>he's never had a frito pie
wew lad

>> No.7785493
File: 8 KB, 211x193, 1252612491639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beans in chili
>corn in chili
>carrots in chili
>coffee in chili
>beer in chili
>chicken stock in chili
>tomato sauce in chili


>> No.7785499

I never been my chili. Beans really bland the flavor and the meat and spices. Why even bother seasoning it when you ad beans? I mean, if you wanted beans just eat the beans. I want chili. And maybe my wife wants chili cheese fries and my daughter wants nachos. Some chili was never meant to be beaned.

>> No.7785535

>chili was never meant to be beaned.

chili was meant as a cheap as fuck stew for hungry cowboys, the base was always the same but they'd stretch it with things for a meal. that's where the fuck people got the idea to put beans in it in the first place you fucking fuckerface.

>> No.7785551

>I decide what's more important about chili
>even though I'm in no way connected to the origins of the food nor am I a big enough chef from the region to have any real importance

>> No.7785554

That doesn't mean that chili has beans
That doesn't mean that when they mixed chili and beans together it wasn't just some other variant of bean stew

the grilled cheese is a very cheap and fun food to make, but you can't put ham and mustard on a grilled cheese and still call it a grilled cheese

>> No.7785563

This guy gets it. When you change the ingredient, you get something different.

>> No.7785584
File: 945 KB, 1280x720, delish.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about beans on a pizza? According to your retarded logic it wouldn't be called a pizza anymore but a stew.

>> No.7785613

That logic only follows if you're a retard
When you add toppings to a cheese pizza, nobody calls it a "cheese pizza" even though it most definitely still has all the ingredients that make up a cheese pizza
Nobody would that a cheese pizza with beans, because even if they had to specify, they'd probably say pizza with beans as a topping because people could easily assume the crust was made out of beans or the sauce was some sort of bean compound

tl;dr, chili with beans isn't really chili

>> No.7785619

*would call

>> No.7785626
File: 74 KB, 454x453, 1465753268248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beans on pizza

I think I know what's goin on here.

>> No.7785629
File: 15 KB, 260x194, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a chili . if you add anything to it , it is no longer a 'chili' .

>> No.7785632

>NYTimes food reviewer

shut your whore mouth before I hit you right in the Lucas Peterson.

>> No.7785645

That's a chili pepper also known as chili (pepper)
It's an ingredient in chili (con carne) which is also abbreviated to chili
But if you wanted to have a meal of only chili peppers, if you added anything to the chili peppers, it wouldn't be chili peppers
It would be chili peppers and something else

>> No.7785654
File: 2.78 MB, 720x404, Americans.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When you add ingredients to a chili, nobody calls it a "chili with extra ingredients" even though it most definitely still has all the ingredients that make up a chili

Think about it, you massive autist.

>> No.7785659

What a horrible existence. Why would I give a shit what a bunch of Texans think? Chili is meat and beans and whatever the fuck else.

>> No.7785664

If you weren't retarded, you'd understand that I'm making a point to say that calling it chili is badong and that you shouldn't even call it chili with extra ingredients because it's still badong
Because chili is the only situation where that happens

>make fun of americans
>in a thread about american food, on an american website, built by an american
so why are you here?

>> No.7785665

Is this what autism is like? Can't say I've ever had a chili without beans in it.

This would be like a Canadian getting upset for poutine with anything other than gravy, fries and curds. But you can add other things and it can still be poutine.

>> No.7785674

Uhh, I dunno man. A grilled cheese has it's title describe what it is. It's cheese and it's grilled and there's already a name for what it becomes if you add ingredients, a melt.

Chili has been made for years and years with beans or corn or both and I feel like the definition of chili has changed with that. If I load up my chili with beans it's certainly not a stew.

>> No.7785682

>I feel like the definition of chili has changed with that
I feel like the definition of chili has never actually changed

> If I load up my chili with beans it's certainly not a stew
I feel like it is

>> No.7785685

The definition of stuff gets changed all the time. And if enough people call it chili with beans in it then it's still chili.

I've never put beans in a stew. Like if you want to call it a stew you can, but Im gonna call it a chili.

>> No.7785688
File: 94 KB, 600x600, ancho-chile-powder-ground.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

serving chili with beans is like serving chinese food OVER rice. rice is a palate cleanser. beans dilute the flavor if mixed in, they dont add to the flavor or texture. my chile is made with sliced jalapenos, tons of ancho chile powder and new mexico chile powder (both mild or moderately hot), a little cayenne for heat, a little tomato, cocoa, beef broth, garlic, and i go for cheap meat: ground beef or ground turkey. the key is so much chile powder that the sauce is thick, pasty and dark red to brown. serve with chopped onion, cilantro, grated cheese, i guess i would like fritos too. i remember my first chile style: california hippie style, lots of tomatos, bell peppers, onions, beans, a tiny pinch of cayenne. watery, flavorless, i guess good for you.

ill try stew meat sometime to make it really good.

>> No.7785691

if kidney beans in my chili is wrong i dont wanna be right

>> No.7785707
File: 30 KB, 620x413, FMHTMKQGLU0HXBV.MEDIUM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

corn in chile, or corn in salsa, is like corn in a turd. stands out nicely, doesnt improve the flavor.

>> No.7785712

Chinese people eat shit over rice all the fucking time. Seriously, that was probably the worst fucking example you could have thought of, and it was your first sentence.

>> No.7785713

The definition of stuff rarely changes
It's more common for words to be invented to describe something than for a word to gain a new meaning simply because people want to call it that
If enough people say something isn't something, then isn't that just as adequate?

I've never willingly put beans in chili. Like, if you want to make stew with chili ingredients and beans, you can, but I'm not going to call it chili

>> No.7785727

No one gives a shit, this is seriously one of the most retarded things to get into a huff about. Not just in the food and culinary world but in general.

You are actually getting angry and defensive that people put an extra ingredient in a food that you like.

>> No.7785730

Because it's chili. Like, order it in any diner, and you'll most likely get ground beef and beans. This argument is fucking stupid, as the decision has already been made.

Why don't you go sperg out about New England vs Manhattan Chowder while you're at it?

>> No.7785747

order nachos at any ballpark and you'll get salty oily chips dressed with yellow cheese product
doesn't make it good, doesn't make it the first thing people think of when they think of nachos, doesn't make it right, doesn't make those things actually nachos

>New England vs Manhattan Chowder
You mean two clearly distinct styles containing different ingredients so blatant it's reflected in the sheer color of the soups?
yes, this is probably the exact same thing
now you could have said, I dunno, cheesesteaks with or without, but no, give a terrible example

>> No.7785749

>cheesesteaks with or without
or cheesesteaks, provolone versus wiz

>> No.7785924

I think that was his point. Chili with beans is like Chinese foods over rice. It's a filler which soaks up the flavors. And I agree with him, which is one reason why don't add beans to my chili either. Now, if someone wanted to put chili over beans in their bowl, that would be one thing (much like putting chili on a hot dog or whatever). But beans don't belong cooked IN the chili.

>> No.7786125

Mexico is the home of chili
Chili does not have beans
i bet you put tomato in your enchilada sauce too

>> No.7786146

>doesn't make those things actually nachos
It literally does. Words are defined by common usage. Origins aren't at all relevant.

>> No.7786152

Texas Chili Parlor sucks and serves beans with chili--look at their menu. Lucy's has better chili and their specialty is fried chicken.

>> No.7786163

TCP didn't used to suck, back in the old days. I used to eat there back in the 80s (yes, I'm fucking old, so what) and their chili was good. It's changed hands since then, and the chili has changed too. It's someone else riding on a reputation that they didn't earn. Fuck 'em. Same with Threadgills. That place was fucking awesome back in the day, but it's trash now since it changed hands. Fuck them too. And fuck Austin anyway, it sucks now. NOW GET OFF MY LAWN, YOU MEDDLING KIDS.

>> No.7786165

Amen. That's all you had to say. Threadgills made me sad. I heard about it and Hoover's most of my life and they sucked.

Eating here can be very depressing.

>> No.7786173

>in re: webm
jesus iowa get it together

>> No.7786213


In the Netherlands we actually do

>> No.7786297

Allright then, bean stew chili style. As if I give a fuck.

>> No.7786339

>muh pure authentic recipe
Go kill yourselves sperg lords. No one gives a fuck. If you want to deprive yourself of a tasty and healthy legume for the mere fact that it makes a recipe "authentic" then go ahead.

>> No.7786342

You just don't fucking get it, do you? Just GTFO.

>> No.7786390

>adding a single ingredient to an otherwise identical dish makes it a completely different dish
I guess we should all sit down and come up with common names for every single possible combination of ingredients and cooking styles. We could invite the whole world and we would still be here forever.

I bet you guys think using parmesan means it isn't carbonara. How about if my plate hasn't been atomically sterilised and preserved in a vacuum, does my dish take a new name when I serve it? You autists believe this.

>> No.7786398

Tejano here.

Just because white people don't like beans doesn't mean you can take it out of the recipe and claim it as your own.

No poor tejano or actual cowboy would have eaten a pure meat meal, when beans are a cheap way to bulk out chili.

Anti bean autism is just the white man trying to impose his autism. Beans are acceptable.

>> No.7786423

Nailed it.

>> No.7786453

sweet corn has a very different flavor from everything else that goes in chili, not to mention the texture

corn is among the best things to add to chili

>> No.7786488

You might want to look into the chili queens of San Antonio. I think you may be ignorant of your Tejano heritage. Here's an original chili queen recipe from the Institute of Texan Culture in San Antonio, take note of the last line.


2 lbs beef shoulder, cut into ½-inch cubes

1 lb pork shoulder, cut into ½-inch cubes

¼ cup suet

¼ cup pork fat

3 medium-sized onions, chopped

6 garlic cloves, minced

1-quart water

4 acho chiles

1 serrano chile

6 dried red chiles

1 Tablespoon comino seeds, freshly ground

2 tablespoons Mexican oregano

Salt to taste

Place lightly floured beef and pork cubes in with suet and pork fat in heavy chili pot and cook quickly, stirring often. Add onions and garlic and cook until they are tender and limp. Add water to mixture and simmer slowly while preparing chiles. Remove stems and seeds from chile and chop very finely. Grind chiles in molcajete and add oregano with salt to mixture. Simmer another 2 hours. Remove suet casing and skim off some fat. Never cook frijoles with chilies and meat. Serve as separate dish.

>> No.7786503

>one recipe says no beans
wow okay I guess they're right I'm going to go ahead and stop putting beans in my chili this very instant

If you really think you're changing anyone's opinion by being a stickler about the definition then you're sorely mistaken.

>> No.7786511 [DELETED] 

Texas guy is right
Check em

>> No.7786542 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 500x210, deliverance-banjo-kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no, you check 'em

>> No.7786562

>adding meat to your chili

Why not call it what it is: meat chili

Real chili is liquified chilies with whole chilies in it.

>> No.7786565

Texan here. Lived here 33 years.

I've seen people get in fistfights over their brand of beer. Their brand of dip (chewing tobacco). Someone 'disrespecting their truck'.

...but nobody seems to really care to that degree about chili. Everyone has their own recipe. Some use beans, some don't. But there's never much contention about it.

>> No.7786577

Literally the only dish I like beans in is chili.

Then I found out faggots on the internet complain about that.

>> No.7786595
File: 72 KB, 661x440, sloppy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chili without beans is Sloppy Joes.

nothing to see here, move along

>> No.7786611

>ctrl + f
>no cumin

this thread is aids

>> No.7786616

my bad, i see comino

>> No.7786617

Yep. Goddamn califags and Yankees drinking up all our water.

>> No.7787344

It's not just one recipe, it's one of the oldest recipes from where chili originated and is typical of the chili in that area.

>> No.7787486

>having credibility

not in this day and age

>> No.7787517


Pick ONE.

>> No.7787524

real chili doesn't have tomatoes in it either but you fuckin steers and queers dont have a WORD to say about that, so stfu

>> No.7787551
File: 7 KB, 251x246, 1271136703258s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually we DO. Tomatoes don't belong in chili, either, faggot. But no one want to start board shitposting about that, so beans are always the only thing that gets brought up. SUCK IT.

>> No.7787562

no beans = bolognese

>> No.7787572


I visited friends all over Texas a number of times, and Austin is literally the only place in Texas I'd ever willingly spend another day in.

>> No.7787574



>> No.7787576

lol. That is funny.

>> No.7787580
File: 400 KB, 1250x950, 1500ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Chili is an ancient Mesoamerican BEAN and chili pepper stew, any other ingredients (meat, corn, etc.) are optional.

If it doesn’t have beans, it’s not chili.

>> No.7787582



You know nothing about Texas.

>> No.7787591

If that's true, then you're fucking cancer and could you please never come the fuck back.

Sure, there's shitty places with shit people in a state as big as Texas, just like there are shitty places with shit people in EVERY state. There's also amazing places, beautiful and full of wonderful people. But Austin is a fucking cancer, and people like you are the ones making it that way. Stay the fuck home, scum.

>> No.7787595

Lies and slander. GTFO vegan.

>> No.7787604


>> No.7787609


>You know nothing about Texas

It's literally the shithole and joke of the country. What else is there to know? It's not like Real Texans on /ck/ ever post anything that doesn't just further embarrass them.

>> No.7787629
File: 56 KB, 504x361, Indian food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lies and slander. GTFO vegan.

Ancient Mesoamericans weren’t vegans, it was just that for the lower class, meat wasn’t particularly easy to come by, thus most meals consisted of mostly beans and corn in one form or another.

>> No.7787638
File: 53 KB, 600x437, 3742227392_ebf88a80b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never been to Texas
>thinks they know everything about it

>> No.7787643

No, you're the vegan, and what the Mesoamericans ate wasn't chili.

>> No.7787649


Both of those statements contradict what was already said.

I'd call you Summer, but you're probably just a Texan.

>> No.7787652
File: 189 KB, 1280x960, 1456195143094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beans in chili is the best thing ever, kid.

>> No.7787656

>Chili con carne

Only meat and chili peppers allowed. No water, no spices, nothing else, only that.

t. True Texan

>> No.7787664

I've been to Texas, it is a flat shithole. Enjoy your terrible chili without beans, Miguel.

>> No.7787666


Into the trash it goes.

>> No.7787682

So, you've only been to the Panhandle, then? Or North Texas? Because guess what friendo, Texas is NOT flat. You're a fucking moron, please stay in whatever piece of shit trailer park state you're in.

>> No.7787692
File: 90 KB, 639x693, 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Both of those statements contradict what was already said.

>> No.7787710
File: 92 KB, 459x612, 1457204264481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Texas is NOT flat

>> No.7787714
File: 505 KB, 1600x1071, Mt Livermore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this look flat to you?

>> No.7787718

>Because guess what friendo, Texas is NOT flat.

Your highest peak only has a prominence of 3,029 feet you tard. lol

>> No.7787719
File: 85 KB, 640x640, vanderpool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or this?

>> No.7787724
File: 62 KB, 500x333, Davis mountains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or this?

>> No.7787726
File: 120 KB, 736x552, medina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or this?

>> No.7787727

Actually, yes. Enjoy your low rolling hills.

>> No.7787732
File: 84 KB, 500x344, medina river.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, this is just a picture of a river, but it's fucking awesome.

>> No.7787739

>rolling hills

You are an absolute fucking retard. You should be ashamed to post here, you have the intelligence level of a turnip. Enjoy your lowbrow, mouthbreathing ignorance.

>> No.7787742

You do know what Flat actually means, right? Fucking retard.

>> No.7787750

Yeah, as evidenced in these images ITT it is a flat shithole. You don't even have chili in your beans, Your opinions are invalid. Case closed.

>> No.7787763
File: 31 KB, 363x310, 1269878163710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are literally dogturd-tier stupid. Go back to your aluminum trailer, champ, it's time to get off the library computer and let someone with more than two brain cells use it. Your bait is dead and rotting.

>> No.7787774


That's because you're an urbanite....which is exactly what Austin was designed to contain.

Texas is ranching, farming, and oil production, not the faggy shit that Austin, and other urban shitholes, are all about...

>> No.7787779

>Austin is a fucking cancer, and people like you are the ones making it that way. Stay the fuck home, scum.


>> No.7787782

>It's literally the shithole and joke of the country.

You spelled California wrong...

>> No.7787785


Who are you quoting?

>> No.7787793
File: 7 KB, 125x125, n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7787819
File: 4 KB, 125x125, Last-Trolled.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, it is pretty flat.

>> No.7787827
File: 100 KB, 348x500, Murrica fuk yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> be Mesoamerican
> develop beans
> develop chili peppers
> combine both into a stew hundreds of years ago

"that ain't no chili!"

>> No.7787854

It isn't chili if it has beans
Its just shitty stew

>> No.7787855

It's not chili, it's stew, you dumb faglord.
That's like saying that Austrians are the originators of chicken fried steak. Just because a dish has some roots in another cuisine doesn't make the dish theirs. If that's the case, then Spaghetti Bolognese is a Chinese dish.

>> No.7787937



faggotry dismissed

>> No.7787996

Narrow minded americlaps please fuck off.

Dishes are called diffirerntly and are held to diffirent standards all around the world. Your country specifically is a world champion of bastardising foreign food while keeping the names.

>> No.7788027

>open video about "chili" in "teas"
>see some asian in Austin
>close video

>> No.7788040
File: 236 KB, 1280x960, 0705062024-776373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Texans and Chicagoans keep /ck/ great.

>> No.7788152
File: 91 KB, 246x344, who gives shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lifetime Texan here.

The best chili in the world is the chili that is made to your specifications.

Yeah, I prefer my chili plain, but I'm not going to down someone if they want some sweet corn, beans, okra, celery, bell pepper, or swastika-shaped carrots.

Chili is a wonderful dish that has a base of chili peppers and beef, and all of that beef's glorious drippings. What happens after that is up to the cook.

tl;dr: It doesn't fucking matter. Just enjoy yourself, and be thankful chili exists.

>> No.7788172

>rice is a palate cleanser
Shit, son. Usually I take the time to understand words before I repeat them.

>> No.7788330

Hell, I'd argue that the flavor of the cumin is what most people would recognize as the defining "chili" flavor, since a lot of pussies don't add any actual chili's with heat, or flavor.

>> No.7788438
File: 71 KB, 1280x720, -330903573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>m-muh chili purism
>throw supermarket shredded cheese, raw onions, jalapenos, and fucking fritos into it

>> No.7788465
File: 783 KB, 320x240, michael-jackson-eating-popcorn-o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: Proof you faggots will argue about anything

>> No.7789264


>> No.7789466

Re: means regarding, not reply or response.

>> No.7789468

to be honest though, I feel the same way about beans in chilli as I feel about pineapple on pizza

it's fucking shit, and you should kill yourself if you eat it that way

>> No.7789480

If someone serves me chilli without beans I spit on them and then in their meat soup.

>> No.7791146

Yeah it fucking DOES make them nachos they're just of poorer quality and in a different style.

>> No.7791150

to be honest though, you have autism. You are right about pineapple, though.

>> No.7791152


>> No.7791159

But american grilled cheeses are almost never grilled.

>> No.7791184


The term comes from "plancha grill", aka a "flat top" or "griddle".

>> No.7791233
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the first recipe for chili con carne was put on paper in the 17th century by a beautiful nun, Sister Mary of Agreda of Spain. She was mysteriously known to the Indians of the Southwest United States as "La Dama de Azul," the lady in blue. Sister Mary would go into trances with her body lifeless for days. When she awoke from these trances, she said her spirit had been to a faraway land where she preached Christianity to savages and counseled them to seek out Spanish missionaries.

It is certain that Sister Mary never physically left Spain, yet Spanish missionaries and King Philip IV of Spain believed that she was the ghostly "La Dama de Azul" or "lady in blue" of Indian Legend. It is said that sister Mary wrote down the recipe for chili which called for venison or antelope meat, onions, tomatoes, and chile peppers

>> No.7791832
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>hamburger soup

Not even once.

>> No.7791953

Can someone post a recipe for slow cooker Texas chili?

>> No.7791960

>complain about beans being added to chili
>not complaining that most people don't even use chili but tomato

you'll get constipated eventually if you eat so much beef without beans

>> No.7792181

Jesus this board is full of autistic people. Wonder why you are so easy to trigger.

>> No.7792247

>It's autistic to not sound retarded
