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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 122 KB, 990x668, food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7780498 No.7780498 [Reply] [Original]

Why does the U.S. hate food?

Almost everywhere else in the world you can get fresh food for really affordable prices but here in the U.S. you cant even guarantee youre eating real meat.

>> No.7780501

I don't think they use dollars in Japan, anon.

>> No.7780503


filling sammich - $4

bowl of water and 10 cent egg - $3

US wins

>> No.7780504

go move to zimbabwe then you fucking shitlord

>> No.7780505

Both look shit, tee be eitch

>> No.7780509

we spend the lowest percentage of our incomes on food of any country in the world. your photo is misleading. the average american spends 6.8% of their annual income on food, japan spends 14.4%.

>> No.7780514

its a 250 yen bowl of noodles which is about $2.30, i just rounded up.

>> No.7780518

I had gone to Nara a few years back and any don or ramen was basically five bucks or less. I really miss it compared to prices here in the states where unagidon is 12+.

>> No.7780547

Japan certainly seems like it has cheaper halfway-decent food in restaurants. But we can get vegetables and meats for dirt cheap in US supermarkets, so I think it's generally cheaper for Americans to cook.

>> No.7780552

And a big mac costs more in Japan, and a bowl of ramen costs more in the US.

>almost everywhere else in the world you can get fresh food for really affordable prices

Most of the world is 3rd world.

>> No.7780558

even in mexico you can get some good food for $3

>> No.7780559

>instant stock
>dried noodles
>processed fish waste + corn starch
>a quail egg

>> No.7780560

There are plenty of places in the US where you can get real food made from recognizable ingredients for cheap. The problem is that we were an early adopter of both industrialized food production and fast food, which led to some pretty awful standards. And in some places that's the only cheap, convenient food available.

Plenty of other countries (Japan, Italy, France) had well established food cultures before their food production was industrialized, which made the people less likely to settle for the cheapest shit possible. In America giving too much of a shit about food quality is seem as pretentious, so many people happily settle for the cheapest possible shit.

>> No.7780575


Yes, you can usually find fresh food for cheap in 3rd world countries.

>> No.7780595

I have a Mexican place and a soup place right down the street from me that are both cheap and good, I live in the suburbs of metro Detroit Michigan USA

Both better than the meme that is "throw everything that does not go together in a bowl" Jap soup

>> No.7780616

>$4 in U.S. $3 in Japan
And those are both equally unhealthy for you. So I get my heart disease for a dollar cheaper in Japan. Whoopee.

>> No.7780623


That makes sense since $3 is $30 Mexico dollars

>> No.7780668

that's because we make more
food doesn't automatically cost more when you're rich

>> No.7780681

>measuring costs across countries by the dollar rather than purchasing power parity

>> No.7780720

>noodles in broth with an egg is just as bad for you as a fast food cheeseburger

Anon, you know it's not the same as your microwave ramen, right?

>> No.7780730
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>sodium, carbs and cholesterol are worse than sodium, carbs and cholesterol

>> No.7780735

Anyone know why so many Asian dishes just throw a fried egg in there? It's so totally incongruous and seems to be done just to make the dish not seem skimpy. To me, that's like putting a handful of corn on every plate you make.

It also doesn't match up, flavor-wise.

>> No.7780739

Salt, fat, and cholesterol. Almost no nutritional content, and a hint of vegetable to fool you into thinking you're eating food. Just because it's Asian doesn't mean it's healthy.

>> No.7780780
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>> No.7780786

What the fuck are you talking about? America has the cheapest food in the developed world. I'm jelly.

The egg, noodle and salt water isn't any more healthy or filling than the burger btw.

>> No.7780787

actual meat vs noodles, egg and processed shrimp tasting shit

>> No.7780789

With soups, the yolk can be used to thicken the broth.

But yeah there's some fuck-random egg additions.

>> No.7780801

makingh that ramen is like 30 cents anon

>> No.7780819

and it costs mcdonalds about $0.30 to make a burger

>> No.7780834
File: 465 KB, 800x532, Yakitori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of these are about a dollar in exchange, id much rather have that than a dollar menu burger from mcdonalds

>> No.7780874


probobably to add some calories and make it more filling... egg doesnt change flavor of things it goes with anything

imagine the soup without the egg that wouldnt be very satisfying

>> No.7780899

>this low quality fried meat with sugar sauce is healthier than that low quality meat with cheese

>> No.7780910

the average yakitory stick has about 2g of fat and 400g of sodium, a mcdonads burger has about 20g of fat and 1000g of sodium.

>> No.7780971
File: 17 KB, 400x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> kobe, japan
> eat meat
> a fucking small piece maybe 50 grams

pic related is mfw i had to pay 120 €

>> No.7780981
File: 22 KB, 367x332, 4e2d838beddc6c698b002c8b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>yfw we have everything under the sun, even whatever shit food you think is relevant.
Keep eating dirt faggot.

>> No.7780984

A lot of the bowls of ramen I got in Tokyo were about 1000 yen. But I couldn't read Japanese so I just picked some of the more expensive options usually.

>cue someone calling me a retard for spending 1000 Yen on a bowl of noodles

I have enough disposable income to both travel the world and not worry about the money I spend while doing so

>> No.7780993

Price doesn't really show quality accurately.

I got one of the more amazing bowls of pho for 50 cents in an alleyway in Saigon.

>> No.7781001



Yeah, things were cheaper half a century ago.

>> No.7781021

I was there just a year ago.

My family has never called Saigon by its modern name, so I haven't.

>> No.7781047
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>hates food

>> No.7781048

we make about 2 grand more on average than in japan. that doesn't account for the fact that japanese people spend twice what americans do on their food.

>> No.7781054

Except taco shops,just walk in four tacos to go.

>> No.7781060

I would rather have the dollar menu at mcdonalds. unfortunately they don't have the dollar menu anymore.

>> No.7781072

That's capitalism you shitlord.
Don't like it, git out.

>> No.7781079

we get paid more in US

if you want good food in the US pay more for the food + tip

>> No.7781086

i can get much more ramen than that for less than 3 dollars

>> No.7781088

>their low class eats better than out middle class

>> No.7781163

When other nations were at war, they starved

When USA was at war, they developed industrial pig slop to keep the masses fed and prevent food riots

When the wars ended, other countries went back to good food. USA decided frankenfood=victory slop, so if you don't like it your a communist

>> No.7781182

Brits never went back to their pre-slop days.
Everything they eat is still brown, bland and boiled.

>> No.7781202

>NVA detected

>> No.7781206
File: 7 KB, 276x277, 1417787452191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>400g of sodium
>1000g of sodium

>> No.7781215


Big mac is 2 for 5$ senpai

>> No.7781219
File: 33 KB, 640x433, dba3755eb2af2869cd1875e239bca3c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>400g of sodium
>1000g of sodium

>> No.7781222

meant mg, but still stands.

>> No.7781223

not here in way upstate new york.

>> No.7781225

Of course it does, that's basic capitalism. The prices will be set to whatever consumers can and are willing to pay.

>> No.7781227


Mexico has a failing currency.

>> No.7781231


someone's insecure

>> No.7781241
File: 170 KB, 380x285, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>80 bucks at ur moms house, and only for an hour

>> No.7781242


Weeabo's vs Americlaps

Everyone kill themselves

>> No.7781792

Other countries take more pride in serving food than America does, and the majority of America is only interested in eating the food.

>> No.7781825

the big mac is one of the worst price to food things you can get at mcdonalds. it's expensive because of the name. Each burger place has that, their "signature big burger" is a ripoff and if you're trying to get the most food for your buck, you stick with the double cheese burger.

>> No.7781905
File: 75 KB, 580x435, 2131312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maguro frisbee don
$5.5 in Japan

>> No.7781942

>i just rounded up.
You mean it was you who made this retarded picture?

Why are you such a faggot?

>> No.7781955

b-b-but muh superior gook cuisine

>> No.7781983

that jap food looks like top ramen with old brocoli and an egg thrown in.

literally shit-tier food

>> No.7781990

actually they sell bigass tortas and bigass hamburgers at 10 pesos roughly $1 american

>> No.7781991

A double cheeseburger costs $1.35 in IN where I was raised. Nigga you high?

Also, I live in Japan. You're full of shit. Decent ramen costs around 750 yen. :

>> No.7782027

OP makes statement
Everyone says OP is wrong

How to Shitpost 101: The Thread
Staring posters 1 through 47.

>> No.7782336

>one contains 8 oz meat
>the other contains none
Is this so hard to understand?

>> No.7782351


also that was just one of many noodle options, a lot of them have beef pork or chicken in them for around the same price.

>> No.7782358

mcdonalds burgers are 100% meat, a variety of people have the technology to know whether or not they are, it's not like companies can hide that anymore. it may not be the best meat, but it is meat, which costs money.

>> No.7782359

Wow, you can get a 1/2 oz sliver of pork instead of an egg! Why are weeaboos so delusional?

>> No.7782363


>> No.7782367
File: 413 KB, 580x435, cr-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not really arguing for or against anything. I just think this was funny.

>> No.7782373

I'm just proactive

>> No.7782544


>> No.7782583

>cheap ramen with instant broth, a tiny little egg, some over cooked veg and a slice of tubed fish goo

You can make that in the US (while avoiding the gross veg/cake) for like a dollar.

>> No.7782590

I traveled down the east coast of your united states early this year. You have some amazing food for pretty reasonable price. Just look around anon.

>> No.7782671

This. If you don't love it, then leave!
>implying America ever stopped being great

>> No.7782693

but i cant make a burger with 30 cents can i?

>> No.7782703

Ramen is something americans are more likely to make at home. Firing up a grill just to make one burger is kinda dumb. I'm curious as to which country eats out more. Also, does everyone really believe that Americans eat fast food more than a few times a month?

>> No.7782815

most of the people in the US live in third world tier poverty

>> No.7782818

>$4 for filling protein
>$3 for a bowl of carbs

Why do the nips get away with this?

>> No.7782842

Yeah but a jap worker drone isn't plowing down that bowl of soup while driving their shitty SUV for an hour to get to or from their shitty job. I seriously think fast food in the US grew with the growth of the car culture, as most of the time people are scarfing down fast food sandwiches in their car.

>fast food sandwich
>filling protein
Oh come on now.

>> No.7782852

do us all a favor and kill yourself

>> No.7782859

>>fast food sandwich
>>filling protein
>Oh come on now.

are you retarded? That's the only appeal of fast food; quick filling calories for the poor or frugal.

what the fuck

>> No.7782863
File: 148 KB, 646x431, tacos-al-pastor-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$4 in US

Thank you Mexicans.

>> No.7782895
File: 35 KB, 500x313, Chicken-and-Ranch-McWrap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy a mcwrap those are like 4$ to 5$ depends were u live

>> No.7782896

Still shitty.

>> No.7782920

Why do you need somebody to cook your food for you?

If I'm going to eat out I'll get sushi or greek food or something fun and delicious like that, not a fast food burger.

>> No.7782929

This happens when you only measure your ingredients in spoons and cups.

>> No.7783002

A fast food burger isnt about eating out. Its about not having enough time.

>> No.7783007
File: 85 KB, 736x489, 040ee7376eefcc610b824870a06f5168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume you mean each? Last week, I paid $25 for a plate of tacos like that

I think it was a pretty good deal

>> No.7783013

fuck off commie

>> No.7783027

>cardboard mixed with hooves and beaks
>processed shit-tier bun

>> No.7783033

White corn..... reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.7783036

>buttblasted freedom clappers ITT


>> No.7783038

The didn't even bother to heat the tortilla. GROSS>

>> No.7783064

pick a better picture of a big mac, like any real big mac looks before a fat ass sits on it and you've got
>two servings of meat
>handful of veggies
>a bun

compared to
>shit broth
>one egg
>cheap noodles

but m-muh america hate japonse stronk sunshine land 1000x folded noodles

>> No.7783067

>tiny ass egg

fucking lmao

>> No.7783071

literally i dont know how so many people think fast food is like, some fucking chemical abomination. it's meat. it's american cheese. you could make the same at home and it'd still be abominable.

>> No.7783076

I cook meat all the time, it doesn't resemble fast food ''''meat'''' in any way

>> No.7783078

you must be really bad at making thin patties then. lemme guess, they're like meatloaf on a bun?

>> No.7783085


No, I just don't make my patties in advance, freeze them for a while, then reheat them in a microwave when I want to eat them.

When I make a burger I buy short ribs. I bone out the meat and grind it. I form that into patties which I then cook just before serving--sometimes on a grill, and sometimes in skillet.

>> No.7783088

Not really a fair comparison. Ramen is by no means good for you, and just because one place is going a shitty job for four bucks doesn't mean they all do.

If that's a straight dollar to yen comparison, it isn't entirely fair either. You have to consider purchasing power and income as well.

>> No.7783098

ok, so you're better than everyone else because you grind your own burgers. but remind me how that makes frozen patties """"""""meat""""", or how an average american can't get the same results by frying small patties

>> No.7783108
File: 46 KB, 647x403, life expectancy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7783109

>how that makes frozen patties """"""""meat"""""

I never claimed they were. Of course they're real meat. They're just not very good taste or texture.

>>can't get the same results by frying small patties

I doubt the average american uses such a fine grind as most fast food places do. I also doubt the average american compresses the patties that much to get the same texture as a fast food burger. And that's a good thing. IMHO the average american probably makes better patties than typical fast food.

>> No.7783112

>less than .5
>rounded up
Did you not attend second grade?

>> No.7783118


So... what were you trying to argue here? All I said was that you could basically make the same hamburger at home as at mcdonalds and here we are. basically agreeing.

>> No.7783122


Did you? There's a difference between rounding up, rounding down, and simply rounding. You appear to be confusing rounding in general with rounding up.

>> No.7783131

you're the one who said you rounded up?

at best, you falsified your end number by rounding erroneously, you can't come out of this one clean buddy

>> No.7783136

>All I said was that you could basically make the same hamburger at home as at mcdonalds

I'm saying that I disagree. To make a burger "basically the same" a home cook would have to go out of their way and perform steps that typically aren't done. The average homemade burger isn't "About the same". It's "different and better".

Why? Home cooks usually have access to better meat (even generic store-brand ground chuck is preferable to most fast food meat). Home cooks don't overcompress the patty using an industrial press machine. Home cooks don't cook the patties, freeze them, then reheat them. All of those steps would be needed to make a patty that's "basically the same" as generic fast food, yet those things aren't done by the average home cook.

>> No.7783144

If only it was 30 pesos
More like 57

>> No.7783145

>you're the one who said you rounded up?

Nope. I'm just an autist who felt the need to point out the difference to you.

Anon said he rounded up...and that's exactly what he did.

If anything it actually helps to bolster his point since he's making the price difference seem even smaller. If he did normal rounding and ended up with $2 that makes the Mcburger even worse of a deal.

>> No.7783167

leave it to a tripfag to think every fucking place has the same prices

>> No.7783192

>Leave to a tripfag to get tricked by fake mexicans.

>> No.7783240

If only they just did it to their food and themselves, but they are trying to enforce their shit standards to the rest of the world through shady trade agreements like TTIP. I hope people stand up against this shit or the EU disbands before they could make it happen.

>> No.7783389

Man what a terrible bait thread full of misinformed cretins. Can't believe it got so many replies but I guess /ck/ just enjoys ignorant shitposting.

>> No.7783811

do mcdonalds have different prices depending on the state, or even city they're in?

>> No.7783826

Americans are getting robbed out of their money by everyone smart enough to realize they will buy dog shit as long as you do a good marketing job. Hence why Trump is about to win the elections.

>> No.7783828


What a fucking retard, filtered.

>> No.7783832

>Trump is about to win the elections

>> No.7783833



>> No.7783848

The base price is the same, state taxes vary.

>> No.7783856


Nigger he went from "just a prank bro" status to "serious contender", he already won and proved that americans are this gullible.

>> No.7783857


>> No.7784831

if a number is under 5, or in this case, under 0.5 then you round down
if it's 5 or above, you round up
simple maths, desu

>> No.7784920

Eurofriend living in Ameriland here,

The vast, /vast/, /VAST/ majority of Amerifriends I know don't cook unless it's a dinner kit. If you include dinner kits, ready meals and jars of sauce meant for pasta, very, very few Americans actually cook.
Just presenting it as fact, though it does carry a little bit of judgment, too. You guys tend to either be too busy with X, Y and Z to cook properly, but many of you also have absolutely abysmal time management skills. And the house-sows who load up their baskets at the supermarket with ready meals disgust me beyond all reason.

Other than that, I like you guys. You're nice, I just don't get where this suspicion and outright hostility to home cooking comes from when Food Network is one of your most popular television channels.

>> No.7784922

Probably because there's half a pound of beef in the one on the lwft, while the one on the right is primarily flour and water. That being said, in the US that ramen would cost 7 dollars, not 3.

>> No.7784940

United States staple fast food food is quite bad. Still, who's opening quick and low priced noodle joints?

>> No.7784961

>half a pound of beef