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7778505 No.7778505 [Reply] [Original]

Here's what they've given me on my flight.

>> No.7778509

>classic image.jpg still using air transportation, and aa at that

>> No.7778521

memes aside, I fucking love the ginger ale pretzel combo when I'm flying

>> No.7778566

same but I get whiskey with mine.

>> No.7778573

I've never flown is alcohol free on planes? I know they give you soft drinks sometimes.

>> No.7778575

way to crash the plane useing the internet

>> No.7778576

OP here. I got two little bottles of wine later on for $16.

>> No.7778578

>is alcohol free on planes?
Only in first class. Economy can still order it, but it costs like $6 for a small plastic cup.

>> No.7778581

drinks are pricey, credit cards only. Still, if you have the seat next to you empty on a domestic, there's nothing better than drinking a couple rye n gingers and watching a shitty movie.

Such a cozy feel

>> No.7778582
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Was getting buzzed part of your plan?

>> No.7778586


Certain airlines have free alcohol on long flights (like trans-pacific). Its usually just beer, but I know United had free sake on flights between the US and Japan last time I flew

>> No.7778609

Anybody else inexplicably enjoy airline food?

>> No.7778621

never had a full 'meal' on a plane ever, but eating at airports is weirdly cozy. One of my coziest meals was a bunch of jetlagged ribs and a beer at 7am on my laptop at a deserted western-themed airport restaurant.

>> No.7778674


I flew quite a bit growing up (not at all lately), and the only cozy thing about the experience happens on the plane, once everything is taken care of and you just have to sit there and be catered to.

I used to love airplane meals when I was little, and would always eat everything and order coffee or tea when they offered it, even though I wouldn't do any of those things in any other situation (I wasn't a picky eater, I just wouldn't eat a bread roll with a thing of butter if it wasn't part of my complete airplane tray).

>> No.7778677

>flying economy
poor people will defend this

>> No.7778690
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>flying commercial
consider suicide

>> No.7778696

Usually I've only had them give me things like peanuts, pretzels and soda water but I vividly remember one time I got a hot meal. It was a small premade bbq sandwich in plastic wrap. I don't know why but I was exhilarated that they were giving me "real" airplane food, I was still a little kid.

>> No.7778703

what do they do when they hit a rough patch

>> No.7778707

put wads of cash on their plates to add weight so nothing will move around

>> No.7778719

if anything breaks the filipina slaves roll around naked on the broken glass, it's like a lint roller but for broken glass instead of lint

>> No.7778811
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What is the deal with airline food?

>> No.7778834

lucky they gave you a whole can, they usually just give me a like 4 oz cup

>> No.7778840

Ginger ale is top tier airplane beverage fampai
Tied with spicy tomato juice or, preferably, a bloody mary.

When I get ginger ale on a flight I'll usually have it with cognac if the airline carries it.

>> No.7778858

they gave me liquor, beer, and wine for free on my flight to taiwan through united/air japan. I even booked the cheapest available flight with a shitty seat. there was some decent airline nip food on the air japan flights as well.

>> No.7778881

>top tier airplaine beverage
>not pibb xtra or sprite or diet coke or canned apple juice on ice
bruh tho

>> No.7778892

>flying from flow rider to shanghai
>tryna get wasted on the flight desu since i was under 21 at the time and knew about open waters laws and knew how lax chinks were with drinking
>hand the stewardess my card and ask for 4 cans of beer (which happened to be miller but i wasn't going to complain)
>chink cunt gives me two beers and says she'll be back soon
>isn't back for like two hours and basically all i have to do is piss this beerwater out
>buy more beer
>fucking still 2x at a time
fuck american airlines dude i swear
>coming home from shanghai
>finna get drunk on the plane right?
>try to buy a couple bottles of wine at the duty free shop in shanghai
>they see i'm traveling to meiguo and say i can't because of being under 21
>spend like 400 chink quid at an airport cafe drinking stella until my flight
that was the one fucking time abroad i couldn't buy alcohol was at the airport when they knew international laws

>> No.7778934

>going abroad
>trying to get drunk in planes and airports

Sorry, but that's just stupid. Real, real dumb, "I wanna waste money because I have no idea about drinking other than stealing sips from my parents' liquor cabinet or having an older friend buy cinnamon schnapps" level stupid.

If you're going to take a long flight just stay hydrated and try to get some sleep. You'll have plenty of opportunity for cheap drinking after the flight. Airlines are not run by a single retard who doesn't get the fact that idiots want to circumvent laws in a vaguely international space. They're on to 'your tricks' because they are old, stale and idiotic.

Save your money. Don't whine about it when you try to break the rules and get called on it. To reiterate, I do not respect your decision making.

>> No.7778969

>implying i was using my own money
>implying i didn't have ambien and kpins for sleep
not my chair, not my problem. i have no qualms paying $6 for a cheap macro on a flight if it's not my money i'm spending
>lol poorfag
sorry had to

>> No.7778976

you sound like a cuck desu

>> No.7778984


>> No.7779066

Yes, mini prezels and ginger alie is my in-flight shit.

That, and bringing a gallon ziplock bag of various liquor mini-bottles.

>> No.7779083
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You ever go on a 16 hour flight? I bring a bunch of mini bottles of liquor, a few electronics to watch movies or play games, and the largest plastic water bottle I can find.

Drink 'til you pass out watching movies, fill up your water bottle at those refridgerator-esque water stations, then try to sleep your uncomfortable flight away.

>> No.7779106
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>> No.7779183

You got that for free? Lucky you. That would've cost $12 on the last flight I was on.

>> No.7779192

Depends on the airline and if it's International or not.

Flew Economy from Australia to USA earlier in the year, alcohol is free.

Ordered neat whiskey, got about a third of a plastic cup as a serving each time.

>> No.7779216

They let you take mini bottles through security where you're from?

>> No.7779227

Of course, by US customs, the volume is acceptable and the gallon ziplock is the max size. You can stuff as many as you want in there.

Airline policy usually states that you can't bring your own carry-on booze, but that's rarely a problem unless you're being brazen or obviously drunk. Just ask for the cup and whole can (honestly, why wouldn't you do that in the first place?) then mix it up.

>> No.7779235

Which company? I'm flying with Virgin/Delta on Friday and I struggle to sleep on planes, was thinking a drink would help me sleep

>> No.7779240

Put a shot or two of vodka in a bottle of water.

>> No.7779243

In the U.S. you're not allowed to have a bottle of water because of volume regulations through security checkpoints, so you have to buy it at the terminal. Bringing mini-bottles of liquor, on the other hand...

>> No.7779245

International flights have very strict check-ins; I can't have bottles more than 100ml and only a limited amounts of them

>> No.7779246
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Can confirm. Japan Air includes liquor in their flights from US to Japan. They also aren't stingy with it either. Rum and coke is like 80% rum and 20% coke.

>> No.7779249


>> No.7779258


I once had 13 beers on my flight between seatac and narita. It was the best flight ever. Just enough to stay buzzed the entire flight.

>> No.7779359

i miss drinking on my flights to and from china, but i sure don't miss being stuck in a tin can for 13 hours.. one time i splurged for business class and it was so comfy...had a GLASS of wine and some hot mixed nuts before the plane even took off and all kinds of goodies throughout the flight

>> No.7779362

How many ml do you think there are in a shot?

>> No.7779393

Int'l flights have free alcohol. South African Airlines always has mini bottles of wine.

>> No.7779402
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>13 beers
>just enough to stay buzzed

>> No.7779405

Always had free alcohol when flying with KLM, even on an under an hour flight. Best part of the longhaul flights is chilling with the flight crew knocking back spirits while everyone else is asleep

>> No.7779413

its like a ~8hr flight it really isnt that much

>> No.7780016

And just HOW can your liver break down that much alcohol at that altitude without your social skills turning into a circus?
Are you implying you own a private jet?

>> No.7780179

They were probably just those small 0,33l beers. That's just 4,3l of beer distributed over 8 hours.
Sounds legit too me.

>> No.7780233

fire the pilot

>> No.7780244

A single shot is usually around 40-50 ml, which is about the same amount you would get in those tiny liquor bottles.

>> No.7780263

>Tell cringeworthy story from your past
>Somebody calls our your tardiness
>Get salty

And some say that people change

>> No.7780361

Backing this up. Its definitely going to affect you, but if you're used to high altitude living or heavy drinking you should be fine.

You'd probably have to get up to take a piss 10 times during that flight though.

>> No.7780397

what were you expecting op they aren't going to feed you a steak for a 2 hour flight.
usually when going to Europe 8-10 hr flights they will feed you like 3 times. and some of the European airlines for a 2-3 hour flight give you a nice little fresh sandwich.

>> No.7780708

>is alcohol free on planes?
Proper airlines: yes
American airlines: lol, no, you wont even get some water.

>> No.7780753

Did you expect a king's ration for your hour and thirty minute puddle jump?
AA just brought back snacks too, before you wouldn't have gotten diddly besides that soda. Enjoy!

>> No.7780808

cant you ask for infinite booze?

>> No.7780841

Dubs checked.

You don't expect a restaurant to be good at transportation. Why would you expect an airline to be good at food?

>> No.7780855

You've clearly never puked in an international airport.

>> No.7780875

>mini pretzels

I see they've downgraded again, the 'asian-zest' in the snack mix must've been costing them $0.000005 per air mile and eating into profits.

That, or the whities found it too exotic.

>> No.7783045

Are airlines cutting so many corners now that they can't give out peanuts anymore? Good christ.

>> No.7783062


And then you start flirting with an attractive flight attendant and she takes you into the back (the curtained area behind the restrooms) and you fuck away the pain of your respective lives...


>> No.7783262

american sucks so much dick compared to BA it's not even funny

apart from inflight entertainment

>> No.7783272

double-dub-trips checked

i dunno anon, this type of thing just goes over my head

>> No.7783289

Muh nigga

Anybody notice how now u can't drink your own booze on an airplane?