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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7774263 No.7774263 [Reply] [Original]

i seriously hope you don't do this

>> No.7774270

What are you going to do about it?

>> No.7774277



SUCK my dick OP.

>> No.7774297

I'll eat how I want you heathen.

>> No.7774308

I don't but I think I might start to now.

>> No.7774354

Anybody who writes a food blog will tell you it's not just about writing about food! Sometimes one of your readers will "throw down" a challenge and it's up to the food blogger to meet that challenge.

About 8 months back I was challenged to eat all my meals one day with utensils and any one who knows me will realize that as a busy Mom, there's going to be a "take out" meal that day especially when I'm picking up my hubby and my mixed brood from school and getting them to their after school activities.

Well the fast food that day of the challenge was one of your more well known hamburger places and darn it if I didn't eat my "burger" with a knife and fork. The kids couldn't stop laughing (you know how kids are) and I did draw more than a few amused stares in the hamburger restaurant including a gal from my Yoga class!

The verdict? Hamburgers might be meant to be finger food, but you can just as well enjoy them with a knife and fork. And you also learn that the term "blogger" sometimes entails teaching your kids a lesson about keeping to your word when you lose a wager.

So good eating to all!

>> No.7774368

i don't watch anime, no

>> No.7774374


my family is in france right now. we just had lunch with a lovely young lady who does this. Almost lost it

>> No.7774377

>busy mom
How did you write this so accurately
>mixed brood

>> No.7774384

>as a busy Mom,
>there's going to be a "take out" meal
What an awful parent she must be.

>> No.7774385

That was lovely

>> No.7774388 [DELETED] 

Rationally, I know this is a joke but I'm still getting triggered by it

>> No.7774398

Real talk though

why the fuck does pizza taste better when you eat it with utensils?

>> No.7774401

You have an iron deficiency

>> No.7774403

even using plastic fork and knife dude

>> No.7774458

There is this one takeaway in our town that drowns their hamburgers in sauce. sometimes my aunt brings some along and it would be rude to not eat them and then I do it with a knife and fork because otherwise it wouldn't be possible to hold the darn thing.

>> No.7774467

*rim shot*

>> No.7774469

You're not American so whatever you have to say about hamburgers doesn't count.

>> No.7774522

> wake up
> Salute my American Flag wall poster
> Text my gf
> "We're eating fancy today"
> Get a shower, wash down with Axe bodywash
> Get dressed, American flag T-shirt and jorts with crocs
> Spray on Axe
> Go to corner store
> Pick up grape flavored wine coolers and dollar store candles
> Pick up GF
> She waddles towards my Ford and wedges herself into the seat
> Go to local hole-in-wall fast food eatery
> Order four triple cheeseburgers with extra mayo
> Man cooking burgers screams "ouch"
> His stomach is hanging out of his shirt and he burned it on the griddle
> Carries on cooking
> We pay in freedom notes and get back in Ford
> Drive to beach
> Get out, remove our crocs, and carefully tiptoe through the mixture of sand, beer bottles, and coca cola cans
> Perfectspot.jpg
> Take off my XXXXL T-shirt, cut it down the middle, and lay it out for us to lay on
> Unwrap burgers, open wine coolers, light candles
> Sun is going down now
> Reflecting perfectly on the shimmering layer of oily waste on the water
> GF lives me a long, slow, passionate kiss
> Takes a sip of her wine cooler, says it isn't sweet enough
> TFW only 68 grams of sugar
> She unwraps her burger
> Anon, where's the silverware?
> Mfw she wanted to eat a burger with silverware
> Break up with her for not being American enough
> Get back in truck, drive home, salute poster, cry self to sleep

>> No.7774543

>Hamburgers are American.
Clue's in the name, fuck-tard.

>> No.7774571

My dad dose this some times but only because he littarly only has about afew teeth left and a big gaping hole at his top right and a smaller bottom right teeth, its kind of funny watching him trying to bite something with his lone front tooth.

>> No.7774639

>mixed brood

>> No.7774672

Most sandwiches are better when cut in half.

>> No.7774683
File: 61 KB, 1024x685, 1416517178237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating with your hands
What are you, an Indian?

>> No.7774701

>teaching your kids a lesson about keeping their word

Did anybody ever take the time to teach YOU a lesson about piecing together words?

Run on sentences out the ass, capitalising a noun when it's not being used in the context of a name, bad punctuation... The list goes on.

Fuck you right in your burger-cutting ass.

>> No.7774706

what, ever eat a hamburger? yeah dont worry im not a fat stupid american.

>> No.7774714
File: 7 KB, 221x169, LSwtrmln.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not eating only raw vegs and fruits with your hands or a knife at most

what is this, the 90s?

>> No.7774879

Good for you. Fuck that bitch. Her lifestyle sounded unhealthy.

>> No.7774925

Oh its because your white trash or black

>> No.7774935

Only if the burger is two massive for the bun

I do what I want , suck my dick OP

>> No.7775727

>mixed blood
>husband is still present

>> No.7775741
File: 20 KB, 519x422, 1464792084279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fuck

>> No.7775930

i do this with ramen-bun burgers

>> No.7776372

fork and knife.retard with legos

>> No.7776449
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>> No.7776467

If this isn't copypasta I want more /ck/ mom blog

>> No.7776534

You write like a 9th grader who tries to suck up to the teacher.

>> No.7776543
File: 2.79 MB, 1280x720, hamburgers.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I do this.

>> No.7776554
File: 455 KB, 200x125, 1461389420139.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parents do this with both burgers and doner kebap

>> No.7776561

>no one got shot

I don't believe you m8

>> No.7776569

Which anime is this?

>> No.7776591

I seriously hope everyone uses their silverware correctly like OP's pic appears to be showing. Every time I see one of my friends use their fork like a shovel, or do that bizarre double fisted criss cross cutting method I die a bit on the inside.

>> No.7776630

/ck/ pre-2016

>> No.7776754

>Mixed brood

>> No.7776782

>> TFW only 68 grams of sugar
fucking hell anon

>> No.7776791

>a noun when it's being used in the context of a name
That's called a proper noun, big guy.
The more you know!

>Run on sentences out the ass, capitalising a noun when it's not being used in the context of a name, bad punctuation.
That's a run-on sentence.

>> No.7776794


I wouldn't be surprised if this was from a real blog.


When I went to Sweden to visit my fiancee's family and friends they ate EVERYTHING with utensils. We went to get bagels and coffee (they call it fika, like it's anything more that "lets get some Starbucks") and they were cutting it with a knife and eating with a fork.

Who fucking does that? I told another one of her friends about it and she said "yeah we are kind of proper but I will eat pizza with my hands fuck it."

>> No.7776844
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>> No.7776879
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Don't give a fuck.

>> No.7776887

guaranteed responses

>> No.7776901
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>> No.7776909

Odd burger, what countries tend to have burgers wider than taller besides japan?

>> No.7776922
File: 25 KB, 860x484, mcdonalds_burger[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7776931

Proper burgers, i mean. If you exclude mcshit, even stuff like wendies is taller

>> No.7776939


>proper burgers

Um, where to you think the vast majority of the world was first introduced to burgers?

Also, the basic McDonald's burger is closer to the classic, old fashioned diner style burger (and the original was served on fucking sliced bread).

>> No.7776941

>Um, where to you think the vast majority of the world was first introduced to burgers?

That doesn't mean they're any good.

They're classic style, sure. But shitty implementation. The classic style was cooked fresh to order, not baked in a factory then microwaved when you order it.

>> No.7776959

using a flatter bun or flattening the meat more before you bake it makes your burgers like that. When I go to a burger joint (proper burgers, not mc tier shit) they still are still slightly wider than high

>> No.7776967

How thick are your patties? Im thinking the average would be about 2.5 centermeters

>> No.7776972

>was first introduced to burgers?

In their backyard, with someone's dad grilling them for friends and family.

>> No.7776977

Pretty sure everyones first burger is a happy meal cheese burger

>> No.7776987


What sort of trashy friends/reliatives do you have, anon? My first was exactly as >>7776972
described it. the first time I went to McDs I thought it sucked ass because my neighbor's home-grilled burgers were so much better.

Plus, what red-blooded American is so pathetic they can't grill their own burgers?

>> No.7776988

I make bread flatter so the stuff inside the burger wont spill out as easily when you take a bite. I havent measured them but they are not that thick and pretty wide. Also I usually make the meat flatter so I can put more other stuff on it without it being too tall to be easily eatable and makes them faster to cook.

>> No.7776993


Nobody was talking about Americans...

The point was the rest of the world was introduced to burgers - the American food - often through McDonalds...

>> No.7776997

any fast food burger

>> No.7776999

Dude even before a bbq when youre like 1 or something youll undoubtedly have a happy meal

>> No.7777000


Nothing you said has anything to do with burgers being wider than they are tall.

Nothing about quality was even being discussed.

>> No.7777003

>The point was the rest of the world was introduced to burgers - the American food - often through McDonalds...

Ah, I know nothing about that. But if you're correct, that's fucking sad.

then again, I suppose most Americans only know pizza from places like pizza hut, so it does make sense....

>> No.7777008


What kind of shit parents feeds a 1 year old a happy meal? Serious question.>>7777000

>> No.7777012

You fucker, you beat me to it

>> No.7777018

Great, not long now till a great get,

Anyway its going to happen almost anywhere, nothing wrong with it as long as its infrequent. Most kids only eat the chips i notice though, building up a tolerance over the years

>> No.7777050
File: 1.26 MB, 1676x1408, Laurel-minivan-highres[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7777409

My first burger was in a happy meal, in yurop. Burgers are more common in other restaurants nowadays, but there is an entire generation who had never heard of a hot sandwich in weird bread when being introduced to hamburgers in a McD.
That's why we think you eat shit.

I have some bad news about the authenticity of take away Chinese food too. Well, unless you call it Sino-american food, like tex-mex.

>> No.7777436

I've seen people give their 1 year olds soda

I just look away and cringe

>> No.7777481

>That's why we think you eat shit.

You don't make burgers at home?

>> No.7777544

>the food supplement kown as iron is the same as metallic iron

/ck/ level "education" ladies and ladies

(implying ladies only since you all seem to be on shitposting bitches on the rag you daft cunts)

>> No.7777553
File: 540 KB, 1400x875, lucky_iron_fish_6[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7777650

More like the context of a title.

That would be like saying, "As a busy Brian..." which you COULD do but why would you?

Versus just using it in the context of a title (which it is) like, "As a busy manager..."

>you see?

Run-on this dick.

>> No.7777719


>> No.7778249

I cut large burgers in half to save for later.

>> No.7778314

Two bombs weren't enough

>> No.7778322

I thought this was a commonly accepted burger eating practice in the West wtf?

>> No.7778424

The amount of times I've seen people eating a burger with utensils in fast food places such as Mcdonald's, Carl's Jr, In-N-Out, etc. is zero.

I'm in murrica.

>> No.7778439

Ok John Kasich. Enjoy the fork burger.

>> No.7779817

Of course I don't eat burgers with utensils. What am I, a barbarian?

>> No.7779829

Next you'll tell us that you don't even use utensils for candy bars

>> No.7779837

this was absolutely heartwarming

>> No.7779892

>that bizarre double fisted criss cross cutting
how does that work/look?

>> No.7780084
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why the fuck am I in tears

>> No.7780107

Unless my girlfriend makes the food herself she picks everything apart. With burgers she eats the lettuce, then tomato, then onions, then meat etc, pizza she eats the toppings, then the cheese...

>> No.7780193
File: 160 KB, 606x601, freedomstory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>measuring your sugar in grams

Nice try, you almost fooled me with your wholesome tale of American freedom, gommie.

>> No.7780225

>i seriously hope you don't do this
Why do you care?

>> No.7780293

Underrated post

>> No.7780534

plz b my gf

>> No.7780852


>> No.7781767

Oh no, she did not eat like a fucking savage?

>> No.7781782

Y'all been here long?

>> No.7781799

Of course I do this. I am not a savage that feels the need to get my hands dirty by touching my food.

>> No.7782008

thanks for the blog

>> No.7782016
File: 28 KB, 350x400, 0ff[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guaranteed responses
>after 12 already posted
>1st one was 24 hours prior

>> No.7782018

They're his wife's kids.

>> No.7782862

Yuropoors waking up to make angry posts on the internet.

>> No.7782892

I use my fork as a knife. I almost never use my knife to cut food on my plate

>> No.7782893

>cutting your burger vertically
>not cutting it diagonally

pathetic and stupid

fuck you

>> No.7783200

Why would you cut it diagonally? A half burger is still too big to eat in one mouthful.

>> No.7783203


It's a joke. Because a burger is round, there's no functional difference between "vertically', "diagonally", "horizontally", etc.

>> No.7783212

I was picturing diametrically instead of diagonally.

>> No.7783220

"Darn it" was unironically used in a sentence today and I smiled.
>I also immediately copied it and posted this piece in a /b/ thread about salvia

>> No.7783226

That was glorious. Saluting poster now

>> No.7783235

Maybe he doesn't have hands you thoughtless prick

>> No.7783237

Nice QuadTrips. Full house!

>> No.7783248

I've seen people, my cousin for example, take a fork in one fist and a knife in the other and do this really weird cutting method where their fork and knife like intersect each other. I can't seem to find a picture or video of it but it looks ridiculous. It's also incredibly impractical and clunky so the people that I've seen do this usually cut the entirety of whatever they're eating into little pieces like a child so they don't have to keep cutting over and over with their convoluted method.

>> No.7783303

Ummm.. I live in America and our nutrition facts labels measure sugar in Grams. I've never seen one that doesn't. And nobody here would know how to convert grams to tablespoons so yeah...

>> No.7783353


Years ago my younger brother almost threw a fit in front of his then-girlfriend because i refused to eat a hamburger using utensils, it was fucking hilarious to me and i almost spit my burger out laughing

>> No.7783385


>> No.7783416
File: 863 KB, 1650x1275, feelthebernkastel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally what is wrong with this? I'm eating the same layers of food you're eating without dirtying my hands.

>> No.7783451

America uses metric on our nutritional information.

>> No.7783922

Why are you eating dirty hamburgers?