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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7770658 No.7770658[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>if you don't think frankenfood based on weird powders, campbell's soup mix, and hamburger helper is the best thing ever, you are not American and you also hate America and have literally never set foot here
What is it about the midwest that holds gastronomic mediocrity in such high regard?

I remember when Marcus Samuelsson tried to open a restaurant in the midwest and they practically ran him out of town with burning pitchforks because his food was "too weird"

>> No.7770689

Cultural homogeneity is why

It's not hard to get accustomed to a variety of foods if you're exposed to them from an early age

In Middle America, a variety of foods means having both five guys and burger king in your one stop sign town

Obviously, you're going to get defensive when the internet starts going crazy over some food fad that you'd have to drive sixteen hours to even meet a person who's tried it

>> No.7770694

Nobody actually holds that kind of garbage in high regard, shitposter. It's just stuff that big mid-Western families would have at get-togethers because it's cheap and easy, and some people out there grew up with it and find it nostalgic.

There's a reason they're called flyovers, but pretending that kind of food is the norm makes you even less cultured.

>> No.7770721

Careful not to ingest dihydrogen monoxide

>> No.7770727

Probably because those that embrace the good food are pretentious assholes, like you. It probably scares them away.

>> No.7770730

>le frankenfoods
>le furious strawmanning
how fast are you tipping right now?

>> No.7770734
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Blame Germany.

>> No.7770743

Translation: we're so inbred and fucked up that we kind of lost track of where our ancestors came from

>> No.7770758


Inbreeding doesn't work that way faggot.

>> No.7770763

Or they just have confidence in their national identity and their own culture, and don't feel the need to pretend that they are Irish

>> No.7770771

that stuff would be delicious

>> No.7770774

it decreases their cognitive abilities

>> No.7770778

When Americans say they are German or Irish or whatever, they do not mean they are literally from there, and they are certainly not trying to imply it

The question is explicitly asking what country your ancestors came from. Form whatever reason, these areas settled by Ulster-Scots and English people have completely forgotten where they came from, probably because of poor education

>> No.7770784


Considering what was posted was an example of outbreeding the point stands.

>> No.7770786

>when Marcus Samuelsson tried to open a restaurant in the midwest and they practically ran him out of town with burning pitchforks because his food was "too weird"
Yeah, that never happened

>> No.7770791

You were probably not born yet, it was in the early 00s

>> No.7770793

You'd know.

>> No.7770797

There is a difference between overcharging at your restaurant driving away customers and being run out of town

>> No.7770807

Anything that a decent restauranteur could possibly charge looks like overcharging if you think it's normal to feed your own family powdered shitfood that you bought at Wal-Mart

The problem was not samuelsson

>> No.7770812

There are plenty of amazing restaurants in the Midwest though and they do just fine, often with 'strange' menus and high prices
>he problem was not samuelsson
It clearly fucking was, otherwise he would have been successful as many others have done

>> No.7770822

I'm talking about what decent healthy people want to eat, not deep fried pub grub with a pitcher of IPA

Just because your local joint doesn't literally have a tgi fridays sign out front doesn't mean there's a meaningful difference

>> No.7770825

>you are not American
What was your first clue, 'Murikan?

>> No.7770833

>not deep fried pub grub with a pitcher of IPA
Sounds pretty good, but thats obviously not what I was talking about

>> No.7770839
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Next-level shitposting.

I'm gonna steal a line from another board and dub this genre "nu-/ck/"

>> No.7770843

>frankenfood based on weird powders
implying Frankenfood not based
on weird powders is okay?

>> No.7770846


>deep fried pub grub with a pitcher of IPA

Every flyover pub type place also offers healthy options these days, and everyone drinks IPA. Maybe try leaving the basement once in awhile.

>> No.7770864

The problem with your logic is that it creates a ridiculous artificial distinction between healthy food and delicious food

Just look at how fat everyone is in middle America. It's because "healthy food" is a punishment to be endured under medical supervision

>> No.7770899

most healthy food isn't nearly as good as unhealthy food
There are plenty of exceptions but the trend is clear thanks to evolution. We evolved to like things that give us the most energy such as fat, sugar, and protein as such things took quite a lot of effort to obtain. Now that everything is easy to obtain, things we evolved to perceive as good are available in amounts way higher than we need leading to the need to artificially limit what we consume

Healthy food can be good, but the vast majority of good food and the best food isn't really 'healthy'

>> No.7770901

>look how _____ everyone in _____ is

See how dumb a thing generalizations are and how they make any point you attempt to make easily dismissed? Try saying something without hyperbole or anecdote.

>> No.7770904


>it creates a ridiculous artificial distinction between healthy food and delicious food

As opposed to what? Banning fried cheese curds and making all restaurants health conscious, so that the definition of "delicious" is artificially shifted?

That's like vegans who call their vegan slop delicious. Maybe it's good, but it's not better than the food people with an unrestricted diet eat, and they're deluding themselves into thinking that it is.

>> No.7770913


>> No.7770915

>all this 70s nutrition
No one said anything about fat being bad, cleetus

And that's the point

You think forcing yourself to eat a huge bowl of chopped up iceberg lettuce with fat-free ranch is in some way healthy, and that putting that kind of shit on your menus makes your food every bit as good as what decent people are accustomed to eating but you consider pretentious because the only patriotic vegetable is what you can find on a big mac

>> No.7770921

>someone thinks maybe eating deep fried cheese every day isn't the most appealing habit

No one suggested banning anything, you dumb hick

>> No.7770923

Yeah, no, thats not what I was talking about

>> No.7770927

Who the fuck doesn't like fried cheese curds though?
Its impossible to take anything else someone says seriously if they don't like the taste of an objectively good food such as this

>> No.7770932

The lettuce has to be heirloom and organic for it to be healthy. The problem with midwesterners is they eat too much GMO food and we all know that causes cancer and probably other problems

>> No.7770938


Explain your logic, then.

How is offering salads with grilled chicken or salmon and oil/vinegar on the side at a bar somehow creating an artificial distinction that makes people think of those foods as a punishment? They're offered because people want to be able to go out and options that didn't come out of the deep fryer.

>> No.7770954

Your actual argument was that healthy food cannot be appealing because killer fat must be banished and only iceberg lettuce is healthy

>> No.7770965

Every plant you have ever eaten is a gmo.
There are 0 reputable and conclusive studies to show that gmos are any different from organic.
There are 0 reputable studies to show that gmos cause cancer.
Why don't you figure out how the gmo process works first before you type another stupid post.

>> No.7770972

Your examples are still just stereotypical 'healthy punishment special diet foods", it's like you popped out of a 70s TV show

Decent people tried to teach you what balanced eating meant, but sadly the required pristine quality ingredients that good restaurants depend on to create a good experience cost more than mealy Walmart produce of the sort that made a generation of flyovers reject food that isn't deep fried

So you angrily denounced them as a scam, and returned to a world in which a depressing salad bar was literally the only way to avoid scurvy other than drinking Hi-C mix

>> No.7770977

You're responding to a Midwesterner pretending to be a normal person, rather poorly

>> No.7770991


>you, you, you

The first post I made was a reply to someone talking about deep fried pub food. I used used to work in a brew pub and healthier options were extremely popular, and the produce we sourced wasn't mealy tomatoes and iceberg lettuce shipped across the country by train.

You seem to have a strange picture of what normal restaurants are serving these days.

>> No.7771002

That coma placement ruins the entire sentence structure and logical flow.

Consider writing that sentence in a different order.

You're responding to a Midwesterner poorly pretending to be a normal person.

I hope you realize, after this example, that you are not Yoda.

>> No.7771009

Did you not just claim that dry chicken breasts with a side of light vinaigrette is the medical option that you consider the "finally get healthy" alternative to deep fried Twinkies?

>> No.7771015


>dry chicken breasts with a side of light vinaigrette

None of that was said.

>> No.7771023

Samuelson did an interview where he talks about that restaurant and literally said the lack of success was his fault.


>> No.7771031

I think this >>7770932 is bait.

>> No.7771035

That's the problem. You don't know who's a real retard and who is baiting. I just assume everyone is an idiot because, typically, people are fucking stupid and hold onto dumb memes as fact.

>> No.7771037

I think the first sentence gave it away, particularly the "heirloom" part.

>> No.7771042
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>> No.7771067
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same reason everyone outside the midwest thinks its a food desert with no culture beyind kraft dinner. defensive and holier than though shitheadness is the natural basic state of humanity, and anyone can and will take an enormous shit on a culture they barely understand becuase it makes them better than them.

Take the wisconsin cheese hate. there are people in europe who legitimately will look at tag lines like the best cheese in the world and think that wisconsin citizens are all a bunch of retarded snobs who think eating what must be the shittiest cheese possible (such as your picture) be anything like actual cheese. They get this attitude from official contests and ads that are trying to promote a product, and then they take it as gospel for the entire food culture in the whole state. It's laughably ignorant and you wont see any difference from the people in wisconsin thinking the same thing about europe.

In short, the midwest doesn't hold gastronomic mediocrity in such high regard, basic eating cucks are everywhere outside the mid west as well,


knowledge of this is a google search away, but they choose to remain ignorant to this kind of food, because they get their information about the midwest from angry basic eating cucks who furiously defend mcdonalds. This is even basic random food. you have some bullshit and divey but lovable quality street food, some middle tier food, and some classy plates. you can get a better idea if you know even more about the area.

But people don't want to learn something about the area. they select confirming information that fits their bias, and that bias is that their boondocks are the best boondocks, that they are the center of the universe. But that's humanity in a nutshell, any province you look at will just about be guilty of it in some way.

>> No.7771071

I visited Wisconsin once.
It was closed.

>> No.7771102
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>It was closed.
Enjoying that weather?

>> No.7771111

Heh, even nature hates the Midwest.

>> No.7771242

America as a whole is one of the least inbred western nations

>> No.7771266

Does this word, like "nice" and "pop" and "crappy", have a special meaning in the midwest? I was only there for a few years and i must not have picked up on that

What he says in the article is basically that he underestimated how narrow minded and stingy mudwesterns were at the time, and that he played a part in getting them to be ever so slightly less so

The phrase "wasn't Minnesota's fault" is kind of like saying "it's not you, it's me" (i.e., it's you, but I'm not going to argue with you because it would not be constructive )

>> No.7771271

>as a resident of the shittiest region in the country, let me speak on behalf of the good parts while confusing you for a foreigner

>> No.7771276

It has an informal meaning that people who aren't grammar Nazis or on the spectrum will understand.

>> No.7771284

>claiming not to be a grammar nazi while literally capitalizing the word "Nazi"

>> No.7771289

Autocorrect. I'm on a tablet.

>> No.7771290

What a pathetic thread.

>> No.7771305


mineesotan here, hate to break it to you guys, but i have better food than everyone here besides la, nyc, and miami.

have your "flyover" hate all you want.i can literally have any ffood at any time and have it either be shitty authentic street food or crazy molecular gastronomic small plates accompanied with some of the best fucking cocktails you have ever had.

also on the wisconsin cheese thing, they arent fucking around. At college parties in wisconsin its BYOC , not BYOB

>> No.7771318

Your food is definitely not as good as the PNW or SF bay area, but I agree it's better than Chicago

Keep in mind that's not exactly hard to be better than the land of racial strife hot dogs and the combination weber grill/oprah theme restaurant. A top class chef literally killed himself out of frustration over picky eaters who make loud gagging noises at food that isn't hamburgers and chicken tenders

>> No.7771324



>> No.7771334


minneapolis has FAR better cuisine than chicago.

and quavit closed because it was finnish/scandinavian food. And even tho we have a HUGE population of people with that sort of background, it just wasnt very good. i went there with my mother while it was open, it was just bad. You people act like because these people are on televison they can do no wrong and its just not true. in reality minneapolis has one of THE most competetive food markets because EVERYONE and their mother wants to eb a chef here. there is a new resaurant opening and closing every single week. The amazing ones stay. sometimes even the good ones close.

In such an oversaturated market, its hard. but it also gives my city the 4th best market in the fucking country.

Funny you mentioned chicago. their "World Famous " Giordanos opened here and is already on its way to close. fucking shit pizza. also chicago style pizza isnt fucking pizza.

excuse me while i put ketchup on my hotdog

>> No.7771339
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>tfw even minnesotans dont want to eat pickled herring

>> No.7771340

I wouldn't let my head get too inflated if I were you

Yes, you have pizza lola

But most locals think it's pretentious and weird, and they gush with lavish praise for greasy doughnut batter covered in shitmeat, like lucce

>> No.7771365


why are you even saying pizza lola??? thats not even close to our best food lol.

stop reading buzz articles and regurgitating what you read plebian. go to spoon and stable. go to piccolo. go to parlour/borough. go to 112 eatery. go to trevails. got o pig ate my pizza (better than lola) go to the freehouse go to the brewers table go to sanctuary

>> No.7771399

>those ridiculous names
Sorry I'm too busy laughing at your trends lifted directly from 2009-era Williamsburg

>> No.7771415


because "aqauavitt" a restaurant named after a liquor or "butter" is any better. please.

>> No.7771430

Butter opened in like 2003 though, and aquavit even earlier

>> No.7771434


so a name for a resaturant needs to be "with it" and the times? lol wat

>> No.7771463

Food doesn't exist in a vacuum

You might as well be serving aquariums full of lime jello encrusted with shrimp cocktail

>> No.7771506


the plural of aquarium is aquaria, ameridumb

>> No.7771527

I'm a west coast transplant who has been living in the midwest for about a decade.

From what I've deduced, the biggest reason is simply because people here have never actually had food in their lives that was anything more than mediocre.

If you're raised on heavily processed corn based foods, cheap meat and "safe" foods, you're going to reject any food that breaks this trend in any significant way.

I've personally witnessed multiple good restaurants go under (an authentic thai place, a french bistro, a korean bakery, and an avant garde chinese fusion place to name a few). These places didn't really do anything wrong other than being stupid enough to try to open and operate in the semi-rural midwest.

The bottom line is, the people here hate trying anything new. Furthermore, they're proud of it. It's not a racial thing either. Blacks up here are all about white bread, mayo and red meat too.

It's just a fucking culinary deadzone. The "flyover" accusation is well deserved.

Honestly don't get me wrong, there are good things about the midwest (partially why I still live here), but the food culture is not one of them.

>> No.7771550

Addendum: this doesn't apply to major cities btw. Like
said, places like Minneapolis, Grand Rapids, fuck even Indianapolis have food cultures that would not leave a New Yorker or a Londoner disappointed.

>> No.7772299

I read it as "you are responding, rather poorly, to a midwesterner pretending to be a normal person"

>> No.7772335

>so inbred that they don't have a common ancestry

>> No.7772363
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>> No.7772390

Le upboated

>> No.7772412

>minneapolis has FAR better cuisine than chicago.
This is the most delusional thing I've ever heard. How many michelin stars does Minneapolis have? When people think Chicago cuisine, they think Rick Bayless, Graham Elliot, Curtis Duffy, Grant Aschatz, Charlie Trotter, Stephanie Izard, etc. How many Minneapolis chefs are household names in America?

Chicago is considered the 2nd or 3rd best food city in the US behind New York and closely tied with San Francisco.

Chicago has a hyper-competitive restaurant scene, we have literally dozens of neighborhoods that are all known for their vibrant culinary scenes. There's more good restaurants than you could ever hope to eat it in an entire lifetime.

>> No.7772429

Forgot to also mention that they even host the James Beard awards here... There's a reason for that and it's because people know that Chicago is an innovative, exciting, and growing culinary scene that makes it suitable for hosting the equivalent of the Oscars or Grammy's of cooking.

Only non-Chicagoans think about dumb shit like hot dogs and pizza when they are asked to think about Chicago food.

>> No.7772441

It's probably more like because James Beard is about American cooking, and Chicago is the least horrible choice that's relatively equidistant between both coasts.

Also outside the extreme high end of things, Chicago has a fairly weak food culture based mostly on, as you said, hot dogs and pizza.

But if you're into the whole making reservations 3 weeks out and spending $250 for dinner, then I don't disagree that Chicago can be a pretty great place to eat.

>> No.7772450

Go roll down a staircase made of sausages and cream of mushroom soup, Ditka

>> No.7772656

That's all they know

You should see a /ck/ nostalgia thread, it's horrifying what these people ate growing up

>> No.7772665

>It's probably more like because James Beard is about American cooking, and Chicago is the least horrible choice that's relatively equidistant between both coasts.
Yeah, but no. They hold the Tony awards in NYC and the Emmy's, Grammy's, and Oscar's are in Los Angeles. Nobody hosts an awards show because it's equidistant between between other areas important to that field. If that was the case, everything would be in Chicago, or more accurately, Kansas City.

And if you really think all Chicago food culture sans high end places is based mostly on pizza and hot dogs, then you are totally clueless. You've probably never even been to Chicago, or if you have, I bet you took a picture of yourself in front of the bean you poser.

Just about every kind of ethnic food is available here, as well as plenty of new kinds of culinary styles that aren't necessarily high end by any means, but are still inventice and use high quality ingredients.

>> No.7772684

Seconded. Shitposting transcendent

>> No.7772694

merkt's cheddar is good as fuck

>> No.7772702

I lived in Chicago for a year and I visit at least three times a year for work or personal reasons. I'm familiar with the dining scene

Like I said, great food at the high end. Mediocre greasy fried crap everywhere else. Yes, muh Pilsen, muh Argyle, muh knockoff pho made by Koreans , but Chicago pride is Italian beef and hot dogs with swearing. You can forget about midrange western style dining, it's all IPA, the wine lists are stuck in the 1950s

>> No.7772844


Enjoying your yearly hurricane? Oh, you're from the UK? How many inches did it rain today?

>> No.7772858
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Lived in Minnesota my entire life and I'll guzzle that shit down. Pickled herring, pickled eggs, fresh smoked lake superior fish, venison chili/steaks/burgers/tenderloin, brats and sauerkraut all summer long.

God damn we have it good in the midwest

>> No.7772877

My mom has worked in factories that make that God tier spread cheese in the picture. Its good quality food you have not taste sir

>> No.7772919

But you don't have any fiber

>> No.7772942


that port wine dip looks dank yo

also OP is a faggot

>> No.7772958

I agree that it looks gross, but dank is a strange way to describe it.

>> No.7772968


I don't care what you think

nice blog though

>> No.7772979

I hope that cold packed cheese isn't an example of "frankenfood" because it's fucking delicious and way better than any other cheese spread, especially cheese wiz

>> No.7773148
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Ladies first.

>> No.7773949

What is wild rice?

>> No.7773953

>but Chicago pride is Italian beef and hot dogs with swearing.
Maybe if you bothered to go beyond whatever tourist handbook you were given you'd realize that is really just facade. Anyways, that kind of "Chicago pride" barely exists any more. The city is no longer full of white ethnics.

>the wine lists are stuck in the 1950s
This doesn't even make a modicum of sense. Do you even remember what wine lists were like in the 1950s?

>> No.7774257

>no true chicago
Ok sure
>This doesn't even make a modicum of sense
"I don't understand" is fewer words and gets the point across better
>Do you even remember what wine lists were like in the 1950s?
Yes, I'm literally claiming to be 80 years old, just as when an American claims to be "German" or "Italian" or "Polish" it means they are literally pretending to be a citizen of those countries and a native speaker of the language.

>> No.7774567

french are where?

>> No.7774616
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Yeah, cause German food is terrible. Oh wait, it's actually not.
Also, there should be some french in the south-east.

>> No.7774632

they're more than likely scots.

most of the old family whites in the south are scots.

>> No.7774640

The french had little to no gastronomic impact on the US because the parts of the US that were colonized when the French were here were inhospitable to the kinds of ingredients and techniques that French food uses.

You'll see some traces of French influence in parts of the deep south and parts of bumfuck Maine, but aside from that we're basically what happens when you dump a bunch of German peasants off a boat, force them to forget their heritage, and then, generations later, give them enough spending money that they can awkwardly try to ape a cartoon version of what they think they know about the Old World.