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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7761145 No.7761145[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>not having it blue

What is wrong with you?

>> No.7761193

I like my steak warm

>> No.7761194

t. Cuck

>> No.7761198

lelele meem words xD
fuck off

>> No.7761211

t. Assblasted Cuck

>> No.7761266
File: 151 KB, 426x333, how_many_irony_u_on.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The magic of it is that every one of these posts is a unique poster who just decided to contribute such.

>> No.7761276

/ck/ is the new /b/

>> No.7761289
File: 687 B, 80x28, JESUS CHRIST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blue is illegal is some parts of the states. i went camping in new hampshire and they flat out refused to prepare my steak like this.

>tfw had to settle with medium rare pleb shit

>> No.7761290

i've been to the most highclass steakhouses in my state and when i ask for blue rare they look at me like im an idiot

>> No.7761294

If you want raw meat at least get something nice like kobe beef

>> No.7761300

Every single person I know that enjoys its blue is a pretentious manchild who feels the need to interject their self perceived manliness into every thing they enjoy or do. The same type of people, who think salads are for women.

>> No.7761346

Pretty much this. I mean, I'm sure some people out there do enjoy blue rare steaks, but not many. All the ones I've known to eat blue steaks are high-intensity fedora tippers and are take eating a steak like some sort of quasi-religious manhood ritual.

>> No.7761351

Looks great OP, now make me a bone-in 1 1/2 inch ribeye, and get a good sear on the outside.

>> No.7761364

>steak is still pink

>> No.7761376
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My face when I hate steak blue or even rare
My face when I absolutely hate scotch
My face when I hate wearing suits/dress shirt/tie

My face whenever I meat up w/ friends for dinner after work and I order blue filet mignon, w/ chivas regal scotch and show up in a suit (w/ cufflinks)....when everyone else at work wears shorts and flipoffs.

I love being that pretentious dickhead. I have no idea why these faggots like me.

>> No.7761394

do they like you?

>> No.7761401

Honestly yes it seems, this is both for my coworkers and my "friends" in IRL.

By "friends", I mean that a good 20 people like me and many of them refer to me as their best friend, when if they died in front of me, I wouldn't care at all.

Both friends and coworkers constantly want me to hangout with them and such and not once in my life have I ever asked someone to hang out with me....mostly because I hate people.

With that said, it's easier to just blend in w/ the crowd and adopt behaviors that people expect.

>> No.7761406

>mostly because I hate people.

Let me clarify, I don't hate people....I find human interaction completely boring and waste of time...yes, I'm aware this sounds edgy as fuck

>> No.7761408

>I find human interaction completely boring and waste of time

Wow, I keep coming off more autismo

Last clarification: I'm very selfish and only care about talking with other people when it pertains to my hobbies (e.g. cooking, hence coming to /ck/)

>> No.7761416

I like mine not moving

>> No.7761424


nice blog, anon

>> No.7761458
File: 22 KB, 367x500, uR1e8KG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if they died in front of me, I wouldn't care at all.

>> No.7761464

I bet you order chicken tenders when you go to restaurants alone. And think vegetables are gross, amiright? You're most likely also obese.

>> No.7761465

Because I like the fat melted into the meat

>> No.7761504

>I bet you order chicken tenders when you go to restaurants alone. And think vegetables are gross, amiright? You're most likely also obese.

I cook very healthy and don't touch fried food or processed food. I go to the grocery store daily and only cook with fresh vegetables and typically lower fat meats (e.g. Salmon, Chicken, other fishes)

My BMI is 28 and I'm overweight. I blew out my knees training for an IronMan Triathlon a few years ago and never properly healed. Now I'm a borderline fat ass because it depressed me so much that I chose to turn into an alcoholic.

>> No.7761544

>My BMI is 28
God damn I'm like 18 BMI. Cut down on the meats and carbs or something and fill up on veggies.

>> No.7761803

Oh. Am I the only one who just likes how it tastes?

>> No.7761870

Jack is that you?

>> No.7761902
File: 200 KB, 600x600, 7633_fiorentina-cotta_al-sangue-600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks overcooked OP.

>> No.7761905

>not having at least 3 prion diseases
Fucking flyovers

>> No.7761917

I don't think this would taste bad, but I think it would taste better if it was medium rare

>> No.7761948
File: 131 KB, 500x425, rare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is clearly pink

Rawfags literally have brain damage

>> No.7762007

stop fucking posting no one cares

>> No.7762020

I would rather eat cooked meat, raw meat is disgusting

>> No.7762052

is that fucking pork or did you manage to find the shittiest beef on the planet ?

>> No.7762062

You can lose the attitude kiddo, else I'm gonna box them fucking ears.