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7753141 No.7753141 [Reply] [Original]

I am about to finish my Chinese Pomegranate that I brought with a bunch of other weird Mexican fruits. That makes me want to try more fruits

>> No.7753148
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>> No.7753154
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>> No.7753160
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>> No.7753161

I know how all the other ones taste, how does this one taste?

>> No.7753169

That's passionfruit.

>> No.7753175

Is lychee in season? Hell yeah bitch

>> No.7753184

That's rambutan, not lychee.

>> No.7753190

Rambutan is in season? Hell yeah, bitch

>> No.7753194

It's pretty great, just bought a pound of it.

>> No.7753199
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Related, but not the same species
It's a general sweet with a kind of lychee presence in the juices. But the sole reason I will be eating this is the texture; slimy when puting them on your mouth, watery when you break the individual packages of juice and with a great crunch when you bite the seeds

>> No.7753222

Horned cucumber number one for cute drinks
Make the Galactic Nebula

>> No.7753233
File: 3.31 MB, 2838x2577, Cherimoya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love cherimoya, but they're so damn expensive here.

>> No.7753248
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I saw some in Mercado Hidalgo (the place I brought all the fruits) How good are they?

>> No.7753249

Jackfruit is hella yummy

>> No.7753254

They really do have a custard consistency. The taste is tropical, almost a mixture of banana, mango, and strawberry.

>> No.7753266
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I am sold
Hell yeah it is, they should become more mainstream here in the north

>> No.7753282

Jackfruit is one of the best fruits I've ever had

>> No.7753289

Apparently, you can dry the seeds and make flour out of it. That's something I've always wanted to try. what do you do with the seeds?

>> No.7753295

Dragonfruit was the biggest disappointment of my life. I imagined a nice, subtly sweet, almost creamy flavor from it.

>> No.7753326

What did it taste like?

>> No.7753330

I don't even remember. I just remember it not being all that interesting or similar to what I had thought up in my mind.

>> No.7753332

My family boils the seeds, crack the outside and eat the insides like a weird potato.

>mfw white people use the stringy flavorless parts of jackfruit to make vegan pulled pork
>mfw I have no face

>> No.7753339
File: 73 KB, 585x473, prickly-pear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not >>7753295 but I can tell you that they have very little favor, only mildly sweet. I personally prefer "Tunas" (A fruit given by nopal plants, it's the first image in the thread), they are still very tasteless but the texture more than makes up for it

>> No.7753347

Good choice, anon. Just need to be careful dealing with glochids.

>> No.7753354

>Vegan pulled pork
What about vegans making their own food? I seriously can't understand why would anyone eat anything so highly processed in order to follow a fad

>> No.7753363

This is something I'd like to see a thread about.

"New" types of vegan food that isn't mean to imitate animal by-products in any way.

Not vegan, just something I would appreciate to see discussed. There are these veggie sausages that seem to be intended to imitate ...chicken? They have their own distinct flavour though. I like it.

>> No.7753366
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I buy them clean here, there is really nowhere to find them naturally in Tijuana. I do not have photos but they had boxes filled with glochids, A part of me wanted to fuck that, a part of me that I never want to see again

>> No.7753371

My dissertation research deals with prickly-pear cacti, so I am all too familiar with the spines and glochids. Nasty fuckers.

>> No.7753376

I know what you're talking about. I had these frozen vegan chicken nuggets made out of grains or some shit when I was in college that didn't taste like chicken at all. It tasted good as its own thing. I actually preferred them over frozen chicken strips.

>> No.7753391

I am not vegan either, but I have absolutely no problem eating completely vegan. There are a lot of possibilities with vegan food, yet they (at best) limit themselves with what's already created.

In another note:
>I want, not to be vegan, but to only eat animal products that I have gotten by myself(ish)
Not being an asshole and do not eat the food my friend's family has cooked for me, but in my house try not eating meat that came from an animal that was not hunted/fished by me or with my consumption in mind (A friend who gives me part of his catch). I want to do this because I know of the horrible conditions that many animals live, but I do not want to cripple myself by eliminating a whole food group. What do you think of this idea?

>> No.7753405

Where are you from (State and country)
I am from Sinaloa, México. You know that we have lots of cacti there. We even call someone very sticky (for a lack of a better word describing a person who is always stinking to a grout, even if the group does not want him) and annoying that he is "Peor que on alguate en el trasero" (Worst than a small glochid in your ass)

>> No.7753409

I'm originally from Pennsylvania, USA. I'm working at a large university in the southern US. Yes, I'm aware of cacti diversity there, but my research is entirely in the US.

>> No.7753414

Then you must know a lot more about this than me, all I know is that they are tasty and that if you touch one the wrong way then you are fucked for the rest of the day (or until you find that .02mm fucker in your hand)

>> No.7753421

I once saw a kid pick up one, and then throw it at another kid. The other kid thought it was a ball and caught it.


>> No.7753422

They are delicious. I always order nopalitos with my breakfast if I'm working in Texas, Arizona, or New Mexico.

>> No.7753423

I can respect that. Killing an animal specifically for the purpose of using its body for survival as opposed to paying someone who does it for profit. The difference I suppose lies in how much waste there is. On one hand the food industry wastes a lot of produce and possible ingredients/materials and you may not want to support that. On the other hand, what does the saved money support? Are you saving money? Will you make use of the whole animal?

Do consider making stocks or leathers, even ornaments or accessories.

I suppose the ethics come down to a wastefulness:suffering ratio. There are minimums to strive for on either side. Learning the anatomy of the animals you have an appetite for will be very important.

Some of the best eggs I've ever eaten came fresh from local allotments. This guy had bought up a decent area and was selling to very few, the rest of the produce went to his family. His vegetables were also excellent.

Happy hunting, anon.

>> No.7753427
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Yeah, fuck that. I use barbecue tongs to handle them.

>> No.7753440
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You: Evil meanie Man
Him: Poor soul
I just remembered that I had this today; "Jugo de Pitaya" or Pitaya (Dragon Fruit) juice, along Maracuyá juice, it was actually very refreshing, it would have being delicious if it was colder, I think that the problem with the fruit if the texture mixed with the flavor, in juice form it is actually very good

>> No.7753445


chirimoyas are patrician af. its texture is outwordly.

i have them cheap so i buy lots, then when all you have left are super ripe ones, you shred and mix them with white wine. shits so cash.

>> No.7753454

Well, I live in a city so there is very little hunting options, but there is a lot of fishing in my area. I think red meat would be reserved for special occasions, as for me going back to Sinaloa to my family, they do hunt (or the males used to) I really do not mind.
I do it because of ethics btw, but getting everything without too much harn is pretty, but almost impossible
Clean them with water using gloves and a sponge, it will clean them and all spikes will go to the sponge instead of your hands

>> No.7753460
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These niggas were tasty. Had a loquat tree in my yard growing up, loquat stealing whores would always pick them.

>> No.7753468

How would you describe the taste aside from "steal-able"

>> No.7753482

Peachy texture with a sort of lychee flavor. Big seed pods are annoying, and they're maybe a little bigger than lychees.

>> No.7753593

Looks like it would taste delicious and sweet, tastes like literally nothing.

>> No.7753605

Tastes like AYY LMAO....seeds...

>> No.7753607

Orientals steal this...especially old bats...

>> No.7753616

>My family boils the seeds, crack the outside and eat the insides like a weird potato

My family uses them in a fish stew of sorts

>> No.7753756

But the texture anon, that wonderful texture
The seeds are very crunchy desu

>> No.7754813
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>> No.7755029
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Durian up in this thread

>> No.7755070


So fucking good.

>> No.7755118
File: 208 KB, 725x482, custard-apple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a custard apple recently. They aren't that good. 6/10.

>> No.7755184


That fruit looks like a Bloodborne monster

Lychee is yummy though

>> No.7755295

I know some people roast them to eat as snacks (like, say, peanuts).

>> No.7755306 [DELETED] 
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I don't think pic related is that weird but they taste real good when ripe
Those suck

>> No.7755989
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>> No.7756564

Fucking nothing, 9 dollars for one piece of shit fruit with a disgusting texture and no flavor at all.

>> No.7756822
File: 95 KB, 379x400, mock strawberry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever eaten an Indian Mock Strawberry? They grow like weeds in my yard and are very tough to get rid of.

Dragonfruit taste a lot like those little fuckers.

>> No.7756840

Fruits I have had for the first time recently.
Buddha Lime

Some can be pretty dissapointing t-b-h

>> No.7756843

Also, ausfag here. I get a lot of cheap access to tropical fruits.

>> No.7756853
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Anyone agree Mangosteen is the greatest?

>> No.7756857

Looks more like a passionfruit hybrid we plant over here.

>> No.7756867
File: 306 KB, 1600x1200, 2012-09-01 15.54.59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting the king of obscure fruits, the Paw Paw.

>Largest native North American fruit.
>Creamy, buttery texture with a pearlike aroma.
>Flavor ranges from that of a mango-banana mix to an almost chocolatey flavor.
>Relatively high protein content.
>Tree produces several secondary metabolites that have demonstrated tumor-fighting properties.

>> No.7756871

Can I make strawberry based desserts with it?

>> No.7756913

Mock strawberries have almost no taste.

>> No.7756939

Those are called 'granadillas' where I come from, literally little pomegranates. I recommend blending them with orange juice for a refreshing drink

>> No.7756968

Came into a supply of hachiya persimmons once a while back. Tasted like a mix of apricot, peach and mango once properly ripened. Was in the middle of experimenting with recipes for a persimmon/pistachio/raisin cake when I ran out.

>> No.7756969

oh my god yes. was a bout to post this

>> No.7756971

>5% protein by calories
>relatively high
Compared to what, exactly?

>> No.7756974

Other fruit. Are you fucking retarded or something? He said relatively high. God damn, you're stupid.

>> No.7756989

Just looked up the first bunch of fruits that cam to mind for comparison. Bananas have 8%, oranges have 11%, peaches have 10%, apples and pears are both 3%. Consider me unimpressed.

>> No.7757108

What is that, a red dragon fruit?

>> No.7757127

If blue cheese were a fruit, it'd definitely be a durian.

>> No.7757149

Except one of them is actually good.

>> No.7757152

if only this faggot fruit tasted good

>> No.7757165


>> No.7757169

Fried jackfruit and banana wrapped in a thin film of rice wrapper tastes so damn good.

>> No.7757184

Texture of a shitty passionfruit, taste of a shitty cucumber.

>> No.7757190

>king of obscure fruits, the Paw Paw
not very obscure if you can buy it at all shops

>> No.7757196
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>> No.7757199


>> No.7757784

Ripe guavas can be quite disgusting, in my opinion, and are better used for juice/smoothie/mousse. They're at their best to be eaten by themselves when still unripe and green; crisp, crunchy texture, a slightly tangy taste... bloody delicious.

>> No.7757790

are those alien babies?

>> No.7757793

literally never seen it in a shop here in WA state

>> No.7757798
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Lilley pilly pretty awesome in jams

>> No.7757807

are those peppers? they have beautiful color

>> No.7757816

>Tadpole eggs come from fruit

>> No.7757974

I call those "Chiles de Biznaga" what's their actual name?

>> No.7758404

It tastes literally like nothing. Just the crunchy seeds and the faintest hint of sweetnes.
What's fun though is planting those seeds. They germinate like crazy and you can have your own good-looking-but-tasteless fruit plantation in no time.

>> No.7758436

Looks good, tastes like shit. Sour shit.

>> No.7758443

Oh shit THIS, I could live off those for the rest of my life.

>> No.7759168

Show me a single store that sells pawpaws. Your best bet at buying them is at a farmer's market stall selling an extremely limited supply for three weeks out of the entire year at best.

>> No.7760900
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>that fruit

>> No.7760906

You've only had the white ones, haven't you? The red ones taste like tart kiwi, they're great.

>> No.7761105

every paw paw i had either smelt like a rotting fuck or tasted like off semen, sometimes even both for that matter

>> No.7761142

what do these taste like?

>> No.7761316


the pits look like a nigger's butt