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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.96 MB, 2972x2152, costco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7751832 No.7751832 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever had to do the walk of shame?

>debit card compromised a few days ago, card cancelled
>still have visa credit card
>go to costco
>fill up cart with $93 in food
>get to checkout
>"We only take American Express credit cards"
>people behind me starring now
>have to leave my buggy and walk out empty handed

>> No.7751836

Ok first of all


Second, they are stopping the AmEx exclusivity this month.

>> No.7751841

Something like that happened to me a few years ago at whole foods, I can't remember why but I had taken my credit cards out of my wallet for some reason (might have been to scan them into my google wallet) and I only had something like $30 in cash which was enough for like three things

I said I'd be back (at the time I honestly kind of believed somehow that I'd come back), but then I got lazy and didn't

>> No.7751847

Never had anything like that happen to me, because I'm smart enough to ensure shit will work before I do it.

>> No.7751854

How do you not have a debit card?


Never mind.

>> No.7751856

I've used my visa card at Costco before though.

>> No.7751859 [DELETED] 

They wouldn't even let me go inside the fucking shopping area i was only allowed near the hot dog area

>> No.7751869

>hating on someone for saying buggy
>didnt even read the first line of greentext
anxious to be autistic?

>> No.7751902

they signed a contract with chase and started taking visa this month though

>> No.7751915

You have to be a member to shop there you dumb faggot

>> No.7751950

Feels good to be living in the land of debit card security.

>> No.7751959
File: 35 KB, 511x503, skim1-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow Amerifat here. I've had my debit card skimmed 3 times already.

>> No.7751965

Anyone who knowingly uses a debit card instead of a credit card is asking to get fucked up the ass by scammers

>> No.7751972

>We only take American Express credit cards
Lel, everywhere else in the world it's the opposite. AmEx is the most likely card to not be accepted.

>> No.7751974

I still do almost everything in cash. I have a debit card, but have never had a credit card. And given that I've made it to middle age without one I doubt I ever will.

>> No.7751979

In developed countries, debit cards are usually equally secure.

>> No.7751980 [DELETED] 

Yeah im the same way. My uncle has never used an atm in his entire life

>> No.7751983


strong this

only used debit card entire life

never had any problems

>> No.7751986


rest of the world: chip and pin is secure

rest of the world: debit cards have been good for twenty years

rest of the world: visa and mastercard

>> No.7751987

>equally secure
Are you talking about the physical card technology or what?

I have no idea what your country's definitions are, but here, a debit card is linked to a bank account and when the money is gone, it's gone. You can report the fraud and you may or may not get the money back; if you do, it certainly won't be right away.

A credit card is linked to a line of credit, and if a fraudulent charge takes place, you don't have to pay.

A credit card and a debit card have the same physical properties and use the same network links, but one is for idiots with no common sense, and the other is for normal people.

If your credit is too fucked up for a real credit card, or if you have the self control of a child, then just use cash.

>> No.7751994


perhaps you could try not banking in the third world

>> No.7752001

>Being rich enough for an AmEx card to be worth it

>Shopping at pleb tier places that don't take AmEx

>> No.7752003

Perhaps you could educate yourself about the banking system instead of believing that chips are a magic panacea that can prevent fraud

>> No.7752004
File: 92 KB, 425x407, collage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not an amerifat though. We use chip+pin (201) in store and VBV/MSC (3-DS) online

>> No.7752006

how do you know?

>> No.7752012


sorry brah, america is the pajeet of banking services

designated shitting banks, etc.

>> No.7752014

damn. I don't even have a cash pocket in my wallet.

>> No.7752015

no, you haven't.

>> No.7752018

In my experience, fraudulent charges are just as easy to deal with for a debit card as a credit card.

>> No.7752022

Plenty of amex cards don't have annual fees....

>> No.7752024

JCB/Discover is probably worse
European cards are region locked, so even if you clone magstripe+PIN all you have is a worthless 201 dump. And chip card+magstripe reader shifts liability to merchant

>> No.7752026

Even a lot of places frequented by wealthy people (corporate suites of sporting stadiums etc.) here in Australia either don't take AmEx or charge an extra fee.

>> No.7752028
File: 1.93 MB, 350x310, fuck everything.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw america is adopting chip and SIGNATURE even though there are no signature-verifying technologies in place

>> No.7752031

It is and always has been about the weakest link. Chip+pin has been rolling out in the USA for the last year and should be complete within another year or two, as soon as that's done, credit card fraud will target the next weakest link, which will probably be the technologically ignorant people like this guy, who think that VPV and chips can magically prevent crime

>> No.7752033


>> No.7752036


Was home for the holidays last winter, went to Costco with my parents membership card. Was gonna buy a bunch of food for the week. Grabbed probably $200+ of food, then the cashier wouldn't let me buy any of it because it wasn't my membership

>> No.7752039

That doesn't really help much when your main bank account was drained and it takes weeks to finish the investigation, I hope you keep a lot of cash lying around the house just in case.

>> No.7752040

Explain how to use a region locked 201 dump, with or without pin

>> No.7752047

I just draw a line for my signature.

theyre pushing for chip and pin here now. My credit card provider is annoying as fuck about fraudulent charges. they have shut off my card and spam called me on several occasions after using my card at the mcdonalds down the street from me.

>> No.7752049 [DELETED] 

Did you throw the food on the floor?

>> No.7752050

so wha thappened?

>> No.7752056

they take your stuff away and escort you out here

>> No.7752060

huh? im in american and my cards have chip and pin.
hardly anyone uses american express also.

the fuck you on, shitposter?

>> No.7752061

i use my father's BJ's card no problem. Hell, even my roommate has used my father's BJ card without issue

>> No.7752071

where you live?

>> No.7752075 [DELETED] 

lol BJ card

>> No.7752088

they seriously don't let you buy any of it? they don't just have a surcharge?

>> No.7752100

a friend and I literally went in without a membership card and bought as much shit as we wanted and then at check-out the person behind us let us use their membership card and the checker didnt give a fuck

>> No.7752101

But don't they check the ID upon entrance?

>> No.7752105

Switch providers, I had a major problem with Chase blocking legit stuff, like $50 worth of groceries, and then allowing nearly $1000 worth of fraud charges on some sketchy website that I had to spot by going through my statement and spending 20 minutes on the phone to get it taken off, so I took my CapitalOne card out of cold storage. No problems with them at all.

Chip and pin doesn't do shit when people still need to do online banking, it's amusing to see people who think that just because their script kiddie friends can no longer print fake credit cards in their section 8 housing complex to buy $400 sneakers at Barneys, that credit card fraud is now over.

>> No.7752154

It's people from your country that are trying to defraud Americans you cuck

>> No.7752158

I just flashed the card at the entrance iirc. Then they check the name/photo at the register. I was just kind of upset that I had wasted like an hour of my time. Also felt bad that some poor employee had to put back all the food

They didn't escort me or anything. She was pretty apologetic. That's a corporate policy that they have no choice to enforce. Shitty policy though imo

>> No.7752162 [DELETED] 

>defraud Americans
It's not exactly hard.

>> No.7752166

No, Russia has pretty bad security.

>> No.7752169

>>7752101 >>7752158

I should've specified that the photo is printed very small and on the back of the card, so it's not visible if you're just flashing it

>> No.7752173

where do YOU live? every major bank in the US, if not every single bank, has already rolled out EMV cards at this point

>> No.7752177

i mean about hte american express part. not the chip and pin

>> No.7752178

You can still make fake CCs, emboss PAN (the 16 digit number) and date of expiry on something that looks like a card. Fry the magstripe and chip and use a fake ID to bypass pin check.

>> No.7752181

>Waaaah I went into a membership-only facility without a membership and they won't let me enjoy the membership benefits

>> No.7752189



americucks pls stop

you literally sound like somebody with a computer from 1986 claiming that a cd drive in a computer would explode and kill you

your banking system is shit and you are literally using caveman bank cards hiding in fear of the white man with his boom boom stick


>> No.7752195

You have no idea what you're talking about, but your ignorant ranting is amusing. Tell us the one about how if you use a credit card you'll ruin your life with denbt, just like the Greeks.

>> No.7752197

i've had my cards for 6 years now and i've never been compromised; but then again, i live around white people only.

>> No.7752201


>> No.7752223

White people don't go to Home Depot or Target?

>> No.7752254

Yeah this happened to me too. Had to end up buying a memborship on the spot.

Also idk what the fuck op is talking about my parents dont have amex aneither do i and we go there all the fucking time.

>> No.7752295

Not the guy you asked but the news and those big signs they have saying they're taking visa on the 20th at the check out

>> No.7752312

hmm, okie

Bad news for american express guess

>> No.7752340

Any adult should carry enough cash to fill their car up with gas & always have $100 bill tucked away for an emergency. I never use atm's & try to avoid using credit cards when possible.

>> No.7752349

I leave cash in my car for that reason. I don't walk around with cash anymore. My wallet doesn't even have a bill pocket.

why would you want to avoid using credit cards? they make shopping considerably easier.

>> No.7752352

How old are you? You talk like a fat, 60 year old baby boomer in some disgusting place like Missouri.

>> No.7752355

Unless you use an absolutely terrible bank (CitiBank, BoA, an especially bad credit union), in America when you dispute the charges made on your account it's literally like they never happened while the investigation is ongoing. Debit is far more secure than credit, because the credit card companies will fuck with your credit rating for having the audacity to get your card info stolen.

>> No.7752368


>> No.7752389

38 / Long Island. You talk like a typical shithead millennial.

>> No.7752392

This is not true in Kentucky. In KY fraudulant charges are typically discovered immediatly, the bank stops payment or repays it automatically. Additionally your money is insured for up to like 600k. So even if they didnt you would still get paid. Credit card companies just use the more secure idea as a sales pitch.

>> No.7752394 [DELETED] 

You guys are typing though

>> No.7752399

You are exactly the person I vision living in Long Island.

>> No.7752402

>Debit is far more secure than credit, because the credit card companies will fuck with your credit rating for having the audacity to get your card info stolen.

This is bait

>> No.7752403

why would you not use a credit card these days?

>> No.7752405

It's easier to spend money when you just have to swipe. When your handing over your hard earned cash you tend to cut down on impulse buying.

>> No.7752414

speak for yourself. maybe it's hard for you, but not me. apparently you don't understand contractions or can't be bothered to write properly, so I could see how that could be a problem for you.

>> No.7752416

It was good advice you idiot.

>> No.7752421

>hardly anyone uses american express

Everyone uses it unless they are a poor fag with shitty credit. The rewards are almost always better than others.

>> No.7752423

Sorry, the statistics support him just because you are an exception doesn't make him any less correct.

>> No.7752526

their blue cards have no fees, anyway

>> No.7753457

Most Costcos have ATMs you know, you could have taken money out with your Visa debit, dumbass.

>> No.7753484

No it wasn't. Maybe if you're a fucking luddite who's scared of a digital transaction.

>be sure to carry around easily-to-lose, easy-to-steal bills around
>good advice

You fucking suck.

>> No.7753500

Kind of reminds me of when chips in plastic started getting introduced. I met a girl that used a hammer to smash his. He didn't want anyone to steal his shit.

Those things have a range of like 3 feet or something short like that.

>> No.7753510

>I met a girl that used a hammer to smash his
>a girl smashed his chip with a hammer

>> No.7753514

Sorry man, was in mid-thought while talking with someone else. It happens.

>> No.7753524
File: 42 KB, 366x380, 1365379423000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hope you keep a lot of cash lying around the house just in case
>he doesn't have a savings account

>> No.7753827

>mfw buying soda, frozen pizza, chips, fudge rounds, ice cream, and frozen buffalo wings with EBT

suck my 5 inches of steel wagecucks

>> No.7753865

He can if he lives in canada

>> No.7753870

No, I always keep my grocery money in cash. It's to keep me on budget. Once that money is gone it's gone until payday. I keep the leftover money and change in a savings account.

>> No.7753874

that isn't shameful at all. infact you should treat is as one of those drop the mic moments where you should be the one offended that they don't accept visa and harumph as you walk out the door in disgust, leaving the mess which is your cart and all your groceries to the cashier to clean up

>> No.7753877

No, he should just walk away, go get some cash and go back. Making a scene is childish.

>> No.7753889

I could care less what your buy with your pity money. But not much less.

>> No.7753892
File: 314 KB, 510x499, ac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>"We only take American Express credit cards"

Literally what the fuck

>> No.7753905

My local costco only takes debit. It's probably so people can't stockpile tons of food and max credit cards w it

>> No.7754391

If losing $100 is going to ruin your life, you've got much, much bigger issues than being scared of technology

>> No.7754562

going to be awfully hard to do that with the card being cancelled you fucking retard holy shit

>> No.7754619

Costco is shit for food shopping.
Literally you go in there for the huge washing powder and such, but for everyday food its fucking awful.

>> No.7755025
File: 105 KB, 1280x720, 1416624681653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>credit card expiring
>order a new one
>buy some things online
>credit card gets locked down because of "suspicious purchases" and I have to call them up
>call them
>"All right anon, we're going through a list of your recent purchases and I just need you to confirm if you bought these, okay?"
>yeah sure
>"Last month did you buy a product from Steam/Amazon/etc etc"
>yep yeah, uh-huh
>"All right, did you buy a "rubber toy" off of coolmalesextoys?
>uhhh yes
>it goes on
>and on

That was the worst 15 minute phone call ever.

>> No.7755042

>shopping with cards
You deserved it

>> No.7755064

yeah nah, costco is fucking great for food, not to mention all the amazing specialty items they have.

>> No.7755086

Yeah, no. Your Costco tool Amex and discover. It's called a fucking corporate point of sale system, you fucking pleb

>> No.7755089

U must be too poor to buy their more upmarket items>>7755025

>> No.7755403
File: 281 KB, 1000x1500, Chungking-Express-3-1000x1500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea how it works in America but I work in a shop. When the customer forgets the wallet or doesn't have money I cooperate with them. They can with all the time in the day go home, find their wallet and come back to the purchase while I've been keeping a bag of their wares, all scanned and waiting behind the counter. This stuff is natural and expected, no need to worry because I never judge because this is naturally occurring in society on a frequent basis.

>> No.7755408

not making a mad dash with the goodies to your car. na just kidding don't do that kids.

>> No.7755419

Oh man, that hasn't happened to me at Costco (except for gas) but it happened to me at winco, I left my debit card at home (using it to order shitonline) and they don't even TAKE credit cards.
Sons of bitches

>> No.7755423

couldn't you go to the machine, get some cash and go back? leave my groceries right here.

>> No.7755429

that feel when don't realize you don't have wallet.


>> No.7755434

>Misfits logo on her sweater
>She probably has never heard a single Misfits song
>8/10 would bang

>> No.7755437

wait.. so they only take amex cards/debit or cash?

glad I haven't gone in there yet to try and put a pizza on my visa/master only to find they don't take the most accepted credit cards ever

>> No.7755456

>work as job coach in grocery store
>purchase some ginger and limes after work at same grocery store
>card denied
>have to see these people everyday

>> No.7755473

they take any debit, but only amex credit

>> No.7755495

Their deal with AMEX ended this year and are now in the process of switching over to CITI Visa. The full balance and account paying will transfer over through work on their end.

>> No.7755501

I have a little container on my key chain that I stash a $100 bill in in case something like this happens

>> No.7755510

> be planning a huge 4th of July blowout
>use two carts for all this shit. 600$ worth of food and drinks and shit
>wallet isn't in pocket,oh my god it's at home
>tell them I'll be right back
>never went bacalacka

>> No.7755515

You said buggy, and you're OP, pretty sure those were good clues, Steve.

>> No.7755521

Dude I do that shit for fun
>go to wallacaust
>fill cart with shit from all over the store
>frozen shit, hot shit, fragile shit on the bottom
>pull cart into corner where nobody will notice it

>> No.7755532

Kill yourself heathen

>> No.7755542


Financial literacy should be a required class for graduating high school

>> No.7755564

Nah bro, we, the school district, need that federal funding. So let's just cheap out on everything after years of poor state testing and really drill that shit into students' heads so they can pass those tests and we can get that money.

>> No.7755609


>> No.7755617

I only use my debt card for rent and shit since credit is more secure for fraud n shit

>> No.7755629

people even use fucking discover more than american express

>> No.7755765


>> No.7755787

I'm always afraid of this happening since I only carry my credit card and actually DID have it denied once at a register, but I had a second to cover it. I always carry a $20 bill with me now just in case.

>> No.7755788

>Go to QT exclusively for years
>Always at the same time 8:30PM before work to pick up a monster
>Always a quick check out
>Find out wife tried to send a commission order to someone on Deviant Art for a pokemon plush
>They freeze my card because they saw this as out of place
>Go to QT that day and try to get a monster
>Nah man didn't work try again
>Try again
>Nah dude
>Go to ATM because I'm a fucking addict to caffeine
>Bro offers to pay for my monster that day
>Turn him down and go to work
>Everyone offering me to get a monster
>Get a monster from this 53 year old milf

When I'm on a bulk they tend to bring more food for me at work too... They call me the endless garbage can.

>> No.7755818

what the fuck is QT

>> No.7755879

>bank with Chase, have their credit card
>it somehow gets stolen; never actually leaves my possession, probably a card skimmer at an ATM or gas station or something
>some fag uses my credit card to buy $500 of stuff at Sephora (cosmetics chain in America)
>they then try to buy a $200 gift card
>get an email asking me if that's legit because that is completely outside of my spending habits
>nope the fuck out of that shit
>cancel card, all charges reversed, get a new one within three days

The most annoying part was not having my credit card for a few days.

>> No.7755890

>"We only take American Express credit cards"

It's been that way for well over 10 years. How are you a Costco member and NOT know this?

>> No.7755949

gas station

>> No.7755965

The best gas station to ever exist.

>> No.7756019

For everyday staples it's alright MAYBE, depending on what you need. Sugar and flour and such it's fine, but if you consider a 14 pound tub of ketchup a staple you have some serious problems with your diet.

>> No.7756060

Good idea, but use 20's or at least two 50's since some places can't break $100 bill.

>> No.7756131
File: 475 KB, 1920x1080, 7bLfa0p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't pull a Rorschach and scream "None of you understand. I'm not working here with YOU. You're working here with ME." in the breakroom before breaking the store director's back with his knee

>> No.7756195

yikes that sounds rough

My gf had an issue with trying to pay with Visa - she didn't have her debit and had to just leave. I never knew they didn't take Visa or other credit cards, that was pretty surprising.

>> No.7756261

hey thats my picture its even the same dimensions that i edited it to STEALER

>> No.7756474

>>"We only take American Express credit cards"

Stop lying, we all know you're broke.

>> No.7756502

Your dad must be a pimp.

>> No.7756523

It is in Illinois.

>> No.7756529
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>thinking american express is only for the rich

>> No.7756553
File: 136 KB, 173x241, 1461675385438.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this overprotective of a shitty stock photo of a Costco store front

>> No.7756593

Starting Jun 20 2016 we will no longer accept Amex, but will accept any Visa cards. no MasterCard, No Discover, No Amex. Amex doesn't want to give the cash back benefit at Costco 's level anymore, so we switched.

>> No.7756612

Same here. I once had my entire paycheck taken from my account via my debit card. Had all of my money back in my account within 24 hours.

>> No.7756635


>my paycheck

why do so many normies use 4chan now?

>> No.7756662

>gimp your credit
>good advice

>> No.7756669
File: 42 KB, 500x322, 1453187524694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once had to call Chase about my online banking and they made me verify my login information

My password - analcunt911

I tried to kinda spell it out in a weird cadence
But then i realized the woman on the line had to be looking at it on her computer screen.

>> No.7756670

>get a new bank card
>my bank is finally switching to chip and pin cards, yay 2016
>except I don't have a pin yet, have to wait for it in the mail
>go get gas, swipe as credit
>go get junk food, swipe as credit
>go to the grocery store
>for some reason they CANNOT run my card as credit, it HAS to have a pin
>the other two stores in my town will do it
>only fucking Kroger refuses to accept my card without a bullshit pin number
have fun putting all those vegetables back, assfucks

>> No.7756676

They never verify your account through your password. They have other means.

You either got your identity stolen or you're lying.

>> No.7756712

No lie. It was over 10 years ago, but i remember it like it was yesterday

>> No.7756735

Had to do this with an online web domain thing so the guy could go in and enable access for me. Password was sexycat. Not super embarrassing but I'd rather not have had to tell him.

>> No.7756838
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Top kek

>> No.7756910
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>it's a cash only place

>> No.7756935

Who are these cavemen proprietors who don't accept credit?

I ran into this after a 3 hour drive to my old hometown, called in the pizza order, and when I went to pick it up they wouldn't sell it to me because I didn't have cash.

>> No.7756937
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>> No.7756938

Money launderers.

>> No.7756947

>>"We only take American Express credit cards"
so they don't want anyone to use credit cards?

>> No.7756956

I live in Canada and they don't accept Visa at the Costco I go to.

>> No.7756957
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>Any adult should carry enough cash to fill their car up with gas & always have $100 bill tucked away for an emergency. I never use atm's & try to avoid using credit cards when possible.

>> No.7756960
File: 17 KB, 266x200, amex-costco[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have an option where you get an AmEx and Costco card all in one. I have it, it's fine but I only use it at Costco.

>> No.7756965

great usage

>> No.7756978

>AmEx and Costco card all in one
goddamn, you slightly-above-poor americans are stupid

>> No.7756988


>> No.7756990

Never tried Visa but I know 100% they take mastercard. Also
>2016, using credit cards for everyday purchases

>> No.7756993

Why are all these credit card users so upset that there are people who don't drink the Kool Aid? Jealous of how much quicker cash users end up being at the register?

>> No.7757001

using store credit cards is a telltale sign of financial stupidity

almost as bad as chasing credit for "perks"

okay gramps

>> No.7757006

>using store credit cards is a telltale sign of financial stupidity

Not if you can afford to pay off the balance in full. It's a good way to maintain good credit. I agree that a lot of stupid people get sucked into it.

>> No.7757007

credit cards come with better financial security desu
I dont pay for mine
Any unauthorized payments are reimbursed
>cash doesnt get reimbursed
I dont have to carry any cash around
best of all
>i can avoid faggots like you

>> No.7757012

>Not if you can afford to pay off the balance in full.
but why a store credit card?

>> No.7757015

Because you can make small purchases of necessities with it. A lot of places also give a discount if you use their card so the payment with interest is often close to a wash. Target does that.

>> No.7757020

I don't think you know how to read. That's the only explanation I can think of for you writing all that in response when none of it addresses the question I asked.

>> No.7757024

Those reasons are all why someone would choose a credit card over carrying cash everywhere
>could you not figure that out?
its not kool aid, its the future

>> No.7757027

It's not a store credit card, not in the sense a Sears card or something is. It just has your membership number printed on the card so you don't have to carry around two cards when 95% of people will only be using it at Costco anyway because almost no one else takes American Express.

>> No.7757044

>It's not a store credit card, not in the sense a Sears card or something is.
>It's just pretty much not accepted anywhere else but this one totes awesome store!

>Because you can make small purchases of necessities with it
but you can buy anything in any amount (up to your credit limit obviously) with a normal credit card
>so the payment with interest
wew, another financial retard detected

>> No.7757267

tfw no qt3.14 gas station

>> No.7757310

>actually using credit cards

>> No.7757313

Again, that has nothing to do with my question. Respond to one of the countless other posts to which that is relevant if it's what you want to talk about.

>> No.7757564

Oh my god, you actually werent being intentionally hard headed.

Wow, well. I cant imagine a time where there was a big difference in time between using a credit card v. cash. Even then, credit was always marginally faster
>do you really think cash is faster?

>> No.7757572
File: 61 KB, 575x511, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good post dude

>> No.7757573

This - what fucking walk of shame are you talking about

OP Are you one of those fuckers that doesn't go to restaurants by himself?

>> No.7757578

I do that shit too! I use slurs and cusses as passwords and sometimes you need to tell someone your password is Jewsaregay123!

>> No.7758021

Ive been a costco member for like 2 or 3 months, that's how. I also only use my credit card for emergencies.


>> No.7758080

You swayed me.
I will be a willing slave to the half dozen credit offers I receive every week.

>> No.7758887

It's the safest way to pay.

>get mugged
>guy steals all your cash
>money is gone forever


>get mugged
>guys steals just your card
>you go home to cancel it immediately
>your loss is $0

>> No.7758935

Get on the fico forums and read up, then develop a plan based on your credit goals, before you apply for anything

Getting a fuck ton of cards all at once can sometimes be a valid strategy but it's usually a bad idea

>> No.7758968

>you would still get paid
You make it sound like there's never any moment when your access to funds is in any way compromised

The reality is that if your debit card is used to charge up to or in excess of your balance, you're not going to be able to access those funds until you discover the fraud, report it, and the bank makes a decision to take action in your favor

That's not guaranteed to happen in a way that doesn't severely inconvenience you - imagine for instance if you wrote a check for $1500 (say, a rent or loan payment), and the check is deposited the same day as a fraudster hits your debit card

Even if your account is fixed within a day, you're going to have to resolve the bounced check, late payment, and its possible effects on your credit rating. Keep in mind the person you wrote the check to only sees a bounced check

Credit cards are objectively less risky

>> No.7758986

Then it's your fault for not reading the contract when you signed up. They make it pretty clear what payments they take when you become a member.

>> No.7759146
File: 36 KB, 353x334, 1390918334791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading anything, ever

>> No.7759161

>guy steals credit card
>buys something
>call credit card company and police
>they see the guy using security camera at place he bought shit with stolen card
>guy gets caught
>your loss is $0 and time spent.

>> No.7759193

My bank (CIBC) has been almost scary with how good they are at blocking fraudulent purchases.

Someone cloned by debit card and tried to use it somewhere in Texas, and they called me within 30 minutes of the purchase attempt, which they did let go through because it was under $100.

>> No.7759235

Nationally, fradulent debt card purchases leave the consumer limited to like 50 bucks, but that depends on time when the charges are reported.
Its only 50 dollars if the charges are reported within 30 days of the charges occurring
Beyond that, the consumer is liable for all charges.

The secure argument really lies in the fact that there is a possibility with debt cards that one might lose a lot of money, whereas that doesnt exist with credit cards.

I think technology rn and the monitoring agencies(they dont want to lose money either) have become pretty advanced. So its rarer but still occurs