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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 66 KB, 620x387, 1465072989193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7748209 No.7748209 [Reply] [Original]

Explain yourselves you disgusting faggots

>> No.7748221

Isnt game the eb games equivalent? This is probably a joke

>> No.7748314

Nobody actually eats that shit.

>> No.7748985

Well, if you're yomping in the Falklands, killing Argies, this would be ok.

>> No.7748991

Pretty sure this was a one time novelty.

>> No.7749019


>> No.7749075
File: 72 KB, 550x550, merrick-thanksgiving-day-dinner-dog-food-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7749081

This is like showing a picture of a scorpion and saying "Chinese Cuisine"

>> No.7749167

this. is. awesome.

>> No.7749194

pet food of the year.

>> No.7749219

British people eat bacon and eggs on Christmas?

>> No.7749247

kinda wish ashens did a video on this

>> No.7749269

oi fuck u, twat. we british are fucking better than u. we hate shakespeare and the beatles, which we convinced everyone is the greatest. admire us, u fucking wanker

>> No.7749293

He liked it!

>> No.7749295

"With gamers admitting they’d give up Christmas dinner to avoid having to stop playing, one store has invented an entire festive feast in a tin.
Dubbed 'Christmas Tinner', the nausea-inducing concoction comprises of nine layers of food - ranging from a starter to a pudding."

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2518740/The-stomach-churning-Christmas-dinner-GAMERS-Tin-containing-course-meal-means-time-wasted-kitchen.html#ixzz4AfEynHQW
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>> No.7749313
File: 656 KB, 2692x2200, cheeky-monkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oi wanker I bet you live on the dole, fuckin your sister and wankin off a paki.

>> No.7749338

>we're totally not obsessed guys, seriously
t. seppo

>> No.7749339

I want to try it now

>> No.7749345

he did

>> No.7749386

not the same one

>> No.7749434

That actually wouldn't be too bad as emergency food. A day's meal in a can.

>> No.7749444

I think that's the breakfast layer.

>> No.7749462


Replace black pud with more cranberry-sauce and wud eat/10

>> No.7749757


is there literally anything worse than the british?

worst society in history

>> No.7749802

I will forever love Game for this advertising gimmick because retarded jf think it's real, just like how I will frever love the Sunday Sport because they think burning your bellend on a pasty and WW2 bombers on the Moon are real too.

>> No.7749841

Is there anything worse than the jf?

The worst society in history.

>> No.7751324

>is there literally anything worse than the british?
Yes . . .Americans.