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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7744165 No.7744165 [Reply] [Original]

Post your best noodle recipe (that you've tried yourself)

What do you anons make noodles with?

>no instant ramen shit

Pic related is some basic stuff I made a while ago. Stir fry the veggies and chicken, throw the noodles in the wok for a few minutes before serving, nice and simple, ends up great. Based on the wok with yan chow mein recipe actually

I love noodles!

tl;dr post noodle recipes

>> No.7744184
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I'm a big fan of puttanesca noodles.

>> No.7744194

Is that from a Japanese place? Never seen wasabi with pasta

>> No.7744198
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1 cup AP or 00 flour
1 cup Semolina Flour
3 eggs
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp salt

>> No.7744201

looks like it. reminds me a lot of those wierd japanese italian restauraunts with fusion dishes.

>> No.7744204

smart lol

so basically noodles/spaghetti with anchovies, olives, and matching herbs? never made noodles/spaghetti with fish, only seafood

>> No.7744212

Yeah i guess they thought wasabi would work well with it since puttanesca is a little tangy

>> No.7744301
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post more noodle related stuff

pic related is autistic prep for the end result in the OP pic

one thing I learned from making this was how big of a difference 'marinating' the chicken makes, even if you leave it in the fridge for a lil bit

>> No.7744861
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what do you think of the vegans that have lost weight eating 2500-3000 calories a day eating mainly whole or 'clean' foods if weight loss is calories in calories out why do so many people manage to lose weight that way

>> No.7744895


miso ramen, i follow this recipe

>> No.7746334
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more noodles you fuckers come on

I literally have no fucking clue anon, for me it was a huge ass struggle trying to put on an extra pair of kilos. People have widely varying metabolisms and such. I haven't got a clue how many calories I get in

>> No.7746417
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>> No.7747876

Generic asian noodles, sesame oil, soy sauce(chinese kind, not the cucked jap style), pepper, chicken stock cube(crushed like your dreams) and chopped spring onion.

Boil noodles, strain dry, throw into bowl with other ingredients, mix like your life depends on it, drizzle more sesame oil over. Done.

>> No.7747902
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I use the rice noodles in pic related for stir fries usually. Or sometimes I'll just omit them and have rice with everything else.

With vegetables: Cabbage, napa cabbage, green onion, onion, carrot, brocolli, eggplant, and/or bok choi. I don't use all of these vegetables at once, that's too much to deal with. Also tofu.

Sauce is gochujang pepper paste with a little bit of water, brown sugar, sesame oil, soy sauce, and powdered ginger.

Crushed garlic goes on the frying pan with the oil beforehand. I would use a wok, but mine seems to have mysteriously disappeared.

Cute sandals.

>> No.7748537
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I tried so hard not to get my slippers in there and I didn't notice it

>walk away in shame

last try to get more noodle ideas

>> No.7748709
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Needs some caramelized Plum-sauce on the meat and veggies.

>> No.7748854

could /ck/ redpill me on making pad thai?
Like is there a premade sauce I can buy that's decent so I don't have to track down all the different ingredients?
I fucking love pad thai and it's costing me so much money.

>> No.7748923

I find pre made sauces leave pad Thai too wet, its meant to be a fairly dry stir fry
There's not even a lot of ingredients to it, or hard to get ones

>> No.7749034

If those people were fat as fuck and 2.5k is a caloric deficit or they finally began working out, then it's completely logical

>> No.7749072

i'd suck dick to get that noodle bowl in my hands right now
mushrooms and shrimp are two of my fav foods

>> No.7749082

Here's what I usually do
>fresh noodles from the Asian market

>chicken thighs sliced thinly

Veg (usually use one of each, not blanched previously because I want them with crunch)
>carrots cut to matchsticks or discs
>broccoli flaurets or stalk cut into matchsticks

>Chinese Doy
>sweet soy
>oyster sauce

>minced garlic (make sure you let it sit in contact with oxygen for a while)
>minced ginger
>crushed dried shrimp

>> No.7750617

it's pretty easy to make desu

it's based on this: http://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2014/05/crispy-pan-fried-noodle-cake-seafood-recipe.html

but I just made it with regular boiled-then-fried-for-a-bit noodles, not the thing the make in there (which I don't really like)

and you can replace the bok choy with any other green veggie really

main thing is getting the sauce right and paying a bit of attention at the order in which you fry the seafood/mushrooms

yup, that's basically what I make when too lazy to bother with anything fancier

just straight autopilot, nice and easy and fresh