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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 81 KB, 560x390, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7743211 No.7743211[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How did Chicago deep dish become the ultimate, dank /ck/ meme???
This board can never recover, we live in a brave, new age of unrestricted meme warfare and I want to be at the forefront.

>> No.7743216

Never heard of it.

>> No.7743218

>he thinks a forced meme will last longer than a month on /ck/

Golly I didn't realize it had become summer so quickly

>> No.7743228

>not realizing 'go 'za is a game changer.

>> No.7743234 [DELETED] 
File: 804 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-06-02-21-23-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can't stop this train on its way to 'go town.

>> No.7743235

All meme's are forced.

May the force by with you.

>> No.7743244
File: 22 KB, 275x183, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7743261

I first memed chicago pizza around the beginning of last year on /ck/
it will never die

>> No.7743267 [DELETED] 

What is "Chicago Pizza"?

>> No.7743271
File: 71 KB, 1280x720, serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got me. I thought pizza was pizza. I didn't know they were assigned certain cities.

>> No.7743287

nah only the ones that aren't funny at all, like this one. Most memes spread because they are funny, and then after the first couple times you see it it loses it's humor and people who are just discovering it and still find it funny begin posting until the entire internet is done with it and it's only brought up rarely usually by little kids who are just discovering it for the first time.

Example A: the good ol 'za from the 'go is a forced meme as fuck, wasn't even funny the first time

Example B: Arrow in the knee was funny right away when the joke was that every guard in skyrim used that line so it appeared like they all had the exact same back story and arrows in the knee fucked the lives of so many adventurers, that one got old in a matter of hours, but it did have a little bit of humor right away.

>Source: I am a meme scientist

>> No.7743295
File: 331 KB, 525x549, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7743298 [DELETED] 
File: 169 KB, 1600x1200, so many questions about 'go 'za.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But 'go 'za also has a rim, as high as the sky therefore 'go 'za = skyrim

>> No.7743338
File: 127 KB, 640x824, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the donkey fuckers are on board.

>> No.7743344

You tried.

>> No.7743363
File: 81 KB, 640x567, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7743393



>> No.7743400

I dunno about all you other Louis /CK/s here, but I actually like deep dish pizza. The meme is annoying though.

>> No.7743405

>getting shat on by /mlp/.
Feels bad, man.

>> No.7743408

>Louis /CK/s
Good one.

>> No.7743432
File: 298 KB, 778x581, pizzaclassic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because 'go style 'za is just so fucking delicious

and who are we to argue with deliciousness?

not mere mortals like ourslves

>> No.7743437 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 610x458, The 'go 'za perfect slice?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's hilarious.
An unforced meme followed by an unforced raid.

'go 'za... is there anything it can't do?

>> No.7743460

they're getting hammered with 'go 'za!

>> No.7743483

Because it fucking sucks, and the only people who try to support it are retards or Chicagoans, and nobody cares what they think.

>> No.7743489


doesnt being told to fuck off in the first post show that they arent

>> No.7743490 [DELETED] 

RIP the two man 'go 'za raid on /mlp/.

>> No.7743491

deep dish yak dick

>> No.7743492
File: 405 KB, 600x597, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine 'go 'za made with Wisconsin 'cheese'
The ultimate flyover cuisine.

>> No.7743494 [DELETED] 

I wondet what those angry militants on /k/ think of 'go 'za?

>> No.7743495


i think it started with a few threads where there was a picture of lasagna and someone would ask how their chicago pizza is

>> No.7743498

I'm a frequenter of /k/. No one gives a shit. Fuck. No one gives a shit about half the stuff posted on our own board.

>> No.7743502


>tfw /mlp is more heavily moderated than /ck

>> No.7743504

It started when someone posted lasagna, calling it Chicago pizza and the first reply was, "har har."

I'm embarrassed that I know this much about /ck/.

>> No.7743506 [DELETED] 

You are right.
Who would be most triggered by 'go 'za?

>> No.7743510

Nah. I get banned almost daily because of political differences. If I say one positive thing about Trump, I get banned.

>> No.7743512

/ck/ is a target rich environment.

>> No.7743513

People who like good jokes.

>> No.7743551

This is a food forum. If you shitpost post about your political opinions, and the mods ban you, that's nothing but the mods fulfilling a basic duty of being a mod.

>> No.7743560 [DELETED] 

I post about my 'go 'za opinions and get banned.
Nazi ass mods.

>> No.7743564
File: 475 KB, 499x374, 1419934586284.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Newfags discover forced memes and think they're revolutionary

I want to get off this ride. This garbage stops as soon as you stop posting it. Lurk moar, faggot.

>> No.7743567

I wish I were in the habit of saving an image of every time I get a 24 hour all boards ban from /ck/, because it happens fucking constantly, usually because I insulted shitskins, chinks, or niggers.

>> No.7743570 [DELETED] 
File: 434 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-05-31-22-34-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine are always 'go 'za related.

I'm just passionate about it, that's all.

>> No.7743572

I wish you were in the habit of not posting.

>> No.7743575

I report every single 'go 'za post I see.
Shut up, faggot. I'm the heart and soul of this board.

>> No.7743579
File: 73 KB, 720x796, IMG_20160601_231441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7743581 [DELETED] 

Is that you, Kawell?

>> No.7743583

go za is sincerely my favorite food.

>> No.7743586 [DELETED] 

'go 'za thread on /b/.


>> No.7743590

obsessive behavior indicative of a neurological spectrum disorder and presumably latent mental illness

>> No.7743591
File: 77 KB, 600x399, chicago-thin-crust-pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's shit compared to real Chicago style pizza. The only people who like deep dish are faggoty tourists and north side yuppie transplants.
Who the fuck is that?

>> No.7743595

>implying my mental illness is latent
I'm not sure you fully understand the definitions of all the words you used.

>> No.7743600

go za, go za
where you be?
go za, go za
tasty treat!
go za, go za
can't you see?
go za is the za for me

>> No.7743606

i had figured you were years away from it rearing its head and showing through as a spastic tantrum in a public space, due to you being as young as you are.

>> No.7743613 [DELETED] 

I figured he was dropped on his head when he fell out of his dads anus during his second "rebirthing" ritual.

>> No.7743614

A better question is why do we get global banned for shitposting on /ck/? Is the mod a triggered 'go 'uck?

>> No.7743616


>> No.7743620

Are you guys triggered by the fact that I report every single instance of this stupid meme, or that I use terms like shitskin and nigger? Either way you're all faggots.

>> No.7743621

That's NY style (pig disgusting).

>> No.7743622

finish ur summer reading billy

>> No.7743627

No, New York style has more of a raised crust and is sliced into 8 triangles. Chicago style is super thin with a uniform crust and toppings that basically go all the way to the edge, cut into square. St. Louis pizza is basically the same as Chicago style, but it's even thinner and uses a different kind of cheese. Detroit style is essentially Sicilian style pizza, and New Haven style is dogshit.

t. Pizza Scholar

>> No.7743628 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 610x458, Crispy crust 'go 'za.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind, i just reset my router which takes <15 seconds.

I bet you create threads and then hang around for hours, acting like you're some sort of moderator overlord when it quickly goes off topic.

>> No.7743632

Nice projecting there, DLP.

>> No.7743635

my wife's son is taking a cooking class to learn how to make a traditional 'go style 'za right here at home. i had to sell a few of my father's war medals to pay for his classes, but my wife's son is very passionate about 'go 'za.

>> No.7743637
File: 14 KB, 306x335, 1462522355256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7743638
File: 2.58 MB, 1348x1422, 1404108936443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>admitting to ban evasions
You obviously care, or you wouldn't be so buttblasted about me reporting your forced meme.

>> No.7743639

Hi, ponyfag with zero stake in this argument, here..
Just wanted to say that's a good way to get your entire IP block banned.
Cheers - continue shitposting.

>> No.7743641

>we created original content that was actually funny
>we talk like babies about pizza and jerk off on other boards

>> No.7743642

>weeb image
Every single time.

>> No.7743644 [DELETED] 

I come back for people like you, I want to be like you, a part of you perhaps?

You think I'm not behind a VPN?

>> No.7743646
File: 17 KB, 250x355, 1200876188751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw we can never go back
Fuck this site, fuck these children, and fuck this forced meme.

>> No.7743647

Mobile shit posting is best shit posting.

>> No.7743648

Literal mental illness. Get a hobby or a girlfriend or something.

>> No.7743649 [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 610x458, Tasty rich &#039;go &#039;za.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7743650

How new are you?
You wouldn't be resetting your router to change your VPN IP address...
Which is it? Router reset or VPN?

>> No.7743652

damn... you must be a seasoned veteran of the web. ya this site was definitely much funnier when people would draw mudkipz on a birthday cake and post it then samefag the thread endlessly saying "Win" and "You win the internet today, sir", the screencap it, and post it over and over until it seemed as though it was perceived as funny en masse.

>> No.7743657

He's just panicking about his incoming ban.
It was much funnier when I was a teenager. I guess I just grew out of this website, which is populated mostly by 14 year olds.

>> No.7743658

14-21, no thank you.

>> No.7743661 [DELETED] 

Reset router (not physical, log in to router IP, click disconnect, click connect, openwrt auto jumps to next vpn IP in list from provider list).
Haven't had to reconnect more than once in over a year.

>> No.7743662

Seeing as I'm turning 23 in 5 months, I'm way too old for this shit site.
>tfw I'll never get the kind of enjoyment out of 4chan that I got when I was a middle schooler

>> No.7743664

That's not what a router reset is. I think you're fibbing.

>> No.7743669

'go' 'za meme is dank as fuck and spreading throughout 4Chan.
Good work guys.

>> No.7743674

>dank as fuck
How's summer going, little buddy? Did you get good marks in geography?

>> No.7743675

One look at that pie makes me have to take a giant shit.

>> No.7743676

You're aware that the mods can and will ban whole IP ranges, right? Especially when you tell them exactly what you're doing and I report the post.

>> No.7743677


>> No.7743678 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 760x507, nobody loves you cookie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the name of science, taking the bait and assuming this to be true.
Where do the 220 IPs come from?
Are these public proxies?
A paid service?
owned botnet PCs?

>> No.7743679


>this nigga

but in all honestly the real difference is people used to have fun here instead of having a screaming meltdown over any "thing" that might become a "meme" to the point of shitting on original 4meme as a knee jerk reaction while every other "them" site sailed past us as people had fun

>> No.7743682
File: 55 KB, 500x355, Kurt_Cobain-eating_pizza-500x355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7743704

>classic image.jpg

>> No.7743706
File: 110 KB, 500x688, 1375309568025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitposting goza 24/7

Wow you shitheads are retarded. I bet you even think you aren't normies.

>> No.7743710

It's good to see another meme scientist here. I agree with your assessment, on the large. For the record, I'm still a student, but I should be receiving my MA in Meme Studies within a year or so now.

>> No.7743714
File: 63 KB, 320x237, o&#039;brother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>admitting to being a fuck head

>> No.7743715

It's been memes about since day 1 homie. People have joked that shit probably since before you were born, hate to say it.

The meme about Chicago pizza now seems to be that its being a meme is the meme. We've gone post-structuralist metamemetic meme theory here, and frankly I think it's a bit much.

>> No.7743717

I like Kurt Cobain but that looks like a terrible pizza

>> No.7743719


go back to facebook dipshit

>> No.7743723

I'm 27. I use 4chan mostly for /lit/, and of course shitposting about go 'za.

>> No.7743732

Stop posting, fucking child.

>> No.7743739

You know you're speaking to a child when they use terms like, "23 and a half."

>> No.7743768

Nobody used that term.

>> No.7743771

I wonder if this would be good if you took the cheese and made a small but contingunous layer around the bottom, then put in the sauce, then put on the rest of the cheese

>> No.7743779

It's already good.

>> No.7743900

just imagining throwing some cha on that za has my mouth watering

>> No.7744030

I fucking hate the word 'Za with all my heart

>> No.7744034


relax brah

>> No.7744047
File: 73 KB, 625x475, 1446064920622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7744086
File: 289 KB, 600x364, generic ZA image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres nothing wrong with deep dish pizza.

>> No.7744197

I'm from Australia. Have never seen anywhere here that makes 'pizza' like it. How is it actually made? Memes aside, does it taste good?

>> No.7744225

They're not too hard to make. This is a recipe from, in my opinion, the best deep dish pizza chain the area.


However, they leave out one important step, which is to put to meat and spinach in a single layer under the sauce, covering all of the cheese. Non-meat toppings can go on the top, and it's important to add a healthy sprinkle of very finely grated parmesan after you put everything else on. Everything else about the recipe is solid. And obviously you can put whatever you want on it. I prefer sausage, sausage and spinach, or spinach and tomato. As for the sauce, something extremely simple works best. As in, some crushed tomatoes and salt simple mixed without cooking simple. It's in the oven long enough to cook the sauce thoroughly. Oh, and don't go wild with any one layer. They should all be about the same size.

>> No.7744282

It's just a bowl of molten ketchup and cheese singles.

>> No.7744311

it has more good parts of pizza

less bad parts


>> No.7744314

>4 basil leaves and 9 mozzarella slices

>> No.7744318

good recovery anon

>> No.7744322

I lurk /ck/ once a day because I like looking at food
And I gotta say
the 'eep 'ish 'go 'za meme cracks me up

you guys are awesome

>> No.7744383

The only thing I'd object to, is that 'za would make anyone 'stipated. I mean really backed up.

>> No.7744391


Referring to response time

>> No.7744398

Redditors ruin every fucking joke I swear to god.

>> No.7744435

that's not deep dish, that's hand tossed you fucking weab

>> No.7744445

Who /pequods/ here?

>> No.7744451

Wtf are you on about?

>> No.7744457

fuck you

>> No.7744523


>> No.7744540

Spot on description of /ck/ 2bh

>> No.7744549


>> No.7744724

Chicago pizza is one of those things that never stops being funny

like baneposting

>> No.7744742

>How did Chicago deep dish become the ultimate, dank /ck/ meme???

Literally one jobless loser with a hardon for Chicago spamming it all day long.

>> No.7744814

You'd have to be retarded not to see that it's clearly someone who doesn't like deep dish, since they're always likening it to tomato soup in a bread bowl.

>> No.7744818

With all due respect: no fucking shit, retard.

>> No.7744823

I don't think you know what a hardon is. Here's a hint: you don't get them for things you don't like.

>> No.7744844

Is English your second language? When someone "has a hardon for" something, it means they're obsessed. It has nothing to do with whether they like it or not.

Keep practicing, you'll speak like a native sometime. Probably not soon, but eventually.

>> No.7744846

It means they're obsessed in a positive way, dummy. If someone has a hardon for doing something, that means they like doing it. Perhaps you meant to say that they have a hardon for bashing Chicago?

>> No.7744849

That's what I said about that retarted ass tendies meme now here we are it's only getting worse.

>> No.7744859

Just be quiet, until you've educated yourself.


>> No.7744864


+1. This second sense is how I’ve heard it used outside sexual-contexts — meaning “to really like someone/something, to be really excited about them”. By obvious analogy from the sexual meaning… – PLL Feb 11 '11 at 1:00
@PLL: Yes, and now that I think about it, the police also say they "like" someone for a crime, meaning that person is a suspect. So "to have a hard on" for someone maybe is used in that sense: ironic "liking". – Robusto Feb 11 '11 at 1:08

kek, you're still retarded

>> No.7744868

I guess reading in a language that isn't your original tongue is difficult.

>It can mean that they have a grudge and are actively trying to settle it, which would often include aggressive or belligerent behavior.

>When the police "have a hard on" for someone, it means they're looking to put that person in jail.

>There's also a connotation that they're rather obnoxiously persistent about doing so.

>to describe someone who is aggressively focused on surpassing or doing down a particular rival, or on defeating a project or proposal.

>> No.7744869

>Well, it's a clearly sexual term, but I've never heard it used in an aggressive sense. When used non-sexually, it generally would indicate that someone really likes something (or someone) and is inclined to talk it up at any opportunity. There's also a connotation that they're rather obnoxiously persistent about doing so.
Did you even read the link?

>> No.7744871

So some people say I'm right, and some people say you're right. I guess that means I'm right since you're the only stupid faggot here.

>> No.7744872

Did you?

>> No.7744878

Why are Britbongs so stupid?

>> No.7744882


european here, i kinda wanna try chhicago style pizza.
what should i expect of it?

>> No.7744885

Look, you don't talk to many people and you're new to the language.

It's nothing to be ashamed of, but to draw it out like this is ridiculous.

It's not that either you are right or I am right. I said to "have a hard on" means obsessed with, and has nothing to do with liking or not liking it. You said it only was about liking it. I never said it was only negative. You said it was only positive. You've been proven wrong, yet cling quite hard to your ignorant comments. Therefore, you are too stupid to live.

Everyone says I am right. Who's the stupid faggot?

>> No.7744890

>Everyone say I am right.
I'm not sure what they taught you at the "special" school, but "I've never heard it used in an aggressive sense" and "This second sense is how I’ve heard it used outside sexual-contexts — meaning 'to really like someone/something, to be really excited about them'. By obvious analogy from the sexual meaning" aren't exactly statements made in support of your point.

>> No.7744891


Thick pizza with a lot of cheese.

>> No.7744893


>> No.7744910

You're not good at reading/interpretation.

The first one is a plea of ignorance, so is easily dismissed. "I never heard it" is not evidence that it does not exist. Your mind probably can't comprehend such an advanced concept, so just print this explanation out and read it a few more times in your life. It'll come to you, eventually.

The second one absolutely conforms to what I've said. I'll reiterate it for you, since you're having tons of trouble with it. "To have a hardon for something" means you are obsessed with it. "To be really excited about them" doesn't mean positive nor negative—it just means you've been excited by or particularly taken with something. As for "to really like someone/something", I never claimed to have a hard on wasn't ever used in a positive sense. I said it's used in both senses, so that doesn't negate what I've said, either.

I can tell you've never been to college and also that reading is "hard" or "boring" for you.

>> No.7744924

To be excited about something means to be excited by something? Wow, I didn't realize I was dealing with such an intellectual juggernaut. With such cogent and well thought out points, there's no way I could ever hope to best you in a battle of wits. You are truly a scholar and master of rhetoric beyond compare; I bow to you, sir. : ^ )

>> No.7744949

>I'm turning 23 in 5 months

Literally a child's way of declaring their age

>> No.7745011

>watches one episode of Munchies
>thinks he understands tavern style Chicago Pizza

you are a living meme

>> No.7745022
File: 348 KB, 1247x853, deepdish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been posting about real Chicago style pizza for weeks, faggot.

>> No.7745838
File: 149 KB, 342x341, 1406742082740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright guys, I have an idea.

What if we, bear with me here...

What if we talk about video games instead?

/v/ is completely incapable of talking about video games, but loves making "gamer fuel" threads, and /ck/ is quickly becoming incapable of talking about food, so why don't we just switch interests? If we do it for long enough, the mods won't be able to ban us for it because it'll be "board culture!" C'mon guys, whaddya say?

>> No.7746543


>> No.7746548
File: 1.13 MB, 2048x1530, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have some 'go 'za you useless /v/irgin.

>> No.7746577

Wtf mlp is still a thing?

>> No.7746582
File: 161 KB, 1281x670, CHICAGO PIZZA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what you fucking idiots sound like.

>> No.7746585

>place 1-4 'go 'zas on paper plate
>microwave on high until done in center
>sprinkle with some quinky sauce and eat

>> No.7746609

>quinky sauce
Wrong context, newfag.

>> No.7746632

Obviously it was a mash up of forced memes on /ck/, double newfag.