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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7741495 No.7741495 [Reply] [Original]

Normal question: Why are you still eating animal product?

Pic: my lunch

>> No.7741512

I'm not.
But I reckon other people do because it's tasty af you stupid cunt.

>> No.7741514

m8 did you just dump ranch all over everything?

jesus christ are you black?

>> No.7741521

Ranch contains milk. This is my own sauce. Hemp seeds, flax seeds, almonds and a bit of soy yogurt.

>> No.7741524

Because I'm an animal and animals eat other animals. Just because you can rationalize who you are doesn't make you anything other than what you are. We aren't gods, we fit into the same system as everything else.

>> No.7741530

I made a pact that every day I witness someone bring up vegetarian/vegan shit, I'll eat meat that day. Haven't gone a day without meat since.

>> No.7741541


>> No.7741547


what a putz, i love meat but you're just a child

>> No.7741571

>Normal question: Why are you still eating animal product?
Because I'm not a mentally ill Liberal. Vegans are in the same category as Transgenders.

>> No.7741572

your food looks fine,why worry about what other people are eating?

>> No.7741575

i are be vegan for 3+ years

i eat mostly beans beans beans and beans
chickpeas are the best one, followed by butter bean and big white bean

i dont think meat is tasty af, but beans are. easy choice really.

>> No.7741576

>exclusively eating processed animal shit

>> No.7741580

OP there.
I'm not worried about others, it's just to know. If you ask me, I will reply with healthness reasons. A omnivore can just reply "it tastes good" or "I need it" or "veganism os expensive". No problem

>> No.7741583
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>> No.7741584
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>amazing taste
>great texture
>amazing protein source
>smells divine
>looks sexy af

Now get the fuck off my board, mentally ill faggot

>> No.7741594

OP there
Remember your B12 or the homocysteine in beans will kill you

>> No.7741601

>amazing taste
>great texture
can't really argue much here, meat do have a texture on its own not found elsewhere
>amazing protein source
protein? yes. amazing? depends on the meat, but some legumes like soybean is much more dense.
>smells divine
>looks sexy af

>> No.7741602

I eat meat but im also aware of how destructive mass meat production is plus how the animals are treated.

for me the real answer wouldnt be to go vegan it would be live on a farm and only produce what i need. have a good day man!

>> No.7741605

idk why the beans would kill me but yes I take my b12 supplements

>> No.7741611

Soy will turn you into an effeminate pussy
... oh wait

>> No.7741615

1) some animal products are an efficient way of consuming certain nutrients
2) some animal products are far cheaper than their vegan counterparts
3) some animal products actually taste good and I enjoy eating them

don't get me wrong, I'm currently working on changing my diet to be roughly 75% plant foods, but eggs are wonderful, as is cheese, etc. There's no reason I can't eat healthy and also consume a moderate amount of animal.

>> No.7741624


>worship animal products
>post shitty salami and cheese

At least post a good steak, faggot

>> No.7741625

i'd rather be a pussy than participate in the killing of animals

>> No.7741634

I can see how for #2, plant based dairy products may be more expensive than the animal counterparts. but veggies, legumes, fruits cant' be more expensive than steak and chicken and shit.
premade soysteaks or tofu or whatever might of course be expensive but dry beans you cook yourself is very efficient for your wallet.

>> No.7741642

This is why I hunt.

>> No.7741643

>worship vegan products
>posts pic of crudely chopped shit with cum on top

Whats it like being a cuck OP?

>> No.7741646

I love the taste of heart disease

>> No.7741649

>chopping your salad

>> No.7741650

cruelly chopped what? Are you stupid?

>> No.7741655

You eat what my food eats. Minus the ranch dressing of course. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to eat some nearly raw meat to cleanse my pallet.

>> No.7741660

Because that plate looks like it would be a fantastic meal w/ a big piece of chicken.

>> No.7741666


Praise Be Upon Ham

>> No.7741669

Because it's delicious

>> No.7741671

Nobody wants to eat beans every day.

>> No.7741676


I do, beans almost every day or soy in another form

>> No.7741681

It's comparable to having meat every day.

>> No.7741690

I wouldn't really equate beans as a real replacement for meat though. Nutritionally you can make that argument, but culturally no. At least not without some form of processing.

But at least for my diet and frame of mind, I already don't eat much meat as it is. The reason I don't go vegan is because of dairy, which I've cut down on but wouldn't enjoy cutting completely.

>> No.7741695

Conservatives, libertarians, anarchists, etc. can all be vegan. Gender identity disorder is not a mental illness.

>> No.7741698

Not really. There's lots of different kinds of meat and fish, and they all have their own individual tastes and textures. Beans taste like whatever seasoning you used and have barely any texture.

>> No.7741703

Nutritionally beans have less protein than meat. You need to eat protein supplements to meet your daily requirement of protein if you are a vegan. Same with a number of other vitamins and minerals.

>> No.7741706

substitute the meat with veggiemeat then for your "cultural" dishes and do beans for the rest. you can do spaghetti bolognese for example with cooked lentils instead of minced meat. There's a lot you can do really.
it of course won't be "the same" but it never will anyway.

legumes work for me because i like it a lot and cook around them most of the time

>> No.7741707

Because I can and I like the taste of it.

>> No.7741710

No. you get one portion of your protein from the beans, and the other portion from your pasta or rice. Protein for vegan isn't hard at all. Also beans and lentils are packed full of vitamins

>> No.7741712

This is fucking bullshit. You just need to plan your diet better. Never heard of hemp seeds for example?

>> No.7741718
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meat tastes like shit


enjoy the heart disease

>> No.7741721


Those are always more expensive and _loaded_ with salt.

>> No.7741726

>meat tastes like shit
Objectively false.

>> No.7741730

That's true, they're a bit pricey. Salt i cant' really comment onm haven't looked much into them (rarely consume it)

but you can make your own seitan which shouldn't be very expensive. Super versatile product, but i wouldn't eat that often either.

>> No.7741734

>16 dollars per pound
>on sale
>marginally more protein than chicken


>> No.7741738


Because meat is delicious, humans are natural omnivores, and I don't give half a shit about the lives of animals.

>> No.7741739

Um... no. Beans have less protein, weight vs weight than meat. Vegans literally have dietary issues with not having enough protein unless they supplement with pills. This is medical FACT.

>> No.7741745
File: 61 KB, 600x420, wooow protein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need protein supplements though. that's a FACT

>> No.7741749

75-plant guy again here, what's your opinion on chia seed btw?

They seem kinda neat. So far I've just been hydrating them and adding mashed fruit. Fruity gel.

>> No.7741754

good protein
tastes great
goes well with cheese (i fucking love cheese)
satisfies my hunger way better than a salad

>> No.7741756

>no cholesterol
>easier to digest
>no animal suffering
>no trans-fat

It's even to think?

>> No.7741763

Maybe the best seeds after flax but a little expensive in my country.

>> No.7741765 [DELETED] 
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>humans are natural omnivores
lol more appeal to nature bullshit?
we no longer need to depend on animals to survive

>meat is delicious

>I don't give half a shit about the lives of animals
so you at least admit to being a bad person? good

>> No.7741774

Just a simple fact, nobody can live with a full meat/milk/egg/honey diet. But a plant based? YES

>> No.7741778

you're the cancer poster that made the shitty duplicate (now removed) thread.

take the hint and delete yourself.

>> No.7741781

meat is cancer not shitposting

>> No.7741787
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>meat is NOT delicious

>> No.7741788

>some people dislike things that I like
woah that's some next level shit

>> No.7741790

>we no longer need to depend on animals to survive

So fucking what? I don't NEED to live in a house or drive a car or wear clothes, either, but here I am arguing with a dork on the internet from behind the oak computer desk in my den.


Oh no, sir! Meat is fantastic. Consuming the flesh of living things is one of the few immutable joys in life.

>so you at least admit to being a bad person? good

Ha ha ha! Oh, you little scamp. We're all bad people. Every one of us. Some of us just don't lie about it to make ourselves feel better.

>> No.7741794

Nice experiment!
WSG - fucking /WSG/ was more help than you bunch of fucking retards!

I'm guessing the majority of you people are between 19- 32.

Please just die! Your postmodernism is killing everyone else!!

>> No.7741799

At least post some decent meat you idiot. Salami is pleb tier salty shit.

>> No.7741804

Considering that human tastebuds have literally evolved to like the taste of meat, no. literally, no.

>> No.7741805

I don't give half a shit about the lives of most humans. Something tells me you don't give a shit either.

>> No.7741807

Because it tastes good. While in USA I'm avoiding meat altogether, here all meat is full of antibiotics and hormones.

>> No.7741819
File: 137 KB, 931x525, 1464768839150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know, being vegan would help control your moodiness

your blood estrogen is probably through the roof with all the dairy and meat you eat

>> No.7741828

Your estrogen rises when you eat tofu, a notoriously vegan food. Makes you think...

>> No.7741833

>here [usa]
nah man antibiotics is an issue across the world

>> No.7741857


Because there is no reason not to eat flesh...

>> No.7741865

>Gender identity disorder is not a mental illness

Yes it is...

>> No.7741872

How can one eat like this and not feel like ending their life?

>> No.7741961

Here's a question, why haven't you killed yourself yet?

>> No.7741975
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It's true we could probably survive on non-meat based diets, but why bother?

I enjoy eating meat, I eat it in moderation alongside a varied diet, the suffering of animals doesn't really bother me, they have but a glimmer of consciousness, and most are killed humanely nowadays.

But if you're really going to question why we shouldn't kill an organism to feed ourselves, why do you eat plants? Just because they lack a nervous system or a cute face doesn't mean that killing them is preferable to killing animals.

Face it, unless you're photosynthesizing your own food, something dies so you can live.

>> No.7742006
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I like eating animal product.
Animal product is still readily available.
Food industry unlikely to stop selling animal product.

>> No.7742023

Plants produce oxygen while animals produce methane. I am helping by eating Mc ds

>> No.7742031

I like salad but this looks like someone took a shit on a plate of maggots

>> No.7742059

i am not a cuck

>> No.7742073

Hey OP, what kind of grain is that on the top right? And is that curry powder in the black beans?

>> No.7742079

Gender identity disorder is as much a mental disease as is conservatism.... oh, NM.

>> No.7742100

looks like brown rice

>> No.7742191

no it doesn't
i think it's this

>> No.7742203

Meat is tasty. Meat is filling. Meat has B12 and protein.

>> No.7742238

vegan diet has protein too

>> No.7742262
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because all my favourite foods are meaty, and it's good for me at the same time. anything that can keep me off the sweet treats is good in my opinion, don't wanna become another fatty.
fish is delish and so damn healthy it's unbelievable that they let you get away with eating these sons of bitches.

i will complain about your use of sauces, though, because salads should be eaten exactly as they are. a few people i know (parents, colleagues, "friend") just pour oil and shit all over their salads and then add salt on top of that, as if there's even going to be any health benefit left afterwards.

>> No.7742268

Says the fat fuck disfiguring his body because "i was born this way!!!"

>> No.7742271

Not nearly as much as meat. Which is why you hear about vegans having dietary malnutrition issues rather than normal omnivores.

>> No.7742275

>all these fat fucks worried about their protein intake


>> No.7742276

Not really, many people have defeciencies in their diet which is why many people in the world take supplements and vitamins

Go ahead and name a single person you've ever heard of, of getting a protein deficiency on any diet

That is the most ridiculous and antiquated criticism of veganism

>> No.7742279

I'm vegan but i haven't heard of dietary malnutrition that you speak of. however i know a meat eater who's defficient in b12 so there's that.

>> No.7742283

>name one
I'll name two, vegans and vegetarians. Next stupid question.

>> No.7742285

Good argument dumbass.

Seems like you're fucking lacking any brain essential vitamins

>> No.7742290

Whats the recipe for that dressing, looks good.

>> No.7742292

I got a question right up your alley;
How stupid are you?

>> No.7742300

my weight is too low as is, i'd probably end up in the hospital if i dropped meat

>> No.7742303

if the killing of animals doesn't bother you maybe the destruction of the planet does. farm animals has a huuuuge impact on the enviroment, cutting out meat and dairy from your diet helps the planet a lot.

>> No.7742314


oh look another reprehensible faggot.

do the world a favor and die

>> No.7742315

Nigger im a Trump supporter. Fuck the environment. The environment doesnt make me rich. The environment doesnt give me blow jobs from my smoking hot daughter. The environment is for libruls and hippies, you know the same thing. You communist filth.

>> No.7742318

By what? Stuffing his fat disgusting face like you?

>> No.7742323


fuck off you stupid rabbit

no one fucking likes vegans because of how deplorable you are as a person

>> No.7742329

This. Vegans are disgustingly smug pricks. Lala im a vegan im so much more healthy and better than you. If you want to be a vegan then be a vegan, just shut the fuck up about it. I dont care.

>> No.7742596

>meat tastes like shit

shit tastes like shit

maybe your cooking is shit.

>> No.7742610

You fucking faggot

>> No.7742659

Because I'm an omnivore that wouldn't be able to survive on a vegetarian or vegan diet due to allergies and food sensitivities, because I'm my own person and can eat what I want, because I don't follow cultish diets just so I can feel like I belong or am somehow morally superior to other people. Take your pick.

>> No.7742663

It's kamut

>> No.7742668

Yes it is. Its called gender disphoria.

Vegans are just delusional hypocrites atthat use their abnormal diet to justify being uppity cunts while at the same time ignoring their frailty.
Except if they can't actually handle meat, which is fine. Its not your fault you were born Fucked up.

>> No.7742683

the fuck is your problem?

>> No.7742829

I hope you're only eating locally produced food

>> No.7742890

To those who have the whole "where do you draw the line" sort of thing, i dont have a line, but i dont kill what doesnt need to be killed. For example ill save a millipede i see walking around the house since i have no reason to kill him and ill just toss snails out of the garden. But i will eat a cow or whatever. I dont really eat dog since it tastes like shit but ill eat what ever is good.

>> No.7742892


>> No.7742895

A suffering animal is a delicous animal. The more they suffer the better they taste. Thats why veal is so goddamned good.

>> No.7743012

Are you trying to make a false flag post to make carnivores look bad? There's no way you can find store bought salami and cheese slices enjoyable.

>> No.7743056

locally grown food isn't much of a difference. How far away the food was grown isn't the focus, it's how they're grown.

>> No.7743139

Local food has a much smaller footprint.

>> No.7743176


Fresh vegetables don't keep for very long. I'd rather not go to the grocery store more than I already do because it's too much hassle.

That and I also want to enjoy my food

>> No.7743292

What's in the top right?

>> No.7743387

read the thread >>7742663 >>7742191

again, depends on the way it's grown.

>> No.7743402

cheap filling and easy

source: 5 dollar steak lasts me three dinners

and I'm an alcoholic and carbs alone don't line the stomach enough you need some animal protein to avoid the death hangover

>> No.7743545

Yeah hunting and raising your own livestock or buying from a local farm is the only way I'd eat meat again.

>> No.7743558

You miss the point. It's not only how it's grown that affects the environment, but also the resources it uses travelling from farm to plate.

>> No.7743588

well it depends on both shipping and farming.
just outright "local food is better" is wrong

>> No.7743592

Myth, disproven.

>> No.7743597

Good source of protein.
Tastes good.

>> No.7743605

>just outright "local food is better" is wrong

Sure, there's always exceptions. But the resources used for storage and transportation are massive, and locality avoids that. Local may hot always be the best but it usually is for that reason.

>> No.7743612

That is one of the weakest arguments I've ever heard.

>> No.7743746

Because I want to summit Everest and live.

>> No.7743828

Oh look. Another sanctimonious vegan trying to virtue signal and spread their religion.

>> No.7743830
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>> No.7743833
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>> No.7743834

>raw tomatoes on barley
>shitty lettuce smothered in fat dressing
>fat dressing was poured onto barley and black beans
>black beans have a dash of cumin in the center instead of being cooked with it

1/10 would rather not eat

>> No.7743998

A lot of meat eaters have died while climbing mount everest.

>> No.7744023
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This desu
>gf tells me she's only going to eat meat on special occasions
>tell her I'll eat more of it
>she breaks up with me a month later

>> No.7744028

You're a fat lazy fuck, what the fuck do you need to worry about protein for

>> No.7744031

Food does nothing for hangovers. Alcohol is a literal poison on your body

>> No.7744046

Vegans are allowed to eat oysters

>> No.7744053

No they arent

>> No.7744055

Yes they are. Oysters are basically a vegetable they feel no pain

>> No.7744107


>soy yogurt

enjoy your lactating titties, BRO.


>> No.7744121

>there are people actually believe this

>> No.7744128

No they arent you retard

Basically isn't literally

>> No.7744130

Where's the fuckin' chicken or bacon?

>> No.7744143

>duur dey cild
lol no, its pretty hilarious. I bet if everyone was litterally doing this vegans still couldn't handle not bitching loudly about how superior they are. not that everyone else acts any different, but if everyones a child, no one is.

>> No.7744147

Oysters live in a vegetative state and have no ability to feel pain though. They are also healthy and sustainable and have no negative impact on the environment which I assume are factors vegans would care about. I don't see why vegans can't eat oysters

>> No.7744151

so do plants you fucking dumbass. people aren't burning down rainforests to grow farm animals.
not even touching on the fact that so many "vegan" luxuries take as much water and effort to produce as meat, like coffee. Coffee is laptopia hipsterland everywhere and its ironic that it takes almost as much water as beef does to produce.

>> No.7744158

>an animal that has factually less time to suffer than an adult one tastes better because it has suffered more
look son, a retard!

>> No.7744163

you are fucking wrong. food does change the way alcohol is absorbed into the body. it doesn't need to change the effects of the alcohol, instead it changes the rate at which it's absorbed. thats why you don't want to drink carbonized alcohol and hard liquor at once unless you want to get super krunk. it gets you drunker even quicker.

as soon as you ingest alcohol, your liver will start working on filtering it, the more you have at once, the harder it has to work at once.

>> No.7744179
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Why are you veganfags always trying to convert people?
Can't you just learn to live with people holding other beliefs than you instead of being annoying faggots all the time?

>> No.7744207

a lot of soybeans are grown just to feed farm animals
coffee is not a "vegan" issue so i don't get your point.

>> No.7744213
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>> No.7744228

think about that post next time you say "lmao bacon" to a vegan or vegetarian

>> No.7744242


lmao bacon

>> No.7744652
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Because fish don't feel pain.