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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 410 KB, 1024x675, wisconsin cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7741145 No.7741145 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7741154

Womelsdorf, PA

>> No.7741157

go to your local Italian grocery store/bakery

>> No.7741189

European importers

>> No.7741195


>> No.7741240

More like European IMPOSTERS

>> No.7741294
File: 137 KB, 1000x788, only the best.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7741314

This. You literally cannot find GOOD cheese in the USA. American cheese is NOT cheese. Its congealed oil.

>> No.7741315

Wisconsin, Vermont, and California all have the best cheese.Also the best cattle for the job.

>> No.7741317
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We are laughing AT you, not with you.

>> No.7741318


>> No.7741324
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You're in the wrong thread because literally NO ONE said that.

>> No.7741325

So who has the best cheese in the states? You just can't say "none", every cheese in OP's pic was made here.

>> No.7741330

Best cheese in the states is an oxymoron. The best cheese you will ever find is from Europe. Period.

>> No.7741333

Ok, FIIIIIINE faggot. Out of all of the disgusting, fake, plastic shit that us dumbass Americans call cheese...which is the best? There, better?

>> No.7741335

cheese is an abomination

>> No.7741336
File: 320 KB, 1415x1254, gourmet cheese platter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7741341

Yes. That is better. And no, I would NEVER eat american cheese. Even if you paid me. I want actual food.

>> No.7741342

Fine by me.

>> No.7741343

>all american cheese is kraft singles meme

Labor Day can't come fast enough.

>> No.7741345

Vermont cheddar is something special. Cali makes some good artisan cheeses. Wisconsin has a few producers that make some good stuff

idk those are probably the top 3

>> No.7741346
File: 66 KB, 479x720, nolongereuphoric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Europeans aren't all arrogant elitist pricks, they said.

>> No.7741352

Minnesota gets an honorable mention.

>> No.7741355

Im so glad you think that because I am a Murrican. American cheese is pure 100% unadulterated shit and you have shit taste if you like it.

>> No.7741356
File: 56 KB, 1068x1112, 1415389415309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let me tell you about your country

All of Europe is ruled by sharia law and muslims are raping babies in the streets

See we can both be ignorant dumbasses

>> No.7741358

>"i've never spent more than $10/lb for american cheese" the post

>> No.7741361

Spoken like a true Britistan resident.

>> No.7741366

Oh look, a /pol/ fagget. /pol/ would support the torturing and eating of children if they were muslim enough. Literally no one gives a fuck about your racist Donald Trump supporting ass. Go suck some tiny fingers fascist.

>> No.7741384


I laughed.

>> No.7741385

>food item is more than $2.00
Dats tooo fansy fer me you Yuropeean! Give me solid oil fats and call it cheese or you kin git oot! GIT OT!

>> No.7741387

I'd lament about this shitposting, but I'm used to it on /ck/. I guess I 'll just have to accept we can never talk about beer, cheese, steak, or wine without the thread turning in to this. Sucks, this board was great a few years ago.

>> No.7741389

>Reading comprehension < 0
>Knowledge of Dairy < 0

>> No.7741390

My apologies, real people eat. Donald Trump supporters feed of the sorrow and pain of others.

>> No.7741393

>great a few years ago
Son, /ck/ was never great.

>> No.7741401

It really was, man. Before, this board was actually cozy and had great advice. No "muh nation is best" shit you could find on virtually any other board, just a normal discussion on food. Politics, shitposting, and stereotypes just infest fucking everything anymore.

>> No.7741411

You and I are remembering VERY different /ck/'s. All I remember is that catsup is the best condiment for steak.

>> No.7741412

Nah, I remember being here not too long ago, it was my first time here and it was comfy, it had britbongs shitting on muricans but that was about it. Now it's unbearable with all the 'go 'za shit and all the jack threads

>> No.7741841


>> No.7741988

Not that guy, I am a big fan of good cheese wherever it may come from. But most of the time it comes down to this: $25-30/lb for good quality cheese from NY, VT, CA, and other coastal states, or $15-30/lb for good cheese from Europe.

Sometimes if I'm in the mood to buy local I'll buy local, but Europe produces decent cheese on a much larger scale than the US does, and with the amount of cheese I eat, that starts to add up pretty quick. Same with wine, why should I spend $30 on California wine that doesn't suck, when decent European wines start at like $12? For a special occasion if I'm really in the mood for a Ridge or a Turley I'll gladly spend on it, but for everyday drinking, European wine beats the shit out of American wine, and even for nicer stuff I mean come on, I can pick up a decent bottle of Bordeaux or Barbaresco from the store, with just the right amount of age on it, or for the same money I can get a really good Napa wine that won't be ready for drinking until I'm middle aged. I don't have a goddamm climate controlled cellar, I'm just a regular guy who sometimes wants to treat myself to something nice.

But nice things in America are for the rich. For the rest of us plebs, who don't have caves in our chateaux, who look at price tags, there's imported stuff from Europe. And thank god for that.

Now go ahead and tell me to fuck off to Europe if I don't like Turning Leaf and Sargento products.


>> No.7742014

>good cheese
Pick one

>> No.7742017

me 'cause i buy it from outside the u.s.


>> No.7742034
File: 560 KB, 1280x1000, guess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep its a food-item=nationality pissing contest thread.

Jesus fucking Christ on a pogostick

>> No.7742110

>all that processed garbage
Guessing Texas

>> No.7742173

Did you know that every cheese in OPs pic was made in WI? Its from one of their promo sites.

>> No.7742183

Oh, this meme again

>> No.7742212

Yea man. A lot of OC and we used to meet up in a chat room and watch cooking shows together without shitting all over each other

>> No.7742244

Oh.right I forgot out subculture of Amish people don't make cheese as a source of income.
Crawl back to your flat you fucking among.

>> No.7742286


>> No.7744315


>> No.7744358

>the only people making good cheese in America are members of a fringe religious group that has chosen not to partake of modernity as defined by Americans
I wish Denmark or the Netherlands would just invade us and impose actual modernity: wholesome food, progressive values, education for those who are willing, more bicycles and trains, and fewer vile automobiles

Pls rescue us, Queen Margrtehe

>> No.7745323

This is what people from Wisconsin ACTUALLY believe

>> No.7745348

>no mentions of Oregon

Poor children have never had great Tillamook cheddar.

>> No.7745352


My favorite cheddar

>> No.7745353

I hate platters like this
>Expose cheese and meat to the air
>Within 5 minutes they're all dry and gross

>> No.7745358

Are you suggesting that tilamook is in some way rare? It's everywhere in the USA, it's also barely a notch above Kraft

>> No.7745368

It's funny.. I'm from vermont, and my wife is from wisconsin, and her family sends mine cheese every year for christmas while mine sends hers... take one guess which family eats it all.

>> No.7745930

tillamook is certainly above kraft

>> No.7745964

Me on the right


>> No.7746005

>having this shit of taste

>> No.7746056

That doesn't contradict what I said

>> No.7746596
File: 48 KB, 541x498, 1437137935881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>barely a notch above Kraft

>> No.7746613

ITT: Pasteurized milk products.

>> No.7746679
File: 256 KB, 500x500, kraft singles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish they made white cheese too

>> No.7746698
File: 213 KB, 603x582, 1463205710035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being rare isn't indicative of quality, shithead.

>> No.7746732

What do you think a white cheese version of a pasteurized prepared cheese product would taste like?

>> No.7746775

This is how you know that American cheese is shit.

When OP asked the question he didn't ask for a variety of cheese, he asked who had the best cheese. As if cheese has to come from a retailer.

Hyper-capitalist fuck off, the best cheese is artisinal cheese.

>> No.7746786

Is cheese halal Danebro?

>> No.7746790
File: 38 KB, 450x450, white cheese sticks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7746854

Yellow American Singles and American cheddar are only yellow because of food coloring, they're naturally white.

>> No.7746868

Not realizing the entirety of Northeast Europe would be crushed single handedly by the US

>> No.7747004
File: 8 KB, 236x236, best cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tilliamook is the best cheese. Melt's perfectly too.

>> No.7747009

Bro I have to travel 46 miles and pay 15 dollars for a pound of the good stuff from my homeland... Fuck Ohio.

>> No.7747038

yep, this. their ice cream is the best, too

>> No.7747069 [DELETED] 

An flooded with shit cheese no doubt.

>> No.7747072


>> No.7747084

Maybe in terms of average body mass

>> No.7747095
File: 41 KB, 625x800, 7up-replaves-formula.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking stored. Flyover cuisine is fun.

>> No.7747102

Canned cheese is way more of a coastie thing

I live in the midwest and the only time I ever aw it used was when I went to Philly and they insisted on putting it on my chesesteak when I insisted they should use provolone like we do in the midwest

>> No.7747177

Not rare but really good American cheese. Rarity /= quality.

>> No.7747183

It's good compared to Wisconsin plastic garbage but it's not really good in an objective sense

>> No.7747185

You went to a shit shop if they required wiz. The good places use provolone as a default.

>> No.7747189

>muh microcheeseries
Or as the rest of the world calls it, «cheese»

>> No.7747194

>no true coastie

>> No.7747199

At least coasties denounce such practices where they are found

Flyovers actually get mad and question your loyalty to AMERICA if you don't love plastic spray garbage ''''cheese'''' made of HFCS and Teflon

>> No.7747231

Don't worry, it's mostly the flag burning and protests that make us question your loyalty.

>> No.7748332

Well, flag burning is legal, and if you want the same America you have today in 50 years it should stay legal. Also Vermont has the best cheese, no doubt.

>> No.7748349

Plates like this are good in theory, but suck in practice.

>> No.7749200

They get hard to carry when the balance becomes off.

>> No.7749210
File: 45 KB, 500x375, deliverance3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It amuses me when toothless inbred yokels from flyover land accuse normal people of being disloyal to America for eating kale. Like, sure, it's perfectly ok to blow up a federal building in Oklahoma City, that's very patriotic, just god forbid you eat any vegetables! Vegetables are unpatriotic!

>> No.7749226

Yes, the rest of the world has cheese. Americans have solidifed fat with cheese flavouring.

You realise that you've just proven my point idiot.

>> No.7749264


Care to add any more letters, faggot? Anyways WI and Vermont both have great cheese.

>> No.7749274

your mom's dick.