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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 54 KB, 479x359, IMG_20160529_130756-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7725810 No.7725810 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/

Inspired by Kawell's thread last night, I went ahead and documented my chicken and Andouille sausage gumbo.

Started off with the chop chop. Two onions, two celery ribs, and three fat jalapeños. All to a medium dice.

I know bell pepper is traditional, but I had one and not the other, so jalapeños a go. Deseeded, of course.

>> No.7725822

Cajun from south Louisiana here. I will be critiquing you with utmost scrutiny. I am already upset by the use of jalapeno. If you didnt use okra you are a failure.

>> No.7725823
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Into a large stock pot, with maybe a teaspoon of olive oil. Gonna get dat saute on.

In the meantime, we get out...

>> No.7725835 [DELETED] 

A pecan smoked Andouille sausage! Gorgeous color, and it was actually on sale. Got an extra link in the freezer for later, too.

Patience, grasshopper. I stay true.

>> No.7725845
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A pecan smoked Andouille sausage! Gorgeous color, and it was actually on sale. Got an extra link in the freezer for later, too.

Patience, grasshopper. I stay true.

>> No.7725847

dont call me grasshopper kiddo. although pecan-smoked andouille is only available in the motherland, so thats a good sign.
Now post that roux i need to fap.

>> No.7725853

/ck/ is getting more nad more OC lately. I approve.

>> No.7725898


You aren't kidding about the color. They did that sausage good.

>> No.7725908


okra is shit tier nigger food. OP did good using jalapenos instead

>> No.7725915
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Chop chop.

You are out of luck, friendo. I did the roux ahead of time and didn't take pictures. Got it to a gorgeous mahogany, though. You'll see in a minute.

>> No.7725923
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>That fucking color.

Dear god, Yes.

>> No.7725942
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In da pot, sizzle it up.

In hindsight, there are a few things I would have done differently. Bell pepper for one. Homemade chicken stock for another. I had to use chicken base instead, and while it works, it isn't the same as fresh made.

A good crusty loaf of bread would have been good, too. Oh well, this is what you get when you spontaneously gumbo.

>> No.7725970
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In the meantime, let's cut up some boneless chicken thighs. I had four of them, cut into inch chunks.

Starting to smell good, y'all. You know why?

>> No.7726022

>adding your meat before you even start your simmer
I know there's no rules for gumbo, but seriously, wtf are you doing OP. your sausage is going to have no texture after you boil it down

>> No.7726025
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Because look at that fucking fond! Goddamn. Sausage getting nice and toasty, too.

At this point, many roads converge into one. I toss my chicken in and saute it, then soon after throw in my roux and chicken stock. I then add about half a teaspoon of file powder, a couple Bay leaves, some chopped green onion, about four sprigs of fresh thyme, black pepper, paprika, cayenne, minced garlic, and parsley. Some Worcester sauce as the last seasoning.

If you're thinking that's very little file, remember that you can add more to your own bowl when it's served.

There's another reason I only used a little bit, though...

>> No.7726048
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I found a can of tomatoes and okra in my pantry! So I threw that in too.

At this point, I'm gonna bring it to a boil, then reduce it to a simmer, and let it go for an hour, stirring occasionally. I also chopped some more green onions for garnish, and made a pot of rice. Did the dishes, too.

That color though

>> No.7726051

nice touch on the file. dont want to end up with green gumbo.
so you're saying you reserved your roux on the side, eh?

>> No.7726076

I made it late last night, actually. I've got terrible insomnia, and nothing was good on Twitch, so I turned on some tunes, poured myself some cheap wine, and whisked like a madman. Also, I do like Gumbo aux herbes, but I wanted standard stuff today.

I dunno man, tastes pretty fucking good to me. You ever even had good Andouille?

>> No.7726090
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after an hour, and look at that reduction line. Fuck me, the house smells incredible.

I tasted it and adjusted my seasoning, then warmed up some bowls.

>> No.7726092 [DELETED] 

Interesting take on the 'orld 'amous 'go 'tyle 'za. Maybe add a little 'cha?

>> No.7726110

yes, my uncle used to make it. but I dont like overcooking my meats. Ive done it that way before and the andouille gets REALLY tiny and loses its texture. I strongly recommend sauteeing your sausage on the side and adding it to your simmer. But, like i said, no rules for gumbo.

>> No.7726111
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Believe it or not I used to own and run my own gumbo stand in southeast texas, and I can honestly say you suck at making gumbo. Boneless chicken wtf?? Just use a whole chicken. And don't add the sausage until the last hour or so of cooking otherwise it'll be too ruberry. But those are just two of the many travesties I see here

>> No.7726134
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Dished up, green onion'd, soon to be devoured. Spontaneous gumbo might not be the "Perfect" gumbo, but fuck if it don't taste good.

Why doncha take you forced memes and stick em up your 'got 'sshole?

You want a fucking medal? Make some gumbo and post your own thread, faggot.

>> No.7726156

don't rope me into this faggot I'm not OP. I agree with your method. My gumbo will knock your socks of sha

>> No.7726162

Doubt you're a true Cajun. There a dying breed, especially in Louisiana. We still got a few up here near Hudson that hadn't gotten shipped off.

>> No.7726193
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The other thing is, I only simmered it for an hour. So your comment about the sausage is literally pointless. You would have known that if you actually read my fucking thread. Instead you ran your mouth off like the faggot you are.

>> No.7726749

Looks good man

>> No.7728050

Looks great. Nice job A++ OC.

>> No.7728060

I hope you did not used powdered "roux"

>> No.7728104

As a non-cajun who has never set foot in Louisiana I'd never stoop to using powdered roux. Make it yourself or get the fuck out dammit.

>> No.7728106

that doesn't even look like andouille..

>boneless chicken
>not using a roasted chicken, or left over fried chicken

andouille is rubbery if it is made and cooked right. you people just don't know what you are doing. which is especially pathetic for the guy that ran a gumbo shack in texas - but doesn't surprise me because everyone in texas is a fucking try hard faggot.

if you cooked okra for a whole hour then you destroyed texture - which is a larger sin than starting with jalepenos and making fucking mexican gumbo to begin with.

broiling it in an oven and adding it 30 minutes before the finished product is best. it should be slightly rubbery. this should be a home made andouille not some factory farmed oscar meyer soft tooth bull shit. andouille is supposed to be a substantial sausage.
alright op.. over all.. you made gumbo - sort of. congrats. it looks pretty good. however one last critique...

that picture.. you are serving it too wet. the rice in a gumbo dish is a central element.. and you hve disrespected the rice. you can add rice first, or you can scoop it on last... its not like cereal where you are legally bound to pouring cereal first then milk. HOWEVER, the rice should also be substantial and some of the rice should be unblemished by the gumbo so that if an eater was to choose to do so, they could eat at least a couple bites of plain rice. this allows the eater to mix the proportion of rice to each bite.. instead of what you have done that looks like fucking soup with rice in it.

anyway.. not too bad. you added tomato... thats not strictly in keeping but i support the idea. i've made it with and without and personally i think the tomato adds a brightness to the dish which is usually missing in the traditional cooks.

>> No.7728220
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Well aren't you little Mister Gumbo Master! Fuckin' telling me I'm wrong with the way I make my gumbo!

You do know that sausage and roux weren't common ingredients in gumbo until the turn of the century, right? And that until Paul Prudhomme came around and started making thick gumbo, it was commonly more soup-like, right? And that because you can chuck damn near anything you want into gumbo or jambalaya, anybody saying I didn't make it the right way is a colossal faggot, right?

I made my gumbo the way I could make it - with what I had to hand. The same way the real fucking cajuns and the africans before them made it. With what they had to hand. They didn't have fucking creole hipsters standing around with craft beers and snobby attitudes sticking their noses up and saying that their gumbo wasn't authentic. So get fucking bent with that "MUH AUTHENTIC" bullshit. I made it my way, it tasted fucking delicious, it fed three people with enough to make an entire extra meal, and I'm gonna eat fucking more of it tomorrow.

>> No.7728231

what's wrong with instant roux
it seems like one of the few things you could reconstitute with little issue
roux is essentially flour and butter (or any other oil)
Just take away the water and blend it down, what is even the problem?

>> No.7728266


Wow... Now that's butt hurt. Calm down though man.. i'm just critiquing and letting you know how i make mine and what i think is the best. if you can't take constructive criticism then you are bound to continue making these weird ass mexigumbos...

> it was commonly more soup-like, right?

I didn't say anything about the thickness. I think gumbo in all thicknesses are just fine.

>And that because you can chuck damn near anything you want into gumbo

no. i refuse to accept your clearly evident life motto of "because i tried, i succeeded" you are clearly a participation trophy child and it shows. what you have done here is demonstrably wrong in many ways... and many people have told you so. i'll give you points for trying something new - but don't call people "craft beer hipster snobs" for telling you that you fucked up in several major ways, when WE ALL KNOW you fucked up in several major ways and you even admitted to it right off the bat with that bullshit jalepeno move.

>I made my gumbo the way I could make it - with what I had to hand

Honestly i do applaud you for that. And because of that I was hoping for more information at the end about the final product.

How did the jalepeno affect the final flavor?

After cooking okra for an hour, could you find any of it? I find that if I use fresh large mature okra it will hold up longer, but if i use tender frozen okra i won't be able to find any okra pieces after about 30 minutes... did you find the same?

How did your sausage come out? was it chewy the way it should be or would it make all these other posters happy because it was still really soft after being boiled for so long? thats the test of your sausage right there. from the looks of it, it was really fatty and i'm betting it was just fine. (if it had been a really high quality andouille it would have gotten chewy like it should have)

who taught you put rice in a bowl like that?

would you consider using a pre roasted chicken next?

>> No.7730238
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That gumbo looks fuckin' delicious, OP. Fuck the haters.

>> No.7732016

well done you

>> No.7732041

Cajuns have nothing to do with gumbo, it's a Creole dish Arcadian refugees adopted.

>> No.7732644

>op makes decent but not great run of the milk food network gumbo
>guy who made gumbo for a living shows up and questions a few things
>op loses his mind

The level of ass hurt in this thread is absolutely incredible.

>> No.7732663

u r confused

but good thread OP, nice work

>> No.7732705

It's really just one drunk guy who is hating on it, everyone else seems to like it.

I personally make my gumbo differently from OP's, but in the grand scheme of things who cares? If it were served to me I would still chow down on it.

>> No.7732717

okra is fucking disgusting even if it is 'traditional'

there are many non-disgusting methods that can be used for thickening

texas cant do a fucking thing right though so your opinion will be disgarded

>> No.7734347

>texas cant do a fucking thing right though so your opinion will be disgarded

>> No.7734407
File: 167 KB, 564x564, Gombo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okra or as we call it okree is delicious.
but you are correct there are other thickeners such as roux, ground sassafras (file'), arrowroot, cornstarch slurry ect....but okra is a great addition to gumbo for its unique flavor.

>> No.7734476

In case you need a second opinion, you're a colossal faggot

>> No.7734498

literally only 2 people (including you) have gotten buttblasted about OPs gumbo being inauthentic. assholes like you are the reason everyone thinks cooks are cantankerous snobs. There's a difference between truly fucking something up (aka making something that tastes shitty) and not making it according to 'muh authentic cajun recipe anything else is WRONG.' The craft beer hipster snob comment OP made couldn't be more accurate. go tongue-punch your dad's fartbox

>> No.7734506

that looks amazing

>> No.7734620

>but okra is a great addition to gumbo for its unique flavor.

And that slimy, satisfying, dare-I-say erotic texture.

>assholes like you are the reason everyone thinks cooks are cantankerous snobs

Some people think that good chefs are just good chefs that know what they are talking about.

It takes all kinds to make the world go round.

Thankfully I'll never have to eat the food that you "settle" for when you don't have the proper ingredients, knowledge, or skills required for the dish.

The worst part, and the difference between people like you and me, is that I listened to everyone that told me I was doing it wrong and got better. You are clearly a gold star participation trophy kid who thinks they don't have to listen to criticism because mommy told them they were a perfect and unique little snow flake just the way they were.

It turns out that gumbo isn't "whatever you want it to be" you can't "chuck damn near anything you want into gumbo." It turns out that you fucking retarded retards are fucking retarded.

>jalepeno in gumbo (please)
>no bell pepper (no trinity)
>no pics of roux (cause op thinks its a soup)
>boil the sausage (ftw!!!!11!!)
>sausage is clearly not an actual quality andouille (from the fatty looks of the inside its a factory made product)
>overcooked the okra till it fell apart (not a damn one is recognizable in finished product)

>let's continue to celebrate mediocrity!!!

>you're a colossal faggot
>go tongue-punch your dad's fartbox

>still using homoslurs and thinking any intelligent gender fluid iconoclast would ever be even slightly perturbed.

my mimmies remain un-flustered.

In case you needed to hear it again. That gumbo is shit.

>> No.7734629

you have to cook it for at least 30 minutes then the slime disappears
oldschool cajuns dont even use roux, they will cook the okra down into a sauce and use it as the gumbo base
gumbo literally translates to "okra" in creole language

>> No.7734714

Is it cool to make Gumbo without the celery? Usually I use onions, bell pepper, and Green Onions for the main veggies.

>> No.7734737
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celery is one of the key flavors in a gumbo.

>> No.7734771

I had no idea powdered roux was a thing, but... why??? It's powder already (flour). Just add your fat/oil. Who would buy a specialty product like that? What convenience factor does this offer at all?

>> No.7734822

Celery tastes terrible though

>> No.7734830

>What convenience factor does this offer at all?

Are you serious? To make a decent Roux you have to slowly add the flour an oil in which takes forever and is a pain in the ass.

>> No.7734833
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>> No.7734843

No you don't. You're trying to make it sound like it's a painstaking process, tipping ever so much in every few seconds. No, you stir flour into a fat and cook it until you get the desired color/flavor. It's not painstaking at all. You're presumably going to have to cook the roux anyway so it's not even an extra step. It's less work than chopping a fucking onion.

>> No.7735048
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OP here

I'm still confused as to why you think you're the fucking last word on gumbo making. As though Cajun Jesus descended from on high and anointed your forehead with the roux of perfection, then returned to sit at the right hand of Paul Prudhomme. You completely miss the fucking point of Cajun cooking, which is the same thing as any rural/poverty cuisine, to use the ingredients on hand. You CAN throw any meat you want into gumbo, just like you CAN throw any meat you want into jambalaya, just like you CAN throw any meat you want into burgoo, or etouffee, or any one of the million "throw shit into a pot and make it taste good" dishes in the entire fucking world.

And you keep harping on my fucking jalapenos, as though if Acadians had come to Louisiana and found Jalapenos instead of standard bell peppers, they wouldn't have used them instead. Would you rather I have not used any pepper at all? Or used a french mire poix?

Also, it's pretty clear JUST FROM THE COLOR ALONE that I used roux in my gumbo. And because I didn't painstakingly, voluntarily take a picture of every single little addition to my gumbo, that somehow makes it wrong? Do I have to go to fucking Google Images and point out the millions of pictures of gumbo that aren't so thick that you can stand up a spoon in it before you fucking realize that not all gumbos are cooked the same? Do you honestly expect me, or anyone else, to believe that there's one single "Correct" recipe for gumbo, and that anyone who doesn't follow it is a charlatan? You said you added tomatoes to yours, so I guess you're a nigger too.

You are, without a doubt, the most pedantic autistic fucklord on this board. Nobody else in the thread agrees with you. Yet you come back to it three days after you run your mouth like a dog to eat your own shit and defend your indefensible opinion that everyone else has completely disregarded. You are the phrase "Stop liking what I don't like" incarnate. Please leave and never return.

>> No.7736212

I haven't used powdered roux but from what I understand you just pour it into the soup/stew you're cooking, no need to do anything else. Good roux takes a bit of care and management so it's definitely more convenient. Also, gumbo requires a dark chocolate roux that rides the line between brown and burnt and if you cook it too far and its burnt you've fucked up so using pre-made roux will presumably eliminate this problem.

>> No.7736413


Whats your deal man?

Why are you so insecure in your gumbo skills?

Why can't you deal with a little constructive feedback?

>> No.7736425

>Good roux takes a bit of care and management

It takes no skill whatsoever, it just requires you to watch the roux and stir it often until it reaches the color you want. The darker it gets the more flavorful it is but its thickening power is reduced.

Using the pre-made stuff certainly saves time, but roux isn't difficult to make at all.

>> No.7736427

what kind of fucking savage doesn't put at least shrimp in their fucking gumbo

>> No.7736434


Personally I like shrimp in my gumbo, but a lot of people don't. My sous-chef at work is from Louisiana and claims that you make EITHER a seafood gumbo or a land-based gumbo, but you don't mix the two. Though like anything else with gumbo I'm sure there will be no end to the arguing.

>> No.7736492


>> No.7736711

It cooks down you nincompoop.

>> No.7736862
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Gumbo hipster got BTFO

>> No.7738013


Perhaps the 1-2% of people that are allergic to fish or shell fish?


This is true, but OP would still make a seafood soup with chicken and call it gumbo.

>> No.7738018

Also from cajun country. I hate okra, fuck you.

No bell pepper is pretty bad though.

>> No.7738022



>> No.7738024

>You CAN throw any meat you want into gumbo, just like you CAN throw any meat you want into jambalaya, just like you CAN throw any meat you want into burgoo, or etouffee, or any one of the million "throw shit into a pot and make it taste good" dishes in the entire fucking world.

>Anything is gumbo because my mom said i was a precious snowflake. In fact... I made gumbo yesterday, and I am having the left overs today but now it is etouffee - my gender fluid mother said this is how the world works.

>> No.7738027


It brightens up the dish and gives it a little acidity so it isn't so heavy on the palate.

It's good both ways. IMO gumbo with tomato in it is like eating gumbo in a high end restaurant. Gumbo without is like eating it in my mee maw's kitchen.

What OP made with jalepeno and shit tier "andouille" though is like what you would get when they empty the septic tanks at a rural taco bell.

>> No.7738028

Powdered roux is terrible, but the instant roux in a jar is fuggin great. A staple in a Louisiana household.

>> No.7738053

>You are, without a doubt, the most pedantic autistic fucklord on this board. Nobody else in the thread agrees with you. Yet you come back to it three days after you run your mouth like a dog to eat your own shit and defend your indefensible opinion that everyone else has completely disregarded. You are the phrase "Stop liking what I don't like" incarnate. Please leave and never return.

Actually several people have agreed with me.. and i haven't been pedantic. All I did was show you where you could improve.

I guarantee you I make a better gumbo than you broseph. You started with jucking jalapeno for christ sake.

I never said "stop liking what i don't like" or anything close to it. just that you are doing it, categorically, ALL WRONG and I offered you constructive criticism which your small mind has clearly not taken well.

I feel bad for people like you who are destined to go through life never having listened to or considered doing things in a non-shitty way... even though the entire world is around them telling them how they could improve their lives.

You honestly think i'm the only person in the thread that thinks this is shit tier dishwater 'go 'bo? its bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.7738080

I came here to tip my fedora at you

No, seriously, you are an uppity cunt

>> No.7738095

Not OP, but do a cookalong in this thread and show him. If you suck too, I'll just have to pick up the ingredients and do it myself.

>> No.7738133

>Two onions, two celery ribs, and three fat jalapeños


>> No.7738247

you should show us your recipe/technique.
I love a good follow along where the chef knows what he/she are doing. You sound as if you know what youre talking about so it shouldnt be much of a problem?
Share with us your wealth of gumbo knowledge.

I'm not a robot

>> No.7738262

Nigga you already goofed.

>> No.7738263

>not using file and a dark ass roux

Eat my Acadian ass.

>> No.7738268

This thread is gold

>> No.7738274


Nigga tomatoes

Nigga why

Nigga this ain't seafood gumbo

Niggaaaaaaa wwwhhhhhhhhy

>> No.7738280
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I've done tons of follow alongs on gumbo before over the past several years. I have about a gallon of gumbo frozen in my freezer so i won't be cooking any more for another month or so at least.

I've told op how he could improve, and you should all listen to my words of wisdom.

>Some Worcester sauce as the last seasoning.

>> No.7738401
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Goddamn, you just won't quit, will you? You're like a fucking Cajun cockroach.

I made my first gumbo when I was 12 years old, from scratch. Without any help from my parents, just a copy of Brennan's New Orleans Cookbook and free run of the kitchen. I made my first jambalaya a year later for my birthday dinner, a tradition I've continued for the almost two dozen years that have elapsed since. I watched Justin Wilson's Louisiana Kitchen every Sunday afternoon after church for YEARS when I was growing up. I don't need your goddamn elitist attitude. Nobody does.

I feel bad for you, honestly. You'll probably never enjoy a gumbo with sausage, smoked turkey, and ham in it, because it "Does it all wrong." You're like a fucking child. "He did it wrong! It's wrong! It's wrong!" You show absolutely no flexibility or adaptability. You absolutely REFUSE to believe anyone could make gumbo any way except your way. God, your life must be fucking miserable.

John Besh uses tomato in his chicken gumbo. Fuck off.

John Besh also uses Worcester sauce in his gumbo. If he ain't fucking doing it right to you, then you cannot be satisfied.

Seriously though. I can take constructive criticism. But your's isn't constructive. You led with insults and then started your fucking multi-day temper tantrum. And all because I don't follow YOUR exact recipe.

Well c'mon, King Ass Gumbo! Post your recipe! Other people have called you out, and now I am! Oh, but wait, you refused! Some lame ass excuse, too. "I've done it before so I'm not gonna do it again." Well pics or it didn't happen, nigger!

Nah. You're all talk. Just some pretentious faggot who wants the whole world to spin around him. Just some fucking troll who wants to faggot up my thread because he knows /ck/ is easy. Well 10/10 motherfucker, you got me to respond. But either put up or shut up. Show your gumbo or get the fuck out of my thread.

>> No.7738452
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Here are the leftovers, and the reason I wont be doing a cook along. I have more gumbo than I need at the moment.

U started when you were 12 with no guidance? I started when I was 10 and my grandmother from chalmette helped me the entire time and taught me better than to use jalapeno and woohoostershire like a faggot.

>> No.7738465
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Here is the oven/pan roasted sausage and roasted chicken that went in last batch. If you don't do it this way, you are using inferior technique.

>> No.7738470 [DELETED] 

ITT: decent OC ruined by the summer runover.
Go create a 'go 'za thread you /b/rats.

>> No.7738476
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And here is the last gumbo I made at a friends house about 2 weeks ago, served with jalapeno, cheddar, and bentons bacon cornbread.

As you can see it has a nice thickness and I've served it with perfectly fluffy rice that isn't mixed in like a soup.

>> No.7738480


Actual pieces of okra and chicken... you mean you didn't cook it down like OP for hours till it all turned to shit!??!!

What a novel idea...

>> No.7738486

Da fuck is that, chicken soup? Why is it yellowy-green?

I see no sausage in your gumbo. Opinion discarded.

Why is your chicken all shredded up in that shit? What are you trying to make, some fucking mexigumbo? Better bust out the tortillas, Pedro, I'm coming over!

That's not Andouille, that's fucking kielbasa. What are you trying to pull here?

WHITE MEAT CHICKEN? Pull over, I'm going to fucking puke!

You call that roasted? It looks like you pulled the skin off some rotisserie chicken you bought down at the Wally World and are trying to pass it off as real food. Get rekt.

Great gumbo, if you like babyshit-colored gravy over dry, sticky rice.

What kinda fucking cornbread is that? Flat as a fucking plank of wood, and a weird color. Stick a nail through it and hang a picture, Pa!

JALAPENOS ANYWHERE NEAR YOUR GUMBO!?!? Get the fuck outta here, Jose! We don't like your kind around here!

This is what you actually sound like.

>> No.7738493 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 500x500, 1463381655349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wally World

I quite like this guy, you'd do well in a racist, honest YouTube cooking series.

>> No.7738506

Oh damn that looks amazeballs desu senpai

>> No.7738511

Looks terrible family. You do realize gumbo is nigger food for people who are in poverty? It's like making a "gourmet" quesadilla.

>> No.7738512

>deseeded of course

>> No.7738524

>Why is your chicken

It's actually turkey in those left overs...

>That's not Andouille

It actually is.. I have a feeling you've just never seen it before.

>and a weird color.

it's made with organic blue corn meal. i understand new foods can be challenging for people with the culinary experience of a 4 year old but you should give it a try.


You're right.. we were trying something new and next time i won't be doing it again. i am advising everyone to get jalapenos away from their gumbo.. even cooking it into cornbread served with gumbo is a bad idea. Only a fucking idiot would cook jalapeno into gumbo. My buddy and I were attempting to offset some of the VERY STRONG bacon flavor of the Benton's in there.. and frankly... you couldn't taste practically anything but the bacon in that corn bread even though we probalby only used 2 ounces of bacon and a teaspoon of the rendered fat in a whole 12 inch skillet sized bake. Bentons is fucking great.. but people should be careful with it. it will overpower a dish quickly.

I get it though.. through all the made up junk you are saying you are really just 'miring my okra and quality ingredients.

That's cool... Let the jealousy drive you to make a better product next time.

>> No.7738558
File: 71 KB, 640x456, creeoh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LA gumbo thread
>posts chicken noodle soup

wtf?? I thought you said you knew what youre doing? That doesnt even...Is this some african gumbo??
whats up with that dense brown bread?
fuckin curry looking vomit gumbo..
all this shit you just posted is meh at best.
wheres the archived link to your gumbo recipes? Your shit looks booty af.

your granny didnt know what she was doing if thats her recipe...

>> No.7738566

Besh gets shit for it to, go fuck yourself.

>> No.7738570

you guys are all fucking autists

you guys are the reason why /ck/ is being filled with big mac threads


>> No.7738572

Man that is yellow as fuck; I assume that's base without roux for some reason?

>> No.7738573

>>posts chicken noodle soup

First of all, again, it's turkey. The turkey stock was made with the carcass and there is lots of good ol' stringy bits of turkey in there, but there is also a lot of delicious chunky roasted turkey meat that was cut/picked off and reserved to be added later in the cooking process.

Secondly, i am failing to see noodles, so I have no idea where you are getting chicken noodle... Are you blind? There is nothing chicken, or noodle, about anything in that picture.

This is similar in the same way that no one has found okra in any of op's pictures.

Maybe that's it.. OP is just blind and thinks he's making gumbo and just doesn't know any better...

>> No.7738580 [DELETED] 

Show me the Big Mac threads pls.
All i see are 'go 'za threads.

>> No.7738584


Are you sure that isn't red beans?


>> No.7738587

