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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 699 KB, 2048x1536, ebin burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7736498 No.7736498 [Reply] [Original]

Hey senpai

is there a logical way to stack a burger? Apart from top bun at the top and bottom bun at the bottom

pic semi-related, although my ingredients are different. I got lettuce, cheese, tomato, sauce, buns and burger

>> No.7736533

Bun, sauce, tomatoes, lettuce, cheese, burger, bun.
I get pretty upset when I go to a place that places their lettuce and tomatoes on the bottom. Shit slides around too much and eventually I have to eat it upside down so it doesn't fall apart.

>> No.7736539

You taste the bottom first so put complements like sauce and cheese on the lower half.

>> No.7736655

Buns go on the outside.

Cheese goes directly on top of the burger, so it melts quicker. Sauce goes on the bottom so it doesn't blend with the cheese.
The lettuce and tomato go in the trash, because they don't belong on a burger.

>> No.7736675

Bottom bun, sauce, pile of vegetables of our choice, burger, cheese, sauce, top bun.

>> No.7736735

this is really good, the only thing I would change is putting the lettuce on top instead of bottom because I like mine to have that crisp and still be a bit cool when you bite into it.The lettuce in the OPs is a bit soggy looking.

>> No.7736802
File: 3.30 MB, 2504x1997, 20160601_125620-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic relevant

>> No.7737174

Is that Culvers?

>> No.7737243

Fuck no. That's 5 Guys

>> No.7737311

Okay, I see it now.

>> No.7737319

five guys looks pretty good but isn't it expensive?

>> No.7737325
File: 224 KB, 700x875, in-n-out-miami-florida.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like straight up east coast faggot garbage.

Here's a real burger made by the gods.

>> No.7737326

Pickles and condiments on bottom bun, mayo and lettuce on top bun and then cheese and everything else directly on the burger

Keeping the mayo with the lettuce and separate from the other condiments has a creamier mouthfeel I find

>> No.7737332

from top to bottom:
top bun
lettuce, onion, whatever else
fried chicken
bottom bun

>> No.7737340

>just raw ground beef in the middle

>> No.7737345
File: 163 KB, 500x333, ITSRAWM8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7737356
File: 51 KB, 480x640, 1424462419313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just ok, cheap though.

>> No.7737388


The burger I posted >>7736802 is from Sonic, not 5 gays. For as much 5 gays dick sucking that goes on around here you would think you would be able to recognize it. God damn you are all pathetic

>> No.7737409
File: 102 KB, 960x698, 1451954104010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit that is Sonic. ya got me!

>> No.7737413

Top to bottom:

>> No.7737417

It's bottom bun, burger, onions, tomato, lettuce, condiments go ON THE TOP BUN, then the top bun is brought over and placed on top of the lettuce

>> No.7737430

For that authentic 'go 'er

>> No.7737433

Bottom bun (toasted)
Lettuce (to keep bun from getting soggy)
Cheese (melted)
Onion (grilled)
Tomato (after onion to prevent slipping out)
Pickles (three of them)
Top bun (toasted)

>> No.7737434

ITT: Americunts who think a burger stacked as high as the WTC towers is impressive. Ignore the fact you can't eat it without it falling apart.

Raw burger patty... don't even get me started...

>> No.7737440

a goer of hwhere or hwhat?

>> No.7737608

You stupid fucking invalid, why would you allow your bun to get all soggy from tomato?

And the mustard seed should touch the burger and dry it out? Fuck you're stupid.

>> No.7737722


>> No.7737729

You should learn how to cook the meat before worrying about proper stacking

also way too many charred onions, it looks like bile senpai