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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7736076 No.7736076 [Reply] [Original]

What was the lowest part of your life in regards to food?

>stealing creamers from fast food places to use as milk

>> No.7736077

Ketchup sandwiches or ketchup on crackers when I was a kid. We were extremely poor for a couple years.

>> No.7736080

What caused this?

>> No.7736083 [DELETED] 
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>repeatedly posting 'go 'za in an attempt to force a meme and be funny

>> No.7736084

Continuously refilled black beans in a slowcooker, obviously rotting cooked rice fried into heavily spiced eggs fritters, chicken that's going bad soaked in brine and shoaxing wine

There was probably a lot of worse things but I blocked out most of it because poverty is traumatizing for chronically homeless people like myself.

>> No.7736092

Dad had fast food jobs, and a drug habit. Wrote a lot of hot checks and stole food and necessities for us and got caught, so went to jail for a few years. Mom didn't have a job at the time because he was a control freak, but she started working her way up using her nursing degree once he got sent away.

>> No.7736100

Glad it turned out ok.
Men are bastards.

>> No.7736103 [DELETED] 
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>Men are bastards.

>> No.7736107

ketchup on pasta.

>> No.7736110

Eating nothing but rice and butter for a day because no money.

It's not as bad as you'd expect but still terrible.

>> No.7736194

Hiding food from my old roommates by putting left overs in plastic sandwich bags and putting them behind the frozen fruit they'd never eat so they don't eat everything because they were fat fucks.

>> No.7736208
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>find key to parents house in junk drawer
>walk up to the house when they should be at work
>stepdad sees me before I can turn away
>ehh sorry man I just wanted to make a couple sandwiches.. blew all my money gambling
>np man help yourself

Wish I wasnt such an alcoholic, gambling addict. Still manage to pay bills but sometimes I'll just blow $400 in one day.

>> No.7736219
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Literally never been poor enough to contribute to this. I'm about to get divorced and I have small pension and no house so should have a great answer soon

>> No.7736247

what a loser

dont wish you werent, just dont be. get help. decide that youre going to deal with feeling uncomfortable for a bit and find a hobby to occupy you until your withdrawals go away.

>> No.7736248

Thanks I guess?
Its not like I dont tell myself this once or twice a month.

>> No.7736256

Buttered bread and tomato sauce
Tomato and mayo sandwiches
Whole avocado

Basically all I ate when I was very broke. I don't understand why people willingly eat like this.

>> No.7736259

so am i supposed to feel bad for you thinking it and not doing anything? normal people motivate themselves to fix their lives. why even mention it publicly if you don't want people to comment on it.

>> No.7736267
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>be me
>be 13
>be dirt poor
>no dinner again tonight anon
>family in bed by 7pm
It's easier to ignore the hunger pangs when you're asleep.

>> No.7736271 [DELETED] 

Maybe his addictions are hard to manage, like your addiction to being an unsympathetic cunt.

>> No.7736303

I just moved out recently

I taken to marinating pork in soy spices sriracha and dipping plain spaghetti in the drippings after it bakes.

Honestly , I've eaten worse tasting pasta.

>> No.7736310

That's not really your low, shame on them

>> No.7736378
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>> No.7736385

Don't you have some shit memes to force?

>> No.7736390

GIF fags need to die

>> No.7737137

I spent the last six months eating peanut butter sandwiches and popcorn, and maybe the occasional bowl of rice.

The shit of it is, I wasn't even "poor" I was living with my mother and stepfather while I saved up money for an apartment. But while my mom said I didn't have to buy food while I there, my stepfather had real issues with me leaving my room/occupying the general living space, or eating any of their "good" foods, like juice, cheese, fresh veggies, or even doing any cooking.

It was 6 months of hell. I'm glad I'm free.
>tfw I gained 30lbs from all those carbs tho

>> No.7737432

If you were saving money, didn't you have a job?

Shirley you could have paid for a little other food if your senpai was so uptight about you using theirs

>> No.7737437

they are though.

>> No.7737444

I was a raging drunk for a few years and at one point I started going to the food pantry to get food because I was spending the rest of my disposable income on rent and booze

I stopped that shit but looking back it makes me feel pretty bad. my city has a big poverty problem

>> No.7737454
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pls do not be rude

>> No.7737455

That gif is so depressing
I've eaten a few ready made dinners in my time. But I've never stared at them through the window

>> No.7737478

During the height of the recession, I had to quit school and move back in with mom and dad
Dad's business went under and mom lost her job
We were struggling really bad for 3 or so years.
5 times a week, we'd get a single $5 Hot n Ready pizza from Little Cesears and shared it among us.
My parents were caring enough to let me have the larger share
Sometimes that was all the food we'd have for the day.
If any of us had the day off, we'd go to the grocery store, buy what ever was on sale and figure out how to cook dinner
After the recession died down, dad re-opened his business and we've managed to make a decent living.
Not as good as pre-recession days, but we live without worries and can afford to plan our grocery lists on what we want and not what's on sale, and can go out to a nice restaurant once a month.
But yeah, I can assure you. I'd rather be stuck up rich cunt than be poor any day of the week.

>> No.7737488
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This is more to do with obesity that it is to do with being poor.

Back when I was at my fattest, about 462lbs, I sat in my car for several hours a day tracking the movements of the 3 Chinese people who worked at the local Chinese place. I managed to figure out the exact times at which the kitchen was left unattended.

A few days later I was hungry for chinese food but couldn't afford it (I already paid for a Burger King that day) so I went to the back of the restaurant, and when I thought it was empty snuck into the back door and started drinking a bottle of toasted sesame oil and eating some uncooked egg noodles.

Anyway I got tired from drinking and eating so I ran to the front of the shop to sit down and pretend I came in to order something but a family was sitting waiting for the chef to come back so they could order. They were stunned and I managed to slide over the counter and escape but the shame meant I never went back.

>> No.7737510
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I did this with soda for mixers my entire freshman year, I couldn't afford 2-liters and the cafeteria closed at 10pm. That was way before my scheduled bedtime and before I had even really started drinking for the night.

>> No.7737553

I had a full-time job that pays a few cents above minimum, but I was literally only able to stay at my mom's house for 6 months, so every last penny went to car and phone payments, and savings.

I just figured I should suck up the food situation and deal with it, since I knew it wasn't permanent.

>> No.7737613

I will never understand why people are this fucking stupid.

Crackers are not cheap, neither is ketchup, yet your parents wasted money on this shit.

really reinforces that stupidity is the cuase of most child hunger

>> No.7737618

>poor as shit
>buy pizza from fucking ceasers
more example of stupidity making you even more poor.

>> No.7737622


It's true though

>> No.7737632

that's not even a fat problem. you're just a disgusting, mentally ill freak

>> No.7737634

You're a college student aren't you

>> No.7737876


I know right?

You could have literalyl been full to the point of pain on rice and beans every single night for the same price before committing suicide because you could never put one more rice or bean in your mouth

>> No.7737884

>Ugly white chick thinks she's hot shit

>> No.7737892

>ugly 4chan user thinks his post was hot shit.

>> No.7737917

Stop being an enabling faggot and tell the worthless addict to fix himself back into a shitty approximation of a human being.

>> No.7737928

Rice with noodles

>> No.7737931
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>> No.7737941


>> No.7737943

You don't need a college education to understand rice and beans is cheaper than little Caesar's pizza

>> No.7737980

>That filename tho

>> No.7738021

when i was 13, my dad married a woman who was kind of a bitch, so i opted to stay with my grandparents instead. depending on their situation, they were either living in a car, a hotel room, or hopping from different campgrounds in their trailer. I lived on a diet of black olives and pepsi, with dollar menu chicken sandwiches and canned sardines spread in between.

>> No.7738025

>mom has seizure when i'm about 13
>goes to hospital, comes home a few days later
>starts hallucinating and talking to television, loses her job
>running out of food, use last dollars and empty out change jar to buy pizza
>someone gives us lunchmeat and lettuce
luckily she got better soon afterwards but i really hate seeing people waste food now, especially leftovers. i feel disappointed if i ever have any vegetables that spoil before being eaten that can't be salvaged by cutting off the bad parts.

>> No.7738046

Most people need to figure out why they do those things in the first place, even if he stopped gambling he might just pick up something else. It takes time to deal with those things, you can't just say "stop" and it's over.

I was addicted to a lot of things and felt bad about it, tried to stop, but I couldn't. Once I realized I was doing those things because I was traumatized from nearly being murdered as a kid I got rid of all my addictions pretty quickly and haven't ever picked up on any of them again.

You don't know what people are going through, most addicts already feel bad and some don't know why they're doing any of it. You don't have to enable them, but you're not helping by calling them worthless.

>> No.7738064

what i think the problem is for most criticizers is that people with addictions are over-indulgers. gambling, smoking, drinking, or almost anything else isn't necessarily bad if it's in moderation, but they're spending hundreds on gambling, or on drinking, and then they have the audacity to complain about it. after spending a ton of money on the kind of vices that some people can only hope to afford intermittently, and consider luxuries, there are people out there living life to the fullest and complaining about it.

>> No.7738103

Mate, if you turn tricks you can blow to get at least $400 per day. Semen contains protien, Vit C and Zinc among other things your body needs.

>> No.7738112

Not him, but lets do some calcumuhlations:
A 1lb box of store brand saltines costs $1.49.
Each pound provides six, 300ish cal servings.
By contrast, 1lb of pasta costs 57¢ and also provides 300ish cals.
20lbs of rice costs $7.99 IE under 40¢/lb and also provides 300ish cals.
The biggest difference here, however, is that pasta and rice are both typically enriched IE they have added nutrients while saltines typically do not. Ergo, not only do saltines costs around three times more than the other two options, they're also less nutritious, not to mention far less versatile.
And you know... you could eat a lot more than just rice and beans (which costs about 30¢ per 650 cal portion made with expensive-ass olive oil and only 25¢ per serving if using regular-ass veg oil from Wesson, the same price as the saltines alone).

You could eat egg-fried rice (19¢ per serving), rice and cabbage (35¢ per serving), pasta with spinach and cheese (65¢ per serving) and even have meat from time to time (chicken pilaf, for example, would only cost you 75¢ per serving).
So for the same price as saltines which need something else to make it a complete meal, you could just have rice and beans, which is not only complete, but also fairly nutritious.
So yeah: sign me up for the bean train, because fuck eating crackers all day.

I just don't believe you, sorry sport.

>> No.7738113

that's a very closed-minded way of thinking about addiction my friend. these people are often incapable of spending money on necessities.

>> No.7738125

>be from poor family
>mom and grandma great at cooking and baking though
>always eat home-cooked family dinners with two courses usually followed by dessert

Everything went better than expected.

>> No.7738143

in college i would blow way too much money. if anything, i eat more shitty now. i once had just a few slices of american cheese for dinner a week in a row. the 101 helped me get over that tho.

>> No.7738151
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I had to pay an emergeny car bill, so it was rice, tony C's, and butter for two weeks.

>tfw the direct deposit hit at midnight and i lived a block away from a whataburger.

>> No.7738159

I was really poor as a kid so I've blocked out most specific meal memories.

I do remember my mom making only enough food for my sisters and me to eat. She more likely than not didn't eat.

"Oh I ate already"
"I'm not hungry"

Mom's a trooper.

>> No.7738164

for a few years i was eating out of the garbage and living out of my van

>> No.7738176

How could you possibly drink that much creamer, it has to be super concentrated with sugar and fat already...

>> No.7738195


Was your van down by the river?

>> No.7738250

well he ain't my boy but the brother is heavy
gave away my posessions and moved into a chevy
van, yeah that's the master plan, drove into the woods and ate corn out the can

>> No.7738321

Fuck that's painful but
>my wife's son
>/pol/ is always right

>> No.7738334

But you didn't ask him not to call you Shirley

>> No.7738340
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oh /ck/ knows my low point well

when I was at my fattest I would purchase many $1 crispy chicken sandwiches from wendys and tuck them down the side of my mattress so they were pressed up against the radiator. That way any time I wanted I could reach down and have a hot chicken sandwich without ever getting out of bed.

>> No.7738347

Ah. high school student then
Someone who doesn't understand adult problems

>> No.7738352

Try working 8 hours straight in a high labor job with breaks only long enough to take a piss.
Then tell me you'll have the patience and energy to cook a meal at home.

>> No.7738356

Meme it up all you want, you never hear about the mom packing up and skipping town.
My mom wasn't the one who got a girlfriend on the internet, got married before they were legally divorced, and moved halfway across the country.

>> No.7738369

stealing bags of donuts from the dumpster outside Dunkin Donuts every few days.

>mfw when they caught on started adding the coffee grounds on top
>I threw away the top layer of donuts and stole more bags
I'd reheat them in the oven when we had gas in the house. shit's actually pretty cash, they get sliiiiighty crispy on the outside and dead warm and soft all the way through

>> No.7738383
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>how do I bought tupperware, cook a lot, and freeze them into meals
I have done exactly what you are doing. even more, we're talking rice, so rince that shit and put it in a rice cooker, and beans, leave it overnight in water and wait for it to sprout. tada, huge ammount of nutrition, just ad water and simer till done. they cook themfucking selves basically. but yeah, you're too poor and tired so you take the easy option of waste literally all your money. fuck even when I'm treating myself I usually pay less than a dollar a serving.

>> No.7738385

>What was the lowest part of your life in regards to food?

eating dumpster chips and peanuts for a week

>> No.7738397

Not him, but this is a family of three that works full time and gets a five dollar pie after work ending up at less than two dollars a person.

There's a difference between maximizing your food budget, and just wanting to eat after work.

>> No.7738403

You're not wrong. I work two jobs & go to school full time. I often stop someplace on the way home to eat.

However, I also prep meals on my days off. You can eat well everyday if you take an hour or two to cook & plan for the week.

>> No.7738407
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That sounds disgusting.

>> No.7738419
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Reading this thread has helped me realize I've had it pretty damn good.

Thanks guys.

>> No.7738421

adult problems like?

>> No.7738429

Feeding a family while working a energy-sapping full time job?

Not even anyone you're responding to by the way...

>> No.7738432


Jesus fucking christ

>> No.7738440

It doesn't take a ton of energy to cook beans and rice moron

>> No.7738442

Dumpster diving when I was addicted to opiates

>> No.7738454

Nor does that taste very good, and still takes almost an hour if you want to make it taste good (chopping onions etc).

Exhaustion after work is a thing, especially mental if they've just lost their business and are just trying to stay afloat. (Honestly, I'd say mental exhaustion from doing office work is worse than physical exhaustion when I was doing landscaping)

>> No.7738473
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>it takes an hour to chop an onion

>> No.7738478
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>> No.7738499
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>What was the lowest part of your life in regards to food?

Microwaving margarine over spaghetti in college or telling Subway shop it was to go to skip in restaurant tax in grad school.

>> No.7738507

i think it's the etc that takes most of the time

>> No.7738518

Question, is rice as good as people say? I know its cheap but I also hear its really not that good for you

>> No.7738531

Back when I first moved out of my parents house I had shitty money management skills and would often run out of money a week or so before payday. I live near the coast I had access to salt water fish. I made a pretty boss Hawain sling spear and would go hunting for food in the afternoons. Id also dumpster dive for bread at Panara. I never went hungry, but at a lot of bread, fish, and oranges because there were a bunch of those trees in my town.

I'm married now and have two incomes in my house now with better money managing skills. But I kinda miss those days. Just getting dinner was an adventure.

>> No.7738534
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>Grad school
>Negative money in bank account
>Eat chicken broth and onion for a whole week
>The onion was stolen

>> No.7738541 [DELETED] 

I've been there.
One time I had $1 left to buy noodles but instead I raided a mandarin tree and bought a lottery scratch card.
The card won $100 so we bought meat, veg and beer and had a little party to celebrate.
Fortune smiles upon the dumb it seems.

>> No.7738542

Do it again, anon. Do it for old times' sake.

>> No.7738563

I still fish a lot for fun and food, but it's not the same. I know if I don't catch anything I can stop at a store and buy food. Maybe one day when the wife goes out of town I'll set up some kind of urban survival weekend.

>> No.7738567

Lots of Oreos with organic peanut butter and tillamook ice cream. Probably gained a pound a day that month.

>> No.7738571

When you've worked all day in a high labor job. Knowing you can have the luxury to not have to stand is more enticing than standing over a stove watching rice cook

>> No.7738577

Oh Judy, how I want to comfort you with a pan of honey glazed rosemary baby carrots and a heaping side of wilted spinach and garlic.

I'm so sad when you're sad, I'll bring over the food to your terrible little room and we can sit on your cheap old bed and eat and laugh and be happy for a while, and then...and then, I might reach out and stroke your ears, sitting on the bed together, gently, just gently, and then, and then, and then....

Oh, Judy

>> No.7738585

>standing over a stove watching rice cook
you can just leave it? why are you watching it?

>> No.7738662

More related to ED than being a poorfag.
I became a NEAT after high school and started binge eating days I was alone.

I'd buy whatever junk I could afford, usually a container of Oreos, a pint of shitty ice cream, honey buns, donut holes from the store's bakery, and a frozen cheeseburger, and ate it all before anyone got home.

My family wanted to have an intervention about my weight, so I went from binging whenever I could to starving myself for a few years. I ate around 1,000 calories a day (inb4 no you didn't. I knew about weighing and logging my foods thanks to /fit/). I was really pathetic in the gym and miserable eating out or at family events.

I binged again at the start of the year for a month. I've stopped and slowly losing the weight I gained from said binge. This is probably the "happiest" I've been with food in a while.

>> No.7738709

Erectile dysfunction?

>> No.7738722

>women don't cheat or initiate the majority of divorces
>anecdotal evidence

Kys, buddy.

>> No.7739086

>woman should stay in relationships with bastard husbands

>> No.7739188

God that looks good. You nob, there's nowhere in my city that does pizza like that (UK)

>> No.7739196

>Whole avocado
That's nothing, I could only afford 7 limes a week

>> No.7739202

Eating out of dumpsters when I was homeless. (I had already spent all my food stamps on drugs) Pizza places often throw full pizzas in the boxes away when they close at night, same deal with fast food places

Eh, judge me fuckers

>> No.7739211

>Try working 8 hours straight

Whoa there sweetheart, don't break a nail. Does your boyfriend know you're talking to men on the internet?

>> No.7739238

Goddamn I'm glad I was born rich and am already on track to stay well-off forever at 25. I feel sorry for you guys, not in a Schadenfreude way, genuinely. Can't even imagine how it must feel not knowing when you're going to eat again.

>> No.7739252

we used to make the bums fight each other or debase themselves for those pizzas when i worked at dominos in orlando.

there were several of our videos on bearshare and kaazaa in 2002.

>> No.7739262

>fighting for dominos

Literally why? I was getting 'Round Table' and 'Mountain Mike's'. It's a west coast thing, it's breddy gud. Also you're kind of a piece of shit, unless they were completely disgusting, annoying, rude, destructive homeless people. If they were just hungry bums you should feel bad

>> No.7739266

This is so close to my life it's spooky.

>> No.7739272

Just make sure you get one of the varieties that's a complex carb, and you'll be fine. At the very least, it's good at filling you up, so if you're trying to feed children they're not going to bed hungry for fucks sake.

>> No.7739273

these were slow zombie type fiends. like the strain their own piss to try to filter the drugs out so they can resmoke the piss crack, or piss heroin.

they truly deserved it.

>> No.7739275

You're very lucky. Use some of your good fortune to help those that are disadvantaged, anon.

>> No.7739292

I work as a medical ethicist (which pays surprisingly well) and am doing a teachers degree. Other than that I volunteer locally for poor families and more regionally for immigrants, upsetting /pol/.

Having said that, I might be lucky but it is fucking retarded that people get children when they're either not on track with their lives, irresponsible in general or are too fucking stupid to build a safety net, like the anon who's dad's company went to the shitter.

>> No.7739408

>can afford car and fuel

>but cant afford food

Yeah sure. Just off yourself.

>> No.7739930

>This is more to do with obesity that it is to do with being poor.

Literally the first line you crazy faggot.

>> No.7739936
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I am currently living off of food I can forage. I had some unexpected additional expenses and am currently supliments my food stockpiles with whatever I find. I'm absolutely sick of dandelion greens. I found some fiddle heads a week ago and those were nice. To bad I don't know crap about foraging for mushrooms. I've also been feeding my rabbits and chickens with whatever I can scavenge.

>> No.7739949

Eat the animals.

>> No.7739953

Little Cesar doesn't taste good...

>> No.7739955

>I had some unexpected additional expenses

But you have an internet connection?
First world problems right here!
Gotta prioritize snapchat and instagram above food, ya'll!

>> No.7739957
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I'm living it right now.
>Ham and ketchup sandwich with quavers
I caused this by being a neet and because I don't care anymore about decency.

>> No.7739975
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They're not ready yet.those got 5 lbs to add on at least. Plus those are does. I'm not going eat my rabbit factories.

>> No.7739983

>not mustard

well there's yer problem.

>> No.7740008

what the shit is going on in this thread? Is this tumblr?

>> No.7740019
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I'm using my phone and work pays for that. I let the Internet go unpaid until they shut it off last month. It increased my productive at home. I end up cleaning when I get bored instead of games or the net. I'm at a work meeting right now. So nothing much else to do other then surf the net.

>> No.7740060

I once ate nothing except saltines, peanut butter and milk for roughly ten days.

>> No.7740072

Well some places (restaurants or cafes) have saltines and ketchup packets on a little table which you can take for free. Ketchup and saltine sandwiches is like... oh we grabbed a few handfuls from that one time we went to the restaurant and here they are in grandmas purse still whateva bone appeteet

>> No.7740075
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Not exactly a low, but this thread brought about this memory.

>Mom takes us to her friends house when we were little.
>Mom's friend is more interested in getting drunk than having little kids around so she puts my little sister and I in the basement while my older siblings get to play outside.
>All that was down there to eat were these disgusting pieces of excrement.
>Didn't have dinner.
>Choose to fall asleep instead with little sister locked in an unfamiliar basement than eat the worst candy.

My mom did come down to spend time with us, though.

>> No.7740081

This plus ketchup and mayo mixed into the rice

>> No.7740087

it takes almost an hour to cook beans, beb. Have you only read about it and never done it or something?

>> No.7740101

omg kitties

>> No.7740108

i caught fish from a pond and ate them like golem from lotr after essentially just charring them over a fire. i almost got arrested because people who lived in the area called 911 after seeing the smoke. it tasted like cat food smells.

>> No.7740142

What sort of beans do you buy?!

>> No.7740268
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some of the more frequent meals of my poot childhood:

>moist loaf of bread with sugar on it
>mustard and margerine sandwiches
>boiled potatoes with raw onions
>a lot of buttered toast

>> No.7740279


I had 2 yorkshire puddings and a bowl of microwave rice for my dinner

>> No.7740332

When my parents died a few years ago, I was still in college and was partially finacially dependent on them for food. Long story short I had to drop out mid semester to manage their estate and figure everything out. Even before their deaths I was still struggling with my brothers suicide (he shot himself about a year before this) I was pretty depressed and had to pretty much stopped eating, after their passing I think I just decided I was going to starve myself to death. Went from 150lbs to 107 at my lowest (I'm 5'10). Thankfully my boss finally intervened and forced me to get help. Back to my old weight, but eating is still kind of a struggle.

>> No.7740757

I had a roommate who lived like that, but it wasn't because he was poor.

>> No.7740795

Early days of a creative career had me broke enough to busk in the subways for grocery money. Some days I did well enough to buy real groceries and cook proper meals with them. But there were days where breakfast was nothing, lunch was half a can of fish on a roll, and dinner was the other half of the can on another roll.

Thankfully I never starved because as long as I could get subway fare together I could grab my guitar and make enough to at least eat.

>> No.7740864

I had rice, flour, sugar, anf peanut butter for 2 months. I almost went insane, but my now ex bought me 20lbs of random meat stuffs. That was at the 2 month mark. I traded some of it to a friend for his vegetables, and ate decently for the next month. Currently living on cereal rice onion tomato potatoe and eggs. But thats a choice to reduce my caloric intake for muh gains. Been looking for a peanut butter cookie recipie that isnt 90% sugar to break things up a bit.

>> No.7740869


i lived off of pancake mix and water for almost two months

>> No.7740906

You'd have to be eating 1lb of saltines and 2 cups of ketchup per day to keep yourself going and not only would that not come even remotely close to covering nutrient needs, there's no way in fuck anyone's grandmother carries enough ketchup and saltines in her purse to make a meal of it for one person never mind a family.
I call shenanigans.

>> No.7740982

Timley thread.

Just eaten two vegetarian "hot dog sausages" microwaved, against the pack's instructions, on frozen bread I partly toasted to defrost, with a bit of French mustard and cheese.

I'm not even poor, just depressed as fuck. Now to get drunk.

>> No.7741069

That's rough man, hope you're ok

>> No.7741098

>Ketchup sandwiches

Thats nothing. Try Sugar on Bread.

>> No.7741150

My mom grew up on those, her mother was the daughter of a farmer during the depression. Even though she was very well off by the time she had my mother she almost never bought "fancy food" (read actual food)

The main dinner she used to make was a pot of rice with 1 sausage cut up in it.

>> No.7741167
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>Used to live next to a bakery
>Fell in love with a girl working there
>Wanted to be cute for her and ask her out
>Thought about it for a while
>Ended up marching into the bakery one morning
>Grabbed a baking sheet from the kitchen area
>Loudly shouted 'i want to sniff your sheets'
>said it in a very unclear fashion
>nobody laughed
>blank stares
>apologise and walk off

>> No.7741179
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Ate some chips (crisps for people who still speak 18th century English) for dinner because I had so much work to do in such a small amount of time even going to take a piss was a luxury.
Also this >>7736077

I don't even know what eating proper middle-class food feels like anymore.

>> No.7741207
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still can't figure out why this didn't have the desired effect for Anon

it bottles the mind

>> No.7741238

>at uni, no budget left of any kind so had to work with whatever i had left
>get creative
>boil pasta in red forest fruit tea
>strawberry jam cream sauce
>not too bad with some hungersauce
>added some salt out of curiosity
>utter shit

>> No.7741365

Please post more stories

>> No.7741404

I use to eat ice because it felt like I was actually eating. Not having enough money to eat sucks.

>> No.7741425

>locked up in my room all day
>getting kind of hungry, haven't eaten anything since dinner the night before
>oh SHIT parents have friends over
>can't go out there now
>lie on the floor as hunger overtakes me
>start to shiver because the AC is on full blast for company
>three hours pass as I shiver on the floor contemplating the emptiness of my life
>company still hasn't left
>finally I've had enough
>put on my shoes, run out of my room without even looking at anybody, jump in my car and take off into the dark night
>closest place is McDonalds
>get a Big Mac, french fries, and a drink in the drive through
>as I'm getting my drink I fumble and spill the whole thing all over my lap
>pull into the parking lot and just start eating because I can't take it any longer
>as I sit there alone in the dark eating french fries, I can feel the cold soda seeping into my underwear, and I think to myself
>"I should watch Cowboy Bebop next."

>> No.7741431

>Green text that shit Anon

>> No.7741437

go back to /b/

>> No.7741443

they where bitching about how poor they were and admitting to how little food they got to eat as a form of bragging, while talking about how they ordered out every day.

>> No.7741451

Nigger, just get out with your fancy happy home life. Next you'll tell us that you had proper medical care growing up. Fuck you, you entitled piece of shit. Seriously. Get fucked nigger.

>> No.7741452

>>takes an hour
of time, not work you fucking retard.
You are a fucking idiot, all of us have or have had hard jobs too, with low money, the difference is we didn't waste ours on pizza and ate to our hearts content. I bet even at my most cooking period of life I would have spent less time at the stove than you did if I cooked every meal I ate for a month and you did it only on weekends.

>> No.7741460
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>on 4chan
>asking people not to be rude.

>> No.7741474
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I ate these exclusively almost every night when I got home from school for pretty much all of 5th grade because my mom and step-dad worked all the time and our stove didn't work. We were saving money that year to get a house the next.

>> No.7741518

I had mayonnaise sandwiches. Just mayo between two pieces of white bread. Also kraft cheese singles between white bread, nothing else. Kid me was dumb.

>> No.7741534

Poor, friendless orphans really are the biggest pieces of shit.

>> No.7741546

When i was writing my thesis
i basically lived off juice, cookies, chocolate and cornfalkes for a few days before the deadline. Would be frantically typing every waking minute, setting up some batch simulations and going for a quick half-hour nap while they run. Even instant ramen werent instant enough

>> No.7741553


>> No.7741563

Damn anon that brings back the feels

>> No.7741587

>my mom and step-dad worked all the time and our stove didn't work. We were saving money that year to get a house the next.
Your parents should learn a bit about priority management.

>> No.7741588

What do you work in anon

>> No.7741591

In Britanistan, some people eat "salad cream" sandwiches.
Salad cream is basically Miracle Whip. So the sandwich is just salad cream and that's it. Just two slices of white sandwich bread with a dollop of salad cream in the centre. Truly revolting.

There are variations if you're fancy and turn your nose up at Poundland shoppers, such as egg and salad cream sandwiches (basically egg salad) "ham" and salad cream sandwiches (a thin slice of the worst quality ham-alike still somehow legally allowed to be sold by that name) and cheese and salad cream sandwiches (pasteurised, processed cheese-alike that you bought, despite your earlier nasal-raising at Poundland shoppers, at Iceland because it's fourteen slices for a quid).

And salad cream also finds its way into jacket potato (baked potato) territory somehow. Along with tuna and sweetcorn.

Would Americans ever top baked potatoes with tuna and salad cream?

>> No.7741597
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>muh victim olympics
getting real SJW up in here
>tfw had to kill the animal if I wanted the meat the week

>> No.7741606

I know that feeling bro sometimes if you ask the shop owners sometimes they'll throw em to the side for you

>> No.7741607

>blew all my college meal plan money halfway through semester
>ate nothing but Wendy's chili and soup from the Student Union for rest of semester
>also stole loads of saltines

I guess it wasn't that bad desu. Just the first thing that came to mind.

>> No.7741621

I was born very middle class, and wasn't very successful financially in my early 20s, but I never came close to the hardships written about in this thread.

Making purchasing decisions based on cost at the grocery store, rather than say, exclusively eating rice and beans, is the "poorest" I've ever had to eat.

>> No.7741637

>tfw nothing but sugar in rice for the past week.

I'm already a week later on rent and my current job is cutting hours since they're opening up a new facility. I'll probably be living in my car within the next few weeks

>> No.7741644

Is that really a thing?

>> No.7741653

Bottle of whiskey and a cellphone camera, mix the two and post that shit on youtube

>> No.7741659

Im getting pretty low on funds, ill probably have to start extreme couponing for foods soon. Whats the best place for cheap food out of; kroger, walmart, giant eagle, carnival. Aldi?

>> No.7741662

I frequent funerals and fill my pockets at the buffet afterwards so I can have two free meals instead of one

>> No.7741711


>> No.7741717

Wow sounds pretty bad ;(

>> No.7741791

>Would Americans ever top baked potatoes with tuna and salad cream?

Well, of the ingredients left in my pantry, I have a sweet potato, a can of tuna and mayo, so we may just find out tonight.

>> No.7741798

Does that really work? How much shame do you feel? Have you been caught? How do I find a funeral to steal food from?

>> No.7741839
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Dear God, do you not even know how rice and beans are made? It's a set it and forget it kinda deal. You literally measure the ingredients into a pot, sit nearby while it reaches a certain temperature, and then do whatever you want until the timer goes off.

I can make a concoction that tastes better, is more nutritious and cheaper than Little Caesars in no-kidding 7 minutes with canned sauce, ground meat and a dark greens, no chopping required.

>> No.7741936

One year and a half of four frozen burguers, six slices of bread and sauce packets from roomates' fast food bags they were kind enough to constantly bring me, per day.

College and drugs don't mix if you don't have an okay job.

>> No.7741962
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Washing dishes in the restaurant kitchen and taking bites of what people left on their plates.

It gets better.

>> No.7741965

which country?

>> No.7741968

I've eaten a lot of paper

>> No.7741987

The cheapest beans are uncooked dry beans. You need to soak them at least for 30 minutes or more before you can even start cooking them, otherwise they take several hours to fully cook.

>> No.7742321

hol' up anon

what kind of FULL TIME job pays a few cents above minimum? that sounds really shitty

>> No.7744404

eating 3 day old cereal

>> No.7744425
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Nibble from the scraps left by costumers when working as a dishwasher in an italian restaurant.

In my defense, they left all that tasty seafood untouched.

>> No.7744428

Chef /r9k/ approves.

>> No.7744450

dried beans- Kidney beans pinto beans and black beans are usually the cheapest, can find them for 1.00/lb on sale sometimes.
1- rinse and soak overnight
2- cook for 45 minutes

Cooking them, adding stuff to make it taste good (carrot, celery, onion, garlic, whatever) chopping and washing doesn't take very long but I can see how if you get home late at night you don't want your kids waiting for the beans to be edible feel.

>> No.7744464

egg on rice for about five days... 's ok

>> No.7744469

You hopped over a counter at almost 500 lbs? Kek, thats pretty impressive.

>> No.7744477

There is no such thing as a safety net in real life

>> No.7744480

With beans you have to think ahead. I just soak them over night, and then throw them in the crock pot in the morning, so they're ready by dinner time.

>> No.7744503

When I was depressed and friendless at university, I ate an embarrassing amount of Dominos pizza. I would sometimes get the Two for Tuesday deal, and then essentially live off of those 2 pizzas for the rest of the week.

>> No.7744545
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>i can make a concoction

>> No.7744562

oatmeal with water

>> No.7744586

jesus, the food isnt even sad

>> No.7744617

In me early 20's when I was dysfunctional and unemployed, I got kicked out of my apartment. About a week later I realized I left a turkey pot pie in the freezer. I went back when the new tenant wasn't there, broke in, and stole it back.

>> No.7744625

It would be overly pretentious to call it a stew, but it's a damned good meal.

>> No.7744626

>now to get drunk

That's the spirit

>> No.7744630

Eat the cat, that fat fucker could feed an entire Korean family.

>> No.7744634
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>mustard and margerine sandwiches

I remember eating mustard sandwiches a lot as a child.

It's weird, we weren't even that poor, I just liked them for some inexplicable reason.

>> No.7744672

Few years ago moved out of home for the first time. Screwed up terribly, lost my job and would visit my parents at the weekend and take a tiny bit of spare change out of my parents saving jar. I'd wait until late night and go to a supermarket when they heavily reduce baked goods in price and buy bread or whatever. I'd get whatever fresh produce was reduced and go home and make a sort of soup with it and have that every day for the week until I visited my parents house again at the weekend. I don't know why I didn't say anything at the time. I kept pretending I still had my job and everything was fine. I eventually moved back home after around half a year of that. I still have guilt over stealing from them, I add money to that jar whenever I can now.

>> No.7744677

Stealing food from the work fridge yogurt that had no name, date & had been in there well over the allotted time. Tasted great, gave no fucks.

>> No.7744691

That's my staple breakfast where I'm flush or poor, when I've got money i put some peanut butter on it.

>> No.7744728

used to steal chucked away pizas from the dominos dumpster when I was addicted to morphine

I suppose I could of brought food but you know, why?

and food courts. even nowadays sometimes I'll eat from food courts you know the big trays of food people leave behind like wtf why are you buying food and just leaving it?

idgaf I don't even try to hide it

>> No.7744892

Mom and dad married to their jobs
Mom was a lawyer who wanted to climb the ladder as fast as possible and dad owned a business that was picking up steam
Almost never saw them, they'd give me $200 a week for spending money and food
I'd usually buy shit you can microwave like burritos, chicken pot pies and shit
And that shit every day after school from middle school through most of high school
I eventually discovered we had a toaster oven and stated making those french bread pizzas and the pop pies in there
I think the absence of my parents made me a very detached person

>> No.7744961

I ran out of money when I was living in Japan. Was gonna borrow some from a friend, but he had to put off meeting with me for a couple of days, so I ended up living on 200 yen for about a week. I got ramen, and would make extra big bowls, so I the broth would make me feel kind of full for the day, and when that ran out I just drank a lot of water and slept a lot.

>> No.7745061

What were you doing in Japan
Are you poor and didn't save as much as you thought you needed for a vacation in Japan

>> No.7745066

And what was the first thing you got when you got some money

>> No.7745068

I used to put ketchup on a hotdog bun and nuke it for 10 seconds. Not even poor.

>> No.7745071

I was there for a couple of months studying the language. I ran into a problem where my credit card got frozen for fraud worries, since I hadn't told them I'd be in Japan, and I didn't bring enough cash to make it through the whole trip.

>> No.7745073


I thought I finally made it when the fucking 10/10 Japanese girl I was e-dating said she wanted to get married so after I sent her most of my spare cash for my half of the ceremony I showed up to the country and waited in the airport for a couple days before i realized

>> No.7745077

And the first thing I bought when I got cash was a couple of steamed meat buns from the convenience store. So fucking good.


>> No.7745086
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>sending someone money before you've ever even met them
>agreeing to marriage before you've ever even met them

I hope you learned your lesson, anonymous.

3DPD: Not even once.

>> No.7745117

That 3 months of hope and bliss was worth it

>> No.7745118

>I used to put ketchup on a hotdog bun and nuke it for 10 seconds. Not even poor.

when i was a kid, mustard sandwiches. we had lunch meat, but my grandma wouldn't let me have any, only my older brother. cause she liked him more than me.

>> No.7745124

oh i would get meat once in a while... she'd fix my brother those minute steak things, or his favorite, fried hot dog slices in hash brown potatoes. she'd hand me a can of potted meat. no bread, just a plastic spoon.

>> No.7745149

Did eating them bring tears to your eyes?
Did you eat them as soon as you paid for them?
Or did you wait til you got outside?

>> No.7745150

>What was the lowest part of your life in regards to food?

When I was first learning to cook at 15 (lived by myself), I "invented" this brilliant method of cooking meat without it sticking to the pan. I filled my saute pan up 1/4 full of water instead of using oil

>> No.7745153

I waited til I got back to the school, since eating food on the street is considered really rude in Japan. Once you've been without food for a couple days you don't actually feel all that hungry any more.

>> No.7745154


>> No.7745160

Aah. I see. Thanks for sharing your story anon

>> No.7745181

There are some times when I just ate bread, with nothing on it. Not because I was poor or anything, I was just too lazy to actually make something.

>> No.7745355

In college I would eat tomato sandwiches, cup ramane, and drink a lot of wild turkey mixed with dr. pepper. I gained at least 20 lbs. that I'm still trying to lose.

>> No.7745383


No one's going to tell the furfag to fuck off?

>> No.7745395

Anon this thread has been up since Wednesday. Don't be so pathetic.

>> No.7745426


Not like you can swipe an infinite amount of ketchup and crackers from a restaurant or anything

>> No.7745427


Wow, an entire day, how did you survive?

>> No.7745639
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>1000 calories a day

kill yourself. i ate 200 kcal a day when i was trying to lose weight.

>> No.7745646

I take dragonfruit from a chain grocer who charges 7.98$ a fruit.

I self scan it as bananas PLU 4011 for 89c a lb

>> No.7745684

That's pretty dumb

>> No.7745722
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not when you're morbidly obese because your parents raised you on McDonald's. it hurt too much to walk 100 yards so I had no choice but to reduce my intake.

>> No.7745731

200 a day is still stupid low. It's actually so low, I'm not sure I believe you did that, since people still need some food not to starve to death.

>> No.7745745
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my intake for the day would be a slice of bread toasted. I would put a pat of butter on that slice of toast. I'd estimate the pats of butter were about half a tablespoon, but it's been many years since then. I'd drink a ton of water throughout the day as well. This went on for about 6 months.

>> No.7745775

Jesus, I was homeless for six months and still didn't have it as bad you guys.

>Lived at a youth shelter
>Worked in a factory job, commuting for three hours and working 12 hour shifts
>Shelter staff would always help me out as I was one of the four (4!) our of 45 residents that was actually working
>Always gave me a bagged lunch to take to work, helped out with bus tickets when I was first starting

Glad I got out of there though, it's a fucked up part in your life when used soap becomes a prized commodity and people are willing to steal your wash rags and underwear.

>> No.7745783

Sounds like you did a good job using those resources the way they wish everyone would.

>> No.7745802

When i was a kid dad hardly ever did shopping, and when he did it wouldn't last.
It didn't really effect him because he was never home anyway and always eating out.
I remember a specific time where I ate nothing for 4 days.
He yelled at me for being ungrateful and not eating whats in the fridge, when literally the only thing in the fridge was parsley.

>> No.7745837


It was a weird place. It was a christian organization based in Detroit, they had a few alternative high schools also attached to the name of the place. One of which was on the grounds of the shelter.

They legitimately had free, alternative education right at their doorsteps and some of the kids just refused to attend. One of the guys had a job at a Chrysler plant, making 22$/hr, and he spent every red cent he made on drugs and clothes as soon as he got his check. Then he'd be poor, and begging for bus tickets for the rest of the week.

>> No.7745842

no way you ate 200,000 calories a day m8

>> No.7745866

you know that you can soak/cook them ahead of time and put them in the fridge right?

>> No.7745867
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good job being a fatass american my dude

>> No.7745894

stay trolled son lmao stupid idiot i was just pretending to be retarded

>> No.7745905

oh yeah?

after three days of that restriction you get weak, shaky, blurred vision, headaches, heart palpitations...

how long you do this for?

i'm a normal weight and reduced to 700 cal (400-500 below my TDEE) and i felt like shit.

>> No.7745912

yeah..i eat better when i go to the food bank, more fresh veggies, organic/local, and i have to remember to refuse food because it will spoil before i can eat it.

downside is that foodbank diet is like 50 percent bread.

>> No.7745914

>stay trolled son lmao stupid idiot i was just pretending to be retarded
You sure? You seemed pretty natural at it...

>> No.7745922
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what the fuck man

>> No.7745926

maybe if you're healthy weight. I had 100 pounds (at least) of excess fat to keep me going. it helped that I dropped out of school and lived with my parents = no reason to ever leave my room

>> No.7745931

well you didn't say you were an obeast in that post.

pertinent info don't ya think?

>> No.7746135
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>move to a place where kitchen is shared between multiple apartments
>have a bit of a history as a shut-in, but figure I'll just get used to having to meet people whenever I go to make food
>actually get worse instead
>spend half a year using my water boiler to make instant ramen for every meal every day to avoid having to leave my apartment
>fail all classes and feel depressed the whole time due to lack of energy that comes with getting too little to no nutrition, sunlight and physical activity

Even if you're not as autistic as me, you should really think twice before moving to a place where you don't have your own kitchen. Stepping on other people's toes while trying to prepare a meal can quickly take any joy out of cooking. Oh, and remember to eat balanced meals, and take at least a short walk outside every day!

>> No.7746146

you know that there's plenty of food you can make in your room that is healthier/normal compared to instant noodles...right?

>> No.7746173

I would love to have known back then. With no fridge in my room, I was basically limited to dry foods.

>> No.7746204

you never thought about fruits/veggies and nuts?

this isn't autism, this is retardation.

>> No.7746216

Ate take away every day for a week.

>> No.7746219

Holy shit you are stupid.
(Also glad it turned out ok, that Dad was a douche.)

>> No.7746222

With no fridge, that would force me to go out to resupply like every 3 days, exactly what I was trying to avoid

Nuts work, I guess, but never been in the habit of eating nuts.

>> No.7746231

lol wut?

how long do apples last? a couple months

how long do carrots/broccoli last? a couple weeks

>> No.7746234

Apples do not last a couple months. Maybe in the fridge but definitely not the pantry.

Also pretty much every vegetable should be stored in the fridge. Except potatoes and onions, I think.

>> No.7746237

true. for best results, we're talking about someone that ate top ramen for half a year!

>> No.7746243

Sometimes I ate rice crackers too.

>> No.7746247

I lived pretty exclusively on rice, eggs, and soy sauce during my first year of college. I never got tired of it though

>> No.7746253

There are free apples at work. Sometimes, the only thing I eat all day is apples.

>> No.7746283

I went two years refusing to eat anything but bread and butter for reasons even I am uncertain of. I am autistic, I was 8, and nobody wanted to fight me about it because there is not much you can do against a small child that is willing to bite your fingers off and has the willpower/autistic compulsion to starve himself to death over it. One day I woke up and decided I could eat normal food again and that was the end of that.

>> No.7746288
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My half-sister's mother is proof that we have the same potential for evil as men. Kill yourself you sexist pig.

>> No.7746295

When I was a kid, I remember my mom having to use water instead of milk with cereal.

>> No.7746305

why not just eat it dry like a normal person?


>buying cereal when poor

>> No.7746309

Unwilling =/= incapable.

If you had the money to do something, and you chose to spend it on something else, you were not incapable, you were unwilling. Don't diminish personal responsibility.

>> No.7746311

I don't know. I was 4 years old. We probably just ran out of milk and had leftover cereal.

>> No.7746311,1 [INTERNAL] 

You do more damage by enabling addicts than society does by giving the man ultimatum of get clean or get lost. People won't improve until push comes to shove. I know this firsthand.

>> No.7746318

so...you weren't actually poor...you just have one "memory" of your mom placating your 4yo palate because you equated cereal with "wet"

thanks for posting m8

>> No.7746322

I am not in poverty and I eat cereal with water frequently. Humans don't digest milk effectively later in life, and some cereals have such a strong flavor that you can't tell the difference.

>> No.7746324

Why didn't you buy other kinds of soup besides ramen? Or have peanut butter sandwiches for a change.

And canned lentils and beans. Actually canned anything. especially vegetables and fruit.

They even make dried potatoes you can just cook in the microwave, or pour boiling water over. Open a tin of green beans. That's two thirds of a decent meal there. I don't know what you'd do for protein. Canned chicken is alright. Or spam. Or some kind of fish. I don't know.

That's probably a little more work than ramen, granted. Peanut butter is still great lazy food.

>> No.7746331

he's retarded...i already tried questioning his choices.

>> No.7746333

I've never had a lot of money but I don't think I've had to deal with absolute desperation foods. Still, some shit that came with growing up poor or having to wait for financial aid dispersal:

>be a kid, parents separated, mom's work is delivering newspapers, for some reason family still insisted on eating kosher. end result: lots of bean and soy products, probably a protein deficiency
>studying abroad, waited for student aid to come in multiple times, made up for it by eating shit from the dollar convenience store every day: eggs for breakfast, the cheapest square white bread sandwich I could find for lunch (usually ham, tuna, or egg salad), and whatever I could salvage together for dinner, usually just chicken breast with rice since those were the cheapest things I could toss together and I could take my roommates' rice without them noticing or caring

If you have any income at all and live in a developed country, you should be able to find some decent food to live off of, mostly chicken and cheap ground meat, rice, frozen vegetables. If you don't have any income, seriously look into getting a job and government assistance.

Until the end of April I only worked eight hours a week and had an extremely tight, inflexible living situation so I know how hard it can be to change things in your life, but there's always a way with enough time or practical survival skills to get yourself in a better situation.

>> No.7746338

>pork marinated in soy sauce, spices, hipster ketchup
this is absolutely not abject poverty food, though it is probably cost-saving food for sure

>> No.7746341

honestly, most other people who used the food pantry had to do so as a result of their bad decisions or others' as well, so don't feel so bad. we are more a product of our genes and surroundings than we are willing to admit, if we truly had free choice and no psychological illness then poverty might be all but nonexistent. you just have to be quiet about this, because if the general populace heard the word "decisions" then maybe they would never contribute to charities ever again.

>> No.7746343

Thats nothing. I just ate bread slices you richfags

>> No.7746344

I once ate chocolate covered bacon.

Never again.

>> No.7746350

a lot of them. this is the new America, but /pol/ wants you to believe regularly scheduled increases in wage floors are a bad thing.

>> No.7746353
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eating dumpster donuts

>> No.7746355

>Why didn't you buy other kinds of soup besides ramen?
For some reason instant soup is really expensive where I live. Live twice or thrice the price of ramen, with half the amount of calories. The less expensive variants that are supposed to be good for a dinner requires gradual heating, if you just pour boiling water into it, the powder doesn't dissolve.

Canned food is a decent idea, but it makes me queasy unless I have some way to cook it.

Not like ramen was my only option, it was just the easiest option at a stage in my life where I had no energy for anything. Just because a good part of it is my own fault doesn't mean it's not the lowest point of my life in terms of food.

>> No.7746360

Mayonnaise sandwich. It's a single slice of white bread, with mayo or miracle whip, folded over on itself.

Sometimes, in life, we eat what's available.

Had a friend who had to survive a month on coffee grounds. He'd make the coffee, then eat the grounds, because he couldn't afford real food.

>> No.7746364

why would anyone buy mayonnaise when peanut butter costs (nearly) the same amount?

>> No.7746366
File: 379 KB, 1024x971, 1455628636895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i eat my boogers

ive done it since i was a child and will probably never stop

in fact I picked my nose and ate my booger right before i typed this

meaning i typed this in booger covered fingers

on my mums laptop

>> No.7746367

Fuck all of you. I have literally never eaten anything.

>> No.7746368

this is a really sobering thread
most of us here seem to know what it's like to be poor and why people become poor
then there are people who have had less experiences with their own and other people's bad decisions coming in here with their right-wing expectations of poor people just all being massive ignorant assholes, and then being surprised when they figure out what poor people's lives actually like because in reality they knew less than they thought they did coming in

>what? you mean you actually ate white bread and ramen every day? we had to live off unemployment insurance when my dad was between 60k a year jobs once and we had to cut back but I didn't know that poor people actually eat poor people food

>> No.7746374

maybe they bought mayo and peanut butter both when they had a little bit more money, then as their money for that period of time ran out, the peanut butter and things like chicken or canned tuna ran out, but they still had bread and mayo. like the guy said, you eat what's available, which might mean you don't have money to go make a decision on what you're going to buy

>> No.7746376

Aw man, you didn't even have a microwave? You poor bastard.

>> No.7746380

Who doesn't?

That's like admitting you smell your own farts...everyone does it.

>> No.7746386
File: 30 KB, 385x438, 1451614802377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for being mean to you earlier anon ;_;

>> No.7746389

It's pretty hard not to. The alternative would be holding your breath until it disperses, or going into another room to fart.

The alternative to picking your nose and eating it is.. well, to not do that.

>> No.7746390

wow...so your parents could afford "nothing" and you didn't even eat it?

p disrespectful.

>> No.7746391

>right-wing expectations of poor people just all being massive ignorant assholes
if you think you're "too good" to go get food stamps or stand in line at the food bank, then yes, you are a massive, ignorant asshole.
go ahead and tell me there are areas where help is completely unavailable so I can call you a big fat fucking liar

t. guy who makes under 30k with a mother that spent a year unemployed and a father that spent multiple years unemployed while being bounced between the disability and unemployment offices

>> No.7746392

I meant cupping your hands around your anus and then giving it a big whiff, fagget.

>> No.7746395

I don't think that's as normal as you think it is.

>> No.7746403

I know what you mean. I think the big reason my family never used food stamps was because they actually did think they were too good to be considered poor. They spent too much time watching Fox News receiving reports about how poor people are sucking all the money out of our taxes, and they thought that as people who always worked, they were above the kinds of people who use food stamps, even though a lot of people who use them are just like us. I wonder how my life would have been different growing up if my parents hadn't been so obsessed with their right-wing values that they could actually accept the returns on the taxes they paid, but at least they weren't too proud to accept state-sponsored insurance and good fucking thing because I would have died in my teens otherwise.

>> No.7746415

How about you stop coming to 4chan and better yourself

>> No.7746432 [DELETED] 

I've been living on potatoes for a month.

Sometimes I steal food from work when I can't take it anymore. All that includes is wheat bread. All the other food we have here is unhealthy as hell. Looks like someone left a couple cans of beans in the store room... So I got lucky today.

In order to pay all bills and include food costs for the remainder of the week after I get paid, I usually end up on one to two potatoes a day. Three dollars for a five lb bag. But you'd be surprised how fast that goes. If it wasn't for convenience store jalapenos and onions I wouldn't have any flavor.

I've scraped by like this for a year really. Some paychecks I can afford good food to last a while: Rice, beans, milk. Once a year I get a free months rent at my apartments so that's when I order chinese food and pizzas.

Then I cry. :D

>> No.7746526

That's bulls hit.
Fat is to provide an alternative fuel source if no food is available.
If he ate nothing for a month at 450 he would be fine.

>> No.7746578
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Screenshot tap this please somebody im on my phone shit od gold

>> No.7746580

this your first day on 4chan?

>> No.7746583

He might not die, most people can go weeks without eating, but no he would not be "fine".

Instead of trying to quickly lose weight by an extreme calorie restriction, it's better to just eat whatever you need to maintain a healthy weight. Constantly not taking in enough calories will just make you feel hungry and tired all the time.

>> No.7746584

That is full meal right There, i font eat any better And i have money burn. What fucking standarts are you used to ?

>> No.7746588

i would eat it, but not topped on the potato. make tuna salad but have the sweet potato as a side dish.

>> No.7746607

Stolen some kind of dark beans when I was studying away.
I ate them dried, I discovered too late those were toxic and I hate enough to kill two men.
kek, fun times

>> No.7746645

Same here
My dad was a raging alcoholic and wouldn't let my mother work, however she was an extremely resourceful cook so most times baked goods and home cooked dinners
She had so qualms in telling you this is all you will have to eat today so if you don't eat it there is literally nothing else

Mfw rich kids at school were envious of her baking
Mfw dirt poor flatting and I cooked up a bunch of great stuff for everyone because of her teaching me
Mfw I have no face

>> No.7746647

No, i jíst vant remember the story And hsve no way to savé it... maybe i goz caried away a little

>> No.7746648

>my feels

>> No.7746665

>hungry bums
Tfw you're not American

>> No.7746669

Dank casp

>> No.7746682

i lived on nothing but white bread, canned beans, and generic brand tuna for three months when i was out of work

i barely used my electricity to keep my bills low

>> No.7746750

That's a pretty dope selection to be stuck with, nice

>> No.7746779

See >>7740906
There's no way any place that has free saltines lying about is just going to let you walk outta there with a pound of them and two cups of ketchup. None.
Two saltines, the typical number in one of those packets at cafes and diners, only has around 40 calories. You'd have to eat 45 of those packets to get to 1800 calories. Ketchup packets only have 5 calories each if they're the traditional small kind and not those newfangled big-ass Heinz ones. You'd need to eat 40 of them, ¾ of a cup, to get to 200 calories and a total of 2000 calories for the day (and 120 of them to get to 2400 calories) between the ketchup and the crackers.
And keep in mind that Anon said
> We were extremely poor for a couple years.
Meaning that more than one person was supposedly eating ketchup and crackers "for a couple years."

So again: there is no way anyone anywhere in the world was living off ketchup and crackers and eating them as meals with any semblance of regularity. None.

I'll never understand why people make up stories like that or why other people would believe them.

>> No.7746798
File: 11 KB, 267x200, 1377936344718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, furfag. This board talks about eating rabbits the literal way.

>> No.7746832

I might not be that retarded, but I did it for nearly two years.

Shit made me lose my period for a year, even with eating at maintenance.

>> No.7746833

nothing wrong with this

>> No.7746948

He did in one of his replies. I know reading is hard. But you should do more of it before replying yourself.

>> No.7746954

What about dried beans and and minute rice? I can think of more but the points moot. You're not there anymore.

>> No.7746982
File: 1.11 MB, 3264x1836, tmp_7889-FB_IMG_1453606976882-1679288060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What he'll hole do you live in that carrots, apples go bad that quickly. Come fall I gather apples from all the feral and abandoned apple trees in rhe area and they last me most of the winter just sitting in a tote in my dining room.

>> No.7747429

>feel worthless so don't eat because I am a burden
>lose 80 pounds
>I was 170 lbs when I started
>had trouble sleeping because something in my room was shaking my bed
>go around inspecting every possible thing
>No, John, you are the shaking

Anorexia sucks. I've made it back to 135 lbs but the depression is coming back and I'm getting the familiar worthless feelings.

Once, I was out on my back porch and saw a squirrel and I was so hungry that I tried to kill it with a sling made out of a bandana and a rock, like it's 20,000 BC.

>> No.7748032

>well you didn't say you were an obeast in that post.
>in that post

in that post.

who's the illiterate one?