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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7734474 No.7734474 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to my bar anon! That'll be 14 dollars for this new ipa.

We serve over 60 IPAs because they all taste different and aren't at all terrible.

>> No.7734482

Any belgians on tap, Mr. Memetender?

>> No.7734491

Shouldn't you be wearing a bow tie?

I'll take a Lonestar tall boy.

>> No.7734497

>classic image.jpg

>> No.7734499

give me a heady topper if youre so great.

>> No.7734612

I'll have a natty-light, boy.

>> No.7734621

banquet in a shortie bottle please.

>> No.7734628

I'll have a Coors Light.

>> No.7734642

why do people hate on IPAs so much? i get that the taste isnt for everyone but holy shit do people on this board get butt hurt about it

>> No.7734649

probably because it's the beer of the hipsters.

I like IPAs, but I guess I like a few things those people like.

>> No.7734654

Howdy my fellow ten gallon hat wearer. Enjoy the national beer of Texas with me one day!

>> No.7734655

get me a fosters ya poof

>> No.7734658


>> No.7734662

Ugh, get out

>> No.7734679

I live in Austin and this post triggered the fuck out of me.

>> No.7734691

also one of my favorite things to do in texas is order a "DELICIOUS Lone Star"
EVERY bartender has something to say about it.

>> No.7734707


Because it's the most meme beer type. It's not bad, but it's being beaten to death by every hipster trash micro brewery.

>> No.7734710

Don't forget that is tastes like Busch with a handful of aspirin crushed up in it.

>> No.7734734

>using the word meme to describe everything
I bet you used to say, "random" a lot too.

>> No.7734755
File: 125 KB, 654x981, movember-mustaching-tips-grow-curl-and-care-for-handlebar.w654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no thank you my good sir, I'll have an old fashioned.

>> No.7734780

Nah. "Random" is a meme word.

>> No.7734904

Shiners the beer of Texas, but not the national beer of Texas!

*wrangles quietly*

>> No.7734909

If you're not from Austin, leave. We don't want you.

If yare from Austin, good on you, shoot a califag.

>> No.7734930

shut up libcuck

>> No.7735069

I thought barbecue sauce was the beer of Texas?

>> No.7735083

Americans, don't forget to tip him for taking the top off!

>> No.7735085

There was a momentary surge in their popularity, like there is from time to time with other bitter drinks. Then the backlash happened, and some of it was justified, because IPAs are not as sophisticated as they may have seemed, nor are they particularly difficult to make. Make a medium bodied ale, hop it to shit and boom, collect your beer of the year awards.

Doesn't mean they're bad though. I love bitter ass beers, and the citrus and grassy notes I like tend to come through on hops so I'm definitely an IPA fan.

The new trend (at least here in BC Canada) is sours, which I can't get behind. I don't hate them, but I find bitter easier to swallow than sour.

>> No.7735088

*Wrangling intensifies*

>> No.7735098

>three times the price of my local bar for an overhyped variety of beer

I better be getting a handjob with this beer or something.

>> No.7735161

I hope that spreads down my way. I really like sours, an there aren't many around.

>> No.7735168

>buying a bottle of beer at a bar

No, seriously, what's the point? If you're not getting something from a tap why would you get beer?

>> No.7735413

There is a place near me that sells rare bottles you can barely find anywhere.

>> No.7735416


Vanfag here. Maybe I spent my childhood eating too many lemon sours but some of the microbreweries here actually have decent sour beer.

>> No.7735418

It's still bottled, and if they're a bar that sells anything that rare, they're bound to sell something equally good on tap. Buy some bottles to take home, maybe, but it's a waste of time to drink that when you've got better options.

>> No.7735422

They sell a lot of great shit on tap, but not all beers are available on tap.

>> No.7735425

And you can enjoy the stuff that's not just as well by taking it anywhere else, while the stuff on tap is only available there.

>> No.7735427

Shoo hipster

>> No.7735428

i would kill a man for a titos martini right now

>> No.7735430

Ok? But what is wrong with drinking it there? I kind of like the bar environment, I usually just read a book and drink there.

>> No.7735431

>argue that people should take advantage of things when they're available to them


>> No.7735439

It's just a waste. Not to mention, you can almost definitely get those bottles for cheaper somewhere else. Even if they're not common stuff, most are probably from a brewery within driving distance or can be purchased online.

>> No.7735443

How is it a waste? I am still getting the beer, and I am doing it in an environment I enjoy.

>> No.7735445

You are retarded.

>> No.7735451

Yeah lots of breweries around here are doing great things within the style. Burns me up because I don't like them that much, but there's lots of other beer to drink so whatever.

>> No.7735454


>ITT flyover fags get mad at a trend that died years ago

Seriously, anyone that lives in a metro area knows IPA aren't the thing anymore. Plus I doubt that bartender in OP even sells beer. Looks like a speakeasy.

>> No.7735455
File: 3 KB, 209x215, 1336650954701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>burns down the bar with everyone still in it

>> No.7735461

It's a waste in the same way it would be a waste to go to another country and spend the whole time eating at McDonald's. Sure, the people that do this probably enjoy it, and there are a couple things that they won't find back in the states, but the rarer experience is being missed.

>> No.7735462

this, stop getting upset about 2012

>> No.7735474

No, It's like going to Europe and Buying an expensive bottle of wine at a restaurant. Unfortunately, you are there with me, saying I could probably buy that same bottle from some rare collector in America, and that this vacation was a waste.

>> No.7735481

Sure, if the wine in your analogy is a California wine.

>> No.7735486

fuck it, made one

>> No.7735493

It is not. Just as the beer at the place I frequent is not local.

>> No.7735495

IPAs: I don't know what I'm doing but hops will cover my mistakes

>> No.7735501


>I don't like thing so it's badwrong

You seem like the kind of guy that has a beard and scoffs when people mispronounce belgian beer names.

>> No.7735503

The way I can tell if a brewer knows what they're doing is if they have a decent English-style IPA.

>> No.7735507

Well now I can't imagine us as a gay couple traversing the streets of Paris at all.

>> No.7735512

My beer nigga

>> No.7735513
File: 35 KB, 696x785, 1435512184652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I kind of like the bar environment
>I usually just read a book
what the hell? it hasn't been that long since I've been to a bar

>> No.7735518

I like the noise and the atmosphere. It's kind of like how I like white noise when I go to sleep. The sound and atmosphere of a bar are perfect for reading. Well, to me at least.

>> No.7735519

I'm from Louisiana but all my homies are og austinites.
you gotta let us come party it fuckin sucks on the bayou. We are like your retarded cousin to the east.

>> No.7735547

I thought so too, until one time a working class guy just came up and silently stared right in my face for a full thirty seconds, restrained loathing simmering behind his glazed eyes. I don't know what his deal was, but I'm not comfortable with reading in bars anymore.

Time was when it was common to read in such places, even if just the newspaper. I guess it's not considered acceptable anymore.

>> No.7735570

Honestly, I love it when that happens. At least once a month, I get some drunk retard coming up to me trying to convince me that I don't know what I am missing, and that life is passing me by. The bartender knows me and I tip him well, so he is almost like a social bouncer at times. He gets that I just want to read, and that if I want to socialize I will do it when I am sufficiently drunk. He is an awesome guy.

>> No.7735571

I guess I'm used to sports bars and breweries that are just too loud and crowded to be conducive to reading. different atmosphere

>> No.7735576

Probably, the place I go to isn't big enough to be that loud.

>> No.7735577

brewpubs, rather

>> No.7735595

I feel like youve never been to an actual brewpup before.

Even here in Portland, land of the beer snobs, if I go to a bar with 20 taps then maybe only 4 of them are IPAs. And a 20oz beer is usually only 6-9 bucks.

Im more of an amber man myself, theres a lot of good ones around here.

>> No.7735600

What bar?

>> No.7735608

Taste of Tops

>> No.7735626

Na, your guy is going to fall flat on his face.

>> No.7735628

>calling it a brewpub

Holy fuck you're cringe inducing

>> No.7735633


>> No.7735643

I'll just have the usual appletini

>> No.7735652

That's a genuine type of establishment though. They're a pub that also brews on site.

Why is /ck/ so sensitive about terminology? Grow up you fags

>> No.7735863

What sort of Trapist ales do you offer I only drink beer made by men of the cloth

>> No.7735868

I feel like bottles are colder and I like sneaking the bottle out with me then getting .05 cents recycling it

>> No.7736136

vintage image.jpg, going back to where it all began

>> No.7737428

Im a libcuck for hating califags?

I'm so Texan my dick shoots lead and I shit whole cows.

>> No.7737435

LAfags are fine as long as they pack enough lunch for all...

And go home when they're done.

>> No.7737451

A brewpub is a thing.