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7699155 No.7699155 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to Tea General, a thread dedicated to all the variants of Camellia sinensis, discussion about tisanes is welcomed too!

Be sure to check our pastebin for info of all kind related to Tea:


Old thread:

>> No.7699189

What can be addded to chamomile for added snooze?

>> No.7699515
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valerian root

>> No.7699558

Poppy straw

>> No.7699562


>> No.7701016

Is tieguanyin supposed to taste floral?

>> No.7701346


Generally, its floral and a bit vegetal.

However roasted tieguanyin is pretty common.

>> No.7701598

Haven't had access to tea in days. Looking forward to my soon to be arrived duck shit oolong too much.

>> No.7701655

>duck shit oolong
wait, what?

>> No.7701673


>> No.7701700

Chicago-style heroin

>> No.7701706

What's the best electrical kettle on the market for under 60$?

My last one was great until pieces of the fucking thing started coming off into the water during each boil.

>> No.7702690

there are some ovente ones in amazon, they are decent and no more than 30 bucks.

>> No.7703595
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Just got this one today for 80 euros, pretty happy with it, not sure if its avaliable in other countries its an electrolux expressionist, love the gay ass name

>> No.7703613
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Drinking some white monkey green, pretty nice, I find that it handles up to 80 degrees fairly well but usually brew it at 70 where I find it to be a bit more vegetable and less floral

>> No.7703764

That half asian girl that apears in the videos is such a qt, I'm going to track her down and marry her

>> No.7703773

Uh... I like the leaves in the water. Nice taste. Makes me feel clean.

Also crysanthemum.

Do people talk about fucking tea for more than two seconds ? Jesus Christ almighty.

>> No.7703781

yes, they do, it's a hobby like any other, with all the variety there is you can dedicate yourself to it greatly for years and still have a lot to learn. If you feel it's just leaves in water, then it isnt for you clearly, not that there's anything wrong with that

>> No.7704005

Low IQ scum detected.

>> No.7704149

People talk abot a lot of bullshit for lot more that two seconds. I think tea is comparatively meaningful topic.

>> No.7704161

How do I go around to brewing myself a find cup of poppy tea?
I'm fairly certain I can source the poppy pods.

>> No.7704221


>> No.7704521

fucking brits, i swear.

>> No.7704631
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Will drinking this give me any benefits of green tea?

>> No.7704639

doubt it
tried arizona green tea once (pomegranate I think) and it was fucking vile

>> No.7704785

Yes, but you will also enjoy the "benefits" of hfcs.

>> No.7704787

Depends on what you consider benefits of green tea, i guess. It probably wouldnt for me.

>> No.7704795


Who /wormwood/ here?

>> No.7704809

It will only bless you with a e s t h e t i c s, and that in and of itself should be worth it.

>> No.7704812
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Bong here, Yorkshire tea is the finest tea in the land. Also if you don't drink tea with milk you are a fucking plebeian.

>> No.7704834

only poor people add milk to their tea.

>> No.7704844

>only poor people add milk to their tea.
Nice b8 m8, only degenerate foreign hippies drink tea without milk.

>> No.7704867

This is true.

>> No.7704901

You generally add milk to black tea for obvious reasons.

It makes no sense to add milk to green, white, etc. tea because you would completely destroy the subtle flavour.
If you add milk to your silver needle white tea you're 100% stupid.

>> No.7705162

>I have only drank low quality black tea so far

>> No.7705351

i don't think that anyone who knows what is silver needle will be imbecile enough to add milk.

>> No.7705464

Are there any nonherbal teas that are both decaffeinated and worth trying? or am i stuck with poverty supermarket tea

>> No.7705518

Your tea must be pretty shit to begin with if you have to add milk for """"flavor""""

>> No.7705529

Is butter tea good?

>> No.7705536

it's actually OK as far as bagged black tea goes. H&S bagged black is better, but pricier.

>> No.7705800

So got my package from YunanSourcing today. Havent tried any of the teas yet so you guys get my prelim report on packaging, timeliness and presentation.

Shipping Time:
Ordered on the 9th, arrived today to New Zealand on the 24th, used the 3-6 week shipping option so two weeks is great.

The box was packed pretty good, but some of the bags could have been better. Some of them weren't vacuum packed and some had been but sometime before they were shipped or in transit they became vacuumed. A little shoddy. Apart from that, bags are standard. White Puer Cake just came in some crepe paper.

Here's the kicker though. There is about 5 long brown hair baked into my white puer cake. Like not just sitting on the top, but running through it. I'm not a germaphobe by any means but I'm a little put off by it. Makes me a little less happy about the whole thing.

Planning on emailing the site and seeing what they have to say about it.

Will report back once I drink some of the teas, but I am a little more leery about the whole thing now.

>> No.7705818

Care to post some pics? i have heard horror stories of puer having... insects on it but never hair.

>> No.7705838
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bought this last week along with 200g of sencha from o-cha. still awaiting an order of puer from dragon tea house i paid 2 months ago. i'm starting to suspect i'll never see it.

>> No.7705897

I thought the tie guan yin i tried was way too floral but supposedly it isn't a very floral Oolong.

>> No.7705920

Brit tea culture is stupid. How can you drink so much of something yet care so little for it.

It's a bit like fat people who don't know how to cook (americans).

>> No.7706205

>80 euros
>for a water boiler

>> No.7706215

Where can I get a Japanese cast iron teapot for under $250? Seems everything on Amazon is Chinese lead flavored and any other site only offers tea pots folded over one quadrillion times. Is there no in-between?

>> No.7706258

I just got back from reading the reviews on the most popular ovente model, and they seem as eager to fall the fuck apart as my current kettle.
>80 euros

Again I need to ask, what are good electric kettles for under $60?

>> No.7706266

Black tea is low quality by definition. No nation that the plant is native to is fool enough to have a tradition of consuming rotten leaves. That's for the schlumps to whom they exported.

>> No.7706272

>>I have only drank low quality black tea so far

I don't like black tea at all and I never drink low quality tea.
However black tea generally has a stronger flavour and can sometimes even be a bit bitter, meaning it's understandable if you add milk.
However adding milk to milder tea does not make sense since you override the taste of the tea with milk.

>> No.7706276

what about india

>> No.7706335
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Yeah there ya go. Crap camera so hard to see but I'm really put off by the whole thing. Not like I can just pluck the hairs off either, they have been pressed into the block and run all the way through.

The tea I have tried so far (white from 2014 so dunno what I expected), has been rather meh as well.

>> No.7706363

White tea never has a strong flavour.

>> No.7706387

only if you drink it with skittles while wearing a hoodie

>> No.7706402

Its not as good as the other white teas I have bought is all.

>> No.7706523
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>> No.7706540

I heard about cigarete butts in pu-er, so hair is comparatively OK. But it would suck anyway.

Black tea's are not rotten. They're oxidized! Pu-erhs on the other hand...

>> No.7706543

I see plenty of $20-$80 iron teapots in brick-and-mortar kitchen shops.
Make sure you get one that's enamelled on the inside, rusty tea is no fun.

>> No.7706559

black tea is rotten, puerh is fermented.

>> No.7706567

Depends on how close to the original thing you can go.
I've tried something that was made to be similar (as close as you can get with readily available north european dairy products anyway). I wouldn't neccesarilly describe it as something I would sip slowly for enjoyment of the subtle taste but it was okay (same mouthfeel as hot chocolate), made me feel alert and warm enough that I went outside in a t-shirt in minus 4°c and dug my car out out of a snowdrift.
I at least reccomend it heartily in the wintertime or whenever you need your wits and warmth about you.

>> No.7706574

Ripe puerh is fermented, raw puerh is not.
Also fermentation and rotting are the same process, oxidation is unrelated.

>> No.7706577

Oh. That is different? I was never good at chemistry.

>> No.7706635

Black tea is oxidized, not rotten. Puer is however fermented and it's considered the most valuable of them all. Guess the Chinks cherish their rotten tea. Now fuck off.

>> No.7706655

Only ripe puerh is fermented, raw puerh is dried and aged.
The fermentation of ripe puerh is designed to emulate the flavor of very well aged raw puerh for a fraction of the cost and time, same as the bergamot oil in Earl Grey.

>> No.7706826

It's common misconception. Process chemically known as oxidization is for some reason called fermentation. I wonder why.

>The fermentation of ripe puerh is designed to emulate the flavor of very well aged raw puerh for a fraction of the cost and time
Again - its oxidization of the tea you're talking about. Otherwise you're right.

Havent heard about the bergamot think at EG, though.

>> No.7706879

Oxidation and fermentation are two entirely separate processes.
Black tea is not fermented, it is oxidized.
Ripe puerh is not oxidized, it is fermented.

>> No.7706882

>heard about the bergamot

probably cause it's bullshit

>> No.7706887

Only partially. Earl Grey imitates Fo Shou and Keemun teas, not Puerh.
The idea of imitating more expensive teas by processing cheaper teas is the same though.

>> No.7706929

My local store has some for 80, but they look near identical to the ones on Amazon and don't list a country of manufacture. Guess I can get over my autism and ask the clerk next time I'm in.

>> No.7707780
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Also got mine today. Had no issues with packing, still havent opened the cake so no comment on that, tried both the white and green,nothing extraordinary but not bad, but that is to be expected from 2014 teas, they were on sale and pretty cheap.

>> No.7707855
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>no one drinking based blue tea

>> No.7707867

couldnt help but to chuckle

>> No.7707895
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>Clitoria ternatea, common names including butterfly pea, blue pea, Cordofan pea and Asian pigeonwings, is a plant species belonging to the Fabaceae family. The flowers of this vine have the shape of human female genitals, hence the Latin name of the genus "Clitoria", from "clitoris".

>In traditional Chinese medicine, due to its appearance similar to the female reproductive organ, and consistent with the Western concept of the doctrine of signatures, the plant has been ascribed properties affecting this organ. It was used traditionally in an attempt to treat sexual ailments such as infertility and gonorrhea, to control menstrual discharge, and also as an aphrodisiac.

>> No.7707929

fair enough, does it taste like pussy though?

>> No.7707958

>fair enough, does it taste like pussy though?

It has a sweet and herbal taste. Goes well with a few drops of lemon juice.
So maybe if your gf ate a bunch of flowers every day.

>> No.7707992


>> No.7708012

Even for black tea intended to be drunk with milk, it's still shit.
All you do with these posts is parade your ignorance.

>> No.7708058

There's herbal tea and red tea. While not technically real "tea" you prepare, drink and enjoy them like tea.

>> No.7708070



>> No.7708092

>there's herbal tea and red tea
>while not technically real "tea"
right, piss off

>> No.7708206

>tea with milk


>> No.7708270
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Just drank the puerh, it was good, shoulve used a bit more leaf, only used about 2g, nice chocolatey flavour, usually I tend to like the later steeps more than the first few, the first 3 or so always taste very standard only later do the more subtle flavours are able to come through

>> No.7708279
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>> No.7708311

Seriously what's this like and made? Can bulk baking seeds be substitute?

>> No.7708362

this is a raw?

>> No.7708390

Nope, ripe 18th january 2016

>> No.7708768
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>ripe puerh

>> No.7708786

Menghai is known for only selling their ripes after that fishy taste dissipates in with time, it ďidnt taste fishy at all

>> No.7708791

cool. i've had only terrible experience with ripes and gave up trying.

>> No.7709624

You're retarded. All your tea knowledge probably comes from some wiki and your own assumptions you have only amassed from this year.

>> No.7709835

looks like avatar piss lmao

>> No.7709840

is that the blue hallucinogenic flower in the icy mountains from Batman?

>> No.7709905
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Nice argument.

>> No.7710116

He's not wrong though. He's just an asshole. (Which admitedly, is even worse.)

>> No.7710325


Yeah, the first person obviously knows that his blue tea is a tisane.

The second guy is just being pedantic to start shit.

>> No.7710376
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What is your opinion on putting alcohol in tea? I've been wanting to try it for a while now.

>> No.7710508

Alcohol has generally too strong of a flavour, so you wouldn't be able to add much without overpowering the tea.

>> No.7710522


It might work with flavored teas, I think it would overpower the taste otherwise.

Something like rum could possibly work in a masala chai.

Maybe some of those fruity tisanes, could pair well if they were iced.

>> No.7710548

I had a gin and matcha cocktail before, it wasn't bad. Don't think I'd regularly mix alcohol and tea, maybe tisanes would work better.

>> No.7710976

my dragon pearls, yin zhen and long jing are here ! ! !

>> No.7711017


>> No.7711053


Here what I have tested so far :

>Pu'er and scotch
Truly masterace, both flavour mix perfectly.

>White tea and brandy (apple)
Apple flavour explode in you mouth if you put too much

I might try pu'er bourbon soon.

I want to try something with the Shui Jin Gui oolong I have, someone have an idea?

>> No.7711143

>What is your opinion on putting alcohol in tea? I've been wanting to try it for a while now.


>> No.7711174

Got a few bags of some really smoky lapsang, I fine-ground the little bits left in each after drinking it all, combine it with coarse salt, and use it as a pork rub! Seriously try it!

>> No.7711277

>>Pu'er and scotch
Interesting, never thought about it, the flavors would work well

>> No.7712247

Im currently experimenting with brandy because of LOGH. my current findings are that it works best with black / puer tea. I Do about a shot worth of brandy per 500 ml, and oversteep the tea a bit to help the tea taste compete with the liquor.

>> No.7712439

yeah, id assume you have to brew it strong so it isnt over powered by the alchohol, do you drink it hot or cold?

>> No.7712561

I let the tea cool off for ~5 minutes

>> No.7712598

Lapsang really makes me feel like eating a big juicy steak. Sounds like a perfect combination.
I've thought about the flavours being similar but never thought about combining them.
Time for experimentation.

>> No.7713034

sooo...a hot toddy sans lemon and honey

>> No.7714872
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Sipping on some nice milky oolong from my local tea shop. I'm thinking of switching over from David's Tea to this place, since the quality here seems a bit better. Where do you guys usually order your tea?
>tfw expensive hobby

>> No.7715074

not that expensive when you consider grams per ml.

>> No.7715813

Yes but if too strong then use shorter steeps. Best way to drink TGY is with a gaiwan. Short, increasing steep times (10s, 20s, etc). Preserves all the floral flavor without it being overpowering all at once.

>> No.7716166

The cost is slightly higher than mainly drinking coke in cans (what i did before tea) and you get to have an interesting hobby as well.

>> No.7716238

It depends on what you're drinking. For example, a home remedy for colds my mother used to tell me about was a hot toddy, which is generally a black tea, some whiskey, and some honey. Knocked you out and helped you sleep, and the honey helped with sore throats.

Otherwise, I wouldn't recommend it with white/green teas. The flavor would be too much.

>> No.7716714

All tea has caffeine natural. I don't know what you're asking for. You either have decaf or herbal.

>> No.7716738

You would think a non-chain would have better quality, however a small shop couldn't have the faster product turnover or control a company like David's would. A small business wouldn't be able to afford keeping bulk quantities always fresh as much.
That's just my thoughts on it though.

>> No.7716824

The owner of the small shop I buy from takes a yearly vacation to source tea directly from estates, and get in wrestling matches with Chinese grandmas over the expensive aged shit.

The David's mixes sprinkles and non-dairy creamer into rooibos and calls it "birthday cake"

>> No.7716839

following this logic walmart would have the best quality items.

>> No.7717969

Treat alcohol like any other additives (milk, sugar, honey, spices, ..) - probably OK for mediocre black teas, if you want to try something different. Dont try that with anything fancier - sublteties of taste would be lost, otherwise.

>> No.7717992

After reading other answers, i will probably try scotch&puer combo, it seems intriguing.

>> No.7718927

Only peasants drink tea with milk and sugar in it.

>> No.7719774

There's nothing wrong with people doing that as long as they don't claim to like tea.
Same with people who drink tisanes and shitty blends.
Davids tea also sell a blend of banana, dates and almonds and call it "herbal tea". They also sell flavoured matcha.
Looks like a joke company yet they are apparently doing well(?).

A local tea shop can without a doubt sell better stuff.

>> No.7720352
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>Look, other people like things i dont. They're so stupid!
Please, stop being rude.

Smaller of my two favourite suppliers dont always have same items on the stock, but they generaly have better teas. And they dont sell year old teas either (with exception of puer).

>> No.7721822

Best Japanese green tea?

I've been drinking Yamamoto Yama

>> No.7722025

>There's nothing wrong with people doing that as long as they don't claim to like tea.
>>Look, other people like things i dont. They're so stupid!
>Please, stop being rude.

Sure other people like other things, but the fact that they like the inferior things is precisely what makes them peasants.

>> No.7722110
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Or, possibly, they have other hobbies.

I dont get this.

Do you feel better person for drinking tea without milk? Do you feel better for mocking them? I dont understand your motivations and your behaviour saddens me.

>> No.7722127

If there was philosophy to tea drinking, i believe it would include respect as one of core believes. (see chanoyu. )

>> No.7722361

Not him but,
Do you feel better person for drinking tea without milk?
Do you feel better for mocking them?

>> No.7722489

I was gifted a matcha tea set for Christmas last year and while the set is nice the tea taste horrible.
I've watched a dozen different videos for preparing it and every time I've tried it still comes out too bitter and polluted water green. Is there something I'm doing wrong somehow? Or is the DNA matcha powder just low quality that shouldn't be used for tea?

>> No.7722590

And how do you make it? One plain tsp for half a deciliter water about 70 degrees shouldn't come out bitter. Also buy a milk frother instead of the whisk.

>> No.7723185

Can someone answer this?

What's an electric kettle that will last me 2+ years of heavy use without fucking up on me?

>> No.7723733

Depends on budget/features, general consensus seems to be to not spend too much on one, personally I dropped like 80€ on one of those variable temp ones but I drink a lot of green/white teas so it's useful.
>>7703595 mine is this one, not sure if it is avaliable outside of europe or even in most of europe

>> No.7723767

This is a bit like saying "Best black tea? I like Lipton".

If you wanna talk types my anonymous internet opinion is that Sencha, Matcha and Gyokuro are all very nice and that Genmaicha is worse than just buying whatever Sencha they made it with (though Genmaicha should be much cheaper).

To be even more obtrusive I will suggest buying your tea from places where they are open with at least which region it is from and maybe what cultivar it is from. Not just some branding.

>> No.7723776

>What's an electric kettle that will last me 2+ years of heavy use without fucking up on me?

A commercial one that won't cost you under $60.

>> No.7724373

For me Genmaicha seems very specific. Like drinking it with breakfast or dessert. I personally don't find it good to drink on its own.

>> No.7725049

dumb you

>> No.7725273

Cold, overstepped black tea with a splash of vodka has always been a staple of mine, even before watching LOGH

>> No.7727021

sounds like you just don't like matcha. its a strong taste and not for everyone, even if you like green tea you may find matcha too tannic-tasting. no idea about DNA matcha. DoMatcha is bretty gud

>> No.7729392

I've been drinking tea for years, but I've never taken a step outside generic green and black tea's.
What kind of vaguely exotic tea would you recommend to a casual tea drinker?

>> No.7729399

Bruh you're already drinking a plant imported from the arse-ends of Sri Lanka and India, it would literally be more exotic for you to grow a tea tree in your back yard.

>> No.7729406

Perhaps /exotic/ was the wrong term for me to use.
I'm looking for something else, other than generic & flavoured green and black tea. (That bears some decent taste to it)

>> No.7729498

what the fuck is generic green tea? black im sure is some shitty Darjeeling.

Anyway, try some tieguanyin

>> No.7729967

Got some Ti Guan Yin arriving tomorrow or the day after. What is the best way to prepare it? Was thinking water cooled for 2 minutes, then use about 5 grams for a 200ml cup. Should get 5 or 6 good infusions from that right?

>> No.7729972
File: 260 KB, 640x427, scatolina IlGiardino con Grand Pouchong Imperial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a big green tea drinker, but today I went out and got some beautiful Grand Pouchong, and it tastes awesome. Don't understand why I never got into Oolong before.

By the way, my local cafe uses this tea to make a cold brew iced tea, which is awesome as well.

>> No.7729985
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Shitty picture of the iced tea, didn't even need any kind of sweetener

>> No.7731642

i really never liked ice tea, what is the point?

>> No.7731950

It is tea that is cold, what point is there to a beverage, you drink it and enjoy it. Also, it's a good way to use leaf that was already steeped, after a session you put the leaf in a glass bottle with water and leave it in the fridge overnight or until you remember it

>> No.7731990

Looks like a very green Oolong
my nigga
Cold brewed is so damn good. I have like three glass bottles in my fridge with different cold brews. But I find greens and blacks to be better suited for it than than Oolongs. The ones I've tried anyway.

>> No.7731995


are those fucking guppies

>> No.7732074

In my experience I have never tried an oolong that works well cold brewed, they always get an almost fishy taste, but I havent tried that many and alway on that low oxidation spectrum. Puehrs, greens whites work great, never tried black actually.

>> No.7732106

Thats why Pouchong works, it's somewhere between green and black tea in terms of oxidation

>> No.7732110

Every single Oolong is somewhere between green and black tea in terms of oxidation.

>> No.7732161

I plan on ordering this very soon!

>> No.7732192

where can you buy this?

>> No.7732204
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Post your tins

>> No.7732373
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Just because I have an exam in a few hours and my procrastination powers know no bounds

>> No.7732399

>ITT - neckbeards who've convinced themselves there's anything more to tea than putting a PG bag into hot water and leaving it for a few minutes, then adding milk and sugar

>> No.7732405
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The trifecta of bait.

>> No.7732413
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>> No.7732417
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>being a pleb

>> No.7732460

So thinking of buying a small glass teapot (300-350 ml) for the more premium blacks (Darjeeling ,Keemun,Yunnan) already have a 550 ml porcelain for my breakfast teas and a few gaiwans is it worth it?

>> No.7732476

Like I said. Neckbeards. Thanks for proving me right, boys.

>> No.7732484

Its worth it as long as it fills a need, would you use it? Personally I end up using my gaiwan more than other teapots, but thats me

>> No.7732488
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Go make yet another fast food ranking thread already, pleb.

>> No.7732495

I find a gaiwan a bit more difficult with boiling water brewing and probably its going to be easier to measure the ratio in a small glass teapot

>> No.7732505

>animu on a food and cooking board

>> No.7732667
File: 67 KB, 471x635, 1440235329413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crying about animus

>> No.7732738
File: 34 KB, 469x463, Fedorov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like my 'ea 'ag with a sip of 'ilk and 'gar. I call it, the 'go 'ea.

>> No.7733014

great, the memes are seeping in, it was a nice month of discussing tea

>> No.7733036

>it was a nice month of discussing tea

When you start saying things like this you know it's probably time to do everyone around you a favor and KYS.

>> No.7733050
File: 3.16 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am drinking pic related right now.

>> No.7733257

7 mins, 2.5 gr per 200?
Puckering up just thinking about it.

>> No.7734777

>green ceylon
how does it taste?

>> No.7736253

>Fucking vegetal
>a little sweet

About to drink Himalayan wine, it's awesome.

---> https://www.teabox.com/himalayan-wine-summer-darjeeling-black-tea