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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7730371 No.7730371 [Reply] [Original]

Was I wrong for this? I went to a Memorial Day party/bbq. It started raining so I everyone went in food was brought in etc... I I brought Tupperware with me for leftovers. While everyone was setting up drinks in the other room I started loading up food and was going to leave. The person who threw the party saw me and confronted me. Anyway I left with the food but was told not to come back and they tried to embarrass me

So was I in the wrong or not?

>> No.7730375

Should have decked him

>> No.7730376

The host is an asshole. Doesn't he understand that every restaurant would wrap up leftovers for their guests? You even did all the hard work for him.

He was a Jew wasn't he?

>> No.7730382

actually he was lol

>> No.7730384

it sounds like this guy brought his own tupperware to take leftovers from the party home. if I am right about that, then yes OP is wrong because you don't take home food from a barbeque at someone else's house unless the host says to bring some home. it is sort of stealing.

op is the jew in this story.

>> No.7730385

Get the fuck off my board.

>> No.7730388

Yes I did bring my own Tupperware for leftovers. I always do this

>> No.7730389


Use ziploc sandwich bags next time. It's much easier to hide those. You wear cargo pants and can load up your pockets with your sacks of leftovers.

I do this every time I go to someone's house - when they go to the toilet, I take leftovers out of their fridge. Eggs are a good thing to take, because they come in their own package, but they are fragile, so you have to be careful.

>> No.7730399

you shouldn't ever do that again. you don't just expect to take home food from another person's dinner party. It is rude and borderline stealing.

>> No.7730403

Usually I got to like super bowl parties, and its way easier in the winter to stuff tupperware in ur hoodie and jacket etc..

>> No.7730404

t. someone who has no friends and has never been to a dinner party

>> No.7730406

Whats the difference if I eat the food in their house or eat it at my house? The food is for the guests

>> No.7730411

notice how other people in this thread are giving advice how to sneak taking home food.

I don't have friends like you, that's certainly true.

>> No.7730412


>Niggers detected

>> No.7730413

>the food is for the guests
exactly. when you leave you are not a guest anymore.

>> No.7730417

You act like I wandered in off the street uninvited, I was a guest, I dont stop being a guess just because i step off the property

>> No.7730419

yes you do.

>> No.7730420


The fuck is wrong with you nigger? You trying to usurp McDonald's autist for the title of board's most socially inept faggot?

>> No.7730425

That's exactly what happens you stinking double nigger

>> No.7730446

Says who?

>> No.7730464

Society and proper etiquette.

>> No.7730520

Your idea of normal is not accepted by everyone

You sound like a shallow one dimensional person

Do you hang out at a lot of bars? In our experience your type of person loves going to bars

>> No.7730523

If the leftovers you take home are from food you brought to the party yourself, it's fine. If you are offered leftovers by the host and the people who brought the food in question, it's fine.

If you just pull out the tupperware and start taking all the leftover food that you didn't bring to the party in the first place without the host/whoever originally brought the food giving the ok, you're a rude motherfucker and if you ever did that at my house I would never invite you back for another party again.

>> No.7730531

If you can't understand basic hosting etiquette and leftover protocol I wouldn't want you to host anything anyways. Lotta yids in this thread.

>> No.7730534

The party wasn't over. They just moved inside. First off, when you leave early you're taking your chances about taking home leftovers. That's the tradeoff for any party in which you gotta bail. Near the end, when many people start wanting to go, and it's pretty obvious everyone there has had their fill of the food, the host will usually have a plan for the leftovers distribution. This is the host's decision (exempting the dish you brought and the container it was in). The tactful way to prompt the host to tell you to take leftovers is to ask them you need to take your container and offer to leave some leftovers. This initiates a trade. Asking the whole group if anyone wants some of your dish is an even stronger prompt. Otherwise there is no good way to take leftovers home when you leave early that the host or other guests provided without asking for them or implying and hoipiung they would offer. Sorry, you were in the wrong.

It could very well have been a miscommunication, and everything would have turned out ok had you immediately apologized upon being confronted and said you thought the party was over/rained out and were trying to help clean up or something. Which is lame as shit, but mighta worked. But you didn't.

Now the best thing you can do is call the guy up and apologize after the fact. This is a hell of a lot better than doing nothing. Basically, the reason why this is a thing is that it strongly appears that you don't like any of these people and you only came for the food. This may or may not be true in your case, but it does hurt people's feelings. That's the heart of the issue. You hurt their feelings. Bad exit strategy.

>> No.7730576

Basic etiquette and protocol has always been that leftovers either stay with the host or go home with whoever brought the food unless they are offered to others at the party. It is poor etiquette for guests to just help themselves to any food they did not bring without it being offered to them.

>> No.7730650

Again that's your opinion

>> No.7730660

And the opinion of the vast majority of everyone else who has ever had a party.

Sorry, but no matter how much you argue about it you're still in the wrong.

>> No.7730665

Maybe it is in Israel, but when you are in a white country surrounded by friends instead of snakes you are objectively wrong.

>> No.7730666

this is a societal norm in america. at least in middle and upper class america.

>> No.7730679

It's the societal norm literally everywhere.

>> No.7730684

White trash are just as bad a nogs I swear. You all need a bullet.

>> No.7730690

Fake story for sure what kind of friend would end a friend ship over cold food?

Should have just asked before you started loading up

>> No.7730691

>hillbilly "etiquette"

Fuck outta here

>> No.7730700

The problem isn't that you took the leftovers.
The problem was that you were invited to a party, and instead of going along with the party despite the rain and change of scenery with everyone else, you decided to take food and just leave. You valued taking food and leaving immediately over spending time with the other guests of the party, which is the whole purpose of a party.
It makes you look selfish and like you don't care about anyone else or being in their company.

>> No.7730705


>> No.7730706

We weren't friends more like a person who I used to work with and his friends knows mine

>> No.7730708

if this guy thinks what he did is ok he probably has tried to take advantage of people in the past. this type of behavior comes from either an autist, someone with poor social skills or a sociopath/someone who doesn't respect other people.

this may have been the straw that broke the camel's back.

>> No.7730711

wow kill yourself

>> No.7730715

I saw this shit on /b/ over a year ago.

>> No.7730720

I don't post on /b/ so...

>> No.7730723

Pretty unconventional and I understand he would react if he payed for the food. If I was hosting a barbecue I would feel that any food not eaten by the guest would be mine. I don't think you did anything really awful though, I could have done the same thing but I would make sure not to get caught.

>> No.7730724

>actual nigger shit

>> No.7730726

>steals food because muh entitlement
>Calls other kikes

Nice try schlomo

>> No.7730733

Ya he walked out of the bathroom and caught me everyone else was bullshitting in the other room I thought I was free and clear

>> No.7730793

The fact that you were knowingly sneaking around trying to steal the leftovers while everyone else was in another room just goes to prove that you knew that what you were doing was wrong.

>> No.7730814

No I just didn't want to have to make excuses why I didn't want to be there anymore and wanted to sneak out. I would have sneaked out even if I didn't get food

>> No.7730817

This is actually a fairly good troll because people are biting.

No, you don't get to take anything from someone's house unless they give you permission.

>> No.7730822

Again the food is for the guests why does it matter where I ate the food?

>> No.7730846

the food is for the guests at the party. when you leave you are not at the party anymore. you need permission to take food away from the party. if you really don't get that then it's a shame for the people you interact with in real life because you probably don't respect them.

>> No.7730861

so if I walked to my car to get something and I had a beer from the party? that would be wrong too? Is there a limit to how far from the house i can be?

>> No.7730863
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>I don't know how to host a party

Just fuck off already retard.

>> No.7730873

nice strawman. that's clearly not the same thing as taking a bunch of food for you to eat later at home.