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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7716289 No.7716289 [Reply] [Original]

> Order from Papa Johns cause it's late as shit.
> Order 2 2-Liters of Pepsi. I drink a quarter of one but I wanted to stock up for later in case I didn't order pizza anytime soon.
> Delivery Guy brings only 1 2-Liter.
>"Hey anon, you forgot a 2-Liter"
> fag calls manager
> I'm gonna drive back and I'll be back here with the 2-Liter in 20-25 minutes.
> He leaves.
> 2 hours later and no second 2-Liter.

>> No.7716300

go into store, ask for manager, bitch excessively. you will get your 2-liter and a free pizza card

>> No.7716311

Seriously? goat anon

>> No.7716854

Just call them? What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.7716937

you should be thankful they saved you from drinking that shit

>> No.7716950

>Drinking the corn Jew

>> No.7717119

You didn't tip that incompetent, right?

>> No.7717196

>Be me working late shift at Papa Johns
>en-rout to delivery
>order of 6 large pizzas, two two-liter Pepsi's, and a diet coke
>pull up to driveway and gag as The Stench hits my nose
>bring order to the door and knock
>hear a deep groan followed by numerous well paced out and growing thuds
>massive sweaty and winded hamplanet opens door
>the smell of grease and year old spilled cum hit like a tidal wave
>"Heres your order sir"
>take the crinkled and slightly damp money
>turn to leave
>here the cry of a Lovecraftian creature start
>*inhale* You forgot *inhale* a *inhale* bottle of *inhale* Pepsi
>wince as the smell of raced cheetos pours out of the unholy maw
>must have forgot it in the car
>"I'll go get..."
>*inhale* WHERES *inhale* MY *inhale* DRINK?
>nearly vomit on the spot
>walk to car and call manager
>"I can't do this anymore, I quit"
>go back to the sentient mound of grease
>tell it i'll be back in 20 minutes
>leave and never look back
>as i pull out of the driveway i hear the wheeze of a poor office chair and the sound of sausages angrily thwaping against a keyboard

>> No.7717221



>> No.7717724


>Be me
>late out
>enjoying some tv and some beer when I see a pizza delivery guy walk up to a house across from me
>oh shit
>it's the ham beast
>ham beast opens door
>I turn off the tv
>hear him yelling about his soda
>guy's carrying a bunch of pizzas
>grabs the pizza from the delivery guy and screeches about his drink
>guy slams door
>I go outside and see the delivery boy
>"Son, you don't have to go back. He's got a fridge full of Mountain Dew"
>Delivery guy smiles at me
>Drives off

>> No.7717821

>Be Papa John's manager
>Known fat asshole calls at closing time asking for half a dozen pizzas and nearly a gallon of soda
>Fuck this gay earth
>Send the new guy
>He comes back visibly agitated, smelling slightly of rotten food, grease, cheeto dust and cum
>Says that he was assaulted by Nurgle
>He also mentions that there was a 2L pepsi missing from Fatso's order
>Fuck Fatso, the new guy and the cocks they ride on
>Close shop, go home, blackout on rotgut

>> No.7717831

For this meme to work, your post has to actually be funny

>> No.7717837

>be rotgut
>just chillin, deep in freeze
>the asshole who manages a pizza chain comes home
>hes pissed
>must of been the ham planet
>he drinks at least 3/4 of my rich and rare life juice
>pukes me up down the sink
>god damn hamplanet

>> No.7717838
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>be neighbourhood dog
>walking around at night, no owner to call my own
>suddenly hear a great gurgling like a thousand drains being clogged at once
>ruh roh, King Hippo is at it again
>sneak under a shrub to watch the spectacle
>some poor fuck is getting verbally raped by this land whale
>he runs back to the car, porker is screaming something about a drink
>I look at the delivery boy as he speeds off, wishing I could be in that car
>feel a tight grip on my back, the smell of pizza and decade-old semen assaulting my nostrils
>pray to doggy jesus as I become one with the lard

>> No.7717841
File: 90 KB, 256x286, 1407263681704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> Order from Papa Johns

that was your first mistake

>> No.7717859

>be me
>delivering for Domino's during Myrtle Beach Black Bike Week
>can't thonk over the sound of bike engines and bix nood
I might quit today this shit is gay and they have every avenue blocked at thr end.

>> No.7717866

Some good shit

>> No.7717876

.be me
.Papa John's founder
>be manlet
>hang around pro football players
>smell their crotches all the time because I'm that short
>have plastic surgery on already unattractive face
>buy clothes in boy's section
>always finding gum and boogers on back of my shirt

>> No.7717922


>> No.7718275
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>> No.7718318

ayy SC bro represent

>> No.7718543

I thought this was turning into
>i moderate the /sp/ board on 4chan
for a second

>> No.7718585

> answer door in underwear
> oh sweet the pizza is here
> O dang, when did they get a girl pizza delivery guy?
> as they pull the pizza out of the Pizza keeper-warmer thing my semi-erect boner slips out from the waistband of my underwear
> it bobs in my underwear until it's horizontal and level, pitching an obvious tent
> the movement near my groin caught her eye, she obviously looked
> although I wish she hadn't because it was only a semi and therefore didn't look very big

Pizza was a little greasy desu

>> No.7718775

>didn't look very big
This guys worried about the serious issues

>> No.7718838

Didn't some assholes sue one year over most of Myrtle Beach closing down and boarding up their shops because of that shit?

>> No.7718866

I always like to jerk off after I order a pizza. I make sure not to wash my hands so when I hand the pizza guy his money, he's getting my dried jizz residue on his hands.

>> No.7718944
File: 70 KB, 375x346, 1311049294023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>place an order online
>get a call about two minutes later
>"sorry, we're out of that topping, is there anything else we can get you?"
>sad because I was really looking forward to a nice italian sausage and onion pizza
>"just pepperoni and cheese, I guess"
>pizza is delivered
>the manager threw in a free two-liter to make it up to me

>> No.7719002

Feels good when something like that happens anywhere. Always makes me want to go back to the store.

>> No.7719037

I have a mom and pop pizza place I've been ordering from for years. They give me an extra large when I order a large now, and sometimes throw in some free drinks or garlic bread or wedges or something.

I don't really need the extra food, to be honest, but it's still nice.