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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7714396 No.7714396 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7714405

If you are going to choose ten it's hardly favourite. If you had said three, then we can discuss.

>> No.7714410

Choose one, anon.

>> No.7714414

>not justin's chocolate hazelnut butter

ayy lmao

>> No.7714442

basically fast food chains

>> No.7714473

not my fault you don't like more than mcdonalds, burger king and kfc

>> No.7714492
File: 147 KB, 800x600, 1426683126998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-Buffalo wings and blue cheese
-Medium rare prime rib au jus
-Chicken fried steak and eggs over easy with sausage gravy
-King Soopers style mac and cheese
-Pork and green chili breakfast burrito
-Beef and sausage lasagna
-Egg drop soup
-Beef Pho
-Grilled cheese and tomato soup
-Hot ruben sandwich

honorable mentions:
-Cuban sandwich
-Huevos rancheros
-Salmon eggs benedict
-Philly cheesesteak
-Bacon, blue cheese, mushroom cheeseburger

>> No.7714497

>Salmon eggs benedict
It's called Eggs Royale you fucking plebeian.

>> No.7714499


I can call it whatever the fuck I want to nigger

>> No.7714502

You can because you are free.
>and stupid.

>> No.7714506

>image of delicious weisswurst meal
>weisswurst not on the list
Was it just implied?

A good white sausage is one of the most simple, sublime pleasures on earth.

>> No.7714517
File: 90 KB, 256x286, lazyytt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A good white sausage is one of the most simple, sublime pleasures on earth.

not gonna even say anything

>> No.7714523


lol gay

>> No.7714528

Definitely none of the shit tier food listed here goddamn you're all so poor and pleb.

>> No.7714531

Grow up

>> No.7714537

ten is a lot. i dont think i eat ten different foods in a week.

>> No.7714540


While I agree with you, I think a big fat black sausage is way more filling and nutritious, they're just superior in every way.

>> No.7714561


>Haha instead of posting anything useful I'll just call these anonymous posters plebs because I learned the word before school got out holy shit I'll be drowning in pussy in no time

>> No.7714563

Spinach and turkey curry (Many irons, muh nutrients.),
Well seasoned rare steak and hot spiced sweet tater fries,
General levantine mezze stuff,
Caprese Salad,
Carrot Cake,
Fruit salad with nuts, 10% fat yogurt, honey and only god tier fruit,
Bacon and black pudding sandwich,
Chicken and pesto sandwiches (loads of mayo, home made pesto, home made toasted seeded bread, baby spinach leaves),
Thai peanut and coconut noodle curry thing.

Come at me.

>> No.7714570


>posting anything useful

This is one of those absolutely awful poll threads where everybody posts and nobody reads, the only redeeming quality about threads like these is the shitpost potential. Now fuck off back to r/food

>> No.7714579

Dat burn lmao

>> No.7714593
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>it's so awful I absolutely must reply to it

>> No.7714603


Thanks for the (You)s familia.

>> No.7714661

>shit tier

how was your first day of school today?

>> No.7714679

I don't think I've eaten 10 foods, so my top 3

>hormel chili chunky no beans
>spam spam
>walmart brand italian sesame seed bread

>> No.7714681

Nutella isn't a food, it's candy for little children

>> No.7714684
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>I don't think I've eaten 10 foods

>> No.7714768

Is this bait?

>> No.7714791
File: 140 KB, 1600x1269, 'cago'za.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, that's a hard one. But I would have to say my top 10 is definitely Chicago Deep Dish Pizza, or as we chi-town folk like to call it, 'cago 'eep 'ish 'za

Recipe below if anyone wants it!

I have never really been a deep dish kind of girl. Thin crust is more my scene, obviously because I can justify more pieces and thus more toppings. Because let’s be honest, IT’S ALL ABOUT THE TOPPINGS, primarily the sauce.

However, after recently getting the urge to go deep dish on you guys, I did a quick survey to see if you’d prefer something savory or sweet. To my surprise, the response was overwhelmingly savory. As in SALT over SUGAR. Whoa. So, as promised, here is a savory deep dish recipe and a sweet one is soon to follow for all my sweet tooths out there. SIT TIGHT ladies and gents.

Most deep dish pies involve some super buttery, complicated crust that I honestly don’t have the time or energy or desire to make.

I like my crust to taste like crust, not a buttery dinner roll. So I kept this one simple and stuck with my favorite pizza crust that I make almost weekly and keep on hand for impromptu pizza nights. I suggest you do the same. Clearly, it’s the only option.

You get a round pan or cast iron, and rub it with olive oil.
Plop on the dough. Spread and form a 1-inch tall crust up the side.

Despite being butter free it tasted absolutely decadent thanks to the layers of cheese, sauce and roasted veggies. It was perfectly crisp on the outside and tender and slightly doughy on the inside. And the veggies married with the sauce melted in between the cheese was a dream.


1/2 can of tomatoes
8 cups of olive oil
1/2 garlic clove
90 slices of Kraft singles

>> No.7714795
File: 53 KB, 550x381, tokyo-sukiyaki-tei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chicken wings/chicken yakitori
sukiyaki/shabu shabu
kimchi fries

Top 3 is easier.

>> No.7714855

Generic laughing white guy in stock photos / 10

Just out of college bro / 10, with bonus points for the best steak.

Syrian / 10

Austin / 10

>> No.7714904
File: 77 KB, 565x377, 9642678.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahi tuna tostadas
sea urchin tostadas
Mole Negro
Miga de huesos
Tonkatsu ramen
bun bo hue
smoked marlin tacos

>> No.7714979

In no particular order -

Cottage Pie
Doner kebab
Smoked ham & cucumber sandwiches with English mustard
Carrot cake
Pad Thai
Potato chips/crisps
Baingan bharta (aubergine curry)
Baked potato with tuna, sweetcorn & mayo

>> No.7715041
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I am a simple man

>> No.7715856

it's octopus not bait

>> No.7715891

>fried chicken
>savory pies
>sweet pies
>mashed potatoes
>breakfast sausage
>ice cream
>chinese takeout

>> No.7716079


more like boring

>> No.7716351

In no particular order: Lasagna, pepperoni pizza, meatloaf with mashed potatoes, eggs with hash browns, home-made corned beef, sisig, dry aged ribeye medium rare, cheese/charcuterie with nice French bread and olive oil, boneless leg of lamb prepared with nothing but salt, pepper, and stuffed with garlic baked rare, green pozole, family recipe red enchiladas. Okay, 11.