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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 161 KB, 400x300, potted %22herbs%22 lol xD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7709326 No.7709326 [Reply] [Original]

Currently I'm growing:

Thinking about growing some basil and parsley as well. It's on my to do list.

Love having access to fresh herbs for cooking. How about you anon?

>> No.7709343

Odd selection you have there, I think thyme would be the only one there I would grow if I only had 3. I'm growing rosemary, thyme, basil, oregano, marjoram, savory, spearmint, dill, anise, sage, lavender, parsley, and shiso.

>> No.7709348

I use the chives & thyme pretty often. The mint far less often. What would be your most used 3?

>> No.7709359

Same thing as perilla? I found perilla growing in my yard wild last summer. The year before that, parsley. Before that, grape tomatoes.
Haven't found anything outta the ordinary in my yard so far this year.

>> No.7709382

probably rosemary, thyme, and basil

yes, same thing. I use it mainly for drinks, green shiso & gin is an awesome combination

>> No.7709391

Yeah breh 420 braise it xP

>> No.7709410

I am growing mexican oregano.

>> No.7709435

Basil, rosemary, oregano and thyme. These are the only herbs you need in your garden. At least 3 basils and one each of the others.

>> No.7709437
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Got about 30 basil seedlings starting up. There will be pesto this summer!

>> No.7709439

Sounds yummers

>> No.7709454


Sorry... I can't count obviously.. I had 30 at first.. i guess another ~20 popped up.

I will eventually break these all out and replant them once they each have 2 or 3 sets of leaves.

As you can see some are just starting with their first sets of leaves, and others are still just sitting with just their cotyledons... We're about 2 weeks in at this point. I got a late start this year with my seedlings. But I'll have full bushy basil plants by mid summer.

I also have 2 thai basil plants going as well as 12 cucumbers and 12 tomato plants in a couple different varieties.

for giggles i also started a pumpkin seedling, an egg plant, and a jalapeno plant...

>> No.7709460
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Cucumber seedlings.. About a week in at this point.

>> No.7709486


>> No.7709493

>Tried to grow herbs a few years ago on the window sill
>They all molded over and died
Felt like losing a child, never tried again.

>> No.7709505

What kind of soil is right? Ive never grown anything

>> No.7709522

I have basil, thyme, oregeno, mint, rosemary, and dill all on my back porch right now. Plus there's a few different varieties of tomatoes and peppers, plus some lettuce and strawberries

I use a combination of compost and manure

>> No.7709523

I've got
>mexican oregano
>italian oregano
>mexican tarragon
>green onion

Shit was not hard. Just bought the plants from homedepot about a year ago and planted it all in a wheelbarrow. Still going strong a year later.

>> No.7709540

Pics? I've generally found that mint will overtake and strangle other plants in the same container

>> No.7709564

chef john does

>> No.7709567


>> No.7709577

I tried my hand at growing from seed, it all took but there are neighbour hood cats that like to dig in the pots so I lost my basil and oregano

dill is going strong, so is my coriander and parsley.
chives are wimpy, they're the only ones that have to be down to user error

>> No.7709622

Maybe tomorrow. Dark here.

Honestly the mint is fine. It's the fucking cilantro that takes over. Grown tallest, plus I have two of them, and it just falls all over the others. Use the shit out of it though.

>> No.7709627

>Italian Oregano
>Corsican Mint
>Cuban Oregano
>Lemon Basil
>Purple Sage

>> No.7709637


try grow some catnip as well, real hardy plant almost like a weed if anything

>> No.7709641
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Same here except
No sage
No Thyme
No Rosemary

Yes Cilantro
Two types of chives, one isnt tubular and is instead just a leaf - dunno what its name is.

They all grow back after one year, the Oregano has taken half an entire plot as weeds.

>> No.7709657

I have basil, spearmint and tomatoes growing in my balcony, but only because they were already here when I moved. I plan on growing chard, chives and radishes as soon as I get a big enough thingie to plant them in. That shit grows anywhere.

>> No.7709668

I have:

Lemongrass (massive, the thing fucking took off even though I never looked after it)
My gf always cuts the bottom off spring onions (scallions) and plants them in pots, a month or so later you have a free bunch of them to eat and repeat

Also grow chilli peppers by the bucket load but it's winter here so they've all gone into hibernation

>> No.7709687
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I want to do some indoor gardening in a small space. What are some very easy to grow veggies/herbs I can grow with just a lamp/room light and a pot? I'm thinking maybe potatos or something?
I don't really care how efficient it is. I just want to eat something I grew myself.

>> No.7709718

In Europe they pronounce the H in herb. It's hilarious.

>> No.7709719
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I get it

>> No.7709749

we English invented the language, it's herb

>> No.7709766

The guy who invented the automobile can't compare to an American Ford Mustang, Chevy Camaro or Dodge Charger. You Eurocrats toss the ball onto the field and we Americans score the goals.

We pronounce it correctly. There's no H sound in herb.

>> No.7710864


for now.. i am in the process of moving them out into full sun for a couple hours a day already.

cucumbers and green beans and pumpkins can be planted as seed directly in the ground imo.

basil is very tender when it is small.. and takes a while to get big enough to hang on its own. it is best done inside. - i actually do mine outside.. but leave it inside of my grill. if it is going to rain hard (and hurt the plants) i just close the cover. i leave the cover open on sunny days though - they seem to love that.

>> No.7710874
File: 1.68 MB, 3072x1728, WP_20160525_12_28_47_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daytime update

>> No.7710938

Thats pretty neat. Is the foil to bounce back the sunlight?

>> No.7710956

Some senpai of mine in the countryside recently put together some garden boxes and filled them with top soil. There are currently some sprouted plants trying to make it, but after some watering the soil is crusted the fuck over.

Do they stand a chance?

>> No.7710959


it's really just for drainage reasons to keep dirty water from sitting on my deck.. (i just pressure washed it)

when i move them back inside the same thing sits on my workbench to control drainage there. its several layers of heavy duty foil crimped up on the edges.

a benefit might be more sun.. but i doubt they need more sun at this point.

>> No.7710982

Thinking of growing some herbs inside my apartment. I've never done any gardening, so I don't know what to do. Where do I need to start?

>> No.7711042
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I'm growing some rosemary and sage. Pic is old, they're growing a little better now. I want to start growing microgreens.

>> No.7711204

Beer garden guy here. Everything is going great. I have the following herbs growing in some beer cups: chive, thyme, basil, oregano and Rosemary. I also have the following vegetables growing in planters: brussel sprouts, radish, carrots, Bibb lettuce, bush beans and Swiss chard. I have a few more beer cups with the following seeds germinating: Wild chilies, jalapeño, habanero, red bell, roma tomato, cilantro and Italian parsley.

It's gonna be a fun summer.

>> No.7711210

>roma tomato

2 of my 4 roma tomatoes have a black fungus that is just destroying the whole fucking plant.

i wish you better luck than i am having anon.

>> No.7711224


Sounds like they're suffering for Black Mold disease.

>> No.7711232

>used it for drinks
That sounds odd.
My grandma used it for roast chicken. She called it Syrian oregano. It's delicious.

>> No.7711501


I agree... they look awful... whole plant looks fine.. it's just all grey.

I chopped all the leaves off... left some little sucker sprouts hoping it willl either die or come back so that i can go one way or the other with that spot in the garden. it'll either come back or i'll put a cucumber there.

>> No.7711514

He said herbs, ya dip

>> No.7711526

I'd like to but I don't know what to grow. What would go with tomatoes? I grow some of those for my sauce for my meatballs.

>> No.7711552
File: 633 KB, 1200x900, late_blight_tomato_plantx1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah.. it';s either that or late blight.. which is weird because it is so early in the season..

but these were store bought and they might have been housed in a green house for months.. they are only 8 to 10 inches tall but the stems are a half inch thick... makes me think they are older than they seem. also some of them already have fruit (not the ones that are dying though)

picture is of late blight.. the it starts with just one area of the plant and spreads.. before you know it the whole effing thing is grey/black and shitty.

this is why i like to grow mine from seed usually.. but pikes had 4 packs of 6 inch plants for 2 dollars and my father in law couldn't pass up a deal and was feeling generous so he came over with a gift... atleast most of them are still doing well...

>> No.7711560


You don't use cucumbers for flavoring dishes? I do all the time...

I'm just showing off all the stuff i am growing... i didn't think anyone would be retarded enough to give a shit... MY MISTAKE BRO.

>> No.7711564

Thyme, rosemary, marjoram and oregano basically the same plant, Vietnamese mint, spearmint, English mint, basil, horseradish and finally parsley

>> No.7711566


Also.. it's showing the indoor setup that i have that i am using for herbs as well.. just a small grow light that i have setup under a cabinet next to my sink.

>> No.7711571


I'm attempting to air layer "clone" a japanese maple.. will post pics later.

>> No.7711587

I'm growing "early girl" tomatoes. I picked them because it sounds like loli tomatoes.
Never grown anything before. They're sprouting now and I don't know what to do for a "support" for it. I looked at some things but they're like $30 at the cheapest.

>> No.7711656


I have bamboo that grows on the back of my property.. i chop that stuff down and let it dry out for two years and then i burn the ends to make sure it won't sprout. super cheap tomato stakes.

you can buy bamboo rods at most home improvement stores too.. pretty cheap.

really.. anything that is roughly straight.. that you can stick in the ground will do.

wire shelving, wooden dowls, posts..

you can even use string hanging from something if you have something above your garden to hang from. if you have a southern facing deck, you plant just in front of you deck and hang strings down, or if you have any sort of fence you can plant against that fence... chain link fences are excellent for growing any viny sorts of plants. I have chain link all across the back of my property and i am going to do string beans. I'm just a little worried about all the shade they will get back there.

>> No.7711661


Consider an upside down planter and just hang it somewhere. You get the benefit of saving on horizontal space while also preventing any possible soil disease that might lurk up in the future. Protect your lolimatoes.

>> No.7711747

Why is this guy going around in several threads and calling people dips

>> No.7711795


dip is a type of food.. and this board is about food and cooking..


>> No.7712583

I have a question for those who live in apartments and have plants on windowsill or on a stool by the window.

How do you keep your cat from knocking over your plants? When I try to grow things, she'll either knock it over because she was rubbing on it or eat the steam/leaves, would the best option be just to have in hanging from the ceiling out of reach?

>> No.7712880


Use the herbs to flavor the cat before cooking and eating it.

Problem solved. After shitting out your cat it will not knock over your herbs anymore.

>> No.7713400

Basil, oregano, parsley

>> No.7713876

Muh nigga

>> No.7713894

i do not know how to cook with herbs. i know what spices taste like but i cannot remember what the herbs taste like. i have a thing with multiple herbs in it that i put on pasta and things.

>> No.7713950

Nice comparison. Technology isn't the same as culture.

>> No.7714120
File: 69 KB, 640x400, new_strain[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm growing some """"""Oregano"""""" in my backyard, hope the neighbours dont smell it dude! (Weed) lmao.

Pic related my dudes, a special strain of Ganja straight from Chicago. I call it "Deepdi Shpizza"

>> No.7714235

Look on the back, grow those things and use them.
It isn't rocket science, Anon.

>> No.7714245


>> No.7714289

Thyme & Basil... While Basil is sometimes a pain in the ass to keep from snails in my Garden.

>> No.7714372
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>from Chicago. I call it "Deepdi Shpizza"

>> No.7714676

how would one go about getting soil to plant herbs indoors, like do I just go buy some miracle gro shit and pot the seeds? is it that simple?

>> No.7714788


it is roughly that simple. you can put the dirt in any container that you wish... it is best if it drains.. then under that you will want to put some sort of container to catch the drainage.

i use egg cartons to start things sometimes. poke some holes in the bottom for drainage, cut off the top. fill the egg carton with dirt, turn the top over and put it beneath the whole thing so it catches extra water. you can wrap the top in tin foil so that the 2 holes in the top (to catch the flap and lock the carton closed) don't leak. or if you won't over water horribly, you can leave them open and just empty it from time to time.

i would buy a seedling starter mix, or a very fine grain potting soil. if you buy outdoor garden soil it will have large chunks of wood and other things in it which the seedling may have a hard time growing around, or next to... the roots have to work harder to get through that crap.

you can use soil from your garden as well - but that will have the same issues potentially plus the possibility of bugs in the soil.. or bacteria or ph isssues which can kill your seeds.

fine grain potting soil is a nice way to control a bunch of variables and not have to worry about it.

don't bury your seeds too deep. some seeds can just be left on top of the soil and watered. i like to put mine on top of the soil and then sprinkle just the slightest amount of dirt over them.

when starting seeds cover the whole thing with plastic wrap for the first couple weeks so that the dirt stays very moist.

buy quality seeds from a well known vendor.

if you follow these tips you're basically guaranteed 80% or higher germination rates.

once your little seedlings are an inch or two or 6 or 8 inches tall (depending on plant species) you will want to transfer from the egg cartons to something larger - or outdoors...

>> No.7714819

This is basically what I've done. And always managed to grow well. It's taking care of the plants after that's a real bitch

>> No.7714843

>It's taking care of the plants after that's a real bitch


For me, sometimes its just getting them out of the egg cartons and into the ground or pots.

If work/life balance gets fucked about 2 and a half weeks after i put seeds down, i might as well have never put those seeds in the cartons to begin with. They'll sit and rot till I throw them all out when I finally catch back up with what life throws at me.

I find if you can get them into the ground in a 50/50 sun/share situation most things will produce fruit for you eventually with less work and watering and checking. if you plant things in full sun you might get a great crop, but everything might shrivel up and die over the course of 3 or 4 days while you are on vacation too.. depends on weather and your amount of time you can spend checking and fixing what goes wrong.

you get out what you put in i guess..

>> No.7714907

Stop posting my waifu

>> No.7714911

>egg cartons and into the ground or pots.
Just plant them whole, the carton soon rots and the roots find their own way down anyway.

>> No.7714916


that depends on a lot of things i think..

if you use styrofoam cartons then NOPE.

i used cardboard cartons last year because i was on a big cage free kick.. and I even tore the bottoms off when planting them (left the sides) and I still think it hurt the plants ability to put out roots. I was doing basil and tomatos.

I would suggest removing from whatever you are planting in. why add an extra barrier for your little seedlings to struggle with? its not hard to remove them from the carton.

>> No.7715042
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she was my waifu first.. and she is the only person i have reaction images for.. so no. i'm going to keep doing it whenever i feel like it...

or until she kills the economy and isn't my waifu.,... but i don't think she'll ever be responsible for that. she's such a lovely dove..

>> No.7715632

Yeah. Man you are right in my level. But I've made all those mistakes in the past, so I guess we all learn from them if we try.

My tomatoes & basil tend to get attacked by bugs or powdery mildew. I'm gonna try neem oil this year.

>> No.7715739

You got cucked by everyone who cared the slightest about what went on on your little island for whatever reason, and adopted parts of all of their languages to try to appease them so they would stop buttramming you.
But sure, invented sounds good too.

>> No.7715754

Been growing herbs for years.


1) Basil
2) Parsley
3) Mint


5) Oregano
6) Rosemary
7) Dill
8) Sage


9) Cilantro

>> No.7715838

rosemary,thyme, sage are the most useful ones i planted on my balcony, it just fucking hurts to buy an ugly batch of herbs if you only need a tiny bit. Mint and parsley will get replaced soon, since its cheaper and easier to buy larger batches at the turkish markets around here.

>> No.7715854

I'm trying to grow herbs for the first time. I started off with dill and garlic chives.

Any advice?

>> No.7715880

plant them and water them, its really not rocketscience

>> No.7715889





>> No.7715908

>hamvas cipruska
>borsika fű
>orvosi zsálya
to name a few

>> No.7715917

Rocket scientist here.
I can't grow dill. It always goes white or yellow and shrivels up on me.

>> No.7715918

enjoy the feds knockin on ur door

>> No.7715981

>not picking fresh mint every morning with the dew still on it to drop into your tea

You just ain't livin at my level.

>> No.7715989


I can't get mint or dill to do well in my yard. I figure we can all post our particular power rankings for our herb growing experiences.

I am indeed not living at your level. It would be nice to have some mint plants that like it here.

>> No.7716090

>and isn't my waifu
not how it works
waifu is love, not some passing fling or crush. if you ever "lose" your waifu or "change" waifus, you never had a waifu

>> No.7716136
File: 1.78 MB, 2135x1169, DatHerb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left to right:
Oregano, Mint, some other type of Mint, Rosemary, Parsley, Basil

>> No.7716179

Huh, my fresh mint makes a very weak tea, I use it more for decoration than for the flavor. Am I just growing the wrong kind of mint?

>> No.7716198

I drop 3 or 4 leaves into my regular Orange Pekoe. It sounds weird but once you try it you won't go back.

>> No.7716575

What would grow well in a humid, equatorial climate? Apart from chilis.

As an apartmentfag I don't get a lot of direct sunlight, sadly.

>> No.7716588
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how is mint below the power gap..

that shit grows like a weed.. i live in georgia and i literally can't kill the stuff. got it growing on the east facing side of my house and it spreads by rhizomes and runners like bamboo. it just comes back year after year...

Dude, don't tell me about me about love and yellen. our bond is AAA, stronger than the US's AA+ rating maintained by S&P.

She's the fiscally responsible grandmother i never had but yearned for so badly as a child.

>> No.7717938

Probably any Mediterranean herbs

>> No.7717942


>> No.7719038

Best soil? What do I look for?

>> No.7720203

Something looks really wrong with your oregano, I would not put that in my 'za.

>> No.7720212
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I just started.
>also I'm from /k/

>> No.7720218

every year for me it's rosemary, thyme, basil and oregano.

>> No.7722171

Same plants or do you replant?

>> No.7722204


growing indoors/on my porch:

was growing dill but it all died because of reasons.

>> No.7722242
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Thinned out about half my bush beans yesterday. Going to get the other half today.

>> No.7722348

What's the thing attached to the optic? And why is it so long?

also do you realize when you hold your rifle with an AFG you look fucking retarded?

that's just my opinion doe

>> No.7722599


S'all good bruh, just polished off a whole pot of 'cago 'eep 'ish 'za or as i like to call it Chi-Town Chicago Style Deep "Dish" bowl """""""pizza""""""""""""" aka Goza

>> No.7722620
File: 1.00 MB, 2048x1520, IMAG0947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

attempting to grow basil, parsley, and thyme

>> No.7722737

What's the ratio of soil to manure to compost?

Is manure bad for herbs?

>> No.7722964
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You don't need manure for most growing unless your dirt is beyond dead in nutrients. Herbs grow pretty easy in just normal dirt, but if you insist on using compost or mixing in rich dirt, usually its 50/50 new and old and till the fuck out of that dirt.

pic related, some of my latest picks from my garden grown in shit dirt.

>> No.7723326

Shiskabob sticks. 99 cents for a 50 pack at your local slop n slave

>> No.7723328

I've been growing spearmint, oregano, and sage for a while now. They are extremely hardy and require nothing more than some new soil and fertilizer each year.

>> No.7723552
File: 1.47 MB, 1728x3072, WP_20160528_22_03_07_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use this trick for my seedlings.. Anon will need something a bit larger after the first month or two.