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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 83 KB, 650x490, Cannoli-Pancakes-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7712623 No.7712623 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most unhealthy meal you ever had?

For me it has to be about your average cereal bowl filled maybe 80% to the top with canoli filling.

>> No.7712633

>What is the most unhealthy meal you ever had?

>insert obligitory yo mamma joke

>> No.7712674

tortillas in the oven with ~1lb cheddar and half a pound of pepperoni rolled up and dipped in the grease that runs off.

>> No.7712779
File: 129 KB, 1316x909, WP_20140719_16_23_50_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>king rib
>3 fried eggs
>sausage links

>> No.7712792


It was this baked animal skin, baked in the oven, drowned in cream and butter plus a bit of flour and intestines, with cheese melted ontop. The french are sick fucks with some dishes, especially when they make fun of American food, they were eating up like no tomorrow.

>> No.7712807

probably when I ate most of an entire pizza from this new york style pizza place in washington state. the pizza was fucking gigantic. had to be at least 22 inches

>> No.7712811

>Shit ton of barbecue, enough for 8 people
Enough tried squid for 4 people
Gigant barbecue cheese
Gigant order of fries
Shared between me, my dad, my aunt and my cousin, we ate so much I woke up two hours after going to sleep to shit and vomit and rolled around in pain all night, I think I what 7 times the next day

>> No.7712815

>king rib

>> No.7712819

Squid is high cholesterol, gives you the shits real bad if you eat too much.

>> No.7712841

i don't get it....

>> No.7712843


No, but this jack guy sounds like he has good taste

>> No.7712848

i regularly eat whole costco pizzas in a day.

>> No.7712854

Jesus, how fat are you?

>> No.7712859

Entire tub of ice cream for breakfast when I was 11.

I had the runs that whole day.

Considering how fat I would get/stay for the next 15 years, it wasn't worth it.

>> No.7712865

I was poor and super hungry so I cooked an entire pound of dried pasta and mixed through half a jar of peanut butter, some soy sauce, sesame oil and sriracha to try to make some sort of satay pasta dish thing and suffice to say it tasted okay but I ate the whole thing and there was no way it wasn't a billion calories

>> No.7712868

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.7712874

A whole pizza(12 to 16 inch) in a day isn't that bad.

Provided that's all you eat anyway, rarely I'll pick up a little caesars pizza and munch on that throughout the day.

>> No.7712882

Either 2 bowls of cinnamon toast crunch with liquid peanut butter shell and whipped cream, or 50 wings from Hooters with 6 tall boys of PBR.

>> No.7712900



i just know how to manage my calories and exercise.

>> No.7712914

^ oh and 5'6" female.

>> No.7712916

>50 wings
thats barely an accomplishment

>> No.7712926

Its a tie between a quart of ice cream, homemade mac and cheese, and a party size bag of cips

>> No.7712942

2 Double cheeseburgers
1 Fillet-o-fish
12 Chicken nuggets
2 Large fries
2 Large cokes
2 Banana pies

When i was a student in china.
It was mid-terms, girlfriend just left me, drank a whole bottle of whine after that puked everything up.
Passed out in my bathroom, woke up dehydrated and disgusted of any food for i forgot how long.

>> No.7712944

Polish sausage topped with sriracha bacon on a buttered french roll with bacon mac and cheese on that.

Also dumped the broken chips and crumbs from the bag into a bowl and filled it with the rest of the nacho cheese and ate it with a spoon.

>> No.7712954

Three words: Ketchup dorito sandwich.

>> No.7712957

Who is jack

>> No.7712958
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>> No.7712964


the king of /ck/?

>> No.7712969

I'm new here. Backstory?

>> No.7712986


first guy that post his channel below this line is a faggot


>> No.7712990
File: 16 KB, 300x225, m0moqv-b78926438z.120120309092821000g1415vtk1.2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lurk moar.

cooking with jack, check out any cringe thread.

>> No.7712991

Fuck yourself and never come back

>> No.7712997

Fuck you, you just let one more newfag onto this board. It is even more shit now, hang yourself

>> No.7712998 [DELETED] 

should we care if you're a female?

kill yourself

>> No.7713008

because a male that small is sad, a female that size is normal.

it was relevant.

>> No.7713015


you're totally below the line, senpai

>> No.7713024

Oh my god, you sound like the fucking douchebags at my grad school, "HURR IF U DO THIS UR GAY"

>> No.7713025

Yeah, but it would've been relevant only if the height and weight were in the same post

>> No.7713027

>it was relevant.

relevant how? unless you are suggesting we cook and eat males under 5'6" to thin the hurd?

>> No.7713031

Maybe she just forgot to add it, now fucking lay off her faggot.

>> No.7713043
File: 75 KB, 1200x1200, MOAR DAKKA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga wat i've only made that one post

>> No.7713049



>> No.7713061

>only made that one post

great, keep it that way.

>> No.7713062
File: 178 KB, 500x411, 1408461193322.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck is this.

>> No.7713069


it goes on your dome so you can't wiggle while I play with your ticklie parts.

>> No.7713074
File: 327 KB, 405x396, Orph is happy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dont own me

>> No.7713099


>> No.7713110


sweetie, it's gonna be fun trust me >>7712958

>> No.7713149

Can't it be a normal collar instead?

>> No.7713159

who would have thought a cumdumpster posting that she's a girl would turn into this

>> No.7713165

I thought you said you were serious this time?

>> No.7713197

I still can't imagine how this contraption works. Do you have other pictures?

>> No.7713207

>baked animal skin, baked in the oven, drowned in cream and butter plus a bit of flour and intestines
weren't these fritons or grattons ? both are the absolute bomb and probably among the most unhealthy stuff you can find
I love my country's food

>> No.7713219


I would be easier if I showed you. give kik nao.,

>> No.7713225

6 Deep fried sausages with 4 fried eggs, fried potatoes, a loaf of bread and a jumbo size chocolate bar in one sitting. I was drunk as fuck.

>> No.7713227

Anybody familiar with 4chan.

>> No.7713241 [DELETED] 

Another thread ruined by "I'm a grill btw". Why are cunts so desperate for attention?

>> No.7713261

as a kid I had fruit loops mixed with some limited edition Incredible Hulk chocolate syrup.

it was worth it

>> No.7713262

When I was in highschool and my parents weren't home I made myself dinner.
It was a pita pocket filled with buffalo chips covered in blue cheese dressing.
I felt great shame after consuming that.

>> No.7713263

Serious as in professional. I can't wear that spike thing to work.

>> No.7713272

It's weird that would blame her for posting something so innocuous, and not the dozen people shitposting about it for half an hour.

>> No.7713278


Fuck off cunt you've had enough attention for today.

>> No.7713285


>I'm a grill, tehe
>30 minutes of orbiting
>jeeze you silly boys, why are you posting about me ~~^_^

>> No.7713286


Why are you so rude to me? Just because I'm a woman you can't treat me like trash. I bet you're a disgusting permavirgin.

>> No.7713291
File: 152 KB, 992x743, ht_little_caesars_bacon_2_kb_150219_4x3_992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related and 100 chicken nuggets

>> No.7713295


baby, I'll respect you on the street but in the bedroom obedience is manadory

>> No.7713309

>Just because I'm a woman

inpending shit storm

>> No.7713316

Stop getting mad on the Internet.

>> No.7713322
File: 713 KB, 1433x1633, sa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a black male. AMA.

>> No.7713324

I thought I was new to this board.

>> No.7713329 [DELETED] 


You can't tell me what to do, now go back to the kitchen oh wait! women can't cook for shit, well just stay in the bathroom cleaning pubes from the toilet seat you disgusting cumrag

>> No.7713332

From the age of 9 until I was 15, I consistently ate two cans of black olives and a two liter of Pepsi every day.

Also, I ate canned oysters mixed with cottage cheese.

>> No.7713333
File: 274 KB, 500x282, WONDERFUL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll take the job

>> No.7713336


how many times have wite people called you the N word where you got fighting mad enough to get your ass kicked?

>> No.7713341


Once upon a time there was a fucking newfag, everyone was disgusted by his presence so he fucked the fuck off to wherever he came from.

The end.

>> No.7713348


About 5 times, luckily I always beat the shit out of them beta whitebois. Crackas are so weak it's not even fair.

>> No.7713352

Never. I don't care about the nigger word.

>> No.7713354

What the fuck

>> No.7713360


Please stop impersonating me, you are not black.

>> No.7713364


Nah I'll stay here and make you mad with my feminine presence. Deal with it!

>> No.7713372
File: 279 KB, 1920x1080, inb4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 photoshop

>> No.7713373
File: 17 KB, 223x213, 1464200799054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this insecure
>"I-I don't want my 4chan buddies to bully me"

>> No.7713379

we don't?

>> No.7713382


being an actual black male I know you're full of shit with your fake ebonics and NO bother has ever said "crackas" in the last two hundred years.

>> No.7713383
File: 210 KB, 500x320, 1427099572003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7713388


Nice paint edit there mofo.
Black guy here refer your questions to me

>> No.7713390

it may not be the least healthy, but this is the oddest to me.

>> No.7713398


>Cumskin poses as black

I'm not your brother pal since I can detect your fancy cracka writing.

Black bros ww@?

>> No.7713402


nice quads, however there is a stringent and taxing application process before one can be considered for this illustrious position. Are you prepared to endure and give yourself to this type of challenge?

>> No.7713411

Gay jew nigger girl here AMA anything.

>> No.7713416


I get it, you would like to propagate the stereotype that black people in general are ignorant and incapable of speaking like the president of the mother fucking US, right?

>> No.7713419


No. I'm just bored. Fuck off with your Malcolm X shit nigger.

>> No.7713421

> jew
> nigger

trying too hard.

>> No.7713424

sure, provided avocados aren't involved.

>> No.7713430
File: 19 KB, 280x400, 1463281699405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this triggered

>> No.7713435

>Malcolm X

Even as a fake black man, do you even know what the nation of islam did for civil rights in their history of peaceful movement?

>> No.7713438

>this thread

>> No.7713448


I'm not judging, this will be a totally judgement free zone but you must have been with some sick fucks.

>> No.7713455


>Nation of Islam






>> No.7713457

>malcolmn x
>peaceful civil rights movement

>> No.7713462

No, I'm just allergic to avocados

>> No.7713468


yep, we da OG BIN panthers...same shit different time....but we won.

>> No.7713473

you're a panther?

>> No.7713480


Damn right brother

we killed a lot of white niggaz back in 2001, best day of my life

>> No.7713482


NUMBER ONE...you gotta tell me shit like that.

srs'ly I'm going to keep you safe. To that end, you have to decide on your safe word? If you feel uncomfortable or dizzy and/or you just want to stop whatever is happening you say thing word you pick and it stops.

>> No.7713483
File: 127 KB, 345x337, 134653639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7713495



She's already been claimed go find yourself a fine lady or face the consequences

>> No.7713504

no, but I may or may not have known and/or otherwise been associated with in a communal dwelling which I never claimed residence to with unknown persons who could be related to me without my direct knowledge, hypothetically speaking.

>> No.7713507

Samefag, fuck off.

>> No.7713510

What the fuck happened to this thread

>> No.7713512


nope I was the one in the middle of you samefag detect fail but not the other two. You must now leave the all the chins for the rest of your existance.

>> No.7713519


Black panthers have expropriated this thread from undeserving cracka hands. Now fuck off before I make a rap song about your small manhood.

>> No.7713523

I think albondigas will be my safe word

>> No.7713526

>Just because I'm a woman you can't treat me like trash

We actually could. But that's not why we're doing it. Women on here have the need to call out "hey I'm a grill btw :D" in every fucking thread they're in because they know its guaranteed replies. We are treating you like trash just like we would any tripfag. Its because you're being attention whores on an anonymous website.

I'm also aware there's a high percentage you're a shitposting male teenager, but I'll say this just on the off chance.

>> No.7713529


although this is true, in the spirit of peace, solidarity and brotherhood we will now have a black panther cooking thread. Soul food general.

>> No.7713530

I once ate a bowl of italian meringue by myself.

>> No.7713533


you shouldn't culturally appropriate things like stoves, pots/pans, electricity, internet, agriculture, etc.

>> No.7713542

Not taking an thing away from you, it just seems to me that it might be a little complicated to utter in a bind, how the fuck do you even say that in a full cradle with a ball gauge?

>> No.7713546


I totally agree with this fellow anon. We are anonymous, we do not forgive and we do not forget.

>> No.7713549


I can suck a fat cock and whistle La Marseillaise I can handle it big boy

>> No.7713554
File: 134 KB, 1200x800, soul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I agree, yet soul food was developed from the scraps of the oppressors and meager means for which those left to their own devices were able to scratch from the earth for substance. to which I give you black eyed peas and corn bread.

>> No.7713555


I'll culturally appropriate (and enrich) your mom, your sister and your dawg if you ever talk to me like that again whiteboi.

>> No.7713556

dont you impersonate me


>> No.7713560


Better than eating dirt and other African tribes. You're welcome.

>> No.7713562


>You're welcome

I didn't say thanks bitch nigga. Now fuck off

>> No.7713570


I see you are familiar with some more advanced techniques, I’m sorry I doubted you. what is your comfort with hog tied hanging dog and an electric butt plug?

>> No.7713572


I've been duped by some neck breather impersonateing my conquest.

>> No.7713575

Hard to answer desu. I'm a pro at making incredibly calorie dense dishes.

The worst I can think of was probably my home made rice crispy cakes.

>6 large bars of white chocolate
>entire box of rice crispies
>chunk of butter
>double cream
>small splash of baileys chocolate mint irish cream
>golden syrup
>entire bag of shredded almonds
>2 entire tubs of glazed cherries
>salted pistachio nuts

Made me about 50 good sized cakes. Ate them all in 2 days, moreish as fuck.

>> No.7713587

o lawdy

>> No.7713591

When I used to get stoned I would bake a pan of fudge brownies and use like half a pan, cover it in waaay too much fucking ice cream and then pour over a full saucepan of my home made hot chocolate fudge and sprinkle with crushed nuts.

The recipe for the saucepan of fudge had a day's worth of calories alone.

>> No.7713592


excuse me sir but that in no way could be considered soul food, I'm going to have to very nicely ask you to leave, please.

>> No.7713595

I wanna take a portioned bag of 8 individually wrapped krispy monstrosities and go for a 3 day hike with only them to eat and water.

>> No.7713606

McD chicken nuggers and milkshakes until I could eat no more. Was the only meal I had that day so I was pretty hungry, too.

>> No.7713611


is this some kind of way to get in touch with your inner gay?

>> No.7713618

I wanna fall in love with upper new york state the way others have with Ohio.

>> No.7713619

my friend and i got high and metro'd into D.C. and ate a ton of shitty bar food (onion rings, chili cheese fries, jalepeno poppers, chicken tenders, etc.)

another time we finished an entire pizza each in silence while just staring at one another

i only eat badly when im high or when i want chili real bad

>> No.7713625


are you suggesting ohio is gayer than upstate NY?

>> No.7713626

>another time we finished an entire pizza each in silence while just staring at one another

oh my god, are you fucking serious? an ENTIRE pizza each??????

>> No.7713634

i dont usually eat 5x the normal serving size sorry im not a landwhale ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.7713638

I've seen my stick thin 13 year old nephew devour an entire pizza with ease you absolute pussy

are you 5'1?

>> No.7713643

im 5'4'' and 104 lbs
what can i even say to that? i get stomach aches after eating more than two slices because my stomach isnt fucking gigantic?
how big are the pizzas where you're from? an extra large pizza here is pretty fucking big.

>> No.7713647

are you a femanon or a midget?

>> No.7713650

a femanon

>> No.7713652
File: 1.74 MB, 2036x3604, Ohio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loving your state isn't a gendered thing.

>> No.7713653

why the fuck didn't you say this to start with

it's a bit different when you're a 100 pound female

>> No.7713657


>> No.7713659

you shut the fuck up, she's already mine

>> No.7713660
File: 43 KB, 550x329, pizza-fat-people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes we all remember when you bitches posted your pizza pigout.

>> No.7713661

because when you start with "im a girl" on 4chan people just respond saying youre looking for attention

>> No.7713663

bakc the fuck off!?!?

>> No.7713664

yeah but it's relevant context in this case

look, who do you choose? me or >>7713657

this clown?

>> No.7713665

Then write i'm a midget

>> No.7713667


fuck you manwhore, they like nice guies.

>> No.7713671

i cant decide if im the one opening her throat to chug soda or the one opening a bottle of ranch to use god knows how
its been you since day one bb

>> No.7713673



they don't like that shit, I dated a "little person" when I was 15, she was good people.

>> No.7713675

>its been you since day one bb
I knew it.

You can go ahead and fuck off.

>> No.7713678

>anon getting internet jealous and pretending she replied to him


>> No.7713679
File: 3.96 MB, 200x360, Baba Chases Out The Trash.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they don't like that shit
and I don't like when people say my dick is too fat, but I got over it and so should midgets.

>> No.7713681


yes, I understand your confusion but what most people fail to see is the skinny guy at the sink who is all up in both of them.

>> No.7713683

yes but what about the two manatee shaped magnets on the fridge?

>> No.7713687


while I still find sympathy for you mutated junk it is unkind to dwell on the plight of others of which they have no control over

>> No.7713689

Dwell? Referring to them isn't dwelling. You're dwelling? I was prepared to move on, you got out the nails and started building a dwelling.

>> No.7713690


I don't understand the significance

>> No.7713695


you have moved past dwelling and built you own city of interolerance on a mountian of ignorance.

>> No.7713704

this forum is so racist. fucking disgusting white trash fucks

>> No.7713708

and you've deep bored the earth down to the molten core and built an underground midgetopia approximately the size of new zealand's square mileage length and width wise.

>> No.7713711

>new zealand

that's like a huge land mass, I not sure it's in keeping with your midget joke, there are far smaller islands that might have been funny.

>> No.7713713

>just because they're small that means they need to live in a small place too
It's a midgetopia and it can be as big or small as they like.
Who's the bigot now, bigot.

>> No.7713715


just for science, what triggered you?

>> No.7713721


I'm just saying, like the island of man or Tristan da Cunha would have been a better joke.

>> No.7713727

Midgets and their underground societies aren't a joking matter.

>> No.7713777


*Protects her fiercely with my eyes shining*

>> No.7713780

>for science


>> No.7713786
File: 47 KB, 600x445, beefy mac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably my hamburger mac and cheese.

it's so massively caloric. one cup is probably 500 calories.

>> No.7713791


>> No.7713808

how tasty is this

>> No.7713826

Looks like a slightly better hamburger helper so I imagine passable

>> No.7713840


I only know about this stuff because one of my best friends was deathly afraid of little people which set me out on a mission to troll him with his biggest fear. After years and years of hiring little poeple to randomly show and freak him out (yes there are little people strippers and esscorts for hire). I found myself with a greater understanding of their ways.

>> No.7713858


>don’t mind me here, I’ll just take two things that could be good on their own and ass rape them with the fat end of a garden stick until the cry for mercy so I can shove it in even further.

>> No.7713926

Probably has to be a bowl just filled with meat and cheese.

>> No.7713940

kek this fucking thread

>> No.7713959
File: 123 KB, 708x708, AHI_434d50303935373231_1_LowRes_JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A 2-pound bag of kruidnoten. Literally pic related.

>> No.7713965


a big bowl of cooked loose greasy hamburger mixed with grated cheddar and some mustard on top

>> No.7713982
File: 493 KB, 1920x1280, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got nothing in what people have posted, instead of eating one huge shitty meal, I tend to make small bad decisions (like sometimes I throw oreos in a bowl of milk and eat it with a spoon like cereal)

Special mention to my sister though: during our holiday in the Philippines we went to a "traditional" restaurant and my mum would order a bunch of dishes and we'd just pick from there.

My sister had crispy pata (deep fried pork leg/trotters or knuckle) at the same time with crispy tenga (deep friend pork ears). Makes me sick thinking about it now

>> No.7713997
File: 135 KB, 450x312, circuspnt173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A full bag of these and a pint of chocolate milk.

>> No.7714007
File: 418 KB, 2057x1536, aaT0W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably this, it's called a Zinger Mountain Melt, it's fries, cheese, bacon bits, scallions, and zingers, which are chicken tenders thrown in buffalo or bbq sauce.

>> No.7714597


5/5 would eat

>> No.7714807

God, I was such a fat fuck leading up to my college days. I think I actually got healthier in college, compared to the shit I used to do before.
>large pizzas from my favorite pizzeria were the norm for me
>if I was really hungry, I would order a large meatball sub as well
>once I ordered and ate a "family size", which was a 20'" pizza
>used to come home from school and make s'mores in my microwave for a snack. I made 4, each one containing half a chocolate bar.
>used to eat an entire box of cereal while watching Saturday morning cartoons
>after I got my drivers' license, my go-to snack for lounging around was to pick up a half gallon of milk and an entire bag of cookies and watch a movie or something
>when my parents weren't home, I used to make waffle sundaes consisting of two eggo waffles as a base (usually in a big cereal/salad bowl) with fucktons of ice cream, hot fudge, cookies and whipped cream on top

I've gotten much healthier in the last 10 years of my life, but goddamn. The worst part is, I could still easily do all of this shit, I've just developed the willpower not to.

>> No.7714817

party pizza with pizza rolls on top, then another party pizza flipped upside down on top of it

ate it with a fork like a cake since it was just grease and sauce after it came out the microwave

>> No.7714841

This is the most autistic fucking thread I've ever seen, bar none.

>> No.7714845

chicken with a near-full bottle of teriyaki sauce
thankfully, i didn't eat it for more than a second.

>> No.7715129

I don't think you know what that word means, anon.

>> No.7715213 [DELETED] 

I've eaten vegan Korean food a lot
Usually rice, some sort of jigae and tofu

>> No.7715260

Sorry but I have to ask.. How much did you weigh at your highest? I can't wrap my head around how anyone could eat that much and I've been overweight most part of my life.

>> No.7715275

He drank a gallon of yo mama's stank vagina juice.

>> No.7715289
File: 96 KB, 563x800, truemans-american-style.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ate 5 of these hotdogs cold straight out of the jar watching youtube videos drunk. Then I drank some of the hotdog water (brine).

>> No.7715867

A pizza, can of Pringles, four cans of Full Throttle, most of a 12-pack of Game Fuel, and a couple McDoubles/fries not pictured. I'm 5'10" and and about 145 lbs.

>> No.7715868

how is going down on my mom an insult?

if anything he just dissed himself.

>> No.7715871
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>> No.7715886


bringing back the halo 2 lan memories

>> No.7715888

but are you male or female?

>> No.7715898


>> No.7716227

Three footlong Meatball Marinara subs from Subway, in one sitting.

Even if it isn't actually the unhealthiest meal I've had, I probably could've died from the irony alone.

>> No.7716234

Fuck off nigger, you know all the manlet memes

>> No.7717331

Where are these from? I have never seen canned hot dogs before.

>> No.7717344

I ate at KFC once and underrestimated the size of a bucket.
I felt guilty for enjoying it.

>> No.7717392

At my highest, probably about 270, but I'm also 6' 3". You do realize your weight has very little to do with how much you can eat, right? Being fat does not give you a higher capacity for food.

How, exactly, is eating three footlong subs "ironic"?

>> No.7717394

once I took an almost empty jar of nutella, filled it with sweetened condensed milk, maple syrup and liquified bakers' chocolate and drank it. that was probably worst meal

>> No.7717415
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>> No.7717485

c-cause y'know, It's yo mama dog! She raised you and shit.

You make for a terrible black person, anon.

>> No.7717533

a 12 pack of beer

>> No.7717548

You are retarded, being larger impacts your BMR which has a direct impact on hunger levels

>> No.7717549

>the most unhealthy thing I've ever drank was hoppy water. My usual diet has been coconut milk and activated almonds since birth

Whatever faggot

>> No.7717589

I've had few pretty embarrassing pig outs

>30 beers
>a gyro, a large Greek salad, and a whole Pizza
>a party size bag of cheetos, 12 tall cans of PBR, and a 40oz bottle of malt liquor
>ate out two chicks, then we got super stoned and ate 36 donuts and killed a handle of vodka mixed with 4.5 liters of mango jarritos

>> No.7717607

Why is this little guy always so mad?

>> No.7717609

Are these dog biscuits?

>> No.7717733

I've had this more than once

Sonic foot long chili dog, with a large(foot long)tray of chili cheese tots washed down with a small chocolate malt

>> No.7717738

Are you an alcoholic? That's not what he said, that's not what he was responding to, and you sound angry and confused.

>> No.7717752

I just ran the calories for >>7717733


>> No.7717758

That's 1848 calories of beer man, at least

>> No.7717761

didn't mean to trigger you

>> No.7717762

It's at least 3500-4000 calories, which is way more than anyone who isn't a professional athlete needs.

>> No.7717769

A vegan sausage. Ingredient list read like gutter oil mixed with monsanto refuse crammed into a plastic tube.

>> No.7717773

I just ate like 10 oreos smothered in peanut butter it was pretty gnarly. Craziest thing I've ever eaten was a Roast Beef sandwhich with Doritos crushed inside.

>> No.7717908

I eat that much daily.. I'm no athlete. Im active, but most of its my metabolism. I just eat when I'm hungry.

My lady makes some really good fry bread. I smother it with butter and sugar with cinnamon. Easily 3000 calorie and 30 grams of fat.

>> No.7718557

Two cheeseburgers and about 1kg of fries.

>> No.7718564

Six hamburgers, and scotch all night
Nicotine for breakfast just to set me right

>> No.7718698

You haven't seen Hooters wings recently have you? Last time I got 10 wings it was 3.2lbs.

>> No.7718701

Casu marzu.

Fucking disgusting.

>> No.7718705

You're either lying or misinformed

>> No.7719343

The whole point of Subway is (attempt) to eat healthier.

I ate three of the unhealthiest thing on their menu, in the largest size available, in one sitting.

>> No.7719609 [DELETED] 


>> No.7719617

>if I defend le fair maiden on the interwebz, she will surely have sex with me!
End your life, you pathetic whiteknight faggot.

>> No.7719620


>> No.7719641


mother of christ, your lack of words and implications have my loins in flames.

>> No.7719684


>> No.7720176

My step-son Tyrone is more mature than you.

>> No.7720192

Well I just made and ate it

>> No.7720256

That sounds so good

>> No.7720263
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1 block away from me

>> No.7720267
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>peanut butter

>> No.7720271

nice pic bro

>> No.7720276

>6 hamburgers (double patties), with the works (cheese, bacon, lettuce, onion, tomato)
>6 sausage sandwiches (whole, long and fat sausages), with a generous amount of chimmichurri each

I was 16 and a fatass. Absolutely gorged myself when my parents weren't watching.

I was constipated for 3 days shitting out nothing but clear slime with specks of some unidentified substance in them. On the end of the third day I shat out a small rock-hard mini-turd, and my bowels immediately felt empty. So I cleaned my ass and went to bed.

Quite literally seconds after falling asleep, my asshole went from "just fine" to "SEND ALL THE FUCKING HELP I'M DOING" instantly. Ran to the bathroom, 10-second jetstream of liquified shit came out. I swear to God, had I ate another burger I would have achieved lift-off on that toilet. My ass was torn, there was blood when I wiped, and it hurt so bad I had to cry myself to sleep. My ass was still sore the day after.

I've lost 20kg since then.

>> No.7720280

I love places like this

>> No.7720284

It's good.

>> No.7720287

Oh, and I completely forgot to include;

>like two salamis, a pound of cheese, and a kilo of bread as "appetizers" before the main meal
>god knows how much chips and salty carby shit I had alongside the burgers and sausages
>three bowls of bread pudding
>two slices of cake
>enough soda to give a horse DIABEETUS

>> No.7720294

Misinformed.. You're right.. Just googled it.

>> No.7720297

the "misinformed" bit was most likely because you are overestimating your calories and metabolism or underestimating the fact you're a fat ass.

what's yr bmi?

>> No.7720313

Just as a hint
On average, a 6'2 30 year old male with a somewhat active lifestyle still needs to eat at most 2800 calories to stay less than 210 pounds

>> No.7720336

he's obese..i wanna hear it from the whale's mouth.

>> No.7720438
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One night in university I got a bag of tortilla chips, then a thing of salsa, a thing of that fucked up fake cheese shit that's spicy, and a thing of bean dip, sort of put them all together, and ate that for 2 days.

I considered having my stomach pumped.

>> No.7720568
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500g of pure black fondant in one sitting
My shit was purple for days

>> No.7720827
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I used to be able to devour these entire little caesar's pizzas in one sitting. Pizza and a two liter of Coke.

Those were some fun Saturdays.

>> No.7720838

I'm a super obese female here and eat a lot everyday. I just don't really keep track but I know I eat a lot and yes I enjoy my food

>> No.7720863

why why why why why

>> No.7721892
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not my pic but I've had this exact meal

>> No.7723618


>Binge on grilled cheese sandwiches fried in butter
>feel super depressed (as normal, after eating)
>try to purge and realize cheese clumps together and bread is hard to come up

It was 1 year ago tomorrow

>> No.7724128

everyday for me

>> No.7724153
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I ate a whole box of Ritz Bits. I just didn't feel like making anything at all.

>> No.7724165

>closing up at Taco Bell at 4AM on Thanksgiving Day
>no carryover so anything that's opened/cooked gets used, taken home, or thrown away
>this sounds good until you realize that we have to stop making new food a few hours earlier to reduce waste
>so there is no meat, no beans, all we had was rice and cheese and for an hour the only thing we were making was quesadillas
>we all made big fuckoff plates of nachos when it came time to close up
>realize there is an ENTIRE TRAY of Cinnabons, untouched
And that's how I ate an entire dozen Cinnabons by myself in one sitting. I felt fucking awful afterward. I did get to take home an entire bag of 3-cheese and a pan of bacon bits, though.

>> No.7724205


Last time I did it back in '09 I had a panic attack for 2 hours.

>> No.7724208

Literally just a drinking glass filled with nothing but sugar.

>> No.7724241

I was in Portugal in Easter and had a local speciality: a so called Francesinha.... Wew that shit is like a readymade Heartattack. ( The Restaurant was literally full of fatasses who eat that shit every weak... oh Portugal)

>> No.7724260

Today I had a bowl of raisen bran crunch with a banana sliced up, a fast break candy bar king size 450 cals for the entire bar, a can of diet coke and two monster green cans and maybe two handfuls of choco covered raisens. How bad did I do? Also I'm new to /ck/ pls go easy on me oh and I'm a guy 5'6 168 lbs.

>> No.7724270

Your diet's absolutely fucked, enjoy your diabeetus. Literally worse than eating 5,000 calories a day.

>> No.7724392
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did something like pic related soon after I got my own apartment.
Spent the next three days eating it then threw away the rest. It was glorious but it's not worth it to spend the rest of the week being ashamed of yourself.

>> No.7724473

I eat two of these a week along with 7 2 liters of mountain dew.

>> No.7724481

>calories are bad

>> No.7724518
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I used to eat these fuckers every day.

we threw a mett-party once and after a eating ~20 Mettbrötchen I finally had enough and felt a bit sick

>> No.7724529

I ate an entire giant rack of smoked pork ribs in BBQ once, it must have been like 3000+ calories

>> No.7724536

I don't think that's what he was saying, just that an excessive amount (5k calories is excessive for most people) is bad.

>> No.7724548


If you knew anything about food, nutrition, or diet you would know that a female has different needs than a male. But instead, you're a fat basement dwelling neckbeard who comes on here to fap over pictures of hamburgers.

>> No.7724629

Three pounds of barbecued pork belly, a bunch of cancer-causing pickles, more rice, kimchi, soy-braised potatoes, bean sprout salad and seaweed salad than should be legally allowed to be served a single human being, two pots of tea and a tiny demitasse of persimmon-and-cinnamon punch. Not even fat. 6ft. 176lbs.

>> No.7724639

I had a meal in Hungary once where everything that was not smoked was either cured with nitrite salt or deep fried
washed it all down with a lot of peach schnaps
I could literally feel the cancer and the beetus battling it out for first dibs on my liver

>> No.7724648


>> No.7724655

you narrowly escaped death from impaction aka drowning in your own shit, internally
good on you, I guess

>> No.7724658

i think dominos gets pretty bad, when i get the cheesy bread and wings. you can feel your heart hurting.

i dont do that anymore

>> No.7724827

I'm fat as hell and eat a lot

>> No.7724833

I might start doing that too

>> No.7724847
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Ramen with mayo. Every bit as creamy and disgusting as you'd imagine.

>> No.7725120

> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I don't think I've ever seen a more cancerous faggot. It's time to leave.

>> No.7725130

I was fat as hell back then too.

Those panic attacks though.

>> No.7725165

double-battered, deep fried burger with chorizo-queso on top on a krispy kreme donut

>> No.7725510

why would you panic? I don't much care about my weight but I love food so I'm not worried that I eat like way more than an average person. in fact I enjoy it

>> No.7725969
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You obese fuck. A small fries and a WHOLE BEER?

>> No.7725972

Large pizza, full order of cheese sticks, 2 liter of mountain dew, 6 beers

>> No.7725982


~30 beers and some liquor minus what i puked up

>> No.7726007

Same here.

I was dumb enough to try it twice but with some hot wings. Vinegar don't help the vomiting.

>> No.7726480
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>why would you panic?

Excessive cortisol.

I've lost 100 lbs since then, but it still happens when I eat the occasional calorie bomb pastry.

>> No.7726493

i ate a slice of pizza from new york and immediately contracted down syndrome and sculiosis. my wife's son had to carry me back home to chicago

>> No.7726850

heard that all before. I thought maybe it was something else other than health wise you panicked

>> No.7726859

did a deep dish pizza cure you?

>> No.7726880

no. i remain severely mentally retarded and physically contorted to this day. thankfully my wifes son beats my ass if i start acting too crazy

>> No.7726912


30 slim jims and a pack of twizzlers filled twists, fucked me up.

>> No.7727062

its me again >>7724260

today i had 2 chicken chalupas no sour cream or tomato bleh hate that stuff, a hard shell and baja blast big cup, and for this morning had half a cup of milk and orange juice blended up with 1/4 cup of strawberries and 1/4 cup of blueberries with two or three dolopes of yogurt to make a smoothie. hows my diabetes looking now senpai >>7724270

i have a green monster can sitting infront of me debating weather i drink it or not, might have a starbucks venti frap or my fastbreak.

>> No.7727137

I got to round 50 of the McNugget Power Hour. I've definitely eaten more calories during my Taco Bell binges, but that was the unhealthiest, all that fucking sodium. Still beat my friend so it was arguably worth it.

>> No.7727139

I've had two pound stir fries, tubs of ice cream for dinner, eaten two massive large pizzas with a tonne of toppings, hell I've even been kicked from buffets. I'm 145lbs at 6 feet. I used to be 20 pounds underweight.
Oh and if it matters, I'm a woman.
Somehow I can just eat a fuck tonne of food
Also, not the person you were responding to but this is pretty relevant :P
(Also I don't exercise or calorie count)

>> No.7727505


>> No.7727513

You wouldn't happen to appreciate the vag, would you? You just might be my dream woman. One I could cook for every day.

Pls b geh.

>> No.7727773

This is the kind of thing I love to read. I used to down entire boxes of cereal too. I would put whipped cream on the cereal sometimes. I could also do that right now, but I've developed willpower. Food was always my way to avoid stress and problems.

>> No.7727793

What do you feel the most guilt about eating

>> No.7727831

Whoa, man, calm down.

>> No.7728109
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>ITT: /b/ stops by and carefully derails one particular thread, sort of as a targeted raid

>> No.7729204

Oddly enough, yes

>> No.7729232

One time my mom baked a cake for St. Patrick's Day, green frosting and all. She made too much frosting, however, so there was a bowl of it left over. I ate it. I ate it all. Later that day was the most festive poo I've ever taken.

>> No.7729234

Deep fry a brioche bun and put literally anything on it to experience death.

>> No.7729239

Honestly that doesn't seem all that unhealthy in proper quantities. Carbs and a shitload of protein sounds like a good workout meal.

>> No.7729275

So my giant dream woman does exist somewhere.

I now have hope

>> No.7729288

I legit think there is something wrong with me...
I can eat so much fucking food and I don't have to worry about the consequences.....

>> No.7729296
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I had some left over cool whip so I made this thing that's literally just a bunch of cool whip and Jello coconut pudding powder mixed together and chilled. It's supposed to be a fruit dip but I don't have any fruit so I just ate a bowl of it.

It's better the second day after the Jello powder has finished melting into the cool whip.

>> No.7729333
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>inb4 being a haxor

>> No.7729389

ahh yes, the notorious little french girl

>> No.7729831

Jar of peanut butter.

>> No.7730971


I drank a liter of half cream half milk once. I dunno if it's considered a meal but...

>> No.7730983

>6 hamburgers (double patties), with the works (cheese, bacon, lettuce, onion, tomato)
bobandy is that you?

>> No.7732283

Cholesterol is like the least harmful food thing ever

>> No.7733556

Was high. Had a pack of Melba Toast. Had butter. Ran out of butter.