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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 32 KB, 590x405, Kidney-Stone-on-Fingertip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7710749 No.7710749 [Reply] [Original]

You drink AT LEAST a gallon of water a day, right /ck/?

>> No.7710752

what does it mean if i cum out kidney stones? they smell rancid rite

>> No.7711387

How does a person drink a gallon every day? all i can picture is just guzzling from the gallon jugs constantly.

>> No.7711406

i've gotten better at drinking water after I found out I can buy a little fake plastic lime filled with lime juice and squirt it into my cup before pouring the water.
most water sucks, and fiji is too expensive
My brother gets kidney stones and won't listen to reason. I tell him to drink more water, he says his arizona tea is mostly water so it should count. well it obviously fucking doesn't if you're still getting them

>> No.7711412
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what's worse bladder stones or kidney stones?

>> No.7711416

How is this food or cooking related?

>> No.7711420
File: 24 KB, 400x400, VfG1yuA6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usually about two to three liters of water per day. Along with a fifth of vodka, some coffee here and there and some cheap-ass merlot.

Yes, I have to piss all the fucking time.

>> No.7711441


>> No.7711444

Water is food

>> No.7711451


probably more like 2 or 3 gallons

>> No.7711471

I've had kidney stones before.
You will KNOW when you pass one or a piece of one. It's on par with being repeatedly kicked in the back, groin, and dick.

>> No.7711509

When my body tells me it's thirsty, I drink until I'm not. Why does everyone have to overcomplicate things?

>> No.7711530

I was allowed to bring water to school in 1st grade and have a bottle of it on my desk, so drinking water frequently is the default for me at this point anyway.

A gallon might be too much if your not doing yard work the entire day though.

>> No.7711572

Kidney stones are more directly related to sodium intake. As long as you don't have a shitload of salt in your diet and drink fluids regularly, you have nothing to worry about.

>> No.7711612

Fuck, those were the days. Back when schools allowed water.

>> No.7711619


kidney stones

the ureter is much smaller, once the stone makes its way into your bladder you have much higher chance of passing it although it will still cause pain

>> No.7711622

Water is sustenance, not food.

>> No.7711626

>Be in the Army where Kidney stones are very popular
>Haven't had one yet

>> No.7711630
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I drink at least 3.5L per day.


>> No.7711631


>> No.7711639


>> No.7711640
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>Dying for the Jewry

>> No.7711648

I think he means that his school didn't allow him to bring water in class

Which is dumb, sounds like he grew up in commie land

>> No.7711694

I usually drink a gallon just during my morning shift at work. It's hard at first but you get really used to it. Plus killing time to go to the pisser every thirty minutes is fun. You gotta stay hydrated kiddos.

>> No.7711712

How do I acquire a kidney stone of my own creation? Do I drink and eat lots of sugar? Also, what's the texture like? Does it crumble or is it more like a gemstone? I want to give it to my loved one. It's so lovely.

>> No.7711716


i drink 4L of watered down herbal tea by noon.

>> No.7712764
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This plus tall mugs of cold brew decaf and filling a nalgene with water during the work day

It's easy

>> No.7712768

does beer count?

>> No.7712776


>> No.7712777

coffee doesn't count towards your water intact mate

>> No.7712795

Caffeine is indeed a mild diuretic but I drink decaf

>> No.7712827

Wow. People are this dumb or did I just get trolled?

>> No.7712875

Because waiting until you're thirsty is like not stepping out of the path of an oncoming car until you feel it tap your body.

>> No.7712881

He was mocking the first three words chosen by >>7711530

>> No.7712884

That is a fine simile.

>> No.7712886

Coffee makes you piss, retard.

>> No.7712913

No shit, doofus but it will still hydrate you. Fuck. Did I just get trolled again?

>> No.7712918

>tried drinking soda when parched thirsty
>tried drinking juice while parched thirsty
>never again
>never again

Water will always be the first option. Drinking juice or soda when really thirsty is just uncomfortable to the throat. Blehh...

>> No.7712923

I drink water when I'm actually thirsty and I'll have soda or beer to accompany a meal

>> No.7712930

The "8 glasses of water a day" thing is a meme, as long as you drink when you're thirsty you'll be fine

>> No.7712963

I hope no one falls for this troll attempt.

>> No.7712973

It's true. Do you think it's natural to force an entire gallon of water into your body every day? You'd be pissing every 15 minutes if you did that, unless your were sweating a lot.

>> No.7712985

If you're only drinking when you're thirsty then you're doing something wrong. Lack of hydration can be damaging in so many ways. Drink water, people.

>> No.7712992

You're an idiot. I'm not saying wait to you'll parched to drink water, but forcing yourself to drink excessive amounts of water is not natural.

>> No.7712996

It's fucking summer and my workplace is also pretty warm, so I'm constantly refilling my water bottle. I'm pretty sure I've reached my daily gallon threshold.

>> No.7713009

I'm the idiot yet you're the one making up claims. Who in this fucking thread said drink "excessive amounts of water?"

Retard. You drink an adequate amount of water but you do it before your body sends you a thirst alarm.

This is college freshman level A&P. How poorly educated are you?

>> No.7713016

A gallon is likely an excessive amount of water for most people, barring extreme physical activity.

I used to be a garbageman and I would sweat my ass off, I would bust my ass for 4-5 hours and I drank a lot of water but it would still only be like 2 liters total.

>> No.7713020

I eat a ton of salt. I am probably kill.
i don't skimp on the water though. drink tons of that shit.

>> No.7713021

I didn't realize I was talking to an anorexic midget.

>> No.7713026

do you piss 15 times a day?

>> No.7713274

If you work in a 40C+ kitchen 6 days a week you get in the habit of drinking a lot of water. I have a 60oz bottle of water and I refill it at least twice per shift

>> No.7713299

fuck I only have a 32oz bottle t hat I only refill once during my shift.

am I going to die?

>> No.7713305

no, not everyone sweats the same amount

as long as you don't let yourself go thirsty you should be fine

>> No.7713350

I drink 1.5+ gallons a day and used to make threads on fit daily to remind people to Drink their gallon
A separate thread to remind to take their fish oil
And 2 more one as a reminder to take their vitamin d and then their multi
This was like 4 or 5 years ago though
I stopped because it stopped being funny but it is overall p good advice
People eventually started copying me and then they stopped as well

>> No.7713396

Then what happened? Don't leave us hanging.

>> No.7713429


Food is sustenance, therefore water is food.

>> No.7713459

Yeah, mixed with sugar and alcohol variations.

Quick request, (as I don't see a request thread on this board). Does anyone have the Ramen noodle tier charts, with the recipes on them? Much thanks if you do. I'm trying to help a poorfag friend.

>> No.7713469

I've gone weeks drinking nothing but mt dew.

Yet I live and no stones yet.

>> No.7713484

Poor choice of words, girly man. Get some stones.

>> No.7713943

passing mine just stung a little. it was when it was still in my guts that it hurt like hell.

sodium only matters because it causes water retention. kidney stones are made out of oxalates.

>> No.7713955

I've a ~800ml water bottle which I refill about 2-3 times a day

So I guess I average about 1-2 litres. I really have to discipline myself to refill it though cos otherwise I won't drink anything at all throughout the day

>> No.7713960

coffee & tea actually dehydrate you

>> No.7713961

There are more benefits than avoiding kidney stones

prevents diseases, good for skin

>> No.7713986

This is true, however for motivation the prospect of kidney stones is more frightening

>I don't drink water and drink some soda? Oh my skin is a bit dry? Big deal.

sounds better than


drink water, folks.

>> No.7714031

Well people often underestimate the power of a healthy skin. It makes you a lot more attractive and that should be a motivator

>> No.7714097
File: 11 KB, 298x298, man_drinking_water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>father had kidney stones some time back
>described it as the worst pain he has ever felt while still high from the painkillers
>read more about them on the interwebs
>it's hereditary

>> No.7714116

No. What occurs in your feeble little brain to make you believe such nonsense?

>> No.7714154

agreed. and why the fuck is california complaining about a water shortage?! there's an ocean right there!!!

>> No.7714186

that much water can be just unhealthy if not deadly

>> No.7714194

Subtle sarcasm, I get it. However, you can consume a can of coke and benefit from its water content. The diuretic effect might take away ten to twenty percent but your body will enjoy the rest. Stop falling victim to old wives tales.

>> No.7714196


if you chug it all at once

>> No.7714251
File: 182 KB, 335x447, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit nigga my dad had kidney stones too

I don't want to be am kill

>> No.7714269

It's pretty easy to drink a Gallon if you easily exert yourself doing something. Chances are you barely fucking move.

>> No.7714274

The Arizona tea is probably helping make more stones. I'd just let him suffer

>> No.7714278

>some kid brings in vodka in a water bottle to class
>found out and now no one can bring in water to class

fml senpai

>> No.7714286
File: 9 KB, 236x177, readyornot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


can they still bring in vodka?

>> No.7714493
File: 19 KB, 400x300, kidney stones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pass the mountain dew bro

>> No.7714511


Damn right I do. I've been recycling the very same gallon for the past week.

>> No.7714520

Looks like STALKER artefacts

>> No.7714549

I drink a gallon of beer a day desu

>> No.7714554

Why would I drink water when I can have delicious coca cola at all times? I'm not poor.

>> No.7714564

Here in Bosnia we were never allowed any drinks in school under the premise that you can hold out for the length of school day.

>> No.7714640

Why would you drink soda when you're thirsty?

I drink it when I'm not thirsty but want a tasty treat.

>> No.7714644


>> No.7714660

the pain from a kidney stone in the ureter is apparently one of the most excruciating pains a human can experience

>> No.7714663

An ice cold soda on a hot afternoon is amazing, anon.

>> No.7714669

If you get kidney stones a doctor can use an ultrasound device to shatter the stone into many little pieces you can easily piss out.

>> No.7714677


as the guy you replied to, i'm quite aware


actually lithotripsy has one of the lowest success rates but its generally the first option because its the least invasive

>> No.7714918

>only drink when you're thirsty
>only breathe when you're about to pass out
>only eat when you're on the ground starving
>only pull out when you feel it start to dribble out
>only study just before the test

>> No.7714928

Probably either a little over or a little under a gallon a day. Depends on what I'm doing.

>> No.7714949
File: 31 KB, 384x474, 1311144554466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to google someone once had a 2.5lb kidney stone.


>> No.7714960


sad thing is, its the tiny ones that hurt the most

i had an 8mm and 12mm bilateral, i wasn't aware pain could even reach that level

>> No.7714971

I drink at least 64 ounces a day but I owe that to being a dirty spic landscaper

>> No.7714978

but your liver anon...

>> No.7714989

I just saw on google as well that the most kidney stones in one person at a single time is 172,155.


The absolute horror

>> No.7715055


how you would keep from killing yourself is beyond me

>> No.7715099

do men get kidney stones more than women? or is just because women have shorter urethras they can piss them out easier?

>> No.7715119


i believe women get them more but have less complications due to their plumbing

>> No.7715380

why arent they jagged like normal kidney stones? did they all smooth each other out is is this clickbait?

>> No.7715521


there's different types, not all are jagged

>> No.7715603


I don't drink much soda, unless I'm out and having it in a cocktail...but every now and then I get a craving for a coca cola poured over a cup full of ice. Still one of the bests tastes in the world. I know what you're saying here

>> No.7715636

It's something about the burn of the carbonation and the cold temperature that's really refreshing.

>> No.7715640

Riiiiiight because everything in life has to have the same rules as everything else. No variations allowed.

I don't even necessarily agree with the guy who said only drink when you're thirsty. I drank quite a bit of water throughout the day, but you don't need to oversimplify things dude :/

>> No.7715984

He gave some guy incorrect advice as a joke, it killed him.

>> No.7716067

I had kidney stones once and will literally kill myself if I have them again. My parents are both dead, I have no siblings, and I'm a 42 year old virgin, I have nothing to lose.

>> No.7716096
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>nothing to lose

>> No.7716101

buy a prostitute you imbecile

>> No.7716291

so, anything else you can do to prevent kidney stones?

>> No.7716301
File: 944 KB, 1000x3400, 1445660518039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7716307


lower salt intake
drink lots of water
limit foods with oxallate
citric acid also helps prevent stone formation

>> No.7716354

so avoid all healthy food. got it.

>> No.7716655

Drink water till your pee runs clear.
Then it's time to switch to beer.

>> No.7716668

never eat red meat again

>> No.7717527

Whoa wtf is that like a dinosore kidney stone

>> No.7717834

Not him but
>spend a whack of money
>go to prison
Sounds good man

>> No.7717886

Women suffer much more pain at childbirth than any other pain you could have which is why men need electrodes attached to their groin so they can learn some empathy.

>> No.7717906

but what if you did sports?

>> No.7718168

>So many people ITT who think drinking lots of coffee and tea actually prevents stones.


>> No.7718194

Gallstones can lead to pancreatitis: when you have so many stones that your bile can't get through. Shit is deadly.

You can pass kidney stones, but you can't pass gallstones.

>> No.7718207
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>> No.7718219

actually the body naturally releases shit loads of painkillers during birth, as well as other chemicals that otherwise makers them forget the pain during childbirth

women be cucking you good fag

>> No.7718350

Thanks anon.