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7709983 No.7709983 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best poor man's beer?

>> No.7709986

Keystone or Hamm's

>> No.7709987

Do you have a drinking problem? Natty Daddy Tall Cans

If not, rolling rock.

>> No.7709989

natty ice. downed 3 40s today, cost=7 dollars

>> No.7709991

PB & R

>> No.7710005

Coors Light, but boxed wine has a better price alcohol ratio.

>> No.7710009

I think if you do the math a big box of Franzia is the cheapest alcohol available for purchase, might have changed a while ago.

In terms of beer, I'm partial to Milwaukee's Best Ice myself. But that's mostly for sentimental reasons.

>> No.7710018

You nailed it, mofo. Natty Ice is the highest ABV with fewest calories. Get drunk - not fat.

>> No.7710180

Talking budget beer and alcohol percentages
Walgreens has "Big Flats" beer, 6 pack for $3.21 here
Otherwise, it's 4 tallboys for $4.05 and you can either get Natural Ice which is 5.9% or Icehouse which is 5.5%.
If you're looking to spend even less than $4, you might have to try the 25oz cans of High Gravity Icehouse which are 8% and don't taste like death. The other 8% beers do taste like death, particularly Hurricane, Steel Reserve, Olde English 800 and Natty Daddy.

Currently trying to figure out if 99Bananas are a good deal comparatively, I think liquor is quicker and they're just airplane bottles so it's less shit to throw away.

>> No.7710263

Exactly wtf is Natty Daddy?

>> No.7710272

I looked it up on this obscure website called Google.

>> No.7710413


And I thought $5.99 for a six-pack of Rolling Rock was cheap.

>> No.7710417

Niggers aren't even living the High Life. KYSelves.

>> No.7710422


I don't mind drinking it even

>> No.7710770
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8% alc and 99 cents for 24 ounces.

It's an ungodly sweet nig drink.

>> No.7710786
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MGD or PBR are the best.

>> No.7710818

>no mention of Busch Lite
It's like yall never went to college.

>> No.7711189
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I usually drink pic related when Im broke. Its just 4.99, or i could buy the 30 pack of 12oz cans for $14 at Walmart.

Or the six pack of Old E 16 oz'ers for 3.99

3.99 for a s tallboy sixer of Old E

>> No.7711192
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>> No.7711951


>> No.7711954

I believe they asked for cheap beer

>> No.7711961

It's not just cheap it's fucking tasty

>> No.7711969
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This or pic related

>> No.7712030

A 30 pack of PBR is like $15.

>> No.7712041

A 30 rack of PBR is easily 20$

>> No.7712078

You gotta start buying your beer at the grocery store pham.

>> No.7712261
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My college go to

>> No.7712291

High Life, Colt 45, or Bud Ice.

>> No.7712300

Steel Reserve. A buck for a tall ass can. Eight percent alc.

>> No.7712302
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For my hueones out there

>> No.7712331

What kind of chew-spitting hillbilly motherfucker are you if you like Keystone of all things? Shit's like slurping on redneck saliva.

>> No.7712338

so do people pretend to like IPAs or what

>> No.7712345

Keystone is LITERALLY Coors. It's just the slightly more bitter bottom third of the vat.

>> No.7712491

>nobody has posted Yuengling yet
Where my PA bros at?

>> No.7712496

Steel reserve

It taste like alcoholism!

>> No.7712540
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ok I guess around $2 a bottle isn't INCREDIBLY cheap, but it's cheap for me and still tastes good.

>> No.7712555


>$2 a bottle

back it the fuck up big spender, this thread is not for you.

>> No.7712558

they are slightly larger than normal bottles.

>> No.7712559

Around here, (north central fla), rolling rock. Depends what you're after though. In terms of pure alcoholism, Steel Reserve will always be the best bet

>> No.7712575


nigga, I get hams for 10.99 a thirty pack....do the math.

>> No.7712585
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strohs is pretty good imo. in college I went from natty --> pbr --> strohs. haven't bought any of that shit in a few years though.

>> No.7712586

Keystone doesn't have that strong of a taste, it's easy drinking for casual or to chug

>> No.7712591

Bitter bottomass of the barrel.
Pbr or rolling rock is the only objectively correct answer

>> No.7712600

>Pbr or rolling rock is the only objectively correct answer

nope, both taste like complete ass. Even worse pbr has this thick stomach renching ass clogging property that is undesirable.

>> No.7712604

PBR = oil shits

>> No.7712642

This is what's up.

>> No.7712677


I'm not really sure what kind of ungaying training camp you went to that for some inexplicable reason you reference as "college" but if you took one look at their advertising where the tag line of “champagne of beers” is used as a metaphor for husky older gentlemen seducing unsuspecting youth.

>> No.7712682

It's still over or around 20$

>> No.7712690
File: 220 KB, 1000x802, coors_light_can_before_after.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't beat an ice cold Coors if you're looking for cheap ass beer.

>> No.7712693
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This is usually my go to. Cheap, relatively high ABV and tastes alright

>> No.7712708


goddammit. this serves only one purpose. If I ever get really constipated, I’ll break down and get some of this liquid gold ass juice mega relaxer and regret it for the next three days when I’m blowing brown water outta my pink hole.

>> No.7712750

Gennesse is my fave.

>> No.7712770

ah, the good old milwaukees best shits. I know those all too well

>> No.7712774

Damn, really? What state?

Got a 30 of PBR for 15.99 at from Meijer in Michigan Friday. It's on sale for less than that often.

>> No.7712781

Throwing myself in the Hamm's camp.

>> No.7712800

I'd skip Costco's Kirkland Light, shit is basically water.

I'd have to buck trend here and go with Rainier, even though it's probably just PBR with a different can.

>> No.7712816

Which Meijer? I go to the one on Eureka and Pardee in Taylor.

>> No.7712844

23 and Gratiot.

>> No.7712849

I'm going to have to try this Hamm's shit.

>> No.7712852

marketers pls go.

>> No.7712908
File: 187 KB, 1600x1067, Narragansett-Lager.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently took a trip up north and decided to give these a go. It's not bad at all.

>> No.7712978

How would you know what ass taste like?>>7712604
>oil shits
Do yoy eat grease while drinking pbr?

>> No.7713002


Is this a trick question? because I have both eaten shitty oil and drank pbr.

>> No.7713004

No, but my shits the next morning make it seam that way.

>> No.7713017

Why would you have a seam in your feces?

>> No.7713019

Did you eat glue in school also?
Do you drink water before bed. It sounds like you just drink till you pass out.
Though Milwaukee's bes gives me shits.

>> No.7713030

>It sounds like you just drink till you pass out.

Best way to drink when you're drinking alone bruh.

>> No.7713038

I will have to agree to that

>> No.7713041

>you just drink till you pass out.

is there another way to drink?

>> No.7713042


>> No.7713045

High Life if you want to drink to drink, Steel Reserve if you want to drink to get drunk.

>> No.7713054

With your mouth silly
>steel reserve
I shuddered reading that. Thats if you want to wake up regretting what you did last night.

>> No.7713075

Or have a good time and not remember anything to regret.

>> No.7713081

No good tines were had with steel reserve

>> No.7713085

>regretting what you did last night.

he doesn't even drink away the regret

>> No.7713106

I tried Steel Reserve once, and it was the worst beer I have every tasted. Icehouse is 2nd.

>> No.7713119

I can't stand Icehouse, but love Steel Reserve. My girlfriend thinks both are disgusting, but she can stomach Icehouse.

>> No.7713122
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>he's never had camo

>> No.7713129


how far south of the mason dixon line do you live?

>> No.7713130

it's the same level as busch/old milwaukee/pbr/blatz/etc. i just like it slightly better.

>> No.7713143

New Hampshire

>> No.7713164

Pbr really sometimes hams or old milwaukees. Out west i would get rainiers and oles in the northeast now and get nastygansetts sometimes if im feeling ritzy

>> No.7713166
File: 129 KB, 630x630, Narragansett-Beer-2-630x630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this anon gets it. The basic lager is 6.50 for a tallboy sixpack down the street from me, and i've heard them go as low as 5 (I live in a city for the record)
they make a shitload of random beers also, and most are worth trying, but those are for the beer thread.

>> No.7713190

Yeah I saw they started having some sorta craft beers I had the Lovecraft themed one it was decent I liked the can a lot personally

>> No.7713257


live free or die fag.....yep you're like the true south in the north.

>> No.7713345

Natty Ice my high school goto.

College was coors/bud lights.

Now its Sam, or Red's. Unless I'm going for drunk then its PBR's or Bud Lights if we're playing Beirut

>> No.7713464

You go to Lehigh?

>> No.7713489

Do you really think only one school plays that game?

>> No.7713497

No, but I've only heard it called that from people who went there. Everywhere else it's just "pong".

>> No.7713501

Rainier is the best beer I've ever had.

>> No.7713505

my niggers
>college parties
>friends and i would get a pallet of gansett (colloquialism for like 24 tallboys on a cardboard tray) for like $17
>tasty, cheap, and good times were had
busch lite gets my vote for #2, 55 bucks will fill a keg

>> No.7713514

Gosh, I don't now.

>> No.7713515

If you're in Alberta, TNT strong malt. Normally malt liquor is complete trash, but TNT when cold tastes like a fine dark beer with a good maltiness to it. $6 for 6, Canada and all.

>> No.7713521

Back in the early 90s, they had a funny commercial. A rice burner motorcycle was flying down the road, switching gears. It sounded like Raaaaaaai-neeeeeeeeer-beeeeeeer.

>> No.7713565

Yuengling is pretty cheap so thats my go to

>> No.7713589

Yuengling (if it's on sale) > High Life > Busch Copper > PBR > Rolling Rock

>> No.7714091
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I fuckin love PBR, it's so cheap and delicious.

My favorite beers by price range are


I'm too poor and not enough of a beer snob to really buy anything else unless there's a crazy sale on it.

>> No.7714121

I'm at the beach drinking Natty Ice right now.

>> No.7714126
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>> No.7714133
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>> No.7714185

>Enjoy cheap beer, appreciate good beer

this is the only path to pure zen. Steel Reserve 40s are my ticket to basically-free-good-times

>> No.7714215
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>> No.7714261

What actually is Milwaulkee's Best? Is it just Miller that didn't make the cut?

>> No.7714288

rolling rock by far. keystone is basically just water, pbr makes me fart really bad the next day so i stopped drinking it. i literally fart all day when i'm hungover off that shit it's awful.

>> No.7714359

my vote is for Coor's. Natty makes me wish for death

>> No.7714399

The champagne of beers

>> No.7714403

Literally best beer

>> No.7714404

Keystone is the shit a lot better than natural ice, Taste similar but it's a lot smoother

>> No.7714441

Keystone ice is my goto. Cheaper than Arizona Icee Tea here.

>> No.7714444

Just got Natural Ice, 4 tallboys (64oz) for $3.95 and that's the cheapest I'll go.

>> No.7714628

Nobody posted Busch Ice yet? It's 5.99 a 12 pack here.

>> No.7714828

Im from NC but Yuengling is my shit

>> No.7714896

I don't care who you are, you're not too good for a PBR. My vote goes to Hamm's though.
That said, I kinda enjoy cheap beer. I really liked Natty Ice, Icehouse was alright. Cheap beer to me doesn't mean more gross, just less interesting. I'm kinda alright with malty club soda.

But Chicago Style is Old Style, and that's probably a head above the rest of the beers in its price range. Memes aside, it has a special place in my heart. Pick up an authentic 'Go 'Eer if you get the chance.

>> No.7714959

15 mins away from the yuengling brewery. Most bars around here have $1 lager pint nights.

Other than that, PBR or Genny cream ale are solid choices. Most places have 24oz cans of Genny for a buck.

>> No.7716719

frio6.0 from heb for like 4.20 for 6 tallboys

>> No.7716724


>> No.7716736

All these posts but no labatt ice?

>> No.7717012

Gansett is how I define a 5/10 for light beers. Not bad at all for price