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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7706372 No.7706372 [Reply] [Original]

This is a thread for anons to talk about eating on a budget.

Hanging in there?

>> No.7706383

Anyways I need to complete my weekly shopping trip tomorrow. I usually get
some sort of soup
minor ingredients for recipies (flour/sugar/baking soda)
and this typically runs to 25 pretty quick, which is all I get

would like some alternatives, maybe
particularly fitting meat into my diet, which I haven't had in months

>> No.7706491

microwaveable dinners and frozen pizzas
homemade sandwiches
chips and various snacks, chocolate bars
for really tight budget, pasta and potato

meh foods: home cooked meat, eggs, milk, rice and beans

>> No.7706497

Is pasta and potato really the cheapest food?

>> No.7706503

pasta is 50c a meal, before cheese or whatever flavors

so yes
potatoes are cheap too

>> No.7706508

maybe only rice and beans are cheaper

>> No.7706514

Go chicken thighs and whatever cut of pig is cheap. Pork shoulder and bacon comes to mind

>> No.7706516

lentils also

>> No.7706522

rice, beans, oats, nuts, milk, sardines
potatoes, onions, carrots, celery, anything frozen or canned on sale
whatever is in season and cheap
generic pasta and cereal
box wine and any light beer on sale

Cook in bulk, and freeze multiple meals. I'm trying to get into baking, so I can make cheap food from flour.

>> No.7706526

yes, this is also a great food on a budget

>> No.7706531

Rate my poverty diet, /ck/. How can I make it cheaper?

In one week I typically consume:

3 24 packs of PBR
5 handles of Taaka vodka
3-4 40oz of olde english 800
12 packets of maruchan ramen (chicken flavor)
5-7 rip-its (16 oz)

>> No.7706541

Here, it's about 10¢ for a serving of pasta. Do you mean that the pasta + sauce = about 50¢?

Can it count if you don't need to be on a budget, but you're a cheap sumbitch all the same? Cuz that's me.
My dinner last night, pasta with brussels sprouts, cost me about 42¢ for the meal itself and 75¢ for the cheese. Good cheese is fucking costly, m8. Of course, you could cut the amount of cheese in half or use domestic instead of import to drastically reduce the cost but while I'm cheap, I also like quality, so I won't skimp on the cheese.

>buying canned chickpeas
A tin of cooked costs the same amount as a bag of dry, but the difference is that a bag of dry cooks up into about three tins worth of chickpeas.

>> No.7706549

no, a box of pasta is a dollar if you buy it in bulk, and about half is a very full plate

This is in california I'm sure it varies hugely though

>> No.7706558

This is what's cheap where I live

Buy enough carb staples for energy:

Dried lentils and chickpeas

Some nuts and seed:

Peanut butter

Whatever money is left goes towards fruits and vegetables:

Spinach frozen

Milk and eggs are expensive per calorie and unhealthy so I only buy them if I need a small amount usually for baking.

>> No.7706563

I'm currently at a place with a water boiler. sandwich press and a microwave, and I've started to drop into a cycle the last couple of weeks where I'm so sick of being broke that I end up going on a bit of a binge and then being pretty close to broke again, had some fun though.

Any ideas for living cheap? I've been eating a lot of steamed veg.

>> No.7706601

>a box of pasta
What an inprecise measurement. Let's go with the more commonly standard in the uS 1lb box (12oz boxes are becoming more common, but still can't hold a candle to the commonality of 1lb boxes). You're saying that a half pound of pasta is 50¢, meaning that 1lb is a dollar, right? And that a half pound is a /a serving size/? That means you're eating over 900 calories worth of pasta alone in one meal which, actually, is about 1lb of cooked pasta. Add to that the sauce and cheese and you're likely consuming well over 1500 cals in one sitting.
How fat are you?
>b-but i'm a powerlifter/i workout!!!
That's nice, but that's not exactly a budget-y life, is it? All that extra food, extra protein, extra this and extra that isn't exactly wallet-friendly. So how exactly would your likely fatty-fatty fat-fat lifestyle be relevant to the thread when you're self-admittedly eating literally three times more than people who actually are on a budget?

Finally, buy pasta from Mexico if you're in California. It's sold in 200g packets, which is about 7oz, but they cost 25¢ each, ergo, ~56¢/lb.

>expensive per calorie
It's costlier, sure, but you shouldn't be buying food only for its CpC. If you did, you'd only ever buy oil (about 54.5 calories per 1¢) and white, all-purpose flour (45 calories per 1¢), and we know those aren't a good thing to buy. And why are you buying veg if you're worried about CpC, anyway? Zucchine, for example, is $1/lb in most parts of the US and I can't imagine them costing much more elsewhere. They provide only 76.44 calories per pound which is less than a single calories per 1¢.

>> No.7706607

the box says 1600 calories.
if you're eating half per meal that's 800 calories.

the cheese I use is about 50 calories
the sauce, if I use any, can get up to 150
I usually use one or the other too

considering us poor people have 2 meals per day that's just fine having 1000 calories/meal

so shut ur fuckin mouth

>> No.7706616

>100 calorie difference is a big fucking deal
Well, looks like ya got me there. Bravo. Yup. You sure showed me.

>150 calories of sauce
So... a half cup? For a pound of cooked pasta? Sure, champ. Sure.

>50 calories of cheese
So... a half ounce? For a pound of cooked pasta? Sure, champ. Sure.

I really wanna know why people like you tell such obvious lies on the internet. Mindboggling, is what it is.

>> No.7706620

have u considered that these assumptions ur makin dont apply to me?

>> No.7706628

B-but poor people are fat because we can't afford to eat healthy!!!!!!

>> No.7706631

What's being assumed?

>> No.7706632

Drink less and it will be cheaper-- for example, drink 1 fewer beer and 1 fewer vodka drink per day. That could be easy.
Or, drink half as much as you do and your booze will last twice as long. That would be difficult though so you might not want to make the effort.

>> No.7706633

if a box of pasta is 500g, I make 4 serving of it, not 2, and they are decent size servings

>> No.7706640

No, poor people are fat because they either can't cook for shit or they stupidly worry about CpC, as though calories are the only thing that matter in diet.
I used to work in the court system as a translator interpreter. While we're not allowed to talk about cases we work on due to NDA, there's nothing stopping us from airing other people's dirty laundry if we just happen to overhear something or if someone mentions something to us outside of NDA. I once encountered a fatty-fatty fat-fat who lost custody of her daughter for gross negligence. The kid was overweight as fuck, yet had scurvy. How the FUCK does anyone get scurvy in this day and age? They pump vitamin C into just about everything these days.

>> No.7706642

Those are very large, yet still believably-sized, portions. In the US, 1lb, which is 454g, is the common size. For me, that cooks up into six servings rather than four. The box suggests 2oz (56g) as a serving, though IE eight servings per box, which seems way too tiny for me.

>> No.7706643

What do milk and eggs provide other than calories? Nothing, so that's how they're evaluated. As I said, milk and egg are unhealthy and their positive properties relate only to a limited subset of baking. Milk and eggs are not particularly filling unless you consume an inordinate amount, which, again, nobody should do.

Vegetables and fruits are purchased not to supply energy but for dietary variety, taste, health etc. I buy vegetables and fruit on a per-dry-weight basis, not per-calorie, whereas I buy starches on a per-calorie basis. I buy starches first and vegetables second with the remaining money, as I pointed out.

>> No.7706648

>over 1500 cals in one sitting.
>How fat are you?
not the anon you´re replying to, but i do long distance running and cycling. i can eat about 2800-3000kcal/day and still stay skinny w/ abs

>> No.7706649
File: 259 KB, 1154x713, veggies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to the veggie market yesterday, got all of this for the equivalent of US$4.5, plus I have a couple of bags of lentils, beans and rice, so I'm pretty much set, at least for a couple of weeks. Now I can spend the little money left I have in drugs, booze and bicycle parts, wheee

>> No.7706652

Fat, protein, amino acids, vitamins amongst other things.

>> No.7706656

Milk and eggs provide various nutrients, complete proteins, some fat and vitamin B12, things that you're not getting from zucchini. Don't go overboard with eggs and dairy, but don't cut them out completely, either. They also provide relatively few calories, as you stated earlier. They're eaten for variety, just as you say vegetables are.

My diet, I suspect, is similar to yours. By weight, what I eat is very, very veg-heavy, consuming just about a pound, pre-cooked weight, of non-grain/non-pulse vegetable-derived food in a day. However, by calorie, my diet is very carb-heavy, deriving well over half of my cals from carbohydrate sources.
However, I also consume milk, eggs and meat, although sparingly. A dozen eggs lasts me about a month. I eat under a pound (pre-cooked weight) of meat in any given week. Milk I go through a bit more readily, a gallon every two weeks or so.

>> No.7706661

I pedal about 9 hours every day, roughly 2800 calories or so burned. I have a bunch of pedal machines, two at home under my desk and at the foot of my couch, and one at work when I actually have to go into the office. I'm pedaling right now, actually.
I eat about the same number of calories as you do, but again, I'm just frugal, not on a strict budget.

>> No.7706666

Fat and protein are not positives, they're negatives and almost everybody is consuming too much of one or both. The fat in milk is majority saturated, which is even worse.
Fat has no actual economic value, it's extremely cheap per calorie even when concentrated. So you're paying for something that's bad for you and doesn't have value.
Animal protein is harmful to human health compared to plant protein (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16201743)), so again you're paying for something that you should be paid for to consume. Complete proteins are abundant in plants, even a potato is a complete protein, let alone soy etc. Fish would always be a better choice than meat, dairy and eggs.

>> No.7706672

Oh. You're one of /those/.

>> No.7706694

My favorites cheap food ingredients are

>parboiled rice
>frozen peas
>tomato paste

You can do a lot with these and they are dirt cheap. At least where I live.

>> No.7706712

parboiled rice is pretty wonderful
boil it, put on a plate, sprinkle black pepper, herbs, put some sauce in the side, and wala

>> No.7706840

you are a madman, in what universe are potatoes healthier than eggs and buckwheat a cheap option?

>> No.7706878

Are you me?

Cheaping out buying tonnes of veges then getting booze and bicycles.

>> No.7706898

Buckwheat happens to be cheap where I live (just a bit more than pasta), it's probably more expensive outside Europe.
Potatoes are carbs, fiber and a complete protein with no fat, they are also one of the most satiating foods known. This makes them quite healthy, however one chooses to define it. Eggs are full of cholesterol and saturated fat and fail to provide fiber, so they are unhealthy, though useful in some aspects of cooking and baking. Egg whites are a good choice for protein, but very expensive.

>> No.7706911

Well how about we start by defining healthy as having nothing to fuckin to do with satiating your hunger dipshit.

Also, Potatoes are not in any god damn way a complete protein. Plant proteins are phyto-analogues and most of the amino acid chains are not bioavailable to humans. You are either a troll or you will be dead by the time you reach twenty, fuckin child.

Cholesterol is one of the factors involved in allowing nerve cells (neurons) to communicate with each other and exchange electrical signals.

>> No.7706918

Payleo clown spotted

>> No.7706924
File: 30 KB, 484x207, 0b8d592bd338f6c4_canned-vs.-frozen-veggies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question. I can get generic cans of frozen veggies like peas, corn, & green beans reliably for 4-5¢/oz.

When I look at frozen bags of the same vegetables, they are typically about 7-10¢/oz. Because we go through a lot of vegetables at my house I can never bring myself to get anything but canned since I've believed tiny price differences tend to add up over the long run.

Is it worth it spend the extra 3-5$, texture and/or taste-wise, for a 5-lbs bag of those varieties over the equivalent amount canned? Or is it a wash after the fact when cooked in the microwave or steamed?

>> No.7706927

>cans of frozen veggies

>> No.7706936

Sorry, thought I proof-read my post better. Should read:
> I can get generic cans of veggies like peas, corn, & green beans reliably for 4-5¢/oz.

tl;dr Frozen veggies are more expensive than canned versions of the same kinds. Is it ever worth the price to get the frozen bags instead, as far as taste or texture goes? I do buy my cruciferous varieties frozen or fresh (cabbage, califlower, brocolli, collards, etc.) along with carrots.

>> No.7706943

I buy rice in bulk 10kgs for about 20$, then a bunch of beans and veggies.
To the alcholics out here, I'd recommend making your own booze. Tastes like shit, but gets you drunk and for a cheap price

>> No.7706947

I'm broke for at least the next 35 days or so from being a doormat by helping a girl I know live an unrealistic life and cover fines, in thanks for her tolerating me.

I have next to no food in my cupboards and a negative bank balance. I already wanted to kill myself after a recent/ongoing stressful event and now I'm too burned out to be creative with what I have. I don't have much fat on my body, so I don't know how I'll do if I just expend minimal energy and eat nothing for over a month. At least my rent is paid.

What food is literal hunting for pennies on the floor budget tier...

>> No.7706952
File: 133 KB, 960x858, eggsandpotatoes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in what universe are potatoes healthier than eggs

How are potatoes and eggs even comparable? They are completely different food groups and you eat them for completely different nutrients.

>> No.7706971

Not even a little bit, chum, carbs are just as essential as anything else. Potatoes are ratshit.

>> No.7706977

I've compared them because he said that potatoes are a worthwhile investment whereas eggs are not because they are "unhealthy and have no benefits beyond calories" which is total insanity as potatoes are much closer to that description.

My main point was that eggs are not pointless. Anyone trying to convince the poor that eggs are a bad call is doing harm to those people.

>> No.7706992


Will easily get you by for months on a budget of 20usd a week

>> No.7706994

for an extra ten dollars a week you can throw in a bit of red meat and broccoli.

It will get tedious but it will keep you healthy and active for a long time.

>> No.7706995

would be easier to answer if we knew the general area in which broke anon is living. some prices vary pretty much depending on location

>> No.7706998

>literal hunting for pennies on the floor budget tier
> an extra ten dollars a week
i think you misunderstood his situation

>> No.7707009

It's going to be a stretch finding equivalent to 20usd on the floor every week when I can rarely bring myself to go outside, but we'll see. Thanks.

I don't think that red meat would be a particularly cost efficient energy source.. but anything better than rationing a bottle of vegetable oil would be fine for me.

Milton Keynes, UK

>> No.7707011

cabbage, oats and eggs/sardines should be cheap anywhere not in crisis. Those alone will do the trick with a bit of salt.

>> No.7707014

>potatoes are much closer to that description
You haven't described how that is the case though. Potatoes do have fiber and do not have saturated fat and cholesterol. Potatoes are extremely filling, eggs are not. I consider satiety important because when you're on a budget you certainly don't want to be eating a bunch of stuff and then feel hungry because you made poor purchasing decisions.

>Anyone trying to convince the poor that eggs are a bad call is doing harm to those people.
I don't know what world you live in, but if you actually were to do the math, you would find that eggs are exceptionally expensive for their calories, and 75% of those calories are from fat. Paying a premium to destroy your health is not a good choice whether you're poor or rich.

>> No.7707015

Are you already really thin? If so you can probably last a month on salted oats alone.

>> No.7707020

>microwaveable dinners and frozen pizzas
>homemade sandwiches
>chips and various snacks, chocolate bars

all of those are expensive for what you are getting unless by homemade sandwiches you mean you cooked a big piece of meat and used that. the deli counter is murder

>> No.7707022

Preachin to the choir m8. I eat around 1100 cals a day and i'm lower mid class, always pretty healthy. baffles my mind how other poorfags manage that sick shit. fruits and veg are literally dirt cheap. I can buy a 10lb bag of very filling carrots for like 3$ and that's a lunch w a piece of in season fruit for like a month or more

>> No.7707025


It's been bad for a little while. Used to be fairly athletic at 90-95kg/188cm for a decade or so, but I'm down to 75kg right now. I do have about a kilo of dust tier stale oats though.

>> No.7707026
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Baking your own bread is a good idea if you can get a deal on yeast packets. If you buy name brand yeast it isn't much more expensive to buy the end product especially since it is a lot of work and time

But the smell of that dough after that first rise holy shit

>> No.7707031

I can get a dozen jumbo eggs for 70 cents here. They are by far the best source of cheap complete animal protein. Even frozen chicken thighs can't compete

You live like a monk and you need some more calcium

>> No.7707032

Uhh, if you're baking enough bread for the cost of yeast to become an issue, you shouldn't be buying individual packets. In fact you shouldn't be buying yeast at all, since it's free. Look into sourdough starter methods.

Ex poor

>> No.7707033

If you are on crisis budgets you are going to have to deal with feeling hungry. Feeling full has nothing to do with whether or not your nutritional requirements are being met. You can starve to death eating nothing but potatoes.

The eggs are not for calories.

They are for protein and vitamin D, chiefly.

For fiber and carbs/energy rolled oats are superior+cheaper and won't fuck with your insulin, unlike potatoes, which is part of why you feel full.

Potatoes will provide energy and very little else, what it does provide nutritionally can be had from more effective sources.

You can not think only about energy when living long term on a budget.

>> No.7707034


>> No.7707035

75kg is pretty rough, keep at least a cup and a half of oats a day as your staple and then supplement that with literally anything edible you can get your hands on.

>> No.7707039

you really ought to buy those frozen, they taste much better and I mean how much difference in price could there be? 1lb frozen is $1.20 where I am

although I'm partial to slinging a can of corn into chili

>> No.7707041

time to hit up the food pantry and the dumpsters behind your grocery store and little ceasars right after they close

>> No.7707045

yeah, they are not completely frugal
just my taste
for total frugality I say baked or fried potato with butter and salt; and pasta with tomato sauce and cheese

>> No.7707051

Anyone read Good and Cheap: Eat Well on $4/Day?

>> No.7707062

no, but I do it right now because of your post

>> No.7707074

A lot of stores will sell cheap packs of sesame seeds. If you grind them up and add them to some water cooked oats almost all of your energy and nutritional requirements will be met for the day including calcium. All you need then is a cheap source of fats and proteins. Eggs are a good source of fats and proteins. Fats are essential for many life-sustaining functions and are not at all just a source of energy. Fiber isn't necessary, especially if you aren't eating much. All you do with fiber is shit it out.

Top three cheap items for a nutritionally rounded diet on a budget are:


You could eat only this and still exercise daily.

>> No.7707116


Insoluble fiber absorbs and carries out all sorts of negative shit.

Soluble fiber slows digestion, prevents cholesterol buildup and stabilizes blood sugar.

>> No.7707125


Excuse my binary language - insert 'helps to' as appropriate.

>> No.7707130


>> No.7707132

>particularly fitting meat into my diet, which I haven't had in months
Good god anon. Go get a whole chicken or something, they're like 5-6 bucks for 3-5 pounds of meat.

>> No.7707137


yes/no; does/does not

I didn't mean for it to sound like fiber completely prevents cholesterol buildup, for instance.

>> No.7707155

Damn, how can you down all that shit alcohol with hardly and food to soften the blow to your stomach? Do you have ulcers yet?

>> No.7707194

whole chickens
frozen peas
bay leaf

This list can make chicken and dumplings, chicken noodle soup, chicken pot pie, chicken with roast vegetables, chicken stock, chicken gravy, and likely more.

If you add granulated garlic and onion, shortening, and baking powder, then you could do fried chicken and biscuits. Add potatoes for mashed potatoes, and as an addition to the soup and dumplings. Or just have some home fries and fried eggs for breakfast.

Chicken and dumplings


Egg noodles


Chicken stock


Chicken noodle soup


Chicken pot pie


Chicken gravy


>> No.7707195

Did you notice that I said its not essential, rather than not beneficial? I also said that its especially unnecessary if you aren't eating much. If you aren't eating much its easy to regulate blood sugar, cholesterol will not build up, there will be far less negative shit to be carried out and the slightly faster digestion is mitigated by chewing longer.

>> No.7707206

genuine fellow

>> No.7707758

thanks anon, that was genuinely helpful

>> No.7707782

what type of bread should I be buying? Are there any particular ingredients that are healthier?

>> No.7707790

just buy what tastes the best for you

>> No.7707856

Full grain bread is generally the only bread that should be eaten on a regular basis. Full grain has quite a lot of dietary fiber, which most people are missing from their diets in sufficient amounts.

White bread is utter garbage, nobody should eat that stuff. Literally every other source of carbs is better. Try to avoid it.

>> No.7707877
File: 45 KB, 500x375, chicken-noodle-soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bread can be frozen. It's never quite the same, but if it's something you're going to grill (as in fry in butter) or toast then you can barely tell the difference. Bagels, English muffins, hamburger buns, loaves of sliced bread, etc.

That said, if you want to eat wheat, I would suggest noodles. Most people think of ramen or pho with a bunch of exotic ingredients, but any broth you like with any vegetables or meat you like can make a bowl of noodles.

Find a quality chicken stock recipe, bring it to a boil, and pour it over noodles. The noodles will cook as it cools. Top with a bit of parsley and lemon juice. It's comfy as fuck.

>> No.7707908

You know what I find funny? Every single one of the countries that values whole grains over refined grains has far higher rates of diabetes and obesity and a far lower life expectancy than countries who openly prize refined grains. Isn't it odd? Maybe, and I'm just taking a guess here, white bread ain't the devil after all?

And you know what I think really causes fucked up health problems? Having a diet so imbalanced in the first place that you have to vilify white bread and eat shitty-tasting whole-grain bread rather than simply eating right in the first place. Maybe if you ate a vegetable every now and again, you wouldn't need all that extra fibre from eating bread literally made from the refuse of the milling industry.

>> No.7707917

Go to a food bank you mong.

>> No.7707920

I forgot to add link.. Here's a food bank in milton Keynes
The Food Bank

9 Hollin Ln, Milton Keynes MK12 6HT
01908 322800


>> No.7707939

Like I said every other source of carbs is better. Yes, you can make up for the uselessness of white bread by eating other foods that compliment your dietary needs. That is a complete moot point that you could use to justify any kind of junk food.

> Every single one of the countries that values whole grains over refined grains has far higher rates of diabetes and obesity and a far lower life expectancy than countries who openly prize refined grains.
Give me a source for that bullshit of yours.

>> No.7707959

Just another clown who thinks people in Europe or North America are ACTUALLY eating whole grains or are in fact actually following any of the dietary recommendations put out by governments and public health bodies.

>> No.7707961

>rich people say it's better to travel and do yoga instead of being a wage slave, therefore if you travel and do yoga you'll be rich too!

>> No.7708017

I'm not saying that they do eat whole-grain, I'm saying that they value whole-grain. Nobody has even an eighth of a fuck to give about whole grain in Italy, Spain, Andorra, San Marino, Japan, South Korea and many, many other countires. They all eat highly refined grains, either in the form of white rice, pasta, or white bread. And they're all at the top of the list when it comes to life expectancy. Why is that?

>> No.7708029

You can buy 500g of Tesco everyday Value cornflakes for 25p. I don't understand how they could possibly make a profit from that.

>> No.7708043

First of all causality is not causation. Secondly there is nothing wrong with refined grains like parboiled rice. You're bunching everything together with white wheat bread there for no apparent reason.

And I am still waiting for that source for your claim that the most obese countries eat the most whole grain bread.

>> No.7708061
File: 507 KB, 1600x1598, Yerushalmy-Hilleboe Data Table.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they eat high-carb diets with limited animal products

I agree with you that whole grains aren't that big a deal when it comes to obesity and diabetes. Whole grains are nutritionally superior because of their much higher micronutrient content and fiber content, the latter of which is known to have a protective effect.

As an example, the lack of thiamine in white rice has in past centuries caused many cases of beriberi, and there are beriberi cases to this day resulting from white rice consumption in the context of an inadequate diet.

So it doesn't help much if you're getting crippling nutritional deficiencies from refining your grains. In the context of an otherwise adequate diet, white rice is fine, but its nutritional profile is still piss-poor. If the higher palatability of refined grains can get people to drop the butter and ketostix, that would be a good first step, but it hasn't happened so far.

>> No.7708080

seems 'cheap' food always just consists of loading up on carbs with mere sprinklings of other things. this will just lead to rapid fatassery

better to stock up on clearance aisle veg and meat and cook up some kind of stew and add moderate amounts of carbs and eat it over a few days

>> No.7708090

Carbs prevent obesity, please stop

>> No.7708099

You are thinking of cheap refined food full of fat and sugar. A high carb diet is the least likely diet to make you a fatass.

>> No.7708102

a lot of japs nowadays mix in other whole grains into their white rice.
you're ignorant

>> No.7708147

They don't, but they do on the other shit you buy. Loss Leaders are a glorious thing for people with no money.

>> No.7708148

>You are thinking of cheap refined food full of fat and sugar
cause thats what the vast majority of frugal food is

>> No.7708149

Some threads you're so excited to post in but then you get there and decide any pearls your cast would be lost in a sty of plebeianism.

On better boards elitism is contagious. The OP would have been meme arrow'd back to plebbit. And other posters would check themselves before posting.

>"low fat" yogurt
>canned legumes
>meat? paste
>bottled orange juice
>tomato paste
>chopped veg
>mid-quality eggs
>stock cubes
>white rice
>rolled and small quantity oats

>> No.7708162

I guess you're right. Jokes on them though, I wont even buy their milk, I'll just mix the cornflakes with tap water instead.

>> No.7708175

I don't understand what I'm looking at here. Where is the mortality part?

>> No.7708216

What's your grocery list m8's

Is there a /ck/ meme frugal grocery list for neckbeards who've never went grocery shopping without mummy getting tendies

>> No.7708222

rice beans fruit veg sardines

>> No.7708450

>You can starve to death eating nothing but potatoes
okay, now you´ve lost the plot

>> No.7708458

this is what I bought today
2 pounds chicken thighs
2 pounds chicken drumsticks
pound of frozen vegetables
gallon of milk
2 cups margarine
18 eggs
bottle of syrup
2 cups chocolate chipps
two jars of alfredo sauce

for 25 dollars, and most of them go with previous stuff I bought - pasta, hamburger helper, materials for making cookies, etc.
I think you are should to build up a pantry of base foods then buy fresh ingredients as you run out. Also to buy things you won't just use that week like 12 cups of flour, so that you can get a better deal in the long run

yes, it is easier to say you're better than everyone else without total anonymity and nothing to back it up. Keep right on bud

>> No.7708657

Due to an unfortunate, unexpected expense I had to take care of yesterday, I only have about $7 to feed myself until the end of the month. What are my options other than killing myself? I have some rice and pasta but nothing really to work them with.

>> No.7708662

I'm a vegetarian trying to get back into meat. Sticker shock is literally triggering. What do.

>> No.7708679

>decent salary in 4 1/2 months

I hope I'll still be alive by then

>> No.7708693

Time to go dumpster diving family

>> No.7708701

Def approve of this post
The fat of the land is in there man just gotta get it

>> No.7708741

Just went out and bought a two dollar bag of trail mix. Bad idea?

>> No.7708745

Depends on how big it is.
Most likely yes.

>> No.7708753


>> No.7708790

Fat is good, carbs are bad.
Eating white rice and pasta and potatoes all day will give you diabetes. I eat alot of eggs but throw away some of the yolk. Also fish and chicken and veggies all good but expensiver i admit. You could load up on canned veggies and canned tuna for fairly cheap though

>> No.7708807

I was working minimum wage and living in a dirt-cheap apartment with friends. (still am, just earning more).

How the hell do you guys have so little to live on? If you buy specials and non perishables in bulk you can eat like a king

>> No.7708813

I'm freelance so I make even less than a part-time minimum wage worker.
Tolerating it until I'm done with welding school in a few months.

>> No.7708815

If you have a walmart or local place its easy.... I dont have a car so Im forced to shop at premium markets with small portions for rich people ..it depends what you have access to

>> No.7708817

I usually never have this problem but my finances have been tight this month because I had to start paying for my school out of my own pocket.

>> No.7708824


>> No.7708829

Yeah, fair man. I lived that life, fortunately for me I was living at home at the time.

I'm in Australia so we don't have any super discount food stores like that. Our cost of living is higher than that of the states, but the big two grocery stores are everywhere and are always competing.

Fair man, When I was poor I just bought rice and potatoes in bulk, then every few days some cheap meat and other things to knock dishes together.

>> No.7708868
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>Fat is good, carbs are bad.

Do you have a single source to back that up or are you just spewing broscience?

>> No.7708892

All nutrition is broscience people all have different diets I subscribe to a high fat low carb diet ... i guess its called paleo by some people. I have diabetes and I know what I was consuming prior to its development. It was 95% carbs and sodas and large iced teas with lots of sugar

>> No.7708895

keto only has been proven to help weight loss and epilepsy

complex carbs are good. sugars, no

>> No.7708897
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>It was 95% carbs and sodas and large iced teas with lots of sugar
>therefore fat is good and carbs are bad

You gotta be shitting me

>> No.7708911

Yes do some research carbs are converted most quickly to glucose which causes spikes in blood sugar and causes harm to your organs. You want as little carbs as possible pasta isnt going to benefit your health in any way verses a veggy

>> No.7708934

Your ignorance is astounding.
Having high blood sugar levels throughout the day does fuck all because guess what, your body is made to handle this. The problem is when you have high blood sugar all the time.

Eating carbs doesn't give you diabetes, chugging coke all day like a retarded useless fat fuck does.

>> No.7709148

Isn't this thread proving your point. You can get simple ingredients, don't be a snob about canned/dried/frozen foods, learn to cook, and you can easily eat well for cheap.

I have dozens of pre-made meals in the freezer. I eat a big meal for breakfast, and for dinner. I am not hungry during the day, and avoid spending an exorbitant amount of money on food where I work, I get by on homemade trail mix (bought in bulk).

You can make restaurant tier entrees with just eggs and sardines as your protein, under a dollar per serving. The more packaging and preparation a food has, the more profitable it is for someone else.

>> No.7709198

I wish that I could stand the taste and smell of sardines. They're so cheap and nutritious. If I force myself to eat a few cans will I grow to like them?

>> No.7709820

Make sure to buy from the Mexican aisle if you've got one. Place I go to sells lentils and beans and other grains in two different sections and the mexicano versions are guaranteed a few bucks cheaper.

Here's a recipe a nigga here gave me

-2 cups rice
-3/4 cup lentils
((or however much you want to make)
-Salt and pepper
-Stock cubes x2, not critical but the mix will be significantly blander without
-Crushed pepper flakes, again especially if you can get them from hispanic sources

You need a bowl or something else to wash the rice and lentils off and soak for a bit in, not real long, just maybe 15 minutes

While that's happening, get a reasonably sized saucepan and set roughly two cups of water per cup of rice boiling, I tend to season the water before adding the grains

Scoop in the rice and lentils, season more if you feel necessary later on. Turn down heat to simmering

Let it run until the texture and flavor is acceptable

Set it up with a couple of chicken thighs or cheap breasts and fruit if you've got it and you've got a baller ass meal, and depending on how much rice and lentils you put to the pot, you come out with enough mix to compose several meals

If you're ever at a King Soopers, their Psst! Brand cajun seasoning works amazingly with chicken

>> No.7709839


Thank you for the link. I think that you need a referral and fit a certain criteria to qualify for food banks here, but I'll look into it. Thanks.

>> No.7709842

lil homie if you have fucking 10 dollars a month they will let you if you explain your situation

>> No.7709844

or a week, I mean

>> No.7709847


Homie pls.. I may be being cynical, but I have a feeling that they won't give much of a shit about a single white male.. maybe if I borrow someone's kid?

>> No.7709850


If they find out you trying to game them


>> No.7709861

believe it or not racism by sjws is not really that much of a thing irl

just explain your situation

anyways, that's just something to think about while you're eating pasta for the 5th day in a row. You are welcome to do whatever you like of course. I've lived off that much money before.

>> No.7709867

If you wanna make your own bread but yeast and time and effort are a little out of line, you could shoot for bannocks I suppose, which are easy enough to mix dry, add a little water and oil, and then cook in a frying pan

-3 cups flour (whole wheat has superior flavor but if that ain't flyin all purpose works too)
-1/2 teaspoon salt
-1/4 teaspoon sugar (I prefer taste of brown)
-1 teaspoon baking powder
-1/2 teaspoon oil

Mix up dry ingredients in a bowl, then add water and/or milk in small amounts until you get a pretty firm dough, add more flour if you get to a batter

Flour up and knead the dough until it becomes stiff enough to shape into a disk

Grease down a pan, set to roughly a 3 or 4 (only ever seemed to get number dials on my stoves)

Drop the dough in and cover with a sheet of foil to help retain heat

You gotta eyeball things to make sure the bannock isn't burning, but once the down side is lightly browned, you flip and wait for the other side to get to the same

Jab it with a toothpick or fork to test doneness, take out and wrap in the foil while it cools to keep it moist

Good shit, it's not exactly sandwich stuff, but it's filling stuff and is godly for dipping and spreading on. You can even throw in raisins and shit into the batter to modify it

>> No.7709869

fucked my shit up senpai, don't confuse my screw up in using batter there in the last sentence

>> No.7709882

That's up to you, mang

Rip them up and mix them with veggies or something

I personally love them, and even throw the extra dosh to pick up Wild Planet when I find them. Drain the oil/water and dribble malt vinegar back into the can over the fish, then eat them on sardines

Hell, I might go have a tin right now before bed

>> No.7709909

Anybody got any good ways for using beans?

>> No.7709914
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It's super lazy, but I love bean salads.

>> No.7710069

What is the cheapest/healthiest vegetarian protein option? I can get tofu for $4.5/kg or can of beans or lentils for around $1.
I would also be ok to buy dry beans and bulk foods.

>> No.7710081

Dry lentils are a good pick because they cook in 10 minutes (red and French) or 30-40 minutes (other varieties). Most legumes have around 70-80 grams of protein per 1000 calories, but tofu has 120 grams or more. Tofu is more expensive per calorie though, so at the end of the day you're getting the same protein cheaper by eating intact legumes. Of course tofu allows you to use another carb source by separating out the protein

Canned legumes are typically very expensive for what you're getting, even if you factor in the cooking time for beans at home

This is for vegan by the way, for vegetarian you could always just go for dairy

>> No.7710085

beans and rice form a "complete protein", meaning you can use them as your sole source of sustenance for protein and be getting everything you need. So do eggs as far as I know.

Eggs are much less work to prepare than beans and rice though imo

>> No.7710089

I am vegetarian, but I eat only free range eggs from a specific brand, so they are not that cheap (around 50-70 cents each, I forget exactly). Milk is cheaper.
beans and rice are good, I like them with chopped tomato and some spices and a bit of cheese.

>> No.7710098

corn is $0.10/ear where I live right now.
green beans $0.58/lb
5lbs of potatos $2.47
beef $2.23/lb

whatever else I want. usually bake my own bread.
Feast for $2/day

>> No.7710099

make a fart paste
add cumin/salt
apply to tortilla

>> No.7710216

>jarred sauce


>> No.7710264


>he doesn't live in an area where milk is like 3 bucks a gallon
>he doesn't live in an area where eggs are like 2 bucks a dozen
>he doesn't live in an area where awesome butter is made locally and costs like 2 bucks a pound

The rest is justifiable, nigga needs to drop that chocolate and syrup shit.

>> No.7710304

Dairy isn't nutritious enough to justify the price or quantity. Eggs are arguable, but since he got that many I'm guessing they are fresh/full price and not even free range. Also based on the whole list one might think that he doesn't buy much produce, grains, legumes.

>> No.7710495

I bet none of you guys knew this...

You can buy salmon filet at the Dollar tree FOR A DOLLAR. If I wasn't vegan I'd be eating these with every fucking meal.

>> No.7710529

>And I am still waiting for that source for your claim that the most obese countries eat the most whole grain bread.
No one claimed that. Learn to read what's written and not what you're imagining.

So... what you're saying is that... white v whole grain doesn't matter for fuck so long as you don't eat like shit to begin with!!! Wow! You argued the point I was making in the first place! Good job, Anon!

>> No.7710599


If you make your own sauce for the pasta or make your own soup in bulk (assuming you have a freezer) you'll save some cash.

>> No.7710602

>eating supermarket fish

>> No.7710667


It's not even a supermarket, anon. It's a "dollar store". The worst kind of all markets.

>> No.7710729

>3 24 packs of PBR
>5 handles of Taaka vodka
You will be dead within 5 years (probably much less) at this rate. If not a joke post, holy shit.

>> No.7710829

frozen salmon fillets, £3/kg

>> No.7711303

heh, i don't like beans

>> No.7711633

Avian Flu made egg prices rise. Milk was always cheap in my area, a great source of B12. Sardines are still my entree protein, I try to get it at under $2/lbs.

>> No.7711735


Why not a 2 dollar bag of rice or two lbs of pasta. Or don't be a pathetic orbiter.

>> No.7711819

Asian and Mexican markets are generally a lot less expensive than the bigger chain markets. Usually I can spend less than$15 on produce and rice/beans for the week for 2 people at my local El Super. But I'm in Cali so I don't know what you have access to.

>> No.7711845

>Asian and Mexican markets are generally a lot less expensive than the bigger chain markets.
On many items, this, but not for dairy nor pantry staples like flour, sugar and salt.

You need to know where and when to buy what.

>> No.7711877

I've been contemplating making a small investment to grow some stuff in my kitchen/on my balcony.
I have pots and earth already.
But I can't really tell what kind of things would even be worth the effort and have a significant yield.
Some herbs and spices are fine, but I'd also like some food.

Any ideas?

>> No.7711958

Personally I grow tomatoes zucchini and strawberries.
plus potatoes if you have a deep pot.

>> No.7712034

Not him, but aren't those all super, duper cheap in the first place? They're each 50¢/lb in the summer where I am. I guess free's better than cheap, but is it worth the effort? The only one of those I would consider growing would be zukes simply for the rarely sold yet expensive as fuck when they are squash blossoms.

Also, you might know: I live in a big city and someone around the corner from my house is growing cornstalks in a planter out front, so I know it's possible to grow corn this way. What I wanna know: is it possible to grow baby corn like this and do you know any particular varieties of corn that are especially suited for baby corn? I can't find baby corn where I live except for in cans or pickled in jars, neither of which is something I want. I can only find it frozen in a bag of stir fry mix. I just want baby corn. Any help?

What other things grow easily, especially to someone who has difficulty keeping plants alive. They don't tell me when they need water, so I tend to overwater or underwater them and they die on me.

>> No.7712065

Tomatoes are worth it. We only had three or four plants last year and every single day I could grab a couple pounds of them.

Not to mention garden grown tomatoes really do taste much better than the ones from the grocery store.

>> No.7712200

>mfw there are people in this thread saying too many eggs are bad

>m-muh cholesterol

>> No.7712211

And this isn't even remotely the worst broscience that got thrown around in the thread.

>> No.7712343

Question. I'm gonna be living in a hostel/airbnb for a week or two. How do I eat without going broke? I'm going to be in town most of the day, between interviews/housing views and coffee shops to chill with my laptop. I have limited room in my duffel bag/backpack and no cookware, just a travel coffee mug and a spoon. No knife because plane. May or may not be a microwave or any dishes.

>granola/protein bars, nuts, trail mix type shit
>apples, maybe other fruit/veg
>small or single serve stuff like from dollar stores
>jerky if I can get it cheap
>instant oatmeal (you can eat it cold, just needs water)

>> No.7712391
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shit anon if you lived in the states I would buy you some food

>> No.7712393

Make friends and have them invite you to dinner.

Big cities often have those "pay what you want" places. If you are fine with a mean look here and there, you can even just walk out the door.

Go on the internet and find local dumpster divers and join them once or twice. If you're lucky, you'll bag enough to survive for a week in one day.

In many cities, discounters will flood mail boxes of appartment complexes with ads. Because most people throw it out, you should find a bin somewhere there. Inside you will find booklets on deals and even coupons.

Go to a local fast food joint right before closing and ask if you can have some of the throwouts.
Same applies in bakeries when doors open. Ask for day-olds.

Dress like a homeless person and get some soup. You have no shame at this point anyway. Or just find the local (far) left scene and their communal kitchen. Same attire applies. May want to dust off that there Capital which you wanted to read but never did.

Find out about local events that may have some minimal catering. Concentrate on art and universities.

>> No.7712428

>I don't know how I'll do if I just expend minimal energy and eat nothing for over a month.
Don't do it man, recovery from such a long period of fasting will take a lot of time, not to mention the potential that it might kill you either by exhaustion due to lack of food or from refeeding syndrome once you start eating again.


Don't risk it, call up anyone and everyone you know and ask if they can spare some cash or unused food items taking up space in their pantry.

Other than that, beg, borrow, steal.

>> No.7712434

Chili and bell peppers, goes a long way in seasoning a meal and are very easy to grow.
Some types of chili like cayenne will also grow very quick and provide a lot of fruit.

>> No.7712438

You obviously have an internet connection, so find local dumpster divers or do it on your own.
You'd be surprised at what shops throw out.

Also if you already lack self respect, at least be a survivor and get yourself to a soup kitchen.

At the very least you are a survivor, m8. You'll be fine. You don't have to starve, I promise you that.

>> No.7712448

>runs to 25
Let us know why you're on SNAP and can only spend what SNAP gives you on your food budget.

>> No.7712481

Guys, I fucked up and will have to heavily cut down on food.
Luckily, I am almost 20kg (44lbs) overweight.

So I wanted to do this smart. Since 1kg of fat is about 7000kcal, I can go about 20 weeks with a 1000kcal deficit.
I am fine with losing weight, but I really can't afford to lose health right now. (For many reasons.)

I want to be spending most of my budget on veggies and protein. (So essentially protein-fasting.)
Cheap protein is obviously eggs. But what else?

And what would be some veggies that are a lot of bang for buck, nutrient-wise?

>tl;dr I'm willing to starve to be healthy-broke

>> No.7712494

Please don't listen to this jackass.

I am 5'8" and weigh 140lbs. 12 eggs will last 2 weeks and a gallon of milk 1 week. This poster is a prissy possibly vegan faggot.

>fat and protein is bad!

Enjoy being weak and limp wristed.

>> No.7712497
File: 168 KB, 656x380, egglandsbest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife's daughter is so picky about the eggs she eats. We don't want her eating sugary cereal, so we make her eggs every morning. However, she'll only eat Egg-Land's Best or other expensive eggs.
These are very expensive and I can't justify spending the full purchase price, so what I do in the store is I put one carton of Egg-Land's Best eggs in my cart, and another carton of store brand eggs. Whenever I'm alone in an aisle (the sanitary napkins aisle is useful for this), I switch the Egg-Land's Best eggs with the store brand ones, then put the Egg-Land's Best eggs carton with the store brand eggs in it back in the cooler.
She knows that I do this, but she doesn't care because this way, she gets to enjoy her Egg-Land's Best eggs for breakfast each morning.

>> No.7712504

Pretty sure frozen contains more nutrients than canned. Buy some of both if you are in doubt.

>> No.7712505

...You do realize you could just keep the carton of the expencive brand, buy the cheap brand and switch them at home to trick the step-daughter.
I doubt she'll know the difference.

>> No.7712509

I tried that once but she saw that I was serving her eggs that were past the expiration date and freaked out. It wasn't a go

>> No.7712515

enough yeast for a starter, and you're set for hundreds of years

>> No.7712516

>past expiration date
Have you explained to her that those numbers are bullshit?

How old is she? It sounds like she ought to earn some money, if she wants stuff you can't afford.

>> No.7712517

*good day.

>> No.7712519

>And what would be some veggies that are a lot of bang for buck, nutrient-wise?
Mixed frozen vegetables, look around and see what is cheap in different stores, if needed mix them yourself to provide some change in your diet every once in a while.

Also consider adding some rice and/or pasta, it will help a lot in keeping your calorie intake up.

>> No.7712544

I more or less live in Chinatown, so I can get enough rice for almost half a year for 20 bucks.

I've been considering mixed veggies. But I also wanted to know about some cheap fresh veggies. I guess carrots and broccoli are cheap.

>> No.7712547

>I guess carrots and broccoli are cheap
Yes, and very filling

>> No.7712689

go into your bank and ask for an Islam loan of 60 bongers.
Islam loans don't have interest attached.
I'm not even joking, if they say your not Islamic just call them racist and turn it into a news story.

>> No.7712755

I'm actually not on welfare, my parents pay for my food up to 25 dollars/week

they make something like 200k, so I don't qualify for any benefits obviously until I'm independent which is quite late in life in the US because of how long insurance will stay with kids

>> No.7712820

I read cumfarts

>> No.7712945

I don't think expiration dates are bullshit. When she found out I was doing that, the date on the carton was three weeks past the date. That's not good. She's 15. I don't want to argue with her.

>> No.7712960

Most hostels will have some free food up for grabs in the kitchen (if they have one). If it doesn't provide breakfast it will also tend to have relationships with nearby restaurants/grocery stores, so make sure to ask.

Most of the stuff you suggested is already a good idea. Single serve packets of peanut butter with something like pretzels is always good, along with the aforementioned fruit, jerky and trail mix.

>> No.7712972

The kid sounds like a fucking retard, is she?

>> No.7713000

No, she's nice, she's just very particular about her eggs. I only eat certain brands of bacon, so I don't blame her. I just buy it when it goes on sale.
>captcha is to select all the images with eggs

>> No.7713039

Not sure if it holds true for your area, but Eggland's Best are on sale next week at all the chain supermarkets in my area. One is selling them for $1.99/dz. Plus, a week earlier, there were 55¢ off coupons in the RedPlum circular for Eggland's Best. I didn't clip them because I can find jumbo eggs for $1.25/dz, so I'm not sure when they expire or if they have 'do not double' printed on them.
If the Eggland's Best sale is nationwide rather than just my area and you can find the coupon, you can get them for $1.44/dz or as low as 89¢/dz if the coupon can be doubled.


PS: I'm picky as all fuck with bacon. One of the few foods that I'm brand-loyal with.

>> No.7713065

I'll have to keep my eye out for next week's circular. I get it on Saturday or Sunday, though I stocked up on Egg-Land's best this week when the store brand was sixty-nine cents a dozen.

>> No.7713070
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I really like Zucchini as a budget veggie. As far as I know it's not insanely nutritious but it's still pretty good for you. It's about 70 cents to a dollar a pound in Ontario and it's so flexible and easy to cook with. Lately I've been cutting them length-wise, giving them a thin coating of olive oil, then putting a bunch of dill I got for cheap and a bit of salt on them. In the rare occasion I find affordable cheese I'll put a bit of that on top too. Fry them on medium high until crispy. So fucking good.

Also sweet potato. 50 cents a pound and one bite is half your daily vitamins.

>> No.7713083

>daily vitamins

All of them?

>> No.7713087

All of them

Okay most of them, the poor people ones.

>> No.7713089

No, only half of them.

>> No.7713163

Seems to just be Vitamin A.

>> No.7713168

Vitamin C too fukkboi

>> No.7713172

Ditch the ramen and go with a carton of pall mall 100s

>> No.7713175
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>> No.7713181

>poverty diet

You come here from PT?

>> No.7713183

I'm upset anon. I've been living a lie. Oranges are so much more expensive.

>> No.7713191

I just take a multivitamin. Contains nearly double the RDI for Vitamin C.

Works out to about five cents a day.

>> No.7713209

>17.8 grams
What a generous serving

>> No.7713234

It's about a bite. Same weight as about a dozen or so almonds, if that's a helpful reference.

It's also exactly 50% of your daily Vitamin A. Which I wanted to use as a comparison but it seems I covered it up with my circle.

>> No.7713750
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Thanks for the information and reality check, homie

I've explored a lot of the city looking for places to dumpster dive, but mostly I just end up semi-gagging. All the stores that would throw out suitable shit keep their bins locked away.

I'm down for desperate measures, but if it gets really desperate I could sell my phone, even though it's only worth a few bongers (early Moto G). Until then it's stale oats and half eaten McNuggets. Thanks for the support

>> No.7713803

Vitamin C is in fucking everything, you'd have to have the worst diet in the world to miss out on it

>> No.7713811


>> No.7714210

Which is why you ought to find other dumpster divers. In groups there is usually someone with a key. And in most countries, it is then only semi-illegal, since it isn't really breaking and entering and garbage either belongs to the community or the city (depending on where you live).
Also in those groups, if someone gets a larger haul than they can use, they usually give some of it away to others.

Also these are some good tips:

Do you live near a forest or something? You'd be surprised at what kind of shit is edible in the wild. Depending on where you live, it might be worth the trip.
>pic related; this kind of shit just grows around here
Do some research into local edible flora and what grows this time of year.
Maybe pay /out/ a visit on this one. They may also have some other useful hobo tips.

Fishing may also be an option. All you really need is some line, hooks and maybe a cork. Oh and a little bit of bait for the first catch. Just dig up some worms or insects.

In a pinch you can always steal from local farmers.

>> No.7714213
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>forgot pic

>> No.7714227

>sainos mixed frozen veg
my nigger, put that shit in everything, stay healthy :]

>> No.7714244
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>Do you live near a forest or something?

Eat some Black Forest cake, broheim.

>> No.7714287


>Steal from farmers
> Not offer the farmer a few hours of work, netting more veggies than you can carry.

I bet you steal from your neighbors garden in suburbia.

>> No.7714318

>Big cities often have those "pay what you want" places. If you are fine with a mean look here and there, you can even just walk out the door.

Uh, wut? How's this work? Sounds like bullshit but I guess some hippie hipster place could do that

>> No.7714365

He clearly stated that he doesn't have energy or time for that.
And picking some corn from a field isn't really comparable to stealing from neighbours.

Yup, hippie hipster places. In my city there are like five of those places.