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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7704199 No.7704199 [Reply] [Original]

I prefer Little Caesar's over most pizza chains.

>> No.7704208

That priest looks way too interested

>> No.7704248

He's an animu fan.

>> No.7704264

I've never eaten in a Mcdonalds

>> No.7704304

I've never cooked a real meal for myself. Nothing beyond canned soup. I bake a lot, but i've never cooked like actual food and not desserts and stuff. I'm so afraid i'll make myself or someone else sick that I'm paralyzed with fear at just the thought of trying to prepare something.

>> No.7704305

I still barely eat any vegetables, if at all. Lettuce is by far the hardest for my to get over, I'm still too grossed out by all those cheap wilted salads you'd get as a kid in school. So damn nasty.

FYI if anyone is in the same boat, chicken caesar salad is a pretty good way of getting yourself back into it. Eating dressing, croutons, and chicken on top of a giant romaine leaf isn't so bad.

>> No.7704316

Hot dogs are my secret shame and guilty pleasure.

>> No.7704340

I like my steak medium well or well done.

>> No.7704355
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i prefer hungry howies over all big pizza chains

>> No.7705136

There's a Little Caesar's near my college campus. They have this $5 value meal that includes a personal square pie and a drink. I ate that shit at least 3 times a week. Probably the oiliest pizza I've ever had. No shame.

>> No.7705146

I only eat 2 small meals a day. I'm not even a skeletor.

>> No.7705155

I hate how fatty most pizza places chicken wings are. Seriously, spend a little extra money for a quality product. I assume it's because most people are shitfaced and dont care.

>> No.7705182

I usually give dishes, utensils and cutting boards a light rinse if the only things they've touched are fruits or vegetables.

I only thoroughly wash them with soap & water if they've touched anything else.

>> No.7705188


literally the worst pizza from any of the chain places with meme sprinkles that will never be able to redeem the shit bread they use

>> No.7705209


Little Caesar's is a pizza chain

>> No.7705271

i love starbucks caramel frappichinos. i feel so basic, but damn if that sugar rush isnt amazing after a rough day....

>> No.7705280

Pffft, try one small meal a day, scrub. Also not a skelly

>> No.7705287

I would also prefer little Caesars over most pizza places

>> No.7705294

I rarely do dishes, I usually only rinse whatever dish i need. I only have one meal every day except for days off from work, and most of my meals are canned stuff, microwavables, or fast food.

>> No.7705299

I bought 6 mcdoubles last night

>> No.7705305

stop making this thread every day, fuck

>> No.7705312


That's kinda white trash OP. But it could be worse. I know people who prefer hotdogs to actual meat.

>> No.7705320

I don't cook, I just come here for images of food.

>> No.7705330

Their wings are pretty good compared to other chains, everytime I get wings from papa johns they're the smallest wings I've ever seen.
Last I checked their dough was made fresh on location whereas the big 3 chains all use frozen dough. I never get the crust flavoring but it's definitely better than the garbage cheesy garlic stuff domino's started putting on their crust.

t. former pizza butt employee/pizza enthusiast

>> No.7705336

>90% of this board

>> No.7705523

For yourself? That's like 1500 calories...

>> No.7705631

I only come to /ck/ to start and propagate Ja/ck/ threads

>> No.7705655

I'm not a picky eater by any means, but I absolutely cannot stand blue cheese or wasabi.

>> No.7705666

You should feel proud son. Do not even go near that place for land whales if you love yourself even a little bit.

>> No.7705667

>secret eaters

>> No.7705673

I've never eaten at a restaurant in my life and I'm 32 years old.
Unless you count McDonalds or KFC?

>> No.7705679


calories in/calories out nigger

all i eat is 6 mcdoubles a day and i am losing weight so fast

>> No.7705719

I like frozen fruits over fresh since they are better for a smoothie, no need for ice and more flavor.

For once satan isn't a huge faggot.

I cook good meals, but only about once a month.

>> No.7706058

And you think I care, why?
To be fair, I only ate 3 last night and then the remaining 2 today. It was because I was drunk

Also, this guy isn't me. I do not eat 6 mcdoubles every day

>> No.7706184

Cooking entry-level entrees is a lot easier than baking desu. Baking is all precision and shit.

Besides, you're not gonna accidently poison anyone unless they're stupid. If chicken or pork is raw, the person will know before they've swallowed the first bite. Then, if they swallow anyways, it's on them.

Anyways, stop being a faggot and expirement, desu.

>> No.7706189

OP never implied otherwise?

>> No.7706244

i hate cooking for myself and hate having leftovers cluttering up the fridge so i usually just buy a lot of frozen meals and cook for everyone in my on the weekends

>> No.7706341
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I eat 7 mcdoubles a night. Just coffee (Keirig cups) during the day.

>> No.7706392
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Same here but I'm 6'5 so I need 9 mcdoubles per day.

Been doing this ever since I learned how healthy they are: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/foodanddrink/10210327/McDouble-is-cheapest-and-most-nutritious-food-in-human-history.html

>> No.7706412


Damn dude do you get them all at once or make multiple trips to McDonald's throughout the day?

>> No.7706439

Never had howies. How is?

>> No.7706474

There's a Mickey Ds on the same block as my apt so I go whenever. They all know me. If there's a line I just hold up as many fingers as mcdoubles I want so the chef can have 'em ready.

>> No.7706478

that is pretty sick
a lot of people get a rod out of shitting on McDonald's, but stories like this help me shrug them off

>> No.7706502

I'm not the inventor of the fingers technique, I learned it from this guy, the Big Mac King: https://youtu.be/yr-bI9qzFQk

>> No.7706519

there was a time in my life in which I looked eerily similar to the big mac king, fringe game was not as strong though
a man's gotta find his passion in life

>> No.7707452
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I have ate pancakes filled with bread ever since I was a child.
We were poor.

>> No.7709258
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I enjoy haute cuisine, but prefer street food

>> No.7709282

I'll admit they are pretty good. I just can't eat them all the time. Once a month is my limit.

Gotta get some crazy bread and some of that fake cheese dipping sauce you just know is giving you cancer too.

>> No.7709286
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>I'll only get down on my wife if she spreads sriracha on her hair pizza.

>> No.7709289
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I think Pizza Pops arent actually all that bad.

>> No.7709386

>baking is precision and shit

when will this meme end?

>> No.7709394
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I bought saffron once.

>> No.7709878

Worked at pizza hut in phoenix 3 months ago, only stuffed crust was frozen.

>> No.7709894

>I hated wilted lettuce
>but I love eating wilted lettuce that people cover up with leftover chicken, stale croutons, and too much dressing for one person

>> No.7709934

I don't like any kind of seafood.

>> No.7710239

Really? At my pizza hut all dough came as frozen discs that were thawed the night before. We had really long cheese sticks that the cooks had to roll into the hand tossed crusts to make stuffed crust. This was like 3 years ago though.

>> No.7710262

I remember being twelve years old.

>> No.7710276
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I actually use to think that I hated steak because I only ever had it well done, tried it one day medium out of curiosity .. a completely different level so juicy. Usually have it rare now and theirs no fucking way I'm going back

>> No.7710295

I enjoy chicago deep dish.

>> No.7710302

Only communists and transgender people do not like Chicago deep dish.

>> No.7710306

I tell people I like to cook but I don't really know how to cook all that much. I make payment cakes pretty regularly. And I kind of cooked a thanksgiving dinner with a couple friends one time.

>> No.7710310
File: 49 KB, 550x410, pizza (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah now. I'm a transgenderismeds individual and I love myself a 'go'za. Here's one I had recently.

>> No.7710311

Payment cakes?

>> No.7710317


Weird thing is I actually liked fish as a child. I started disliking it as I grew older.

>> No.7710318

i thought i would eventually grow to enjoy seafood, but i'm 24 now and still can't stand it. a month or so ago, i tried fried shrimp and some swordfish steak as well. disgusting. it was expensive stuff, too... not that i'd have been able to tell.

>> No.7710319

That's pretty understandable. Although I dont get the hate for wasabi since it only lasts for a few seconds.

>> No.7710322

The only things I can actually cook are bacon and eggs, steak, fried chicken, and cheeseburgers.
Out of these, the only one I cook regularly are cheeseburgers.

>> No.7710323

Fucking autocorrect. Pancakes.

>> No.7710324

Just try other easy things like tacos or pancakes.

>> No.7710333
File: 30 KB, 165x273, chef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat one of these whenever I want pizza -- about twice a month. Sometimes more. I've gotten pretty good at making them. I prefer it to frozen, and national chains. The local places don't really do it for me, either. My homemade pizzas started out as a kind of New York style and started converging into these tomato pies. Other than saving some money, I didn't see the point of making them from scratch anymore. The Chef is all I need.

>> No.7710346

I Loooove taco pancakes! Right on, bro!

>> No.7710360

i use the microwave for almost every meal i make at home

>> No.7710380
File: 410 KB, 868x503, Screen Shot 2016-05-25 at 06.13.51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this you?


>> No.7710383

Fuck off, you freak to society. Stay away from our children.

>> No.7710456

Lil Caesars use to be my go too, until Pizza Hut started that 5$ menu

>> No.7710461

I think I have a kind of dulled sense of taste/shit palate so I'm hesitant to cook for anyone besides myself.

I find this impedes improvement, and I find that frustrating.

>> No.7710463
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>not liking Chicago pizza

>> No.7710481
