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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7705602 No.7705602 [Reply] [Original]

ITT post your dinner for tonight

>> No.7705626

>simple beef tacos, Spanish rice, and calabacitas

>> No.7705628
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Forgot pic

>> No.7705694

What's you put in the calabacitas, they look pretty good mang

>> No.7705721

Simple chicken and rice. Didn't take a picture because didn't expect to be posting on a Mesopotamian Internet Camera Roll.

Sidenote, how do people like their chicken and rice? I usually just marinade the chicken and boil the rice with sage and garlic salt but it's getting boring. Also, what kind of side dishes go well with chicken and rice?

>> No.7705786

Real simple to make. Take some onions, corn cut from the cob not canned and mexican squash and cook it in a bit of butter. Season it with salt and pepper. Cook it till you see some caramilization at the bottom and the squash is cooked through. Top it with some of your favorite cheese. I used asadero. I wish I still had some roasted Hatch green chile's to add to it.

>> No.7705790
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>> No.7705793


>> No.7705807

Beer, Something that looked like bread

>> No.7705815


pretty much the same except I'll be having maruchan yakisoba

>> No.7705817
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Had a plate of cold leftovers tonight.

There was lox, onions, tomato, and cream cheese on Irish soda bread. Pulled pork with sliced dill pickles. Polish sausage with mustard and sauerkraut. And roasted potatoes with mayo.

Washed it down with some vodka.

>> No.7705827

No pics, but I made tilapia, jasmine rice and broccoli. I love baked fish, yo.

>> No.7705866


>> No.7705901
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Had a turkey club and some thick spiral cut fries with a beer at a local pub. The fries are so delicious

>> No.7705922

Everything looks good besides how they jew'd u on the turkey

>> No.7705930

There was plenty of bacon in there you can't see which helped, I wasn't complaining. The texas toast was great

>> No.7705943


>> No.7706077

Too lazy to really cook today so I just had packaged ramen, except I reduced the amount of water so that most of it evaporated, then mixed an egg in plus a few drops of sesame oil and soy sauce. I've never made it like that before and it was better than normally prepared ramen.

>> No.7706256
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Salmon skin rolls with ginger teriyaki sauce and cucumbers ;-)

>> No.7706275

Maybe make risotto instead of regular rice? It's not hard, just tedious because you need to stir it for half an hour. Red rice is good too: http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/classic-red-rice-108057

>> No.7706281
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Buy other kinds of rice.

>> No.7706390
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Went out to eat (Not my Picture)

Seared Tuna, Rare, with a Wasabi-Mayo, Crab and ( I think) Oyster Mushroom Risotto, And Three color Cauliflower mixed with roasted vegetables

>> No.7706411
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Diggin' it.

>> No.7706413


>> No.7706417
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I aint even black

>> No.7706418

That's how they styled hair in the 80's.

I know.

>> No.7706420

Don't have a picture but it's steamed broccoli with white rice and chicken breast.
And carrot, apple, celery and orange juice mix.

>> No.7706423

That sounds... bland as fuck.

>> No.7706428

>steamed brocolli, white rice, chicken breast
please tell me you at least cooked the breast skin on in a pan and finished with a quick pansauce

>> No.7706432

Who needs a pansauce when there's ketchup.

>> No.7706453
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ketchup has its places, like on a sausage on a piece of bread
or on a meat pie
or on chips
but thats pretty much it

>> No.7706465
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rolled out another pizza. Completely out of semolina flour now, though.

>> No.7706535
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>> No.7706544

Hot sauce
Maybe some sort of veg

>> No.7706562
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Didn't have enough deli meat left so I used extra lettuce on my sandwich(ham/turkey/lettuce/toasted bagel/ranch/mayo/cheddar/tabasco)

>> No.7706653
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Late af but fuck it. Had a hearty bowl of rice & quinoa with steamed carrots and green peppers, Mixed steamed vegetables, and simple garden salad with some baked ham slices (I was halfway through my meal when the pic was taken btw)

>> No.7706724

White nigger confirmed

>> No.7706738

It brings to mind mr jenner

>> No.7706743

why did he cut off dick

>> No.7706746

I love your dinner, did a turtle walk through it

>> No.7707066
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Pretty pleb tonight, ribeye, mash 'taters and steamed carrot .

>> No.7707071

I had a peach cobbler (chicago style, whole skinned peach on a slice of lightly toasted marble rye). to wash it down? a frosty Heineken.

>> No.7707087

Soy sauce and sesame oil. Stir fry that shit.

>> No.7707159

Tell me about your rice

>> No.7707172

Sounds yummy anon. I'd usually add carrots and some times peas to or corn.

Brocolli + chicken breast + rice and some thing extra... yum.

Often chilli sauce :-D.

>> No.7707174

>he doesn't mix his own rice

>> No.7707975

Cook the rice in little bit of olive oil until it gets bright white.
Then throw in a sofrito( pureed tomatoes, jalapenos, celery, garlic, onion, cilantro, paprika, cumin)
Stir for a minute then add chicken broth, diced carrot and salt to taste.
Cover the pot and simmer on low till it's done.

>> No.7707999
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>> No.7708144

That looks pretty tasty

I'm having fried gizzards and I dunno what else tonight. My SO won't eat gizzards so I'm hoping I can get some people at work to eat some but we'll see about that.

>> No.7709964

>ketchup has its places, like on a sausage on a piece of bread
>or on a meat pie
>or on chips
>but thats pretty much it

I find ketchup on meat to be generally bad...literally the only meat I like it on is a burger, other than that it's only good for fried potato products...hash browns, fries, home fries, tater tots, etc

>> No.7710012
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>> No.7710014
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Mushroom and black pepper pizza, testing out the stone I got as a gift recently. Breddy okay.

>> No.7710113

I think you accidentally dropped a few pieces of vegetable on your plate of greasy noodles

>> No.7710119
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onion pork sausage egg whites

>> No.7711944
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I had the afternoon off and I passed by an asin grocery store. It's Pho tonight!

2 hours left before i can make my soup!

I have vietnamese meat balls, chive and onions to garnish it.

>> No.7711949
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Right now, it's 3 hours in.

>> No.7711955

Looks good, but the heat might've been too high. Cheese looks a little overdone while the crust is still a bit pale.

Last time I ordered a pizza, there were like 12 total slices of mushroom on it, I wish it would looked more like yours :(

>> No.7711981

Make a thread and start over, so people who don't see this thread don't miss out on your first few images. This thread is shit. Make a pho thread. I'll lurk.

>> No.7712003
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>> No.7712087
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I tought about it, but I have shit lighting in my kitchen, so the pics end up shit.

This one was a first, if It's good I'll make a bigger pho batch and take pics.

Also I missed all the first steps: browning the onions and ginger, the spices mix, the meat and meat bones.

>> No.7712115
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Dutch fast food is weird

Friet speciaal, viandel, goulashkroket and a berenklauw

>> No.7712139
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>dutch food
>no pickled herring sandwich
Weak, anon. Weak.

>> No.7712160

Didn't take a pic, so here's one from google. Made some cheeseburger mac&cheese. It was delicious. Browning the beef with half an onion makes all the difference.

>> No.7712163
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Fuck forgot pic

>> No.7712164

wow so picky.

>> No.7712168

Looks delicious, but like I'd be burping it up for the rest of my life.

>> No.7712171
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mommy is bringing me home ramen from my favorite ramen place

hopefully she gives me cummies later

>> No.7712173
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I wanna have genuine fricadelle before I die.

>> No.7712181
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>hamburger helper hacks

>> No.7712205

I didn't use hamburger helper, but it is a pretty shit meal.

>> No.7712215
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bah if you get some greens or carrots on the side you have a quick healthy meal.

Also it makes leftovers for lunch.à

You did good

>> No.7712313
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>> No.7712323
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I'm having Chicago-style hamburger tonight. yum!

>> No.7712982

One of the few fast food joints I go to. You did good anon. Spicy on wheat, fries and split tea FTW.

>> No.7713003
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Grilled drumstick, salad, carrots cooked with a little bit of butter and rosemary, salad, guacamole, corn tortillas, jalapeno and chile de arbol salsa

>> No.7713942
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>pork belly
>Red & green jalapenos
>green onion

My first successful Japanese curry.

>> No.7713957
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>using pork and green onion
what kind of Japanese curry do you think you're cooking
you add white onion to make it sweeter, and beef is the staple for cooking this
japanese curry is basically just a sweet beef stew

>> No.7713966

No offence because I imagine you are just a >reddit> weeb but Japanese curry can have pork, chicken, minced meat, fish etc... I have seen ingredients such as egg or spring onion incorporated. I've also eaten somewhere which focused on using spinach in the currys.

>> No.7714847

I used what I had available, also Pork isn't weird at all in a curry. For fuck sake, pork katsu curry is a staple.

It all tasted brilliant man.

>> No.7714931
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>> No.7715032

I've never agreed more on anything.

>> No.7715033
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>rollmop sandwich

>> No.7715853
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>> No.7716070

Nothing. Only need to eat every 24 to36 hours.

>> No.7716087

half pound of penne with 4 oz of sharp cheddar melted in

>> No.7716194

I had leftovers from last night, which was some homemade pad thai.

>> No.7716226

Those cats get loud at night friend.

>> No.7716339
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Pretty good for a five minute idea.

>> No.7716364

instant oatmeal

>> No.7716391


sounds awesome

>> No.7716801

>paper plates
good man right here

>> No.7716887

Black bean burritos.

I'd post a pic but I already ate them.

>> No.7717173
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You can rate my breakfast if you like.

>> No.7717177


3 pieces of cheeseburger and Tomato Pizza
500ml of Strawberry Jello
500 ml of lime jello
a bowl of watermelon