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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 14 KB, 600x434, alcoholic1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7699632 No.7699632 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't we stop, /ck/?

>> No.7699633

because you are mentally weak

>> No.7699634

Because finishing and stopping aren't the same fucking thing.

>> No.7699637

smoke pot instead

>> No.7699644
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Gives me panic attacks m8. Trapped in this alcohol fueled hell

>> No.7699645



weed makes you dizzy and makes you forget about your decadent life, just like booze, but you wake up feeling fresh and rebooted, unlike fucking life killing booze.

>> No.7699669
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Because I'll never know how to love myself.

>> No.7699756

My nigga. That King Crimson

>> No.7699760
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Shit, I can't because I'm never going through the DTs again. If my liver falls out my ass in five years so be it. Fuck that shit.

>> No.7699768
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Who the fuck would want to stop? There aren't many people in this world who want to completely stop.

>> No.7699793

>stopping alcohol
Cause youre not dead yet

>> No.7699873

Because we're unable to deal with life

>> No.7699879

No need to stop drinking, I moved on to heroin when my liver decided to quit.

>> No.7699894
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>drugs with withdrawals that can kill you

>> No.7699896

I'm riding this shit to the grave

>> No.7699902


>> No.7699906

heroin withdrawal cannot kill you, but alcohol withdrawal can. gaba is bigger than opi anon stop the misinformation you fucking drunk

>> No.7699920
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> being a junkie is better than being a drunk.


>> No.7699928
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Please stop posting drake

>> No.7699935

cause I'm alone and sad all the time? and alcohol helps me forget about it and sometimes lets me enjoy stuff again?

depression sucks nigger dick

>> No.7699938
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How high are you tonight opiatebro?

>> No.7699939

Because you're all degenerates.

>> No.7699962


I had panic attacks before I became an alcohol and quit alcohol. Now weed is chill. I think once you've managed to fight to keep your mind after drinking loads and you're spinning and fighting to stay awake, weed in low doses is easy to handle

>> No.7700145

try acid once and find out why youre really addicted

>> No.7700162

not tonight....

>> No.7700207

I'm bored. should I drink 350ml leftover vodka or take 300mg of codeine?

>> No.7700211

being a drunk is also being a junkie

>> No.7700213

Do both.

>> No.7700217

no point. alcohol completely ruins codeine. their effects on the respiratory system stack up, so it could be dangerous too, but 350ml is too little for that

>> No.7700424

That word, bored.

It's worse than anything isn't it? That's why I drink too much.

>> No.7700431

god, yep. even when I have things I can do I feel bored and just drink, then usually end up not doing them

>> No.7700449

Spent two nights drinking after two months without a drop, just a shitty nights sleep, and I'm back to being a worthwhile person.

>> No.7700451

Cause we're all headed there.

>> No.7700470

Everyone I've known that has fucked with heroin has either had to go to rehab or OD'd. tread carefully, friend.

>> No.7700523

I just meant death in general, but whatever floats your straight edge boat

>> No.7700530

You said something factually incorrect and that anon corrected you, he never said heroin is just dandy you cunt.

>> No.7700615

Every fucking booze thread
>dude weed bro so much better you should weed bro
Fuck off to a weed thread why must you shit up any conversation about alcohol with your unwarranted advice

>> No.7700641


>> No.7700681
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>Two weeks sober
>Going for a whole month

I'll report back.
It's comforting that there are alcoholic generals here.

>> No.7700704
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>I get addicted to meme substances that I only started to use because I wanted to look "cool"

>> No.7700706

Because you need something to cope with living in this shitty realm?

>> No.7700711
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More importantly

why would we want to stop

>> No.7700739
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i like ur thinking

and ur gifs

>> No.7700758

I'm a week sober, feels strange but kind of good. Hang in there m8

>> No.7700791

Not all the time for me anyway m8, the bakeover is real

>> No.7700809

I went a week sober for the first time in years up until yesterday. Got trashed last night with friends, but I don't feel any urge to drink tonite either. I think I'm just gonna be a social drinker now.

>> No.7700851

if your a real alcohol it doesnt work like that m8

>> No.7700892

Which is a good thing.

>> No.7700916


>> No.7700963


Just trying to help Bros make a change that saved my life

>> No.7701004
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Anyone here ever been to AA or NA? Christ, what a shitload of fuck that is. 12-steppers are, without exception, compliant yes-men and complacent drones.

>> No.7701023

I managed to stop drinking when I realised it was turning into alcoholism and didn't make me happier at all. It's been 1,5 months and I've lost 13kgs since. You can do it, too.

>> No.7701033

I swear a few hits of weed gives me a worse hangover then a 12 pack to face.

>> No.7701044

I've drank almost every single day for 10 years. 10-15 drinks until I pass out every night. The hangovers suddenly got worse and I just don't seem to want to do it anymore.

>> No.7701062


Same. Weed fucks me up for days, can't get out of the fog. I'd rather be piss drunk than high. People don't get, it's not for everyone. Fuck I wish it worked for me but it doesn't.

Once my mushroom jars take off I'm never getting high again.

>> No.7701085

Weed faggots NEED to fuck off.

>> No.7701107

I am not the kind of man who will sit down and take being told to fuck off.

>> No.7701121

because I remember how lonely it was before I started drinking

>> No.7701129

Fine, you don't have to fuck off. But seriously stop busting into these threads to talk about fucking marijuana.

>> No.7701159

But weed saved my life. It would be irresponsible not to share its wonder with others.

>> No.7701197


Jesus Christ you fucking faggot
The weirdest time and place to take a stand.

Small, prideful men. Eugh.

>> No.7701202

I am not small.

>> No.7701212


I don't know or care about your physical build, and believe me when I say this is the furthest thing from dick-size but you are absolutely a small man.

But ma didn't raise no homos, right?

>> No.7701228

One week sober after a steady diet of a handle and a half of bottom shelf vodka every two days for the last three years.

Feeling better. Sleeping through the night and getting shit done. About one more week and I won't have to worry about having seizures and dropping dead at any moment. It is really not that bad. Dry out. The discomfort is worth it.

>> No.7701236


What're you drinking tonight, /ck/?
I've been told mountain Dew and Bourbon was good; turns out its pretty shit. Just gonna stick with rum and coke now.

>> No.7701241

>ma didn't raise no homos
I gay and not spiritually small either.

>> No.7701248

>I am not small.

Do people say you're a big guy?

>> No.7701259

>I've been told mountain Dew and Bourbon was good
I think someone is trying to kill you anon. That sounds disgusting. Of course I drink gin and orange drink, so what do I know.

>> No.7701265

I do not know what people say about me. I only communicate through text and sign language.

>> No.7701290

you ever get heartburn?

>> No.7701294

i have heard of blind drunk, never deaf drunk...

Though I suppose this guy has never heard of either

>> No.7701304

because deep down you think it's kinda cool to have this dependency.

>> No.7701312

what? alcoholics are considered human trash by the society

>> No.7701321

yeah but lots of elevated things are associated with alcoholism too. tortured artists, rock stars, people that have seen some shit, and so on.
And indulging in misery doesn't have to be logical, it's just easy. you always use that somewhat dignified picture for your gens too, never a yellow bearded hobo.

>> No.7701323

Society is fickle. It's why people who become well known for not giving a fuck become "folk heroes."

>> No.7701330

>5 years
At the rate you're going? not fucking likely buddy

>> No.7701430

I enjoyed rum and IMO for awhile.

I've weaned myself off the spirits though.

>> No.7701473

Because I drink until the feelings stop. Because I am much happier, funnier, enjoyable at work if I drank the day before. Because I've gotten to the point that I am terrified of going to a social event if I were sober. And so on

>> No.7701486


No turning back now, have come too far

>> No.7701508

Occasionally. Gin and grapefruit juice is goat tier, but grapefruit fucks with your liver so I stopped drinking it.

>> No.7701535


I am NOT small.

Do you want to give me your name and number and I'll give it to the polishe?

>> No.7701583


because quitters never win

>> No.7701590
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>because quitters never win

took me a sec

>> No.7701596

In live with a girl who doesn't love me back and is fucking another guy. I drink til it doesn't feel like their are steel bands and a weight tied around my heart anymore. Usually ~5 drinks then maintain that buzz.

>> No.7701605

how old r u?

>> No.7701619

literal cuck

end it

>> No.7701627

I've recently started adding splashes of liquor to almost all of my non-alcoholic drinks

I do this because I feel shame and don't want people around me to know I'm drinking all day long

what sort of stage am I at?

>> No.7701629

the fun stage

>> No.7701633
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really?!, pedo?

>> No.7701646

Depends on how big those splashes are, man.

If you start getting those spiky withdrawal feelings after a few hours of cessation like I do, you dun goofed. You CAN wean yourself off, but it's hard, and it's sucks, so you're not going to want to. It's easier to just keep drinking. If you've got kids or a spouse you might want to consider cooling it though.

>> No.7701687

MIO. Stupid autocorrect.

>> No.7701742

what the actual fuck? why don't you have any dignity left to just throw her out?

>> No.7701752

He didn't say he is with her...

>> No.7701763

I should, anon, but she fucks with me. She goes from "we are just friends and can never be together" to "I love you and would be upset if you got a gf and I lost you but I can't be with anybody right now."

>> No.7701769

she's just an evil bitch. get as far away from her as possible

>> No.7701782

Surely there's more to it than that if you haven't given up on her. Didn't you say she's porking someone else? What, it's okay for her to get someone else but not you? Fuck that shit.

>> No.7701784

this >>7701769

She is using you to build up her confidence. She wants you around as a tool when she needs you for an ego boost, but she wants nothing to do with you romantically. Stop letting her use you, she is not someone that you should have any kind of respect or admiration for. Stop being a thirsty bitch, get another girl and shove them in her face. Then she might have some respect for you.

>> No.7701795

Does drinking two beers after a break count as breaking sobriety?

>> No.7701810

no. getting drunk does

>> No.7701821

Corralejo Reposado. Shit is good and I have the day off tomorrow. I had a third of the bottle left today in the afternoon but I just emptied it. I might still drink a beer or two before going to bed.

>> No.7701822

literally my ex-gf, it really is best to get out now.

here's your best source of relationship advice so you can stop the rot before every woman you meet treats you like their lapdog.



drinking will help in the meantime to deal with being in mangina mode

>> No.7701829

As far as you dont slip back into the same cycle, sure. Far too many recovering alcoholics fall for the "I can do it in moderation" thing too soon though.

>> No.7701871

Patrice is my hero and he has great wisdom for dealing with women but I feel like he didn't do much talking about the "man's soul being crushed by an evil woman" kind of scenario.

I'd prescribe some Bill Burr Monday Morning Podcast clips on dealing with exes and evil women, then once you're feeling a bit more back to normal, Patrice has the shit for getting back out there and the basic dynamics of a new relationship.

But I don't know the right clips because I'm new to the MMPC scene, whereas Patrice has been my guiding light for years and years now. RIP.

>> No.7701943

>deteriorating your physical and mental health because some girl don't liek u back

I'm not trying to insult you, but this is the epitome of beta behavior, and childish behavior. A "real man" would brush this shit off, maintain his health, and go about his life, knowing there will always be more women.

And here's a tip: that girl isn't special. Is she really that good-looking, smart, charming, etc? Try to look at it objectively, and you'll see she's likely not much of those things.

>> No.7701948

listen to what the other anons said about this bitch being evil and using you. Sometimes, 4channers actually know what they're talking about.

Get away from her--kick her out or move out yourself. Although, sorry to say--you're probably going to continue to allow her to manipulate you. But you can stop letting her do that if you stop thinking emotionally.

>> No.7701958

Fucking kick her ass out you pathetic cuck. Jesus christ have some respect for yourself. She's a fucking cunt.

>> No.7701972

how can you put up with it? when I get even a vibe of lack of respect or care about me from a girl I crush on, it immediately removes all attraction. I'll probably die a virgin though

>> No.7701996

>Is she really that good-looking, smart, charming, etc?

it's never really about that though is it? it's all about your ego and the fact that deep down, even if you don't think it in your developed human brain, deep down you feel like another caveman just pissed on a tree in your territory, and went and hunted one of your deer.

allowing that type of primal anguish to have any power over you is retarded, you just gotta accept it for what it is and stop giving a fuck.

>> No.7701998

Had a buddy bday last night, had two ipa, and split like 3 pitchers with him, amd one vodka sprite to cap it off, with some bowls. Feeling like ass today, i try amd take few days off between drinking because my hangovers are so bad. The idea of having a drink today ismt even there.

I just enjoy beers and getting drunk but have my consumption under control i think.

Good luck anons, feel bad for you every day guys. Hope ya get better familia

>> No.7702020

>it's all about your ego

Yeah, I think that's probably a lot or most of why it would hurt. But still, trying to objectively assess exactly how desirable, and undesirable, the girl is should help this sadfag get over it.

This guy doesn't seem to be mature enough to accept the situation without it hurting his idea of himself, so maybe thinking about how he's not losing as much as he thinks he is will help.

>> No.7702044

How is your relationship with her son?

>> No.7702053

Very, very sensual

>> No.7702058

>Is she really that good-looking, smart, charming, etc?
>it's never really about that though is it?
Well that's exactly what it should be about you idiots.

>> No.7702189

Not wanting to do it anymore and not doing it anymore are miles apart

>> No.7702196

>that's exactly what it should be about

His post agrees though. He said it's stupid to be controlled by perceived harm to your ego.

>> No.7702206

You are a stupid animal and your personal experience means nothing to anyone else you shit. Just because you're fine with it doesn't mean other people will be. Also, I don't believe you that it saved shit. You're just a moron.

>> No.7702209

Yeah I know, I only meant to greentext the second sentence.

>> No.7702221

Just got some Svedka and grapefruit juice. Finna play some vidya and get turnt

>> No.7702230


Why do stoners never seem to understand that week affects people differently. And seem to think it's a secret club that solves everything.

Pretty much everyone's tried weed and if they don't smoke it it's probably because it didn't do anything to them or made them feel worse.

Weed makes me feel panicky and my heart races for days afterwards, I feel like I'm dying. Alcohol just makes me feel calm and happy and appreciate things more.

Anyways stoners act like weed has no negative effects and then cut it with tobacco fucking lol

>> No.7702238

You would be surprised by how many people on 4chan have never seen weed in their life and put it in the same group as cocaine and meth.

>> No.7702273

>Pretty much everyone's tried weed
I haven't

>> No.7702303

Ur dumb m8. Go smoke one

>> No.7702307

They're just pretending

>> No.7702487

I live in Wisconsin, so at least my drinking problems are considered a little more normal than most places. In a recent study of the "drunkest" cities in the US Wisconsin had 7 out of the top 10

>> No.7702513
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>> No.7702534

There's no REALLY good reason to stop. You need a good old-fashioned medical scare to make you stop. Like, liver cirrhosis and acute kidney damage.

>> No.7702662
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Anyone got pancreas problems, pancreatitis?

>> No.7702815

I've never felt pain in that area too much. I get pain, but only when I don't drink. It's on both sides evenly, and hurts in the morning. I have to lay on my fist on my side to keep either side of my body from touching the bed. I think it's my Irish-ness being mad at me for not drinking. I know it's actually me dieing though... It seriously doesn't hurt at all if I drink though.

>> No.7702897
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Lol don't let fat old bitter uncheckable mother's against drunk driving cunts guilt you into making you feel bad for what you enjoy

Remember, we live in a de-balled no-fun-allowed world, fuck them and do what you enjoy

>> No.7702929

Whoa dude holy shit get a load of these mentally strong individuals. Goddamn I'm really impressed by you faggots.

>> No.7703040

22 y/o. My alcoholic mom is going to jail at the end of the month after getting her 3rd DUI on a suspended license after ten+ years of hard alcoholism and this is fucking up my younger siblings' lives. My mom is not everyone but please consider getting professional help if you have kids. I don't look down on you. I thoroughly understand how many ups and downs are involved in quitting without even touching the physical effects, but I believe that you have the ability to get your shit together. Maybe not the first/fifth/tenth try, but I know you care.

>> No.7703195

i tried to quit on friday but bought a 6pack every night. every night while buying it i told myself last time garunteed. then at around 3-4pm the next day i was fiending hard and caved.

tommorow im gonna go on a 10 hour walk for the entire day till its time to sleep so im not sitting around thinking about wanting to drink. it will be weird, but i dno what else to do.

>> No.7703222

Why not just smoke weed, bros?

Its the same, but better.

>> No.7703245

It's totally different. Scratches the wrong itch.

>> No.7703248

I'm not gay

>> No.7703259
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Weed is illegal in California

>> No.7704014


>> No.7704035

Weed is so much better for you. And cheaper in the long run. Boozers are losers.

>> No.7704036

>booze is for MEN
>weed is for FAGGOTS
Care to explain this logic? At least potheads don't piss all over themselves and go scream and knock at their parent's door

>> No.7704051


Surely you can find an excuse to get a medical card.

>> No.7704067


my DARE officer told me only losers do drugs and the TV told me drinking was really cool and manly

>> No.7704069

Yeah, man. I just told my doctor I was having headaches. You can tell them anything, it's not like trying to get oxy or something.

>> No.7704077

I'm too scared to try it

heard about people getting schizophrenia and shit

>> No.7704084


I'd much rather smoke weed, but in my state it's super illegal and our faggoty puritan government won't ever make it even medicinal.

Only downside is having a foggy, cloudy mind basically all the time when you're not high. I'd much rather deal with that than a fucking racing heart and gross sweating and nausea for a whole day.

>> No.7704092

What are you, Amish?

>> No.7704095

Becuase you touch yourself at night.

>> No.7704107

I used to smoke weeds for 3 years, everyday.
I got psychotic. not directly because of weed, it just revealed it.

>> No.7704110

Dude bro lol just scrambl- I mean UNLOCK your mind bro it will fix everything dude it'll all be clear man

>> No.7704124

I don't get mindfog anymore since I started hydrating and medicating more properly
some people smoke like it's a contest which is a shame because it legitimately helps with some things yet those people give it a shitty rep being faggots

If you're at risk or you have latent schizophrenia or other mental disorders smoking weed can trigger it earlier especially if you start young

>> No.7704130


>im a crazy piece of shit
>when i smoked weed i actually thought about how much of a piece of shit i am

self reflection is dangerous stuff better off just numbing your brain with booze

>> No.7704137


No, I just live in Indiana. It will never be legal here. Legal, decriminalized, medical in every state surrounding but never here.

>> No.7704155 [DELETED] 

the problem is that weed, in my case, increased in an unbelievable way self reflection and self consciousness of myself. I couldnt stop it and didnt like it.
Booze is less painful for my fucked up mind and just makes me happy for now.
>still a piece of shit but ama good functionnal member of the society desu.

>> No.7704205

Free beer bar tap today drank until it ran out got free pizza. Then went home. Total spent $0.00.

>> No.7704214

So? Weeds is illegal almost everywhere, doesn't mean it's hard to get.

>> No.7704220

Haha, it'll be legal everywhere before long.

>> No.7704240


>> No.7704254


t. guy smoking pot in the basement of his moms house in 1970

>> No.7704255

I see, thanks!

>> No.7704257


>> No.7704270

Over 50 percent nationally favor legalization it's only a matter of time

>> No.7704272

Fine, I'll just smoke other people's weed then.No need to get mad, man.

>> No.7704275

That way you aren't replacing one habit with the other.

>drop the booze
>smoke weed
>but only when someone else has it

>> No.7704300

They both relax and entertain you but they have nothing else in common. Alcohol is highly addictive in that it produces severe cravings and withdrawal symptoms, nothing like the cravings you get for weed which are purely mental. Alcohol relieves stress and anxiety in a way weed doesn't. Most alcoholics don't drink recreationally, it's a matter of plain addiction.

People make your exact post in every single thread, and it just shows a naive, uneducated attitude to drugs. I understand why people get pissed off at you guys, and I have difficulty believing you're mature enough to offer advice on the matter.

>> No.7704307


doesn't matter. most of them are going to get high and forget to go vote and/or are black so the government doesn't care what they think.

>> No.7704309

why don't you guys switch drugs every day or two, that way you can be constantly fucked up and not addicted to anything. e.g. liquor, benzos, opoid painkillers switching every 2 days? alcohol doesn't even feel that good compared to other depressants, it's probably one of the shittiest

>> No.7704310


>weed doesn't relieve stress and anxiety
>you aren't mature enough to be a drunk like me

sounds like you are the naive one

>> No.7704315

>reading comprehension

>> No.7704323


he was totally right though... why did you ever become a drunk? why didn't you just smoke weed? why do you hate yourself enough to not even try weening off/get off the bottle.

you are a weakling. enjoy being boozes bitch until you die in a ditch somewhere penniless and unloved. hopefully they can donate your body to science after it goes unclaimed at the morgue and you can at least do one useful thing your entire life.


>> No.7704337

This is the same case of weed people not being able to comprehend that smoking weed is psychologically unpleasant in extreme degrees for some people. They literally have the hardest time getting outside of their own viewpoint.

>> No.7704338
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Around what point did your body start to hurt, /ck/? I've been a steady drinker for a little over a year and my organs are starting to hurt and my shit is starting to look funny.

>> No.7704345

I would recommend you get out now.
I have been for 8 years on a nearly constant daily basis, and I only had a few tinges of pain in the last year but the worst thing that comes from it for me is the anxiety from being too dry too long.

>> No.7704346

Weed is no good for partying. Alcoholics are genetically predisposed to become addicted if they drink to excess. I did smoke weed for a few years but it started giving me servere DP/DR and panic attacks, which I then used alcohol to medicate because I was already somewhat addicted and didn't even know it. It gets to the point where you dwell on your past, especially if it's a traumatic one, and take life's setbacks too hard so that reaching for the bottle seems the only way out of misery. Before you know it, you're a full blown addict and nothing can give you the strength you need to quit.

>> No.7704347
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>weed makes me feel bad
>so instead i am a drunk which also makes me feel bad
>i always feel bad
>woe is me, you will never understand my troubles

wasted lives. at least you have your /ck/ image board to religiously share how terrible your self inflicted problems are every day with other losers.

>> No.7704348

I've been considering quitting, but all I do is cut back for a week or 2 then get back to it.

>> No.7704365

I'm not asking for your sympathy, empathy, anything, but you just keep continuing in the same pattern. You're doing it again.
To be honest I've had an easy life so far and nothing is woe is me, but you keep dismissing something you don't understand. Honestly if you're such a proponent for marijuana just go to somewhere like r/trees you faggot instead of coming in these threads every single time.

>> No.7704374

I would just say if you're physically hurting after a year this is likely not a thing you should be doing. Also when you started and how old you are will make a difference.

>> No.7704379

Drank occasionally when I was underage, and more often as I was getting closer to 21. Started getting drunk nightly from there.

>> No.7704387

Why do I feel like the demographic more likely to quit isn't the "functioning" alcoholics? Like everyone needs a big DUI or fuckup to quit or something.

>> No.7704437


>if you support the weed movement you should just talk to people that already agree with you instead of spreading the gospel to those who need it the most

>> No.7704662

When I wake up for a night of drinking I feel like i have to take a shit really bad. Is that normal?

>> No.7704683

same. I never vomit after drinking alcohol and don't really have hangovers, but I always have to shit at least 2 times in the morining

>> No.7704691

What about a junk food junkie

>> No.7704711

>the gospel
This is where you are wrong. Smoking weed made me feel depersonalization and derealization multiple times. I tried to make it work for me, it doesn't.
Stop doing this. There are people that weed is just objectively bad for. Smoke it if you want, don't come into alcohol threads and talk about it. That's fucked.

>> No.7704721

Also I'm going to say a few more things. Like honestly if you point people in the direction of your preferred substance you just may be recommending them the worst time of their lives. The possibility of it being good is not worth risking the possibility that it could be torturous. I've smoked weed a lot trying to adapt and it's always been among the absolute worst psychological experiences of my life. I never tell anyone to drink. That's all I'm saying.

>> No.7704725


>it didnt work for me so its not going to work for anyone here
>this is my thread get out
>stop liking things i dont like

>> No.7704731

It's fine if you like it, it really is. I'm just saying stop trying to push the weed thing. I never push my drinking thing upon anyone, why do weed people constantly say that people should smoke?

>> No.7704736


i dont give a fuck what you do. smoking helped me quit drinking though.

for you personally though i would recommend suicide. you seem like an angry bitter turd.

>> No.7704745

Well we've obviously had different experiences in life. See that's it, just different. I'm not saying what I do is good or that I'm any better than you. I don't wish you suicide.

>> No.7704755

Never really been big on alcohol. I like Malibu Coconut Rum mixed with juice at night but that's about it. I drink a Dr. Pepper during the day.

>> No.7704756

because you say things like "i can't" baka

(which you do because you don't actually want to quit and that's fine but at least admit this and start looking for something in life that makes you happy enough to not need booze anymore)

>> No.7704767


also, because you derive satisfaction from self-pity and find comfort in the misery.

maybe you got here because you were happy once upon a time and got knocked down and stayed there, convinced that if you got back up, you'd just get knocked down again. so staying miserable was safer. so here you are, an autonomous human adult, with the ability to sustain your own happiness if you just learn how to stand your ground.

>> No.7704773



should just spam this in every new self loathing "im an alcohol" thread

literally just a bunch of beta manlets pissing their lives down the toilet because trying is hard

>> No.7705063

i quit 6 months ago because i realized if i didn't i would end up doing some serious damage to myself.
i decided i would rather have my health and mental focus than to be drunk every day doing nothing.

>> No.7705088

How long were you drinking before that?

>> No.7705153

Very real. More edgy than a slight hangover

>> No.7705173

why don't weedfags understand that when people smoke weed they don't all experience the EXACT same effects they do?

it's so retarded. this is an alcohol thread. weed is not even comparable. it's like saying "ramen thread" and then all these fags show up saying just eat lasagna.

>> No.7705226


yeah good analogy if ramen was addictive and life crippling and lasagna was a safe alternative that you just decided to ignore in favor of ramen

>> No.7705267

Would you consider someone who drinks 2 40ozs of steel reserve a night an alki? My parents tell me I am but dunno

>> No.7705277

Pretty much the easiest way to tell if you're an alcoholic is that if you want to quit but feel like you can't, you probably are.

>> No.7705283

Yea I try to talk myself out of drinking sometimes but can, so ya guess I am there. also its weird when I wake up i crave a light draft beer and usually head to the bar to quench

>> No.7705301

Right. Bottom line is, if your life is meeting your own standards, and you're relatively happy, it's not really something to worry about. If not, give quitting a shot if only to see if you can do it without much effort. If that's all you drink, you're not in withdrawal territory. That's where you have to really be careful.

>> No.7705307

what is withdrawal territory? My mom keeps telling me I will gradually increase. But ive been steady at 2 40ozs for years

>> No.7705325

See if you can do one 40 a day for a week then see if you can do a week or two off the sauce completely.

>> No.7705328

I've researched and researched this, and most sites say around say around 5 pints of beer per day is enough, but in reality it varies from person to person.

>> No.7705335

tried before I cant like I just want it almost like ocd I feel like my night isn't complete

>> No.7705402

What's the most fucked up thing you guys did while drunk
that you wouldn't do sober?

>> No.7705483

I called my stepdad during a blackout crying and told him I was diagnosed with stomach cancer.

I have no fucking clue what led me to do that.

>> No.7705516


fingered a few girls in public/crowded areas/dance floors. zero fucks given.

drunken fights with friends.

>> No.7705520

That's quite a lot. I'm not sure why you would even question it. You likely don't or haven't experienced significant withdrawals because you don't drink all day.

>> No.7705660

Oh man, I was at an Unknown Hinson show drunk off my fucking ass (went black shortly after this) and saw this chick dancing, so I went up to her and danced with her. Her boyfriend knocked two of my teeth out.

>> No.7705669

What's fucked about that? I do that sober.

>> No.7705717

I was
It wasn't a fucked up thing, what he posted just reminded me of it.

>> No.7705724

I almost asked my oneitis out. I was so trashed that I was beyond slurring and into the mixing up word order and omitting words entirely. She thought it was hilarious and still brings it up whenever we drink. Hopefully she never realizes what I intended to say.

>> No.7705839

thats true, I usually start at 9pm then hit bed.

>> No.7705859

Cried like a little girl when i was like 15 in front of my friends.

I was supposed to be the tough guy.

>> No.7705898

Ran away from my friend's house and almost got arrested, kicked a hole in my apartment wall and tried to commit suicide and landed in the psych ward, broke up with my girlfriend and then changed my mind like two hours later, chased a bender with a bottle of klonopin multiple times, came out as trans in front of my friend and her roommates in college while crying into a dress i bought

>> No.7705928

The prick is annoying, but stoners are less annoying than alcoholics I've met.

I don't like the nodding feeling opiates give me, it just isn't my thing. But if I'm in pain and the doctor tells me it would be best to take at least a bit to curb the pain, I do.

Despite the "depersonalization" and "derealization," it's better than waking up feeling like shit and having a queasy stomach and aches.

It also sounds like weed makes you feel this way because you have an undiagnosed mental illness other than depression. My friend reacted to weed with extreme paranoia and felt "out of body." Fastforward 3 years and he is a full-blown paranoid schizophrenic, exacerbated by the substances [including alcohol and weed] he took as a young man.

Alcohol isn't any better. Maybe go to a doctor or psychiatrist or something.

>> No.7705950

I'm new here.
Is it a meme, or is /ck/ really just a bunch of alcoholics?

>> No.7705963

KEK weed just makes me uncomfortable. No paranoia, no panic attacks, just full blown discomfort, I feel too retarded to enjoy tv or other things at the level I can sober.

It always feels like a waste of time.

>> No.7706152

That's not how democracy works. Legal marijuana would cut into the profits of a lot of influential businesses. It will never happen.

>> No.7706157

Not everybody, but most of the shitposters come here to gather in these threads. They spill over into better threads when they run out of people to sympathize with.

>> No.7706339
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Outta money so purchased a bunch of 40oz's

>> No.7708475

Woke up this morning and realized I was detoxing. Crazy shit. I need to drink less

>> No.7708485

I only drink once or twice a month. Drinking everyday is bad.

>> No.7708579

the weird thing though is that I don't care too much right now about it. I kinda like it. all the best artists I can think of were some form of substance abuser (although I'm also aware this may just be confirmation bias) there would seem to be a correlation between emotional intelligence and abuse

>> No.7708584


>a bunch of 40s is cheaper than liquor

drinking moscow mules tonight niggers

ginger beer is overpriced but this stuff is pretty good

>> No.7708595

Dealer hasn't got back to me yet.

>That glorious falling feeling you get from being high af and shitfaced

>> No.7708598

Well if you're a successful musical artist and you're traveling the world chances are you'll be exposed to substances. Does that make your music better? No it doesn't. All that means is you had the talent before you started.

>> No.7708699

Same see you there bro

>> No.7708728

You probably started getting drunk without any real reason, just because you were bored or feeling a bit sad maybe.

Strong alcohol should be used like hallucinogens. Rarely, on special occasions, or for mind-altering to gain insight. Once you start getting drunk for no reason, it's hard to stop that train.

It's okay to drink weak beers or wines (3% abv or so) every day though, as long as you still eat properly. It's a lot harder to get really drunk and have hangovers with these drinks.

>> No.7708734
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>> No.7708757


im an alcoholic because of weed. i smoked daily for years and then it started getting boring so i started adding in alcohol.

>> No.7708763

Cheated on my "girlfriend" roommate at a party blacked out in her bed with another girl roommate. Justified it at the time cuz she was cheating on her boyfriend from Canada with me; I said we weren't an official thing despite the obvious, real feelings we had for each other. Made the rest of my year miserable desu and maybe even a little now too.

>> No.7708775


sounds like you suck at playing your cards and traded a fun threesome for a bitter awkward breakup

>> No.7708806

Pretty much, that's what I was initially going for. Only after did I realize the girl I cheated with had an IQ of 40, another thing the girl I was with detested me for. Both girls had their issues, but it was my bad for not seeing them and playing around them.

Thanks stolichnaya

>> No.7708816


the 40 iq chick would suck your dick no matter what. you should have spent the time finessing the smarter girl into a drunken threesome

its okay though bro you live and learn.

>> No.7708834

>tfw can't smoke weed because of randomized drug tests

It's been almost four years since I finished Uni and I miss it plenty but alcohol is perfectly fine.

>> No.7708839

True, rolling and tripping ever four days didn't help either, but it's as you say, live and learn. Can't let hypothetical glories tie you down, though they are stupidly nice to think about desu.

On topic, drinking my red cooking wine (Sutter Home CS) because my lease ends soon and I'm not trying to take any leftover food with me to my next spot. What is your beverage friend

>> No.7708890

well i lost my wallet sunday

went out tomorrow with the intention of buying alochol before I realized my lack of ID

I guess i wont be drinking for this week which is a good thing even if its not by choice.

already feeling like shit

>> No.7708984

I just had a thought. I don't think I ever did something messed up or stupid, but there were a few nights where I got fucked up beyond coherence where friend(s) would get me back home or at least put me in a cab. I never really felt bad about it and thought of it more as a bonding experience where I end up trusting them more after the night than before. I wonder if they felt the same way

>> No.7709005

I climbed onto my roof while shitfaced to look at the stars or something and passed out in just my underwear. Woke up at about 11:30 the next day to my neighbor poking me with a rake to see if I was alive, half the neighborhood must have driven by that morning to go to work and see me passed out in my underwear on the roof

>> No.7709008

I'm down to eight drinks a day from a fifth. My eyes are yellow but I'm regaining lucidity for the first time in two years. Probably gotta check a doctor after I'm clean for a couple weeks.

>> No.7709013


im the moscow mule fag from earlier.

1/2 a fifth of smirnoff polished off so far. gonna drink the rest tonight for sure.

you have plenty of time to chase whores man don't let her keep you up at night.

>> No.7709042

So how much do you guys spend on alcohol in a typical month?

>> No.7709047

my typical haul after work is about 6 or 7 bucks most days of the week. I'd say somewhere around $150 a month probably

>> No.7709049

scared alcoholic, definitely not scrambling your brain with all that alcohol :)

>> No.7709052

>literally describing alcohol withdrawals
the cognitive dissonance in these threads is hilarious

>> No.7709055

>because my kidneys are starting to hurt
>because I showed up to work drunk and am now scared I may get fired
>Because I'm broke and spend all my money on booze
>Because my family is getting pissed at me
>Because I had a DUI and if get caught again will get royally fucked in court and go to prison
>Because it doesn't make me happy anymore
>Because I almost burned down the house when I tried cooking and fell asleep
>Because I'm depressed and only get more depressed after I drink
>Because I hate my job but drinking makes me lose the motivation to quite

>> No.7709063



i only drink 2-3 days/week but i always think about it

>> No.7709102
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>> No.7709134
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It's just easier to keep drinking than wean myself off or deal with fucking DTs (which it always came down to when I tried to wean anyway, been in hospital four times over this.)

My boss knows this and I'm allowed to drink on the job as long as I maintain my spaghetti and everything. The only negative impact it's having on my life is I have to plan driving around it because I don't drive buzzed.

>> No.7709140

They'll feel the same way if you reciprocate when they're fucked up beyond belief. Really, it comes down to you being so vulnerable you can't take care of yourself but have the fortune of having the friends to do so.

To me, making myself that vulnerable is humutliating, but I had the friends to make sure I was safe. It's one of those 'I owe you my life' sort of things, so to reciprocate is a real bonding.

>> No.7709164

Hahah yea I feel man, just I keep remembering all the times she wasn't a hoe to me, but that's selective ain't it.

Now onto the handle of black velvet whiskey, happy drinking brother, if you can find it

>> No.7709169


Drink up faget

>> No.7709186
File: 1.54 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_20160520_231943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking old grandad whiskey now

It's a meme but it gets the job done

Those burgers are long gone lel

>> No.7709190

>self loathing
>attempting to have a hold on social life by becoming an alcoholic
Just to name a few.

>> No.7709196

Evan Williams my man. $19 a handle here in cali

>> No.7709200

>My boss knows this and I'm allowed to drink on the job
What your job, guy?

>> No.7709210
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Construction welder. Scaaaaaaary huh?

>> No.7709211

I doubt u get the Evan Williams size in my pic for 19. I live in NY and I've been to about a dozen booze stores and $24 is the cheapest I've found

>> No.7709262
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My bad, I was wrong in the price friend. It's EVEN LESS.

That's disgustingly cheap though I've never seen it so low.

>> No.7709277
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After a colossal fuck up, and 2 years of not working with a sprinkle of leukemia, I stopped drinking for 6 months.
>An old friend calls me up and we head for a beer
he takes 6 I take only 2 for the whole night.
>Woah! Only two beers! I'm in control of my drinking now! I have a job now, I can't screw this up!
Fast forward a month, I've picked up a 1 liter of wine a night habit. I got arrested by the cops for being rowdy on the streets of my suburb town.

It's back into detox mode for me, I got the Ativans and I'll start this week end.

>> No.7709299

> Club price

That 16 dollar price is only for people who pay a monthly or yearly fee to whatever club that is

>> No.7709301


>> No.7709311


Don't be a quitter

Drink up faget

>> No.7709314

I've been off it for nearly six months now. Cravings are rare, my health is back up to par, I've regained a bit of muscle definition, I sleep well, I'm once again capable of sticking to tasks for more than fifteen minutes at a time.

I've still got the same boring personality and below average intelligence that ensures I'll never accomplish anything worthwhile. I'm starting to think this ineffectual coasting along is far worse than the tangible trajectory of self-destruction I used to be on.

>> No.7709323

I stopped at the point I wa sharming people who loved me. If it was just for me, i'd live on a remote part of the country, on welfare drinking my savings. Or do a Leaving Las vegas type of binge. You need others to stop and you stop for them. That's the corner stone of AA and other types of rehab.

But we live in free societies so I bevelieve it's ok for someone to fuck it's life, it's just I made another choice.

The event that made me stop is when I decked a mentally chalenged collegue. I was drunk and full of meds, I saw the devil in him and punched him.

>> No.7709335
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Aa is for wackos who think they need imaginary strength from a guy in the clouds to stop drinking

Drink up faget

>> No.7709353

AAs helped me a lot in the forst few weeks. Being with all these live dumps, hearing them, made me realise I was on the same path.

AA had it's relevance a couple of years ago when people had religious school. But yeah in our secular schools we don't think the same way so I can get why AA are not appealing to the younguns.

Ativans and benzos are way better than AA to quit. Add some weekly rehab programs and that was the winning recipe for me.

>> No.7709363

Well, after a lot of bad shit added up. I'm quitting drinking, i'm 48 hrs in and have bad insomnia/muscle spams/sweating... etc... how long does the withdrawals usually last? I drank for 2 yrs, 15+ drinks a day.

>> No.7709369
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Not everyone in it is crazy, nor is everyone religious. Your "higher power" can be basically anything you have faith in.

But 12 step program IS kind of a religion even though they'll tell you it isn't. They basically worship the idea of not drinking. I went to a couple meetings with my buddy who was way into it and I just found the general attitude to be pompous and arrogant. Just about everything they say in meetings if you're still drinking is backhanded as fuck.

>> No.7709390

I had about the same drinking pattern, for me:

Bad sleep: a month
Sweats: a week
General discomfort: a month because of the bad sleep
Wanting to kill myself: A week, those with-d symptoms were the hardest.
Concentration: Maybe 2 months before I could make a meal in 30 minutes, otherwise I'd have to think everystep through and through and to make an omelette with veggies it would take me an hour.

>> No.7709398

Last call, for alcohol

>> No.7709403


I'll add that I wouldn't leave the house for the first 2-3 days, i'd stock the fridge and stay home with movies and a lot of sleep.

For the first month I'd cut all the non necessary social activities. I would do the bear minimum with familly and friends and tell them the reason, at leats with close friends Like " Hey bro, I'm serious, I'm not drinking, I'll pass at your home say hello, but I got to sleep weel''

Breathe well, hydrate a lot and as I said get a note from the doctor for benzos, but dont abuse them ,it helps a lot of the withdrawal

DOn't ever drink and take bemzos though, you'll get FUBAR.

>> No.7709408

Last call is at 11pm where I live for take home bottles, bars are closing at 3AM.

>> No.7709426

>cannnot afford a yearly club card that alcohol alone pays itself back two times over

I'm an alcoholic man, not homeless

>> No.7709441
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>be drinkslinger
>have Saturday night off for the first time in a year
>go out drinking at different joint
>get shithoused and pass out sitting at bar
>wake up still drunk and think I'm at work
>jump behind bar and start serving people
>actual bartender is flipping the fuck out
>security grabs me and literally throws me out like a fuck
>mfw b& for life

>> No.7709442

thanks for the info, i don't want to have an alcoholic diagnoses on my medical insurance. But I would like to get benzos... I used to drink and take benzos every night. Ended up in the hospital once, no bueno.

>> No.7709445

Agreed on the 12 step program at AA, it seems like they're pretty close-minded about it. I've found much better reception at Narcotics Anonymous to be honest. Though the characters are more sketchy, they seem more relatable in the sense that the struggle is personal/family related, rather than focused om disobeying a "high-power"

>> No.7709447

Im the guy ur responding to, I have a membership to bjs but they don't sell liquor

Why do u fags always jump to the can't afford meme

>> No.7709465

Idk, every person I've met and their brother has a Safeway/Pavilions/Vons card, besides illegals. With $8 plastics and EW at that price, I'd recommend a membership yo

>> No.7709467

I've been to aa required by probation and it's a total fucking joke

The "men" who attend aa are just looking for a place to meet other men to have gay sex with

It's like all those women's social gatherings, if you wanted to quit, you'd quit, you wouldn't attend some gay meeting in a church

>And they have the balls to pass around a basket at aa meetings expecting you to throw money into it

Apparently becoming sober isn't cheap

>> No.7709482
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>>And they have the balls to pass around a basket at aa meetings expecting you to throw money into it
They need that, man. It's for, like, coffee and... "literature."

>> No.7709487

I get too anxious and weirdly lonely at night from drinking when I decide to quit and it never seems to go away. I don't know what to do besides keep drinking.

>> No.7709488

>if you wanted to quit, you'd quit, you wouldn't attend some gay meeting in a church
You're pretty smart. You should be, like, some sort of important dude. You know?

>> No.7709489


>> No.7709494

He's right, though.

>> No.7709533
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Fuck I did the same thing once, two of my mates bashed the shit out of each other and I just started crying.

Fucking embarrassing.

>> No.7709549


what he fuck that 11 doller bottle would be like 25 in canada. always been jelly of usa's booze prices.

>> No.7709578


as someone whos dealt with that feeling every night for months after quitting i can tell you it does get better. but it usually takes about 3+ months with ZERO drinking at all before you start to notice it. any time you have even one small drink you reset it all.

>> No.7709597

boredom. quit drinking during Lent & felt great. Immediately went back to drinking.

>> No.7709620
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Name a better whiskey at the $20 price range.

>pro tip: you can't

>> No.7709623

>my eyes are yellow

uhh m8...

>> No.7709625

desu the anxiety, I try to fix everything when I'm sober and after I do I feel I should reward myself with a drink and then I just begin to unravel after. Behind the scenes in the shadows in the alleys with the vagabonds i struggle and i know I will live alone I've loved and lost it all. Zero is the only number i know

sorry for being sappy have a goodnight guys

>> No.7709665

Jaundice? Bro I don't think you should wait on the doctor thing

>> No.7709670

Don't bother. He's already dead, let him die happy.

>> No.7709886


Drink up faget

>> No.7709903

First off, I'm drunk off that shit right now

Second, it's not $20 or whTever u say it is in the first world

Thanks for trolling me I hope you choke on your old grandad vomit and die tonight

>> No.7709910
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Told you you lying NIGGER

Evan Williams is best bang for buck

>> No.7709912
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Check these receipts NIGGERS

>> No.7709919
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Lol accidentally the donald Trump for president receipt is visible

>Niggers, kikes, spics, and fat women will reply with butt hurt to this

>> No.7709925
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Trump for president

>> No.7709930

feeling sad 'cause all the girls at work flirt with my co-worker, but never me.

gonna drink now.

>> No.7709936

2 days sober. can't sleep for shit even with melatonin fuck

>> No.7709937

Nobody cares about your pathetic self-destruction. Get over yourself and give it up.

>> No.7709938

Maybe cuz ur a cager lol
OK cuck

>> No.7709939

Quit smoking 2 days ago, been drinking nonstop to numb myself

>> No.7710141
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This quote so many feels -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYUjWqSv58w

>> No.7710150

You're better off smoking.

>> No.7710151

Thats safeway, the membership is free

>> No.7711228

>drink only on weekends
>yesterday decide to drink on a regular weekday for the first time because I had a very stressful day at work
>drink only 350ml
>get drunk and very tired fast, and go to sleep
>wake up at midnight after 4 hours of sleep
>browse the internet all the remaining night and go to work
>get home and start drinking again
>finishing the bottle now, not sleepy or drunk at all, just tipsy
what the fuck is going on? does a lack of sleep increase your alcohol tolerance or something? I was so tired today I though I was going to pass out after a few drinks

>> No.7711236

Any of you experiencing any health issues relating to ur drinking?

>> No.7711551


It's been getting pretty serious for me after binging, no healthcare but too scared to get it checked anyway. It feels enlarged with a dull throbbing pain, with occasional sharp pain if I twist are odd angles. Still drinking but I have cut back these past few weeks, the cycle continues...

>> No.7714092

>forget about your decadent life
Really wish weed didn't make me worry about EVERYTHING and get panic attacks for no reason. As for the no hangover thing you said, I noticed my mind feels hazy for a few weeks everytime I smoke. Alcohol on the other hand is a useful tool to me. It removes stress and helps me relax.

>> No.7714223

Didnt expect crimson here. Great album! Gon Cook something while listenin

Was smokin weed mostly for the Munchies, didnt get the real Munchies & raised my tolerance too high. Tried to switch to some good ol Booze. Puked & woke up feelin like jus shat out.
Rinsed & Repeated,still the same, now im Sick of Booze & wont get the Munchies anymore... At least there is Acid *o*