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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7698022 No.7698022 [Reply] [Original]

It's about time I contribute something here.
I made some photos while cooking dinner for my wife.
We had hunter chicken with mashed potato, first time I made this.


-Chicken thigh
-Tomato (cubes)
-Beef stock
-Red wine
-Dijon mustard
-White Pepper
-Black Pepper

I'm a crappy photographer, so be gentle.

>> No.7698028
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first season the chicken with some salt and black pepper, be sure to get both sides.

i tried doing something fancy with the thighs and utterly failed lol

>> No.7698033
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slice mushrooms
dice onion and garlic
peel potatoes

drink a glass of wine and smoke some bud

>> No.7698037
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dogs say hi

>> No.7698050
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boil potatoes

>> No.7698054
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now the fun part starts, chicken and the sauce.

sear the chicken

>> No.7698058
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turn chicken when skin becomes a bit crispy

>> No.7698063
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take chicken out
put in onion and garlic

>> No.7698066
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add bacon

>> No.7698070
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now it's time for the mushrooms

>> No.7698079
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i used this to season

black pepper

the garlic is already in there

>> No.7698082
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>> No.7698090
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time for the sauce itself

a glass of red wine
beef stock
tomato cubes
dijon mustard

>> No.7698091
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first the red wine
cook off the alcohol

>> No.7698095

Keep going op, I'm interested in how it turns out

>> No.7698097
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then add the dijon mustard

>> No.7698104
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now add the beef stock

i will, took quite a lot of pics...following each step

>> No.7698106
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add tomato cubes

>> No.7698113
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and finally put the chicken back in

now let it simmer for about 20 minutes
you can either choose to put a lid on it or not.
i chose not to, to let the sauce lose some of it's liquid.

>> No.7698118


Fuck off

>> No.7698122


so many different flavors. this is called hunter chicken? you say this is the first time you made this, would you change anything next time?

>> No.7698123
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by now your potatoes should be done boiling,

we'll need almost the entire 20 minutes the chicken is simmering to make some creamy mashed potatoes.

add lots of butter and mash those potatoes

>> No.7698135
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put all the mash on one side of the pot and add milk like so


wouldn't change a thing, it turned out amazing desu
you can make the same sauce for schnitzels without the tomato...it's a german classic

>> No.7698145
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warm up the milk and add these spices to the milk, this is important it's in the milk and not in the mash.

white pepper

>> No.7698151
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cook out as much water as possible, it should look like a thick light brownish paste
don't be afraid to burn the milk, just adjust your heating if it gets too much for you.

>> No.7698159
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i set up my pot, on the smallest fire on my stove, like this so i don't burn the mashed potatoes while cooking the water out of the milk

>> No.7698164
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and mashed potatoes are done

i already scooped out a bit
as you can see, no burns

>> No.7698172
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chicken is done too

>> No.7698176
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hunter chicken with mashed potatoes!

>> No.7698181
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a close up

>> No.7698226


>> No.7698255

Your presentation sucks but it seems pretty tasty

>> No.7698265


I honestly don't think there's much more he could have done in regards to presentation. It's potatoes and chicken. Unless he wanted to add some edible garnish to the dish there's seriously not much that could be done with it.

>> No.7698272

Imagine being this much of a pretentious dickhead.

>> No.7698276

Looking good OP.

>> No.7698307
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thanks :D

>> No.7698331

This. Thread hidden.

>> No.7698392

last bump and i'll let this die

>> No.7698403

Looks delicious OP, and a very simple recipe too. I think I might try this out, I have everything in the fridge. Interesting technique with the mashed potatoes, I have never seen them cooked at the same time with the milk and everything.

Did your wife like it?

>> No.7698433


breddy gud tbhfam. would eat/10, nice job

>> No.7698459


you gotta see to it that the flame is under the milk part else you will burn the mash.

my wife's father taught me this way of making it, his is the best i ever tasted.
he sees it like making cement lol, gotta boil the milk into a sticky paste so it glues the potatoes together.

the wife loved it :D



>> No.7698466

good shit senpai

>> No.7698492

Looks good m8. Never really used chicken thighs. Do you keep all of the fat on typically?

>> No.7698517

Chicken thighs are the best part of a chicken! People tend to go towards the healthier breast, but the extra fat on the thigh makes it much tastier.

>> No.7698523

as long as it covers the meat, yes
all the excess skin/fat i use to make stock

>> No.7698532
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Yum, good thread, OP! Today you were not a faggot.

>> No.7699401


ah, okay. i have some chicken thighs, left over, maybe i'll give it a whirl

>> No.7699443

good job, /ck/ could always use more photo recipe threads

>> No.7699566


>Caring this much about the cannabis use of an anonymous poster on a cooking thread on 4chan.


>> No.7699572

Youre a child.

>> No.7699683



>> No.7699829

Nice recipe. Only thing I would do differently is to cook the chicken until done separate from the sauce. Then put the chicken back in just prior to serving. I absolutely hate soggy chicken skin.

>> No.7699889


>> No.7699918

do it!


i'll make some more threads in the future :D


yeah, in retrospect that would've been better, we didn't eat the chicken skin because of it

>> No.7699983

This. Fuck off with your drug culture.