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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7689984 No.7689984 [Reply] [Original]

Why are so many people anti soda? How shit must your diet be if you cant fit a can of soda in with a meal, which is like what 220 calories st most?

>> No.7689995

The theory is that soda is sweet and sweet things are enjoyed more by children. Adults prefer more bitter flavors like beer and bold red wine with their meals

That being said I love a nice Coca Cola and there are a lot of specialty sodas that have very interesting flavor profiles. I once had a cucumber rose water soda and it was quite the experience

>> No.7689997

I for one can do without kidney stones.

>> No.7689999

It's nutritionally void
It tastes sickly sweet
It contains an unhealthy amount of sugar
I'd rather spend the money on other things.

>> No.7690002
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Quads don't lie, OP

>> No.7690005


It's always hilarious when I see fatties order a diet soda with their 4000 calorie fast food meal. "Don't wan't dem shiggars makin muh fat".

Exercise so you can eat as much sugar as you want.

>> No.7690008

>calories are bad.
You're a fucking idiot, son.

>> No.7690009

proclivity to kidney stones is similar to high cholesterol
its more genetic lottery whether these things will be extremely affected by your diet

>> No.7690016

I don't see this as conginitive dissonance.

Fatty knows that diet taste pretty much the same, so taking the sugar version is just empty calories.

If he enjoys the drink either way, why not? It's not like it hurts.

>> No.7690024


>diet soda tastes the same

>> No.7690029

if I had to drink diet soda id much rather just drink water

>> No.7690030
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>> No.7690032

Why are fatties so pro-soda? How fat must you be to insist on drinking sugared water regularly?

>> No.7690036


>> No.7690038

Are you on a diet of 1000 or less? You cant fit 220 cals in?

>> No.7690039

But why would you want to

>> No.7690041

>Exercise so you can eat as much sugar as you want.

that's not how exercise fucking works. even in healthy individuals there's a MAXIMUM amount of sugar that's allowed in order to maintain good health (i.e. avoid issues with kidney disease, diabetes etc). The FDA recommends a MAXIMUM of 24g a day for a healthy adult.

>> No.7690042


>you should be more open minded you baby
>except for sugar. its evil and will make you die

i bet you substitute shit like agave or honey because its classy though right?


>> No.7690044

It's called lack of self discipline and denial.
I'm all for it, the more they drink the faster the fat-fucks will die.

>> No.7690045

220 calories is half a 10 oz steak. I would rather eat the fucking steak. Fatass.

>> No.7690046

Because a nice cola tastes good with dinner.

>> No.7690049

No shitlord, I drink coffee & tea black because I'm not a fucking little girl who has to enjoy syrupey sweet shit 24 hours a day

a nice glass of water tastes better fattie

>> No.7690050

My maintenance is 2200 I can fit a soda in and 2 steaks if i wanted

>> No.7690053

My maintenance is also 2200 and I would rather waste the calories on something better than fucking sugar water. Fattie.

>> No.7690054

I drink water throughout the day, faggot

>> No.7690057

If they're a fatass ordering a ton of mcdicks, they probably don't have a terribly refined palatte -- to them the diet probably tastes close enough.

>> No.7690060

i only drink diet root beer. No sugar and it isn't very acidic.

>> No.7690063

Good. Now if you stopped drinking soda regularly, you might start actually start resembling an actual fucking adult

>> No.7690077

I can't work out and burn off calories, so to keep weight down I have to cut unnecessary calories.

I never really enjoyed sodas besides Root Beer, everything it just too god damn sweet and I don't like that.

>> No.7690081

Im addicted to Surge so good.

>> No.7690083

In my country most people stop drinking sugar water when they pass the age of 13.

The real question is why do Amerifats have the palates of little children?

>> No.7690088

Soda is cheap therefore it's poor people food, look at them. All fat and sweaty, living in those big homes with a second fridge in the garage
If you start chatting 12 bucks a can people in new York will make two hour lines to get one and then go back to their tiny closet apartment to blog about how great it is

>> No.7690090

But I don't like soda. Even if it had 0 cals I wouldn't drink it.

For sugary drinks, chocolate milk and hot chocolate are superior in all aspects. Or maybe a cocktail or hard cider or beer or something.


Quads of truth. Soda is for manchildren.

>> No.7690098
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>How shit must your diet be if you cant fit a can of soda in with a meal
>a can
Nigga please, we know you keep one of these beside your computer always and at mealtime.

>> No.7690103

Like what? What exactly are you consuming that amounts to 2200 calories a day that doesn't involve sugar or the scary carbs that are so confusing and nobody understands?
2200 calories is enough to fit two great healthy meals and have a lot of extra fkod

>> No.7690108

Yeah tiny 13 year old Paco is. A man now, he has to get a job and provide for her wife and two chikdren

>> No.7690218

I drank myself sick of it as a kid, now I hate it most of the time.

>> No.7690224

Soda is nasty. Also, HFCS is addictive and Americans put that shit in literally everything.

>> No.7690226

You just sound weak willed

>> No.7690227

Syrup-water is for hummingbirds, not people.

>> No.7690232
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I drink diet pop or coffee most of the time. Once in a blue moon I get a can (12 oz) or a bottle (10 oz) of regular or Mexican Coke.

>> No.7690263

>Like what?
like more steak you fat fuccboi

>> No.7690281

Cucumber Rosewater sounds great! What was the name of it?

>> No.7690293
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>which is like what 220 calories st most

Beer and liquor typically have less calories in the same volume. Grow up, son.

>> No.7690297
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There's probably more than a thousand pounds of human flesh in this picture as well.

>> No.7690304

>posting a picture of an obese man who died of a heart attack while defending unhealthy food
Not the brightest move.

>> No.7690316

It never dawned on me how this looks like one of those photoshopped big ass pics where the guy just kept going crazy.

>> No.7690322

Soda isn't that bad in moderation.
I enjoy a nice sprite every now and then.

>> No.7690328

beer has more fucking calories than coca cola

>> No.7690431


I have kidney stones fairly often even tough i almost never drink anything sweet. I have enlarged ureters or some shit. Genetic reason. Sure, soda might be a factor, but its mostly the way you were born

>> No.7690537

no it doesn't. kill yourself

>> No.7690570


Actually, it does. I just googled it.
One 12oz can of coca-cola is 140 calories
One 12oz can of budweiser is 150 calories

Clearly different beers might have different caloric amounts but Bud seems like a pretty average beer to choose. Darker beers or those with higher ABV% will certainly be higher.

>> No.7690588


Corona Extra, Heineken, and Carlsberg are all the same at about 150 cals. Any other major beers you want to check?

>> No.7690628

>the people who don't order sodas are the unhealthy ones

now that is some mental gymnastics

>> No.7690652

>People who don't drink water because it's "boring" or "plain"
I don't comprehend.

>> No.7690687

>Soda is for manchildren
>Hot chocolate please!


>> No.7690716

I can't drink any carbonated beverages my throat reacts badly to them

>> No.7690723

I substituted soda for hard cider. Tastes just as good bur with less sugar, more booze and a better nutritional profile.

>> No.7690741

Fucking vegetables, fruits or diary with optional grains? It's only like a thousand times better than drinking sugary water. Also variety is not limited to artifical colorings.

>> No.7690747

Because everything the eat contains shitloads of sugar. Just look at what McD serves - theres sugar in EVERYTHING , even the fucking burger buns. The food you can buy in grocery stores isnt better by much , unless you shill out a fortune for fresh , not pre-packeged produce. The american Pizza chains put sugar in the Pizza dough of all things - thats why american fast food can get people legit addicted, due to them becoming used to a massive, regular intake of sugar without noticing. See also: The general lack of incredible lardassery in the rest of the world.

>> No.7690764
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Well OP, you have a bunch of people who are so concerned with their outward appearance that they have given up soda. Their lives are full of raw veggies, granola, soy products, tears, and those huge water bottles full of water that they carry everywhere. Now they can post on /fa/ to their hearts content wearing those stupid fucking outfits and look like retarded holocaust victims.

They're jealous of all the normal people who enjoy a soda every now and again without losing control and having a normal happy healthy life with every delicious thing in moderation.

>> No.7690766

It's because modern technology has led to an era of decadence where no one has to starve in the first world.

>> No.7690771

Fatty here (although I haven't drank soda in years), I've never seen a fellow fatty do this and if they do, its because they're diabetic.

But also what>>7690016 when I drank soda I couldn't tell the difference so if its a fat guy who wants a soda, he might as well get the diet soda.

Its literally just a meme and people say to make fun of fat people.

>> No.7690774

I only drink water and occasionally juices. I don't have the urge to drink anything else.

>> No.7690777

t. Lardass

My sister claims she's given up soda, but when I question her over the fact that she bought a 12 pack of Pepsi yesterday and almost always has some sort of HFCS flavor water when she comes in from work, she just says "I buy what I want." Ironically enough, she's also concerned about getting diabetes, since most everyone on our father's side of the family(except our dad himself, who is actually in somewhat good health) has type II. She says this while guzzling Hawaiian punch by the gallon and buying "snacks" every day. She legitimately disgusts me. Her entire diet consists of hot cheetos, HFCS water, and various other snack foods. Also, she never exercises. She claims that she's always super tired when she comes home and does nothing but sleep and go to work and sleep while at work while not realizing that it's because she oversleeps so much that she feels like shit. She works as a security job on third shift, all she does is make her rounds like once per hour then sit around watching Netflix all night. Easiest job in the world, yet it wears her out.

My sister has also never drank a glass of water in her entire life. She's turning 26 this year.

>> No.7690778

I'm not anti soda.
I prefer soda made with real sugar which is not common in the US so I don't drink it often. Milk, water, Orange juice, and beer are my main beverages. I also enjoy dry red wines, but then I've never been big on sweets.

>> No.7690807

Yeah, but calories=/= fat. Unlike soda, alcohol in certain quantities has been shown to stimulate weight loss.

>> No.7690818

I like soda occasionally. Very much prefer it to alcohol.

/CK/ is so heavy on the "I'm an adult with refined taste" that they'll go to great lengths to prove their alleged "maturity", when all they do is entertain some "le classy gentleman" fantasy.

That being said, soda is one of those sneaky calorie monsters that can really fuck your weight up if you're not careful.

>> No.7690821

Soda tastes like plastic and chemicals to me

>> No.7690828

phosphoric acid which in most applications is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS and NOT INTENDED for any consumption, but this is apparently diluted enough they pretend its safe. Phosphoric acid dissolves teeth, it can easily cause cavities, it causes kidney stones, gallstones, and liver problems as well deplete your bone calcium.
Its fucking toxic waste.. and you're drinking it.

>> No.7690847

I only like creme soda and root beer or sometimes Coke from a can, but hardly ever drink it since I prefer water or milk with a meal.

>> No.7690850

It fits into my meal pan just fine as an occasional treat. Gone though are the days where I'd drink 6-18 sodas at a LAN party or something though. Drinking anymore than one soda these days leaves more feeling sick and bloated.

>> No.7690886

Same here. I allow myself 1 a week, and I usually end up pouring half of it out.

>> No.7691020

hell yeah creme soda is amazing
but other than that I like fruit juices, smoothies, milkshakes, y'know

>> No.7691104

it's easy to drink a lot of soda and it can be shocking when you realise you've been drinking 50% of your daily allowance of calories without accounting for it. the people who are super anti soda are often people who lost a lot of weight by dropping it. it might seem unfathomable to those people that anyone could get fat by other means; the perceived overhead granted by not drinking soda is so significant to them and their experiences. we all look for a silver bullet.

soda is easy to point fingers at from a nutritional standpoint. its calories are 'empty'. it has a high acid content. it has no fibre or protein. the energy in it comes from sugar, which is currently an extremely unfashionable nutrient. we live in a world in which the availability of nutritional energy has been optimised to a point where we are advised to actively try and hinder its flow into our bodies. soda is a near-saturated solution of the most efficient nutritional fuel in its most efficiently digestible form.

>> No.7691110 [DELETED] 

Hooker perfume

>> No.7691320

thats a 10th of a days allowance of calories, its not worth it unless youre actually active and not sitting on your fat arse all day

>> No.7691332

>Why are so many people anti soda? How shit must your diet be if you cant fit a can of soda in with a meal, which is like what 220 calories st most?
Tell me what's in that 'caramel color' and why it's in any way OK to consume, then we'll talk

>> No.7691392
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>thats a 10th of a days allowance of calories

Maybe if your a lazy ass desk jockey. Try being active (that doesn't include rolling around on a mat at the Gym for a hour). Just because you're lazy doesn't mean all soda drinkers are fat and lazy, see related pic.


>Tell me what's in that 'caramel color' and why it's in any way OK to consume, then we'll talk

It's just food coloring, probably made from beetle shells. No big deal. There's way worse shit in the fast food you probably eat.

>> No.7691400

ur sister sounds like my type srs

>> No.7691405

She's also black. Rags on me for not being educated, but dropped out of college when her third rate law school was too much for her.

>> No.7691416


Caramel color is manufactured by heating carbohydrates, either alone or in the presence of acids, alkalis, and/or salts. Caramel color is produced from commercially available nutritive sweeteners consisting of fructose, dextrose (glucose), invert sugar, sucrose, malt syrup, molasses, starch hydrolysates and fractions thereof. The acids that may be used are sulfuric, sulfurous, phosphoric, acetic, and citric acids; the alkalis are ammonium, sodium, potassium, and calcium hydroxides; and the salts are ammonium, sodium, and potassium carbonate, bicarbonate, phosphate (including mono- and dibasic), sulfate, and bisulfite. Antifoaming agents, such as polyglycerol esters of fatty acids, may be used as processing aids during manufacture.[6] Its color ranges from pale-yellow to amber to dark-brown.

Caramel color molecules carry either a positive or a negative charge depending upon the reactants used in their manufacture. Problems such as precipitation, flocculation, or migration can be eliminated with the use of a properly charged caramel color for the intended application.

>> No.7691440


ooooo zomg all those scary chemicals, oh noes. Half of those you can find on your cupboard. If you think that's bad look up the data sheets on the pesticides and herbicides used on your produce.

>> No.7691459

>tour de france participant
>small down time between races and require muscle glycogen replenishment so they drink the carbonated HFCS

>comparing 3% of the top vo2max population with even 1.5 SD away from the median on a non-competition phase

you sure shot your argument down yourself

>> No.7691463

I'm not anti soda, just anti people who drink soda

It's a lot like guns. I'm indifferent to them, but gun nuts are fucking insane

I'd be happy if both soda and guns were banned, because it would enrage the kind of people I most dislike

>> No.7691477


i don't think it's bad, i just posted it.

the vast majority of the chemicals in that list are *used* to produce the finished ingredient but aren't actually present in the drink anyway. fundamentally similar to how pretzels are made with lye.

>> No.7691480

>standard dev

OooOooooo look out mr brain coming through

>> No.7691497
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>> No.7691499

I'd honestly be more worried about niggers and spics than gun nuts, Americunt.

>> No.7691507


Competitive road cyclist here. You have no fucking clue what you are talking about and all FDA guidelines are tailored for weak little faggots that live a sedentary lifestyle.

On endurance training rides I burn upward of 4,000-5,000 calories worth of glycogen. Guess what I'm eating 200 calories worth of every hour? Pure sugar.

I'm so skinny and lean that most people probably cringe when they look at me.

>> No.7691510

They don't really worry me, but that's because I can tell the difference between reality and Hollywood documentaries such as death wish starring action Bronson

>> No.7691519

I'd wager it's more likely that you don't have to live anywhere near large nigger and spic populations. I've been to Philadelphia, New Orleans, and LA and I've never felt less safe than when I was going through nigger neighborhoods.

>> No.7691522

What if I despise all of the above?

Nothing would make me happier than a room filled with all the niggers, spics, evangelical gun nuts, and SJWs and just broadcast it on live television while they all kill each other. I wonder who would come out on top?

>> No.7691526

Probably the gun nuts, considering they have guns.

>> No.7691528

Probably the ones with the guns.

>> No.7691529

I live in a small northeastern city called nieuw amsterdam, not far from a neighborhood known as haarlem (it's Dutch)

There are many ex slaves and Spanish is commonly heard on my block

Trust me, it's not an issue in real life, you probably gave them that "oh my god a nigger" startled look that some sheltered people do the first time they see a real life minority. This is impolite, and others may not be so friendly after you do that

>> No.7691532

This, the people that say they aren't bad have never lived near a lot of them

>> No.7691533

Plot twist: Illegal mexicans also have guns, ones that are not legal for citizen ownership to be specific.

>> No.7691536

do you define a gun nut as a gun owner?

>> No.7691539

>Trust me, it's not an issue in real life.

Maybe for you, and that's because you lock up many of the more dangerous niggers and spics. America has the largest prison population in the world.

Also, I'm pretty sure NYC has a police force larger than my country's army.

>> No.7691542

No, but I can tell you're both

Normal people can feel safe interacting with strangers unarmed

Gun nuts cannot, because they are delusional and think everyone is out to get them

>> No.7691547

You wouldn't have a clue if I was armed or not.

>> No.7691549

>niggers steal guns from gunfags while gunfags take a 30 minute shit because they just had Golden Corral for dinner
>mexicans ambush niggers for the stolen guns
>SJWs plead with mexicans who aren't at all english literate until the mexicans turn the guns on themselves and end their misery
>gunfags finally emerge from bathrooms to a sea of dead mexicans and nigs, SJWs covering themselves in the blood of the fallen and writing things like #BLM on themselves with it
>a muslim runs into the building and screams ALLAHU AKABAR and everyone dies

No one wins.

>> No.7691560

Your ability to conceal your mental problems from most strangers doesn't make them any less real

>> No.7691564

Wanting to be able to defend myself is a mental illness? Comical.

>> No.7691571

You know what's comical? When the boogyman turns out to be your three year old toddler in the back seat, blasting a hole in the back of your skull

>> No.7691579
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>tfw I learned to handle guns when I was 4 years old

If you learn proper gun safety, you will never have an accident.

>> No.7691583

>>7691571 My kids are over 18, and learned proper gun safety from a young age . And do you look at crime statics? The boogyman is very much real. I love how you make it seem we live in this crime free utopia.

>> No.7691589

How much of the crime is black on black and not just random shit they pull on white tourists? Also, it's not because they're black that you should be afraid, it's because it's a low income area, and poor people are desperate and dumb.

>> No.7691595

Not everyone can live in a great neighborhood and stay there 24/7. A lot of people do have to travel to shittier areas for work school whatever. And yes a lot of crime is black on black, but also a lot of crime is black on white, I assume crime of opportunity assault, robberies etc...

Despite being outnumbered by whites five to one, blacks commit eight times more crimes against whites than vice-versa, according to FBI statistics from 2007. A black male is 40 times as likely to assault a white person as the reverse. These figures also show that interracial rape is almost exclusively black on white.

>> No.7691598

>b-but no REAL gun nut!!!
The numbers don't lie
Statically you or a member of your household ends up getting "tangoed down" by your own gun many times over, before you get to live your Steven seagal fantasy. Usually because you can't keep your grubby paranoid fingers off your gun even when doing non-gun things, like shopping or eating dinner

The way you can tell a gun nut from a gun owner is that the gun owner doesn't magically believe his bullets can only hurt movie villains wearing ski masks and wielding nunchucks that are going to come barging down your door any minute now

>> No.7691603

>poor people are desperate and dumb

I'd feel safer in West Virginia than East St. Louis any day.

>> No.7691608

You know, until your emotions get the best of you and you shoot your wife's son for jumping on the bed.


>> No.7691609

Over 300 million guns in the USA. The numbers for household accidental shootings are very low. You are more at risk letting your teen daughter drive ur car for the night then you would be living with a gun in the house with her for 18 years.

>> No.7691611

Vermont has a huge amount of gun ownership. Id feel way safer in Vermont then many many other areas.

>> No.7691615

>505 deaths due to accidental discharge of a firearm in 2013
>in a country with 300 million people
>with 380 million guns and 150 million gun owners

You're right, the numbers don't lie.

>> No.7691618

That's a gun for every person in the states, wow.

>> No.7691622

>Teen stepfather
>3 year old
God damn, I hate people so much. Also, that kid is trailer park trash, not every gun owner is like that.

>> No.7691626

Gunfags have to protect themselves with 10x the amount of guns than they actually need.

>> No.7691628

>very low
And the numbers of self defense cases are even lower. Key word here being self defense, not squabbling over a parking space at the mall.

For every self defense case there are 4 accidents, 7 intentional non-defensive shootings, and 11 suicides

It's an illusion of safety, nothing more

>> No.7691632

The US government manufactured a LOT of weapons during the cold war. Russia did likewise. Now hundreds of millions of surplus rifles lurk in forgotten warehouses.

>> No.7691639

You're right, there are cops and stuff, a few educated collectors who just think guns are interesting and don't ascribe any magical powers to them

But most are dumb ass people like that, who end up in the paper because their penis compensation tool didn't work like in the movies

>> No.7691640

I realize that but if we could manage to keep guns out of these inbreds' hands somehow, the quality of life would really improve in the US. I never see that happening though, because every meth head can have his wife with no criminal record go register a gun in her name and then use it to kill the neighbor kid for playing in his yard.

Kind of the same way I feel about the welfare system, I am fine with people who use it as a necessity, however I hate the ones who take advantage of it and use food stamps to barter for expensive TVs at garage sales.

>> No.7691641

Many self defense instances are when the person draws and never has to fire and the attacker flees, this is never counted. Also this doesn't seem like a small number

A study undertaken by a group led by criminologist Dr. Gary Kleck of Florida State University found that there are approximately 2.1 to 2.5 million instances annually in which individual Americans use a gun to defend themselves.

>> No.7691642

>And the numbers of self defense cases are even lower.


>The Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council released the results of their research through the CDC last month. Researchers compiled data from previous studies in order to guide future research on gun violence, noting that “almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million per year.”

Granted, that is 2013 data. I'd imagine the numbers are probably higher now.

>> No.7691677

CCW holders were found to be like 70% more likely to make obscene gestures and behave aggressively in traffic

How many of these "self defense" cases were Zimmerman style incidents of a small penis psychopath looking for trouble and escalating until there's excuse to shoot someone like in the fantasy?

>> No.7691686

Probably more than anyone will admit.

>> No.7691687

Not anti-soda, just can't drink them anymore.

They give me UTIs if I drink them regularly. I used to have all kinds of problems with the plumbing down there, but once I figured out it was the sodas and cut them out I haven't had any problems with the plumbing since. I tell you, doctors are fucking useless when it comes to solving your problems. All they want to do is just write you a pill paper and then drop kick you back out the door.

So, I'll have a small one with a meal if I'm on the road, but I don't drink it all and I try to get a bottle of water whenever I can.

>> No.7691693
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I can replace those 220 calories with a nice bit of cheese.

>> No.7691694

Oh noes obscene gestures. How many CCW holders actually commit a crime? less then 1% or less. And ZImmerman defended himself, the neighborhood had a bunch of break ins, and he saw a suspicious person who didnt live there walking around. Trayvon could have kept walking but per testimony he circled back and attacked Zimmerman. If he was in so much fear He could have kept waking to his house and called the cops, or used his cell phone who he was chatting with that whale about a "creepy ass cracker" following him

>> No.7691699

I don't know, how many?

>> No.7691714

Zimmerman also demonstrated a pattern of pulling a gun at the slightest excuse: a traffic incident, getting mad at his girlfriend. As an isolated story the "I was just concerned about my neighborhood" was plausible, but not when you look at the big picture. He's a psycho who goes around looking for an excuse to kill someone with his gun. Many CCW holders are drawn to their alternative lifestyle for the same reason.

>> No.7691726

Can you substantiate your claims, or are they just empty rhetoric?

>> No.7691727

Weren't those charges dropped like all of them? If not he would have had his ccw taken away

>> No.7691728

>>wasting over 10% of the average diet on sugar water.
what a fucking faggot. how about no.

>> No.7691766

Yet somehow he didn't shoot his gf or the other person in the traffic incident. You just think what the media wants you to think.

>> No.7691771

When I worked in retail I refused to return an item for this guy because the only form of ID he had was his CC permit (we need the DL to punch in for non-receipted refunds) and he asked me if I really wanted to mess with someone with a gun on them.

Not totally relevant, but the guy was obviously a bit mentally unstable to threaten someone who makes $10 an hour over a fucking refund.

>> No.7691777

and you should have called the cops.

>> No.7691778

Store policy stated we aren't allowed to call the cops over a verbal threat unless it's bomb related. I also had an older guy tell me I had a "real cute ass for a boy mmmmhm." Couldn't do anything about that either. Thanks corporate.

>> No.7691788
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>trusting the police

>> No.7691798

>call the cops
>cops shoot employee instead for getting mouthy with customer


>> No.7691833

Zimmerman is a pschyo, but one less nigger. so in the end who cares

>> No.7691838

Do you have a cute ass?

>> No.7691932

soda is litterally one of the worst things in your diet

>empty carbs
>simple sugars
>high in acid
>over-saturated with sugar
>ruins your pallate
>americans consume a liter a day

>> No.7692564

>causes kidney stones,
Could you cite a reference here? Kidney stones are always caused by something forming as a solid. Phosphoric acid doesn't really have a solid form so I'm having trouble believing you

>> No.7692570


Pretty much these, though not all sodas are really sweet

>> No.7692580

trips don't lie about quads
checkmate OP

>> No.7692583

Fuck off, faggot.

I've lost 14 lbs in 30 days, and I eat fast food nearly every day. Losing weight is about counting calories, and a large soda adds like 400 calories and doesn't even fill you up.

There's nothing wrong with eating greasy, fatty foods, as long as you're counting calories.

>> No.7692589

>There are many ex slaves
No. There isn't. You mean to say "descendants of ex slaves"

Unless you've got hoards of ex-trafficked people...

>> No.7692592

Legally speaking, it wasn't a threat.

>> No.7692594

220? Skipping one can of soda will save me almost 30min on a treadmill.

>> No.7692603

>I have diabetes, high cholesterol and excessive blood pressure.
At least you lost some weight though, retard.

>> No.7692611

>specialty sodas that have very interesting flavor profiles. I once had a cucumber rose water soda

>flavor profiles

Oh (you).

>> No.7692642


why do you think a soda can't have a flavour profile

>> No.7693750

Dr Pepper has 23 ingredients
Steak has 1

I think soda has every right to be considered to have a flavor profile. We're not talking about Fanta, were talking about someone who put a lot of effort into interesting ingredients

>> No.7693756


This is 100% right, hearing people who have never lost weight talk about it drives me nuts.

>> No.7693760
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Soda can very definitely have flavour profiles.

>> No.7693765


t. guy with hypertension

>> No.7693766

1. Weird chemicals which are completely unnecessary in terms of nutrition
2. Tooth damage
3. Too sweet
4. Doesn't even quench thirst
5. Puts you in the mood to eat junk food (no, I don't believe you're going to sit down to a cup of coke and an apple or a salad)

I could go on but I'm not getting paid for this so why bother

>> No.7693769

High fructose corn syrup is really, really bad for you. Like, your body doesn't know how to process it bad for you.

>> No.7693773


Well, it is textbook sexual harassment but society doesn't give a shit if you're a dude. Can you imagine what would happen if somebody pulled that shit on a chick?

>> No.7693793

Soda is the epitome of everything wrong with the American diet.

Heavily process, no nutritional value, overly sweet, and constantly fed to our children.

>> No.7693806

t. Gluten "intolerant" mother of 4

>> No.7693819

My gf got hit on similarly at her job. Same deal. Either fight it and lose her job or ignore it. Working for giant corporations are terrible.

>> No.7693820

>getting mad at his girlfriend
Have you even looked into that case at all?
Both of them called thr cops. She claims that he smashed the table with the gun then kicked her out. He claims that she smashed the table Fight Club style and then escorted her outnfor being a psycho.

Which of these stories makes sense?
The one where Zimmerman called the cops on himself for something he did?
Or the one where a manipulative psycho tried to frame him to get her way, then dropped the charges after it was clear the case wasn't going anywhere?

The reality of the situation is that zimmerman was a normal guy, known for being a hispanic liberal that cared for his community, who was demonized in a witch hunt of the century and has completely given up any hope of going back to his old life.

>> No.7693830

>Heavily process, no nutritional value, overly sweet, and constantly fed to our children.

Most "fruit juices" that are constantly fed to children are hardly any better. All the "fruit snacks" that kinda eat these days are worse than the two combined.


If you work out and exercise hard enough your body will process whatever you feed it.

>> No.7693859

>Most "fruit juices" that are constantly fed to children are hardly any better. All the "fruit snacks" that kinda eat these days are worse than the two combined.
I'm sure you're trying to make a point of some kind, but it's not a very good one.

>> No.7693876

And what about the time he got in a shootout over a fender bender? Was that a SJW smear campaign too?

Just give it up, CCW are the furries of gun owners.

>> No.7693930
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When you mention 'soda', this is what I drink. Not the ultra popular high fructose cocktails most you lard asses love to guzzle down your cocksuckers. But this real soda. Made with natural sugar and squeezed fruits: Italian soda. No soda is good for you. But this stuff is the much lesser of the evils.

>> No.7693982

good 4 u

>> No.7694166

Look at the ingredients to Minute Maid or some shit. It's just as bad as soda, and most of them only contain like 5% juice. There's also that Bright and Early shit that contains literally 0% juice and can't even legally call itself juice. It's literally flavored HFCS water.

>> No.7694435

None of those things matter (aside from diabetes) as long as you're

a) slender

b) not old

>> No.7694463

>She claims that she's always super tired when she comes home and does nothing but sleep and go to work and sleep while at work while not realizing that it's because she oversleeps so much that she feels like shit.

There are other reasons to feel like shit.

I get the recommended 8 hours but still feel tired because nicotine withdrawal.

>> No.7694477

She sleeps like 12 hours every day and only gets up to either watch TV or eat her daily bag of potato chips. Also forgot to mention that if she's not eating chips or guzzling HFCS water, she's eating fast food. Like, she orders Papa John's almost every day at work and when she comes home it's almost always with a Chik-Fil-A bag. Then she complains about how she has no money to spend on her upcoming trip to New York. Most days she can't even be bothered to take her own dog outside to use the toilet(we don't have a fence bc she's only supposed to be living with us temporarily and the only dogs we had before were toy poodles so we never needed one) because she's always tired.

>> No.7694596

how big is she?

>> No.7694611

I'd guess upwards of 300 pounds. She's my main motivation for losing weight.

>> No.7695336


I have a couple friends who are biochemists, and not it will not. HFCS is absolute poison. You need to avoid that shit man. It's actually worse than artificial sweeteners for the body.

>> No.7695340

I bet you eat meat, dairy, and eggs with absolutely zero care

>> No.7695347


I don't know why people can't just get their shit and leave. I'm just glad to get out of those fucking places with what I've bought. Pervs gonna perv. You should at least be able to tell them to shut the fuck up. They deserve to be humiliated for being fucking retarded in public.

Used to be that that's how it happened and now corporations are more afraid of lawsuits where an employee insulted a customer for being a fucking asshole.

>> No.7695353


All the meat I have, I hunt for and I raise my own chickens.

I don't eat dairy.

>> No.7695356

You should invest in a cow.

>> No.7695358

So basically you're just a retard

Thanks for playing

>> No.7695363


I have three goats but all they do is keep the grass down. I should probably get rid of them and just get a couple dairy cows.

>> No.7695370
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How so?

I have irrigation and plenty of insects for the chickens. Or some feed when it gets too cold. There are a couple of fox families that keep try to kill the chickens but fuck them. There are plenty of rodents for them to eat around here.

Are you just mad because your concrete box doesn't allow you to live natural? Being a twat because you have to peel the plastic off of your pork chops?

>> No.7695374

You're some deluded dumbass buying into HFCS boogeyman while stuffing your face with meat and eggs as if that is in any way safe

>> No.7695376

>i tell lies on the internet
that's cringe alright

>> No.7695379

>200 calories per meal
>2 time a day
>14 time a week
>60 time a month
weight gain is never about one meal.

>> No.7695381

>Being this jealous of someone leading an alternative lifestyle
You know farms and such still exist, right? The entire planet is a concrete jungle yet.

>> No.7695389

>call you out for being a fucking retard

>durrrrrr hurrr youre jealous!!!!

God you are such a fucking dumb homo.

>> No.7695393

I mean, I could fit in a soda if I wanted. But I could also fit in a cake, or a pastry, or even some ice cream instead. Every soda you drink is a much nicer treat that you can't have.

>> No.7695397


Dude if you want to be vegan then that's your business but humans are opportunistic omnivores that thrive on scavenger-like diets. All the better now since you get fresh meat and eggs.

I have vegan friends and as much as they don't like that I kill animals (hunting) for food they understand that it's not like we haven't done that for thousands of years. Certain amino acids are almost impossibly difficult to get in the proper amount without meat. Again going back to biochemistry. I mean, it's possible to get those nutrients without meat as a human but you basically have to consume way more environmental resources in order to do it. I simple elk steak has more essential amino acids than nearly three pounds of spinach. Fuck those stupid meme pictures.

>> No.7695406

>It tastes sickly sweet

This. If I see someone who regularly drinks soda for anything other than an occasional treat, I assume they are a degenerate man child.

>> No.7695412

This tbqh

>> No.7695432

Humans are not omnivores.

Meat and eggs are not healthy

>certain amino acids are almost impossibly difficult to get in without the proper amount of meat

Patently false, and who the fuck is going to eat 3 pounds of spinach to get their fucking amino acids

This still has absolutely nothing to do with the fact meat and eggs are unhealthy, why go for these things for the source of one particular thing?

You buy into shitty HFCS memes yet have zero issue with the unhealthy acids, proteins, fats, cholesterol, and carcinogens in animal products

>> No.7695449

Because you're just such a well adjusted adult

>> No.7695454
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>humans are not omnivores

I'm sorry, I just realized you're an insane person. There's no possibility of a proper argument with you. We wouldn't have become the dominant macro species on the planet without being omnivores you moron. There are some humans that subsist entirely on carnivorous diets.

Making a false claim when we have evidence to the contrary (clear evidence) is a fallacy.

>> No.7695480

I bet you are a fat fuck who couldn't defend their self or their family (assuming you have one)

>> No.7695505

Nice argument, you uneducated fucking retard

Humans, like herbivores, cannot detoxify Vitamin A, carnivores and omnivores can. Like herbivores, our intestines are 11-12x the size of us, this is about half for carnivores and omnivores. Herbivores have a FAR less acidic stomach than carnivores and omnivores, guess which one we are like? Not the latter two. Our saliva has enzymes that digest carbs, not carnivores or omnivores, Our colons like herbivores are far more complex than meat eaters or omnivores

Look at the facial structures and teeth of carnivores and omnivores to herbivores and humans

This is basic fucking shit that you are too much of a blind retard to even bother researching

>there's no possiblity of a proper argument

That's because you're a fucking dumbass that thinks shoveling greasy meat and eggs into his fat face is healthy

>we wouldn't have become the dominant macro species without being omnivores

There is nothing to prove this

>there are some humans that subsist on entirely carnivorous diets

This is absolutely not even the slightest bit true either. Whatever bullshit semantics you were trying to say here

You are a misinformed willful retard

>> No.7695507

Sounds like you're projecting at this point

>> No.7695517

not the calories, its the sugar

>> No.7695532

lmaoing @ this insane vegan sjw.

if all of that is true, how do you explain the tasty burger i ate at lunch?

>> No.7695533


You base everything you say on insult and lack of evidence.

Teeth are irrelevant, we can digest meat.

I'm an orthopedic surgeon. My specialization doesn't allow me to tear you apart in arguments but I know from medical school that you aren't correct. I went to school with biochemists and some other, very fucking smart people.

Some of them helped me, and I helped them present their thesis. We are definitely not herbivores and your fantasy land is just that, and will stay that.

>> No.7695547

That's because you're a fat fuck

>you base everything you say on insult

False and that doesn't change the fact that you're a fucking retard

>lack of evidence

As opposed to the universally accepted claim that meat and eggs are healthy, HFCS is bad, and humans evolved on an omnivorous diet!!!!! You have literally zero evidence

>I'm an orthopedic surgeon

God help your patients

Your only argument is something fucking retarded about going to school with biochemists which is in no way evidence at all and just makes me question the credibility of your degree and your colleagues

>we are definitely not herbivores

Nice evidence, retard

>> No.7695552

Why are you even in this thread arguing about being vegan? This thread is about soda.

If you want to proselytize about veganism, go start another militant vegist thread so we can hide it.

Stop shitting up other unrelated threads.

>> No.7695561

Perhaps if you weren't such a dumb sack of shit you'd decide to trace the post back and realize someone making a stupid statement about HFCS. This idiocy was questioned by their opinion on meat and eggs. The person eats them and has no issue with them. This person has turned this into something about veganism.

This thread has been talking about general health anyways. Perhaps if you actually decided to do something without someone like myself holding your dumb hand the entire way through, you'd learn a valuable lesson.

>> No.7695562


You're arguing against yourself now.

Educated and highly intelligent people know that you're wrong. I didn't crawl my way through med school for some asshole to tell me that high fructose corn syrup is good for you.

My biochemist friends are so smart that they blow me out of the water. When they explained it to me I had to review it several times.

It's absolute poison. Are you a corn farmer or just an asshole?

Oh and, we're the jocks of medical professionals. We're really good at repairing damage, and I mean REALLY good. If you can dismiss Stanford and the University of Washington based on your own ideals then you don't deserve any time.

I am totally done with you. You'd get laughed out of a room from a conference. Which wouldn't be surprising if you're trolling/banting. We'd just consider you insane because STEM is objective. We don't need opinions on fact.

>> No.7695563

TOPKEK I forgot this was a /ck/ thread reading through it. Just seemed like a bunch of Americans talking about guns.

>> No.7695569


Vegans totally ignore logic and medical science.

Would it matter that I constantly volunteer at the local animal shelter? Not a fucking bit because PETA executes dogs like test monkeys.

>> No.7695573

Did you mean to reply to another anon? I have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.7695580


Some guy started a shit bath argument with me for no reason. Either because he was vegan or he totally trolled me as being one. I don't give a shit.

>> No.7695585

>you're arguing against yourself now

So clever

>educated and highly intelligent people know that you're wrong

You're quite obviously excluded from that list regardless if I'm right or wrong since you can't even formulate your own educated opinion on the issue. And no, there is absolutely nothing to suggest anything I'm saying is inherently wrong. There is no consensus on what sparked human evolution. There is no consensus that says omnivorous diets were the cause of this. It's far more likely cooking foods in general was because it allowed us to eat more foods in larger masses without expending as much energy chewing, being able to sanitize some foods and make some foods actually edible, as well as extracting some nutrients that wouldn't otherwise be acquired from cooking.

>to tell me high fructose is good for you

Didn't say it was good, '"absolutely poisonous" is absurd though. I didn't crawl my way through this shithole board to find an alleged orthopedic surgeon and self-proclaimed intelligent person to tell me how great meat and eggs are for you and absolutes about something that isn't true at all.

>my biochemists friends are so smart

This isn't evidence. This is just you being fucking stupid and being unable to form your own opinions by actually reviewing the information out there

Are you a cattle industry shill or just an ignorant retard? Or both??

Absolutely nothing else you say has anything to do with the discussion. It's your apparently worthless degree being flaunted as if that changes the fact you're an absolute fucking retard

An absolute fucking retard that has yet to show any evidence to support any of his claims I might add while previously chastizing me for no evidence. And now you're just running off like the dumb little retard you are because you've been embarrassed.

>> No.7695588

>provide absolutely zero evidence to any of your claims other than "but I'm a fucking retarded surgeon and my smart friends said these things!!!!!""

Kek. Still waiting for that mountain of evidence that HFCS is "absolute poison" and humans evolved on an omnivorous diet and any of my claims about the human digestive system are false.

>> No.7695590

It appears the thread got totally derailed anyway, as I said I forgot I was on /ck/.

>> No.7695594


You're being very antagonistic for purely no reason. I won't be a point of your amusement.

I felt I was done with you before, I am now.

>> No.7695596

Without reading the thread let me guess
>Nutrition debate
>Someone advocates being a fat fuck because 'healthism promotes being dangerously skinny muh flat bench's
>Someone healthy corrected their fat logic
>A bunch of ham planets felt they were being unjustly attacked and screamed veganism
>Obesity successfully defended!

>> No.7695599

people are anti soda because even if you can drink it and stay within a calorie budget, it's still bad for you and psychologically addicting, just like any sugar heavy food. A can of soda once in a while won't kill you, but you're much better off just drinking water.

>> No.7695600
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>ride bikes for a living

>> No.7695604

Sort of. The thread changed topic a couple of times though.

>> No.7695607

You're being a fucking obnoxious pretentious retard.

I'm going to treat you like one since you're apparently you're also too much of a fucking child to look by completely inconsequential insults to evaluate the facts at hand. You are a woman

Aka the facts you have not remotely provided or refuted.

I can't possibly imagine how you became an orthopedic surgeon with this sort of inability to have argumentative discourse. God help this country if you're considered smart.

>> No.7695611

That's hardly an anon, just admit you got fucked.

>> No.7695613

>implying people drink only one can's worth

>> No.7695615

The only soft drink I have is Coke but thats mixed in Whiskey/Bourbon.

>> No.7695623

Well yeah, you don't have to drink a gallon in one sitting, fatass.

>> No.7695624

>The theory is that soda is sweet and sweet things are enjoyed more by children

Um, no, thats the FACT. Fucking sweet babby tooth faggot.

>wahhh wahhh wahh why nobuddy likes muh sodie

Because its fucking gross. THATS WHY. It tastes bad.

>> No.7695689

Coke always leaves this weird gross residue in my mouth whenever I drink it. I prefer Pepsi, but even a single Pepsi makes me feel all bloated and sick for the rest of the day.

Some people do, a lot of other people don't.

>> No.7696046

society won

>> No.7696123

quads of truth, you can't deny

>> No.7696180

I work in retail myself, and today, I had to deal with a 30 minute phone call from some guy out of state over him misunderstanding how basic shipping works and had to endure him telling me how much of an idiot I was. My mother at her worst never even spent a half hour straight telling me how stupid I was. It was insulting. I even had a member of management get on the line at one point and after he hung up, he said he wanted to blow his fucking brains out having to deal the stupidity with a level head.

For $9 an hour, I really shouldn't have to deal with being treated like a fucking pile of shit in the street. I will be honest and say this is THE WORST I have experienced in my two years there, but I get yelled and cursed at by customers at least once a week. I have a female coworker who broke down crying one day because she, as a mexican, was getting insulted by some old bitch and asked if she only got the job because of affirmative action and whose back she rode on to get here.

>> No.7696651


this is 'my dad works for nintendo' tier argumentation

>> No.7697232
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>look at ginger ale I'm drinking right now
Oh okay that's not so ba-
>43g of sugar
I haven't even eaten anything else today (house is short on food).

>> No.7697243

>43g of sugar
>I haven't even eaten anything else today

That shit is gonna go right through you, anon. If you're wise, you'll use that brief energy to get to a grocery store ASAP.

>> No.7697447

cocoa for children is sweet, but it whould be made more bitter in general with much less sugar.

>> No.7697563

>citation needed

>> No.7697732

Arguing against vegans is about the same as arguing against feminists. Of course they're wrong but fucked if they're going to answer up to any of it.

Evidence that we're omnivores? Impossible to prove your point when they'll starve a fucking cat to death on potatoes and lentils.

>> No.7697745

Did you mean to start a new thread? This one is already at capacity for self-righteous masturbations

>> No.7697829


I don't like starting threads and I especially wouldn't want to have another one like this.

>> No.7699217

haha you must lack street smarts or you're a pussy or you're both.

>> No.7699230

Most likely both, I had a little milquetoast bitch boy I knew from living in the same dorm once come by my neighborhood to hang out, he was like catnip to the local urban youths. Same people who never paid me any mind were on high alert as we walked past, making snide cracks about individuals of Caucasian descent. It was the look on his face, like he seriously expected to get jumped by any minority who came near him.

Needless to say he was not invited over again, the last thing I need is his germs rubbing off and making me a target.

>> No.7699232

Lmao, the entire vegan discussion has been the exact opposite of your supreme idiocy

>some retard like you says stupid shit that isn't true
>is actually refuted by biology
>durrrrrr vegans suck

You're a fat fucking worthless fuck.

>> No.7699248


Why are you so fucking militant about your opinion?

For fucks sake go mow your lawn or something. Bake a cake, fuck.

>> No.7699253

Its like beer but no lubrication why even?

>> No.7699261


To add- your argument should cause you to catch your breath.

There's a certain point where you're just convincing yourself of your own reason.

Cut that shit out.

>> No.7699288

Why are you so militant about being a fucking retard?

There's a certain point where you're just being an insufferable fat fucking faggot that needs to be treated like one

Refuting someone's idiotic claim with facts is convincing them. Calling you a retard is calling you a retard. This is you in damage control mode because you have no actual argument

>> No.7699303


I'm not fat but you're free to call me a faggot.

Nothing I said was idiotic, it was reasonable. You're absolutely insufferable man.You're the one being weird as fuck and constantly defensive for no reason. I have to be crazy because I keep dealing with you.

>> No.7699308

>durrrrr vegans are retarded look at the all the stupid unbacked claims they've made

>but thats wrong you fucking retard

>why are you so INSECURE

You're a fucking retard, I'm not being defensive, I'm being "militant" because you're a fucking annoying retard completely willfully because you're actually a fat fuck who won't bother to evaluate anything that has been said

If you can't handle this then it only makes sense you can't handle reality

>> No.7699312


Dude what's your problem?

I have several professionals I can direct you to, not even kidding.

I promise, they wont tell you to eat meat, eggs or dairy.

>> No.7699320

Please fucking kill yourself you worthless sack of shit

>> No.7699323



We definitely don't need each other ever.

>> No.7699327

No one cares. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.7699332


You can have the last word cupcake, if it's just that important to you.

>> No.7699334

Good. Now go fucking off yourself

>> No.7699486
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dental fag here please keep drinking the sugary jew