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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7684085 No.7684085 [Reply] [Original]

Alright guys, should I? And if so, which one?

>> No.7684089

You can use bacon fat in place of pork lard, and beef trimmings in place of beef tallow.
Duck is more expensive and harder to find, so I'd go with the duck fat.

>> No.7684091
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>animal fat

>> No.7684099

You're contemplating buying something who's brand name is "Epic."

>Back to /b/ highschooler

>> No.7684100


>cage free
>grass fed

fuck those pussies and their fakeass marketing ploy/overpriced shit. go buy some butter instead.

>> No.7684101

Get one of each.

>> No.7684103

Sound logic. Also, pork lard is about the easiest lard to find in stores. Comes in a white bucket with green text.

Potatoes fried in duck fat are a luxury that I wish everyone could get a chance to enjoy.

>> No.7684115

They're all the same price, but duck fat is much less common, much rarer for people to render at home, and usually much more expensive.

It's also delicious. Duck fat is the obvious choice.

>> No.7684125

This. If you make bacon, save the renderings. If you make beef stock and strain the top, or bring home the fat off prime rib for rendering, there's your beef tallow.

>> No.7684141
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>everything about this image

>> No.7684307

Unless the pork fat is leaf lard, and you;re gonna bake with it, then you gotta skip that one.

Other anons are right in that beef tallow is easy to make, but I'd say that duck fat (or goose) is also just as easy. I'd go with what makes the most sense - what do you wanna cook?

>> No.7684351

I was thinking of using it as an occasional replacement for butter/vegetable oil, so sauteing vegetables or adding to beans as they cook.

>> No.7686178

Get the duck and beef.

>> No.7686358

> too "grown up" to buy something just because its brand name is semi-novelty

>> No.7686377

Duck fat for non-deep frying (frying an egg)
Pork lard for deep frying and savory pastries (biscuits)
Beef tallow for green vegetables (green beans, spinach, ASPARAGUS) and red meats

Are my personal preferences for each.

>> No.7686382

Definitely the duck fat

>> No.7686389

Oh I forgot to mention, beef tallow is also really good for frying fish like tilapia or crappie in a pan.

>> No.7686419

Animal fat could be vegan if it's extracted from animals that died from natural causes or harvested from living animals without causing them pain

>> No.7686474
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A true cu/ck/ has all on hand. If just one, definitely duck. But all three unless poorfag.

>You're contemplating buying something who's brand name is "Epic."

I was pretty curious, too, and looked into the brand.

The duck fat is definitely white-labeled from somewhere, but I'm not sure where you can find it for less money outside of a major metro. DC only seemed to have it at high end boutique grocers for a lot more money. $9 for an 11 oz jar is a fantastic price.

However, I also discovered that Epic makes 'meat-based protein bars'... WTF. Pic related.

>overpriced shit

Don't listen to this faggot who clearly never priced duck fat before.

>Pork lard for deep frying and savory pastries (biscuits)
>Beef tallow for green vegetables (green beans, spinach, ASPARAGUS) and red meats

McDonald's french fries never tasted better than when they were made in tallow.

>harvested from living animals without causing them pain

So what about human fat from liposuction procedures.... Step 3....

>> No.7686490

>but I'm not sure where you can find it

Buy a duck. Cook it. Save delicious fat that renders out.

>> No.7686491


>protein bar
>less protein than two eggs
>50x the price of two eggs

>> No.7686492

>Nourishing traditions for the prevailing
For the prevailing WHAT? Whoever wrote that slogan should be fired.

>> No.7686495

duck fat, make roasted red potatoes

>> No.7686508

>Buy a duck. Cook it. Save delicious fat that renders out.

I don't buy olives every time I want to use olive oil.

>> No.7686514

I hope this stuff starts showing up in my store, I would love to be able to cook with some duck fat.

>> No.7686529


Your post implied that you weren't sure where to find duck fat. Starting with a duck seems to be the obvious answer.

You can also mail-order that stuff if you're having a hard time finding it locally.

>> No.7686544

Don't reply to tripfags. They're pretty much de-facto retarded just by virtue of needing a unique name.
Not worth the effort imo.

>> No.7686549


Was just about to say exactly this.

Don't give them attention. They contribute nothing and only post to get replies.

>> No.7686562

I will accept that in certain situations, theme threads, image dumps, expert threads, amas etc. then a trip can be useful to distinguish a poster, however unless there is a good reason it's only attention whoring.

To keep this somewhat on topic, I cook a Peking style duck about once every ten weeks or so, because I'm a lunatic with too much time and money on my hands. I always make sure that I've got a drip pan to catch every bit of fat, except for the hottest part of the cook where I have trouble with the fat burning.
Duck fat is fucking versatile all the time. Potatoes, mash, vegetables. I fry a steak in duck fat on occasion. I hear fries in duck fat is a good time but I'd need like six pounds to fill my fryer.

>> No.7686578

Cage free is dumb but grass fed is real shit

>> No.7686599

cage free chickens for sure have better developed muscles, a slightly stronger chicken taste and don't constantly have broken bones from injuries. It's also generally not meaningfully more expensive.

>> No.7686987


Duck is the only one worth buying, although I bet it barely tastes like duck fat since it's only 9 dollars, it's probably mixed with all kinds of other shit and the actual duck fat isn't even 50% of the jar. It would be way better to buy a duck, roast it and you'll have even more fat than in that jar left over.

>> No.7687031

Pig lard is usually the best for baking, cooking, and whatever else you plan on using it for. I've never used duck or beef though, so what do I know?

>> No.7687042

I looked up the product online the only listed ingredient is duck fat

>> No.7687055

duck fat easily tastes the best

>> No.7687386

Duck fat, definitely worth it.

Also, based sprouts bro

>> No.7687476

>So what about human fat from liposuction procedures.... Step 3....
I would have no problem with this. Too bad it'd cause 9999999 new diseases to pop up in a snap, idiot.

>> No.7687568


>harvested from living animals without causing them pain

like eggs and milk? I heard vegans enjoy the shit out of those

>> No.7687584

12oz of like dank

>> No.7687589


And honey

>> No.7687605

I had their turkey cranberry on a whim, fucking disgusting.

>> No.7687698

You may miss truly wonderful things with this kind of foolish snobbery

>> No.7688316

Duck Duck Goose!

>> No.7688340

duck fat is way more expensive and that makes me suspicious about these jars

>> No.7688367


The duck fat isn't exactly cheap. It's more like the other two are way overpriced.

>> No.7688541

Every pleb in this thread is overlooking the fact that the pork is PASTURED.

Anything else is not really pork at all, and most of all cannot provide real lard.

>> No.7688565


grass-feeding changes the color of the fat. it's yellow due to all the carotenoids.

i don't know if this affects flavor or quality, but it's cool to know.

>> No.7688600

I'm a bit confused by this. In the UK you can buy lard or dripping for literally pennies. What's so special about this "pork lard" in a jar that it costs $9? Can you not buy it otherwise?

>> No.7688604


I've never seen duck or goose fat for sale that wasn't 100% fat.

>> No.7688614

get lard, but not that overpriced shit, get the small bucket of it you find on the mexican aisle

>> No.7688930

>8.99 for a tiny jar of lard
damn I can buy a fucking HUGE bucket of it for 5 bucks what the fuck are these guys selling?

>> No.7688938

duck fat for french fries

>> No.7688948

Is your lard epic?

>> No.7688970

I tried their beef + cranberry or something stick a while back. Nasty shit. Whoever decided to mix fruit and meat like that should be shot

>> No.7689000

Why isn't there any rabbit fat? I love rabbit.

Also is there such a thing as foie gras fat?

>> No.7689152

rabbit is fucking delicious but they're so tiny
how much fat would you even be able to squeeze out of one of those things