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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7682607 No.7682607[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Guys I'm fat as fuck. What are the tastiest good protein drinks?
Also slightly fit related thing but should I lift even if I'm fat or only be dieting

>> No.7682613

>dumb frogposter
>completely clueless
I think you should unironically consider suicide.

>> No.7682621


just get vanilla whey protein and mix it in milk. tastes good but you will probably eat a meal with it and just gain more weight.

you should do anything and everything you can fatass. lift weights, diet, cardio, walk 5+ miles a day.

>> No.7682628

This tbqh familam

>> No.7682635


My favorite protein shake is optimum whey chocolate. I usually mix a little less than a quarter of the scoop with 16 oz of whole milk, peanut butter, chocolate syrup and a little vanilla extract for the anti oxidants. I'll add a scoop or two of ice cream in if its in the morning for a quick carb boost as well, which has been shown to actually get your metabolism primed for weight loss.

>Also slightly fit related thing but should I lift even if I'm fat or only be dieting

No. Lifting is the last thing you want to do while fat. Lifting makes you gain weight, and you're not trying to gain weight right?

>> No.7682653

>images can't be named image.jpg unless they're on an applephone

>> No.7682654

You should definitely commit it.

>> No.7682665

Unless that happens to be the only file in his folder named "image.jpg" or he's saving over the same file over and over again (both of which are equally retarded), there's no reason to believe he's not posting from an iPhone.

>> No.7682668

But I'm not fat or a frogposter.

OP is the one that should kill himself.

>> No.7682872

>drinking protein without heavy exercise
enjoy your accelerated weight gain

>> No.7682909

Don't get any fucking protein shakes if you're fucking fat.

A protein shake is just a quick meal, if you're already over fucking eating you should just STOP FUCKING EATING

>> No.7682923
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>> No.7683066

Diet and exercise. Don't drink protein shakes to lose weight. Exercise generally matters more than diet, assuming you eat a regular human amount of food. Just do the common sense shit to be healthy, senpai.

>> No.7683106

Cardio and body weight exercises until you get to a base level of fitness and desired weight. Cut down on portions of whatever you're eating.

>> No.7683135
File: 27 KB, 284x450, dyma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is the best tasting protein powder i've yet to find. it's a whey/casein split if you're a curious /fit/izen. mix it with water, tastes like milkshake.

>> No.7683141


oh i didn't read the rest of your post, ok

if you're trying to lose weight then obviously cardio is your best bet, but if you bulk you get a metabolism boost from the muscle gain for when you do go on a cut. your choice, tbqh.

>> No.7683149

Exercise has no effect on weight loss, "senpai". There has never been any evidence that exercise does anything other than improve various health parameters, but it doesn't cause or help with weight loss in overweight persons.

>> No.7683166

OP here, thanks for all the replys guys.
I exercised today, and then mixed some protein powder into a McDonalds milkshake because that's the only restaurant I pass on the way home from the gym.

I feel bad because I got some fries too. How many snacks do you guys usually have after dinner?

>> No.7683168


are you fucking stupid? exercise burns calories and can help you achieve a caloric defecit. technically it's not necessary, but it's unlikely you'll be very healthy by eating little enough to lose weight without exercise. all those missing micros.

>> No.7683169

>help with weight loss in overweight persons.

Sure it does. Exercise burns more calories than simply sitting on one's butt.

that being said, it's much easier to achieve a caloric deficit by reducing one's food intake than it is to exercise instead.

>> No.7683185

There are plenty of overweight people who work on their feet all day and have huge caloric expenditure, chefs would be one example. The notion that you could induce weight loss by running around like an idiot is flawed, since there is no relationship between activity level and being overweight to begin with. Like everybody else, fat people simply eat more when their activity level is increased. Unless there is a conscious effort to lose weight accompanied by a major change in diet, body weight remains constant in most people, regardless of energy expenditure.

>> No.7683189


fucking duh, but to say that exercise has no effect on weight loss is narrow-minded as fuck. nice trying to save your ass though, cpt. obv.

>> No.7683202

>chefs would be one example

Sure. But that simply means that they eat more calories than the burn. It says nothing about the relative benefits of exercise vs. no exercise.

>> since there is no relationship between activity level and being overweight to begin with

Correct. but there is a relationship between activity level and calories burned. Increasing activity level (while keeping food consumption the same) results in weight loss via conservation of energy.

>>Like everybody else, fat people simply eat more when their activity level is increased
Or not. Plenty of people choose to keep their diet the same while adding exercise. If someone wanted to lose weight then why on earth would they chose to eat more food?

>> No.7683205
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>huge caloric expenditure

Yeah anon, real hard to move a knife, a few pans, and some food around.

>> No.7683224

>>move some food around

What the fuck are you doing standing around for? We just got 1100 lbs of produce delivered that you have to carry into the restaurant one crate at a time, wash, peel, and then stack away in the fridge so it's ready for the evening shift.

When you're done with that there's a dozen batches of dough you need to make. Yeah, the big stand mixer will knead it for you, but you still have to manually lug around the flour, water, and unload the fucker. Don't drop it like you did last time.

When you're done don't forget to get on your hands and knees and scrub the kitchen.

are you implying that's not "exercise"?

>> No.7683231


talk to me when you're running 3 miles a day and/or lifting for 1-2 hours

>> No.7683255


I lift, and I run--though I must admit I hate running, so I only run one mile every other day.

That said, if you haven't done pro kitchen work it can seem deceptive. Most kitchen tasks aren't hard to do at all. But factor in that you have to do them over and over again, at a fast pace, with much larger volumes, in a very hot and cramped environment and it gets bad fast.

>> No.7683275

go to /fit/ and get help there. cu/ck/ just circlejerk how much american food sucks and autisticlly derail and shitpost in every thread thwley dont like.

You should be eating appr 1500 calories a day. I lost weight by skipping a solid breakfast and just drinking a cholocate protein shake with milk, about 520 calories. if you hear about a special diet that advertises losing more than 2 pounds a week, its a memediet and theyre trying to scam you. I lift 3 time a week and that helped me lose appr 130 pounds over 2 years. drink about a gallon of water a day, at least. That will help with any water weight you may be holding. Try to eat less salt and lower sodium, i found that salt makes me very bloated and hold onto water in my body. Either get on SS at fit or walk at least 3 miles a day while also having a 170 bpm heart rate for 20 minutes a day. expect to lose about 10-20 poubds of water weight in the first 2 weeks depending on how fat you are, but after that, only expect to lose about 1-2 pounds a week. That is normal and healthy, dont be discouraged.

>> No.7683310

1. Get a shaker cup

2. Bet some UMP powder from
Beverly (I recommend strawberry). Amazon and JET have good prices.

3. Two scoops plus water 3x a day. Add a bit of cinnamon if you want but don't junk it up with frozen fruit.

4. First thing in the morning do some light walking before you EAT anything. You can have some black coffee or tea. This is called Low Intensity Steady State training or "LISS" and what it's going to do is encourage your body to burn up fat instead of the glycogen hanging out in your muscles--hence why you mustn't eat beforehand. ~30 minutes is a great goal and a perfect time to walk your dog, for example.

5. Yes definitely work out. Muscle will burn fat and raise your resting metabolism. You're going to want to start with some basic body weight exercises and not fall into the "how much u benchin' bro?" trap. Using a pilates ball and some resistance training, you can accomplish quite a bit.

6. Diet is good, but you want to up your protein intake while reducing your fats and especially your carbs. Don't go nuts and starve yourself. Green, fibrous vegetables are good as "filler" but make sure you are getting a good amount of nutrition daily.

Good luck fatbro.

>> No.7683352

You're an idiot and you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.7683361

Can you provide a bodyweight routine please please please

>> No.7683383


>guys that work around food all day are fat
>this proves that exercise doesn't work

>> No.7683412


Are you retarded?

Next time use a dolly to move 3 crates at once, while saving your back. Invest in a few carts to move your dough materials around. Buy a fucking mop to clean the floors.

I can only imagine how difficult the rest of your life is.

>> No.7683438

Sure. This is a VERY basic routine and one you're going to want to change up. Google for pictures.

>warm up with some bike or whatever
>5 mins will do--just enough to sweat

>elbow plank for 30 seconds, rest for 30 3x
>leg raises--adjust to pilates ball passes for harder work 15 for 3x (fifteen reps, three sets)--use a small inflatable ball if you can manage it

>alternating side pushups: get a step up step, put one hand on the floor, and one hand on the step up step. Do a pushup, now walk yourself over the step using your hands to the alternate position so the floor hand is now on the step and vice versa. This will be HARD but don't give up. Try for 12 3x.
>Step-ups: Properly stack three step up steps and grab some 12lb dumbbells. Hold them at your sides. These are mainly to keep your hands steady and give your upper body something to do. The step up with one leg, bring the other up, and step down. Try for 15 3x each leg with a short break after you do 15 a leg.
>Ball squats: Put a pilates ball between your back and a flat wall. Position the ball so when you squat it goes up near your shoulder blades. Again hold 12lb dumbbells. Try for 12 3x squats and get those legs to a 90 degree bend.

>Cool down: 7 minutes on the bike or whatever, moderate intensity but less than your warmup.

Take your time and this will get you to about 45 minutes with proper rest between sets. Pay attention to your form and if it gets too easy, SLOWLY increase your reps/weight. It's too easy to hurt yourself when you're just starting.

This will not make you Arnold Schwarzenegger in a weekend. The hardest part of all this is the time sink. Just stick to it and try for three times a week with LISS every day and some increased regular movement during the day--don't sit all the time.

I'll leave the thread open if you need interpretation.