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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7676965 No.7676965 [Reply] [Original]

P-please drink our government-subsidized milk guys. I-it's good for you, I swear

>> No.7676988
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>angry about milk
>doesn't have pure white skin and can't process dairy
pick two

>> No.7677018

No one can process dairy efficiently

>> No.7677089

I process it more efficiently than half the crap the average first world citizen eats.

>> No.7677105
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>those dubs for this post

>> No.7677193


I'm white as fuck but I still realize that drinking straight milk, especially factory-farmed milk, is for dummies. Yogurt and kefir made from milk from grass fed cows, on the other hand, is good shit.

>> No.7677197

Replacing milk with yogurt and having it with cereal is great.

>> No.7677199


>> No.7677215

I did it all for the calcium, unt unt the calcium.

>> No.7677220


Whoever this guy is he without question wins the award for the most punchable face on the planet.

>> No.7677350

>literally a /pol/ thread less than 10 minutes in

can this 2016 election fucking end already

>> No.7677366

No thanks, I don't want diarrhea and stomach cramps

>> No.7677375
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>tfw lactose intolerant

>> No.7677387

Fellow lactose intolerant here. It's a blessing in disguise, dairy is terrible for you. Although sometimes I eat pizza and take Lactaid pills, which really do work.

>> No.7677390
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>tfw family reunion and everyone wanted to go to Sonic after
>tfw get pressured into buying something, get a strawberry cheesecake shake
>tfw shit pants in a shart about 30 minutes later and drive home in shame

>> No.7677399

my sister is pretty anti milk. she said it's terrible for you and she refuses to give it to her children. she only feeds them milk from her tits

what is wrong with it exactly? I would be willing to read an article with sources. I've always kept milk around just because I like it and I digest it fine

>> No.7677411
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I don't see low fat milk being too bad for children, since they are still growing (as long as they are not obese). Dairy in general is high in saturated fat, which raises cholesterol and hardens arteries. Yes, even some kids get heart disease in America, truly sad. Milk protein also raises IGF-1 levels, which are basically growth hormone. In adults this can apparently increase cancer risk and growth rates, because you know, adults aren't supposed to be growing anymore.

>> No.7677439

>"Gotta go fast."

>> No.7677468

>and hardens arteries
thats bullshit, saturated fat does nothing of the sort
and more fat means more hdl AND ldl cholesterol, which just means more cholesterol is cycled through your body

>> No.7677481

High HDL doesn't compensate for high LDL. But if you want high cholesterol and increased risk for a heart attack, go for it.

>> No.7677488
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>thats bullshit, saturated fat does nothing of the sort

Go back to your meme science blogs. Too much saturated fat in the diet raises cholesterol, which can accumulate to the artery walls and therefore hardening arteries.

>> No.7677492
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>> No.7677508

>muh saturated fat boogeyman

>> No.7677521

this one's better actually

>> No.7677531


>muh completely misleading unfounded paleo memeshit

>> No.7677569

>caveman drinking domesticated milk
paleo is the farmers diet mislabeled. Most the foods listed didn't even exist in the paleolithic era

>> No.7677581

where in that does it say paleo
>misleading unfounded
come on man, I don't want to have to paste all the sources they put in the article


>> No.7677613
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It's almost like you didn't watch a single one of the videos because it doesn't fit your narrative.

How unsurprising

>> No.7677625

I sat through all of your shitty videos, and thats 17 minutes of my life im never getting back for the sake of an internet argument
here, have some more studies

>> No.7677626

>/pol/ thread
>talking shit about milk

fuck off,jew

>> No.7677645

You didn't sit through any of the videos because if you did you'd realize the mountain of evidence that is contrary to your absurd statements

You'd realize someone that actually knows what they're talking about is going through the flawed methodology of these studies that champion eggs and saturated fat

The only thing that you'll realize is that you'll listen to any retard that says what you want to hear

Have another video that you won't even watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZPulhmNEDs

>> No.7677669

Fuck off you milk-hating subhumans.

>> No.7677675

>the mountain of evidence that is contrary to your absurd statements
as opposed to the mountain of evidence contrary to yours?
all of the pieces I've posted are by experts the same as yours, and they "debunk" the things you're posting to debunk mine
have a documentary
or a snippet of it if you dont have a couple hours to waste
and another article

>> No.7677677

> thinking the rise of right wing politics is because of the election

>> No.7677685

A critical difference is here is that Dr. Greger is analyzing the inherently flawed methodology of these studies as well as some conflicts of interest

Half of the researches linked are purely abstracts

Many of these studies do not even make distinctions between the saturated fats, another incredibly disingenuous and misleading thing

>> No.7677699

>Dr. Greger is analyzing the inherently flawed methodology of these studies
would you care to point out the flawed methodology in the sources Ive provided
you're not providing any concrete rebuttals to them, youre just writing "nu uhs" without providing the evidence

>> No.7677700

>m-muh estrogen producing soy milk

>> No.7677764

Like I literally just said, many of them do not even make a distinction in saturated fats from a nut and an egg.

Some of those studies are funded and even overseen by people involved in the egg industry

You have not provided a single concrete rebuttal to anything I've posted, you just went "durrrrrr they're shit im a fucking retard"

Nor have you even elaborated on any of your studies

>> No.7677770

The phytoestrogens in soy milk have demonstrably been shown to have no effect on estrogen levels in humans

Estrogens in meats and dairy such as the phytates in chicken have actually been shown to increase estrogen in people

>> No.7677780
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Shut up clown. Denying the saturated fat link is on one level with denying anthropogenic global warming.
It's just another one of those thing where people disagree with the majority opinion for one of two reasons only: To feel smarter than the majority of the world, or to horde shekels.

>> No.7677789

>found the Asian

>> No.7677792


For example this study referenced in one of your dumb articles talks about how high-carb low fat diets are bad yada yada

Literally funded by grants from the National Dairy Council and National Dairy Research + Promotion Board

>> No.7677800

>Nor have you even elaborated on any of your studies
and you have? you posted videos and said "these videos are correct"
>ad hominem
and bringing global warming into it is deflection and has nothing to to with what we're talking about
and bandwagoning never did any good for anyone if the facts were never reviewed

>> No.7677816

>literally funded by
>one out of six and not referenced as a major contributer

>> No.7677827

yeah well soy milk tastes like shit

>> No.7677850

>and you have

I elaborated to an extent of what the videos are, like I literally have explained multiple times. You have literally been posting studies with zero elaboration of their effects and going "NUH UH". You'd probably understand even a fraction of what I'm saying if you bothered to watch the videos which you still haven't cared to actually point out why they were so awful.

This is literally what you're doing. You are not elaborating any points.

Furthermore there are numerous studies referenced in your articles which have to do with weight loss which is not the issue

>> No.7677853

They make no distinction between major and not major. And it's actually two separate dairy commissions funding and supporting the study. You don't find that the least bit concerting?

>> No.7677933

i love milk
It's great in cereal
It goes great with chocolate
nothin' like a big ice cold glass of milk with your sandwich
It makes potatoes creamy
it makes cheese
it makes yogurt
it makes heavy cream
i love almond milk, soy milk, hemp milk, coconut milk. any kind of milk
how the fuck could anyone possibly not drink milk?
If you're trying to bulk up, milk is essential to your gains. hell even cats like milk. aint nothing wrong with it
>protip: only shitty $3 milk contains hormones and antibiotics. real niggas drink expensive organic milk

>> No.7677936
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not drinking milk turns you into a fagget

>> No.7677974

Source: this thread.

>> No.7677990

Why is milk a point of fucking contention. I don't get it. It's just fucking milk. I usually don't keep it around, but every few weeks I get a hardcore craving for it and guzzle the shit. I also love cheese and yogurt.

But I'm white so that might have something to do with it.

>> No.7678002

Absolute madman

That sounds great

>> No.7678025

>Top 9 Biggest Lies: The conclusion: there is no evidence that saturated fat increases the risk of heart disease (51).

This is the bold texted one that is apparently important, one of the resarchers is Ronald Krauss who is funded by the Dairy Council and cattle industries


It is ultimately an observational study which by design will not find links between saturated fat and heart disease

Flawed methodology when it comes to heart disease research

>> No.7678059
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>>some chucklefuck at harvard
>>blogs left and right
you twat baskets are the reason I cant find any straight information on if coconut oil is good or awful for you.

Neither of you know what a good study cretique is. hint its not by some faggot who spends all his time grading papers or grading teachers who grade papers. its not some twat making videos in vmeo, or a documentary. Every side has something to sell, not just dairy you twats. On one side theres the omega six arguement and the animal and coconut fats. on the other theres the tons of vegetable oils like safflower, canola, and olive oil, most having little saturated fat but high omega 6 content. Theres a product on either side of the fence so you can't point at outside influence and conclude one side must be a fucking conspiracy.

>> No.7678062

>some chucklefuck at harvard

Literally stopped reading there

No reason to read any other typed diarrhea you've just shat out

>> No.7678069
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Have a fedora while you're at it twat basket, far be it from anyone to desire someone who spends their time actually researching food and health and doing peer reviews to make a statment, rather than someone who has a bottom line to toe as part of the college/university business.

>> No.7678081
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>> No.7678108

You made a fucking retarded statement regardless of whatever obviously false bullshit you spend your time doing.

The "chucklefuck" is the chair of the Department of Nutrition at Harvard School of Public Health (as it fucking says in the image) who in all likelihood will forever be more successful and credible than you will ever be in your life. Discrediting him is just fucking stupid and makes you stupid.

Reading the rest of your garbage in the previous post

>blogs left and right
These blogs are run by individuals far more accredited than you will ever be and cite research in those articles. The Youtube videos are run by an actual doctor who is actually reviewing nutritional information and studies and going over methodology and drawing lines at what information is good and what's not. Something you are obviously clearly incapable of doing

>random people who are apparently bottom line make it difficult for your esteemed ass to recognize research

You're not quite smart, unsurprisingly

>none of you know what a good study cretique is

Neither do you apparently as you just said

>one side etc.


>theres a product on either side of the fence

There really isn't. This is just you being moronic again, when there's a clear obvious conflict of interest, it must be noted.

You must've thought you were really smart for making these posts. I can't imagine you're any older than 17

>> No.7678125

i bet half off you who dont drink milk binge drink and probably do drugs.

>> No.7678126

Because we're adults. That stuff's not for kids. Milk is killing our kids. Fact.

>> No.7678127

I need alcohol, I don't need milk

>> No.7678128

>Milk is killing our kids. Fact.

>> No.7678146

/x/ isn't into scientifically verifiable fact

>> No.7678160
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>911 was an inside job as well

>> No.7678164

Nope. But it's pretty easily demonstrable that milk is bad for you

Unless of course it's soy, hemp, rice, almond, etc.

Animal milk is not efficiently digested by the body

Denying this just makes you an obvious dairy shill jew

Also really smelly and obese.

>> No.7678167

It's a good job humans haven't been consuming it for centuries, isn't it?

>> No.7678176

Is that supposed to mean anything? Humans have also been having sex with animals for centuries.

Which is in all likelihood how you came about and reached a conclusion that you just made a worthwhile statement.

>> No.7678178

Not while John Oliver draws breath.

>> No.7678241

Not that anon but soy milk contains too much estrogen and causes gyno. Rice milk is where it's at unless you're female

>> No.7678252

Rice milk is full of arsenic.
Actually the only "milk" you should be drinking is water, stock and tea.

>> No.7678359

how bad is almond milk?

>> No.7678431
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They just take left over almonds from other manufacturing processes, grind them up, and run hot water through them like you would with coffee. Then they cool it and filter out any solids.

It tastes like really watery almonds, and its pretty gross. But watch as now people will respond to me telling me I dont know shit and that soy milk and almond milk and rice milk and all that shti tastes absolutley amazing!

It doesnt. They all taste like watery shit. Silks soy milk is about the only non dairy milk replacement Ive tasted that tastes okay, but I dont feel like growing man tits, so soy can fuck off.

I just buy lactose free milk.

>> No.7678433

>Not knowing the story behind it
The dude was interviewed why he opposes Trump and talked like his looks already hinted.

>> No.7678437

I think calcium causes hardening of arteries. If it isnt in a citrate-connection it just clogs your shit up.

>> No.7678714

Then what is it that raises cholesterol and causes heart disease?

>> No.7678727

I agree, all milk alterntives aren't very good. Soy milk tastes the best, but I can't drink it due to soy sensitivity. Cashew milk is decent. I'm lactose intolerant, and even lactose-free milk still gives me stomach cramps, which is too bad because it tastes so good.

>> No.7679186

The entire agriculture system in the USA is subsidized from seed to factory. It is a pretty efficient way to feed your people, it creates problems though.

Let me add this, the entire USA is government subsidized through welfare system for people/companies/towns in a way that makes it laughable everytime I hear about someone complaining about China unfairly subsidizing their industries, GM anyone?

It's subsidized to the point where it is hard to distinguish where the real economy is in the US.

>> No.7679885

>The "chucklefuck" is the chair of the Department of Nutrition at Harvard School of Public Health (as it fucking says in the image) who in all likelihood will forever be more successful and credible than you will ever be in your life. Discrediting him is just fucking stupid and makes you stupid.
apperantly you have trouble reading retard. I'd recommend going back up here and trying it for a change, you sure have a lot to say for someone who is intent on avoiding actually listening to anything I have to say.
see this
you stupid twat. till you give someone some actual courtesy I wont be bothering to respond to the rest of your post, though I will read it,

>> No.7679894

No it hasn't.

>> No.7679910

There's nothing there. You're just a damage controlling fucking retard

Why give courtesy to some obvious fucking retard who prides himself on being retarded?

You are fucking stupid, for a multitude of reasons. Cry more you dumb cocksucker

You sound like such a fucking faggot

>> No.7679919

Literally zero evidence for soy milk causing gyno

Like literally zero. You're more likely to get it from eating meat and dairy

>> No.7679954


>> No.7680014

>humm ok what have you got
>youtube "truth about milk"

Correlation not causation fallacy.
He then admits a correlation not causation fallacy.
He ends by telling you to cut down on galactose.

Pretty good video.

>> No.7680056

I don't like the taste, don't like the industry, don't like the government subsidies and I don't really think it's a suitable food for adults. So no, I won't be drinking any milk.

>> No.7680069
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>> No.7680133

Having sex with animals is not harmful, either.

>> No.7680146


>> No.7680153

>oh shit i'm losing better whip out the old failsafe

>> No.7680171

No, not really. Maybe eating too much, but being skinny and lazy won't give you heart disease.

>> No.7680185

What do you base this claim on? Plenty of skinny people get heart disease, not all of them smokers.

>> No.7681141

It's just usually overweight/obese people who get heart disease. But I guess if you mainly survive off of fatty meats you could get it too. And alcoholics.

>> No.7681152

>oh shit I said something stupid better claim im winning!!!

Kill yourself

>> No.7681288

W-what if I don't like milk?

>> No.7681302
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>mfw the grown men I work with buy chocolate milk to eat with their lunch every day in the building cafeteria

>> No.7681314

I just fucking love whole milk. I don't really care if it's good for me.

>> No.7681320

Agriculture is subsidized so that we have a readily available supply of food, and food manufacturers, should we no longer be able to import food products.

If it wasn't subsidized, then nobody would fucking do it, and if nobody does it, and we ended up in an actual war situation, then our food supply could get cut off and we'd fucking starve.

>> No.7681405

Milk isnt an efficient way to get calcium
Your body has a hard time breaking it down

>> No.7682241

Just make sure it's plain yoghurt. Sweet yoghurt is a thousand times worse than milk.

>> No.7682329


>In the eighties, Monsanto developed a bovine growth hormone that could indirectly increase milk production by stimulating another hormone called Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1, or IGF-1. It is this second hormone that stimulates the milk production in cows. The problem is that humans naturally have the IGF-1 hormone in their bodies; it is exactly the same IGF-1 hormone as is found in cows and it is not destroyed by pasteurization. So every time people drink milk from an rBGH-injected cow, they increase the amount of active IGF-1 hormone in their system, among other things. Cows injected with rBGH are more likely to develop an infection of the udder known as mastitis, causing pus to accumulate in the milk. The infection must then be treated with antibiotics that end up in the milk along with the pus and the IGF-1 hormone.

>What could an increase of a hormone that stimulates cell production mean to the average person? There have in fact been plenty of studies that link higher levels of IGF-1 hormone with increased risk of cancer. One such study was conducted at Harvard University. In a sample of 15,000 white males, those with IGF-1 levels in the range of 300ng/mL-500ng/mL were four times more likely to develop prostate cancer that those with IGF-1 levels in the range of 100ng/mL-185ng/mL. Other research suggests potential links between increased IGF-1 hormone in the body and an increased likelihood of breast, colon, pancreatic, and lung cancers.

My cousin once did a lab where she had to look at the milk from one of these cows under a microscope. She only drinks organinc/artificial hormone-free milk now (and even then not too often) because she saw that there were more puss cells than milk.

>> No.7682364


>> No.7682529

Milk producers also got mad as fuck when they were told that if they add anything to milk they might have to put it on the label.


Because these days their milk tastes like shit and they add flavorings and sweeteners to it when its in huge vats to get a uniform taste. And they lost their shit when the general public started hearing about this.

They still dont have to put it on the labels.

They do the same shit with fruit juice. They pasturize it and store it in massive vats where it can sit for up to and over a year and. The pasturizing process removed almost all flavor from the juice. So what they do is mix in "natural flavors" they order from other companys that they add when its in big mixing vats to give all of their juice a uniform taste. Its why two companys who grow the same goddamn oranges will have juice that tastes different. They each use a different "natural flavor" recipe to put taste back into their juice after it gets pulled out of storage.

>> No.7682564

I cash out a construction guy a couple days a week for a half-gallon of chocolate milk, at least it's better than being addicted to alcohol or heroin like everyone else in town

>> No.7682623

That may have been a reason before the green revolution, I have not seen anyone use that line of reasoning in a long time, you have to acknowledge that the agricultural business is a big powerful interest group, there are only a handful of companies that control the entire sector, it is a major US export, it is a major source of food around the world, and these handful of companies have massive political influence, I don't see their current corporate welfare subsidies going away ever.

>> No.7682641

Nice samefag, autismo, go fuck another donkey

>> No.7682757

>the green revolution

Your hipster "green revolution" could'nt provide enough grain to feed NYC by itself, let alone the entire state. Nor could it provide the plant foods needed to feed the animals we consume for protein.

>> No.7682902
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>> No.7685309

It's quite literally almond water and it tastes exactly like that. You can easily and cheaply make it yourself.

>boiled and filtered almond water tastes "watery"
>lactose free milk
weebs really are literally retarded.