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7670584 No.7670584 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything wrong with drinking milk?

>> No.7670588


Unless of course that milk is almond, rice, hemp, soy, etc.

Animal milk is not meant for human consumption. It is an anti-nutrient. It actually drains calcium for our bones

Humans cannot properly digest animal proteins, fats, acids, and dietary cholesterol

>> No.7670598
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>> No.7670620

>Humans cannot properly digest animal proteins, fats, acids, and dietary cholesterol
i've been eating all of these things all my life. define properly digest

>> No.7670622

You're actually a ghost.

>> No.7670627


>> No.7670634

I guess this is as good a place as any to say this
I wish there was 1.5% fat milk. 1% is a little too watery but 2% is a little too fatty imo, like if you drink a glass of it that's like a third of your saturated fat for the day

Just saying

>> No.7670637

It is racist to drink it and promote it since only white people can drink it. and PoC can't digest it so it makes them sick.

>> No.7670642

But there is.

>> No.7670650

I've never seen it

>> No.7670659

In Germany they only sell 1.5% (reduced fat) and 3.5% (whole)

>> No.7670660

We don't process it well. It doesn't mean you will be shitting it out instantly, it's not good for us

Carcinogenic, fatty, inflammatory, our bodies don't break it down well

>> No.7670663

It's racist to drink it because it's white and its consumption symbolizes the death of the white race.

>> No.7670664

In the U.S. they sell fat free, 1%, 2%, and whole which is like 3-3.5% or something. It's not even a big deal really, I don't even drink much milk anyways, I just thought I'd bring it up

>> No.7670690

You would think after eating meat since at least hunting/gathering so for most of human history we would have evolved a little but I guess not right.
Protip: you can find something harmful about literally any food, especially in large amounts.

>> No.7670692


>> No.7670698

You're going to find far more of it in dairy and animal products in general

>> No.7670709

t. vegan aficionado

>> No.7670711



>> No.7671079


Can you hit me up with some links or cite some medical/scientific journals where I can learn more about this.

>> No.7671843

*citation needed*

>> No.7671850

Skim it yourself bitch

>> No.7672034
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>> No.7672093


For most people it clogs up your sinuses, promotes systemic inflammation, leeches minerals out of your bones, wrecks your colon.

I recommend coconut milk.

>> No.7672145


American milk maybe. But really, as long as it's not full of shit it's good.

>> No.7672185

I get sick by drinking milk from the supermarket, thats why I only buy almond / rice milk, ect.. But when I was working on a organic milk farm, the milk was fucking delicious

>> No.7673520

All the milk shit-talkers in this thread have not provided ANY sort of citation for their claims.

They're a bunch of vegan pansies. Until one of these prancing la la homo men provide a citation, it's safe and good for you to drink milk.

>> No.7673534

>American milk maybe.

oh, you mean the outright highest quality in the world milk that you wish you could get? enjoy drinking yak milk or whatever you do in your -stan country

>> No.7673550

Here's a fun game

Post your height, and how much milk you drink. I've never known a manlet who drank milk growing up.

>> No.7673555

Yes, it's disgusting. It's the breast milk of another creature and it's not natural for humans to drink. It's basically just fat and bullshit to grow a calf into a large cow in a matter of months.
Enjoy your cancer and obesity if you drink milk.

>> No.7673562


Drank milk like it was going out of style growing up

>> No.7673572

>tastes like shit
>full of added hormones, random antibiotics, and pus
No thanks

The only major country with worse standards for dairy products is China

Let that sink in for a minute

>> No.7673583

Yeah, but in extreme moderation it's okay to have a little bit of dairy products every now and then.
Use full-fat natty products, better nutritional profile and you're not supposed to down a gallon of milk nor eat a whole wheel of cheese in one go anyway.

>> No.7673592

could that be because western and northern europeans have the lowest rates of lactose intolerance and are on average fairly tall

>> No.7673621

Here's a fun game for girls who drank too much of another species' milk growing up: post how many years early you developed large, attention-seeking breasts and struggled to fend off the advances of much older men far before you could develop the social skills to respond appropriately. Post your dismay when the only clothes that fit your body were made for a voluptuous, provocative fully sexually mature adult woman, while your classmates were still pure, clean chaste androgynous creatures of virtue. Post how old you were when daddy stuck you on birth control, as the family doctor struggled to maintain professional impartiality and not call child protective services. Post your age when you had your first abortion, not even being quite sure who the father was, but hoping it wasn't your own. Post how old you were when you realized adults would never see you as a child anymore, let alone a person, but merely a symbol of loose morals, or an object of barely suppressed lust.

>> No.7673756

saturated fat is not evil and unsaturated fat is no better for you.

>> No.7673763

You sound like a giant pussy, drink whole milk fag.

>> No.7673771

Damn, is this actually why I'm tall? 6'3 and always drank way too much milk according to my parents.

Milk should be mandatory as a manlet-prevention tool.

>> No.7673798
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>> No.7673820

Wait, I thought it was specific to US cow's milk though? Since the cows are pumped full of estrogen, etc to increase milk production, which often ends up in milk (either directly or through rough/rigorous milking getting pus/blood/whatever in it)?

But yeah. That's actually why USian girls go through puberty younger and younger.

>> No.7673828

not made for humans and it has antibiotics and hormones in it. It does not leach calcium but its not a good source of calcium contrary to the dairy industries posters at the school cafeteria. Its also bad for skin complexion

>> No.7673855

I drink whole milk like water? Is this bad?

>> No.7673886

Look m8, I think that crying about seppos all the time is cheap and stale shitpoating, but milk is not where you should draw up a defence.

>> No.7673910

I don't like clogging my arteries for literally no reason

>> No.7673922

>experts at the Harvard School of Public Health have labeled the milk recommendations a “step in the wrong direction.”
>As beverages go, milk is relatively high in calories. One cup of 2% milk has 138 calories, for instance. Drinking three cups a day adds 366 calories to the diet
>But Willett’s chief worry is that drinking too much milk may pose dangers. “By now there’s quite a body of data showing a higher risk of fatal prostate cancer associated with milk,” he tells WebMD. “And though the evidence is somewhat mixed, we’ve still seen a slightly higher risk of ovarian cancer associated with drinking three or more servings of milk.”

There's plenty other info about the bad effects of milk and dairy but this was the most straighforward source I found.

>> No.7673930

Then you should tell your body to stop naturally producing 500mg+ of cholesterol on its own in addition to any dietary cholesterol you ingest. Stupid retard.

>> No.7673944

>"""*slightly*""" increased risk of cancer
Aka nothing a healthy, active individual will ever have to worry about. I mean, a whole 366 calories? How will I ever survive consuming a whole 13% of my calories from a litre of delicious milk?

>> No.7673955




>> No.7673958

Accidentally posted the same link twice instead of the last one

>> No.7673983

Most people are allergic to lactose in milk. It's also fairly high in calories, which isn't necessarily a bad thing as long as you don't consume more calories than you need.

Most of the negatives for drinking milk are just emotional reactions e.g. it's not meant for humans because it's baby cow milk, but you could say the same thing about some plants and their seeds. They'll say it's only for babies which doesn't make sense either because it's not human breast milk.

If you don't have any problems digesting milk, I think it's a good source of food since it provides a calf with everything it needs to grow in the first place. It's also easy to digest if you're not allergic.

It's not a super healthy food that you absolutely need or you'll grow up with osteoporosis, it's just... food.

>> No.7673986

>it's just... food.
no dude it's a drink

>> No.7673990

noun: food; plural noun: foods

any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink

>> No.7673993

>prostate cancer
Every man will get this at some point in their lives, or they die of old age before they do. More common than breast cancer or many other cancers. I literally don't care, take that as you may.
>negative correlations for vegetable-derived calories
>animal fat and not energy is the major dietary influence on cancer risk
I eat plenty of vegetables and vegatable calories overall. Nonetheless the correlation would lower if I reduced "animal fat", but then how exactly do you get omega-3s? ALA is worthless at its 5-15% conversion factor.
Too lazy to find, but studies more recent than 1980 have shown that animal fats from butter are healtier than vegetable fats, essentially disproving any correlation. The same is true for saturated fat. Correlation studies are simply too inconclusive and baseless, more of a heeding for more data needed than a scientific proof. Now, there are studies showing a vegan or vegetarian diet are significantly more beneficial towards health than not, but they all seem to be plant food vs animal food, with none comparing and quantifying both. Like, if beans are x healthy, and meat is x bad, what do the two do together in a diet? I'll be dead in 50 years anyway so who cares.

>> No.7673998

I'm not saying you shouldn't drink milk, I drink milk, but OP asked if there is anything wrong with doing it, so I provided some evidence that there might be.

>> No.7674071

you can gulp down a lot of calories quick. because of the lactose (sugar) your body is going to be having a steady supply of glucose so all that fat is going to be stored.

>> No.7674073

Ok I'll do that. Thanks fat fuck

>> No.7674078

pcrm are vegan extremists

>> No.7674127
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>studies more recent than 1980 have shown that animal fats from butter are healtier than vegetable fats, essentially disproving any correlation. The same is true for saturated fat.
There it is again

>> No.7674135

Why should I drink cow's milk out of all of the other milks available to me?

>> No.7674585


>PCRM is a fanatical animal rights group that seeks to remove eggs, milk, meat, and seafood from the American diet, and to eliminate the use of animals in scientific research. Despite its operational and financial ties to other animal activist groups and its close relationship with violent zealots, PCRM has successfully duped the media and much of the general public into believing that its pronouncements about the superiority of vegetarian-only diets represent the opinion of the medical community


>There was a significant inverse gradient between milk intake and incidence of breast cancer

>This meta-analysis suggests that low-fat/skim milk, whole milk, yogurt and lactose intake has no associated with increased risk of ovarian cancer.

>This meta-analysis supports the inverse association between nonfermented milk consumption and risk of colon cancer

>In conclusion, we showed increased risk of prostate cancer with intakes of total dairy, milk, cheese, low fat and skim milk combined, total calcium, dietary calcium, and dairy calcium but no association with supplemental calcium or nondairy calcium and an inverse association for whole milk
>and an inverse association for whole milk

>> No.7674591

Because goats milk is for vegan extremists. Literally anyone who thinks, talks, lives, looks, eats, or drinks differently than I do is trolling or insane. Why do these eurolard hipsters keep attacking AMERICA?

>> No.7674604

Stop throwing studies at each other, that's now how science works. If you actually wanted a representative image of the scientific discourse on the matter, you'd have to go through everything published on the issue, rate and compare it and then draw a conclusion. Just looking for shit to support your opinion is a waste of time because of selection bias

>> No.7674611
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>what is a meta-analysis

>> No.7674618

If you could put your trust into a single study, you wouldn't even need a meta-analysis. You could just pick whatever study you want and believe everything it says. A meta-analysis is a study

>> No.7674623

The person you're replying to posted mostly meta-analyses. What kind of mental disorder are you suffering from?

>> No.7674626

Only if you're lack toast intolerant, don't believe all the meme shit you hear about milk

>> No.7674628

It doesn't matter, each of them is just one study selected by bias, we're not looking at every study that exists, plus every study that wasn't published and those that weren't done because nobody thought of it. You have no understanding of the philosophy of science

>> No.7674633

I'm with >>7674618 on this.
Every attribute and environmental factor has positive and negative effects. If you just look search out those that support your side of the argument you'll always reach the conclusion you liked in advance.

Here is a meta-analysis of Parkinson's disease and smoking.
>Therefore smoking must be healthy!
This is the logic you are using.

If you want to draw a better conclusion you have to go for harder endpoints such as overall mortality.

>> No.7674641
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>It doesn't matter, each of them is just one study selected by bias, we're not looking at every study that exists
At least look up the definition of meta-analysis in a dictionary. You're just embarrassing yourself at this point.

>plus every study that wasn't published and those that weren't done because nobody thought of it
So you look at the totality of evidence that's available, which is then compiled into a meta-analysis. These appear on the top of the hierarchy of evidence


>You have no understanding of the philosophy of science
You have no understanding of how science works. Keep your "cannot know nuffin" bullshittery on /his/ where it belongs.

>> No.7674652

>>Therefore smoking must be healthy!
>This is the logic you are using.
Not at all. Nicotine has some neuroprotective effects. What does it have to do with the overall health effects of smoking or the impact of milk on breast, ovarian, and prostate cancer risk?

>harder endpoints such as overall mortality
If you know anything about medical statistics and didn't just pass an epidemiology 101 class, you'll know that all-cause mortality is very messy. You need very large Ns to get clear data on such a noisy variable. E.g. car accidents, chemotherapy drugs, etc. And again, this has nothing to do with what we're talking about.

>> No.7674663

>tfw i'm flat as fuck and never really liked milk growing up
>5'2" barely 100lbs

being a eunuch is suffering. i've felt so awkward for so long, i don't even know anymore if i just want a bigger chest myself or if i simply developed a fetish for other women who have them. i'm leaning more towards the latter.

>> No.7674669

Hmmmm, true. Guess I misinterpreted what you meant to imply in >>7674585.

>> No.7674677

>If you actually wanted a representative image of the scientific discourse on the matter, you'd have to go through everything published on the issue, rate and compare it and then draw a conclusion

You mean, you'd have to perform some form of "meta" analysis on the data? Huh, what a concept.

>> No.7674683

Yes, you have to do it yourself. Looking at a meta-analysis that was already done is no different from just looking at whatever study you personally like. A meta-analysis is just another study. Reliance on meta-analyses is a good way to spot a clown, since meta-analyses are just as unreliable as any other piece of science.

>> No.7674691

>It doesn't matter, each of them is just one study selected by bias, we're not looking at every study that exists, plus every study that wasn't published and those that weren't done because nobody thought of it. You have no understanding of the philosophy of science
lol just stop

>> No.7674698
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>since meta-analyses are just as unreliable as any other piece of science
good point, this guy is a much better choice

>> No.7674700

>Yes, you have to do it yourself.

No. You can look at the meta analysis. The meta analysis will clearly tell you the full set of data that was used, and the analysis methods used on that set. If you wish, you can then conclude whether or not you trust the meta analysis. If you do, great: no further analysis is required.

Science is not a never-ending spiral of "Oh no but you can't trust anything ever unless you personally conduct the experiment!"

>Reliance on meta-analyses is a good way to spot a clown

Uh, yeah, sure. Like that well known Clown College, the Cochrane Institute.

>meta-analyses are just as unreliable as any other piece of science

Are you for real or are you just fucking with me right now?

>> No.7674940
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>Literally anyone who thinks, talks, lives, looks, eats, or drinks differently than I do is trolling or insane.

>> No.7674959

>goats milk

>> No.7674962

if you mix 1% and 2% 1:1 you get 1,5%. it´s not rocket surgery

>> No.7674967

First they came for the tendies, and I said nothing for I still had pizza pockets
Then they came for the ranch, and I said nothing for I still had honey mustard dippin' sauce
Then they took away my normal food and there was no one else except vegans and their organic overpriced underwhelming memefoods

>> No.7676797

It's not 1970, saturated fat is harmless. What you should be worried about is simple carbs and sugars if you actually gave a shit about what you eat

>> No.7676979

5'11'' and drank milk pretty often as a kid.

My friend is 6'5'' and drank milk CONSTANTLY

>> No.7676989

Breast feeding?

>> No.7677000

I was breastfed as a baby. Not sure about him, though.

>> No.7677005

Nice anti-science keto memeshit

>> No.7677009

>made for humans
Why do creationists continue to imagine their opinions are worth expressing? Just sit down in your box and close the lid. The adults are talking.

>> No.7677016

You literally have autism

>> No.7677017

Have you noticed how WHO recommendations have been progressively toning down their carb recommendations while scaling up their fat recommendations? That's the direction the sum of our scientific findings have been heading.

>> No.7677027

Not all saturated fat is the same. Amd this does not make increasing your saturated fat intake healthy

>> No.7677032

As per all categories of fat, except perhaps trans fats which are all horrible for you. So you agree that saturated fat is not evil and no worse than unsaturated fats.

>> No.7677050

No. Perhaps you should try learning to read between the lines. And the fat you get from an animal is not the fat you get from an avocado. They have drastically different effects on your bodies

>> No.7677095

Human breastmilk contains a significant amount of saturated fat. Explain? Or are humans considered plants and "it's different!!!!"

>> No.7677124

I avoid all of that. I try to just consume as much protein as I can to stay full. Obviously I still consume simple carbs and fat because you need some, but I try to cut back where I can

>> No.7677126


Is that really your argument? Breastmilk is not the ideal food for anything but newborns. Saturated fat is absolutely one of the primary causes of arteriosclerosis and anyone with the slightest familiarity with nutritional science would know this.

There is no debate. Despite what your favorite paleo blogger might have told you, saturated fat and cholesterol are not good for you and the only studies showing otherwise are deliberate misinterpretations funded by the beef and egg industries.

>> No.7677130

You need a lot of nutrition in the first months of your lives to grow. Once your fully grown you don't need all that fat

>> No.7677160

Unless you want to grow tits, yeah.

>> No.7677205

I almost took you seriously until I got to the cholesterol part. Dietary cholesterol has essentially zero effect on blood cholesterol. And cholesterol is not the bad guy. It's like saying firemen cause fires because they're always around when there's a fire.

Simple carbs low in fiber (like pasta) sharply raise blood sugar, leading to inflammation of blood vessels, resulting in bad small dense LDLc cholesterol build up, increasing chances of a heart attack. That's how it works.

Saturated fat increases the benign light fluffy LDLb cholesterol and increases HDL cholesterol. It is harmless

>> No.7677369
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>people actually drink whole glasses of milk on the regular

how do you do it? I can't drink milk without some kind of chocolate thing to get rid of the taste, it tastes so disgusting

>> No.7677457

i'll let you in on a little secret: people have different tastes. some people will like stuff that you don't.

>> No.7677466

>liking oppai loli

>> No.7677472

>dietary cholesterol has essentially zero effect on blood cholesterol

There is no reason for anyone to take you seriously beyond this point.

This is the most anti-scientific pop science nonsense being circulated throughout the world today. It is utterly nonsensical. The only thing referenced study on this issue is one that has been discredited because of the study being entirely misleading

It is almost the equivalent of anti-vaccination nonsense, almost homeopathic bullshit that is only given any remote attention because it's "new"

>> No.7677483

>The only thing referenced study on this issue is one that has been discredited because of the study being entirely misleading
So, it's the cholesterol equivalent of the "studies" linking secondhand smoke to cancer?

>> No.7677496

The latter is substantial

>> No.7677627

I'm 6'4" and barely ever drank milk.

Your genes and overall nutrition play a MUCH bigger part than whether or not you drink milk.

>> No.7677758

The latter all draw from the same source. They lied, and people know they lied, but still choose to believe them.

>> No.7677922

The significant difference is that you should fuck off with your disgusting cigarettes that are fouling up the entire room anyway.

>> No.7677924

Nice meme

>> No.7677927

i love milk
It's great in cereal
It goes great with chocolate
nothin' like a big ice cold glass of milk with your sandwich
It makes potatoes creamy
it makes cheese
it makes yogurt
it makes heavy cream
i love almond milk, soy milk, hemp milk, coconut milk. any kind of milk
how the fuck could anyone possibly not drink milk?

>protip: only shitty $3 milk contains hormones and antibiotics. real niggas drink expensive organic milk

>> No.7677929

>Simple carbs low in fiber (like pasta) sharply raise blood sugar
Spaghetti and most other pasta have an incredibly low GI, and only minimal insulin response.

Please just shut the fuck up you clueless moron.


>> No.7677973

Wrong wrong and wrong

Google searches do not substitute actual research

>> No.7678007

>oppai loli
No such thing exists.

>> No.7678012
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Come at me vegan fags.

>> No.7678319

what the fuck you stupid nigger? cows milk is biologically only made to feed baby cows into fully grown cows, what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.7678323

not only for ethical reasons but health reasons.

>> No.7678326

Sometimes I think some of you weirdos actually believe stupid shit like that.

>> No.7678373

I grew tiddies at 12, am now a H cup. I'm also 5'9. I drank 2 cups of everyday, and still do.

>> No.7678573

Its not like we have done selective breeding on cows, for the last 12000 years, to increase the milk quality.

You know antelopes? Or giraffes? Those are related to cows.

>> No.7678630

>to increase profits
FTFY, if it was about quality we'd be raising Guernsey or Jersey cows, not shit-tier Holstein

>> No.7678926

yes and?

>> No.7679133

I drink a gallon of skim milk almost every day, is that good?

>> No.7679159

I'm 6'9" and i drank ALOT of milk.

>> No.7679184

/r/ing an article that actually claims this, because there definitely is.

>> No.7679230

5'9'' and drank milk every day and still do, theory busted

>> No.7680607

Are you new here? Profit above the consumer's best interests is literally the same as science
t. GMO shill, Ph.D internet argumentation

>> No.7680618


Only milk I had was breastfed

>> No.7680631

I'm 5'8 and I drank milk like a son of a bitch. What now, faggot?